Rating of the best vitamin complexes for men. The best vitamins for men of different ages, how to make the right choice The best vitamins for men after 50

At 50 years old, even the male body begins to age. To maintain health and the immune system at the proper level, you need to consume various vitamin complexes and dietary supplements. Today, many drugs are sold in which all the substances important to the body are optimally selected for men over 50 years of age.

At the age of 50, men are prone to fatigue. Their immunity and sexual desire decrease. The body needs vitamins, minerals and various substances. It is difficult to replenish the supply of missing elements at this age only with the help of food, so you need to resort to vitamin complexes. It is best if the attending physician selects the optimal drug, taking into account all the individual characteristics of the person.

Indications for the use of vitamins for men after 50 years

First of all, vitamins intended for people over 50 should be taken by those men who feel a lack of vitamins on themselves. These can be external and internal manifestations: weakness or severe fatigue, headaches, problems with hair, nails, skin, and the like. It is especially important to take multivitamin complexes for those men who, after 50 years, continue to actively engage in sports, work, and so on. If your main activity is related to physical or mental activity, then you also cannot do without vitamins.

Doctors prescribe vitamins for men to increase activity, tone and strengthen the body, in the presence of chronic fatigue syndrome and fatigue. Vitamins will also be beneficial for certain age-related diseases: heart and blood vessels, arthritis, chronic ailments, infectious diseases, and the like. If a man drinks alcoholic beverages, smokes and eats poorly, then vitamins will be beneficial. The main thing is to choose them correctly.

Name of vitamin preparations for men after 50 years

For men who have crossed the age of 50, multivitamin complexes are most suitable. Their composition must be selected depending on the presence of chronic ailments, characteristics of the body, lifestyle and nutrition of a person. The main thing is that multivitamin complexes contain substances such as iron, calcium, potassium and others. Iron is good for hematopoiesis, calcium for bones, and potassium for the heart.

Today, many vitamin complexes are produced for males over 50. They differ in composition and price. Here are the most popular ones:

  • Alphabet 50+ is considered one of the most effective and inexpensive drugs. This is a multivitamin complex preparation, which, among other things, is an excellent preventative against bone disease. It also prevents the development of cardiovascular diseases. This vitamin complex contains a large amount of potassium. Thanks to this, vitamins can be taken for the combined treatment of osteoporosis and osteoarthritis. Alphabet 50+ provides protection for vision and eyes from the effects of solar radiation. It reduces the activity of age-related changes in the retina due to the content of lutein and cartinoids.
  • Vitamin complex Vitrum is a complex of minerals and vitamins that are produced in America. It contains 13 vitamins and 17 macro and microelements. All components are optimally selected in the required ratios, taking into account the age-related characteristics of physiological processes in men of this age. If you use such a drug, the risk of cardiovascular diseases and other age-related diseases is reduced. The vitamin complex also reduces the risk of developing cancer pathologies.
  • Gerimax is a combination drug that contains vitamins, minerals and all the substances needed by the male body. This complex contains ginseng extract. The use of this vitamin preparation helps to normalize various age-related disorders: sleep problems, loss of strength, decrease in physical and mental activity, and the like.
  • Gerovital is a good vitamin complex, which contains vitamin A, E, D, E and several vitamins from group B. It also contains divalent iron and plant extracts. This remedy is used to maintain vitality in old age. In addition, it improves metabolic processes in the body.
  • Centrum Silver is a vitamin complex that was specially developed for men over 50 years old. It helps reduce the risk of developing atherosclerosis. The drug also has a beneficial effect on the nervous system and strengthens the body's resistance to infections.

Pharmacodynamics of vitamin complexes

As a rule, every vitamin complex for men over 50 contains vitamins: A, E, B, D. Vitamin A is very important in old age. It takes part in various processes and in the energy supply of metabolic processes. It also helps the body fight various bacteria or infections. This occurs due to an increase in the intensity of phagocytosis and activation of the creation of antibodies. Vitamin A stimulates the epithelization process and prevents excessive keratinization of the skin.

B vitamins have an important effect on our body. They participate in various processes. For example, in the regulation of cellular functions, as well as carbohydrate, protein and lipid metabolism. B vitamins are important for the central nervous system and digestive tract. They regulate processes in the skin and are very important for the normal conduction of nerve impulses through cells.

Vitamin C also takes part in the regulation of carbohydrate, lipid and protein metabolism. It affects blood clotting. This vitamin also ensures normal absorption of iron in the digestive tract. Vitamin C is important for the immune system, as it increases our vitality and accelerates tissue regeneration.

Vitamin E has an antioxidant effect. It protects subcellular and cellular membranes from damage. It also takes an active part in metabolic processes in cells and tissues, strengthens capillaries, increasing their permeability, and helps prevent hemolysis.

Vitamin D helps calcium be better absorbed in the intestines. This vitamin acts as a hormone that controls calcium-phosphorus metabolism.

Contraindications to the use of vitamin complexes

Vitamin complexes containing vitamin A are not recommended for use for gallstones, chronic pancreatitis, renal failure, and hepatitis. They should be taken with extreme caution in cases of cardiac decompensation and nephritis during an exacerbation.

If you have a sensitivity to certain components of the drug, then you should stop taking it. If you have diseases such as diabetes mellitus, thalassemia, bladder stones, hemochromatosis, nephrolithiasis, hyperoxaluria, then you should use vitamin C preparations with caution.

Vitamin D is contraindicated for tuberculosis and duodenal disease, as well as for kidney and heart diseases. Vitamin E should not be taken in case of myocardial infarction or individual intolerance.

Side effects after vitamins

If the vitamin complex is not suitable for you, then you may experience various side effects: drowsiness, weakness, increased irritability, dizziness, headaches, increased intraocular pressure, abdominal pain, nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, decreased muscle tone, indigestion, deterioration appetite and the like.

In rare cases, deep vein thrombosis may develop, and the level of calcium and other elements in the urine and blood may change. Therefore, you should always take vitamins with caution and consult your doctor first.

Vitamins for men over 50 years of age become necessary because as we approach old age, signs that indicate aging of the body begin to progress more and more. A man's immunity decreases, sexual desire weakens and fatigue increases. Such symptoms usually indicate that the body lacks elements that exert their active biological effects. To replenish their supply, it is necessary to include in your diet foods rich in essential vitamins and microelements.

Indications for use

A man should change your diet and include foods rich in vitamins in it if he leads an active lifestyle, for example, does work associated with intense physical or mental stress.

Vitamins are necessary for men aged 50 to increase their vitality and strengthen the body with general weakness, asthenic manifestations, chronic fatigue syndrome and increased fatigue. They are recommended during the treatment of infectious diseases, arthritis and some chronic diseases. In addition, they complement insufficient and poor nutrition, and are also necessary for alcohol abuse and nicotine addiction.

How do vitamins affect the male body after 50 years?

Included in such products Vitamin A is very beneficial for older men, as it provides energy for metabolic processes in the body. Another positive point is that it stimulates epithelization processes and prevents excessive epithelial keratinization.

B vitamins are considered biologically active, taking part in the process of regulating cellular functions, as well as lipid, protein and carbohydrate metabolism. They have a positive effect on the functioning of the digestive tract and participate in the processes occurring in the skin. Vitamins of this group are required for the normal conduction of nerve impulses.

Vitamin C has a restorative effect on the male body. It is involved in the regulation of lipid, protein and carbohydrate metabolism. Thanks to it, capillary permeability and iron absorption in the digestive tract are normalized. It helps strengthen the body's resistance to colds and accelerate the regeneration of damaged tissues.

Vitamin D helps absorb calcium in the intestines and also acts as a hormone that regulates the exchange of phosphorus and calcium in the body.

Vitamin E has an antioxidant effect on the body, protecting cellular and subcellular membranes from damage. Thanks to it, metabolism is carried out in tissues, capillaries are strengthened, their permeability is improved, and hemolysis of red blood cells is prevented.

Contraindications for use

For men over 50 years of age with various diseases, many vitamins are contraindicated. Regarding vitamin A, preparations containing it cannot be used if:

  • there are stones in the gall bladder;
  • with cirrhosis of the liver;
  • chronic pancreatitis;
  • hepatitis;
  • renal failure.

It should be taken with caution in case of decompensation of nephritis and cardiac activity. It cannot be used if you are hypersensitive.

B vitamins have one contraindication - they should not be used if you are hypersensitive to any component contained in their composition.

A contraindication to the use of vitamin C is hypersensitivity to any of its components. You should also avoid using it for the following diseases:

  • diabetes mellitus;
  • bladder stones;
  • nephrolithiasis;
  • sideroblastic anemia;
  • hemochromatosis;
  • hyperxaluria;
  • Thalassemia.

Vitamin D and preparations containing it are prescribed to men over 50 years of age with extreme caution. It is prohibited for severe kidney and heart diseases, active form of pulmonary tuberculosis, stomach and duodenal ulcers.

Vitamin E is not advisable to use with cardiosclerosis, myocardial infarction and individual hypersensitivity to its components.

Side effects of vitamins are manifested as follows: drowsiness, lethargy, increased irritability. Sometimes severe migraines, dizziness, photophobia occur, and intraocular pressure increases. Side effects also include nausea, diarrhea, vomiting and abdominal pain.

B vitamins, which are present in vitamin complexes, can cause peripheral neuropathy and decreased muscle tone, as well as para- and hyperesthesia of parenchymal organs. Belching, vomiting and severe excitability of the central nervous system are also possible.

If men take vitamin C uncontrollably, they may experience increased fatigue, insomnia, or, conversely, drowsiness. Also quite common is bloating, indigestion, heartburn, intestinal colic and diarrhea. Sometimes, as a result of using large doses, kidney stones may occur, gastritis and deep vein thrombosis may develop.

Vitamin D may cause side effects such as the appearance of headaches, loss of appetite, sleep disturbance. In addition, increased irritability may occur, and the amount of calcium in the urine and blood increases.

Side effects of vitamin E manifest themselves in the form of deterioration in performance, pain in the epigastric region, and symptoms may occur that indicate renal failure. In addition, diarrhea appears, and there is also a possibility of developing sepsis, hepatomegaly, and enterocolitis. In men, ascites and hemorrhages in the meninges and retina are possible.

Names of vitamins

Preparations that contain vitamin complex, are ordinary multivitamins, having undergone certain targeted changes. They contain certain trace elements in small quantities, for example, iron, which helps improve blood composition, calcium, which has a beneficial effect on the condition of bones, etc.

The names of vitamins intended for men over 50 are distinguished by their diversity. One of these drugs is Alphabet 50+, intended for the prevention of osteoporosis and prevents heart and vascular diseases. Since he consists of a large amount of potassium, it can be used for combination therapy for osteoarthritis and osteoporosis. In addition, it protects the eyes from the negative effects of ultraviolet sunlight and reduces the activity of age-related changes in the retina.

VITRUM @ CENTUTY is a vitamin complex created on the basis of seventeen micro- and macroelements in combination with thirteen vitamins. Thanks to this drug, the likelihood of developing diseases of the cardiovascular system, as well as other diseases that occur in men, is reduced. It also helps reduce the risk of developing various oncologies.

Gerimax is a vitamin complex intended for elderly people, which contains: includes vitamins A, B, C, D3, E in combination with plant extracts and ferrous iron. This drug helps maintain performance in old age and improves metabolic processes in the body.

You can also note such a product as Centrum Silver. This vitamin complex has a composition that is specially selected based on the needs of the male body over 50 years of age. It significantly reduces the likelihood of developing atherosclerosis and its complications, has a beneficial effect on the central nervous system, and increases resistance to various infections. It was noted that Centrum Silver reduces the likelihood of developing malignant neoplasms.

Thus, men who are over 50 years old should definitely take vitamin complexes, since at this age the body’s need for various useful substances increases. Thanks to taking vitamin complexes, a man can get rid of numerous ailments.

Updated: 12/05/2019

All existing vitamins and minerals are necessary for both males and females, since the physiological processes occurring in the organisms are the same. But their frequency and intensity are different. Accordingly, the need for vitamins that are involved in these reactions is not the same for men and women. Many pharmacological companies take this important point into account and produce separate vitamin complexes, the composition of which is designed taking into account the physiological needs of the male body. How to choose an optimally balanced product among a wide range of products? Our rating of vitamins for men will help you make your choice.

The best vitamins for men

The best vitamins for men must contain the following beneficial compounds.

  • B vitamins. Participate in the absorption of protein foods and the construction of the muscle frame, the synthesis of sex hormones. Folic acid (vitamin B9) has a beneficial effect on the ability to conceive.
  • Vitamins A and E. Activate the production of the male sex hormone testosterone and, accordingly, maintain potency. They are powerful antioxidants and slow down the aging process.
  • Vitamin C. Another antioxidant that protects cells from the negative effects of free radicals. Vitamin C also eliminates fragility and increases the elasticity of vascular walls, prevents the development of atherosclerosis, heart and vascular diseases. In addition, ascorbic acid improves immunity and prevents frequent respiratory viral infections.
  • Vitamin H (biotin). Responsible for maintaining male beauty - ensures healthy skin and nails, prevents baldness.
  • Lipoic acid (vitamin N). Helps maintain liver health, necessary primarily for men who smoke and those who occasionally drink alcohol.
  • Vitamin D. In a young body it is synthesized independently, but with age the production of the vitamin decreases, which is why calcium and phosphorus are less absorbed. The result can be the development of osteoporosis and rapid tooth decay. Complex vitamins for men, which include vitamin D, will help fill vitamin D deficiency and prevent unwanted problems.

Rating of the best vitamins for men

Rating #1 #2 #3
Complex composition
Effective action Ease of reception Popularity manufacturer Availability in the pharmacy network

The vitamin-mineral complex contains: vitamins – A, E, C, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B12, D, K, H; minerals - magnesium, phosphorus, zinc, iron, magnesium, iodine, calcium, selenium, nickel, copper, chromium, molybdenum, nickel, boron, silicon, vanadium. The product is recommended for the prevention and treatment of hypovitaminosis in men over 50 years of age, after severe long-term infections and complex treatment of chronic diseases.

The vitamin complex helps strengthen the immune system, helps prevent the development of age-related diseases - diabetes, osteoporosis, atherosclerosis, heart attack, stroke.

  • Improves overall well-being and increases performance.
  • Does not cause adverse reactions.
  • Convenient to use - one tablet per day.
  • Not available everywhere.
  • High cost - about 650 rubles (pack of 30 capsules).

The plant-based product contains extracts of maral antlers, eurycoma, yohimbe, ginger, as well as vitamin E, nicotinamide and zinc. The combination of active components stimulates the production of testosterone, improves reproductive function and increases potency.

In rare cases, allergic reactions may occur while taking the drug. Application: a dessert spoon of liquid concentrate or a capsule per day for 15 days.

The liquid concentrate is diluted in a glass of any liquid (juice, tea, coffee, water). The medicine is taken with meals.

  • Significantly improves male sexual function and increases testosterone levels.
  • May cause increased heart rate, confusion, tremors, and increases blood pressure.
  • There was a review that after taking the drug, the patient’s blood pressure suddenly and strongly increased, they had to call an ambulance, and the doctors diagnosed a mini-stroke.
  • High cost - 500–550 rubles (pack of 15 capsules).

The complex for men contains: 13 vitamins (A, B1, B2, B5, B6, B9, B12, C, E, D, K, H, PP); 9 minerals (magnesium and manganese, iron and copper, zinc, iodine and selenium, chromium, calcium); carotenoids; organic acids; Eleutherococcus extract. All contained components are divided into three types of tablets: for morning, afternoon and evening use.

A complex of vitamins and minerals stimulates mental and physical activity, helps maintain normal functioning of the reproductive system. In case of individual intolerance to the components, hyperfunction of the thyroid gland, increased nervous excitability and sleep disorders, arterial hypertension, the drug should not be taken.

In rare cases (in case of intolerance to one of the components), allergic reactions may occur while taking vitamins.

  • The beneficial components are divided into three different tablets and do not change each other’s bioavailability.
  • Small tablet size.
  • Acceptable cost – 350–370 rubles.
  • Most men did not notice any changes in their well-being after taking it.
  • It’s not very convenient to take - 3 tablets a day.
  • Some people feel nauseous.

One of the vitamin complexes for men from a Slovenian pharmaceutical company. The product contains vitamins A, E, C, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B7, B9, B12, D, iodine, magnesium, iron, zinc, manganese.

The drug helps replenish the deficiency of missing vitamins and minerals in the body. In case of individual intolerance to the components and under the age of 10 years, the drug is contraindicated.

In rare cases, hypersensitivity reactions may develop while taking the drug.

  • Some patients did not feel the surge of energy and the positive effect of the vitamin complex on their well-being.
  • Large tablet size, hard to swallow.
  • Dyes included.

The capsules contain: 13 vitamins (A, E, C, D, H, H1, PP, B1, B2, B5, B6, B9, B12); 9 minerals (iodine, copper and manganese, chromium and selenium, iron, magnesium, silicon and zinc); amino acids arginine and methionine; carotenoid betacarotene; bioflavonoids; extracts of ginseng roots and dried garlic. The therapeutic effect of Wellman vitamins for men is complex.

The product is recommended for increased physical and mental stress, deterioration of concentration and memory, and fatigue. The complex also accelerates the body’s recovery after serious illnesses and chemotherapy, helps eliminate dizziness, headaches, tinnitus and other unpleasant symptoms that arise from cerebrovascular accidents (especially in older people).

  • An effective multi-component complex - increases performance (easier to wake up in the morning, less fatigue in the evening, activity and vigor throughout the day), helps to recover from severe fatigue, and keeps athletes in good shape.
  • Helps normalize blood pressure during hypotension.
  • The first positive changes are noted within a week after starting treatment.
  • Convenient to take - once a day.
  • Not all patients notice the increase in performance promised by the manufacturer.
  • May cause pressure surges and dizziness.
  • Some people experience nausea and stomach pain, even if taken as directed - with meals.
  • High price - 620 rubles (pack of 30 capsules).


When choosing a vitamin complex, you must take into account your individual needs and characteristics.

  • Age. A young male body (up to 40 years old) needs vitamins A and E, group B. If you have bad habits, you need to pay attention to the presence of lipoic acid in the composition. For men over 40 years old, it is important that the complex, in addition to other vitamins, contains biotin, which supports male beauty and prevents baldness. Those who have celebrated their fiftieth birthday need to buy a product that necessarily contains vitamins B12 and D, since the first is less easily absorbed with age, and the second is synthesized more slowly.
  • Nutritional features. If your diet includes healthy and varied foods, you can choose vitamin complexes with a lower content of vitamins - after all, some of the beneficial compounds enter the body with food. For those who have an unbalanced diet, it is better to give preference to complexes with the maximum content of nutrients.
  • Lifestyle. For athletes, men who lead an active lifestyle or experience constant heavy physical activity, large doses of nutrients are needed.
  • Male characteristics. Men do not require large amounts of iron - an excess of the mineral negatively affects the functioning of the heart and blood vessels. It is better to choose vitamins with the lowest dose of this element. But the need for vitamin E, zinc and selenium in men is higher than in women. These active components increase testosterone production, thereby normalizing reproductive function. In addition, regular intake of these substances helps prevent prostate development.

The pharmaceutical market offers a wide range of vitamin complexes developed taking into account the physiological characteristics and needs of the male body. Each drug has its own purpose: it increases immunity, has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the reproductive system, and increases mental and physical performance. Some drugs can cause tachycardia, increase blood pressure and cause other adverse reactions. Therefore, before purchasing the drug, it is better to consult a general practitioner.

The frantic pace of life and obsession with career absorb the strength of modern men. Plus fast food as the main diet, a frivolous attitude towards one’s own health. The result is nervousness, imbalance in the body, and sexual problems.

The best way to support yourself is to live according to a schedule and eat right. But there are few people willing to calculate the proportions of useful components contained in products.

The market has taken care of the majority, offering pharmacy multivitamins for men for any age, set of problems, and budget.

The stronger and weaker sex require different substances, including vitamins and minerals. It is useless or dangerous for a man to use drugs that his wife or girlfriend bought for himself. There almost always the main component is iron, which is necessary for ladies. An excess of this substance is harmful for men.

The best men's vitamins:

  • L-carnitine. Significantly affects potency and the ability to conceive a healthy baby. Deficiency of this substance leads to erectile dysfunction.
  • Retinol (A). Stimulates testosterone production, increases libido and potency. Protects vision, prevents or inhibits cancer. A good remedy for strengthening the immune system and increasing the body's resistance to stress. Reduces cravings for tobacco or alcohol.
  • Ascorbic acid (C). It expels harmful cholesterol from the body, especially useful for smokers.
  • Calciferol (D). This substance increases the absorption of minerals by the bone tissues of the body.
  • Tocopherol (E). This is a beneficial remedy for blood vessels. Normalizes the male genital area, improves sperm quality, and increases potency. It is also an antioxidant that inhibits aging.

B vitamins:

  • B1 (thiamine) - this substance is responsible for the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and general metabolism;
  • – supplies the body’s cells with oxygen;
  • B6 (pyridoxine) – controls the brain;
  • B9 (folic acid) – useful as a participant in the creation of nucleic acids;
  • B12 (cobalamin) is an essential component in the synthesis of hemoglobin.

Useful minerals:

  • Magnesium. This is the number one male mineral: it guarantees optimal functioning of the body. It also controls metabolism, protein synthesis, and is involved in cell construction.
  • Zinc. The main “curator” of testosterone synthesis. Without this mineral, the development of the male reproductive system is impossible. Strengthens the immune system.
  • Calcium. This mineral is useful for strengthening the skeleton, teeth, and nails.
  • Selenium. This trace element neutralizes toxins and other harmful substances. Improves the functioning of the male genital organs, activates sperm, and is therefore beneficial for potency.
These are mandatory components of “men’s” multivitamin complexes.

What vitamins are needed for men of different ages?

The physical condition of men of different age groups is different, so they need different support. It is worth starting to “feed” the body with useful components after crossing the 30-year mark.

Age 30+

The mission of vitamins for men after 30 years:

  • strengthen the immune system and muscles;
  • activate protein synthesis;
  • help fight stress.

Plus hormonal regulation.

Metrosexuals and aesthetes already at this age begin to be interested in products that restore attractiveness to the skin, nails, and hair.

Age 40+

The main beneficial “ingredients” of this period are vitamins C and D. These substances stimulate metabolism and prevent the appearance or development of oncology.

Antioxidants (A, C, E) inhibit aging and maintain visual acuity. These are proven vitamins for the skin.

Biotin is useful. This substance prevents baldness, which worries many representatives of the stronger sex in this age category.

Age 50+

After the main anniversary of life, the body synthesizes vitamin D worse. In adulthood, this is fraught with problems with the heart, teeth, bones, and interruptions in the functioning of the central nervous system. Health weakens, sagging skin and dull hair appear.

Calciferol is synthesized by sunlight in the skin. If there is no time for walks, taking it from medications is mandatory.

Components beneficial to men's health are folic acid and biotin. The first substance helps the liver work better, the second strengthens nails and prevents baldness.

Age 60+

In old age, additional problems arise. To solve them, special complexes with minerals and vitamins for men are selected:

  • The musculoskeletal system is vulnerable. Bones are fragile, calcium is actively washed out of the joints, resulting in osteoporosis. Therefore, the presence of calcium in the complex is mandatory.
  • Ascorbic acid, group B, are important. These components maintain efficiency, simultaneously slowing down aging and physical wear and tear of the body.
  • Group B compounds will support the heart, nervous system, and cleanse blood vessels. This complex of useful substances is the “battery” of the male body.

Vitamins are not synthesized by the body, but come from food. The absorption of these components is possible only with normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, proper nutrition is mandatory.
It is recommended to supplement multivitamins with zinc, magnesium, potassium, and other minerals and substances.

The daily requirement of the male body for nutrients

A lack or excess of beneficial components is equally harmful to the body. Therefore, you should take pharmaceutical drugs taking into account the daily intake of vitamins and minerals.

Vitamins (mg):

  • A – 2.9-3.2;
  • B1 – 2.3-2.6;
  • B2 – 3.1-3.5;
  • – 19-21;
  • B6 – 1.8-2.2;
  • B9 – 0.19-0.21;
  • B12 – 0.001-0.003;
  • C – 60-80;
  • D – 55-60;
  • E – 21-24;
  • H – 0.19-0.21.

Minerals (mg):

  • calcium – 1100-1300;
  • magnesium – 350-420;
  • selenium – 0.06-0.08;
  • zinc – 19-22.
The exact amount of each substance is individual. This indicator is determined by the age, physical condition, and body weight of the man.

How to make the right choice

The pharmacological market is oversaturated with “male” drugs to suit any request or budget. Advertising convinces that this or that complex is a panacea for a “bouquet” of problems.

However, we are talking about health, so you shouldn’t lose your head. A reasonable solution is to get a prescription from a doctor who has been seeing the person for years.

If this is not possible, when choosing a product yourself, take into account:

  • age;
  • presence/absence of diseases (especially serious or chronic);
  • lifestyle;
  • daily diet;
  • bad habits (smoking, alcohol or drugs).

When choosing a set of vitamins and minerals, read the instructions and make sure that the time of use does not exceed the expiration date.
Attention is required to analyze the composition of the drug for contraindications of any component.
An expensive, well-promoted brand and cheap products often give similar results.

The best men's vitamins

Pharmacies and online stores offer an abundance of drugs that solve pressing men's problems. There are several most popular options.

Vitamins for immunity for men

For representatives of the stronger sex who want to support themselves, general strengthening complex products are suitable. We are talking about vitamin preparations for men during physical activity and stress:

  • Alphabet for men. The number one product in this niche. Hypoallergenic. The capsules contain most of the critically essential components, including plant extracts and amino acids. Budget option.
  • Vitrum life. This complex is intended for men aged 35+ who prefer an active lifestyle. Helps maintain physical condition, strengthen immunity or potency. Increases testosterone levels.
  • Solgar. The American preparation contains an assortment of vitamins, minerals, plant extracts, and other useful components. Supports the male body, useful as a general tonic.
  • Superia. This drug is prescribed to men with weakened immunity during the off-season or chronic fatigue.
  • Selmevit. This product strengthens men's immunity and improves the body's adaptation to adverse conditions. A lifesaver for residents of environmentally problematic regions or those employed in hazardous industries.

Vitamins for men when planning pregnancy

Having decided to become a parent, seven to eight months before the planned conception of a child (or earlier), a man must begin saturating the body with useful components. Especially vitamins for men's health:

  • Vitamin E. Without this component, testosterone synthesis is impossible (it makes sperm better). His area of ​​responsibility is sperm mobility.
  • Ascorbic acid. Normalizes the presence of male sex hormones. By strengthening the sperm membrane, this element enhances their vitality.
  • Folic acid. The component responsible for the appearance of mobile strong sperm.

The main “players” in the process of conception are C, E, L-carnitine and folic acid. The quartet is complemented by other substances beneficial to men's health.

L-carnitine is useful because it solves problems of male infertility. Under its influence, there are more healthy, strong sperm (the number of sick or weakened sperm tends to zero). They ripen correctly and are more mobile.

Many drugs contain optimal combinations of useful minerals and vitamins for men before conception. Popular men's products:

  • Alphabet.
  • Viardot (Forte).
  • Complivit Classic.
  • Orthomol Fertil Plus.
  • SpermActive.
  • Selmevit Intensive or Spermstrong.

For potency

The most important minerals and vitamins for potency are A, E, selenium, zinc and copper. Under their influence, testosterone is produced by the male body faster and therefore accumulates. Alpha tocopherol (E) is an essential vitamin for erectile function. It ensures the process of hematopoiesis, without which the sexual organ may not receive enough blood. And this is fraught with erectile dysfunction.

Complexes of minerals and vitamins for male strength:

  • Centrum. The best choice for prostate problems. The drug also strengthens the body and improves immunity.
  • Doppelhertz. The substances contained in this drug solve a complex of problems. They improve the functioning of the prostate gland, the process of urination, and prevent the spread of inflammatory processes.
  • Forsman. A drug useful for men with impotence. Raises testosterone levels. Accelerates the supply of blood to the genital organs, which has a beneficial effect on erection.
  • By normalizing the amount of testosterone, the drugs Impaza and Prelox enhance potency.
  • Strengthening or restoring the functions of the male reproductive system is supervised by nutritional supplements (BAS):
  • Parity. Russian drug from Evalar. Restores and increases potency and libido. Also activates the genitourinary area. Contraindicated for young guys, this is a remedy for adult men.

Man`s Formula Potential Forte. Men's dietary supplement based on Siberian ginseng plus yohimbe tree bark. Reanimates potency, normalizes blood flow in the pelvic organs. Useful for improving the quality of sexual intercourse and the resistance of the genitourinary system to infections. Strengthens the reproductive system and the body as a whole. This drug is in demand by men aged 40+. The package is designed for a course (one tablet per day).

The production of complexes, additives, and other means to eliminate problems of an intimate nature has been put into production in China. Dietary supplements Fujunbao Super, Hui Zhong Dan, and others restore male power.

For hair loss

When baldness begins, the following male medications are useful:

  • Velmen Tricholodzhik. The product is from the UK, so it is expensive. But the costs are justified: hair loss slows down after 15-20 days, and new ones appear within six months. To eliminate the problem, sometimes the course needs to be repeated.
  • Hair expert. An effective Russian drug from Evalar. The complex contains vitamins, zinc, biotin, horsetail extract, and other beneficial substances.

This is an effective alternative to folk remedies such as onion juice or hot pepper. Not everyone wants to cook and rub in these drugs.


  • Opti-Men. This American men's complex is created for athletes. Especially recommended for powerlifters and bodybuilders. Includes biotin, C, B12, zinc, and other substances beneficial to the body. Muscles build up more intensely and immunity increases. The drug is manufactured by Optimum Nutrition. It is not always offered by pharmacies, but constantly by the chain.
  • Complexes valued by fitness enthusiasts are a source of pride for Orthomol Corporation (Germany).
  • Maxler VitaMen (Belarus), Monster Multi (USA), and other sets are intended for athletes.

The mission of these drugs is to help the male body withstand stress during training.


Drug number one is Duovit. Solves many problems. Includes tablets in two colors (vitamins and minerals separately). This way, the beneficial components are better absorbed by the body. As a result of use, the immune system is strengthened, hair loss is inhibited, and the emotional state improves.

This product is inexpensive and suitable from the age of ten. Among the disadvantages are side effects, a long list of contraindications (including diabetes), and incompatibility of the components of the complex with many drugs.

Vitamins for men after 50 years

Critical vitamins for older men are the following: A, group B (1, 2, 3, 6, 12), C, D, E.

These components preserve the youth of the male body, solve the problem of potency, and prevent infections. Their deficiency makes a man nervous and irritable. He experiences more hair loss, insomnia and fatigue.

Of the mineral and vitamin complexes, Duovit, Complivit or Alphabet for men are useful for the stronger sex.


To enhance the beneficial effects of pharmaceutical drugs on the body, they are supplemented with good nutrition.

Fish oil or fatty fish species help restore potency for men. Potatoes, cereals, garden herbs, and sweet fruits improve sperm quality. Carrots keep an eagle's eye, citrus fruits or bell peppers strengthen the immune system. At any age, it is advisable to eat these healthy foods for men more often.

If you need pharmaceutical drugs, there is no need to overpay for imported brands. Russian analogues are available and just as effective.