Which partner is right for me test. Test: Your ideal partner. Nothing, and I would have removed the horse from there

Many girls complain about the lack of great love in their lives, an ideal man who would meet all their requirements. However, perhaps fate is in no hurry to give you such a gift simply because you yourself are not yet ready for the most important relationship in your life. Our free online test “Am I Ready for a Relationship” will help you determine how prepared you are for a serious relationship in your life. And even if this time has not yet come, there is no need to rush, just enjoy your free life, communication with friends and pleasant acquaintances. Well, if the test shows a positive result when asked if I’m ready for a relationship, it means that your handsome prince will appear in your life very soon!

Let's find out right now!

When we hear the word bitch, we usually imagine some ideal, unattainable image of a self-confident beauty. However, a bitch is, first of all, a set of certain qualities, which means a bitch is quite easy to calculate. Perhaps it’s the little bitch in you that is dormant, which in principle is very good. The Are You a Bitch test will help you find out how close you are to the image of a bitch in your everyday life. We advise everyone to go!

In order for a close relationship with a partner to develop, you should strive for a person who not only understands you, but is also able to adapt to your temperament. Compatibility is determined by how a couple manages conflicts and emotions. In any close relationship, differences of opinion are inevitable, so your ability or inability to find solutions together affects whether you feel happy or happy or not.


Part 1

Compare your personality traits with your partner's personality traits

    Know yourself. Who are you? Are you confident, humble, brave, cautious, intelligent, learnable, enthusiastic, passive, sensitive, tough? Deciding what traits you are attracted to in the opposite sex is much easier if you know what your personality is. Someone who deals with emotions and conflict the same way you do will be a better match for you than someone who reacts very differently. At this stage, you will become immersed in yourself, since loving yourself is a prerequisite for loving someone else. Make a list of your character traits and qualities as you perceive them. Take your time - you can put the list aside and come back to it a few days later.

    • Lists of character traits and human qualities can be found in psychology textbooks and books on career choice. By looking through such lists, it will be easier for you to understand yourself and understand what traits are characteristic of you. But don't attribute to yourself traits that you would like to have, because this will not reflect your essence.
  1. Using a list of your character traits, determine which partner would be ideal for you. Once you understand what makes you tick, it won't be difficult to figure out which person is right for you. Here are some examples:

    • If you like to talk, you may be comfortable with a person who doesn't talk much himself and prefers to listen.
    • If you are an introvert, you may be attracted to an extrovert and vice versa.
    • If your career is extremely important to you, it is quite possible that you will choose a person who likes to clean up, cook and take care of the house, and you will become the “breadwinner”.
    • If you have a creative profession, you will find support in a person who values ​​​​talent and ambition in creativity. He can become your biggest fan.
  2. Determine your temperament and personality type using the Keirsey model (KTS®-II). The Keirsey Typology Questionnaire is a popular online test and is free. Based on the test results, you will be able to understand which partner’s temperament suits you best (for example, the opposite of your personality type). According to Keirsey's typology, there are four types of people: SP - Dionysius (farmer), SJ - Epithetheus (guardian), NF - Apollo (rational person), NT - Prometheus (idealist). Each of these categories is divided into 4 more subcategories.

    • So there are 16 sets of four-digit codes (don't get the order mixed up). Each of the 16 codes has an opposite from the other 15 codes, and the remaining 14 values ​​differ slightly from the main code.
      • Let's compare two opposites, for example:

        1. E- extrovert complements I- introvert;

        2. N- intuition complements S- sensation;

        3. F- feeling complements T- knowledge;

        4. J- analysis complements P- perception.

    • All opposing character traits complement each other. The extent to which they do this depends on the remaining three character traits in their sixteen combinations. You may be similar, different, or have nothing in common in one, two, three, or all four categories, or you may exhibit almost all traits equally with minor variations. It is quite possible that you may be an introvert to the same extent as an extrovert, that is, you will be considered a person with stable behavior, or you may be characterized by an extreme degree of manifestation of a trait: for example, indecisiveness, mood swings. Your temperament depends on the brightness of the manifestation of the described character traits.
    • There are 8 different types of introverts and extroverts. Take the test and you will learn more about this, and then read literature about the possible variations of personality types, choosing a job according to your personality type, and recommendations for choosing a partner. You can read Keirsey's book Please understand me.II (2nd edition). Please note that the first edition of this book differs from the second edition in the way the temperament types are described, so if you receive the older edition, it will not be as useful from a modern perspective.
    • Keirsey's typology is not the only one. There are other tests to determine your personality type (we list some of them in the “Tips” section below.)
  3. Think about your feelings and the feelings of the other person, about desires and what opposites of your character attract you in others. Differences in character can complement each other, so you shouldn’t think that only people who are very similar to each other can be together. Think about what you like to do (you can make a short list). What gives you pleasure in moments when you are not obliged to obey any rules (that is, not at work or at school)? Things that motivate you and make you happy allow you to express your inclinations, so it's worth looking for someone who would be motivated by the same thing.

    • Also pay attention to what you don't like or even what you hate. This will allow you to stay away from such qualities in other people and stop associating with people who possess them.
  4. Don't rush. Of course, you will be attracted to opposites, and the attraction can be mild, moderate, or even strong. However, you need to be wary of different types of opposites and look closely at the person.

    • Opposing people may have common interests, but this is not always the case. For example, you like to travel, and your other half prefers to stay at home, but this does not mean that you are a bad fit for each other - everything can work out well.
    • Some personality traits may be generalizations or may be related to age. For example, preferences in leisure and entertainment may be determined by age. Past experiences also often cause similarities and differences. It is very important to remember this, especially if you and your partner have a large age difference.

    Part 2

    Make a connection
    1. Understand why you are looking for a partner. Think about the reasons that motivate you to look for a mate, and make sure that now is the right time for intimacy. Remember that during such searches, other people may influence or pressure you, such as relatives or siblings, as well as friends and social attitudes. Do not lose sight of this, since the decision should be made under the influence of only your desires, and not because of the replacement of needs and desires with other people's expectations. Before you get into a relationship, make sure you both express your desires and not conform to other people's expectations. In the end, it is you who will need to communicate with this person, and not the person around you.

      • For example, friends or family who wish you well may push you into relationships, thereby preventing you from thinking for yourself. In trying to please them you may lose myself. Remember that your parents, friends and other people are not you. Start a relationship only when You You yourself will feel that you are ready for this.
    2. Prepare yourself. If you meet a person who is similar to your ideal, do not delay communication and do not be afraid to tell the person that you are interested in him (within reasonable limits, of course). Ask for a phone number, make an appointment, etc. (if possible). You can do everything more veiledly: send a bouquet, a postcard. Try to be tactful and unobtrusive, even if you need to try again.

      • Think of a compliment. Simply and sincerely praise the person. Briefly explain that you really think so. But remember that if there is no reason to compliment a person, it is better not to say anything, since your words may sound like flattery or even a lie. (Telling a person that he is beautiful to you is good and right, because beauty is not in the shape of the body and the color of the skin, but you should really say what you think. And never take back your words, because then they will become a lie .)
    3. Be patient and understanding. Building relationships that can last is not easy, and it takes work. Compromises will be needed from both sides from time to time, otherwise the relationship will not be able to grow stronger. Even if the relationship does not work out, this will be a plus: you will gain experience, and it will help you avoid mistakes in the future.

      Forgive mistakes and learn from each other's mistakes. Forgiveness is better than wanting to always be right. Be wise and don't try to take over Always because otherwise you will lose your attractiveness. Don't ask for apologies for minor mistakes, as this will make you seem overly demanding and insecure. Let the apology be spontaneous and real.

"Man Lover"

This guy can be seen from afar. The “man lover” is independent and daring. At the same time, he shows himself to be a gallant gentleman, knows how to behave around a woman so that she feels like number one. Women immediately pay attention to the “male lover”. He is afraid of obligations and avoids them. He is easily frightened by the words “wedding”, “child”, “parents”, “future”. He will be delightful in bed and can be a very pleasant conversationalist, but he will never allow you to claim his freedom, and you don’t need that.

If you choose a “male lover”, then you accept the terms of the game, when everyone is for himself. He won’t come to change your tire (he has a lot of things to do, and even if not, you won’t know about it simply because it wouldn’t occur to you to ask him about it, because there are special services). More than anything else, he cares about himself. If today this is your type, then we will add only one thing: a relationship without responsibility is an irresponsible relationship. What could happen? A “male lover” can “go into the fog,” disappear for no apparent reason, without any explanation, and not pick up the phone. You will never know what really happened. What else? An attachment may occur that will very quickly push him away.

Some people can’t imagine their life without traveling and having adventures together, while others enjoy spending their free time on the couch. What do you like?

After the test, you can read some interesting facts about the ideal man for women of different ages.

Interesting facts about ideal men through the eyes of women of different ages

Girl 15-20 years old

At this age, the main selection criterion is attractive appearance. In order for a girl to pay attention to him, all her friends must like him. There are no specific external characteristics here; it all depends on fashion and the taste of a particular girl. The guy must keep up with the times, only in this case he will have every chance to win.

Girl 20-25 years old

This is the age when many girls want to get married. For this reason, the male ideal in this case must correspond to the parameters of the invented image of the future husband. At this age, girls also place great emphasis on appearance, but another important requirement appears - it must be fun.

Girl 25-35 years old

With age, girls become wiser and conclude that appearance alone will not get you far in a relationship. They want confidence and stability in the future, but appearance does not fade into the background.

A few more mandatory characteristics are added here: the partner must be able to earn money, have some savings and be an interesting conversationalist. However, there is no need to rush to accuse girls of self-interest.

Girls at this age experience a change in their worldview; they begin to see the harsh reality of life, and not just romance. She wants to be with someone who is able to provide a reliable shoulder.

Woman 35-45 years old

This age is the most interesting for a woman. She knows perfectly well what she wants from life and stands firmly on her feet. A man's handsome appearance can only arouse carnal interest. The financial security of the opposite sex does not play such a significant role, because she can support herself.

At this age, a woman chooses a man who can take care of her, one with whom she can feel small and protected.

Woman 45-60 years old

This is the final stage in a woman's life when she views a man as a sexual object. Therefore, the ideal partner is the one who can surprise her not only in the bedroom. Definitely, a man must be very interesting and must have incredible self-confidence.

The woman here wants to feel like she is behind a stone wall, because she has already played enough in her youth.

Woman over 60 years old

At this age, the ideal person is someone who can melt her heart and become a reliable friend. Care, housekeeping and attention are the first things a woman at this age looks at. Everything else is not even remotely in the background.