Jokes and pranks for colleagues. Office pranks: cheer up How to prank a sales colleague at work

If you haven’t yet found the perfect way to prank your colleagues in the office on April 1st or are looking for something new and special for this year, then be sure to pay attention to this material. Office pranks have their own characteristics, which should always be remembered on the eve of their preparation.

It’s clear that, as with all other jokes, you should choose jokes that won’t offend a person, won’t point out his weaknesses or other problems that you don’t want to talk about out loud, especially with work colleagues. But another important option when choosing a prank for colleagues is to make sure that the joke and its consequences do not interfere with the normal flow of the working day or change the accepted staffing schedule.

Advice! If you know for sure that the joke will be large-scale and will amuse everyone so much that it will be impossible to return to work later, then you should postpone it until after the end of the main working day.

Options for pranking colleagues in the office on April 1

The boss is calling

This is perhaps the most harmless and easy-to-implement joke, which, nevertheless, if you show maximum ability, can make everyone laugh. You need to approach your colleague with a serious look and say that the boss is calling you and, apparently, he is very dissatisfied with his colleague. When he gets ready and is already at the boss’s door, report that the usual April Fool’s prank just happened to him.


There are several options here. The first is to agree with all colleagues to wear construction helmets or cowboy hats or other headwear that everyone can definitely find. The boss will definitely be shocked when he gets to the office in the morning.

The second version of the clothing prank is to take as many different clothes as possible to the office and change clothes constantly throughout the day. Especially if you have a conversation with your boss. Soon he will begin to think that either there is something wrong with him or that something is really going on in the office.

About pay

Without any accomplices, you can figure out how to prank your colleagues in the office on April 1st. For example, in a smoking room or in a common kitchen, you can accidentally start a rumor that a salary increase (or salary reduction) is coming. Say that you accidentally overheard a conversation between the director and the accountant, what will happen now!


If you have people under your command, then you can make fun of them directly. To do this, it is enough to demand from them a report for March 32 with a serious and even irritated look. Moreover, to say that you were waiting for this report yesterday and it is better not to awaken the beast in you.

With mice

To implement this joke in the office, you will need to come to work before everyone else or leave on March 31st after everyone else. Double-sided tape is used to stick computer mice to tables. In the morning you will be left to enjoy the picture, when your colleagues will not understand what has been going on with their computer since the very morning.

With fly

This joke is suitable for a brave employee. You will need to leave your fly unzipped, and when someone notices and points it out, say that you like walking much better this way.

With coffee

There may be several options for how to prank your colleagues in the office on April 1st. You can kneel in front of the coffee maker and ask it to make the most delicious coffee. You can simply start drinking coffee through a straw with a straight face.

Repeat question

For this prank you will need to choose a victim. Throughout the day, pay attention to her, constantly approach her, and ask in the tone of a conspirator: “Have you heard what things are going on?” When a person asks what’s going on, pretend that it’s no longer important (but try to maintain the intrigue throughout the day).

With toilet

You can write a notice on the toilet door that, due to cost cutting, the company is asking each employee to now bring their own toilet paper. Alternatively, you can simply hang a sign on the toilet door stating that it is closed for repairs. Which ones can be carried out?

Glasses of water

You can connect the cups with staples, and then pour water into them. Now set it up in the tea room and watch how every employee comes in and wants to drink some water, but how he won’t be able to get anything done with a glass.

We offer these interesting options for drawings for colleagues in the office on April 1st. Agree that each version of the prank is essentially harmless and should not offend anyone. You should always remember about subordination at work and choose only April Fools' jokes that will be correctly interpreted by all employees and bosses.


Arrive at work a little earlier than your colleague. Take double-sided tape and glue the objects that are on his desktop - a box of paper clips, a ruler, a stack of documents, a cup for pens and pencils (pens and pencils can also be glued in it), etc. Your colleague will be very surprised that familiar objects are not given to him.

For this prank, you will have to get a voice recorder equipped with an external speaker. On the eve, write down characteristic repeating sounds. A heartbeat works great, but you can come up with something else (for example, dull rumbles of thunder, the frequent clicking of heels, or the usual forest “cuckoo”). Hide the recorder in the closet and turn on Play before your colleague arrives. Close the closet and sit quietly at your desk. A colleague who hears strange sounds will ask you if you hear anything, to which you should shrug your shoulders and shake your head with a straight face. Questions may be repeated. Persistently insist that you don’t hear anything, and ask anxiously whether your friend is experiencing auditory hallucinations.

If your colleague has a landline phone on his desk, cover the handles that hold the receiver with tape. When the phone rings and your friend picks up, the persistent calls will not stop, which will greatly surprise and confuse him. If your colleague is the owner of a cordless phone, cover the microphone hole with tape in advance and watch with a sympathetic look as your friend, straining himself, screams into the receiver, but the subscriber does not hear him.

If your colleague is one of those who likes to hang his monitor or the walls of his computer desk with such small pieces of paper (post-it), which are called reminders (well, so as not to forget what to do and when), then you have the cards in hand. “Incorporate” your reminders into his reminders (try to match his handwriting). For example, “Don’t forget to tell the boss that he is a goat,” “I was invited by Oksana to the restaurant on April 2,” “Call Angela at 15:00, she wanted to say something important.” Invent, compose, tailor notes to situations. Your colleague will be very surprised and puzzled until he realizes that this is your doing.

You can “work” on his computer before your colleague arrives. For example, swap 2-3 keys with letters, cover the eye of an optical mouse with opaque tape or tape. And then, when a friend gets to work and starts swearing, sympathetically ask: “What’s the matter, friend?”

The following joke is extremely simple, but it always works flawlessly. During the working day, look at your colleague from time to time and ask: “Are you okay?”, “Are you sure everything is fine?”, “Did your boss call you today?” No, nothing, I just asked,” “Is everything okay at home? Well, well...", etc. The colleague will probably be alarmed, but you put on a mysterious look, look at him with sympathy, sigh and continue asking your questions. In this prank, as a rule, the one who asks the questions is the first to break down - he begins to laugh, and for a long time the worried workmate cannot believe that he was simply pranked.

Just let’s agree: forget about the hackneyed jokes that were popular even 30 years ago... Well, really - who in our time will seriously react to “your back is white” and “the boss calls you to the carpet - it will be a headache”? Get creative with the process!

It’s difficult, time-consuming, but worth it: how to prank your colleagues in the office on April Fools’ Day

Organizing such a prank will require a little effort and material investments, but believe me, it’s worth it! At least because colleagues in the office will not immediately understand that they are being played.

Often, people who sit side by side in an office for a long time have similar preferences. For example, in music: try listening to your friend’s favorite radio station day after day - and after 218 days you yourself will be humming a song that seemed stupid just yesterday. Or the latest press: during your lunch break, having nothing to do, you willy-nilly look at a printed spread someone has opened, and a day or two later you ask to read the newspaper yourself.

Therefore, if most of your colleagues read the same newspaper, you should offer them an “emergency special issue.” It’s probably not worth reminding that this is an original joke for colleagues on April 1st. And you must pick up the extraordinary issue of the tabloid from the printing office the day before.

What to write on newspaper pages? Anything, whatever you think will excite and engage readers. The main thing is that they take the information seriously. And your task for the whole day is to continue the joke and stir up interest in the news that captivated them.

Since there is a possibility that a certain note may pass by a colleague, we strongly recommend putting a few “sensations” in the newspaper - something that will attract the attention of the office community!

Unconventional pranks on the first of April for work colleagues: everyone will laugh heartily

Are you not interested in the newspaper idea? Let's go further. Here are some original options for pranking your work colleagues on April Fools' Day:

  • Enter into a “conspiracy” with the person responsible for regular e-mail newsletters. Send the news to everyone at their work addresses: management allegedly purchased new equipment controlled by voice commands. And now, in order to make a copy of the document, the smart machine should be told about it - loudly, clearly, with intonation.

Undoubtedly, most colleagues in the office will not fall for such a prank. But they will probably come to the room with office equipment - in order to watch the gullible staff shouting in every possible way: “Print, come on, who am I telling this to?!?”

  • Take a closer look at your employee’s (or co-worker’s) phone and remember its case in detail. Buy the same one. When you come to work on April 1, ask your colleague to give you a phone number - supposedly yours doesn’t work... And then everything depends on your artistry: have a heated “dialogue” on your mobile phone, shout and swear with an invisible interlocutor, and at some point, in your hearts, throw it on the floor ... bought a cover for the floor. Hide the device itself discreetly in your pocket. For greater effect, you can jump on the case, breaking it into tiny pieces.

In order not to get injured by your offended partner (of course, a smartphone worth several thousand will be shattered), inform her about the prank immediately, without waiting for her to go “hand-to-hand.”

  • Invite your office colleagues for an evening get-together. Announce an “adult” program: drinks, snacks. Place an expensive bottle of cognac on the table and, after pouring a glass for everyone, savor the drink in your wine glass. Don’t pay attention to your friends’ bewilderment - it’s clear that they don’t understand why tea poured into a cognac bottle does not contain a single gram of alcohol... After all, the drink is elite...

Minimum effort, maximum fun: time-consuming pranks on April 1 in the office for colleagues

You still haven’t decided how you’ll prank your employees at work on April Fools’ Day?

  • Coat the faucet hole where the water flows with food coloring. All you have to do is open the tap and multi-colored splashes will fill the entire sink. To enhance the effect, “tinting” the water can be repeated over and over again - when another colleague, having used the WC, has left the room.
  • Disorganize the work process for all your co-workers for a couple of minutes: stick tape on the computer mouse sensor. The cursor on the screen will either not move at all, or twitch in all directions - like crazy. But be prepared for the fact that the reason why the mouse lives an independent life will be determined very quickly.

  • You can also swap the left and right mouse buttons in the settings - for non-advanced computer users, such a simple prank will become a real puzzle for some time.
  • Bring a USB keyboard with Touchscreen from home and seamlessly connect the transmitter to your friend's computer. And then everything is simple: sit in a corner and move the cursor in one direction or the other; In text documents that a colleague fills out, add funny words; close opened folders. The main thing is not to get carried away and stop in time.
  • Does your work partner type a lot in Word or Excel? You can play a prank on him and replace the words he uses most often (report, search, application, cost, price) with funny phrases. You can do this in a matter of minutes using AutoCorrect. But be careful: no one will appreciate such a joke if a colleague has a pressing assignment, and even a minute’s delay in submitting it can cost the entire department a quarterly bonus.

It's a small thing, but it's nice...

All the ideas listed below are not jokes. Rather, these are fun things that few people will do on ordinary days (no time, colleagues won’t understand, etc.), but on April 1 they will certainly cheer up the entire office.

  • Replace plain paper in all toilet stalls with rolls with color prints: printed banknotes, a selection of funny jokes, cool pictures. Such rolls of paper are sold everywhere in joke shops - they are inexpensive, and a wagon and a small cart will give you emotions.
  • The night before, close the blinds in the room and draw some funny design on their inside, make an interesting inscription. A prerequisite for this: use special water-based markers (many of these are sold in the stationery department, in stores with children's accessories for creativity). When leaving home, roll up the blinds. The next day, on a bright afternoon, one of your colleagues, fleeing the bright spring sun, will definitely close the shutters - and the whole office will see your creativity!
  • Bake (or buy) some scary sweets. These can be terribly realistic cookies that look like a human finger (half an almond will perfectly serve as a nail). Or marshmallows covered with “bloody streaks” (cranberry or cherry juice will serve as a blood substitute). Arrive at the office a couple of minutes before your co-workers and quickly place treats on their desks. If the sweet desserts are made to perfection, then first you will hear the screams of the female half of the office, and then - delight and praise addressed to you. Well, tea drinking at lunchtime will be a success!

  • Dress up on the first of April with your colleagues in funny masks, put funny hoops on your head - with ears, horns, a halo. Believe me, such a change in image will improve your mood 100%. The main thing is to be 100% sure that on this very day the business partners with whom your boss has been dreaming about the next contract for years will not come to the office...

But remember: April 1 pranks at work can have fatal consequences...

...for you - in case the jokes cross the boundaries of what is permitted.

  • Avoid harsh April Fools' jokes that ridicule shortcomings in appearance, criticize a person's intellectual abilities, and humiliate his honor and dignity.
  • Forget about jokes and pranks on April 1, involving damage to property - both public and personal - of any of the people being pranked.
  • Avoid pranks that will make your colleague feel awkward.

When organizing this or that funny situation on the first of April, always think two steps ahead - estimate what consequences this prank could have.

And finally - advice for all times: never try to find the “point C” (in the sense of laughter) in people whose sense of humor you don’t understand... It’s better not to organize an April Fool’s prank for him on this day, but to give the person a sincere compliment - more there will be benefits.

Suitable for office workers.
Write on household appliances (computer, kettle, coffee maker, refrigerator, split system, etc.)
signs: “By order of the authorities, all household appliances are switching to voice control,
number and signature"Also examples of commands, for example kettle "Boil", etc.


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Create a postcard

prank at work

In the office, during the working day, a man appears wrapped in a sheet and loudly shouts to the girl you are pranking, “Katya, I left some clothes in a bag with you yesterday, did you happen to take them with you, please look?” The girl, in complete bewilderment, takes the bag and pulls it out the men's shirt and trousers that you previously placed under it.

Pranks at work

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Create a postcard

Prank at work

Very often in our time, clothing dealers come to offices or institutions, i.e. it turns out that the whole team gets dressed in one “store”.
An employee secretly buys the same suit as her boss.
On one of the days on which a serious meeting is planned, the employee, knowing what dress the boss will wear, comes in the same one, but for the time being hides the dress under a long cardigan.
The boss speaks at a meeting. The employee raises her hand and asks for feedback. When the boss gives her permission to speak, the employee quickly takes off her cardigan and says, “I completely and completely agree with our boss!” The effect will be indescribable.


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Create a postcard


A prank on a colleague at his workplace.
Take a regular paper clip and bend it so that its two rounded parts point in different directions. Break off one part and head to the copy machine. Place a piece of paperclip in the corner of the scanner and make several dozen “copies” of the paperclip. Then return the papers back to the machine's tray. Your colleague, who decides to make a copy, will find a paper clip imprint on the documents and decide that he forgot to remove it from the document. Seeing that there is nothing on the paper, he will make another copy. But after noticing the ghost paperclip for the second time, he will probably investigate the scanner itself and, finding nothing, try to print again. If intelligence is not your colleague's strong point, then the search for a paperclip can drag on for a long time. To add more nervousness to his actions, all work colleagues approach the scanner, feigning an urgent need for copying.


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Create a postcard

List of numbers

To play the prank, you need to stealthily steal your work colleague's cell phone.
The phone must be working.
Then you fill him in with your numbers, making sure they are repeated.
When he calls his boss, he will get to you, and you will answer him laundry in one way, McDonald's in another, and something similar in the third.
When he goes through the numbers and constantly ends up in nowhere, he will be shocked.
Then he will most likely pick up his phone.
And he will start going through numbers, trying to get through to the target.
Naturally, he will take telephone numbers from his work phone.
The shock will be double!!!


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Create a postcard

Cat in a box

Your pet is required for the giveaway.
You bring your cat in a box to your colleague, and put the box on his desk, and a note on top, for a good job.
A delighted colleague will go to open it, and then there is a miracle cat in a box, he will be dumbfounded, and you will have a good laugh!!!

Pranks at work

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Create a postcard

Congestion at the entrance

An incredible prank in the office.
The raffle with the box was held in front of the office entrance. A cardboard box was used for it, which is wider than the doorway. A slot is made at the top of the box like for a piggy bank. And on one side it says in large letters “Good people! Help us fundraise for gender reassignment surgery.” The box must be kept with the inscription addressed to you. Near the entrance to the office, a small scene is played out with the impossibility of getting inside. The first colleague you come across should be asked to hold the box for a couple of minutes. When transferred, the inscription appears in front, but the person holding the box does not see it. And he will be perplexed by those who passed by and smiled broadly, or even threw a couple of coins into the box. It was fun, especially since the joke was discussed all day with laughter.


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Create a postcard

Questionable call

A joke on gullibility.
If a new young secretary has appeared in your team. Spectators, privy to the prank, observe her behavior. Someone from the next room calls the secretary and, in as serious a voice as possible, reports that they are calling from the telephone exchange, and now, in order to clean the wires, hot steam under pressure will be supplied through the telephone channel. Therefore, you need to very quickly wrap all telephone handsets in the office with plastic or paper (or put them on the floor). The most important thing is to say it seriously and quickly. Well, the secretary should be quite trusting. Don't forget to warn your boss about the prank in advance so that he doesn't fire his new secretary for unexplained actions.


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Create a postcard


On difficult weekdays, print out a vacation sheet.
Correct the date there.
Wait until your colleague is in a bad mood or has problems, and run to him with the good news, with a vacation certificate.
When he finds out that this is a joke, at least it will cheer him up!!!


We have already talked about unusual jokes for parents, friends and children, but we spend most of our time at work, which means we need to be fully prepared and know office jokes on colleagues. The main rule is simple: do not forget that any bad joke can ruin your reputation forever.

Beware, bad joke: precautionary rules

Before you prank someone on April 1st at work, familiarize yourself with the “golden” rules that will guarantee that your joke is truly funny and not a failure:

  1. Under no circumstances should you interrupt work processes in the office for a long time, much less disorient the work of other team members in the office. A successful work prank is not only funny, but also quick.
  2. The first of April is not a holiday on which there is a great opportunity to annoy someone. Remember, if you play the “victim” incorrectly, and even in front of your colleagues, you will make a serious enemy. Do you need it? Therefore, we advise you to prank one of your closest friends. Firstly, you know very well their character traits and topics that may offend. Secondly, even if the joke seems unsuccessful to a friend, a joint cup of coffee and a look begging for forgiveness will correct the incident.
  3. Never make fun of people who have no sense of humor. And in every team there is probably such a person, sometimes more than one.
  4. We do not recommend joking with those who are higher than you on the career ladder. Moreover, this should not be done even if there is not a very big difference between the “steps”. And, of course, no pranks on your superiors, this is taboo.
  5. Jokes in the office on employees should be as neutral as possible. Do not touch on their shortcomings, appearance, as well as financial and marital status. Even a cute habit that has been publicly ridiculed can affect a person deeply.

Draw 1
“Please speak up!”

If you don’t know how to joke with a work colleague, then use a harmless and time-tested method. Print out several signs with approximately the following content: “Starting today, a completely new service is available in our office - voice control of all electrical appliances.” Please provide the instructions below in formal style:

  • in order to turn on the electric kettle, you need to say the command “Make tea!”
  • To start the coffee maker you need to say loudly “I want a cup of coffee!”
  • Before the microwave starts operating, you need to clearly communicate: “Pot, cook!”
  • To turn on the lighting you should say: “Let there be light!”

In the “instructions”, mark that each command must be loud, clear and distinct. You need to hang a funny message on office doors, at the entrance to the office, and also directly in the office kitchen. It will be a lot of fun when loud commands from gullible colleagues are heard from the kitchen throughout lunch.

Draw 2
“General labialization”

April Fool's Day at work will definitely happen if you use this prank. Again, he touches on the topic of a cool ad that should be seen by as many office employees as possible. The content may be as follows: “Everyone today urgently needs to undergo mandatory labialization. For a certificate confirming your passage, you need to go to office No. ___” (indicate your office or the HR department office for greater persuasiveness). Rarely does a person know what labialization is. And this is a way of pronouncing sounds, in which you need to stretch your lips forward in a “ducky” manner. Those who come for a certificate should be told about this and asked to say “April 1st - I don’t trust anyone!” with their lips stretched out like a straw. Well, give your colleague a certificate - he deserves it!

Draw 3
“IQ and self-esteem”

Such jokes on colleagues are also popular. We propose to develop a special test questionnaire. The content may be something like this.

  1. "FULL NAME. subject___
  2. Age (full years)___
  3. Personal opinion about your IQ (a number from one to ten)___
  4. Real IQ test results take place in office No.___
  5. Specialist diagnosis____
  6. Test date___
  7. Signature___".

Indicate that the testing was initiated by the chief director of the company, who wants to test the creative and work potential of his employees. To be more convincing, it is best to distribute the questionnaires the day before April 1 at the end of the working day - colleagues will be able to fill them out only in the morning, without sensing any catch. When a colleague comes into the office of the “responsible for testing IQ in your company,” you offer him a written joke test with the most strange questions possible. As a result, you give him a score of no more than five points, and enter a diagnosis into the questionnaire - “inflated self-esteem.” Have a laugh with your colleague!

Draw 4
“Don’t take someone else’s”

On April 1, pranks at work can be the most sophisticated. You can ridicule, for example, the eternal habit of colleagues without asking to take food from a common refrigerator. This prank requires minimal preparation: prepare a couple of delicious dishes before the working day. Pies or “nuts” are best suited for this purpose. But the filling in such delicacies should not be apple, not cream, or even cheese. Use the strangest combinations of products: herring with onions, or garlic with boiled cauliflower. In general, it should be as tasteless as possible. Imagine, for example, a delicious pastry filled with lard and raw onions. Ugh!

At lunchtime, treat your colleagues to some goodies, but prepared according to the recipe. They will praise your “nuts” with condensed milk, and then someone will definitely want to drink tea with something tasty, and will remember how you put a whole basket of baked goods in the refrigerator. And there will be “cool” food lying there, which he is unlikely to appreciate.

True, such a draw has a minus. The “thief” may not give himself away, but will quietly be upset that his expectations were not met. Therefore, this prank is suitable for small, “home” offices, where the kitchen area is visible.

Draw 5
“Don’t blame the mirror if you didn’t come out with your face”

The April 1st scenario in the office must include jokes with the mirror - they always go down well. The joker needs to come to the office a little earlier than the start of the working day. Using the usual method, we need to stick printed photographs of some monsters on the mirrors in the restrooms. Hint: successful characters can be chosen in cinema (for example, Shrek for men's toilets and Princess Fiona for women's).

Every employee who approaches the mirror will definitely see not his own charming reflection, but an unpleasant face. And only then will he see a sign below with the inscription “there is no point in blaming the mirror if your face is crooked.” Colleagues will not be offended, but will remember what day it is today.

Draw 6
"Blue screen of death"

Jokes about colleagues with a computer are always relevant. Find an opportunity to secretly work on a colleague's computer. The simplest and most successful version of the joke is to replace ordinary wallpaper with the “blue screen of death.” A colleague who turns on the computer will mentally say goodbye to all valuable documents in electronic form. Ideally, other employees in the office sadly add: “yes, not a single file can be restored.” Note that this prank is relevant for not the most advanced users, so do not think that it is suitable, for example, for the chief programmer of your company.

Draw 7
“Can I have Kuzmich?”

A telephone prank at work will also be quite effective. It’s simple: choose a “victim”, take a mobile phone whose number is unknown to your colleague. Move away from the person being played, call and ask for the fictitious Kuzmich to come to the phone. After five to seven persistent calls, the colleague will be on the verge of anger. You can “finish off” a colleague with a call from Kuzmich, who will ask if anyone just called him.

Do you know a cool draw for April 1st in the office? If yes, then share with our readers in the comments below the article!

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