Download love sms to your beloved girl. A letter of concern to a girl. Love letters to a girl. Here are tips for budding romantics

Want say something to a girl to make her melt? Let's first figure out how and why to do this.

As you’ve already heard somewhere, girls love with their ears. They like it when guys compliment them. But you should understand that a compliment is different from a compliment. Because you can say something that is not at all appropriate in a given situation, and also look unnatural at the same time.

I would like to say more about the last point. When you communicate with a girl, try to make your communication with her look as natural as possible. Guys often try to say what they think the girl wants to hear. This is wrong, as speech begins to sound forced and unnatural. Of course, when you behave unnaturally, it repels the other person.

How to say nice things to a girl

Therefore, when you want to compliment a girl so that she melts, try to speak from the heart, and the way you want it. In this case, he will really appreciate your sincerity. This article gives some examples of what to say. But if you want to say it sincerely, you can very quickly come up with something of your own. After all, every girl is unique. Think carefully about what you like most about her, what makes your heart beat faster. Maybe it’s some kind of cute habit of hers, a way of speaking, behaving, or just a peculiarity in her appearance. Highlight it, tell her, and show her how this trait has a positive effect on you. The more unexpected the compliment, the more it will impress the girl.

Remember that everything should be in moderation. You can say something very pleasant and unexpected to a girl. But if you constantly bombard her with compliments, she will get used to it and will not perceive them.

What to tell a girl to make her melt - examples

All the phrases below really work. However, use them at the right time. You can write these sentences on VK, or just say them in real life.

#1 Talking to you makes me think about the soulmate theory.

#2 I can't imagine my life without you in it.

#3 How do you always manage to look so attractive?

#4 I feel happy next to you.

#5 You always know how to surprise me.

#6 You're so cute when you smile.

#7 I dreamed about you last night.

#8 I'm crazy about your smell.

#9 You dance so well!

#10 When I see your smile, my mood rises to the skies.

#11 And why did I only meet you now?

#12 You are the most beautiful girl I have ever met.

#13 Your eyes are so deep and expressive that you can drown in them.

#14 Your love for me makes me move mountains every day.

#15 You are very cute when you sleep.

Now you know what to say to a girl to make her melt.

Many guys have a problem: they don’t know what to write to a girl to make her feel good. This is not difficult when you have known a person for a long time, but if you have known each other for a few days, it is difficult to guess which phrase will lift her spirits and create the right impression. We will try to help, share our experience and imagination, as well as tips from experienced people.

What to write to a girl in the first message?

The most difficult thing is to start; the first letter is undoubtedly difficult to formulate, because there is a person whom you do not know at all, and often have never seen. Therefore, you should maintain modesty and avoid vulgarity in your messages, but maintain intrigue and originality:

  • “Today is suitable for a pleasant acquaintance, can it take place?”;
  • “Hello, I’m also a fan of this group, can you tell me which site is the best to download their songs on?”;
  • “I can’t solve this problem, can you help me?”;
  • “Hello, don’t you remember me?”;
  • “I need to give a gift to my sister, tell me what a 12-year-old girl might like?”;
  • “Hello, my name is Sergey, I’m a member of the same group, so I wanted to meet you”;
  • “Today I dreamed of a beautiful stranger, and in the morning I accidentally saw your photograph, are there such coincidences?”;
  • “Let's just become friends and girlfriends?”;

If you are really interested in her, study her page: what she is interested in, what groups she is in, what music she listens to. This will give you information with which you can start dating.

How to proceed?

If she doesn’t answer, don’t insist, it means she doesn’t want to. The girl responded with a phrase that suggests further communication - go ahead. It all depends on the goals here, if this is flirting for an easy relationship, then don’t delay with poems and emoticons, throw in a few defining phrases:

  1. “Are you sad? I can brighten up a lonely girl’s evening”;
  2. “Baby, I care about your hot photos, do you want to meet?”;
  3. “You’re cool and I’m not a mistake, I think we’ll have a great time together, don’t mind?”;
  4. “I’m ready to dedicate myself to you, are you ready?”;

By answering them, she will immediately make it clear what she is ready for. But, when you are looking for a serious acquaintance, the correspondence can last an indefinite amount of time, take your time, don’t push, get to know the person and at the same time don't forget to compliment:

  • “Great photo, how did you manage to take such a picture?”;
  • “Every time I rush here to spend the evening in pleasant company”;
  • “I didn’t find a message from you today and I’m upset”;
  • “I’m interested in communicating with you on the Internet, I’m sure it’s more interesting in life.”

Slowly probe her, talk less about yourself, if she is interested, she will ask, this will be a good sign.

This video demonstrates several interesting, original examples of such messages, after which any girl will certainly melt:

What to write to a girl you like?

You’ve already gotten to know each other a little, maybe you’re dating, and you really want to please your beloved with a message during the day:

  • “They say that angels live in heaven and only occasionally descend to earth - I was lucky, I saw one yesterday”;
  • “The most beautiful eyes are now reading this message”;
  • “The most pleasant thing I can do is think about you”;
  • “Baby, when you are far away, the days and nights last twice as long, and the sun does not shine so brightly, I want to be close”;
  • “The best girl was with me tonight”;
  • “You see the weather has turned bad because you are sad today, give people joy - smile”;
  • “You cured me of color blindness, now I see the world in bright colors”;

You can use these phrases as is, you can change the meaning by adding a suitable emoticon and a touch of humor for a good mood.

How to apologize in verse to a girl?

It happens that a guy offends a girl, and then it’s difficult to find words of apology. Of course, it’s better to ask for forgiveness in person, but sometimes it’s not possible and the Internet comes to the rescue.

Use regular touching sentences:

  • “Forgive the fool, I was wrong, I’m very afraid of losing you”;
  • “I know that because of my mistake you are not sleeping now, I want to change everything, to forget what happened.”

Or send poetry :

I want you to shine with a smile,

Forgive my mistakes!

My baby frowned

Sorry for the grief!

I'm left alone and I miss you

Now I'm on my way alone

It's not too late to admit your guilt,

Forgive me, forgive me!

Darling, forgive me for the quarrel,

I admit that I'm guilty

I brought you a lot of grief,

You smile - I will be glad!

I'm afraid of losing you

From now on I will be calm and gentle,

Would you agree to take a walk with me?

I'm standing under the balcony with flowers.

Of course, everything depends on the degree of guilt, but it is unlikely that a woman will be able to resist poetry (even not always with rhyme) and sincere apologies.

What should you not write to a woman?

There are phrases that, after reading, a girl will not communicate with you. Usually this is either vulgar advances or self-aggrandizement. Below we give some examples:

  • « Hello, let's get to know each other!" - This phrase is normal, but it gives the right to choose; this question can simply be answered: “No”;
  • « You probably won't answer my message, but...“- a demonstration of uncertainty, and this does not make a man look good;
  • « Maybe I'm not your type" - this is never good for dating. How can she know what kind of person is writing a message if you are just trying to get acquainted;
  • « Baby let's have sex“- but everything is clear right away, but not for serious intentions. Some ladies will like this context if you are looking for her for these purposes. But when you need a woman to build a serious relationship or even a family, it is better to exclude this proposal;
  • « Your photos are beautiful, but your content is equally beautiful?“- sounds challenging and if some accept the challenge, then the majority will be added to the blacklist.

Try to be just a person in correspondence with a new acquaintance, communicate as equals, do not belittle yourself and do not put yourself “above” and everything will work out.

How to write an original “Hello” to a girl?

We are used to starting a letter with the word “hello,” but you can replace it for originality:

  • “You are so beautiful that I forgot to say hello”;
  • “There is a thread, I want to start a friendship here”;
  • “What can you say about the phonetic analysis of a word?”;
  • “Do you know that today is Saturday, and not yesterday or even tomorrow?”;
  • “Tell me, how many electrodes does the transistor have?”;
  • “Do you play chess? I'm not.”;
  • "Shake";
  • “Hello” - in Bulgarian.

There are a lot of original phrases, greetings in foreign languages ​​or “scary” sentences from physics or other complex sciences sound good, they speak of you as an intellectual person. It’s difficult to guess right away what a particular girl will like; information from her page on a social network can help.

So, we have suggested what to write to a girl so that she is sure to be pleased, the rest is up to you. Act carefully, but persistently, if you are getting acquainted, modestly and ingratiatingly - when you apologize.

Video: funny attempts to get acquainted

In this video, Daniil Rogozin will show 20 funny “tackles” on a girl, written in VK:

Antipyretics for children are prescribed by a pediatrician. But there are emergency situations with fever when the child needs to be given medicine immediately. Then the parents take responsibility and use antipyretic drugs. What is allowed to be given to infants? How can you lower the temperature in older children? What medications are the safest?

Love letters to a girl

Letter to my beloved girl

Letter to my beloved girl

I want to thank you for appearing in my life. For leaving so many pleasant, beautiful memories and emotions. For giving me so much affection, warmth, care. Here's to wonderful nights. In the minutes when I was nearby. For your smile. For your kind words. For all the good things that happened between us.

I'm sincerely sorry that I couldn't appreciate this in time...

Only now (or rather after the May conversation), realizing that I was losing you, I realized how dear you are to me. Only now I realized that you are exactly the person with whom I am ready to walk my life’s path to the end. That you are exactly the one with whom I want to raise our children (lately I have been haunted by an illusion - I see you with a belly, and next to me I am kneeling and leaning my cheek against the baby, stroking my belly gently with my hands. I see this picture all the time and that’s why my heart begins to ache). That you are the one to whom I want to give my affection and warmth, whom I want to take care of. It is you and our little ones that I want to make happy,

Letter to my beloved girl

My girl, I feel for you an incredibly great and truly wonderful feeling, without which a person cannot live, but simply exists - this is love. You are everything to me and even more, you are the one for whom I began to live and breathe.

It happens that a guy fell in love with a girl, but he can’t tell her about it, he doesn’t have the right words. Not everyone can write declarations of love to a girl in their own words, to the point of tears in prose, but I will help. The best thing for you on this page is what you can say to your loved ones. Of course, don’t forget about the appropriate atmosphere. Love and be loved!

My gentle, charming princess... My real life began the moment I met you, when I saw your cornflower-colored eyes. I fell in love with you at first sight, and I can no longer live without you. I want to see you every day, hear your voice, like the murmuring of a mountain stream, I want to kiss your tender lips, which are like rose petals, beckoning to you... I love you, my angel!

I have never experienced a feeling stronger than loving you, my sweet girl! With you, the world around is filled with colors, with you I want to rejoice in everything around me. You won my heart from the first sight of your big brown eyes. And from that moment I couldn't think about anything else. I want to spend my days with you, I want to give you only happy moments. I want you to smile, my dear. Your smile illuminates everything around with joy and makes the sun shine even brighter.

I've been away for so long
I missed you on the road,
Take away my sorrows
And touch me with your cheek.
I arrived... about a hundred hours away.

Hello my dear! I finally escaped, albeit temporarily, from the huge whirlpool of daily problems. The room is dark and quiet, only beautiful and slightly sad music argues with the night rain, lightly tapping on the windowsill... I forget about everything and write you a letter... At this moment, nothing and no one can distract me from thinking about you. There is no one else in the entire Universe - only the stars, you and me. I know that we are separated by thousands of kilometers, but when I write to you, I feel like I am whispering these words in your ear... And I know that you hear me...

You can’t even imagine how dear your feelings and your soul are to me... How I want to put into your palm a mysterious envelope with the radiance of a miracle, with the smells of sweet clover flowers, lake mint... I close my eyes, imagining how impatiently you open the envelope, and butterflies fly out of it, mother-of-pearl, lemon... You can’t understand anything, but behind your back a cape of butterflies is already developing, and above your head there is a halo of rustling and pollen... And before you had time to wake up, serene creatures were carried away to on your transparent wings your sadness...

I want to see you so much! But how soon this will be - no one knows... The only important thing is that we have the patience to wait for the moment when the heart will jump out of the chest, the lips will repeat the favorite name, the brain will count down like a clock, as if the spacecraft is taking off. ship. A ship that will lift us onto a white, soft, fluffy cloud of happiness, where we will chat with our legs hanging down...

Last night I stood on the embankment for a long time. I so wanted you to be near, so that you could see what I see, so that I could hug you, say that I missed you, meet the dawn with you... I closed my eyes, and for a moment it seemed that you were nearby, that I hug you, kiss your hair, I see the reflection of the red waves, the thin path of the last sunlight in your eyes... I looked into the distance, following the setting sun. And I knew that in a couple of hours on the banks of the Neva you would be able to see the same thing. The same sunset, the same sun, to which I just wanted to say: “If you see my beloved, say hello to her from me! Kiss her for me with your red, tender rays of sunset”... I look into the distance and again dial the painfully familiar number, every just hoping that the connection won’t let me down, that I won’t have to call anywhere...

[Can you “overwhelm” a woman with a beautiful speech? In everyday life, can you speak in such a way that everyone around you will listen to you? Do you know how to capture the attention of a company and become its soul? At a party, can you make the entire fair half of the company fall in love with you with just speeches? No? At the practical trainings of the Dating Academy, you will learn to eloquently tell even the most banal things, which is why girls will see you as a wizard who can turn gray everyday life into colorful holidays.]

Darling! Wait and hope! When you get up early in the morning, when you go on the subway, when you are bored, when you return home, when you go to bed in a cold bed, know that I am near. I'm with you! I'm always with you!..

Find joy

Our life goes on in this joyful world, as if a mighty river follows the windings of its banks, passes through rapids and dams, where it is fast, where it is slow, where it is deep, where it is shallow, but whatever it is, it opens with a generous hand before everyone a huge wealth of opportunities to rejoice , to be in joy, to fill your whole life and every step of it with joy. But not everyone sees these shining opportunities. Someone has enough strength to turn away from the purity and happiness of the life happening to him, from the life-giving ocean of joy splashing at his feet and indulge in despondency, sorrow and joylessness with all the determination of a desperate person. Peace be with you, O people, but life never turns away from anyone, and as long as you are alive, an ocean of joy is at your feet. Allow yourself to step into it, wet your feet with sparkling cleanliness, be in childhood for at least a moment - and your life will sparkle with new colors.

But there is no determination. Invisible but strong chains hold a person captured by them and do not allow them to cross the line that has become forbidden. In the eyes of such people, at least a little, hides an unspoken dream of a joyful, happy, free life. Free? Aren't we free people? Yes, man is free, and his freedom extends so far that he is free even to choose his slavery.

How strange! What kind of person would refuse to soar on the wings of joy in the pure blue of the stream of life, from the sunlight of creative work that gives affection and generosity, and go into the cold cave of worries and doubts, sorrows and the unspoken thirst for real life?

Oh, those who, by chance or fate, found themselves in this cave of oblivion, where the trills of a nightingale and children’s laughter can only be heard distantly, where silence conceals hidden rustles! You yourself came here and you can get out of here yourself. Only yourself. You came here because you wanted to escape from the fresh wind of life’s circumstances, which spread the wings of independent actions, arouse courage in the heart and cleanse us of everything artificial and already outdated. You can, you can always get out of here as soon as you realize that you don’t need to wait any longer.

The heat of the heart will never fade. Your heart is the best guide. Your courage is the best staff. Your creativity is that wonderful bridge along which a person passes over the abyss of lies and fears, violence and slavery.

A person understands that these abysses are not a place for him, that these chains are unnatural and, sometimes, he is sad for his childhood, “irretrievably gone” in his own words. And he tries to free himself - but he doesn’t know how, and turns his gaze away from them, heavy ones, and almost always tries, at least for a while, to forget about them. He chooses the path of oblivion for himself.

Feeling inner dissatisfaction, he turns to music. Yes, music is a life-giving force, but his inner music is no longer audible due to the roar of grievances and the rough rhythms of selfish thoughts breaking into his life, and most importantly, the time of music is passing, and again - life and dissatisfaction with it.

Someone is trying to drown in work. He organizes his time in such a way that there is almost no time left to stop, feel nature and hear, at least from the corner of his ear, the already inaudible whisper of conscience. But the time of testing comes, and the person who finds himself in a hospital bed begins to understand the futility of his attempts to forget about the chains that bind him, about his childhood, the quiet and sad melody of departed joy touching his heart.

Someone... There are various ways of oblivion, but we are not talking about them here, not about them. The path to lost joy is in a completely different direction. Turn your face to your chains and go to the place where they are nailed to the rocks of non-existence by the nails of our own mistakes - this is the path. Is this path difficult? Perhaps, but every step along it is marked with a reward. A step - and a person feels how rust, cracked, falls off from some hidden string of his soul and it sounds, sings, filling his world with new feelings. A step - and a joyful laugh is heard, bursting from the chest - even if it escaped only for a moment - but the person feels: he has returned to him, returned forever. What reward compares to the smallest find on such a path? There is no such award and never has been.

Oh, who has decided to take this path! You have abandoned the main lie in your life. And, although this may not be very pleasant, try to understand - what in life are you afraid of? The boss? Your wife? Your old mother (believe me, there is no place for jokes here, fear very often begins in childhood)? To whom and in what situations do you lie? For yourself? Children? Parents? Who do you depend on? Maybe from your five-year-old child (and this happens in life)? And whom are you subjugating, changing his life and yours, and in what direction?

[Many years have passed since your birth. Many years have passed since my first love. For many years now you have been convincing yourself that in the future, someday there, everything will work out for you. Personal life will improve, confidence will appear, life satisfaction will appear... But from where? At the practical trainings of the Dating Academy under the supervision of experienced instructors, you will learn not to wait for the weather from the sea, but to create the weather in your life yourself.]

He who understands this and renounces lies and fear, violence and slavery in his everyday life, and in his work day, in moments of communication with his neighbor, whose wings are filled with a fresh wind of joy, gains life and freedom.

Our meeting is a reward, we are close again...
From sadness to joy - just a breath away,
From sadness to joy - just a stone's throw away.

You and I are here alone, and no one else. It’s kind of deserted here, but not for you and me. Here we are, our bodies, our thoughts, our feelings, our dreams, our world with color pictures, with a warm moonlit path along the living clear sea, flying among the birds of freedom and happiness. Deepening into this sea, we merge our souls together, without taking our eyes off each other for a millisecond. Our united feeling generates a force that absorbs all misfortunes. With this powerful force, you and I will embark on a true flight to the stars, which do not know how to lie, offend, or kill. Flying through good and pure thorns. To fly as you and I want, and not with this same type of existence on this Earth, otherwise existence will take us into its hands, as it has taken so many. Hungry for a full-blooded life, we finally found each other and sent everyone away from us and our world to an insignificant distance, so that we would stop interfering with the existing flight towards the harmony of happiness and living in this alien world, in which we had the mistake of being born, but having been born, we did not regretting the birth. Having gained this agreement, we will be thrown into true life. Don’t stand on the road from the sky, don’t interfere, don’t interfere with the flight to true life, move away, because we still won’t be able to crush... Together, together, we have acquired the talent to fight, believe and take care of everything that is dear to us and that we love . We will look for real life, and fight for our happiness, for our feelings, for our dreams, for our world.

You and I are here alone, and no one else. There is no place for grief, everyday life, the evil spirits of morality, the filth of spirit. Only me, only you and our world, created on our faith, strength, love. From now on, you and I create our lives the way we want to see them. Holding hands, we will give all control to the Universe and happiness and peace will settle in my soul. The power over me is myself. I choose love and I choose you, I choose myself and what I do. We will throw away all restrictions with you and gain the freedom to be ourselves. Let's give freedom to our thoughts, our actions, our hearts. Our consciousness is pure and free. Our actions are free, we ourselves are free. And we are not afraid, because we are devoted to each other, and devoted to our world. Between us there is trust, faith, and love.

[“You and I are here together” - is this reality or your dreams? How long do you have to live to understand that something worthwhile will not come from nothing? Your personal life will not improve on its own, and if something does happen, it will not be the personal life you dreamed of, it will be a pitiful semblance of it. Perhaps you have stopped believing in success, and are waiting for something to happen... At the practical trainings of the Dating Academy, you will build your personal life exactly the way you would like to see it - and not in theory, but in practice! ]

You and I are here alone, and no one else. Do you feel a drop fall somewhere? No, no, no, these are not my imperishable tears, these are summer sunny rain showering us with the joy of being, because we are together, that we love, fight and win. Only through happiness and love did I see how much space there is on this earth for self-expression and that there is always time for it. Do whatever you want and only what you want and when you want. Our expressions are free and joyful. Don’t stop there, from this happiness create an even happier life. Help this cynical and weak world, it needs you, I really need you. I'm with you forever. Only one thing cannot be changed: there is no one like you. It's a pity that you don't exist, because I love you.

Hello princess! [Dmitry Novikov]

It's me again. You know who. And if you don’t know, then you’ll probably guess... So, it’s me... Me again. And again you are in my dreams. And again I am alone with myself, with my thoughts. And again you are in them. And you and I together. And we feel good. I hug you tightly. I believe that sincere hugs should be strong... Just like my feelings... Those bright feelings that I feel for you. I am so pleased that you are with me in my dreams! We do not part with them. And we are not going to! Because we spend the most fabulous and unforgettable moments together. Princess, I want to give you all the unspent love that has accumulated in my heart. I'm yours. With your head. And you are with me... In my dreams!

In them, you and I swing on a swing near a huge castle, far from civilization, overlooking the sea, so free and boundless. The sun at sunset makes a gentle ruby ​​path on the water, and the fiery edges of the dark clouds are drawn in the sky like a snake. Around the castle there are gardens of roses of every color for miles. And we look at these most beautiful creations of nature... We swing on a swing and look at the roses. And we feel good. A warm, light sea breeze gently caresses our skin, flutters the folds of our clothes, our hair. We hear the faint rolling of sea waves and the rustling of trees.

And I hug you. Strong, strong! I am mentally with you always. I will always support you in difficult times. You can count on me. Do you hear? I'm with you. Know this. In the meantime, we are together only in my dreams. But what dreams these are! They are the most fabulous and bright! And all thanks to you. I feel you. It's amazing: even when you are far from me, I feel that you are so close; I feel your breath; the touch of your lips; I hear your angelic voice. I love him so much, my princess! Your image does not leave me for a second. And now... He is with me again! I see your unique brown eyes. They are bottomless, limitless, like the night, alone with which I am now left. She's burning me. But there is something that saves me, shelters me from the terrible spells of this endless night. It's you, my princess. Even if you are not with me. But the most beautiful thoughts about you give me faith. I believe that we will be together. Just you and me. And no one around.

And me again. And again you. And, as always, we feel good together. I want to make you happy, add a lot of bright colors to your life. After all, love is, first of all, a strong desire for happiness for a loved one. And you are so close to me! I haven’t known you for long, but even in the short period of our acquaintance, you have become so dear to me. It's like I've known you for a very long time. And even earlier. And even before that... Perhaps we knew each other in a past life. In that life, we probably loved each other very much, but by the cruel will of fate we were destined to part. But I'm not going to repeat the mistakes of the past. I don't want to let you go. Especially now that I have found you again. I want to take care of you like a woman. As about the woman whom I love and for whom I am ready to give my life.

[Dreams! Dreams! Dreams... Lines of a desperate poet... People constantly talk about what they lack. If the press is now filled with articles about love (as it has always been) and sex, then this means that this is exactly what people are missing! Whoever is in pain, speaks about it... If you don’t want to be in pain, at the practical trainings of the Dating Academy under the supervision of instructors, you will learn how to create your own relationships - from acquaintance to long-term harmonious relationships full of love and sex. ]

I believe that we will succeed. Together, on the unsinkable ship of love, we will sail on the waves of the ocean of undisclosed passions, and open the doors to the world of unfulfilled desires. Remember me, princess. Know that there is a person in the world for whom your name is not an empty phrase, and who will always treat you with reverence and tenderness. May memories of me visit you every time you hold this piece of paper in your hands. I still believe that I will see you again many times... And I will write you letters in which I can greet you again with the phrase: “Hello, princess! It’s me again!”

Hello, my Angel! [Vladlen Yurievich]

How I wish I could see you as soon as possible! My love, I am burning with impatience, with a violent desire to hug You and sweetly-sweetly kiss Your tender lips, and then take You in my arms and carry You all the way to the bed... (Well, I ruined the whole letter! How am I still- still an egoist - just a little - just a bed, not to kiss again. Now let's correct ourselves.) ... from a violent desire to hug you and sweetly kiss your tender lips, and then once again gently touch your lips and lightly suck them. , occasionally grabbing with his teeth, pulling a little towards himself, smacking, penetrate inside and touch You with his tongue. Kiss and kiss until you feel dizzy, until it becomes easy, and your body begins to fall somewhere deep, into something pleasant... And only then will I pick you up in my arms and carry you to the bed.

Two maple leaves were spinning in the autumn sky, and even strong autumn winds could not separate them. They jumped from stream to stream together, flying higher and higher. They were having fun and good, and no one in this world could stop these beautiful wedge leaves who suddenly fell in love with each other. After some time, when the gray clouds cleared, the wind stopped spewing out its autumn streams, and sunny silence reigned in the world. The loving couple, tumbling in the air, slowly and calmly began to fall to the ground. They soared with synchronized ease over the entire beautiful and vast earth, enchanting with its autumn splendor, that it was as if they owned the whole space. And very close to the ground, one of the leaves picked up the other and, with extreme care, lowered it onto the golden cover.

I will lull Your neck with wonderful kisses, and then, sinking lower and lower, I will slowly undress You so that You can feel how every part of You is eager to reach me, how your soul is filled with unbearable desire, how everything inside of You will flow like a white river. My arms will embrace You and lift You to the paradise of bliss. I will gently kiss your nipple and with a light movement, like the wing of a butterfly flapping over a forest clearing, I will touch its tip, lick it around and kiss it many times. And I will repeat this a thousand times, and then I will touch the second nipple with my lips, without repeating the movements, and I will torment it with the most magnificent sensation, but only in such a way as not to cause You the slightest pain. I will kiss Your entire body and fulfill all Your deepest desires, and may this last as long as possible. Let it last for hours, days, nights, days, weeks, months, years, decades. Let this last a lifetime, and every time at dawn before the sun is supposed to rise, I will slide between your legs and slowly, slowly enter You, so that You can remember every night of your life with me, and so that You can enjoy every second and every millimeter of my beautiful and magnificent body, every freedom and lightness, a pleasant tender feeling... And when the first ray of the sun breaks through, I will drown in You, in order to be with my Angel always!

[Have you ever dreamed of someone you would say words like that to? Have you ever dreamed of someone with whom sex is the greatest pleasure possible in this world? Have you ever dreamed of the one for which you can move mountains, reach those heights that seem unreal? At the practical trainings of the Dating Academy, you will understand that all these dreams can become a reality - moreover, you will make them a reality under the supervision of experienced instructors.]

You know...

You know, it just happens sometimes. You're always in a hurry to get somewhere, you're in a hurry, you're afraid of being late, you consider yourself a very important person, and still you don't get the most important things done... Perhaps because you still don't know what's most important to you. Maybe you know, only this, this is the most important thing, somehow fickle - at 15 years old it is one thing, at 16 it is different, and at 18 it is completely different from the previous two...

You know, it’s just that sometimes, when you scribble someone’s name in the sand with a twig, you begin to wonder: will the next wave erase it or not? You leave without turning around and firmly believing that what you wrote is indestructible, and only much later do you become convinced that time erases stone, and not just unfaithful sand...

You know, sometimes, watching the lights go out one after another in the house opposite, you painfully want to believe that someone there, in an incomprehensible but already familiar shell of space, is also looking at your window and also measuring the temperature of the window with their forehead. glass...

You know, just walking around the city, every year you begin to peer into faces more and more often, and each time differently. Depth is a sign that the years lived are not empty. You also have a tendency to look for non-shallow waters, but only by making mistakes every time (as it is all at the wrong time), it becomes more and more difficult for you to start new searches, but knowing this, everything will become much easier. This is just a new turn upward.

You know, sometimes you want nothing more than a simple minute of peace and quiet. This is the time for the troops to rest, time to get yourself in order, so that in the morning your enemies will burst with envy, seeing you cheerful and confident.

You know, sometimes it seems that you underestimate your capabilities, and sometimes it’s completely the opposite. Sometimes you look at yard dogs as brothers.

You know, sometimes, when you come home, you feel ashamed because many of your most beautiful deeds were born not inside you, but outside, and if anyone guessed the true motives for what you were doing, you would feel awkward and uncomfortable.

You know, sometimes it’s just spring... and your heart skips a beat with joy and sadness, and you regret that no one knows how good and bad you are...

You know, sometimes you can't sleep, and you envy those who can sleep...

You eat, and sometimes puddles burst with a crystal sound...

You know, sometimes you're just afraid of what you are...

You know, sometimes it's just rain and cold...

You know, sometimes it's just...

You know, sometimes...

[You know, sometimes you can sit your whole life within four walls, live every day like Groundhog Day, moving the same routes, communicating with the same people, being carried away by the same interests... And somewhere nearby there will be that life, which seems to have been created for you, a life in which your dreams are a reality... But you will never know about it... unless... At the practical trainings of the Dating Academy, you will be shocked by how interesting and exciting the life of a seducer can be . How much can there be in her that one could only dream of before - success, women, sex, love...]

It's difficult for me to love you. Indescribable feelings you brought into my soul. Your unexpected arrival into my life brought a bouquet of fantastic emotions into my heart. Now you are not around, but I know you feel my warming love for you. Teaching a person to dream again is not given to everyone. You did it. And I am again in a fairy tale, beckoning into the distance and frightening with its beauty... You are not a desire, but an opportunity to find yourself. Only with the advent of you, I was able to be reborn and understand who I am. Only you helped me become independent of my desires. My heart has learned to endure. Endure fire, flaring feelings and overwhelming emotions. Having gone through darkness, through the jungle of evil and the desert of suffering, I found light in my soul. Your harmony. I won’t give you to anyone now and I won’t let anyone take you away. But I’ll let you go if she wants to leave... I can give my life to you, but I’m afraid that you will throw it into the sky, bottomless and too spacious for one human life. I'm afraid that she will not return to me anymore, and I will only exist, and not live... You have become an angel in my life!..


I want to thank you for appearing in my life. For leaving so many pleasant, beautiful memories and emotions. For giving me so much affection, warmth, care. Here's to wonderful nights. In the minutes when I was nearby. For your smile. For your kind words. For all the good things that happened between us.

I am sincerely sorry that I could not appreciate this in time...

Only now (or rather after the May conversation), realizing that I was losing you, I realized how dear you are to me. Only now I realized that you are exactly the person with whom I am ready to walk my life’s path to the end. That you are exactly the one with whom I want to raise our children (lately I have been haunted by an illusion - I see you with a belly, and next to me I am kneeling and leaning my cheek against the baby, stroking my belly gently with my hands. I see this picture all the time and that’s why my heart begins to ache). That you are the one to whom I want to give my affection and warmth, whom I want to take care of. It is you and our little ones that I want to make happy.


I love you madly, from the first time you looked into my eyes...

I will always remember this moment in our relationship.

You are the one who gave me the best feelings. I didn’t have such feelings, but I was waiting, searching... and then the moment came... you appeared!

I love you more than life itself!..

Sometimes it seems as if my love is so great that your love is not even noticeable... But I know that you love me! You give me joy and fill my life with meaning!

I really want to shout to the whole wide world that I LOVE YOU!!!


My beloved and dearest in the world!

You are the most beautiful, and I am very happy that I have you! You know that I love you, I have already told you this many times, but I want everyone to know about it. We found out that I love you madly, and I don’t doubt my feelings at all, I value you very much! You are the most dear person to me in this world!

You suddenly appeared in my life, and this feeling arose so suddenly and grew into boundless love for you!

I really understand that I can no longer live without you, I don’t need anyone except you and no one can replace you!

My heart forever belongs only to you. Only with you I am truly happy and only with you I want to be always!


There is a lot I want to say. Even more is left unsaid. Something that can only be felt, something that the best writer cannot convey in words. Feel like the touch of your lips, like the touch of silky skin, a feeling that pierces the soul and leaves a deep trace of sweet memories, anticipation of wonderful sensations and an anxious heartbeat. Like a whirlwind of images into which you slowly plunge, wanting to save every second, extend it into eternity, and not wait for the end of the elements of feelings. Save it like gold, like the most valuable gift, keep in memory eternity that protects you. And never betray what is sacred for two in their little world of oblivion and joy.


I miss you very much... I wait for YOU every day... With dry lips I whisper your name... and tears come to my eyes from the realization of the impossibility of a miracle, from meaninglessness and hopelessness. Yes, I never heard from you those words that I was waiting for...

Nothing can be fixed. Start from the beginning??? I... I only feel loneliness and your indifference, which may not be there, but you don’t show anything else.


And maybe only waking up one day in a nightmare, with something inside bursting with unbearable pain, not immediately realizing where I am, and that I am alone, and now REALLY ALONE - maybe only then will I understand HOW I REALLY AM I LOVE YOU... And these are not just words... Tell me what I have to do, and I will do everything... if you say to die, then I will die, no doubt about it!


What to write to a girl to make her feel good is a question, the answer to which will make you turn on your wild imagination, add to it ingenuity, invention, humor, romance and all the best masculine virtues. In order to answer these questions, you need to understand at what stage your relationship is and what was the reason or reason for writing to her (a sudden surge of passion and tenderness or a transgression in front of her).

And so, if you are at the stage of a pleasant acquaintance, there is no need to write poems. A small card with a handwritten message will improve her mood and increase your rating. For example, phrases like:

  • “Kitten - you are a miracle! I'm looking forward to the evening for new charms..."
  • “With your appearance, my life has become brighter”
  • “It turns out that even in cloudy November there are sunny days! These are the days spent with you."

And if you are closer, a little intimacy, but not vulgarity in the message will be quite appropriate. What to write to a girl so that she is pleased and looks forward to the next meeting? In this sense:

  • “I’m sitting at work, all businesslike and important, and before my eyes is your smile, sly look and delicious ass... See you in the evening.”
  • “Darling, an unforgettable weekend awaits you, sea, white sand, champagne... And I am your humble macho.”

How to write a nice message to a girl

Let's try to understand how you can write a nice message to a girl. A small, concise message rather than a long tirade will definitely make her smile, for example:

  • “Darling, let the sunbeam wake you up with a gentle kiss. Have a nice day dear"
  • “Let's fly out of town this weekend. Just You, Me and the Balloon"
  • “Darling, in your turquoise dress, you are irresistible, you have great taste!”
  • “I took the tickets. You know where my card is. Buy yourself whatever you want. Let's fly to the sea"

This will bring her many pleasant and unexpected emotions. Both with romance and with a share of materialism, but the girl will definitely be pleased to read such an SMS message.

What's the best way to write a nice SMS to your significant other?

Every guy probably knows how to write a nice SMS message to a girl. But let's stop there. SMS is fast, concise, interesting, creative, funny - in short, a little bit of everything. If you just want to make it nice, you can write:

  • “You are my most delicious candy - my-my-my-my!!!”
  • “It doesn’t matter to me what I do, just to be near you,”
  • “I noticed that after meeting you there were more colors in the world! Hurray, you cured me of color blindness!”
  • “I have prepared a surprise for you! As incredible, beautiful and sweet as you. Wait and be tormented by guessing!”
  • “My sweet tooth, would you like some pie? The courier is on the way!”

If you did something wrong to a girl

What is the best way to write a nice SMS to a girl if you have done something wrong to her - use your imagination 100%. Here the text itself, and emoticons, and pictures - everything will come into use. Here are several options for SMS apologies, based on which everyone will come up with their own, depending on the situation:

  • “Darling, it’s so cloudy outside... Let’s fix the weather and start with your smile, you’re my sunshine!”
  • “I’m not a wizard, I’m just learning... My fairy, forgive the scoundrel?!”
  • “I’ll kiss your little one and give you some rings if you agree to an evening with candles!” Darling, I was wrong. I repent..." etc.

What else can you write nice to a girl?

You can write a nice letter to your girl, like you once did, by hand, and send it by mail in an envelope. Now, probably, few people think about this method. But this is one of the best options to talk about your feelings and thoughts. It’s also very sweet and will speak of you as an extraordinary person who knows exactly what pleasant things can be written to a girl: about the time spent together, about dreams and plans that will certainly come true, about the impressions experienced together, the delight of which will last a lifetime . About the purity of relationships, without lies and deception, about hope and support on which the world rests, about your love, finally.

How to surprise your chosen one with a pleasant message in order to conquer her even more? Girls are, at their core, sensual and romantic creatures; flowers, candies, serenades, stars - all this makes them melt and melt. And such a simple method as the inscription on the asphalt “Daisies for my cutie” (painted daisies nearby, of course) will definitely not leave her indifferent. Use crayons, paints, even with a brush, even from a spray can; color and black and white, and if you have talent, you can also draw a 3D picture. Topics, as well as materials, can be varied:

Confessions, congratulations, compliments, apologies, suggestions, your associations;
- flowers, butterflies, balloons, ladybugs, kittens, puppies, emoticons, hearts, suns, kisses - this goes on ad infinitum

We think you have figured out for yourself how you can surprise your girlfriend with a pleasant message, what to write to her so that your soulmate will melt in a smile and tenderness for your beloved guy. The main thing is not to write her banal phrases, like “Hello!”

How can you please a girl with a surprise?

How to please a girl with a surprise without letters or SMS, we’ll tell you another simple but sure way. Approach the issue with imagination and creativity. A banner with her photo, which stands on her usual route, will cause a sea of ​​delight, pleasant surprise and joy in the girl. Add flowers, words of love and admiration, holiday greetings, a marriage proposal to the photo, if appropriate. The girl will definitely like you, and you will probably become even more desirable and significant in her eyes.

Order an inscription in prose or poetry, with an image of nature or a photo of your common favorite place, with good cartoon characters or with her pet. The main thing is that your message is sincere.

Summing up the results of our article, we can conclude that it is very easy to write a girl a pleasant message, SMS, paper letter, emoticon on the asphalt or a banner on the side of the road, and pleasant, positive emotions, joy and good mood are more than enough for two!

If the girl doesn’t yet know that you like her, then you can use it to confess to her.

Or you can just send her this video or do the same:

You are my sweet, gentle and most beautiful woman in the world. Every time I fall in love with you more when you see your beautiful eyes, I hear your ringing laugh, I kiss your lips, sweet as honey. I always feel so good and comfortable with you. I love you, I love you with sincere and pure love. I want to always be by your side and I promise to make you, my sunshine, the happiest in the world. For your sake, I am ready for any test. My bright flame of love will never fade. I am grateful to fate for such a wonderful gift. I love you, my beloved.

The most beautiful woman in the world is you, my beloved. My love is always with you, like a shadow. It is big, beautiful, it has neither end nor edge. I simply cannot keep my feelings secret, and I confess to you, my dear, that I love you. For me you are like the radiance of the day and like a light in the night. I love you more than anyone in the world. You alone found the key to my heart, you alone give me tenderness, affection and care. I promise to make you the happiest woman in the world, believe me. I live and breathe you, my precious.

I am the happiest person on earth. And this is your merit, my beloved woman. You are like the light in my window, like a warm ray of sunshine that always warms me. I'll tell you the three most important words in the world. I love you. You lit love in my heart, and it flares up more and more every day. You are my soulmate, the kindest, sweetest and most gentle. When you are next to me, the world becomes brighter and kinder. My love will be like a talisman for you. Always be with me, my happiness.

The most important thing in the world is love. This is the most powerful feeling. Each of us experienced excitement and embarrassment when meeting our beloved. Today I’m a little worried because I want to confess my love to you, my only woman. I'm just inspired by love for you. Every minute my thoughts are occupied only with you. I really want to be with you all my life. We are so suitable for each other, and apparently fate helped us meet for a reason. I love you tenderly, reverently and strongly. Only with you will I be happy.

I am simply incredibly lucky because I have the most beautiful woman on the entire planet. You are my goddess, my joy and my reward. I want to always be with you, protect you and love you. May this captivity of love in which I find myself remain with me for the rest of my life. With you I fly like a bird, my joy simply has no end. A woman like you is an ideal, it’s everyone’s dream. But I was the luckiest one. You filled my whole life. My love for you is limitless. Always shine on me, my brightest and most beautiful woman.

My beloved woman, my whole life is filled with you. My love is the strongest and most devoted. For your sake, I am ready to do anything, I can fulfill your cherished desire, as long as you are always with me. Your angelic character pleasantly surprises me, your kind soul gives me hope that we will be together with you all our lives. Only next to you will I be happy. I value your ringing voice and your silence, your joyful laughter and your charm. I am larger than life, my desired and only woman.

My beloved and most beautiful woman in the world, I am so glad that I call you mine. You are everything that is in my life, you are just my guardian angel. How good I feel with you, how comfortable I feel. I am the happiest person in the world. I love you devotedly, sincerely and tenderly. You are the woman of my dreams, everything connected with you is my life. I always feel your breath, and my soul is always full only of you. I am ready to carry you in my arms all my life, to love you like no one has ever loved. Be my soulmate forever.

I am so grateful to fate for giving me you. You are the dream of my life. Every minute spent with you is a holiday for me. You are my light in a cat, my ray of warmth, my charm. There is no one more beautiful and kinder than you on the whole earth. I will do everything to make you happy, you will swim in the ocean of my love all your life. I am so lucky to have you, my beloved, gentle, kind. I will fulfill all your cherished desires, just be always with me, my only one. Love for you inspires me and helps me live.

I often ask myself the question, what would I have done if I had not met you, my beloved? And I answer right away, this simply would not happen. After all, you are destined for me by fate, and fate, as you know, cannot be circumvented. Today I confess my love to you, my beloved, there is simply no point in hiding my feelings anymore. For me, you are everything in my life, you are my soulmate. I love you sincerely, tenderly and fervently, and I so hope for reciprocity. I love you and I want to always be only with you, my one and only.

I have been incredibly lucky in my life; I met the love I had been looking for for so long. This is love, you are my one and only. The most beautiful flower cannot compare with your beauty. You are the most important person in my life. I will give up all my previous hobbies and habits, if only you were near, my love. My whole life now depends on you, my sunshine. You are the only one with whom I want to live my whole life. I love you, my charm. You are my guardian angel, beloved and unique.

You are beautiful, no doubt about it. I fell in love with you the first time, and now I have lost peace and sleep. When you are near, my heart is filled with joy and warmth. I want to always be next to you, look into your beautiful eyes, listen to your ringing laughter, kiss your sweet lips, and talk about my love. you are the most tender, the most beautiful, the best in the world. I love and adore you. May my love always be a talisman for you. Darling, you are my life. I simply can’t imagine myself without you.

You are the dearest and most important person for me. Only with you I learned what happiness is. You inspire me to do everything good, only with you, my beloved, I am happy. Every minute spent with you is already a holiday. I love you sincerely, tenderly, I simply cannot live without you. My love is ready to overcome all obstacles, if only you were nearby, my beloved. I am sure that we are two halves of one big, loving heart. I adore and idolize you, and I am one hundred percent sure of my feelings.

How many songs have been sung about love, how many poems have been read. And everyone has a completely different declaration of love. But every confession comes from the depths of the heart. So my feelings can no longer sit locked up, I, like a bird, release them into the wild. May my wings of love carry us throughout life. For me, you are the most tender, the kindest, the most beautiful, and simply mine. I value our relationship and will make you the happiest woman on the entire planet. You are my dream, my ideal, my inspiration. I love you, my joy.

You are the most beautiful, sweetest woman in the world. You always have an open soul and a simply angelic character. You have only positive traits. Everything about you is dear to me: your ringing voice, your silence and your tender kiss. I love you, my dear, and I want to be only with you all my life. You, with a ray of affection, lit a love in my heart that is flaring up more and more. You are the most beloved and most important mistress of my heart. You are simply my beloved woman, only with you I will always be happy.

Fate gave me the most beautiful woman in the world. I am so happy, dear, with you. Your love warms like the sun, always burning as a guiding star. I dream only about you, my precious, and when you are next to me, I melt with happiness. Every day I start with the thought of you, I simply adore you, my sun. You are my soulmate, without whom I cannot imagine my life. You are my guardian angel, my happiness, my love. I love you and want to be only with you all my life, my treasure.

My kind, gentle and most beautiful woman in the world. My life with you is like a song, like a mountain stream; clean and fast. If you are nearby, everything around is in the brightest colors. The most beautiful flower cannot compare with your beauty, my beloved. There is only you in my heart. I am ready to fulfill your deepest desire, as long as you are happy. You are perfection itself, you gave me the radiance of the day and the light of the night. I want to give you the key to my heart, and I want you to keep it all your life.

My beloved woman, from our first meeting I fell in love with you like a boy. I am enchanted by your beautiful eyes, your radiant smile, your gentle voice. You are simply my destiny, my soulmate. I am so happy with you, and life seems fabulous. I promise to make you the happiest woman in the world, for your sake, my love, I am ready for anything. Your love, like a talisman, protects me. I cherish you, live you, breathe you and adore you, my only woman. Be with me all my life, my joy

My beloved woman, how good it is that I have you. I am incredibly lucky to have you by my side. You are like spring, bright and beautiful. I dry up without you, like a flower without water. I love you and want to be by your side all my life. You are my treasure, you are my joy, my dream. Only with you I understood what happiness is. I love you madly with all my soul, with all my heart. You are the most important person for me. I will do everything to make you happy. My life completely changed when I met you. I love you, I cherish you and I thank fate that such a miracle as you is next to me.