How to change the state of consciousness? Basic techniques for achieving altered states of consciousness (ASC) Method of entering superconsciousness mp3

The human brain constantly emits energy impulses. The devices record this. Over the course of long-term studies, it was found that these impulses are oscillations and constantly change rhythm. In different states of consciousness, the brain emits energy waves at different frequencies. To simplify work and research, notations were introduced and states were divided.

- beta waves - 13-25 oscillations per second (waking state);
- alpha waves - 7-13 oscillations per second (sleep state with a dream);
- theta waves - 4-7 oscillations per second (state of deep sleep without dreams or trance);
– delta waves – up to 5 oscillations per second (coma or megatrans)

Measurements of psychics at work, yogis in meditation, people artificially put into a trance gave an interesting result. It turned out that:
- a person does not have to sleep to be at the alpha or theta level;
- children under 7 - 10 years old are always at the alpha level;
- a sharp slowdown in rhythms is caused by closing the eyes.

William Hewitt, a famous hypnotherapist, researched and developed methods for controlling the state of the brain. Moreover, he published the book “The Secret Possibilities of Your Psyche,” which teaches people who are not endowed with paranormal abilities how to become a psychic. The first thing the book teaches is to consciously slow down the biorhythms of the brain, while moving, as he himself puts it, to (OES).
I can tell you from my own experience that it’s interesting. The altered state of consciousness caused by this technique enhances all abilities (both natural and paranormal).

Why in practice do you need to be able to achieve OES?

  • increasing efficiency when working with extrasensory abilities;
  • work with self-programming;
  • formation;
  • rapid achievement of the state;
  • working on intention through visualization;
  • with sufficient skill - entering deep trance states and consciously exiting it, etc...

Basic Psychic Level is an altered state of consciousness in the most accessible and safe form.

How to learn to achieve OES?

To do this, you need to spend 2 hours doing a couple of exercises. After this, it is advisable to repeat the adjustment every week. This makes it possible to reduce rhythms in a few seconds.

With regular practice, you can achieve the OES state in 2 seconds as many times a day as you like (although frequent practice gets tiring). With experience, you begin to notice that you are diving deeper and deeper - a pleasant feeling.

First, you need to learn how to achieve. The fastest and most effective exercise I have ever encountered is given by the same Hewitt.

Achieving the Basic Psychic Level

  1. Sit back and relax.
  2. Close your eyes.
  3. Visualize a spiral staircase with ten steps leading to the basement.
  4. Visualize yourself standing on the top step.
  5. Say: “Now I will start going down the stairs. With each step I will relax more and more and plunge into the depths of my subconscious.”
  6. Go down one step and say: “Deeper level of consciousness.”
  7. Continue down the steps repeating these words.
  8. Having descended to the lowest step, say: “I have now reached the basic level of consciousness that allows me to begin psychic reading.
    practice. I can reach this level at will with my eyes open or closed. To do this, I need to mentally count from three to one.” *Congratulations - you have taken an excursion into an altered state of consciousness.
  9. Open your eyes. Repeat the same exercise with your eyes open. I recommend practicing this exercise at least once a week.

You have now learned to achieve an altered state of consciousness at will. To do this, you just need to mentally count from three to one. This will take no more than two seconds. When I repeat this exercise, an imaginary staircase automatically appears in my mind's eye, intensifying the sensation. You can also conjure up the image of a ladder in your mind by counting from three to one. This will consolidate the success you have achieved.

Reach out to your consciousness

Learning to control brain waves is always easier when you are in a relaxed state with your eyes closed. When you turn to your consciousness, when you turn deep into yourself, it becomes easier for you to control alpha and theta waves. However, you need to learn to control these waves even when you are facing the outside world.

But first, let's look at how you can experience some of these internal states. Those of you who practice meditation probably have a good understanding of what inner peace is. But regardless of whether we meditate or not, some internal states should be familiar to each of us.

What if we have a good intention to indulge in meditation, but something (work, children, business, hobbies, etc.) prevents us from bringing this intention to life? Should we, because of this, give up thoughts of improvement and achieving our optimal state of consciousness? Of course not, and again no.

Just a few minutes of meditation, even just once a week, can have the necessary impact on our brain wave patterns, and therefore our lives. Many people believe that they need to meditate for at least an hour a day to achieve tangible results. Such people can do this for several days or even weeks, but in the end they always find that they cannot devote so much time to meditation. They may also decide that meditation isn't worth the hassle of rearranging their regular schedule.

The question arises: how can you cope with your anger using brain wave patterns? The next time something makes you angry, try to pay attention to what you are feeling. Remembering this state of your consciousness.

After you have read the instructions listed below, you should sit comfortably in a place where you will not be distracted for at least ten minutes and enter a meditative state.

Close your eyes, free yourself from all thoughts and focus only on your breathing for a few minutes; this will help you relax.

Walk your mind through your entire body, making sure every part of your body relaxes. Start with the muscles of the face, neck and shoulders, and then work your way down.

Feel the inner peace and silence.

While in a relaxed state, try to find an image or symbol that, in your opinion, reflects the situation, the position on the imaginary line of life in which you are currently.

You can just see a color, an image, or you can feel something, hear a sound or even a voice. Or maybe you will simply feel what stage of your life's journey you are on at the moment.

Keep this feeling when you come out of the meditation state.

Connection with the body

We know that biofeedback is often used to teach a person to control the states of his body. And now we will get acquainted with how the state of consciousness can be controlled using biological feedback. First of all, it should be said that biofeedback is a means by which much can be learned about the human condition. Indeed, it is difficult to change something without having information about the current state of this something. And if we learn more about the state of our consciousness at the moment, we will be able to change this state.

It should be noted that biofeedback is not a mental process. In order for changes to happen in your body, you just need to allow them to happen. Once you have made the decision to make some changes (activating your beta waves), you must allow your alpha and theta waves to make those changes.

When performing the exercises that are offered to your attention, you probably will not use biological feedback, but now we will talk about the fact that with the help of biological communication you can obtain reliable and accurate information about the functioning of our body, and in particular about the state of consciousness. Every time you feel that doing the exercises is causing some changes in your consciousness, remember this feeling. It will become a biological feedback tool with which you will learn about changes occurring in your consciousness. When you learn to understand the internal language of your body, you will be able to use the information you receive from it to further improve yourself. Through biological feedback, you can learn to easily enter the desired states of consciousness and stay in them for as long as you like.

Tension - relaxation

It should be noted that our body gets into a state of excessive tension for various reasons. Anxiety, fear, anger or simple excitement lead to tension, which is manifested by increased blood pressure, increased breathing, pulse, and nervousness. Surely, these feelings are familiar to each of us. In the same way, each of us is probably familiar with the feeling of emotional calm and comfort that arises when we are in a state of relaxation.

In the first case, regardless of the reason, we are in a state of emotional and physical stress. In the second case, other parts of the nervous system are activated, and as a result we calm down.

Even to feel stressed and anxious, you can try the following exercises.

1. Ventilate your lungs by breathing heavily for a few seconds. (Please do not overdo it. If you feel weak, stop the experiment immediately.) Stop. Close your eyes. Focus on how you feel. Notice all your sensations.
2. Jog in place. You need to run for a minute or two.
3. Think about something extremely unpleasant.
4. Think about what causes you strong emotional arousal.

After completing each of these four exercises, stop and listen carefully to what is happening in your body.

Some people find it difficult to get into a tense state with the last two exercises because they require you to think about emotional states instead of doing physical exercises. Indeed, physical exercise is more likely to cause states of tension. It should also be noted that it is easier to get out of a state of tension caused by physical activity than from one caused by mental activity. It is more difficult to cause a state of tension using the thought process, but once it is caused, it will be much more difficult to get rid of it. This is because the thought process also causes numerous physical changes.

During the thought process, physiological processes occur such as increased oxygen consumption, increased heart rate, increased blood pressure and muscle tension. In addition, a lot of adrenaline and cortisone are released into the blood.

When you are under extreme physical and emotional stress, blood tends to drain from your extremities. This explains the fact that when a person finds himself in a dangerous or simply tense situation, his feet and palms become cold. When such changes occur in your body, it means it is preparing for action! This may be running, wrestling or other physical activity that requires exertion of physical abilities. There are cases when, fearing for the lives of loved ones, people committed actions that they could never do in a normal situation. For example, a person lifted a car or moved other extremely heavy objects without any help.

Running or wrestling, for which the body was preparing, helps it enter a normal state. But if the body was preparing to run or fight, and for some reason these actions turned out to be unnecessary and did not take place, then it is more difficult for the body to return to a normal state. If a person is afraid of something, but does not take any action, then he may continue to have high blood pressure, rapid pulse and other manifestations of a state of tension for a long time. And staying in this state for a long time is dangerous because of the possibility of stress-related diseases. Thus, we can say that the state of tension is fraught with a certain danger.

You can create a life schedule for yourself that will constantly keep you in emotional tension and cause stress. Often people create stressful situations for themselves by setting themselves extremely difficult tasks that they obviously cannot solve. People living in such a rhythm may not even suspect it. You may meet a person who, when you ask him to calm down, will clench his fists and shout back, “I’m calm!”

One way to deal with stress is to consciously perform an activity that will help you relax. However, this is not always possible. For example, when you're having a heated argument with your boss, you don't stop talking to go for a quick jog. Any other alternative to arguing with your boss is also difficult to accept. Even immersing yourself in work does not always help you cope with stress and relax.

The solution is to change the tension reaction to a relaxation reaction.

For many people, learning to control brain waves during times of emotional and physical stress can be extremely difficult. The feelings you experience during and after performing tension exercises are a biofeedback tool that can be used to relieve tension. For example, if you remember the sensations you experienced, then in your daily life you can easily determine from them when you are in a state of physical and emotional stress. If you feel what you felt when doing these exercises, you will immediately realize that you are tense and need to relax. Below is a technique that can be used to relieve psychological stress.

To feel relaxed, do the following exercise. (Read it completely before doing it.)

Close your eyes and take a deep breath. Your shoulders should drop. Change your body position until you find one that feels comfortable to your neck, shoulders, and head. Your jaws should relax and open. Your lips, tongue and throat should also relax. Take a deep breath. Your breathing should become light, slow and deep and remain this way for one or two minutes.

Stop. Focus on how you feel. Pay close attention to your feelings. Compare them with the sensations that you experienced when you performed exercises to enter a state of psychological tension.

This is biological feedback. When you experience these sensations again, you will know that you are in a state of relaxation.

Unlike the physiological changes that occurred when you were in a state of tension, in a state of relaxation, oxygen consumption decreases, blood pressure drops, the heartbeat slows down, and muscles relax. There is less adrenaline in the blood, and the legs and arms become warmer.

You need to perform several exercises to enter a state of tension and exercises to relax, and then you will clearly understand the difference between the physiological sensations associated with tension and those associated with relaxation. You can use these sensations as a biofeedback tool to determine the state in which you are.


Probably many have heard about such a concept as altered state of consciousness, it would be more accurate to say in the plural - altered states of consciousness, because there are several of them...
Altered consciousness is a state when a person’s sensations, perceptions, emotions and cognitive sphere (thinking, intelligence, memory, speech...) change.

Personality in an altered state of consciousness becomes uncritical and susceptible to psychological changes, to external attitudes and suggestions at the subconscious level, to hypnotic influences...

can have both a natural character - we all periodically, sometimes many times a day, are in such a state (a state of trance) - and pathological - psychosis and, and under the influence of psychotropic drugs (alcohol, drugs, potent drugs...).

In general, an altered state of consciousness is considered such when a particular individual has “deviated” from his own usual and normal state of consciousness (he has his own normal consciousness) ... for example, he got drunk until he was drunk ...

However, if we take some general, collective norm of human consciousness - this is, for example, when a person perceives himself, other people and the outside world without illusions and distortion, without ignoring the situation “here and now” - then, if you look closely, you can see that some people around us - without obvious mental pathology, seemingly normal - do not quite realistically perceive and process information, both about themselves and about others...

What is this? These are not psychoses and, perhaps, not neuroses, but some kind of neurotic personality states...

For example: A person is afraid of something, although in reality there is no threat to life and health. Some are shy, timid and indecisive, others have low self-esteem and complexes; someone is irritable and aggressive inappropriately; someone eats or drinks a lot...someone cannot find a common language with someone, establish many more of these “someones”... And if we take the collective norm of human consciousness proposed above, it turns out - these people are in an altered state of consciousness...because their thinking, emotions and behavior do not correspond to reality... they suffer mentally...

There will always be manipulators for these or similar psychologically suffering people with an altered state of consciousness: from fortune tellers at the train station to recruiters for ISIS or the Sect, who, using this state, “suggest” anything...

Of course, we need to get out of such a confused consciousness...

Altered state of consciousness - how to enter

Quite often you need to enter an altered state of consciousness in order to use it in psychotherapy (cognitive, behavioral therapy, techniques of the Gestalt approach, hypnotherapy methods, the practice of self-hypnosis, psychotraining and various meditations and psychological trainings (eg. Holotropic breathing, auto-training) in order to change internal attitudes, beliefs, feelings and emotions that prevent a person from living normally and being happy.

All people experienced an altered state of consciousness. Only everyone had their own experience and ways to achieve it.

You can enter an altered state of consciousness either spontaneously, while falling into sleep or trance, or consciously, under the influence of meditation or certain medications. An altered state of consciousness manifests itself in this way:

  • narrowing (with detachment during trance, meditation, hypnosis or falling asleep) or expansion of perception (holotropic states);
  • distortion of time, space and one's body;
  • hallucinations;
  • the transition of sensations from one form to another, when colors sound, taste or smell, and sounds become colored;
  • the emergence of absolute understanding, intuitive perception, insight;
  • long-term experience of strong emotions - ecstasy and euphoria or panic fear, deep depression;
  • increase or decrease in suggestibility;
  • decrease or increase in sensitivity threshold.

Despite the unusual nature of these experiences, they are not harmful to humans. Of course, if he, trying to achieve an altered state of consciousness, does not use such dangerous means as alcohol, drugs, toxic substances.

Entering an altered state of consciousness occurs:

  • spontaneous - under the influence of monotony, strong stimuli (loud music, physical or nervous fatigue, exhaustion, strong emotions or unbearable pain) or, conversely, in the complete absence of stimuli;
  • caused artificially by psychoactive substances or special procedures, for example, holotropic breathing;
  • requiring special rites and rituals.

Mental hyperstimulation also causes a person to enter an altered state of consciousness. Here are the methods used for this:

  1. Bloodletting, burying alive causing severe physical discomfort, overcoming sleep, inflicting severe pain by scourging, wearing tormenting clothes, shackles, chains - this is a direct and excessive effect on the body and mind.
  2. Ritual dances and chants, rituals for celebration or mourning, healing or expressing feelings, prayers, gratitude bring shamans, priests, and sorcerers to exhaustion and ecstasy.
  3. Drugs and hallucinogens known since ancient times - hallucinogenic mushrooms, peyote cactus, hemp, opium - were used in rituals and medicine among Asian and African peoples.
  4. Nowadays, modern means of hyperstimulation have been added. Volatile drugs (acetone, gasoline), psychedelics (LSD), psychostimulants (coca, amphetamine, ecstasy), alcohol are the most dangerous among them. This is followed by stress and nervous overload.
  5. People who wish to achieve an altered state of consciousness as a way to change themselves and get rid of fears, resentments and pain use safer and more effective methods. We are talking about powerful psychotechnologies aimed at changing the state of consciousness and personality correction. This is holotropic breathing and rebirthing, the author’s DMD technique of Professor Kozlov, hypnosis.

How to achieve an altered state of consciousness using hypostimulation?

Monotonous repetition of mantras, prayers, monotonous actions, yoga and meditation, fasting, overcoming sleep are the most ancient ways of changing consciousness.

The modern method is deprivation, depriving a person of all feelings, when he is placed in special laboratory conditions and does not hear, does not see and does not experience heat, cold, hunger, or pain.

What is this for?

Studies have shown that an altered state of consciousness helps speed up the healing process and psychological recovery, cope with pain, stress, get rid of internal tension and feel happier and calmer. But not in those cases when people simply want to escape from reality with its help.

Altered state - what is it, what does it give? How to learn to enter an altered state of consciousness or, as it is also called, a trance state (meditative state)? What are brain rhythms (states of consciousness)? What is the difference between gamma rhythm, beta rhythm, alpha rhythm, theta rhythm and delta rhythm? What gives a certain rhythm of brain activity? How to expand consciousness? In this section of the X-Archive website you will find the best techniques that will allow you to find yourself in an altered state (trance) and help you work deeper on yourself, reprogram the subconscious, manage reality and fulfill desires. It has been proven that it is in an altered state of consciousness that information is best absorbed (super learning and super memory), and tasks, thoughts and images (impact on consciousness) are perceived by the subconscious as an undeniable instruction to action. Learn how to enter an altered state (trance state) using special trance techniques!