Plan-synopsis based on the story by A.I. Kuprin “The Wonderful Doctor”. Analysis of “The Wonderful Doctor” Kuprin Plan of the work and Kuprin the wonderful doctor

Objective of the lesson:

Educational: introduce the student to the personality of the writer and the story of the Christmas story, to trace its main features in the story of A.I. Kuprin.

Developmental: develop the ability to analyze text, develop speech, and enrich students’ vocabulary.

Educational: cultivate such moral qualities as love, compassion, mercy, kindness.

Lesson type: discussion of the material read.

Lesson methods: problematic, partially search, research.

Forms of organization of cognitive activity: collective, individual.

Equipment: text of A. I. Kuprin’s story “The Wonderful Doctor”, portrait of A. I. Kuprin, exhibition of books by A. I. Kuprin.


Organizational moment – ​​2 min.

Checking homework – 7 min.

Discussion of the writer’s biography – 14 min.

Discussion of the story – 20 min.

Summing up the lesson – 2 min.



Hello, please sit down. Who's on duty today? Who's not in class? I note and write on the board the date and topic of the lesson: A. I. Kuprin. The story "The Wonderful Doctor".

Before you start studying a new topic, let's check your homework.


You were given the following task for home: to prepare an expressive reading of poems. I will listen to an expressive reading of poems.


Let's all read aloud the biography of Alexander Ivanovich Kuprin. After reading, we ask each other questions.

Sample questions:

    Where was the future famous writer born? (Alexander Ivanovich Kuprin was born in a small town in the Penza province.)

    Where did the future writer spend his childhood? (The future writer spent his childhood in Moscow.)

    What is the name of A.I. Kuprin’s mother? (The name of A.I. Kuprin’s mother is Lyubov Alekseevna.)

    Where did A.I. Kuprin pass his exams at the age of ten? (At the age of ten he passed the exams for the Second Moscow Military


    What was the barracks environment like? (The barracks environment was harsh, sometimes cruel.)

    What did the barracks environment bring up for Kuprin? (Barracks environment-

Ka brought up in him sympathy, compassion for a person humiliated by poverty

injustice, injustice, brute force, strengthened in him


    What did Kuprin do after graduating from the Junker School? (After the windows-

After graduating from the Junker School, Kuprin served as a junior officer for several years.

cerom in remote garrisons.)

    What profession was the most important for an aspiring writer? (The most important profession for an aspiring writer was the profession of a journalist, a newspaper reporter.)


Questions for discussion:

1) What miracle are we talking about in the work?

Guys, please tell me what miracle is being discussed in the work

A. I. Kuprin “Wonderful Doctor”?

This work is about the miracle of a chance meeting, a man-made miracle that can be performed by any person with a sensitive heart and an attentive gaze turned to other people. About the wonderful ability of a person to remain human even in the most seemingly unbearable conditions, about the wonderful ability to effectively manage help. The miracle of active compassion, of helping a person without expecting nobility, should become an extraordinary miracle, natural for every conscientious person.

2) Name the theme and idea of ​​the story “The Wonderful Doctor”

In the story by A.I. Kuprin “The Wonderful Doctor” we are talking about mercy, about active compassion, about helping those in need. The main theme of the story is to believe, no matter what, just believe that everything will be fine and want it with all your heart.

The main idea of ​​the story is that the miracle of compassion, mercy, and helping a person should become an ordinary miracle for every conscientious person. A person can drive himself into poverty. But the world is not without good people. We all have black and white stripes in life. You need to hold on and be able to endure all life’s difficulties with dignity.

humane attitude towards the individual, towards man. The poverty of the Mertsalov family is also depicted.

A. I. Kuprin’s story “The Wonderful Doctor” is a small but very capacious story about the family of an unfortunate man who has been haunted by misfortunes and failures for a certain time. And at that moment, when they are already completely despairing and have no strength to live, or even to exist further, they meet a wonderful, wonderful doctor. After meeting him and his merciful help, changes for the better occur in the fate of this family. And throughout their lives they remember this wonderful doctor and love him.

4) Where does the action take place in the work?

In the story “The Wonderful Doctor” by A. I. Kuprin, the action takes place

ed Merry Christmas. Several details indicate this: 1) It is winter. The snow crunches underfoot. Mertsalov, sitting on a bench in the park, looks at the snow-covered trees and thinks about suicide; 2) Grisha and Volodya look at the decorated Christmas trees in the windows of their houses. This suggests that the New Year has not yet begun; 3) When Mertsalov meets the wonderful doctor, Professor Pirogov says that he bought several gifts for the children he knew. Therefore, the miracle that happens in the Mertsalov family is a Christmas miracle. Christmas is a celebration of the birth of a new person, hope, the soul of a person, his dreams.

5) How do you understand the word “mercy”? name synonyms for this word.

Mercy is the willingness to help someone or forgive someone out of compassion and philanthropy. Synonyms for the word mercy: sympathy, compassion, philanthropy, humanism.

6) What do you think attracted the boys’ attention to the grocery store window?

The showcase was a spectacular picture, real abundance

various, outlandish products, aroused to the “equal degree”

nor their minds and stomachs.” Such a picture for them is a curiosity, a window into another, seemingly joyful, wonderful life, where everything is unusual, beautiful, serene, calm, satisfying. The boys were hungry. No wonder they cast a “lovingly greedy glance” at the display window.

7) Why did the Mertsalov family find itself in this situation?

The head of the family fell ill, lost his job and cannot find a new place of work, although he makes great efforts to do this. There is a meeting between the Mertsalovs and Doctor Pirogov. It's like a miracle, an amazing co-

being. Pirogov helps the Mertsalov family with his participation. And everything in the Mertsalov family changed for the better.

8) What meaning did A. I. Kuprin bring to the title of the story?


Results. Today we got acquainted with the biography of A.I. Kuprin and discussed his story “The Wonderful Doctor”. So, what features of the Christmas story can we name? You and I can now name the following features of the Christmas story: this is that the action takes place on the eve of Christmas, there is an image of reality and dreams, a miracle occurs and a happy ending prevails.

Grading. I will give marks to everyone who worked in the lesson and comment on why I gave such a mark.

Homework: Read the story again and answer the question: “What is the fate of the heroes in A.I. Kuprin’s story “The Wonderful Doctor.”

Methodological development of a literature lesson: “Is there a miracle in A.I. Kuprin’s story “The Wonderful Doctor.”

Form conducting: lesson - reflection.

Lesson objectives:

    Development of semantic reading skills: extracting information from what is read, its interpretation; analysis of the content and some artistic features of the text; independent assessment of the heroes’ actions; determining the author's attitude to the characters and events of the story; understanding the author's intent.

    Organization of spiritual communication, the content and meaning of which is the independent discovery by students of the moral laws of human society, the formation of a system of their spiritual and moral values, and the expansion of social experience.

    Development of the emotional sphere and empathy culture of students.

Methodological goal: lesson design taking into account the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard LLC.

Means of implementing the methodological goal: joint goal setting, planning activities in the lesson; independent assessment activities on a criteria-based basis; techniques for working with text information: identifying key words, main episodes of the story, interpreting the content of the text read; raising questions of an ethical and moral nature, problem analysis of the story, role-playing reading, retelling; method of spiritual contact, reflective-analytical tasks (formulation of the main thoughts of the lesson, the “bright spot” technique), the “epigraph” technique, individual and group creative tasks, polylogue.

Formable universal learning activities

    Cognitive UUD: independent selection and formulation of cognitive goals, semantic reading, search and selection of necessary information, conscious construction of a speech utterance, establishment of cause and effect relationships, argumentation.

    Regulatory UUD: goal setting, planning, control of activities during the training session.

    Personal UUD: value-semantic orientation, the relationship of actions and events with ethical principles and moral standards accepted in society; motivation for the process and results of activities.

    Communication UUD: the ability to listen and hear, accept someone else’s point of view, formulate and argue one’s own opinion, the ability to work in a group.

Lesson type: Textual Study Lesson.

Form of work: group

Methods and techniques: “Associative bush”, “brainstorming”, two-part tables, reading with stops, “Thick” and “thin” questions, “Sinquain”

Lesson progress: Guys, we are already familiar with the works of A.I. Kuprin. Today we will meet again with a wonderful writer. I think this is not the last meeting with this wonderful man.

A.I. Kuprin, guys, lived in a different time from us, knew a completely different world, much of which is irretrievably gone. But the feelings that worried his heroes also worry us today. And this is the key to Kuprin’s popularity among readers.

But before we listen to the story, look at the portrait of A.I. Kuprina. (Slide 2) How do you see a writer? (Children's answers). Look at this amazingly kind, simple, tired face. Restraint, silence and even some severity are seen in the gaze, but at the same time undisguised kindness.

He openly defended the weak, sang holy love, selfless friendship, he taught to be better, more beautiful, more noble even in the most difficult everyday circumstances.

    Challenge stage (motivation)

On the board:

    Truly great is the man who has great mercy.

(Thomas a Kempis)
2. Mercy is never excessive... (
Francis Bacon)

3. True mercy is the desire to benefit other people without thinking about reward.(

What theme unites all the aphorisms? ( mercy)

Find synonyms for this word. ( kindness, compassion, empathy)

Do I understand correctly that selfless help is also a manifestation of mercy?

Tell me, what profession do people show mercy every day? (doctor, doctor)

Reception "Associative bush"(approximate version)

helps saves

wonderful doctorreliable(write on the board)

experienced heals

soul body

What images and associations do you have when you hear the word “doctor”? Describe this word using nouns, verbs, adjectives.

At home you read A.I. Kuprin’s story “The Wonderful Doctor.” Guys, what do you think this story is about?

(- This is probably a story about a doctor who performed a miracle: he cured a hopelessly ill man..

-Maybe this is a story about a doctor with a kind soul who selflessly helped all people.)

- Can you explain why this hero is not present at the beginning of the story?

Lesson topic: Let’s find the interpretation of the words in S.I. Ozhegov’s dictionary:

What connects these two concepts - “mercy” and “miraculous”?

These are the questions we will try to answer in today's lesson. - Formulate the topic of the lesson (Is there a miracle in A.I. Kuprin’s story “The Wonderful Doctor”).


Today's lesson is a lesson in thoughtful reading. A thoughtful person is one who delves deeply into something. What will we delve deep into today?

2. Joint goal setting. Try to formulate the objectives of the lesson.

Formulating lesson objectives for students : SLIDE 7

Understand the content of what you read, understand the author’s intent;

Evaluate the actions of the heroes;

Learn to formulate and argue your opinion;

Develop oral speech;

Participate in collective discussion of issues and problems;

Present the results of individual and group work.

3. Acquaintance with the plan for the upcoming work.

We will work on the content of the story “The Wonderful Doctor” according to plan:

    We are watching. We analyze. We are thinking

    We formulate the main ideas of the lesson. Drawing conclusions

    We evaluate our learning activities in class

    Determination of criteria for self-assessment of activities (Appendix 1).

II. Organizational and activity stage

I invite you to reflect on the pages of the story you read. When understanding the content, be careful with the words. A book is often compared to a road. So, good luck!

-What should we learn, learn and understand in our lesson? (consider how the concepts of kindness and mercy are shown in the story; find a problem in the text, analyze the story, characterize the main characters, cultivate a kind attitude towards people, etc.)

So we set the goals and objectives of our lesson.

We will work in groups.

Preparation for text comprehension.

Which of the characters did you like the most?

What epithet is included in the title of the story? How do you understand the meaning of the word wonderful ?

Now tell me the meaning of this word.

Today, while analyzing the story, you and I will have to find the answer to very important questions:

Why is the story called "The Wonderful Doctor"?

What miracle is the story talking about?Is there a miracle in the story? (Problematic question)

Updating knowledge

- The narration of the story is unusual.

How many narrators are there in this work? ( Two: the one with whom this story happened - Grigory Emelyanovich Mertsalov and the author, who conveys what he heard from another.)

This form of text construction (composition) is called “a story within a story.” (Slide 6)

Text Analysis (WORK IN GROUPS)

- Where does this story begin? (The following story is not the fruit of idle fiction). Pay attention to the meaning of the word “fiction.” - How do you understand the meaning of what was said?

1st group:

1. Read the description of the deli window. Why do you think she attracted the boys' attention? ( It becomes clear: such a showcase for boys is a window into another life, joyful and wonderful, where everything is unusual, beautiful, calm and satisfying. The boys were very hungry. No wonder they cast a “lovingly greedy glance” at the display window.)

2. What time does the story take place? (Before New Year or Christmas).


Now think about your mood before the holiday. What feelings do you experience as New Year and Christmas approaches? ( Joyful anticipation of a gift, surprise, surprise, miracle). (Slide 7)

But does this always happen? Does everyone see the smiles of their friends, feel love and happiness? After all, in life, next to prosperity and joy, there is grief, need and loneliness. So in our story, the heroes are initially in complete despair, despite the approaching holiday.

So, for Grisha and Volodya, the holiday atmosphere is left behind, what's ahead? (There are vacant lots...for more than a year now...) - read and comment. (Slide 8)

Group 2:

1. Can Grisha and Volodya hope for surprises and gifts during these holidays? Why did you decide this? ( No, they can't. The description of the wretched place where they live helps to understand this).

2. Where do the children live? Find interior details. Read it. Describe the interior of the house.


Holiday atmosphere:

Gastronomic exhibition,


Shining Christmas trees

Dampness of the walls,

Merry polka,

The terrible smell of kerosene fumes

Wonderful shops

Children's dirty laundry,

Festive crowd cheer

Laughing faces of elegant ladies.


Group 3:(Reading by role of dialogue with mother)

1. Find the dialogue in the text. Read expressively (mother, Grisha, Volodya)

2. What do you think the letter said? (Please help the family).

3. Could the doorman have given the letter to its intended destination? Why didn't he do this? (Obviously, the doorman is a cruel and evil person...)


Can we agree with the statement of the modern scientist Ilya Shevelev, who said the following: (Slide 9)

“The harder life is, the more callous some people become, and the more merciful others become?”

Which character could you apply these words to right now? (To the doorman).

How do you understand what the word “mercy” means? Find synonyms for it. (This is kindness, willingness to help someone).


Group 4:

1. Why did such a tragic situation arise in the Mertsalov family?

2. What was the Mertsalov family doing on the pre-holiday day? (The family was desperately struggling with poverty. The whole day was busy trying to squeeze out from somewhere at least a few kopecks for Mashutka’s medicine.)

3. What other attempts have been made to correct the current situation? (begging)


Why is the Mertsalov family not getting help? (People have no time for them, everyone is busy with pre-holiday chores).

- Let's sum up the first results of our work.

So, a tragic, hopeless situation developed in the Mertsalov family; none of the people to whom they turned showed any mercy - readiness to help.

What problem do you see in this story? Discuss in your group. What's bad? Why is it hard for them?

Problem: Poverty of the Mertsalov family. (Discuss in groups).

Problematic question: How to help the Mertsalov family? (Brought out in groups).

Solutions options:

Have pity, sympathize

Offer money

Give the boys clothes

Offer to move to another apartment

Give my father a job.

Urgently buy medicine for Mashutka

Best option:(this is a complete answer to the problematic question) - discuss it in your group. (To help the Mertsalov family, you need to give his father a job, urgently buy medicine for Mashutka, advise him to move to another apartment; offer money to buy clothes for the boys).

Conclusion: if we do this, then everything will be fine in the Mertsalov family.

Which literary device uses Kuprin again? ( antithesis: Kuprin contrasts the silence and tranquility of nature with Mertsalov’s tormented soul.)

What does he think about in the midst of deep silence and great calm? ( I also wanted the same silence).

And in this solemn silence, on the eve of Christmas, it was as if an angel had descended from heaven. Who was this angel? (Slide 11)

Find a portrait of a stranger. What definitions does Kuprin choose to characterize the doctor? ( Soft, affectionate, intelligent, serious face, extraordinary, calm, inspiring confidence).

How does Mertsalov behave?

Why didn’t the stranger leave, but listened to Mertsalov and wanted to help?
Group work
You have a card with different answer options, discuss. Which answer is closer to you? What is your point of view?

A) The stranger was a doctor, he was interested in working with sick people;
B) When he was studying, he simply took the Hippocratic oath and therefore had to help sick people;
C) The stranger felt compassion for those who really felt bad, not only physically, but also mentally.

What happened after the meeting in the park? ( The doctor urgently goes to the Mertsalovs!)

And this is where miracles begin! We continue reading from the words “And just like recently...” to the words “Having finished this lesson...”

(Under the guidance of the “wonderful doctor,” everything changes like in a fairy tale, the family returns to life. And the doctor acts so quickly that before the Mertsalovs have time to come to their senses, he quickly gets dressed and disappears.)

– What surprise awaits the Mertsalovs after the doctor disappears?

– How do the Mertsalovs find out the name of the “wonderful doctor”? (Pharmacy label on the medicine). Who was this wonderful doctor?

– Why didn’t the doctor identify himself? (Modesty, help from the heart, and not for gratitude).

– Who was given the task to work in the “Information Bureau”? Please give us information about Nikolai Ivanovich Pirogov. (Slide 12)

Pirogov Nikolay Ivanovich(1810-1881) - great Russian doctor, founder of military field surgery. Professor at the Medical-Surgical Academy in St. Petersburg. Pirogov's research brought Russian surgery to one of the first places in Europe. He was the first to use anesthesia during surgery, introduced a fixed plaster cast into practice...

Nikolai Ivanovich twice took part in hostilities, where he provided assistance to the wounded. He considered the life principle “to live not only for oneself” to be the basis of mercy. He contributed to the organization of the sisters of mercy movement in Russia. This movement later became known as the Red Cross Society.

“I love Russia, I love the honor of the Motherland, not rank,” he wrote. He treated everyone: including Emperor Alexander, when a terrorist shot him during a walk. But most of all, countless patients, mostly poor people, were waiting in his waiting room. They came to him in droves. He helped them as best he could. To write a prescription for a poor man and not give him money for the prescription was ridiculous. And he simply gave money to the poor. The charitable activities of Pirogov, a doctor, left a mark in fiction. Kuprin's story "The Wonderful Doctor" is a tribute to the humanity, kindness and nobility of Pirogov.

Let's return to Kuprin's story.

How did the life of the Mertsalov family change after meeting the wonderful doctor? (Mashutka recovered, her father found a job, two boys were placed in a gymnasium at public expense. Grisha grew up and became a major banker, but he always sympathized and helped the poor).(Slide 13)

This is truly a “wonderful” doctor. From what words can we conclude that a MIRACLE happened? (“From now on..”)

So, finishing the lesson, let's return to its beginning. Why is the story not just called? “Doctor” and “Wonderful Doctor”? (It heals not only the body, but also the soul).

What miracle is the story talking about? Is there a miracle in the story? (About the miracle of a chance meeting. About a miracle that any person with a sensitive heart can perform, about a miracle of mercy...) Answer to the question posed at the beginning of the lesson.

Group work

Now let’s get acquainted with the wise words of various great people. Such statements are called aphorisms:

1. “Sometimes we dream of things that are impossible in life, and life presents us with things that we never dreamed of.” ( I. Shevelev)

2. “Do not calm down in case of success, do not despair in case of trouble.” ( Seneca)

3. “In all cases it is better to hope than to despair.” (I. Goethe)

4. “When you do good, you yourself experience a joyful feeling.” ( M. Montaigne)

5. “None of us has the right to pass by suffering for which we, in fact, are not responsible, and not prevent it.” (A. Schweitzer)

6. “Behind the door of a happy person there should be someone with a hammer, constantly knocking and reminding that there are unhappy people and that after a short period of happiness, misfortune comes.” (A. Chekhov)

Discuss them in groups. Which one do you think most accurately reflects the main idea of ​​Kuprin's story?

- What does Kuprin’s story teach? -What does the story make you think about?

Can we say with certainty that the story relevant, modern today?

Answers: Yes, there are many people who need someone's help.

Teacher: Many charitable foundations. For example, the “Kind Heart” foundation of the newspaper “Arguments and Facts” helps sick children. It has existed since 2003. Head of the program "AiF. Kind heart" - Margarita Shirokova. This fund provides financial assistance to sick people. There is a fund Give life“One of the founders of this charitable foundation is our compatriot Chulpan Khamatova. They support children with cancer.

Look at the screen. Here are the logos of just a few charities. This means that there is still Goodness, Sympathy, Compassion, Mercy on Earth. And the main thing is to never lose heart, fight against circumstances and, at the first opportunity, extend a hand to someone who needs help.

Result: So, the miracle of helping a person without expecting gratitude should become an “ordinary miracle”, natural for every person. People like Dr. Pirogov exist in our real lives, which means there is hope for help and support from others. And the main thing is to never lose heart, fight against circumstances and lend a helping hand to those in need.

Reflection I'll give it to you now leaves in the shape of a heart - kind, selfless. Write on it your good deed, the good deed that you have done in your life. It is not necessary to sign, because good deeds are done from the heart.

IV. Reflective-evaluative stage

Remember that anyone can perform a miracle if they are attentive to people and merciful.

Homework :

    Draw illustrations for the story and prepare their defense.

    Highlight the main episodes of the story and title them.

    Prepare a role-based reading of the episode “Mertsalov’s meeting with a stranger in the park” (group task).

In his work, Alexander Ivanovich Kuprin tried to reveal the theme of mercy, philanthropy, and kindness as fully as possible. One of the most touching literary works of the writer was the story “The Wonderful Doctor.” We invite you to familiarize yourself with the analysis of the work according to a plan that will help 6th grade students prepare for a literature lesson, and will allow graduates to better prepare for the Unified State Exam.

Brief Analysis

Year of writing– 1897.

History of creation– The plot is based on a true story told to the writer by a banker he knew.

Subject– Mercy and kindness, the fight against despair and hopelessness.

Composition- The composition of the work is built on contrasts. The exposition is a description of the pre-holiday splendor, the beginning is the endless hardships of the Mertsalov family, the climax is the serious illness of a girl and her rescue by a mysterious doctor, the denouement is the miraculous changes in the life of the entire family.

Genre- Story.

Direction– Realism.

History of creation

During his stay in Kyiv in 1897, Alexander Ivanovich heard from a banker friend an amazing story that happened to him more than thirty years ago.

It seemed that all possible misfortunes, for some unknown reason, fell on one unfortunate family. Parents did not have enough money for food and fire to feed their children and keep them warm in the cold winter. They were forced to huddle together in a tiny room, and their faithful companions were constant deprivation.

But the situation got much worse when the narrator's younger sister became seriously ill. In desperation, the parents turned to wealthy people for help, but everywhere they received only a refusal. When the head of the family, driven to extreme despair, was about to commit suicide, unexpectedly fate presented his family with a generous gift - a doctor who forever changed their lives for the better.

Pirogov Nikolai Ivanovich, and that was the doctor’s name, had the reputation of a kind and selfless person who never refused to help those in need. He cured the girl and helped the family get back on their feet. With his arrival, life finally turned its bright side towards them, and since then there has been no place for sorrows and sorrows.

Meaning of the name The work lies in a real miracle that happened on Christmas Eve, and thereby further strengthened the magical atmosphere and the belief that good always triumphs over evil - this is the brief conclusion this story leads to.


Doctor Pirogov appears in the story as a real savior, the only person who extended a helping hand to the Mertsalovs. He saved the head of the family, driven to extreme despair, from suicide, cured a sick girl, and provided significant financial support to the family. At the same time, the doctor did not even give his name, and the Mertsalovs were able to find out who their mysterious benefactor was only by the last name on the medicine prescription. For him, only one thing mattered - to help people and instill in them hope for the best, not to let them lose heart.

With his complicity and sincere kindness, he heals crippled souls and reveals to them the meaning of life, according to which only good begets good. Having matured and achieved a high position in society, Grisha follows this commandment and also helps people in need.

Main idea The work is that every person can perform a miracle if he does not stand aside and close his eyes to the grief of his neighbor. Even a small grain of kindness and compassion can change life for the better, fill it with light and joy. Open your heart, be merciful and sympathetic - this is what Kuprin’s story teaches.

However, the author is saddened by the fact that sincere mercy in the modern world has become so rare that many people perceive it as a miracle, as something impossible. He encourages readers not to become hard-hearted and to feel like real “miracle workers,” sharing their love and kindness with others.


In “The Wonderful Doctor,” the analysis of the work also includes an analysis of the compositional structure. The peculiarity of the composition of this story lies in the contrasts. On the eve of the long-awaited Christmas holidays, people decorate their homes, shop owners try to make their windows look as elegant and festive as possible. But at the same time, the terrible living conditions of the Mertsalov family, forced to huddle in a cramped, dirty closet, are revealed to the reader.

While people are finishing their final preparations before the holidays in joyful anticipation, the Mertsalovs do not know how to make ends meet and feed their children. There can be no talk of any holiday in their family. Such a sharp contrast is intended to show what problems the main characters have to struggle with.

In Kuprin’s story “The Wonderful Doctor,” the exposition is built on a demonstration of pre-holiday splendor, the beginning describes the endless hardships of the Mertsalov family, the climax is a serious illness of a sister and her rescue by a mysterious doctor who takes the unfortunate family under his protection, the denouement is miraculous changes in the life of the entire family.

Main characters


“The Wonderful Doctor” is written in the genre of a short story, or, to be more precise, in the genre of a Christmas or Yuletide story. According to all the laws of this genre, the main characters find themselves in a difficult life situation, and only a miracle can help them. And this miracle is a meeting with a doctor who provides tangible help to the unfortunate family.

This story may seem like a Christmas tale and may even be criticized, but its veracity is beyond doubt. Since all the events actually happened, this work belongs to the direction of realism.

Work test

Rating analysis

Average rating: 4.6. Total ratings received: 366.

Literature lesson plan for 6th grade

Russian language teacher

And literature

MAOU "Secondary School No. 6"

G. Kogalyma

Yurichka Marina Yurievna


Lesson type: mastering new knowledge.

Planned learning outcomes:


Cognitive sphere:have knowledge about the life and work of Kuprin; know the characters of the work, the genre features of the Christmas story; distinguish between the image of the narrator and the author in the work; identify artistically significant figurative and expressive means of language in the text; be able to create a verbal portrait based on acquired knowledge;

Value-orientation sphere: to form one’s own attitude towards Kuprin’s story “The Wonderful Doctor”, its problems”; to become familiar with the spiritual and moral values ​​of Russian literature; evaluate classmates’ expressive reading; analyze forms of expression of the author's position;

Communication sphere:stories, oral answers to questions using quotations;

Aesthetic sphere: determine the artistic function of visual and expressive means of language in a work.

Personal: realize the personal meaning of the teaching; show readiness for self-development.

Metasubject: (criteria for the formation/assessment of components of universal learning activities - UUD)

Cognitive: navigate through reference literature; answer the teacher’s questions and draw conclusions; find the necessary information in the textbook,

Regulatory : master the ability to understand the educational objectives of the lesson, evaluate their achievements in the lesson;

Communication: have the ability to pronounce a monologue and conduct a dialogue. work individually in a group; formulate and defend your opinion; show respect for another person, his opinion, and civic position.

Equipment: textbook “Literature. 6th grade” edited by V.Ya. Korovina, portraits of A.I. Kuprin and N.I. Pirogov, illustrations for the story “The Wonderful Doctor,” multimedia projector, computer.

Man learns goodness from man

Ch. Aitmatov


Teacher activities

Student activities

  1. Organizational (1 min)

Purpose: to prepare students for work in the lesson.

The teacher greets the class. Presents the topic of the lesson.

Interact with the teacher.

  1. Setting the goals and objectives of the lesson. Motivating students' learning activities (2 min)

Goal: development of motivation for educational activities.

Helps to formulate the purpose of the lesson. Students create a lesson plan

Formulate the goals and objectives of the lesson, draw up a lesson plan

  1. Updating knowledge (5 min + 2 min)

Goal: by reproducing previously acquired knowledge, prepare the ground for the active assimilation of new material, i.e. make previous knowledge relevant at the moment

Checking homework

Work in pairs and answer questions

  1. Primary assimilation of new knowledge (3 min)

Goal: ensuring the perception of comprehension and primary memorization of knowledge and methods of action, connections and relationships in the object of study.

Asks questions

Message, answer questions

  1. Initial comprehension check (6 min)

Goal: to establish the correctness and awareness of mastering new educational material.

Asks questions

Work in a group and answer questions

  1. PHYSICAL MINUTE (1 min)
  1. Primary consolidation (10 min)

Goal: ensuring the assimilation of new knowledge and methods of action at the level of application in a changed situation.

Helps identify signs

Message, fill out the table in groups

  1. Control of assimilation, discussion of mistakes made and their correction (5 min)

Goal: identifying the quality and level of mastery of knowledge and methods of action, ensuring their correction.

Corrects answers if necessary

Read out the answers

  1. Information about homework, instructions on how to complete it (1 min)

Purpose: to ensure an understanding of the purpose, content and methods of completing homework.

Explains how to do homework

Select homework level

  1. Reflection (summarizing the lesson) (5 min)

Goal: mobilizing students to reflect on their behavior, mastering the principles of self-regulation and cooperation.

Evaluates class work

Evaluate their work. The Pyaterochka method

A.I. Kuprin. "The Wonderful Doctor" as a Christmas story

The topic of the lesson is hidden on the board under the leaves.

1. Organizational stage (slide 1) (1 min)

The lesson begins.

It will be useful for the guys.

Try to understand everything

Learn to reveal secrets,

Give us complete answers

And don't yawn in class.

The bell has rung for us

Everyone calmly entered the classroom,

Everyone stood up at their desks beautifully,

Greeted politely

They sat down quietly, with their backs straight.

Let's all sigh with a smile

And let's begin our lesson.

(slide 2) Guys, the topic of our lesson is hidden in the next puzzle. Try to figure it out.

(slide 3 after showing the topic of the lesson)

2. Setting the goals and objectives of the lesson. (2 min)

Guys, what do you think is the purpose of our lesson?

The purpose of the lesson is to conduct a moral assessment of the characters, to find out which story is called a Christmas story.(Click on the target when announced)

Lesson objectives: 1. Evaluate the characters.

2. Identify the features of a Christmas story.

(Click on tasks when announced)

Now let's draw up a plan for our work. What do we need to do to achieve our goal?

  1. Remember the story. Retell the main points using illustrations. Follow the movement of the plot.
  2. Tell about the doctor and his prototype.
  3. Conduct a moral assessment of the heroes.
  4. Identify the features of a Christmas story.

Guys, today in class you will need to evaluate not only yourself, but also your classmate. Find your assessment sheets on your desk, which you will fill out during the lesson. They list the types of work you will do and which you will need to evaluate.

3. Updating knowledge (5 min)

Well done! Now we are ready to go. And according to our work plan. What are we going to do now?

Blitz survey.

What impression did A.I.’s story make on you? Kuprina?

What idea do you think is dear to the author in this story?(Sensitive, attentive attitude of one person to another, timely help, mercy.)

Composition (story within a story). How do you explain it?

Who are they, the heroes of the story “The Wonderful Doctor”?

In what situation do we first meet the brothers Grisha and Volodya?(“The brothers stood at the window of a grocery store, in 12-degree frost, and laughed... In fact, they were hungry and carried a letter on behalf of their mother.”)

What words in the description of the home help to understand the family's plight? Find it in the text.

Do any of you know the “smell of poverty”?(We read about this in V. Korolenko’s “Children of the Underground.”)

- Which character is more sympathetic? Why? How did the family end up in such a dire situation? How do family members get out of the situation, how do they treat each other?

Place the events of the story in the correct sequence. Put numbers 1-6 (Work in pairs)(2 min)



... my brother and I managed to get admitted to the gymnasium at public expense.

The older boy suddenly began to anxiously rummage through the deep pockets of his robe.

I heard this story from the lips of... the same Grishka, who on the Christmas Eve I described shed tears into a smoky cast iron pot with empty borscht.

As the boys walked, the streets became less crowded and darker.

The boys were slurping borscht, sitting in the same places. Frightened by the long absence of their father and the immobility of their mother, they cried, smearing tears over their faces with dirty fists and pouring them copiously into the smoky cast iron.

Two boys, standing in front of a huge solid glass window of a grocery store, began to laugh uncontrollably, pushing each other in the side with their elbows, but involuntarily dancing from the cruel cold.

Amazing! Well done!

  1. Primary assimilation of new knowledge. (slide 5) (3 min)

Who is this Doctor Pirogov? (report about Pirogov)

What did Dr. Pirogov do for Russian medicine? (great contribution to surgery)

Do you think Pirogov’s life was an example of serving people? (Yes)

Why has the ability to serve people always been considered the highest human value?

  1. Initial check of understanding (slide 6) (6 min)

Look up the meaning of the word “wonderful” in the dictionary. (on slide)

What miracle did the doctor perform?

Guys, why do you think the story is called “The Wonderful Doctor”?

Give a moral assessment of the actions of the doctor and other characters in the story.

To do this, divide into groups and fill out the table. 2 minutes to complete the task.

Read out your answers.

6. PHYSICAL MINUTE – slide 7 ( 1 min)

7. Primary consolidation

Guys, what is the main idea of ​​the story? (Don’t be discouraged, don’t lose heart, remain human in any situation)

Listen to the message and identify the main features of a Christmas story. (listen to the message, identify signs) – 5 min(8 slide)

Well done! Now find the table on your desks and fill it with examples of characteristics of a Christmas story. - 5 min.

8. Control of assimilation, discussion of mistakes made and their correction (5 min) – slide 9

Read out your answers. (group work)

Signs of a Christmas Story


Three-level organization of story space

Mertsalovs' basement (hell);

Festive city (land);

Mertsalov the father finds a job (paradise)

Material crisis of heroes

Mertsalov loses his job due to illness,

Children start to get sick

Mertsalov cannot find a new job

Mertsalov is preparing for suicide


Mertsalov's meeting with the doctor in the winter garden

A bright and joyful ending to the story

Mashutka recovers, Mertsalov finds a job, Grisha and Volodya enter the gymnasium. Grigory Mertsalov holds a post at the bank

Social themes of the story

Don’t be discouraged, don’t lose heart, remain human in any situation

Answer the question: “Why is the story called a Christmas story?”

9. Information about homework, instructions on how to complete it (1 min) slide 10

10. Reflection (summarizing the lesson) (5 min) 11 slide

Reflection technique “Pyaterochka”

Guys, get some clean sheets on your desks. Trace the outline of your palm. In each finger, write down your opinion about the lesson.

The thumb is important and interesting to me.

Index finger – it was difficult for me.

The middle finger was not enough for me.

Ring finger – I didn’t like it.

Pinky - my suggestions.

Three minutes to complete.

Now read the resulting drawings.

12 slide

The lesson is over and the plan is completed.

Thank you guys very much.

For working hard and together,

And the knowledge definitely came in handy for you