China capital head of state state. The current form of government in China. Chinese government

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Located in the eastern part Eurasian continent, on the west coast Pacific Ocean. In terms of territory - almost 9.6 million sq km (1/4 of the area of ​​Asia, 1/14 of the landmass of the globe) - China is the third country in the world, second only to Russia and Canada.

In terms of population - 1.31 billion people, China ranks first in the world. The population is distributed very unevenly: in some provinces in the east of the country it exceeds 400 people per 1 sq. km, while in the desert and highlands of the western and northwestern regions there are in some places less than 1 person per square kilometer.

Most of the country's territory is located between 20º and 50º north latitude and belongs to the temperate zone. The most western point (73º40′ E) lies west of Wuqia County in the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region (XUAR). Extreme eastern point (135º5′ E) is located at the confluence of the Heilongjiang (Amur) and Ussuri rivers. Northern the tip of the country (53º31′ N) is located on the fairway of the Heilongjiang River north of the city of Mohe. South point (4º15′ N) – Cape Zengmuansha at the southern tip of the Nansha Archipelago.

Thus, the length of the country from north to south is approximately 5.5 thousand km, from west to east – 5.2 thousand km. China has long borders: the length of the land border reaches 22,143 km, of which more than 7.5 thousand km are on the border with the CIS countries, and the mainland coastline is more than 14,500 km.

In the northeast, China borders on North Korea, in the north - on Russia and Mongolia, in the northwest - on the former Soviet republics, and now independent member states of the CIS - Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan, in the west and southwest - on Afghanistan, Pakistan, India, Nepal and Bhutan, in the south - with Myanmar, Laos and Vietnam. China also shares maritime borders with South Korea, Japan, the Philippines, Brunei, Malaysia and Indonesia.

China washed the waters of three seas - the Yellow, East China and South China, which are marginal seas of the Pacific Ocean, as well as the Bohai Bay of the Yellow Sea. It is characteristic that in Chinese-language literature the Bohai Gulf is often singled out as a separate sea.

Mainland coastline It is characterized by a generally flat topography and is dissected by numerous bays; there are many beautiful bays and convenient harbors, most of which are ice-free.

However, in recent years, a tendency for the water level to gradually rise has begun to be observed in the coastal strip. According to calculations by the State Oceanographic Administration of China, sea levels in the coastal areas of the country will constantly rise over the next 3-10 years. Currently, the highest rates of sea transgression are observed in the Tianjin region, where over the past 50 years the average annual rate of water level rise has been 2.5 mm, which is slightly higher than the world average. In general, the trend of “wave-like” sea level rise has continued in recent years. In 2003, the average sea level in the country was 60 mm higher than the level recorded in previous years. Apparently, one of the reasons for this is global warming.

The total area of ​​China's territorial waters is approximately 4.73 million sq km (data from different sources differ slightly), where there are more than 5.4 thousand islands. Of these, the largest are Taiwan and Hainan.

The most eastern islands China are Diaoyu and Chiweiyu, located northeast of Taiwan. The Diaoyu Islands (Japanese: Senkaku) are the subject of a territorial dispute between China, Japan, South Korea and Taiwan. The total area of ​​this island group, lying on the continental shelf of the East China Sea, does not exceed 6.3 sq km. However, significant oil reserves were discovered here. Given that both China and Japan are among the world's largest oil importers, the dispute has significant political and economic implications.

There are also unresolved territorial issues in the South China Sea, primarily related to the Paracel Islands (Chinese). Xisha Qundao西沙群岛) and the Spratly Islands (Chinese. Nansha Qundao南沙群岛). The Paracel Islands are claimed by China and Vietnam, and a number of states are in dispute over the Spratlys - China, Taiwan, Vietnam, the Philippines and Malaysia. The area of ​​the Paracel Islands is approximately 3 sq km, and the island. Itu Aba, the largest of the Spratly Islands, is only 0.42 sq km, although the Spratly region itself has a length of more than 1000 km, where more than 100 islands are located. Again, despite the sufficient distance from the coast of China (the Paracel Islands are 250 km, and the Spratly Islands are 1000 km from Hainan Island) and the proximity to the coasts of Vietnam, the Philippines, and Malaysia (70-200 km), the dispute is, in fact, over the right to own oil fields, as well as for control over one of the most intense international shipping routes between the Pacific and Indian oceans, and, accordingly, over cargo flows of important economic importance (oil, ores, food, industrial products, etc.).

In addition, the very belonging of the island of Taiwan to China is not obvious, although the Chinese authorities recognize the existence of only one China. It declares that "Taiwan Province is an integral part of the People's Republic of China, and any state that has established diplomatic relations with the People's Republic of China must sever all official contacts with the Administration of Taiwan."

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People's Republic of China

Square: 9.6 million sq. km

Administrative division: 22 provinces, 5 autonomous regions, 4 municipalities (Beijing, Tianjin, Chongqing, Shanghai), special administrative regions (Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan)

Capital: Beijing

Official language: Chinese

Currency: yuan

Population: 1.3 billion (2007)

Population density per sq. km: 137 people

Proportion of urban population: 28,6 %

Ethnic composition of the population: Chinese (Han) – approx. 95%, Hui, Uighurs, Manchus, Mongols, Tibetans, Koreans, Kazakhs, Kyrgyz, Salars, Dongxiang, Tu, Sibo, Itzu, Bai, Bui, Tujia, Hani, Lisu, Nasi, Lahu, Jingpo, Zhuang, Dong, Tai , Li, Miao-Yao, Gaoshan, etc.; just St. 50 nations

Religion: Buddhism, Taoism and Confucianism, shamanism is also common; peoples of the Turkic group profess Islam

Basis of the economy: industry

Population employment: in industry – approx. 48%; in the service sector - approx. 40%; in agriculture - approx. 12%

GDP: USD 3.46 trillion (2007)

GDP per capita: 2660 USD

Form of government: unitarianism

Form of government: people's democratic dictatorship

Legislative body: unicameral parliament

Head of State: Chairman of the People's Republic of China

Head of Government: Prime Minister of the State Council

Party structures: single-party system (in the presence of parties close to the CCP)

Fundamentals of government

After the formation of the People's Republic of China, four constitutions were in force in the country. The latter was adopted at the Fifth Session of the Fifth National People's Congress (NPC) on December 4, 1982.

The Basic Law of the People's Republic of China consists of a preamble, four chapters and one hundred thirty-eight articles. The right to interpret the Constitution belongs to the Standing Committee of the NPC. He also has the right to revise the Constitution. Amendments to the Constitution are adopted by a two-thirds majority vote of all NPC deputies on the proposal of the NPC Standing Committee (in this case, the NPC retains the right to amend or cancel proposals made by the Standing Committee) or on the proposal of a fifth of the NPC deputies. The National People's Congress also monitors compliance with the Constitution. The current constitution has been changed four times.

In accordance with the Constitution, the PRC is a state of people's democratic dictatorship, led by the working class and based on an alliance of workers and peasants.

The head of state of the People's Republic of China is the President of the People's Republic of China, who is elected by the National People's Congress on the proposal of the Presidium of the NPC. Elections of the chairman are carried out through equal-member elections. Every citizen of the People's Republic of China who has reached the age of forty-five can apply for this post. The term of office of the Chairman of the People's Republic of China is five years, with one re-election allowed. The highest legislative body of state power in China is National People's Congress. NPC deputies (about 3,000 people) are elected from provinces, autonomous regions, centrally subordinate cities and the Armed Forces. Delegations are formed according to electoral units, each delegation nominates the head of the delegation and his deputy. As a rule, these are secretaries of party committees or chairmen of the Standing Committees of local People's Congresses and their closest assistants. The term of office of the NPC of each convocation is five years. Two months before the expiration of the term of office of the highest body of state power, the Standing Committee of the NPC holds elections of deputies of the next convocation. In extreme circumstances, it is possible to extend the term of office of the NPC and postpone elections, but on the condition that the corresponding decision is made by a two-thirds vote of all members of the NPC Standing Committee. Sessions of the National People's Congress are convened by the NPC Standing Committee once a year. At the discretion of the NPC Standing Committee or on the proposal of a majority of NPC deputies (at least a fifth), extraordinary sessions are held. The NPC elects the Chairman and Vice-Chairman of the People's Republic of China. It also has the right to remove the chairman of the People's Republic of China and his deputy, as well as senior officials. According to an informal rule introduced by Deng Xiaoping, Mao Zedong's successor, the age limit for holding senior government positions in China is limited to seventy years. Before each session of the NPC, a preparatory meeting is held, during which the elected Presidium and head Secretariat this session. During the period between sessions of the NPC, the functions of the legislative body are performed by Standing Committee(PC) NPC. The composition of the NPC Standing Committee (a total of one hundred and fifty people, including the chairman, vice-chairmen and executive secretary) is determined at sessions of the NPC. Persons who are members of the Standing Committee of the NPC cannot work in state administrative bodies, judicial bodies and prosecutors. The Chairman of the PC and his deputies cannot hold office for more than two consecutive terms. The National People's Congress has the authority to create special commissions, the activities of which are also controlled by the Standing Committee of the NPC. Currently there are: a commission for legislative proposals, a commission for foreign affairs, a commission for internal affairs and justice, a financial and economic commission, a commission for agriculture and rural affairs, a commission for nationalities, a commission for the affairs of Chinese living abroad, a commission for Education, Science, Culture and Health, Commission for the Protection of the Environment and Resources. If necessary, commissions are created to investigate certain issues. The chairmen of the commissions are usually appointed vice-chairmen or members of the Standing Committee of the NPC. The Standing Committee of the NPC creates a special Credentials Commission, which is responsible for verifying the mandates of additionally elected deputies of the NPC of the current convocation and newly elected deputies of the NPC of the next convocation. Executive power belongs to State Council(GS) China. The State Council consists of the prime minister, deputy prime ministers, members of the State Council, ministers, chairmen of committees and commissions, the chief auditor and the head of the Secretariat. The candidacy of the prime minister is approved by deputies of the National People's Congress on the proposal of the chairman of the People's Republic of China. The candidacies of deputy prime ministers, members of the State Council, ministers, chairmen of committees and commissions, the chief auditor and the head of the State Council Secretariat are approved by deputies of the National People's Congress upon the proposal of the Premier of the State Council, but the right to appoint and remove these persons, including the prime minister, belongs to the Chairman of the People's Republic of China. During the period between sessions of the NPC, candidacies for ministers, chairmen of committees and commissions and other officials are approved by the Standing Committee of the NPC on the proposal of the Prime Minister of the State Council. All members of the GC can hold office for no more than two consecutive terms. The term of office of the State Council is five years. The State Council has its own Standing advice.

Plays an important role in the political life of China People's Political Consultative Council(NPKS). The PPCC includes the ruling Communist Party of China, various democratic parties and public organizations, non-party democratic figures, representatives of various nationalities and social circles. In essence, this is the organization of the United Front of the Chinese people. Organizations and individuals included in the NPCC have the right to participate in the political life of the country, including consultation and democratic control over various bodies, through activities carried out directly by the NPCC. The governing body of the Advisory Council is All China CPP Committee, whose term of office between elections is five years, plenary sessions are convened once a year. To manage the affairs of the All-China Committee, it is organized Standing Committee. Special administrative regions that claim independence, and from another angle, independence from China, according to the law of the People's Republic of China, are administrative regions of the People's Republic of China. They do not exercise state sovereignty; foreign policy affairs of these regions are under the sole jurisdiction of the Central Government. Depending on the specific circumstances, the regime implemented in special administrative regions is approved by the National People's Congress. The head of the administration of a special administrative region is elected directly locally, but must be approved by the Central Government. At the same time, the head of the administration is the chairman of the government of the special administrative region. Legislative assemblies of special administrative regions are formed from Chinese citizens who permanently reside in the area and do not have the right to reside in other countries. Members of legislative bodies are elected. Elections can be either direct (all voters participate in them) or indirect (elections at the level of functional groups and election commissions). The term of office of legislative assemblies is four years. The legislative bodies of special administrative regions have the constitutional right to develop documents defining internal life, but these documents must be brought to the attention of the NPC and approved by it. If the NPC considers that any law developed by a special administrative region body does not comply with the spirit of the Constitution of the People's Republic of China, the document loses its force. At the same time, the legislative bodies of special administrative regions have the right to independently pass laws prohibiting any actions aimed at treason, splitting the country, inciting rebellion, undermining the Central Government, as well as theft of state secrets. In special administrative regions, political activities of foreign political organizations and groups are prohibited. At the same time, political organizations and groups in special administrative regions are prohibited from having connections with political organizations and groups abroad.

Judicial system

The central judicial organ of the People's Republic of China is Supreme People's Court, to which local people's courts, military people's courts, as well as specialized courts, such as seaport courts, are subordinate.

The Chairman of the Supreme People's Court and the Prosecutor General of the Supreme People's Procuratorate are elected by deputies of the NPC. The vice-presidents of the Supreme People's Court, judges and members of the Judicial Panel of the Supreme People's Court, as well as the chairman of the Military Tribunal are appointed and removed from office by the Standing Committee of the NPC on the proposal of the chairman of the Supreme People's Court. The Supreme Court oversees the application of laws by lower courts.

People's courts at the lower and middle levels operate at the district level. Higher-level people's courts are located in provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions. The heads of special administrative regions have the right to appoint and dismiss judges and civil servants of courts of various levels, grant amnesty or reduce punishment for criminal offenses, and consider petitions and appeals from citizens. Local courts are responsible to the local authorities that created them. Legal supervision is carried out by the authorities Supreme People's Procuratorate, which is responsible to the NPC and its Standing Committee. On the proposal of the Prosecutor General, the Standing Committee of the NPC appoints and dismisses deputy prosecutors general, prosecutors and members of the board of the Supreme People's Procuratorate, as well as the chief prosecutor of the Military Prosecutor's Office, and approves the appointment and removal of chief prosecutors of the people's procuratorates of provinces, autonomous regions and cities directly under the central government. Grass-roots people's procuratorates are formed by legislative bodies and their local standing committees.

Decisions on pardoning state criminals are made by the Standing Committee of the NPC. Pardon decrees are published by the Chairman of the People's Republic of China.

Leading political parties

Communist Party of China(CCP) is the only ruling party in China. It was created in 1921 against the background of the rise of the national liberation movement in the country. The First Congress of the CPC took place at the end of June - beginning of July 1921 in Shanghai. The 2nd Congress of the CPC (July 16–23, 1922) adopted the Party Charter and program Manifesto, which formulated the immediate task - the implementation of a democratic revolution in China. Since 1923, the CPC has acted as a united front with Kuomintang(lit. - national party), led by Sun Yat-sen, who in his revolutionary struggle adhered to three principles: nationalism, democracy and people's welfare. In April 1927, the cooperation agreement with the Kuomintang was broken on the initiative of Chiang Kai-shek, who carried out a military coup in the country and appointed himself president of the Kuomintang Republic. In 1949, after the formation of the People's Republic of China, Chiang Kai-shek fled to the island of Taiwan, where he restored the Kuomintang regime. Since 1949, under the leadership of the CPC, the most important economic and socio-political reforms have been carried out in the country, aimed at a gradual transition to socialism.

The activities of the CPC are inextricably linked with the name of Mao Zedong, who from 1923 was a member of the CPC Central Committee, from 1933 - in the Politburo, from 1935 - in the Secretariat of the CPC Central Committee, and in fact was the leader of the party. In 1969, Mao Zedong was declared the leader of the CPC for life, the father of all Chinese. In 1958, Mao put forward the adventurist course of the “three red banners” (the new “general line” of the party, the “great leap forward” in industry and agriculture, the organization of “people's communes”), which led the Chinese economy to a severe crisis. In 1966, to “prevent the danger of the capitalist threat,” a “cultural revolution” was launched under the leadership of the CPC, which was essentially an instrument of total purge of the party. After the death of Mao Tse-tung in 1976, China gradually began to move away from the “global ideas” of the communist leader. The architect of the Chinese reforms of the 1980s and 1990s, which made it possible to build a new China, was Deng Xiaoping, who was elected chairman of the CPC in 1975, but later, during Mao’s lifetime, was accused of initiating “counter-revolutionary unrest.”

Currently, the CPC continues to be guided in its activities by the ideas of Marxism-Leninism, Mao Zedong and the economic theories of Deng Xiaoping, who was convinced that economic development can only be successful when it is directed by strong state power.

The CPC has official (elected through internal party elections) and unofficial (appointed by higher party organizations) organizations at all levels of government and in various areas of society.

The central governing bodies of the party are National Party Congress(convened once every five years) and elected by him Central Committee, which is responsible to the National Party Congress and reports to it on its work. The governing bodies of the CPC Central Committee include Politburo of the CPC Central Committee, Standing Committee of the Politburo of the CPC Central Committee And Secretariat of the Central Committee(Office of the Politburo of the Central Committee and its Standing Committee). The party is headed by the General Secretary. The party's central military leadership body is Central Military Council, approved by the Central Committee. Local party organizations operate at the grassroots level.

The work of the party is based on the principle of democratic centralism: each party member is subordinate to the party organization, the minority to the majority, lower organizations to higher ones, all party organizations and all party members to the National Congress of the CPC and the Central Committee.

There are other political parties in China that recognize the leadership role of the CPC and whose work is coordinated by the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference. Participating parties in the political life of China are democratic organizations created before 1949, but which managed to maintain their organization after the formation of the PRC. These include Zhigongdang Party(created in October 1925 in the USA on the initiative of the public organization of Chinese emigrants - “Zhigong Zongtang”), Workers' and Peasants' Democratic Party of China(founded in August 1930), Democratic League of China(exists since 1939), Jusan Society(officially founded in May 1946), Taiwan Democratic Autonomy League(established on November 12, 1947 in Hong Kong), Revolutionary Committee of the Kuomintang of China(officially created January 1, 1948), Association for Democratic National Construction of China, Association for the Promotion of Democracy of China(both founded December 1945).

Chairman of the People's Republic of China

Since 2003 – Hu Jintao

Chairman of the State Council

Since 2003 – Wen Jiabao

We believe that all Chinese are Buddhists, which is not true. Tourists love to look at the magnificent Chinese pagodas, and this is probably where this association came from. Buddhism is indeed widespread in China, but Chinese philosophical and religious thought does not live by Buddhism alone.

Traditional Chinese ideology rests on the “three pillars” of Buddhism, Confucianism and Taoism.

Most Chinese are atheists. This is what official statistics say, and our observations fully confirm this idea.

The era of communism bore its fruits, and most of the population stopped believing in anything. But the way of thinking, ethics and norms of behavior of modern Chinese are formed by these three teachings. By the way, none of them can be recognized as a religion in the usual sense of the word.

Freedom in China

This country is considered one of the most unfree in the world. This happened in Chinese history, but now everything is changing. The modern Chinese does not feel any serious control, although in fact it exists.

On the other hand, there is much more freedom to realize oneself in China than in Russia. It’s much easier to open your own business there, it’s much easier to do your own thing on your own, rather than “working for someone else.” If you would like to work, the state will not interfere with you too much.

In China you cannot criticize the government on the Internet. subject to strict censorship. But the authorities listen to what is happening and draw conclusions. Events took place, the Communist Party drew conclusions, and reforms began.

Taiwan, Macau and Hong Kong

Hong Kong is a former colony of the British Empire. Recently, it has officially become a province of the People's Republic of China. In essence, it is a separate state. The authorities in Beijing are responsible only for foreign policy, and all other administrative issues are decided by local authorities.

It has its own currency, its own laws, its own visa regime and tax law. Russian citizens can visit Hong Kong without a visa, and can only enter the main territory of the country with a passport.

The tax system in Hong Kong is completely different - there is no VAT, and many things are 15-20% cheaper. If you want to buy an iPhone or iPad cheaply, then go to Hong Kong. Many Chinese come here to buy smartphones, tablet computers and laptops.

The city of Macau is similarly part of the PRC, and also has almost complete independence. It is a former colony of Portugal. It has its own laws, money and taxation.

Macau is a casino city; it is the Las Vegas of Asia. If a Chinese wants to play poker, blackjack or roulette, then they come here.

The situation on the island of Taiwan is more complicated. China officially considers it its territory and a province of the People's Republic of China. The Taiwanese disagree, and much of the world accepts their point of view.

Taiwan is a separate country. Everything is here, including the army and navy. This state is called the Republic of China (ROC), which translates as “Republic of China”. There are no negotiations on Taiwan's accession to the PRC.

Important advice for tourists. At Chinese airports, flights to Macau, Hong Kong and Taiwan are referred to as “domestic” flights, and flights to these regions board from domestic flight terminals. Don't get confused.

We wish you a successful visit to China, and read our pages about this country ( links below).

China is a state in East Asia.

Official name of China: People's Republic of China, the abbreviation PRC is also widely used.

Territory of China: The area of ​​the state of the People's Republic of China is 9596960 km².

Population of China: The population of China is more than 1.3 billion inhabitants (138,0083,000 people).

Ethnic groups of China: Officially, there are 56 nationalities in China. Since the Han Chinese make up approximately 92% of China's population, the remaining peoples are usually referred to as national minorities. In certain periods, the number of officially recognized ethnic groups in China varied. Thus, in the 1953 census, 41 national minorities were indicated. And in the 1964 census, 183 national minorities were registered, of which the Chinese government recognized only 54. Of the remaining 129 peoples, 74 were included in the recognized 54, while 23 were classified as “other” and 32 as “doubtful.”

Average life expectancy in China: The average life expectancy in China is 75.41 years.

Capital of China: Beijing.

Major cities in China: Shanghai, Beijing, Chongqing, Guangzhou, Tianjin, Shenzhen.

Official language of China: Chinese.

Religion in China: The main religions in China are Buddhism, Taoism, Islam, Catholicism and Protestantism. All of these faith groups, with the exception of adherents of Taoism, maintain contacts with relevant organizations in all countries of the world. Freedom of religion is a permanent long-term policy of the Chinese government. The Constitution of the People's Republic of China guarantees this freedom to every Chinese citizen.

Geographical location of China: China is a state in East Asia, the largest state in the world by population, and ranks third in the world in terms of territory, behind Russia and Canada. China (PRC) borders on 14 countries: Afghanistan, Bhutan, Myanmar (Burma), India, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Laos, Mongolia, Nepal, North Korea, Pakistan, Russia, Tajikistan and Vietnam.

Rivers of China:

Yangtze - length 6300 km. The basin area is 1807199 km². The catchment areas are Qinghai, Tibet, Yunnan, Sichuan, Hubei, Hunan, Jiangxi, Anhui, Jiangsu and Shanghai. Flow into the East China Sea.

Yellow River - length 5464 km. The basin area is 752,443 km². The catchment areas are Qinghai, Sichuan, Gansu, Ningxia, Inner Mongolia, Shanxi, Shaanxi, Henan and Shandong. Flow into the Bohai Sea.

Heilongjiang - length 3420 km. The basin area is 1620170 km². The catchment areas are Inner Mongolia and Heilongjiang. Flow into the Sea of ​​Okhotsk.

Zhujiang - length 2197 km. The basin area is 452,616 km². Drainage areas are Yunnan, Guizhou, Guangxi, Guangdong. Flow into the South China Sea.

Lancangjiang - length 2153 km. The basin area is 161,430 km². The catchment areas are Qinghai, Tibet and Yunnan. Outflow into the South China Sea

Yalutsangpo - length 2057 km. The basin area is 240,480 km². Drainage areas - Tibet. Flow into the Bay of Bengal.

Nujiang - length 2013 km. The basin area is 124,830 km². The drainage areas are Tibet and Yunnan. Runoff in - Bay of Bengal.

Administrative divisions of China: The People's Republic of China exercises administrative control over 22 provinces, while the PRC government considers Taiwan its 23rd province. In addition, the PRC also includes 5 autonomous regions where Chinese national minorities live, 4 municipalities corresponding to centrally subordinate cities, and 2 special administrative regions under the control of the PRC.

Chinese government: After the founding of the People's Republic of China in December 1949, four Constitutions were adopted (1954, 1975, 1978 and 1982). In accordance with the Constitution of the People's Republic of China (December 1982), the PRC is a socialist state under the democratic dictatorship of the people.

The highest body of government in China is the unicameral National People's Congress (NPC), consisting of 2,979 deputies elected by regional people's congresses for a term of 5 years. Sessions of the NPC are convened on an annual basis.

Due to the large number of deputies, during the period between sessions the functions of the NPC are performed by a standing committee elected from among the delegates (about 150 people).

Only deputies from the Chinese Communist Party and the eight so-called democratic parties belonging to the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) are allowed to participate in the elections. Its own legislative bodies operate in Hong Kong (Hong Kong) and Macau. All NPC deputies are representatives of the bloc of communists and democrats.

The Central Military Council of the People's Republic of China was established in 1982. Its first chairman was Deng Xiaoping, who was succeeded by Jiang Zemin in 1990. The posts of chairmen of the Central Military Commission of the CPC Central Committee and the Central Military Commission of the People's Republic of China in the current political system of China, as a rule, are combined by one person.

The Military Council and its leader play an important role in China's Chinese political system. Thus, in 1989, Deng Xiaoping, who held this post, by which time he had already left senior party and government posts, almost single-handedly made the decision to suppress the protests in Tiananmen Square.

China(Chinese 中国, Zhongguo, literally: “middle state”); official name - People's Republic of China(Chinese: 中华人民共和国, Zhonghua Renmin Gongheguo), abbreviated as People's Republic of China, the largest country in the world by population (over 1.3 billion, the majority of the population are ethnic Chinese, their self-name is Han); ranks third in the world in terms of territory, behind Russia and Canada.

China - The People's Republic of China (PRC), a country with a rich history and extraordinary culture, is located in Central and Eastern Asia. The country's territory is divided into 23 provinces, 5 autonomous regions, and 4 cities under central jurisdiction. Taiwan, which is actually an independent state, is also considered a province of China.

China can safely be called a country of contrasts. And this is not only because the country has seven climate zones at once, but also due to its variegated landscape. In the same country, megacities such as Hong Kong, Shanghai and Beijing are located, and along with them, the Eden Gardens of Suzhou, popularly called the Chinese Venice, and Xi'an coexist peacefully. This is facilitated by the country’s original culture, which has been created century after century, gradually taking shape.

China is one of the largest countries in the world with an area of ​​about 9.6 million square meters. m., which is 6.5% of the globe's area. In terms of size, it ranks third in the world among more than 160 countries, second only to Russia and Canada.


The capital of China is Beijing, which is now home to about 17.5 million people. Archaeologists claim that the city on the site of modern Beijing existed already in the 5th century. BC

Official language of China

The official language in China is Chinese, which belongs to the Chinese branch of the Sino-Tibetan language family.


The dominant religions in China are Buddhism, Taoism and Confucianism. In addition, many Muslims and Christians live in China.

Chinese government

According to the current Constitution, China is a People's Republic. Its head is the President, who traditionally is also the General Secretary of the Communist Party of China.

Chinese Parliament - National People's Congress (2,979 deputies who are elected for 5 years by regional people's congresses).

Since the proclamation of the People's Republic of China in 1949, the ruling party has been the Communist Party of China.

It is a great power and a permanent member of the UN Security Council. One of the world's leading space powers, it has nuclear weapons and the world's largest army in terms of military personnel.

Since December 2014, it has been the world's first economy by GDP (PPP). China is the world leader in automobile production and consumer demand for them. The world's largest exporter (“factory of the world”). It has the largest gold and foreign exchange reserves in the world.

China is a member of international organizations such as the UN, APEC, G20, World Trade Organization (WTO), as well as the SCO and BRICS.

Largest cities

China's population is not overly urbanized, but where large cities emerge, they often grow to incredible sizes.

The country's largest urban district lies in the Yangtze River Valley. Chongqing. The population of the district at the beginning of 2016 is almost 29 million inhabitants, it is a large industrial and agricultural center.

The largest city is Shanghai, which is home to 24 million residents, but the capital, Beijing, is home to 21 million citizens. A port of national importance is located in Shanghai, and administrative control is concentrated in Beijing.

Large cities also include Tianjin, Guangzhou and Harbin.

Chinese Parliament Building

Official name: People's Republic of China (PRC)

Form of government: people's democratic dictatorship
Head of State: Chairman of the People's Republic of China
Capital: Beijing
Language: Chinese
Territory: 9,598,962 sq. km.
Population: more than 1.3 billion people
Currency: yuan
Religion: Confucianism, Taoism, Buddhism, Islam
Climate: temperate, subtropical and tropical
Administrative division: The People's Republic of China has 34 administrative units at the provincial level, of which 4 are centrally subordinate cities, 23 provinces, 5 autonomous regions and two special administrative regions.
Major cities: Beijing, Shanghai, Tianjin, Chongqing
Dialing code: +86
Visa: visa entry
Movement: Right hand
National domain:CN
Voltage: 220v
Current frequency: 50Hz
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State symbols of China

The current flag of China was adopted in 1949. with the founding of the People's Republic of China. The flag was designed by economist and talented artist Zeng Liansong.

The red background of the Chinese flag features 5 golden stars, the red color here signifies communism, and the largest star signifies the leadership of the Communist Party. As for the other four small stars, there is no official interpretation of their meaning. The Chinese people believe that they symbolize the intelligentsia, the proletariat, the peasantry and the army, according to the second version - the main ethnic groups of China: Chinese, Tibetans, Manchus and Uyghurs. The arrangement of stars on the flag shows the great unity of different sectors of Chinese society under the leadership of the Communist Party of China.

Coat of arms of China

The national emblem depicts Tiananmen Square, illuminated by five yellow stars and surrounded by ears of wheat with a gear. The yellow and red colors of the coat of arms traditionally symbolize happiness and prosperity in China. Tiananmen symbolizes the spirit of the Chinese people in the struggle against feudalism and imperialism; ears of wheat and gear - the peasantry and the working class, respectively. Translated, the word "Tiananmen" means "Gate of Heavenly Peace." This gate symbolizes the ancient traditions of the Chinese people.

The national anthem, "March of the Volunteers," was written in 1935. The words of the anthem were written by playwright Tian Han, the music was written by Nie Er, who is the founder of the Chinese new music movement. On September 27, 1949, the CPPCC session decided to adopt this song as the temporary National Anthem, and on December 4, 1982, the NPC decided to approve it as the official National Anthem.

Russian translation:

Get up, whoever does not want to become a slave!
We will build the Great Wall from our flesh!
For the fate of the nation, a terrible hour will come,
And our last cry bursts from our chest:
Get up! Get up! Get up!
There are millions of us, but we are one in heart,
We will boldly go into battle under cannon fire,
Forward! Forward!