Presentations on A.I. Kuprin Presentation on the topic "Alexander Ivanovich Kuprin" Later creativity

Kuprin's love for humanity appears as a clear subtext in almost all of his novels and stories, despite the diversity of their themes and plots. Directly, openly, Kuprin does not speak about love for a person very often. But with each of his stories he calls for humanity. He looked everywhere for that power that could raise a person to a state of inner perfection and give him happiness. What he saw and experienced was depicted with deep insight into human psychology, with the ability to unclench the hidden springs of people’s actions and actions. But most of all, his talent manifested itself not in the description of actions, but in the characteristics and descriptions of situations. In this regard, it is necessary for every educated person, including future medical workers, to expand their knowledge in the field of literature. It is also required to develop a caring attitude towards the historical heritage and cultural traditions of the people, to respect social, cultural and religious differences.

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“Presentation “Biography and Work of Kuprin””


"Barabinsky Medical College"

Kuprin Alexander Ivanovich 1870-1938

Prepared by teacher: Khritankova N.Yu.

Lyubov Alekseevna Kuprina

Ivan Ivanovich Kuprin

Kuprin's first literary experience was poetry that remained unpublished. The first work to see the light was the story “The Last Debut” (1889).

A series of stories are dedicated to the life of the Russian army: “Overnight” (1897), “Night Shift” (1899), “Hike”.

In the 1890s, he published the essay "Yuzovsky Plant" and the story "Moloch", the stories "Wilderness", "Werewolf", the stories "Olesya" and "Kat" ("Army Ensign").

Kuprin's stories appear in St. Petersburg magazines: "Swamp" (1902); "Horse Thieves" (1903); "White Poodle" (1904). In 1905, his most significant work was published - the story "The Duel", which was a great success.

Kuprin's work in the years between the two revolutions resisted the decadent mood of those years: the cycle of essays "Listrigons" (1907 - 1911), stories about animals, the stories "Shulamith", "Garnet Bracelet" (1911).

Kuprin comes to Lenin in 1918 with a proposal to publish a newspaper for the village - "Earth". At one time he worked at the World Literature publishing house, founded by Gorky.

After the October Revolution, the writer does not accept the policy of military communism, the “Red Terror”; he fears for the fate of Russian culture. In the fall of 1919, being in Gatchina, cut off from Petrograd by Yudenich's troops, he emigrated abroad.

Used sources

1. / Biography of Kuprin // Access mode:

2. Yandex. pictures / Kuprin // Access mode:

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For students in grades 3-4
Alexander Ivanovich Kuprin (1870-1938)

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Read stories by A. I. Kuprin Answer questions; Be able to find answers in the text; develop expressive reading skills; Learn to analyze literary text, Enrich children's vocabulary; Foster a culture of reading, communication, behavior; Develop creative abilities.
The goal is to get acquainted with the main events of the life of A. I. Kuprin, his work for children.

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The writer's childhood
A.I. Kuprin was born on August 26 (September 7), 1870 in the town of Narovchat, Penza province, into the family of a minor official.
Mother Lyubov Alekseevna from the ancient family of bankrupt Tatar princes Kulanchakov had a strong, unyielding character and high nobility.
The father of the future writer died when the boy was in his second year. The family was left without funds, and Kuprin’s mother was forced to settle in the Moscow Widow’s House.

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1880 – 1888 Second Moscow Military Gymnasium
The writer's childhood
1876 ​​– 1880 Moscow Razumovsky boarding house
Sasha read a lot and knew how to come up with stories. Alexander composed his first creation, a poem, at the age of seven.
Kuprin dreamed of becoming a brave officer, accomplishing feats and earning military orders.

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1888 – 1890 Third Alexander Junker School in Moscow.
The school program was quite intense. Junkers studied military topography, artillery and military administration; mathematics, chemistry, physics, drawing, history; Russian, French and German. The Russian language course included acquaintance with the works of the best writers
The writer's youth

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Disappointment in service
Kuprin served in the rank of second lieutenant for 4 years. In 1894 he resigned and left for Kyiv. Works in local newspapers, writes stories, essays, notes.

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In 1914 he was drafted into the army with the rank of lieutenant.

A. I. Kuprin died on August 25, 1938 in the city of Leningrad.
In 1919 he left Russia and went with his family to France.
In the spring of 1937, the writer and his family returned to their homeland.

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“Barbos and Zhulka” “Zaviraika” “Balt” “In the Menagerie” “Sparrow” “Magic Carpet” “Kindergarten” “Lilac Bush” “Ralph” “Elephant” “Brave Runaways”

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Literary analysis
How did you feel when you listened to the story? Have they changed? Why did the girl get sick? How do parents address their daughter? What do these appeals say?

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Characteristics of heroes
How does the mother treat her daughter? What kind of mother is she? How does his action characterize his father? What do you think of the owner of the menagerie? How does his action characterize him as a person? What feelings did Nadya experience when she saw a live elephant? Could an elephant really heal a girl? Who actually cured the girl?

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Explain the meaning
You can't even notice the elephant. Elephant in a china shop. To make mountains out of molehills. Like an elephant.

  • Biography
  • Alexander Ivanovich Kuprin was born on August 26 (September 7), 1870 in the district town of Narovchat (now Penza region) in the family of an official, hereditary nobleman Ivan Ivanovich Kuprin (1834-1871), who died a year after the birth of his son. Mother, Lyubov Alekseevna (1838-1910), née Kulunchakova, came from a family of Tatar princes (a noblewoman, did not have a princely title). After her husband's death she moved to Moscow, where the future writer spent his childhood and adolescence. At the age of six, the boy was sent to the Moscow Razumovsky boarding school (orphanage), from where he left in 1880. In the same year he entered Second Moscow Cadet Corps .
  • In 1887 he was released in Alexander Military School. Subsequently, he described his “military youth” in the stories “At the Turning Point (Cadets)” and in the novel “Junkers”.

  • In 1890, Kuprin held the rank of second lieutenant was released into the 46th Dneprovsky infantry regiment, located in the Podolsk province (in Proskurov). The life of an officer, which he led for four years, provided rich material for his future works.
  • In 1893-1894 in the St. Petersburg magazine " Russian wealth"His story came out" In the dark”, stories “On a Moonlit Night” and “Inquiry”. Kuprin has several stories on an army theme: “Overnight” (1897), “Night Shift” (1899), “Hike”

In 1894 lieutenant Kuprin retired and moved to Kyiv without having any civilian profession. In the following years, he traveled a lot around Russia, trying many professions, greedily absorbing life experiences that became the basis of his future works.

  • IN 1890s published the essay “Yuzovsky Plant” and the story “Moloch”, the story “Forest Wilderness”, the story “ Olesya" and "Kat" ("Army Ensign"), in 1901 - the story "The Werewolf".
  • During these years, Kuprin met I. A. Bunin , A. P. Chekhov And M. Gorky. In 1901 he moved to St. Petersburg and began working as a secretary. Magazine for everyone" Kuprin's stories appeared in St. Petersburg magazines: “Swamp” (1902), “Horse Thieves” (1903), "White Poodle" (1903).

In 1905, his most significant work was published - the story “ Duel", which was a great success. The writer’s performances reading individual chapters of “The Duel” became an event in the cultural life of the capital. His other works of this time: the stories “Staff Captain Rybnikov” (1906), “River of Life”, “Gambrinus” (1907), the essay “Events in Sevastopol” (1905). In 1906 there was candidate for State Duma deputy 1st convocation from the St. Petersburg province

Kuprin’s work in the years between the two revolutions resisted the decadent mood of those years: the cycle of essays “Listrigons” (1907-1911), stories about animals, stories “ Shulamith"(1908), "Garnet bracelet"(1911), fantasy story “Liquid Sun” (1912). His prose has become a notable phenomenon of Russian literature. In 1911 he and his family settled in Gatchina. After the start First World War opened in his house by a military man hospital and campaigned in newspapers for citizens to take military loans. In November 1914 there was mobilized into the army and sent to Finland commander of an infantry company. Demobilized in July 1915 for health reasons.

  • In 1915, Kuprin completed work on the story "Pit", which talks about the life of prostitutes in Russian brothels. The story was condemned for being, according to critics, excessive naturalism. Nuravkin’s publishing house, which published Kuprin’s “The Pit” in the German edition, was brought to justice by the prosecutor’s office “for distributing pornographic publications.”
  • Abdication of Nicholas II met in Helsingfors, where he underwent treatment, and accepted it with enthusiasm. After returning to Gatchina, he was editor of the newspapers “Free Russia”, “Liberty”, “ Petrograd leaflet", sympathized Socialist Revolutionaries. After seizure of power Bolsheviks the writer did not accept politics war communism and associated with it terror. In 1918 I went to Lenin with a proposal to publish a newspaper for the village - “Earth”. Worked at the publishing house World literature", founded by M. Gorky. At this time I made a translation “ Don Carlos » F. Schiller. He was arrested, spent three days in prison, was released and put on the list hostages .

October 16, 1919, from the arrival of the whites in Gatchina, entered the rank of lieutenant in Northwestern Army, was appointed editor of the army newspaper « Prinevsky edge", which was headed by General P . N. Krasnov ] . After the defeat of the Northwestern Army he went to Revel, and from there in December 1919 to Helsinki, where he stayed until July 1920, after which he went to Paris. The seventeen years that the writer spent in Paris, contrary to the opinion of Soviet literary criticism, were a fruitful period.

  • According to the version of Soviet literary criticism, Kuprin, who was almost forcibly mobilized by the whites and ended up in exile due to a misunderstanding, did not write anything worthwhile abroad. In fact, fifty-year-old Kuprin, exempted from military service for health reasons, volunteered for the White Army, about the officers of the North-Western Army he wrote: “Only people of excessively high fighting qualities coexisted among the officers. In this army it was impossible to hear such definitions about an officer as brave, courageous, courageous, heroic, and so on. There were two definitions: “a good officer” or, occasionally, “yes, if in hand.” Seeing in the fight Bolsheviks his duty, he was proud of serving in this army, if he could, he would go into formation, into position. He kept his field shoulder straps like an expensive relic in exile lieutenant And tricolor corner on a sleeve sewn by Elizaveta Moritsevna. After the defeat, having already been in prison and as a hostage, he saved himself and his family from terror. The writer did not accept dictatorship as a form of power; he called Soviet Russia the Council of Deputies.
  • During the years of emigration, Kuprin wrote three long stories, many short stories, articles and essays. His prose brightened noticeably. If “The Duel” reduces the image of a noble tsarist officer almost to the level of a modern officer, then “Junkers” are filled with the spirit of the Russian army, invincible and immortal. “I would like,” said Kuprin, “for the past that is gone forever, our schools, our cadets, our life, customs, traditions to remain at least on paper and not disappear not only from the world, but even from the memory of people. "Junkers" is my testament to Russian youth"

  • Works: » Allez !

» Anathema

  • » White poodle
  • » Blondel
  • » At the circus
  • » Gambrinus
  • » Garnet bracelet
  • » Inquiry
  • » Emerald
  • » Wheel of Time
  • » Horse thieves
  • » Lilac bush
  • » Lenin. Instant photography
  • » Lenochka
  • » Listrigons
  • » Peaceful life
  • » Overnight
  • » Night shift
  • » Olesya
  • » Olga Sur
  • » Pirate
  • » Duel
  • » The Last of the Bourgeois
  • » Hike
  • » Miscellaneous Works (Volume 4 PSS)
  • » Ralph
  • » River of life
  • » Peregrine Falcon
  • » Holy lie
  • » Blue Star
  • » Elephant
  • » Nightingale
  • » Ballroom pianist
  • » Telegraph operator
  • » Quiet horror
  • » Wonderful doctor
  • » Staff Captain Rybnikov
  • » Yu-yu
  • » Pit

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Alexander Ivanovich KUPRIN (1870-1938)
Pages of life and creativity

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According to contemporaries, he is always saved by the instinct of natural healthy talent, organic optimism, cheerfulness, and love of life. O.N. Mikhailov (critic, literary critic)

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On August 26 (September 7), 1870, he was born in the town of Narovchat, Penza province, into an impoverished mixed-democratic family. The father, “one of the children of medical students,” served in the office, died at the age of 37, when Sasha was only one year old. The mother is from an ancient family of Tatar princes, the Kulanchakovs, who went bankrupt long ago.

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Growing Up Years
1874 - moving to Moscow, living in a government institution - in the general ward of a widow's house. 1876 ​​– orphan school. The official environment, drill, and cruel treatment of teachers caused suffering. 1880 – Second Moscow military gymnasium, two years later transformed into a cadet corps. The “universal cult of the fist” crippled children's souls. 1888 – Third Alexander Junker School in Moscow. He is engaged in gymnastics, dancing, and literature.

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Military theme in creativity
Years of training, the atmosphere of official life, the contradictions of family and barracks education, the true and imaginary concept of honor and justice are reflected in the stories: “At the Turning Point” (“Cadets”), “Junkers”, “Inquiry”, “Duel”

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The beginning of a creative journey
He begins to collaborate with the magazine “Russian Satirical Leaflet” while still studying at the cadet school. Receives a penalty for appearing in the press. (Story “The Last Debut”) 1890 - assigned to serve in the 46th Dnieper Regiment in the town of Proskurov, Podolsk province. The service was burdened with idleness, drinking, and petty affairs.

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Disappointment in service
Kuprin served in the rank of second lieutenant for 4 years. 1894 – resigns and leaves for Kyiv. Works in local newspapers, writes stories, essays, notes.

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From his mother, Kuprin inherited an attentive attitude to life, keen powers of observation, a love of books, and thoughtful reading. The only talented teacher in the cadet corps, Tsukhanov, who read Pushkin, Lermontov, Gogol, and Turgenev to his students, had a great influence on Kuprin’s literary talent. 1901 - arrives in St. Petersburg, meets Bunin, Chekhov, Gorky.

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1902 – writes about people broken by fate: “In the circus”, “Swamp”, “At rest”. 1903 - a new hero emerges, active, struggling with circumstances. "Coward", "Horse Thieves". Leads an active lifestyle: organizes an athletic society in Kyiv. Together with the famous athlete Sergei Utochkin he rises in a hot air balloon. He flies with Ivan Zaikin on a Foreman plane. At the age of 43, he seriously begins to learn strong swimming from the world record holder L. Romanenko

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Tales of love
"Olesya" 1908 "Shulamith"

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Garnet bracelet 1910 The tales of love are united by the idea: love is a great gift, a pure and selfless feeling. It is full of trials and hardships. Only love helps you feel the fullness of life, albeit short, but bright.

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In exile
1920 - at the invitation of Bunin, he leaves for Paris. There has been a decline in creativity, and rejection of the Soviet system is expressed in articles in which Kuprin criticizes the new authorities. 1927-1934 – the books “The Wheel of Time”, “Stories in Drops” and others appear. Creates the short stories “The Shadow of Napoleon”, “Four Beggars”, writes the novel “Junker”. The homesickness is so strong that Kuprin admits: “... I can’t calmly write a letter there, there’s a lump in my throat.”

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Last years
Kuprin acutely felt his guilt before his Motherland. The thought of returning and its impossibility haunted me. The artist Bilibin, who by that time had received permission to return to the USSR, took over negotiations at the embassy, ​​and in 1937 the writer returned to Moscow. While in exile, the writer became seriously ill. On August 25, 1938, Kuprin died.

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(1870 – 1938) Purpose: 1. get acquainted with the stages of the writer’s life; 2. trace the influence of life stages on creativity.

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Crossword 1 8 4 3 6 5 7 P K M I V O T N Y E R E S H O S E R G E Y O R K M 2 C G A A M A O I A L M A Z O V V ABOUT YOU

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Born on September 8, 1870 in the town of Narovchatov, Penza province. The father died of cholera. From the age of 7 he studied at an orphan school. Then in the cadet corps in Moscow. “Everything is grey, barracks-like... The comrades are rude, the bosses are unkind.” A.I. Kuprin.

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In 1896, Kuprin wrote a series of essays on the situation of workers, and at the same time the contours of his first major work, the story “Moloch,” were being formed. Following Moloch, works appeared that brought the writer to the forefront of Russian literature. “Army Ensign” (1897), “Olesya” (1898) and then, already at the beginning of the 20th century, “At the Circus” (1901), “Horse Thieves” (1903), “White Poodle” (1903) and the story “Duel” "(1905).

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Kuprin greeted the February Revolution with enthusiasm. . In his artistic works of this time (the stories “Brave Fugitives”, “Sashka and Yashka”, “The Caterpillar”, “Star of Solomon”) there are no direct responses to the turbulent events experienced by the country. During the October Revolution, Kuprin was published in the bourgeois newspapers “Era”, “Petrogradsky Listok”, “Echo”, “Evening Word”. He criticized Lenin’s plans for the transformation of Russia. In the summer of 1920 he ended up in Paris. There his literary work practically ceased

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I missed my homeland very much. The writer firmly decided to return to Russia. Alexander Ivanovich was very worried. And already on May 31, 1937, Moscow met the writer. The whole country immediately learned of his arrival. A serious illness (tongue cancer) prevented Kuprin from resuming creative work. On August 25, 1938, Alexander Ivanovich Kuprin died. He was buried in Leningrad, next to the grave of Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev.

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In the spring of 1897, the writer was in Polesie. The impressions of this trip served as the basis for the creation of the story. “I love Russia and am attached to its land. I happily spend time in a simple Russian village: a field, a forest, the scope of Russian nature...” Topic: social inequality of people, leading to sad consequences.

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Kuprin serves in the 46th Dnieper Infantry Regiment with the rank of second lieutenant. He has been there for 4 years. This period is reflected in the story “The Duel”. This work brought the author all-Russian fame. Topic: the crisis of Russia, all spheres of Russian life, because The problems of the army always reflect the life of society.

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The story is autobiographical: the writer’s mother received letters from an anonymous lover. He wrote that the difference in social status does not allow him to count on reciprocity. “...sent my mother a garnet bracelet. My uncle and father went to see him. He promised not to write anymore and accepted the bracelet. That's how it all ended." A.I.Kuprin