The area of ​​the halls of the Tretyakov Gallery. Where is the Tretyakov Gallery located? “Unequal marriage” Vasily Pukirev

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If only to see with your own eyes the paintings “Girl with Peaches”, “The Rooks Have Arrived”, “The Appearance of Christ to the People”, “Morning in a Pine Forest” and many other works of Russian fine art, familiar even to all people far from painting from their candy wrappers and internet memes.

The painting was painted in 1871 under the impression of military operations in Turkestan, which amazed eyewitnesses with their cruelty. Initially, the canvas was called “The Triumph of Tamerlane,” whose troops left behind such pyramids of skulls. According to history, one day the women of Baghdad and Damascus turned to Tamerlane, complaining about their husbands, mired in sins and debauchery. Then the cruel commander ordered each soldier from his 200,000-strong army to bring the severed head of their depraved husbands. After the order was carried out, 7 pyramids of heads were laid out.

“Unequal marriage” Vasily Pukirev

The painting depicts the wedding process in the Orthodox Church. A young bride without a dowry marries an old official against her will. According to one version, the picture shows a love drama of the artist himself. The prototype in the image of the bride is the failed bride of Vasily Pukirev. And in the image of the best man, depicted at the edge of the picture behind the bride, with his hands folded on his chest, is the artist himself.

"Boyaryna Morozova" Vasily Surikov

Giant in size (304 by 586 cm) painting by Vasily Surikov depicts a scene from the history of the church schism in the 17th century. The painting is dedicated to Feodosia Prokopievna Morozova, an associate of the spiritual leader of the supporters of the old faith, Archpriest Avvakum. Around 1670 she secretly became a nun, in 1671 she was arrested and in 1673 she was sent to the Pafnutiev-Borovsky Monastery, where she was starved to death in an earthen prison.

The painting depicts an episode when noblewoman Morozova is transported around Moscow to the place of imprisonment. Next to Morozova is her sister Evdokia Urusova, who shared the fate of the schismatic; in the depths is a wanderer, in whose face one can read the features of an artist.

“We didn’t expect” Ilya Repin

The second painting, painted between 1884 and 1888, depicts the unexpected return home of a political exile. The boy and the woman at the piano (apparently his wife) are happy, the girl looks wary, the maid looks incredulously, and deep emotional shock is felt in the hunched figure of the mother in the foreground.

Currently, both paintings are part of the Tretyakov Gallery collection.

"Trinity" Andrey Rublev

The Tretyakov Gallery has a rich collection of ancient Russian painting from the 11th to 17th centuries, including works by Dionysius, Simon Ushakov and Andrei Rublev. In room 60 of the gallery hangs one of the most famous and celebrated icons in the world - “The Trinity”, painted by Andrei Rublev in the first quarter of the 15th century. Three angels gathered around the table on which the sacrificial cup stood for a quiet, unhurried conversation.

“The Trinity” is stored in the hall of ancient Russian painting at the Tretyakov Gallery, in a special glass cabinet in which constant humidity and temperature are maintained, and which protects the icon from any external influences.

“Unknown” Ivan Kramskoy

The location of the film is beyond doubt - it is Nevsky Prospekt in St. Petersburg, Anichkov Bridge. But the image of a woman still remains a mystery to the artist. Kramskoy left no mention of an unknown person either in his letters or in his diaries. Critics connected this image with Anna Karenina by Leo Tolstoy, with Nastasya Filippovna by Fyodor Dostoevsky, and the names of famous ladies of the world were named. There is also a version that the painting depicts the artist’s daughter, Sofia Ivanovna Kramskaya.

In Soviet times, Kramskoy’s “Unknown” became almost a Russian Sistine Madonna - an ideal of unearthly beauty and spirituality. And it hung in every decent Soviet house.

"Bogatyrs" Viktor Vasnetsov

Vasnetsov painted this picture for almost twenty years. On April 23, 1898, it was completed and was soon purchased by P. M. Tretyakov for his gallery.

In epics, Dobrynya is always young, like Alyosha, but for some reason Vasnetsov portrayed him as a mature man with a luxurious beard. Some researchers believe that Dobrynya’s facial features resemble the artist himself. The prototype for Ilya Muromets was the peasant of the Vladimir province Ivan Petrov, whom Vasnetsov had previously captured in one of his sketches.

How to get to the museum

  • Metro
  • By car
  • Ground transportation

From Tretyakovskaya station: Turn left after exiting the metro and cross Bolshaya Ordynka Street. Then walk forward along Bolshoi Tolmachevsky Lane or Ordynsky Dead End. After you pass the square, turn right into Lavrushinsky Lane. The gallery buildings will be on your left.

From Novokuznetskaya station: After exiting the metro, go forward to Pyatnitskaya Street and move along it to the left until the pedestrian crossing. Cross the road and follow Klimentovsky Lane to the intersection with Bolshaya Ordynka Street. Cross Bolshaya Ordynka Street, then walk forward along Bolshoy Tolmachevsky Lane or Ordynsky Dead End. After you pass the square, turn right into Lavrushinsky Lane. The gallery buildings will be on your left.

From Polyanka station: After exiting the metro, walk forward to Bolshaya Polyanka Street and turn left. Continue forward and turn right near the bus stop. Exit Bolshoi Tolmachevsky Lane and walk along it to the square. Turn left into Lavrushinsky Lane, the gallery buildings will be on your left.

Lavrushinsky Lane is a pedestrian zone. If you come by car, you need to park it on Kadashevskaya embankment or in the nearest side streets.

You can take bus 25 or trolleybus 8 to the Tretyakovskaya metro station stop. After this, walk along Bolshoi Tolmachevsky Lane past the park and turn right into Lavrushinsky Lane. The gallery buildings will be on your left.

Days of free visits to the museum

Every Wednesday you can visit for free the permanent exhibition “Art of the 20th Century” in the New Tretyakov Gallery, as well as temporary exhibitions “The Gift of Oleg Yakhont” and “Konstantin Istomin. Color in the Window”, taking place in the Engineering Building.

The right to free access to exhibitions in the Main Building on Lavrushinsky Lane, the Engineering Building, the New Tretyakov Gallery, the V.M. House-Museum. Vasnetsov, museum-apartment of A.M. Vasnetsova is provided on the following days for certain categories of citizens first come first serve basis:

First and second Sunday of every month:

    for students of higher educational institutions of the Russian Federation, regardless of the form of study (including foreign citizens-students of Russian universities, graduate students, adjuncts, residents, assistant trainees) upon presentation of a student card (does not apply to persons presenting student cards “student-trainee” );

    for students of secondary and secondary specialized educational institutions (from 18 years old) (citizens of Russia and CIS countries). Students holding ISIC cards on the first and second Sunday of each month have the right to free admission to the “Art of the 20th Century” exhibition at the New Tretyakov Gallery.

every Saturday - for members of large families (citizens of Russia and CIS countries).

Please note that conditions for free admission to temporary exhibitions may vary. Check the exhibition pages for more information.

Attention! At the Gallery's box office, entrance tickets are provided at a nominal value of “free” (upon presentation of the appropriate documents - for the above-mentioned visitors). In this case, all services of the Gallery, including excursion services, are paid in accordance with the established procedure.

Visiting the museum on holidays

On National Unity Day - November 4 - the Tretyakov Gallery is open from 10:00 to 18:00 (entrance until 17:00). Paid entrance.

  • Tretyakov Gallery in Lavrushinsky Lane, Engineering Building and New Tretyakov Gallery - from 10:00 to 18:00 (box office and entrance until 17:00)
  • Museum-apartment of A.M. Vasnetsov and the House-Museum of V.M. Vasnetsova - closed
Paid entrance.

Waiting for you!

Please note that the conditions for discounted admission to temporary exhibitions may vary. Check the exhibition pages for more information.

The right to preferential visits The Gallery, except in cases provided for by a separate order of the Gallery management, is provided upon presentation of documents confirming the right to preferential visits to:

  • pensioners (citizens of Russia and CIS countries),
  • full holders of the Order of Glory,
  • students of secondary and secondary specialized educational institutions (from 18 years old),
  • students of higher educational institutions of Russia, as well as foreign students studying at Russian universities (except for intern students),
  • members of large families (citizens of Russia and CIS countries).
Visitors to the above categories of citizens purchase a discount ticket first come first serve basis.

Free visit right The main and temporary exhibitions of the Gallery, except in cases provided for by a separate order of the Gallery’s management, are provided to the following categories of citizens upon presentation of documents confirming the right of free admission:

  • persons under 18 years of age;
  • students of faculties specializing in the field of fine arts at secondary specialized and higher educational institutions in Russia, regardless of the form of study (as well as foreign students studying at Russian universities). The clause does not apply to persons presenting student cards of “trainee students” (if there is no information about the faculty on the student card, a certificate from the educational institution must be presented with the obligatory indication of the faculty);
  • veterans and disabled people of the Great Patriotic War, combatants, former minor prisoners of concentration camps, ghettos and other places of forced detention created by the Nazis and their allies during the Second World War, illegally repressed and rehabilitated citizens (citizens of Russia and the CIS countries);
  • conscripts of the Russian Federation;
  • Heroes of the Soviet Union, Heroes of the Russian Federation, Full Knights of the Order of Glory (citizens of Russia and CIS countries);
  • disabled people of groups I and II, participants in the liquidation of the consequences of the disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant (citizens of Russia and CIS countries);
  • one accompanying disabled person of group I (citizens of Russia and CIS countries);
  • one accompanying disabled child (citizens of Russia and CIS countries);
  • artists, architects, designers - members of the relevant creative Unions of Russia and its constituent entities, art critics - members of the Association of Art Critics of Russia and its constituent entities, members and employees of the Russian Academy of Arts;
  • members of the International Council of Museums (ICOM);
  • employees of museums of the system of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation and the relevant Departments of Culture, employees of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation and ministries of culture of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation;
  • volunteers of the “Sputnik” program - entrance to the exhibition “Art of the 20th Century” (Krymsky Val, 10) and “Masterpieces of Russian Art of the 11th - early 20th Century” (Lavrushinsky Lane, 10), as well as to the House-Museum of V.M. Vasnetsov and the Apartment Museum of A.M. Vasnetsova (citizens of Russia);
  • guides-translators who have an accreditation card of the Association of Guides-Translators and Tour Managers of Russia, including those accompanying a group of foreign tourists;
  • one teacher of an educational institution and one accompanying a group of students from secondary and secondary specialized educational institutions (with an excursion voucher or subscription); one teacher of an educational institution that has state accreditation of educational activities when conducting an agreed training session and has a special badge (citizens of Russia and CIS countries);
  • one accompanying a group of students or a group of conscripts (if they have an excursion voucher, subscription and during a training session) (Russian citizens).

Visitors to the above categories of citizens receive a “Free” entrance ticket.

Please note that the conditions for discounted admission to temporary exhibitions may vary. Check the exhibition pages for more information.

How to get to the museum

  • Metro
  • By car
  • Ground transportation

From Tretyakovskaya station: Turn left after exiting the metro and cross Bolshaya Ordynka Street. Then walk forward along Bolshoi Tolmachevsky Lane or Ordynsky Dead End. After you pass the square, turn right into Lavrushinsky Lane. The gallery buildings will be on your left.

From Novokuznetskaya station: After exiting the metro, go forward to Pyatnitskaya Street and move along it to the left until the pedestrian crossing. Cross the road and follow Klimentovsky Lane to the intersection with Bolshaya Ordynka Street. Cross Bolshaya Ordynka Street, then walk forward along Bolshoy Tolmachevsky Lane or Ordynsky Dead End. After you pass the square, turn right into Lavrushinsky Lane. The gallery buildings will be on your left.

From Polyanka station: After exiting the metro, walk forward to Bolshaya Polyanka Street and turn left. Continue forward and turn right near the bus stop. Exit Bolshoi Tolmachevsky Lane and walk along it to the square. Turn left into Lavrushinsky Lane, the gallery buildings will be on your left.

Lavrushinsky Lane is a pedestrian zone. If you come by car, you need to park it on Kadashevskaya embankment or in the nearest side streets.

You can take bus 25 or trolleybus 8 to the Tretyakovskaya metro station stop. After this, walk along Bolshoi Tolmachevsky Lane past the park and turn right into Lavrushinsky Lane. The gallery buildings will be on your left.

Days of free visits to the museum

Every Wednesday you can visit for free the permanent exhibition “Art of the 20th Century” in the New Tretyakov Gallery, as well as temporary exhibitions “The Gift of Oleg Yakhont” and “Konstantin Istomin. Color in the Window”, taking place in the Engineering Building.

The right to free access to exhibitions in the Main Building on Lavrushinsky Lane, the Engineering Building, the New Tretyakov Gallery, the V.M. House-Museum. Vasnetsov, museum-apartment of A.M. Vasnetsova is provided on the following days for certain categories of citizens first come first serve basis:

First and second Sunday of every month:

    for students of higher educational institutions of the Russian Federation, regardless of the form of study (including foreign citizens-students of Russian universities, graduate students, adjuncts, residents, assistant trainees) upon presentation of a student card (does not apply to persons presenting student cards “student-trainee” );

    for students of secondary and secondary specialized educational institutions (from 18 years old) (citizens of Russia and CIS countries). Students holding ISIC cards on the first and second Sunday of each month have the right to free admission to the “Art of the 20th Century” exhibition at the New Tretyakov Gallery.

every Saturday - for members of large families (citizens of Russia and CIS countries).

Please note that conditions for free admission to temporary exhibitions may vary. Check the exhibition pages for more information.

Attention! At the Gallery's box office, entrance tickets are provided at a nominal value of “free” (upon presentation of the appropriate documents - for the above-mentioned visitors). In this case, all services of the Gallery, including excursion services, are paid in accordance with the established procedure.

Visiting the museum on holidays

On National Unity Day - November 4 - the Tretyakov Gallery is open from 10:00 to 18:00 (entrance until 17:00). Paid entrance.

  • Tretyakov Gallery in Lavrushinsky Lane, Engineering Building and New Tretyakov Gallery - from 10:00 to 18:00 (box office and entrance until 17:00)
  • Museum-apartment of A.M. Vasnetsov and the House-Museum of V.M. Vasnetsova - closed
Paid entrance.

Waiting for you!

Please note that the conditions for discounted admission to temporary exhibitions may vary. Check the exhibition pages for more information.

The right to preferential visits The Gallery, except in cases provided for by a separate order of the Gallery management, is provided upon presentation of documents confirming the right to preferential visits to:

  • pensioners (citizens of Russia and CIS countries),
  • full holders of the Order of Glory,
  • students of secondary and secondary specialized educational institutions (from 18 years old),
  • students of higher educational institutions of Russia, as well as foreign students studying at Russian universities (except for intern students),
  • members of large families (citizens of Russia and CIS countries).
Visitors to the above categories of citizens purchase a discount ticket first come first serve basis.

Free visit right The main and temporary exhibitions of the Gallery, except in cases provided for by a separate order of the Gallery’s management, are provided to the following categories of citizens upon presentation of documents confirming the right of free admission:

  • persons under 18 years of age;
  • students of faculties specializing in the field of fine arts at secondary specialized and higher educational institutions in Russia, regardless of the form of study (as well as foreign students studying at Russian universities). The clause does not apply to persons presenting student cards of “trainee students” (if there is no information about the faculty on the student card, a certificate from the educational institution must be presented with the obligatory indication of the faculty);
  • veterans and disabled people of the Great Patriotic War, combatants, former minor prisoners of concentration camps, ghettos and other places of forced detention created by the Nazis and their allies during the Second World War, illegally repressed and rehabilitated citizens (citizens of Russia and the CIS countries);
  • conscripts of the Russian Federation;
  • Heroes of the Soviet Union, Heroes of the Russian Federation, Full Knights of the Order of Glory (citizens of Russia and CIS countries);
  • disabled people of groups I and II, participants in the liquidation of the consequences of the disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant (citizens of Russia and CIS countries);
  • one accompanying disabled person of group I (citizens of Russia and CIS countries);
  • one accompanying disabled child (citizens of Russia and CIS countries);
  • artists, architects, designers - members of the relevant creative Unions of Russia and its constituent entities, art critics - members of the Association of Art Critics of Russia and its constituent entities, members and employees of the Russian Academy of Arts;
  • members of the International Council of Museums (ICOM);
  • employees of museums of the system of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation and the relevant Departments of Culture, employees of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation and ministries of culture of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation;
  • volunteers of the “Sputnik” program - entrance to the exhibition “Art of the 20th Century” (Krymsky Val, 10) and “Masterpieces of Russian Art of the 11th - early 20th Century” (Lavrushinsky Lane, 10), as well as to the House-Museum of V.M. Vasnetsov and the Apartment Museum of A.M. Vasnetsova (citizens of Russia);
  • guides-translators who have an accreditation card of the Association of Guides-Translators and Tour Managers of Russia, including those accompanying a group of foreign tourists;
  • one teacher of an educational institution and one accompanying a group of students from secondary and secondary specialized educational institutions (with an excursion voucher or subscription); one teacher of an educational institution that has state accreditation of educational activities when conducting an agreed training session and has a special badge (citizens of Russia and CIS countries);
  • one accompanying a group of students or a group of conscripts (if they have an excursion voucher, subscription and during a training session) (Russian citizens).

Visitors to the above categories of citizens receive a “Free” entrance ticket.

Please note that the conditions for discounted admission to temporary exhibitions may vary. Check the exhibition pages for more information.

The world-famous Tretyakov Gallery (State Tretyakov Gallery) is a museum that houses and exhibits one of the largest collections of fine national art. Russian and foreign tourists are usually eager to find out where the Tretyakov Gallery is located in Moscow. The artistic treasures of the museum's collection can be seen at several addresses in the city.

Glorious unification

The Tretyakov Gallery is a complex consisting of the main building, the Engineering Building, an exhibition in the Church of St. Nicholas in Tolmachi, a branch on Krymsky Val and house-museums of Russian painters.


The main building of the art museum is not difficult to find in the very center of the capital. Address where the Tretyakov Gallery is located: Lavrushinsky lane, house 10. A cozy old Moscow place near the Moscow River. The facade of the building in a fairytale style attracts attention, and it is difficult to pass by the museum. Here the inquisitive visitor will find an impressive collection of Russian icons and paintings, which are rightfully considered precious masterpieces of Russian art. The collection contains examples of Russian painting from the 10th to the 19th centuries.

Zamoskvoretsky route

Its name will tell you where the Tretyakov Gallery and the Tretyakovskaya metro station are located. It bears the name of the museum and its founder Pavel Mikhailovich Tretyakov. The station is located on the orange line of the metro (Kaluzhsko-Rizhskaya line) and on the yellow line crossing it (Kalininskaya line). The route starting from here will help you get to your goal as quickly as possible. The journey will take 5 minutes. There is only one exit from the subway. Having gone up the escalator and going out into the street, you will find yourself on Bolshaya Ordynka. The street must be crossed. Once you do this, you will find yourself in front of a bar-restaurant. Turn left, go to the Ordynsky dead end and move along it until you see Lavrushinsky Lane. On its other side is the Tretyakov Gallery, and to the south of it is the Museum's Engineering Building. It appeared during the reconstruction period, in 1989, next to an ancient building, the facade of which was designed by Vasnetsov. The new building houses an information center, a conference hall, a children's creative studio, and demonstration rooms where you can not only enjoy Russian and foreign art objects, but also get acquainted with the exhibitions of regional museums of our country.

Behind the Engineering Building you can see the Church of St. Nicholas in Tolmachi (Maly Tolmachevsky Lane, building 9). Here you can see church art rarities. If you are traveling by car, then know that it is easiest to reach the gallery from the alley.

Another station in Moscow, where the Tretyakov Gallery is located, is located next to Tretyakovskaya, it is called Novokuznetskaya and is located on the green line of the metro (Zamoskvoretskaya line). Both stations communicate with each other through a transition. You can go to Tretyakovskaya station without getting up from the metro. If you took the Novokuznetskaya station exit, first go to Bolshaya Ordynka Street and then follow the route described above.

Another variant

Another place that helps you find the Tretyakov Gallery in Moscow is the Polyanka metro station. The station is located on the gray line (Serpukhovsko-Timiryazevskaya line). But from there you will have to travel by ground from bus stop No. 700 or trolleybus No. 1. The journey will take 20 minutes. Get off at the “Bolshaya Yakimanka Street” stop and you will see the gallery.

Exhibitions in Lavrushinsky Lane are available on all days except Monday. Opening hours: Tuesday, Wednesday and Sunday from 10 to 18 hours. On Thursday, Friday and Saturday the museum can be visited from 10 to 21 hours.

Branch on Krymsky Val

The so-called New Tretyakov Gallery, where works of Russian and Russian masters of painting from the 20th - early 21st centuries are located, is located at Krymsky Val, building 10. The museum operates on the same schedule as in the main building.

The metro station where the Tretyakov Gallery on Krymsky Val is located is called “Oktyabrskaya”. It is located at the intersection of the Circle and Kaluzhsko-Rizhskaya lines. Having risen from the metro to the city, you need to go through the underground passage to the other side of Bolshaya Yakimanka Street, and then walk along Krymsky Val to the building of the Central House of Artists. In this modern building you will find a branch of the Tretyakov Gallery. You can also get to it from the Park Kultury station, which is located at the intersection of the Circle and Sokolnicheskaya lines (red line). After leaving the metro, go towards the Moscow River along Novokrymsky Proezd, cross the Krymsky Bridge to the other side and move until the turn onto the street. Krymsky Val. Here you will see the gray building of the Central House of Artists, where the Tretyakov collection dedicated to contemporary art is exhibited.

Home exhibitions are also part of the Tretyakov Gallery

In the Meshchansky district of Moscow, at Vasnetsov Lane, building 13, the house-museum of Viktor Vasnetsov appears before art lovers. Little-known works of the painter are exhibited here; everything in the apartment “breathes” the unique atmosphere in which the great Russian master lived and worked. The easiest way to get to the museum is from the Prospekt Mira station on the Circle Line. At the top, turn left and walk along the street. Gilyarovsky to Durova Street. There, turn right, passing the street. Shchepkina, turn towards Meshchanskaya and move to Vasnetsov Lane. After 100 meters you will find yourself at the doors of the museum.

The museum-apartment of the artist’s younger brother, Apollinary Vasnetsov, a landscape painter and historian, famous for the sketches of old Moscow that he made at archaeological excavations, is located in Furmanovsky Lane, building No. 6. You can reach it from the Chistye Prudy metro station (Sokolnicheskaya line ). From the metro, go to Gusyatnikov Lane and follow it to Bolshoi Kharitonyevsky. Turn left and go to the street. Chaplygina, who will appear on the right. Along it you will get to Furmanovsky Lane, 6. On the third floor you will find an apartment and see modest, elegant furnishings, the famous sketches of clouds that the owner of the house loved to draw, and other interesting objects.

At 12 Bolshoi Levshinsky Lane there is a museum-apartment of Anna Golubkina, a sculptor of the Silver Age. You can get to it from the Park Kultury station. After exiting the metro, find the Metro Park Kultury stop on Zubovsky Boulevard in the direction of the Crimean Bridge. Take bus No. T10 or No. T79 and go to the stop “First Neopalimovsky Lane”. Once outside, go back to Bolshoi Levshinsky Lane, in the 1st house on the left you will find a memorial workshop.

Another point where the Tretyakov Gallery (branch) is located is the house-museum of Pavel Korin, a Russian portrait painter and teacher. It is located at the address: Malaya Pirogovskaya, building 16, outbuilding No. 5.

The apartment museums are open to the public from Wednesday to Sunday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday and Tuesday are days off. Each of the museums may be closed for reconstruction at certain periods, so you need to find out in advance whether the object is open on the days you decide to visit it.

Heritage of the Fatherland

In 1995, an association called the Tretyakov Gallery was included by presidential decree among the most valuable objects of Russian national culture. Now the museum's collection contains more than one hundred thousand artistic masterpieces.

The State Tretyakov Gallery is one of the largest museums in the world. Her popularity is almost legendary. To see its treasures, hundreds of thousands of people come every year to the quiet Lavrushinsky Lane, which is located in one of the oldest districts of Moscow, Zamoskvorechye.

The State Tretyakov Gallery is a national museum of Russian fine art of the 10th - 20th centuries. It is located in Moscow and bears the name of its founder, Moscow merchant and textile manufacturer Pavel Mikhailovich Tretyakov.

The State Tretyakov Gallery is a treasury of national fine art, storing masterpieces created over more than a thousand years. By decree of the President of the Russian Federation, the gallery is classified as one of the most valuable cultural objects of our Motherland.

The Tretyakov Gallery's collection is dedicated exclusively to national Russian art, to those artists who contributed to the history of Russian art or who were closely associated with it. This is how the P.M. gallery was conceived. Tretyakov (1832-1898), this is how it has been preserved to this day.

Founded in 1856. Opened to the public in 1893. Several rooms of the private collection of P.M. Tretyakov were first opened to visitors in 1874.

Since 1893 - Moscow City Art Gallery named after Pavel Mikhailovich and Sergei Mikhailovich Tretyakov, since 1918 - State Tretyakov Gallery, since 1986 - All-Union Museum Association "State Tretyakov Gallery", since 1992 - modern name.

The founder of the gallery was the Moscow merchant Pavel Mikhailovich Tretyakov, for whom collecting works of the national school became his life’s work, and the creation of a public museum with its meaning and justification. Being a passionate collector, in 1872 he began construction of the first halls of the future gallery, adding them to the house in Lavrushinsky Lane, where he himself lived. Later, in 1902, the facade of the house was reconstructed in the Russian style according to the design of the artist V.M. Vasnetsova. In 1892, Tretyakov fulfilled his dream - he transferred the collection he had collected and the collection of his younger brother S.M. Tretyakov as a gift to Moscow. The grand opening of the gallery took place on May 16, 1893.

Initially, the collection included 1287 paintings, 518 drawings and 9 sculptures.

Currently, the collection includes more than 100 thousand items. They are located not only in the main exhibition on Lavrushinsky Lane, but also in the premises at 10 Krymsky Val, its second part, which is a continuation of the first.

New exhibitions are being prepared for the 17th-century chamber and the 18th-century building on Lavrushinsky Lane, adjacent to the main museum building. A new building has been laid on the corner of Lavrushinsky Lane and Kadashevskaya Embankment. Now the historical core of the gallery is a beautiful ensemble with its remarkable dominant feature - the slender bell tower of the Church of St. Nicholas, the gallery’s home church.

It is located on two territories separated from each other by several city blocks. This makes it possible to present in one museum in the best works the entire history of Russian art from the most ancient period to the work of our contemporary artists. In addition, the Tretyakov Gallery has memorial art museums in its structure: the apartment museum of Ap.M. Vasnetsov, house-museum of V.M. Vasnetsov, museum-workshop A.S. Golubkina, museum-apartment of P.D. Korina, house-museum of N.S. Goncharova and M.F. Larionova

Total area - 79745 sq.m;

exposition - 20500 sq.m;

stock - 4653 sq. m

Total number of storage units - 100,577