Let's learn to speak correctly. We correct speech errors. Speech errors: types, causes, examples Ways to correct and prevent speech errors

49. Types of speech errors: methods of working to prevent and correct them.

Types and examples of speech errors

Speech errors These are errors associated with violation of the requirements of correct speech.

    Using words with meanings that are unusual for them. Example: We were shocked by the excellent performance of the players.

    Repetition of cognate words in one sentence (tautology): The writer vividly describes the events of that day.

    Speech impairment (occurs when the right word is missed). The car lost both.

    A mixture of vocabulary from different historical eras. Anna Sergeevna and the prince went to get married at the registry office.

    Pleonasm (hidden tautology). Example: colleagues.

    Using unnecessary words. A young girl, very beautiful.

    Poor use of pronouns. This text was written by K. Ivanov. It refers to an artistic style.

    Unjustified repetition of words. Maria loves flowers. Maria knows everything about them.

Causes of speech errors

“The complexity of the speech generation mechanism is a factor contributing to the occurrence of speech errors” Nikolai Ivanovich Zhinkin.

The main causes of speech errors are:

    Misunderstanding of the meaning of a word (when a word is used in a meaning that is unusual for it). The fire grew hotter and hotter.

    The use of synonyms (each such word can have its own functional and stylistic connotation, this leads to speech errors). For example: "blunder"- professional jargon, but "hole"- a colloquial word.

    The use of polysemantic words (when using them, be sure to make sure that they are understandable to the interlocutor).

    Lexical incompleteness of the statement (an important word is missing).

    Use of outdated words. (Example: Now everything in the store is at a discount).

    Words of foreign origin (if you have a passion for borrowed words, be sure to find out their exact meaning).

    Errors in word formation (for example: they want; dog kennel; on the forehead, etc.)

    Incorrect use of paronyms (words that are similar in sound, usually one part of speech, but different in meaning and structure). For example: addressee - addressee.

    Lack of lexical compatibility in a sentence. A good leader must set an example for his subordinates in everything.(The word “sample” is used inappropriately and should be replaced with “example”).

    Inappropriate use of dialectisms (expressions or ways of speech used by people of a particular locality). For example: The scavenger came to me and sat there until the morning. ( Shaberka - neighbor).

When choosing words, you need to pay attention to their meaning, usage, stylistic coloring, and compatibility with other words. Since violation of at least one of these criteria can lead to a speech error.

Ways to correct and prevent speech errors

Often in the speech of people (especially very young people) there are lexical and stylistic errors, i.e. the use of words in an inaccurate or unusual meaning (and the reason for this is ignorance of the meaning of the word). IN book “Speech Secrets” edited by T. A. Ladyzhenskaya options for working to prevent and eliminate these errors are presented.

In the meantime, we offer you our selection designed to prevent speech errors:

    Communicate with literate and educated people.

    Visit theaters, museums, trainings.

    Constantly monitor your speech (pronounce words correctly).

    Essays and presentations are recognized as good speech exercises.

Let's learn to speak correctly.
Correcting speech errors

The proposed tasks will help schoolchildren learn to find, classify, and correct speech errors and shortcomings.

1. This model is for display purposes only and is not for sale.

2. I borrowed a thousand rubles to my neighbor until February.

3. The boy did not answer anything, but only blinked his eyes.

4. The court found him guilty of committing a crime.

5. His father was a real polyglot: he could answer questions from any field of knowledge in detail and thoroughly.

6. The rescuers saw that a man was drowning in the sea.

7. The wounded Prince Andrei fell face down. When he woke up, he saw a high, endless sky.

8. Katerina’s mother-in-law constantly taught life to the household.

9. Our products are imported to many countries around the world.

10. I switched to a more economical tariff.


1) Mark the sentences in which any word is used in a meaning that is unusual for it. (2, 5, 7, 8, 9.)

2) Mark sentences with violations of stylistic compatibility. (3, 6.)

3) Mark the sentences in which its paronym should be used instead of the word. (1, 4, 10.)

Answers: 1 - demonstration, 2 - lent or lent, 3 - blinked, 4 - guilty, 5 - encyclopedist, 6 - drowning, 7 - fell backward, 8 - mother-in-law, 9 - exported, 10 - economical.

1. Conversation with this person was important.

2. Beautiful curtains decorated the room.

3. I want to raise a toast to the health of the birthday boy.

4. The contents of the package must be filled with hot boiling water.

5. To enhance the reader's experience, the author narrates in the first person.

6. Gogol’s story “The Overcoat” tells the story of the life of the official Bashmachkin.

7. Our agency provides students with many available vacancies.

8. This victory came at a high price.

9. You don't see obvious facts.

10. This store has expensive prices.


1) Mark the sentences with violation of lexical compatibility. (1, 3, 5, 10.)

2) Mark the sentences in which the same root words are used nearby. (2, 6, 9.)

3) Mark the sentences that use extra words. (4, 7.)

4) Write down the corrected options.

Answers: 1 – played an important role or was of great importance, 2 - magnificent curtains, 3 - raise a glass or make a toast, 4 - hot water or boiling water, 5 – to enhance the impression, 6 – talks about life, 7 – many vacancies, 9 – you don’t notice, 10 – high prices.

1. It was Sophia who started the rumor that Chatsky was crazy.

2. My brother graduated from school with a medal.

3. You brought me to my knees.

4. Thirty tons of carrots were delivered to the city stores.

5. Our physics teacher got sick, so the lesson was postponed.

6. I was so tired from the long journey that I was neither alive nor dead.

7. Dear students! Urgently submit your records to the dean's office.

8. I signed this agreement with a creaky heart.

9. The court decided to divide the property between the spouses.

10. My sister shed crocodile tears when the heroine of the film died.


1) Mark the sentences that violate the form of the phraseological unit. (3, 8.)

2) Mark sentences with incorrect use of phraseological units. (6, 10.)

3) Replace colloquial and colloquial words and expressions in sentences with neutral ones. (1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 9.)

4) Write down the corrected options.

Answers: 1 – lost my mind, 2 – graduated, 3 – white-hot, 4 – carrots, 5 – physics teacher, 6 – I was very tired from the long march (neither alive nor dead from fear), 7 – grade books, 8 – reluctantly , 9 - about the division, 10 - she cried bitterly.

1. Onegin thinks that he cannot love anymore, and he was mistaken.

2. Mom wrapped her daughter in a shawl and took her away.

3. Our publishing house published a book that was popular among readers who love detective stories.

5. Katerina wants her husband to take her with him, but Tikhon refused.

6. The hero goes to another world, and then the hero becomes disappointed in it.

7. This device, which appeared on the shelves of stores specializing in the sale of household appliances, was appreciated by many customers.

8. The hero does not like to talk about his past life, and therefore he was not understood.

9. When I first read this book, I remembered the summer when I went to the sea.

10. Chatsky wants to change the life of Famusov’s Moscow, and he partially succeeds.


1) Mark the sentences with a violation of the aspectual-temporal correlation of verb forms. (1, 8, 9.)

2) Mark the sentences in which pronouns are used poorly. (2, 4.)

3) Mark poorly constructed sentences. (3, 7, 9.)

4) Mark sentences with unnecessary repetition of words. (6, 9.)

5) Write down the corrected options.

Answers: 1 - Onegin thinks...... and is mistaken, 2 - and takes away the girl, 3 - among readers who love detective stories, 4 - about the consequences of actions committed by a person, 5 - but Tikhon refuses, 6 - the hero leaves for another world, but then is disappointed in it, 7 - this device, which appeared on the shelves of stores that specialize in selling household equipment, was appreciated by many buyers, 8 - they do not understand it, 9 - reading this book for the first time, I remembered my summer trip to the sea.

Often masters of words in their works deviate from speech norms, achieving a certain artistic effect. Find deviations from speech norms in the given fragments of literary works and say what effect the authors achieve.

1. The whole room is illuminated with an amber shine.
The flooded stove crackles with a cheerful sound...

(A. Pushkin. Winter morning)

(Resorting to tautology crackles, the author conveys the sound that the lyrical hero of the poem hears.)

2. The moon makes its way through the wavy fogs,
She pours a sad light onto the sad meadows.

(A. Pushkin. Winter road)

(Tautology (she pours a sad light onto the sad meadows) helps the author to concentrate the reader’s attention on the emotional state of the lyrical hero.)

3. The conversations fell silent for a moment;
The mouth is chewing.

(A. Pushkin. Eugene Onegin)

(Combination of words of different styles (mouth chews) creates a comic effect.)

4. And we float, a burning abyss
Surrounded on all sides.

(F. Tyutchev. Dreams)

(Pleonasm (surrounded on all sides) emphasizes the complete immersion of the lyrical hero in the world of sleep.)

5. Green noise goes and hums,
Green noise, spring noise.

(N. Nekrasov. Green noise)

(A combination of words with contradictory meanings Green noise(catachresis) helps the author create a single visual-auditory image; lexical repetition in the first and second lines draws the reader's attention to this image.)

VI. Edit a piece of your essay.

All the images of the poem depicted

The reader, reading page after page, laughs at pretentious Manilov, above brutal Sobakevich, above blunt Box, above constantly lying scoundrel Nozdrev, and miser Plyushkin, collecting everything trash, – this is actually something. But especially Chichikov attracted my attention, somewhat similar and at the same time unlike to other characters in the poem.

Chichikov is similar to Manilov in that knew how to suck up to the right people similar on Sobakevich in that he can insist on his own, similar on Nozdryov by what he comes up with all sorts of scams, similar on Korobochka and Plyushkin by putting necessary and unnecessary things in a drawer.

But at the same time, Chichikov is significantly different from the other heroes of the poem. If heroic landowners are parasites, then Chichikov constantly sets new goals for himself and tries to achieve them. Already in childhood he was businessman, knew how to invest money profitably and get fat. So, when he was in school, he sold buns that he bought in advance, starving comrades and benefited from it.

But when the hero became an adult, not a single one of him the case didn't work out. Most likely, Gogol is punishing your hero because, for all his business qualities, he is an immoral person. So, for example, he did not help to his old teacher, who considered Pavlusha the best student; working in the treasury chamber, while seeking a promotion, he deceived the police chief and his daughter.

Approximate corrected version

All the images of the poem created Gogol, are interesting in their own way. Reading the page behind the page, We we laugh at the mannered Manilov and rude Sobakevich, above stupid In a box and constantly a lying rogue Nozdrev; A miser Plyushkin, collecting unnecessary things, produces special impression. But most attracted my attention Chichikov, somewhat similar to other heroes of the poem, but at the same time different from them.

Chichikov resembles Manilov in that can gain confidence to the right people; the hero's ability to insist on his own makes him similar with Sobakevich; like Nozdrev, Chichikov comes up with different scams; A storage necessary and unnecessary things in the drawer brings closer together hero with Plyushkin and Korobochka.

But, unlike idle landowners, Chichikov constantly sets new goals for himself and tries to achieve them. Already in childhood he businessman who knows how to invest money profitably and get profit. So, while still a schoolboy, he sells buns purchased in advance hungry comrades and benefits from it.

However, the matured hero can't succeed in anything. Most likely, Gogol is punishing Chichikova for the fact that, with all his business qualities, the hero is immoral person. For example, Chichikov refuses help to his old teacher, who considered Pavlusha the best student; serving in the government chamber and seeking a promotion, the hero deceives the police officer and his daughter.

Magnitogorsk city
Lyceum at MSTU. Nosova

Larisa Fominykh

Is it a grammatical or speech error?

The need to distinguish between grammatical and speech errors in students’ creative works is dictated by existing standards. The first type of errors is an integral part of the assessment for literacy, the second (as one of the components) - for content. When checking essays on the Unified State Examination (Part C), they must also be differentiated. However, in practice, difficulties often arise in their differentiation. The purpose of this note is to help the teacher determine the nature of these shortcomings.

A grammatical error is a violation of the structure of a language unit: incorrect word formation (there is no such word in the language); incorrect formation of word forms; errors in the construction of phrases and sentences. Violations of this kind account for about 31%.

A grammatical error, depending on its nature, can be made in a word, in a phrase or in a sentence. No context is required to detect it. Unlike spelling or punctuation, a grammatical error can be detected by hearing, and not only in a written text, while a spelling error can only be detected in writing.

Let's consider main types of grammatical errors.

I. Erroneous word formation: cake; liked it; chewing gum; showed indifference.

II. Errors in the formation of forms of different parts of speech:

1) nouns (gender; nominative and genitive plural forms; declension of indeclinable nouns): where is the second slipper? my birthday; our engineers; there are few real friendships; rode on ponies;

2) adjectives (double comparative or superlative): less successful; the most beautiful fountain; more attractive;

3) names of numerals (incorrect formation of case forms of cardinal numerals; errors in the use of ordinal and collective numerals): over eight hundred meters; seven skiers; on page thirty-eight;

4) pronouns: Until what time are classes? with their neighbors; evon book;

5) verbs: lay down the walls; we want to eat; erase from the board; brushes five times in a row; slam the door; drive straight; tomorrow I will clean up (do the laundry); This also includes a violation of the type-temporal correlation of verb forms in a sentence: When December arrives, the weather changes dramatically.

6) participles (they do not have a future tense form; they are not used with the particle would; reflexive and non-reflexive forms cannot be mixed): everyone who writes an essay will receive credit; there is not a single book here that would attract our attention; studied all available information; troops fighting the enemy;

7) participles: walked, looking around; applying ointment to the wound; having bought the service;

Sh. Syntax errors- violations in the construction of phrases and sentences:

1) errors in management: describes about the battle; thirst for power; I can’t wait until I leave;

2) in agreement: young people are eager to learn; people believe that life will not get better; with a group of tourists who are keen on mountain river rafting;

4) in constructing sentences with homogeneous members:

a) the member of the sentence and the subordinate clause are used as homogeneous ones: I want to show the importance of sports and why I love it;

b) with two predicate verbs there is a common addition that cannot be used in this form with one of them: We remember and admire the exploits of heroes;

c) inaccurate use of double conjunction: How the elderly, as well as children, were the first to be evacuated(need: both..., and...). I not only prepared on my own, but also attended an elective(not only but…);

5) in the use of participial phrases: There is little difference between the topics written on the board;

6) participial phrases: After skating at the skating rink, my legs hurt. And then, while preparing for exams, it was as if he had been replaced.

7) in the construction of complex sentences (distortion of conjunctions; use of two subordinating conjunctions at the same time; “stringing” similar subordinate clauses): When the bell rings, you need to get ready to go home. Everyone began to praise the performers, as if they were real artists. He said what he did not know about this incident. I heard that you asked me to tell you that you will arrive soon.

8) violation of sentence boundaries: 1.When the wind ran through. And clouds quickly ran across the sky. 2. I poured milk into a saucer for the hedgehog. And he put the hedgehog in the box.

However, one should remember the phenomenon of parcellation, when the author deliberately breaks up a sentence to give it greater expressiveness or highlight a thought: The very thought of betrayal is unpleasant to me. Because it goes against my beliefs.

9) mixing direct and indirect speech: A.S. Pushkin writes that I awakened good feelings with the lyre.

Main types of speech errors

Speech errors- These are errors associated with violation of the requirements of correct speech. The reason for them is the poverty of the students' vocabulary, inexpressiveness of speech, failure to distinguish paronyms, non-compliance with the lexical compatibility of words, speech cliches, etc. From the point of view of grammar, there are no violations, all forms of words, syntactic constructions correspond to the language norm, however, in general, the text of the work indicates the poverty of the student’s speech .

1) Using words in a meaning that is unusual for them: The pathos of his work is laughter - a formidable weapon of the writer. Monologue of wind and tree...

2) tautology (repetition of words with the same root in one sentence): The enemy was getting closer and closer.The young district of the city was named after the name of the street. The writer vividly describes the events of the Great Patriotic War.

It should be noted that the use of cognate words in one sentence may be quite acceptable. In the Russian folk language there are a number of expressions like: all sorts of things, telling jokes, doing your thing, roaring, howling, groaning. Either stand standing, or sit sitting, or lie down. (proverb)

Many of them have already become phraseological units or are approaching them. In works of art, the author may deliberately resort to tautology:

Soon the fairy tale is told, but not soon the deed is done. (A.S. Pushkin)

The smoke from the pipes goes into the chimney. (A.S. Pushkin)

I wish you and myself more pride, less pride. (K. Vanshenkin)

3) pleonasm (hidden tautology): the main leitmotif of his work; We invite you to celebrate the New Year holidays away from the cold, blizzards and cold weather; specific feature of creativity; colleagues;

4) mixing of paronyms: representatives of high society led a festive life; after a quarrel between neighbors, hostile relations were established; This dish is very filling;

5) violation of lexical compatibility: hunger and devastation gloat all around; the standard of living of the population has deteriorated;

7) speech stamps: Now let's talk about heating; in the summer we love to relax at the seaside; the exam can be held upon completion of mastering the subject;

8) dialectal, colloquial, slang words: he is used to living for free; she looked cool; in the image of Khlestakov, Gogol showed a terrible impudence who shamelessly lies and takes bribes;

9) mixing vocabulary from different historical eras: Marya Kirillovna and the prince went to get married at the registry office. Lisa served as Famusov's housekeeper;

10) unjustified repetition of identical words in adjacent sentences (usually these are verbs of movement, being, speaking): Boy was dressed in a burnt quilted jacket. Vatnik was roughly darned. AND were he is wearing worn trousers. And the soldier's boots were almost new.

Such a defect should be distinguished from repetition as a stylistic device, which is actively used by poets and writers:

Beautiful things are never in vain.
They don't grow even in a black year
The maple is in vain, and the willow is in vain,
And a wasted flower on the pond. (Yu. Moritz)

The hazy afternoon lazily breathes,
The river rolls lazily.
And in the fiery and pure firmament
The clouds are lazily melting. (F. Tyutchev)

11) unsuccessful use of personal and demonstrative pronouns as a means of connecting sentences (resulting in the creation of ambiguity): Don't give your wife a company car. She may get into an accident. - We watched the film in the new cinema. From him We were left with a good impression.

12) bad word order: Dobrolyubov called the merchants from Ostrovsky’s plays representatives of the “dark kingdom.” Scriabin's prelude and nocturne for the left hand were performed by Margarita Fedorova.

To make it more convenient to use the classification of these errors, we present them in abbreviated form in the table:

Grammatical errors Speech errors
1) erroneous word formation: pleasure to live; wakefulness; grant for life; 1) the use of a word in a meaning that is unusual for it: In an allergic form, Gorky tells us about the Petrel.
2) errors in the formation of word forms: no places; more strict; five hundred rubles; waiting; theirs; 2) violation of lexical compatibility: cheap prices; he constantly expands his horizons;
3) violation of the type-temporal correlation of verbs: sat at the table and didn’t talk to me; 3) tautology: Everyone was in a businesslike mood. Crime increased by five percent.
4) errors in coordination and management: from the part of the novel I read; 4) pleonasm: colleagues; feathered birds;
5) violation of agreement between subject and predicate: Humanity is fighting for peace. Young people on the bus are jostling and making noise. 5) unjustified repetitions of words in adjacent sentences: The guys woke up early. The guys decided to go into the forest. The guys went into the forest along a field road.
6) errors in the use of participial and participial phrases: While sledding, I got a headache. Reading books, life became more diverse. 6) Inappropriate use of personal and demonstrative pronouns, creating ambiguity: The girl has a hat on her head. She looks flirty.
7) errors in constructing complex sentences: Before leaving, we went to the river. 7) the use of a word of a different stylistic coloring: To poison Lensky, Onegin takes care of Olga.
8) mixing direct and indirect speech: The governor told the oil workers that we value your contribution to the regional economy. 8) mixing vocabulary from different historical eras: Gerasim returned to the village and began working on a collective farm.

Training tasks

1. Find grammatical errors in the sentences and determine their type.

1. The logs were heavy, so they were placed on sticks and carried.

2. The accident occurred five hundred and eleven kilometers from Moscow.

3. The management of the organization hopes that in this way they can stop the growth of the queue for kindergartens.

4. And they made a new swing in our yard!

5. While writing the review, Iskander used a rhetorical question.

6. These plans need and deserve every support.

7. But father answered that you are still too small for such work. Chatsky’s ardent speeches are addressed to the nobility, who do not want and are even afraid of change.

8. Now methods of water purification are becoming more advanced.

9. The spring sun was shining brightly, and the birds were singing.

10. Having risen to our floor, the door to our apartment was open.

11. From a distance, logs floating on the water were visible.

12. The sons of Taras dismounted from their horses, who were studying at the Kyiv Bursa.

2. Find speech errors and determine their type.

1. We foresaw all the difficulties of the hike in advance.

2. Khlestakov got into the chaise and shouted: “Drive, my dear, to the airport!”

Let's learn to speak correctly.
Correcting speech errors

The proposed tasks will help schoolchildren learn to find, classify, and correct speech errors and shortcomings.

1. This model is for display purposes only and is not for sale.

2. I borrowed a thousand rubles to my neighbor until February.

3. The boy did not answer anything, but only blinked his eyes.

4. The court found him guilty of committing a crime.

5. His father was a real polyglot: he could answer questions from any field of knowledge in detail and thoroughly.

6. The rescuers saw that a man was drowning in the sea.

7. The wounded Prince Andrei fell face down. When he woke up, he saw a high, endless sky.

8. Katerina’s mother-in-law constantly taught life to the household.

9. Our products are imported to many countries around the world.

10. I switched to a more economical tariff.


1) Mark the sentences in which any word is used in a meaning that is unusual for it. (2, 5, 7, 8, 9.)

2) Mark sentences with violations of stylistic compatibility. (3, 6.)

3) Mark the sentences in which its paronym should be used instead of the word. (1, 4, 10.)

Answers: 1 - demonstration, 2 - borrowed or lent, 3 - blinked, 4 - guilty, 5 - encyclopedist, 6 - drowning, 7 - fell backwards, 8 - mother-in-law, 9 - exported, 10 - economical.

1. Conversation with this person was important.

2. Beautiful curtains decorated the room.

3. I want to raise a toast to the health of the birthday boy.

4. The contents of the package must be filled with hot boiling water.

5. To enhance the reader's experience, the author narrates in the first person.

6. Gogol’s story “The Overcoat” tells the story of the life of the official Bashmachkin.

7. Our agency provides students with many available vacancies.

8. This victory came at a high price.

9. You don't see obvious facts.

10. This store has expensive prices.


1) Mark the sentences with violation of lexical compatibility. (1, 3, 5, 10.)

2) Mark the sentences in which the same root words are used nearby. (2, 6, 9.)

3) Mark the sentences that use extra words. (4, 7.)

4) Write down the corrected options.

Answers: 1 – played an important role or was of great importance, 2 - magnificent curtains, 3 - raise a glass or make a toast, 4 - hot water or boiling water, 5 – to enhance the impression, 6 – talks about life, 7 – many vacancies, 9 – you don’t notice, 10 – high prices.

1. It was Sophia who started the rumor that Chatsky was crazy.

2. My brother graduated from school with a medal.

3. You brought me to my knees.

4. Thirty tons of carrots were delivered to the city stores.

5. Our physics teacher got sick, so the lesson was postponed.

6. I was so tired from the long journey that I was neither alive nor dead.

7. Dear students! Urgently submit your records to the dean's office.

8. I signed this agreement with a creaky heart.

9. The court decided to divide the property between the spouses.

10. My sister shed crocodile tears when the heroine of the film died.


1) Mark the sentences that violate the form of the phraseological unit. (3, 8.)

2) Mark sentences with incorrect use of phraseological units. (6, 10.)

3) Replace colloquial and colloquial words and expressions in sentences with neutral ones. (1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 9.)

4) Write down the corrected options.

Answers: 1 – lost my mind, 2 – graduated, 3 – white-hot, 4 – carrots, 5 – physics teacher, 6 – I was very tired from the long march (neither alive nor dead from fear), 7 – grade books, 8 – reluctantly , 9 - about the division, 10 - she cried bitterly.

1. Onegin thinks that he cannot love anymore, and he was mistaken.

2. Mom wrapped her daughter in a shawl and took her away.

3. Our publishing house published a book that was popular among readers who love detective stories.

5. Katerina wants her husband to take her with him, but Tikhon refused.

6. The hero goes to another world, and then the hero becomes disappointed in it.

7. This device, which appeared on the shelves of stores specializing in the sale of household appliances, was appreciated by many customers.

8. The hero does not like to talk about his past life, and therefore he was not understood.

9. When I first read this book, I remembered the summer when I went to the sea.

10. Chatsky wants to change the life of Famusov’s Moscow, and he partially succeeds.


1) Mark the sentences with a violation of the aspectual-temporal correlation of verb forms. (1, 8, 9.)

2) Mark the sentences in which pronouns are used poorly. (2, 4.)

3) Mark poorly constructed sentences. (3, 7, 9.)

4) Mark sentences with unnecessary repetition of words. (6, 9.)

5) Write down the corrected options.

Answers: 1 - Onegin thinks...... and is mistaken, 2 - and takes away the girl, 3 - among readers who love detective stories, 4 - about the consequences of actions committed by a person, 5 - but Tikhon refuses, 6 - the hero leaves for another world, but then is disappointed in it, 7 - this device, which appeared on the shelves of stores that specialize in selling household equipment, was appreciated by many buyers, 8 - they do not understand it, 9 - reading this book for the first time, I remembered my summer trip to the sea.

Often masters of words in their works deviate from speech norms, achieving a certain artistic effect. Find deviations from speech norms in the given fragments of literary works and say what effect the authors achieve.

1. The whole room is illuminated with an amber shine.
The flooded stove crackles with a cheerful sound...

(A. Pushkin. Winter morning)

(Resorting to tautologycrackles, the author conveys the sound that the lyrical hero of the poem hears.)

2. The moon makes its way through the wavy fogs,
She pours a sad light onto the sad meadows.

(A. Pushkin. Winter road)

(Tautology(she pours a sad light onto the sad meadows) helps the author to concentrate the reader’s attention on the emotional state of the lyrical hero.)

3. The conversations fell silent for a moment;
The mouth is chewing.

(A. Pushkin. Eugene Onegin)

(Combination of words of different styles(mouth chews) creates a comic effect.)

4. And we float, a burning abyss
Surrounded on all sides.

(F. Tyutchev. Dreams)

(Pleonasm(surrounded on all sides) emphasizes the complete immersion of the lyrical hero in the world of sleep.)

5. Green noise goes and hums,
Green noise, spring noise.

(N. Nekrasov. Green noise)

(A combination of words with contradictory meaningsGreen noise (catachresis) helps the author create a single visual-auditory image; lexical repetition in the first and second lines draws the reader's attention to this image.)

VI. Edit a piece of your essay.

All the images of the poem depicted Gogol, are interesting in their own way.

Reader reading page after page, laughing at pretentious Manilov, above brutal Sobakevich, above blunt Box, above constantly lying scoundrel Nozdrev, and miser Plyushkin, collecting everything trash, – this is actually something. But especially Chichikov attracted my attention, somewhat similar and at the same time unlike to other characters in the poem.

Chichikov is similar to Manilov in that knew how to suck up to the right people similar on Sobakevich in that he can insist on his own, similar on Nozdryov by what he comes up with all sorts of scams, similar on Korobochka and Plyushkin by putting necessary and unnecessary things in a drawer.

But at the same time, Chichikov is significantly different from the other heroes of the poem. If heroic landowners are parasites, then Chichikov constantly sets new goals for himself and tries to achieve them. Already in childhood he was businessman, knew how to invest money profitably and get fat. So, when he was in school, he sold buns that he bought in advance, starving comrades and benefited from it.

But when the hero became an adult, not a single one of him the case didn't work out. Most likely, Gogol is punishing your hero because, for all his business qualities, he is an immoral person. So, for example, he did not help to his old teacher, who considered Pavlusha the best student; working in the treasury chamber, while seeking a promotion, he deceived the police chief and his daughter.

Approximate corrected version

All the images of the poemcreated Gogol, are interesting in their own way.Reading the page behind the page,We we laugh at the mannered Manilov andrude Sobakevich, abovestupid In a box and constantlya lying rogue Nozdrev; Amiser Plyushkin, collecting unnecessary things, producesspecial impression . Butmost attracted my attention Chichikov, somewhat similar to other heroes of the poem,but at the same time different from them .

Chichikov resembles Manilov in thatcan gain confidence to the right people;the hero’s ability to insist on his own makes him similar with Sobakevich;like Nozdrev, Chichikov comes up withdifferent scams; Astorage necessary and unnecessary things in the drawerbrings closer together hero with Plyushkin and Korobochka.

But,unlike idle landowners , Chichikov constantly sets new goals for himself and tries to achieve them. Already in childhood hebusinessman who knows how to invest money profitably and getprofit . So, while still a schoolboy, he sells buns purchased in advancehungry comrades and benefits from it.

However, the matured herocan't succeed in anything . Most likely, Gogol is punishingChichikova for the fact that, for all his business qualities, a heroimmoral person. For example, Chichikovrefuses help to his old teacher, who considered Pavlusha the best student;serving in the government chamber and seeking a promotion, the hero deceives the police officer and his daughter.

Magnitogorsk city
Lyceum at MSTU. Nosova