Homework. Homework Homework on the Kazakh language

Namų darbai statusas T sritis švietimas apibrėžtis Mokymo organizavimo forma, kai mokymas mokykloje tęsiamas atliekant įvairius darbus namie. Per pamoką mokinys pasirengia namų darbams, jam nurodoma, ką ir kaip reikės daryti. Skiriami sakytiniai… … Enciklopedinis edukologijos žodynas

Homework (film)- Homework The Art of Getting By ... Wikipedia

INDEPENDENT HOMEWORK- a form of education aimed at consolidating the knowledge, skills and abilities acquired in the lesson, independent assimilation of available material and additional information, and performing creative work. Independent cognitive work activity... ...

domestic canary- ? Domestic canary ... Wikipedia

Job- 1. Human activity; occupation, work. About interesting, dedicated, fast, precise work. Active, selfless, uninterrupted, frantic, grateful, cheerful, fast, inspired, cheerful, excited, inspired, high quality... Dictionary of epithets

home workshop- Rice. 1. General view of the workshop. Rice. 1. General view of the workshop. A home workshop is intended primarily for the manufacture and repair of household items and furniture, decorative interior elements, various fixtures, garden ... Encyclopedia "Housing"

Home independent work- an integral part of the learning process, contributing to the formation in students of the need for constant self-education and skills of independent cognitive activity. (Pedagogy. Textbook, edited by L.P. Krivshenko. M., 2005. P. 415)… … Pedagogical terminological dictionary

HOME STUDY WORK- a form of organizing the educational process, students independently completing tasks outside the classroom without the direct guidance of the teacher, but under his indirect influence. Types of D. u. r.: on the nature of cognitive activity, reproductive and... ... Pedagogical dictionary

HOME STUDY WORK- an integral part of the learning process, which consists in students performing independent educational and practical work after classes (lessons, lectures, seminars) on the instructions of the teacher. The curriculum provides an appropriate volume... ... Professional education. Dictionary

Bengal cat (domestic)- Bengal Hybrid origin ... Wikipedia


  • Algebra homework for grade 8 for the textbook by Yu. N. Makarychev “Algebra. 8th grade". Federal State Educational Standard, Kubatko O.I. Homework on algebra for 8th grade. To the textbook by Yu. N. Makarychev and others "Algebra. 8th grade: textbook for general education organizations". Fifth edition. Federal State Educational Standard (to the new... Buy for 62 rubles
  • Homework in English for 7th grade. To the textbook by Yu. E. Vaulina "Spotlight" + to the workbooks. Federal State Educational Standard, Garist N.A.. HOMEWORK IN ENGLISH FOR 7TH GRADE. To the textbook by Yu. E. Vaulina and others "English. Grade 7: textbook for general education organizations with annex on electronic media". Federal State Educational Standard (to...

Namų darbai statusas T sritis švietimas apibrėžtis Mokymo organizavimo forma, kai mokymas mokykloje tęsiamas atliekant įvairius darbus namie. Per pamoką mokinys pasirengia namų darbams, jam nurodoma, ką ir kaip reikės daryti. Skiriami sakytiniai… … Enciklopedinis edukologijos žodynas

Homework (film)- Homework The Art of Getting By ... Wikipedia

INDEPENDENT HOMEWORK- a form of education aimed at consolidating the knowledge, skills and abilities acquired in the lesson, independent assimilation of available material and additional information, and performing creative work. Independent cognitive work activity... ...

domestic canary- ? Domestic canary ... Wikipedia

Job- 1. Human activity; occupation, work. About interesting, dedicated, fast, precise work. Active, selfless, uninterrupted, frantic, grateful, cheerful, fast, inspired, cheerful, excited, inspired, high quality... Dictionary of epithets

home workshop- Rice. 1. General view of the workshop. Rice. 1. General view of the workshop. A home workshop is intended primarily for the manufacture and repair of household items and furniture, decorative interior elements, various fixtures, garden ... Encyclopedia "Housing"

Home independent work- an integral part of the learning process, contributing to the formation in students of the need for constant self-education and skills of independent cognitive activity. (Pedagogy. Textbook, edited by L.P. Krivshenko. M., 2005. P. 415)… … Pedagogical terminological dictionary

HOME STUDY WORK- a form of organizing the educational process, students independently completing tasks outside the classroom without the direct guidance of the teacher, but under his indirect influence. Types of D. u. r.: on the nature of cognitive activity, reproductive and... ... Pedagogical dictionary

HOME STUDY WORK- an integral part of the learning process, which consists in students performing independent educational and practical work after classes (lessons, lectures, seminars) on the instructions of the teacher. The curriculum provides an appropriate volume... ... Professional education. Dictionary

Bengal cat (domestic)- Bengal Hybrid origin ... Wikipedia


  • Algebra homework for grade 8 for the textbook by Yu. N. Makarychev “Algebra. 8th grade". Federal State Educational Standard, Kubatko O.I. Homework on algebra for 8th grade. To the textbook by Yu. N. Makarychev and others "Algebra. 8th grade: textbook for general education organizations". Fifth edition. Federal State Educational Standard (to the new... Buy for 62 rubles
  • Homework in English for 7th grade. To the textbook by Yu. E. Vaulina "Spotlight" + to the workbooks. Federal State Educational Standard, Garist N.A.. HOMEWORK IN ENGLISH FOR 7TH GRADE. To the textbook by Yu. E. Vaulina and others "English. Grade 7: textbook for general education organizations with annex on electronic media". Federal State Educational Standard (to...

Entering text and selecting translation direction

Source text on Russian language you need to print or copy into the top window and select the translation direction from the drop-down menu.
For example, for Russian-Kazakh translation, you need to enter text in Russian in the top window and select the item with from the drop-down menu Russian, on Kazakh.
Next you need to press the key Translate, and you will receive the translation result under the form - Kazakh text.

Specialized dictionaries of the Russian language

If the source text for translation relates to a specific industry, select the topic of a specialized Russian lexical dictionary from the drop-down list, for example, Business, Internet, Laws, Music and others. By default, the dictionary of general Russian vocabulary is used.

Virtual keyboard for Russian layout

If Russian layout not on your computer, use the virtual keyboard. The virtual keyboard allows you to enter letters of the Russian alphabet using the mouse.

Translation from Russian.

The main language problem when translating from Russian into Kazakh is the inability to achieve economical language means, since the Russian language is oversaturated with frequent abbreviations and polysemantic words. At the same time, many long Russian sayings are translated into one or two words in Kazakh language dictionaries.
When translating text from Russian, the translator needs to use words not only from the active vocabulary, but also use language constructs from the so-called passive vocabulary.
As with any other language, when translating Russian text, remember that your task is to convey the meaning, and not to translate the text word for word. It is important to find in the target language - Kazakh- semantic equivalents, rather than selecting words from the dictionary.