Scary stories and mystical stories. Mystical stories from real life Mystical history

Stories about things that have no rational explanation, about extraordinary accidents, mysterious coincidences, inexplicable phenomena, prophetic predictions and visions.


My old friend, kind interlocutor, teacher, who recently retired, Liliya Zakharovna told me an unusual story. She went to visit her sister Irina in the neighboring Tula region.

Her neighbors, mother Lyudmila Petrovna and daughter Ksenia, lived in the same entrance on the same site as Irina. Even before retiring, Lyudmila Petrovna began to get sick. Doctors changed the diagnosis three times. There was no sense in treatment: Lyudmila Petrovna died. On that tragic morning, Ksenia was woken up by the cat Muska, her mother’s favorite. The doctor pronounced him dead. Lyudmila Petrovna was buried very close, in her native village.

Ksenia and her friend came to the cemetery two days in a row. When we arrived on the third day, we saw a narrow, elbow-deep hole in the burial mound. Quite fresh.

Muska was sitting nearby. There was no doubt. Almost simultaneously they shouted: “That’s who dug!” Surprised and gossiping, the girls filled up the hole. The cat was not given to them, and they left without it.

The next day, Ksenia, feeling sorry for the hungry Muska, went to the cemetery again. A relative kept her company. Imagine their amazement when they saw a rather large hole on the hill. Muska, exhausted and hungry, sat nearby. She did not struggle, but calmly allowed herself to be placed in the bag, occasionally mewing pitifully.

Ksenia couldn’t get the episode with the cat out of her head now. And then the thought began to emerge more and more clearly: what if mom was buried alive? Maybe Muska felt this in an unknown way? And the daughter decided to dig up the coffin. Having paid money to some homeless people, she and her friend came to the cemetery.

When they opened the coffin, they saw in horror what Ksenia had foreseen. Lyudmila Petrovna, apparently, tried for a long time to lift the lid. The most terrible thing for Ksenia was the thought that her mother was still alive when she and her friend came to her grave. They didn’t hear her, but the cat heard her and tried to dig her out!

Evgenia Martynenko


My grandmother Ekaterina Ivanovna was a pious person. She grew up in the family of a forester and spent her entire life
lived in a small village. She knew all the forest paths, where what kind of berries were found and where the most hidden mushroom places were. She never believed in black supernatural forces, but one day a strange and terrible story happened to her.

She needed to transport hay home from the meadow for the cow. Her sons from the city came to help, and she hurried home to prepare dinner. It was autumn. It was getting dark. It only takes half an hour to get to the village. The grandmother is walking along a familiar path, and suddenly a familiar villager comes out of the forest. I stopped and started talking about village life.

Suddenly, the woman laughed loudly throughout the forest - and then disappeared, as if she had evaporated. The grandmother was seized with horror, she began to look around in confusion, not knowing which way to go. She rushed back and forth for two hours until she fell exhausted. Just when she thought in confusion that she would have to wait in the forest until the morning, the sound of a tractor reached her ears. She went towards him in the dark. So I went to the village.

The next day the grandmother went to her forest companion's home. It turned out that she had not left the house, had not been in any forest, and therefore she listened to her grandmother with great surprise. Since then, my grandmother tried to avoid that disastrous place, and in the village they said about it: this is the place where the goblin took Katerina. So no one understood what it was: whether the grandmother dreamed it, or the village woman was hiding something. Or maybe it really was a goblin?

V.N. Potapova, Bryansk


Events constantly happen in my life that can only be called miraculous, and all because there is no explanation for them. In 1980, my mother’s common-law husband, Pavel Matveevich, died. At the morgue, his things and watch were given to his mother. My mother kept the watch in memory of the deceased.

After the funeral, I had a dream that Pavel Matveevich insistently demanded that my mother take the watch to his old apartment. I woke up at five o'clock and immediately ran to my mother to tell my strange dream. Mom agreed with me that the watch should definitely be taken back.

Suddenly a dog barked in the yard. Looking out the window, we saw a man standing at the gate under a lantern. Hastily throwing on her coat, mom ran out into the street, quickly returned, took something from the sideboard and went to the gate again. It turned out that Pavel Matveevich’s son from his first marriage came to pick up the watch. He happened to be passing through our city and came to us to ask for something in memory of his father. How he found us almost at night remains a mystery. I'm not even talking about my strange dream...

At the end of 2000, my husband’s father, Pavel Ivanovich, became seriously ill. Before the New Year he was admitted to the hospital. At night I again had a dream: as if some man was urgently demanding that I ask him about something important. Out of fear, I asked how many years my parents would live, and received the answer: more than seventy. Then she asked what awaited my father-in-law.

In response I heard: “There will be an operation on the third of January.” And indeed, the attending physician scheduled an emergency operation for January 2nd. “No, the operation will be on the third,” I said confidently. Imagine the surprise of the relatives when the surgeon rescheduled the operation for the third time!

And another story. I have never been particularly healthy, but I rarely went to doctors. After the birth of my second daughter, I once had a very bad headache, almost bursting. And so on throughout the day. I went to bed early in the hope that my headache would go away in my sleep. She had just begun to fall asleep when little Katya began to fuss. There was a night light hanging above my bed, and as soon as I tried to turn it on, I felt like I was electrocuted. And it seemed to me that I was soaring high in the sky above our house.

It became calm and not scary at all. But then I heard a child’s cry, and some force returned me to the bedroom and threw me into bed. I took the crying girl in my arms. My nightgown, my hair, my whole body were wet, as if I had been caught in the rain, but my head didn’t hurt. I think that I experienced instant clinical death, and the crying of the child brought me back to life.

After 50 years I have the ability to draw, which is what I always dreamed of. Now the walls of my apartment are hung with paintings...

Svetlana Nikolaevna Kulish, Timashevsk, Krasnodar Territory


My father was born in Odessa in 1890, died in 1984 (I was born when he was 55 years old). As a child, he often told me about the days of his youth. He grew up as the 18th child (the last) in the family, enrolled himself in school, graduated from the 4th grade, but his parents did not allow him to study further: he had to work. Although he was a communist, he spoke well of the tsarist times and believed that there was more order.

In 1918 he volunteered for the Red Army. When I asked him what prompted him to take this step, he answered: there was no work, but he needed to live on something, and they offered him rations and clothes, plus youthful romance. My father once told me this story:

“There was a civil war. We were stationed in Nikolaev. We lived in a heated trailer on the railway. In our unit there was a joker Vasya, who often amused everyone. One day, along the carriages, two railway workers were carrying a can of fuel oil, stuffed with a gag.

Right in front of them, Vasya jumps off the carriage, spreads his arms to the side and in some strange voice says: “Hush, hush, lower, lower, the machine gun is scribbling with water, fire, water, lie down!” He falls on all fours and begins to crawl. The railway workers, taken aback, immediately fell in and began crawling on all fours after him. The can fell, the gag fell out, and fuel oil began to flow out of the flask. After that, Vasya stood up, shook himself off and, as if nothing had happened, approached his Red Army soldiers. Homeric laughter rang out, and the poor railway workers, raising their cans, quietly left.”

This incident was very memorable, and my father decided to repeat it himself. Once in the city of Nikolaev, he saw a gentleman in a white Easter suit, white canvas shoes and a white hat coming towards him. His father approached him, spread his arms to the sides and said in an insinuating voice: “Hush, hush, lower, lower, the machine gun is scribbling with water, fire, water, lie down!” He dropped down on all fours and began to crawl in a circle. This gentleman, to the amazement of his father, also fell to his knees and began to crawl after him. The hat flew off, there was dirt all around, people were walking nearby, but he seemed detached.

The father perceived what happened as a one-time hypnosis on a weak, unstable psyche: power changed almost every day, uncertainty, tension and general panic reigned. Judging by some facts, such a hypnotic effect on some people is common in our rational times.

I. T. Ivanov, village Beisug, Vyselkovsky district, Krasnodar region


That year, my daughter and I moved to my grandmother’s apartment, which I had inherited. My blood pressure jumped and my temperature rose; Having attributed my condition to an ordinary cold, as soon as it had eased up a little, I calmly left for a country house.

The daughter, who remained in the apartment, did some laundry. Standing in the bathroom, with her back to the door, she suddenly heard a child’s voice: “Mom, mom...” Turning around in fear, she saw that a little boy was standing in front of her and stretching out his hands to her. In a split second the vision disappeared. My daughter turned 21 and was not married. I think readers understand her feelings. She took this as a sign.

Events were not slow to unfold, but in a different direction. Two days later I ended up on the operating table with an abscess. Thank God she survived. There seems to be no direct connection with my illness, and yet it was not a simple vision.

Nadezhda Titova, Novosibirsk A

"Miracles and Adventures" 2013

Nowadays, it is quite difficult to completely hide information about yourself, because all you have to do is type a few words into a search engine - and secrets are revealed and secrets come to the surface. With the development of science and the improvement of technology, the game of hide and seek becomes more and more difficult. It was, of course, easier before. And there are many examples in history when it was impossible to find out what kind of person he was and where he came from. Here are a few such mysterious cases.

15. Kaspar Hauser

May 26, Nuremberg, Germany. 1828 A teenager of about seventeen wanders aimlessly through the streets, clutching a letter addressed to Commander von Wessenig. The letter states that the boy was taken in for training in 1812, taught to read and write, but was never allowed to "take one step out of the door." It was also said that the boy should become a "cavalryman like his father" and the commander could either accept him or hang him.

After meticulous questioning, we were able to find out that his name was Kaspar Hauser and he spent his entire life in a “darkened cage” 2 meters long, 1 meter wide and 1.5 meters high, in which there were only an armful of straw and three toys carved from wood (two horses and dog). A hole was made in the floor of the cell so he could relieve himself. The foundling hardly spoke, could not eat anything except water and black bread, called all people boys, and all animals horses. The police tried to find out where he came from and who the criminal was that made a savage out of the boy, but they could not find out. For the next few years, he was cared for by one person or another, taking him into their home and caring for him. Until on December 14, 1833, Kaspar was found with a stab wound to the chest. A purple silk wallet was found nearby, and inside it was a note made in such a way that it could only be read in a mirror image. It read:

“Hauser will be able to describe to you exactly what I look like and where I came from. In order not to bother Hauser, I want to tell you myself where I come from _ _ I came from _ _ the Bavarian border _ _ on the river _ _ I’ll even tell you my name: M . L. O."

14. Green children of Woolpit

Imagine that you live in the 12th century in the small village of Woolpit in the English county of Suffolk. While harvesting in a field, you find two children huddled in an empty wolf's hole. The children speak an incomprehensible language, are dressed in indescribable clothes, but the most interesting thing is that their skin is green. You take them to your home where they refuse to eat anything other than green beans.

After a while, these children - brother and sister - begin to speak a little English, eat more than just beans, and their skin gradually loses its green tint. The boy gets sick and dies. The surviving girl explains that they came from "St. Martin's Land", an underground "world of darkness" where they looked after their father's cattle, and then heard a noise and found themselves in a wolf's den. The inhabitants of the underworld are green and dark all the time. There were two versions: either it was a fairy tale, or the children escaped from the copper mines.

13. The Man from Somerton

On December 1, 1948, police discovered the body of a man on Somerton Beach in Glenelg (a suburb of Adelaide) in Australia. All the labels on his clothes were cut off, he had no documents or wallet on him, and his face was clean shaven. Even the teeth could not be identified. That is, there was not a single clue at all.
After the autopsy, the pathologist concluded that “death could not have occurred due to natural causes” and assumed poisoning, although no traces of toxic substances were found in the body. Apart from this hypothesis, the doctor could not guess anything more about the cause of death. Perhaps the most mysterious thing in this whole story was that with the deceased they found a piece of paper torn from a very rare edition of Omar Khayyam, on which only two words were written - Tamam Shud (“Tamam Shud”). These words are translated from Persian as “finished” or “completed”. The victim remained unidentified.

12. The Man from Taured

In 1954, in Japan, at Tokyo's Haneda Airport, thousands of passengers were rushing about their business. However, one passenger seemed to be taking no part in it. For some reason, this outwardly completely normal man in a business suit attracted the attention of airport security, they stopped him and started asking questions. The man answered in French, but was also fluent in several other languages. His passport contained stamps from many countries, including Japan. But this man claimed that he came from a country called Taured, located between France and Spain. The problem was that none of the maps offered to him showed any Taured in this place - Andorra was located there. This fact greatly saddened the man. He said that his country had existed for centuries and that he even had its stamps in his passport.

Discouraged, airport officials left the man in a hotel room with two armed guards outside the door while they tried to find more information about the man. They didn't find anything. When they returned to the hotel for him, it turned out that the man had disappeared without a trace. The door did not open, the guards did not hear any noise or movement in the room, and he could not leave through the window - it was too high. Moreover, all of this passenger’s belongings disappeared from the airport security premises.

The man, simply put, dived into the abyss and did not return.

11. Lady Grandmother

The 1963 assassination of John F. Kennedy has given rise to many conspiracy theories, and one of the most mystical details of this event is the presence in photographs of a certain woman dubbed Lady Granny. This woman in a coat and sunglasses was in a bunch of pictures, moreover, they show that she had a camera and was filming what was happening.

The FBI tried to find her and establish her identity, but to no avail. The FBI later called on her to turn over her videotape as evidence, but no one ever came. Just think: this woman, in daylight, in full view of at least 32 witnesses (photographed and videoed by her), witnessed and videotaped a murder, and yet no one, not even the FBI, could identify her. It remained a secret.

10. D.B. Cooper

It happened on November 24, 1971 at Portland International Airport, where a man who had bought a ticket using documents in the name of Dan Cooper boarded a plane bound for Seattle, clutching a black briefcase. After takeoff, Cooper gave the flight attendant a note saying that he had a bomb in his briefcase and his demands were $200,000 and four parachutes. The flight attendant notified the pilot, who contacted authorities.

After landing at Seattle Airport, all passengers were released, Cooper's demands were met and the exchange was made, after which the plane took off again. As he flew over Reno, Nevada, the calm Cooper ordered all personnel on board to remain seated as he opened the passenger door and jumped into the night sky. Despite the large number of witnesses who could identify him, “Cooper” was never found. Only a small portion of the money was found in a river in Vancouver, Washington.

9. 21-faced monster

In May 1984, a Japanese food corporation called Ezaki Glico faced a problem. Its president, Katsuhiza Yezaki, was kidnapped for ransom from his home and held for some time in an abandoned warehouse, but then managed to escape. A little later, the company received a letter stating that the products were poisoned with potassium cyanide and there would be casualties if all products were not immediately recalled from food warehouses and stores. The company's losses amounted to $21 million, 450 people lost their jobs. The Unknowns - a group of people who took the name "21-faced monster" - sent mocking letters to the police, who could not find them, and even gave hints. The next message said that they had “forgiven” Glico, and the persecution had stopped.

Not content with playing with one large corporation, the Monster organization has its eyes on others: Morinaga and several other food companies. They acted according to the same scenario - they threatened to poison the food, but this time they demanded money. During a botched money exchange operation, a police officer almost managed to capture one of the criminals, but still let him go. Superintendent Yamamoto, who was responsible for investigating this case, could not bear the shame and committed suicide by self-immolation.

Shortly after, "The Monster" sent his final message to the media, ridiculing the death of a police officer and ending with the words: "We are the bad guys. Which means we have better things to do than harass companies. Being bad is fun. Monster with 21 faces." . And nothing more was heard about them.

8. The Man in the Iron Mask

The "man in the iron mask" had the number 64389000, as follows from prison archives. In 1669, the minister of Louis XIV sent a letter to the governor of the prison in the French city of Pignerol, in which he announced the imminent arrival of a special prisoner. The minister ordered the construction of a cell with several doors to prevent eavesdropping, to provide for this prisoner's every basic need, and finally, if the prisoner ever spoke of anything other than this, to kill him without hesitation.

This prison was known for incarcerating "black sheep" from noble families and the government. It is noteworthy that the "mask" received special treatment: his cell was well furnished, unlike the rest of the prison cells, and two soldiers were on duty at the door of his cell, who were ordered to kill the prisoner if he removed his iron mask. The imprisonment lasted until the prisoner's death in 1703. The same fate befell the things he used: the furniture and clothes were destroyed, the walls of the cell were scraped and washed, and the iron mask was melted down.

Many historians have since fiercely debated the identity of the prisoner in an attempt to find out whether he was a relative of Louis XIV and for what reasons he was destined for such an unenviable fate.

7. Jack the Ripper

Perhaps the most famous and mysterious serial killer in history, London first heard about him in 1888, when five women were killed (although it is sometimes said that there were eleven victims). All the victims were connected by the fact that they were prostitutes, and also by the fact that all of them had their throats cut (in one of the cases, the cut went right up to the spine). All victims had at least one organ cut out of their bodies, and their faces and body parts were mutilated almost beyond recognition.

What's most suspicious is that these women were clearly not killed by a novice or amateur. The killer knew exactly how and where to cut, and he knew the anatomy perfectly, so many immediately decided that the killer was a doctor. The police received hundreds of letters in which people accused the police of incompetence, and there appeared to be letters from the Ripper himself, signed “From Hell.”

None of the many suspects and none of the countless conspiracy theories have been able to shed any light on the case.

6. Agent 355

One of the first spies in US history, and a female spy, was Agent 355, who worked for George Washington during the American Revolution and was part of the Culper Ring spy organization. This woman provided vital information about the British army and its tactics, including plans for sabotage and ambushes, and if not for her, the outcome of the war might have been different.

Supposedly in 1780, she was arrested and sent aboard a prison ship, where she gave birth to a boy, who was named Robert Townsend Jr. She died a little later. However, historians are suspicious of this story, saying that women were not sent to floating prisons, and there is no evidence of the birth of a child.

5. The Zodiac Killer

Another serial killer who remains unknown is the Zodiac. This is practically an American Jack the Ripper. In December 1968, he shot and killed two teenagers in California - right on the side of the road - and attacked five more people the following year. Only two of them survived. One victim described the attacker as a pistol-waving man wearing a cloak with an executioner's hood and a white cross painted on his forehead.
Like Jack the Ripper, the Zodiac maniac also sent letters to the press. The difference is that these were ciphers and cryptograms along with crazy threats, and at the end of the letter there was always a crosshair symbol. The main suspect was a man named Arthur Lee Allen, but the evidence against him was only circumstantial and his guilt was never proven. And he himself died of natural causes shortly before the trial. Who was the Zodiac? No answer.

4. Unknown rebel (Tank Man)

This photograph of a protester facing a column of tanks is one of the most famous anti-war photographs and also contains a mystery: the identity of this man, called Tank Man, has never been established. An unidentified rebel single-handedly held off a column of tanks for half an hour during the Tiananmen Square riots in June 1989.

The tank was unable to avoid the protester and stopped. This prompted Tank Man to climb onto the tank and talk to the crew through the vent. After some time, the protester got down from the tank and continued his standing strike, preventing the tanks from moving forward. Well, then he was carried away by people in blue. It is unknown what happened to him - whether he was killed by the government or forced into hiding.

3. Woman from Isdalen

In 1970, the partially burned body of a naked woman was discovered in the Isdalen Valley (Norway). More than a dozen sleeping pills, a lunch box, an empty liquor bottle and plastic bottles that smelled like gasoline were found on her. The woman suffered severe burns and carbon monoxide poisoning, was found with 50 sleeping pills inside her, and may have been hit in the neck. The tips of her fingers were cut off so that she could not be identified by her prints. And when the police found her luggage at a nearby train station, it turned out that all the labels on the clothes had also been cut off.

Upon further investigation, it turned out that the deceased had a total of nine aliases, a whole collection of different wigs and a collection of suspicious diaries. She also spoke four languages. But this information did not greatly help in identifying the woman. A little later, a witness was found who saw a woman in fashionable clothes walking along the path from the station, followed by two men in black coats - towards the place where the body was discovered 5 days later.

But this evidence was not very helpful.

2. Grinning Man

Usually paranormal events are difficult to take seriously and almost all phenomena of this kind are exposed almost immediately. However, this case seems to be of a different kind. In 1966, in New Jersey, two boys were walking along the road towards the barrier at night and one of them noticed a figure behind the fence. The towering figure was dressed in a green suit that shimmered in the lantern light. The creature had a wide grin or a grin and small prickly eyes that constantly followed the frightened boys with their gaze. The boys were then questioned separately and in great detail, and their stories matched exactly.

Some time later, reports of such a strange Grinning Man appeared again in West Virginia, in large numbers and from different people. Grinning even talked to one of them, Woodrow Dereberger. He identified himself as "Indrid Cold" and asked if there had been any reports of unidentified flying objects in the area. In general, he made an indelible impression on Woodrow. Then this paranormal entity was still encountered here and there until he disappeared completely.

1. Rasputin

Perhaps no other historical figure can compare with Grigory Rasputin in terms of the degree of mystery. And although we know who he is and where he comes from, his personality is surrounded by rumors, legends and mysticism and is still a mystery. Rasputin was born in January 1869 into a peasant family in Siberia, where he became a religious wanderer and “healer,” claiming that a certain deity gave him visions. A series of controversial and bizarre events led to the fact that Rasputin found himself in the royal family as a healer. He was invited to treat Tsarevich Alexei, who was suffering from hemophilia, in which he was even somewhat successful - and as a result acquired enormous power and influence over the royal family.

Rasputin, associated with corruption and evil, suffered countless unsuccessful assassination attempts. Either they sent a woman with a knife to him under the guise of a beggar, and she almost gutted him, or they invited him to the house of a famous politician and tried to poison him there with cyanide mixed into his drink. But that didn't work either! In the end, he was simply shot. The killers wrapped the body in sheets and threw it into the icy river. It later turned out that Rasputin died from hypothermia, and not from bullets, and was even almost able to extricate himself from his cocoon, but this time luck did not smile on him.

Mystical and inexplicable stories told by eyewitnesses.

Lost in time

I started working part-time as a security guard four years ago, immediately after serving in the army. Work - don't hit someone who's lying down. The schedule is in three days. You sit in your room, watching TV series. It is not prohibited to take a nap at night, the main thing is to call the central office every two hours, saying that everything is in order at the site.

Four years ago, most of the building's spaces were empty. There was only one Internet service provider company based there. At 6 pm all the installers locked their office and went home. I was left completely alone. And then, during my third shift, something unexpected happened...
In the evening, when everyone had left, I heard a strange noise. Fidgeting, dull blows and a rough male voice. I tensed up, took the stun gun out of the table and left my closet. The noise came from the right wing of the second floor. It's like someone is banging on the door and yelling something angry. Only swear words could be made out. Going up the steps, of course, I was a coward. Where can you get away from your work?
It was not yet dark outside, but upstairs there was only one window at the end of the wing, and the corridor was buried in twilight. I pressed the switch, but the light did not come on. That day the electricity worked intermittently. This is rare in our building, but it does happen. They always explain it the same way: “The building is old, what do you want? There will always be something to break.”
I approached the place where the noise was coming from. These were the doors of the technical room. On the other side, someone was swearing and furiously punching. A yellowed piece of paper was taped to the door with the inscription “Room No. 51. The guard has the key." But there was no castle! And a thick piece of reinforcement was inserted into the lock ears.
- Hey! - I shouted as firmly as possible so as not to show the trembling in my voice.
- Finally! - Someone on the other side blurted out irritably and stopped drumming on the door.
- Who's there? - I asked.
- A horse in a coat! Open up, come on! Why are you weird?
The door shook again, I realized that it was better to open it before it was broken down. It turned out to be difficult to pull out a piece of reinforcement. It is completely rusted. From this it became clear to me that it was not locked yesterday. After fiddling around for a minute, I finally pulled the piece of metal out of the ears. A disheveled, unshaven man jumped out of the room, almost knocking me off my feet. He rolled his eyes at me and started yelling:
- Tell me why you did this, huh?
- What? - I thought that this guy would explain everything to me, but he accused me.
- Why is the door closed? - he still asks rudely. Saliva splashes. Feisty eyes.
- How should I know? It was always closed! - I say.
-Are you completely stupid? - the man said more calmly, and it seemed to me that his face became frightened.
He said nothing more, turned to the exit and walked away.
- Hey! Where are you going? - I came to my senses when he had already left the wing. I ran after him, and he, without looking back, quickly went down the stairs and went out into the street.
I rushed to my closet. I took the key and locked the main entrance. He returned again and, calling the central office, reported that there was an outsider at the facility. The dispatcher conferred with someone, then told me to look at everything and call again in five minutes.
I did everything as I was told. I went up to the second floor and studied room No. 51. There was nothing to see there: just a long, cramped room. An electrical panel with red letters “SHO-3” and a ladder to the attic. Seeing the stairs, the solution to the “mystery of the closed room” immediately became clear to me. This is my version of events: some crazy person got into the building, wandered around the second floor, then climbed up one of the stairs in the hallway into the attic, and then climbed down those stairs and found himself trapped.
I called the dispatcher back exactly five minutes later. He reassured me that all the locks were intact, nothing was missing, and there was no one else in the building. And then I sat down at the table, opened the magazine and wrote this whole story on two pages. And he also described his guesses.

In the morning, when I had to turn in my shift, my boss showed up. I got nervous. He is a strict man - a former military man. I walked by, said hello and sat down to read my report. Then he asked to show the scene of the incident. He and I went to room No. 51.
The boss inspected everything there, closed the doors and inserted a piece of reinforcement into place. Afterwards he announced that I was great. He acted clearly and according to instructions. I was proud of myself. But it was in vain. The next day my shift worker called me and said that I needed to come to the city. The boss is calling. He warned that everyone would be reprimanded.
I came. I saw all my colleagues for the first time. Among them I was the youngest.
It turned out that after my shift someone broke into the building again. And again to room No. 51. The security guard conveniently missed this matter. Only in the morning I noticed that a piece of reinforcement was lying on the floor, and the doors of the room were wide open. There was no one inside, nothing was stolen, but the boss really didn’t like this incident.
He demanded that from now on, without our knowledge, not a single fly would fly in or out of the building. He said that that company here has several million worth of equipment and everything is under our responsibility. He ordered that the main entrance be locked immediately after the last employee left. And so that we sit and stare at the monitor all day long, as we should.
In short, the boss told us specifically. On the same day, a lock was hung on the door instead of a piece of reinforcement. The keys to it were placed on a stand in the security room. They even printed a new piece of paper and stuck it on the door. Almost nothing was changed in the text - “The key is at the security post (Room No. 51)”, and now it was true. For a month after this event, the boss came twice per shift. Sometimes I personally called at night so that they would not lose their vigilance. But there were no more cases, and the severity of the security post decreased.

Much time has passed since that incident. New companies have appeared in the building. Almost all the premises were occupied. A magnetic lock was installed at the main entrance. Now I let people into the building by pressing a button. At night, to be sure, the door was locked with a key. Work became completely calm.
And then a year and a half ago something else happened. True, only I attached importance to this. A new installer got a job at the same Internet provider company. When I first saw him, I almost swore. He looked very much like the locked man. Only this one smiled modestly, behaved as if he was seeing me for the first time and as if everything here was unfamiliar to him.
For a long time I was sure that this was the same psycho who caused a commotion here during my first shifts. I kept thinking about who to tell on the sly. I even felt a burden of guilt on myself for keeping quiet about it. Suddenly he was up to something bad: he was sniffing out something, and now he got a job...
But after a while I realized that this new installer and that crazy man could not be the same person. This guy turned out to be completely adequate, simple and non-conflicting. One day we started talking, and I finally buried my doubts. This was his first year in the city. Came from the Astrakhan region. I haven't been to these places before.
His name was Dima, by the way. I had no reason not to believe him. And I decided that this guy wouldn’t do anything strange, but everything turned out to be completely wrong. 7 months ago he disappeared under very strange circumstances... It happened, as if on purpose, on my shift. That day there were again problems with electricity. This gave Dimka no rest. He is an electrician by trade, and he gets terribly annoyed when something doesn't work.
- Come on. Everything will get better in a day. “How many times has this happened already,” I told him, and he calmed down a little. Stopped running back and forth.
After 6 pm, when almost no one was left in the building, Dima came to me, smiled and asked for the key to the 51st.
- I was already getting ready to go home, and it just dawned on me that there was another shield there. Let me see what’s there,” he says. - About 10 minutes, no more.
I nodded at the stand with the keys, saying, take it. He put his bag on my sofa, took the key and left. I was carried away by the series and did not attach any importance to all this...
About an hour passed. I folded my laptop, deciding it was time to make a round and lock the building. And then, getting up from the chair, I saw Dima’s bag on the sofa and immediately remembered that he had not returned, although he promised to bring the key in 10 minutes.
I didn’t suspect anything then. You never know, the man got carried away with repairs. I left the room, checked the first floor, and went up to the second. I see: the doors of room No. 51 are slightly open, and there is dead silence in the wing...
I called Dima, he did not respond. And then fear tickled in my stomach. I remembered that incident with room No. 51 and that man who looked like Dima. And it began to seem to me that Dima was also unshaven today, and his clothes were similar.
I called out to Dima again. Silence. Oh, I was scared. I timidly crept up to the door... The open lock was hanging on one eyelet, and there was no one inside. He flicked the switch and the light came on. Then a crazy idea came into my head. But I pushed these thoughts away. Dimka left, forgot about the bag, did not return the key. So what? Happens! He didn’t report anything.
Only three days later I learned that Dima had not shown up at work since that day. His boss kept walking around, wailing: “Where has he gone? After all, he’s not a drinker.” I realized that I had seen him last, and I asked about him every shift. I thought he would show up and dispel my stupid suspicions. But he still wasn’t there. They contacted the police - to no avail.
And now I’m sitting on my shifts, thinking. What if the end of this disappearance story is somewhere in the past? Then you shouldn’t be surprised why Dima started yelling at me... Of course, having suddenly found himself locked up, he would have thought that it was I who locked him up...
I also remember the incident when, the next day, someone snuck into room No. 51 again. What if it was Dimka too, when he realized that he “came out in the wrong place”? There is also a spare key for that lock, but I didn’t put a lock on the door. I put it in the desk drawer. And the doors of room No. 51 were loosely tied with a thin wire so that they could easily be opened from the inside. There's nothing to steal there anyway. And Dimka, maybe, will come back?

Prophetic dream with mosquitoes

My mother graduated from college and, by the will of fate, was assigned to work in the glorious city of Chelyabinsk. The events described below refer to 1984-1985.
The girls worked together and lived not in a dormitory, but in a rented apartment on the ground floor of a high-rise building. There were four girls, two rooms, they lived amicably and cheerfully. Everyone was from different cities, and went home for the next New Year holidays. Everyone except Galya, whose parents died a long time ago. So Galina was left alone in the apartment for the holidays.
My mother celebrated the holiday in the warm circle of her family, but on the night from the first to the second she had a strange and terrible dream. Galya stands in a dark room and keeps swatting away mosquitoes. And there are whole clouds of mosquitoes swarming. Galya is already crying with frustration, she can’t drive them away from her.
Returning to Chelyabinsk, the girls warmly congratulated each other and shared their impressions of their trips, but for some reason Gali was not at home. She didn’t come either on the second or third day, and everyone was terribly worried - everyone had already gone to work, and it wasn’t in the girl’s character to play truant.
It was also noteworthy that when my mother told her friends about her dream, the others confirmed that they had seen the same thing in their dream, maybe in slightly different settings. But Galina and mosquitoes were present in all three dreams. By the way, after their arrival, the tenants noticed that mosquitoes began to appear in the house in numbers unusual for winter, but they attributed everything to possible dampness in the basement, where the central heating pipes run.
A statement to the police about Gali’s disappearance was written by my mother and her neighbors. The search began. They also checked the basement of the house. There Galina’s body was found in a very unsightly condition. And it was swarming with mosquito larvae. Warmth, humidity, nutrient medium - the insects multiplied incredibly.
During the investigation, it was established that an acquaintance came to see the girl. Apparently, they quarreled in the doorway of the apartment, and he firmly pressed his head against her. He hid the lifeless body in a dressing gown in the basement. Apparently, Galya had no closer friends in the world, so they dreamed of her and tried to tell them where she was. About two weeks or a little more passed from the disappearance of the unfortunate woman to the discovery of her body.

In every person's life there are such incidents and stories that make your palms sweat and your hair stand on end. Of course, in fact, most of them are ordinary coincidences, but it is not always possible to believe in it. In fact, there is enough mysticism in our world, so another story, out of the ordinary, can happen to absolutely anyone. Next we will talk about the most mysterious and terrible incidents that happened to people.

It happened in Latvia, namely in Riga. The young man recently got married. He decides to get together with his friends and chat a little. Of course, it couldn't be done without alcohol. All night the friends were buzzing at the top of their lungs and having fun like the last time. Lots of alcohol and drugs were present at the party.

After several hours of fun, everyone began to go to their rooms to rest and sleep. One of the friends decides to stay in the kitchen with the hero of the occasion in order to spend the night talking about concepts. When all the alcohol had already been drunk, and my friends could barely stand on their feet, the decision was made to go to bed. Young man, who had recently become a husband, went to his wife’s room, and his friend went to another, where no one was there.

This is where the mysterious story begins, based on real events. As soon as the guy lay down on the sofa, he immediately felt something was wrong: strange creaks and exclamations, swear words spoken in a whisper. Of course, such a situation could frighten anyone. Then a shadow flashed in the mirror located opposite the bed, which fairly frightened the young man. He was afraid to get up, because he did not know what would await him. Then knocking noises were heard, similar to hammering a nail. The thought immediately appeared that alcohol and drugs were making themselves felt. This could be considered true if not for a strong knock, after which the guy can’t stand it and turns on the light.

What he discovers next is simply maddening. There was a hammer lying on the floor, the knocks of which had been heard earlier. Strong fear and a sense of self-preservation took over, and the guy ran to sleep in another room. Waking up, he told a story friends. But they were not laughing. It turns out that this house was built by an adult man who traveled the world. Soon he hanged himself from a tree near the estate. How and why he did this is still not known. And his ghost still haunts the house.

Reading this mysterious story based on real events, goosebumps appear on your skin and your hair simply stands on end. Sometimes you are amazed at what happens to people.

A young girl working in an office all day long practically never appeared in her apartment, as work absorbed her from head to toe. The only thing she did while at home was shower, cook and sleep. There was simply no time for other things. The girl did not have fun and did not invite friends to visit, since the malicious boss did not give the young lady rest.

And one day the moment came when the apartment had to be sold. It was removable, and the owner found a buyer. Consequently, the girl had to move out of the living space belonging to another person. According to the rental agreement, there was only one week left until the next payment. That's how much time was left to find a new apartment.

Hire realtors there was no money or time. Therefore, the young lady went to friends who could help her. And, it would seem, a good opportunity turned up to live in a friend’s apartment for a low cost. But there is one discrepancy - my grandfather recently died in this place, and a year before him his grandmother. For some reason, the owner of the apartment decided not to tell this to her friend. Apparently, she wanted more money.

Having packed her bags, the girl finally moves to a new apartment. Of course, she appeared there again very rarely, since it was the end of the year, and it was necessary to prepare various reports for the entire working period. There were no days off at all.

One day, the boss decided to give the girl a gift, giving her a day off. She devoted the whole day to cleaning the apartment. In the evening, tired of all the fuss, she drank a glass of red wine and turned on the TV, where they were showing cartoons. Suddenly young lady I heard her lock opening. Great fear gripped her. Then the man's footsteps went to the kitchen. For several minutes the apartment tenant lay in bewilderment. Later, having gained strength, she finally decides to go check. But there was no one there.

The next day she told this story to her friend, who was renting her an apartment. She could not restrain herself and said that it was on the sofa where the girl slept that both her grandfather and grandmother died. Most likely, it was their spirits that traveled through the house. A few days later, the resident packed her things and left. She didn't communicate with her friend anymore.

The mystical real story from the lives of real people dates back to the nineties of the last century. It's perestroika, no one has money, everyone is surviving as best they can. And so the unremarkable family lived absolutely like everyone else: a small apartment, two children, an unloved and low-paid job.

But one day the head of the family declares that bought a new car. There were many quarrels over this purchase, since there was no money even for food, and my father was buying transport. The new purchase was an old Audi 80 with over two hundred thousand kilometers on it. And from the first day, for some reason the car did not like its owner: it constantly broke down, some parts fell off, rust “ate” the body.

My father spent days and nights in the garage, trying to fix the problem that had resurfaced. Every day brought miracles: a tire puncture was already such a common thing that the new owner was not at all discouraged, but dutifully repaired his “swallow”.

And then one day, when patience was simply running out, it was decided sell a car. Before preparing for sale, the family decides to wash the car inside and out to create a more or less presentable appearance. The children decided to clean up the trash under the seats, where a package was found.

This bag contained various letters containing all kinds of curses and conspiracies. Of course, this creates great fear. It is not known who left these inscriptions in the car and why, but they made me very nervous. It was decided to dispose of all curses by burning. And so they did.

After that, some strange things began. For example, someone stole my mother’s wallet. Gradually the problems only gained momentum. One of their serious problems was work. For some reason, the boss is so angry with the husband and wife that he decides to deprive them of their salaries. Accordingly, it was necessary to look for new sources of income, because a family with children would simply die of hunger.

And here is the buyer for the car. Having arrived at the right place at the appointed time and having inspected the vehicle, he decides to purchase the car. After spending small test drive, the buyer drove into a hole and punctured the tire. This is just the beginning of his problems. Still, he decides to buy the “cursed” car, unaware of its past. The deal went through, the money was received, the buyer left.

My mother-in-law and I lived together. She was a doctor, a very good one. Somehow I was sick for a long time. Weakness, cough, no fever. My mother-in-law calls and we talk about our children. I cough during a conversation. She suddenly says - you have basal pneumonia. I was very surprised. I answer that there is no temperature. In short, she drops everything and comes to us half an hour later. He listens to me through his phonendoscope, taps me on the back and says: “Don’t argue with me.” Get dressed, let's go for the x-ray.

We took pictures. It's true, I have pneumonia. Just like she said. She made me go to the hospital and personally treated me. And after a short time she herself suddenly dies of a heart attack.

We grieved for her very much. And for some reason I kept remembering how, shortly before her death, she asked me:

How do you think? Is there something after death?

One day after a bath I wanted to lie down. She lay down, and suddenly the balcony door opened slightly. I was also surprised, it just doesn’t open without effort. There was definitely no draft. I followed this, afraid of getting sick again. There was a strong chill. I should get up and close the door, but I don’t want to. I can’t sleep, but I don’t want to get up, I’m very tired at the dacha. I just got cured, if I don’t close the door, I’ll get sick again.

And suddenly I thought:

I wonder if that light actually exists or not?

And mentally she turned to her deceased mother-in-law:

Mom, if you can hear me, close the door to the balcony, otherwise it will blow through me. You are gone, there will be no one to treat you.

And the door immediately closed! I think it seemed like something? Repeated:

Mom, if you can hear me, open the door.

Door opened!

Can you imagine?! We gathered the next day and went to church. Candles were lit for the repose.

We had a case. On their father’s anniversary they decided not to invite anyone, but to modestly remember him. Mother did not want the wake to turn into an ordinary drinking party.

We are sitting at the table in the kitchen. The mother put the photograph of the father on the table, and in order to raise it higher, she placed a notebook under it, leaning it against the wall. They poured a glass of vodka and a piece of black bread. Everything is as it should be. We talk, we remember.

It’s already evening, we decided to clean everything up. I say that the stack should be taken to the nightstand in my father’s room, let it stand there until it evaporates. My mother is very rational, she doesn’t really believe in all these customs. She says so frivolously: “Why clean up, I’ll drink it myself now.”

As soon as she said this, the notebook suddenly, for no reason at all, slid along the edge of the table and knocked over her father’s stack. The photograph fell, and every last drop of vodka spilled out. (I must say that the stack is round like a barrel and it is almost impossible to knock it over).

Have you ever had the hair on your head move? That was the first time I experienced this. Moreover, my whole body was covered in goosebumps from horror. I couldn’t say anything for about five minutes. The husband and mother also sat in shock. It’s as if my father said from the other world: “Here you go!” You’ll drink my vodka, of course!”

Yesterday I encountered something strange.

It’s already past midnight, I’m sitting with my dear one, watching “Midshipmen,” and we hear that someone is swinging in the yard.

The third floor, the windows overlook the landing and, due to the heat, are wide open. Our swing creaks disgustingly, this sound is familiar to tears - my little one adores them, but I can’t get to the mechanism to lubricate it.

After a couple of minutes, I began to wonder: who is it that fell into our childhood - I think there are no children on the street at this time.

I go to the window - the swing is empty, but actively swinging. I call my friend, we go out onto the balcony, the entire playground is clearly visible (the sky is clear, the moon is full), the swing is empty, but continues to swing, increasing its amplitude. I take a powerful flashlight, direct the beam at the swing - a few more “back and forth”, a jerk as if someone had jumped off, and the swing begins to stop.

I scared away some local spirit.

I remembered. Once upon a time we lived in the taiga. And then passing hunters came to visit. The guys are making small talk, I'm setting the table. There are three of us, two of them, and I set the table for six. When I noticed, I began to wonder out loud why I counted another person.

And after this, the hunters said that they stopped in one place on the boat - they were interested in a pile of brushwood. It turned out that the bear had picked up the man and covered him with dead wood; a leg in a gnawed boot was sticking out from under the brushwood. That's why they went to the city, taking a boot - to report where they were supposed to, order aviation to remove the corpse and assemble a brigade to shoot the man-eating bear.

The restless soul probably got stuck together with the boot.

We once rented an apartment with my husband and three-year-old daughter from a man. Everything was fine for the first six months. We lived in peace. And one day, on one of the cold winter evenings, I put my daughter in the bathtub, gave her children’s toys, and I did something around the house, periodically keeping an eye on her. And then she screams. I go to the bathroom, she sits, cries, and blood runs down her back. I looked at the wound, as if someone had scratched it. I ask what happened, and she points her finger at the doorway and says: “This aunt offended me.” Naturally, there was no aunt, we were alone. It became creepy, but somehow I quickly forgot about it.

Two days later, I’m standing in the bathroom, my daughter comes in and asks, pointing her finger into the bath: “Mom, who is this aunt?” I ask: “Which aunt?” “This one,” he answers and looks into the bath. “Here she sits, can’t you see?” I was in a cold sweat, my hair was standing on end, I was ready to fly out of the apartment and run! And the daughter stands and looks into the bath and seems to be meaningfully looking at someone! I rushed to read prayers in every corner with a candle throughout the apartment! I calmed down, went to bed, and early in the morning the child came to the corner of the room and offered some candy to some aunt!

On this day, the owner of the apartment came to collect payment, I asked him who lived here before? And he told me that his wife and mother died in this apartment with a difference of 2 years, and for both the deathbed was the bed on which my daughter sleeps! Need I say that we soon moved out of there?

A friend of mine lives in a pre-revolutionary house. My great-grandfather, a merchant, built it. One day I returned from the store and saw a man in a sheepskin coat in the room. He is small, bearded, and spins around himself as if he is dancing.

A friend asked him: For better or worse?

To which he sang: And you will lose the child, you will lose the child!!!

And immediately disappeared.

For a long time, an acquaintance was worried about her children, picked them up from school, and did not let them go far from her. A year later, the eldest son went to live in another city, with his father. The mother visits very rarely, so we can say that she lost the child.

I didn’t write about this for a long time, I thought it was my personal thing. The other day I thought - I read you, you also share.

Mom will be 2 years old on June 26th. I remember how a week before we went to the beach (no one was sick and had no intention of dying). I saw golden threads from my mother’s head straight into the sky. My eyes are square, I backed away, sat down on the blanket. Eye-catching. I see my mother looking at me. All I could say was: Wow! Mom asked what, I told her not to move, I’ll look again. Mom said: “Maybe I’ll die soon?” Mommy, how right you were

For the first time, my mother fainted in her chair, I called an ambulance, and screamed in a non-human voice. And my mother, with a blissful expression on her face, repeated: “Mom, mom, mom...”, as if she really saw. Then I started yelling: “Girl, get out of here, leave her to me, go away!” The ambulance did not recognize the stroke; my mother came to her senses in front of them. In the evening everything happened again and forever.

It was many years ago. My 91-year-old grandmother died. After the cremation, we brought the urn with the ashes home and put it in the storage room for further burial in another city (this was her request). It was not possible to take it away right away, and she stood there for several days.

And during this time, a lot of inexplicable things happened in the house... At night, my mother heard some groans, sobs, sighs that had never happened before, I always felt someone’s gaze (reproaching) during the day. Everything was falling out of our hands, and the atmosphere in the house became nervous and tense. It got to the point that we were afraid to walk past the storage room and didn’t even go to the toilet at night... We all understood that the restless soul was toiling, and when my father finally took the urn away and buried it, everything changed for us too. Granny! Forgive us, we probably did something wrong!

Mom told me three days ago. Our children go to bed late, including schoolchildren. By midnight it is only relatively quiet. And the village itself is quiet. Only crickets now, and a rare dog barking. The night birds have already stopped singing and are preparing for autumn. Further from my mother's words.

I woke up to someone knocking on the second door in the corridor (the first one is wooden and has a bolt, the second one is modern metal). The knocking was not strong, and it was as if they were knocking with an open palm. I thought that one of the older children jumped out into the street without asking, and the grandfather locked the door after smoking. But it was almost 2 am, there was silence in the house - everyone was asleep. She asked “who’s there?” The knocking stopped for a while. Then a child’s voice said: “It’s me... let me in.” The yard dog and two lap dogs were silent. Once again she asked “who’s there?” The knocking stopped completely.

My mother is very rational and does not suffer from visions. She told me it was very alarming. You need to know our family, especially my mother - she doesn’t believe in anyone, she’s not afraid of anyone, so the usual reaction for her would be to get out of bed with the question “what kind of nonsense is this?”, but here it is. He says that it was a very natural and obvious event. And she didn't sleep.