Unique knowledge. Kolyady Dar (calendar): For the glory of the family! Circle of carols

Calendars. Circularity of Chislobog. Svarog circle

The ancient calendars are interesting. Today we will look at the Old Believers calendar (the Rodnovers calendar is no less interesting, but more on that later) and talk about it, remembering, among other things, the official history.

In ancient times, the Slavs had several calendar forms of numbering, but only a few have survived to this day...
Now we are going Summer 7521 (2012) from the Creation of the World in the Star Temple ... but this does not mean at all that our World was created 7521 years ago...

In ancient times, the creation of the world was called the conclusion of a peace treaty between warring peoples. Thus we have a “new frame of reference.”

This very peace treaty, between the Great Race (ancient Slavs) and the Great Dragon (ancient Chinese) was concluded on the day of the Autumn Equinox, or on the 1st day of the First month Summer 5500 from the Great Cold (Great Cooling). The Great Race then won, which was depicted in the form of an image - a White Knight on a horse striking the Dragon with a spear. (Now this image is interpreted as St. George the Victorious defeating the ancient serpent... although this same St. George has nothing to do with ancient events... this is simply the fact that Christians used the ancient image for their own purposes).

Our calendar or as we say Kolyady Dar, was banned by Peter the Great 307 years ago. In the Summer of 7208, he issued a decree on the abolition of all old calendars that simultaneously existed in the Russian lands, and introduced the Western European calendar from the Nativity of Christ, while he moved the beginning of the calendar, New Year, from the Day of the Autumn Equinox (among the Slavs-Old Believers) and September 1 (among Christians) to January 1, and designated the starting date - 1700.

The start date of the new calendar was not chosen by Peter the Great by chance. On December 25, the entire Christian world celebrates the Nativity of Christ. According to the Bible, on the eighth day the baby Jesus was circumcised according to the Jewish rite, i.e. On January 1, the Christian Church celebrated the Circumcision of the Lord. This date was chosen by Peter the Great... by his decree he ordered all his subjects to celebrate the beginning of the new calendar and congratulate each other on New Year .

A small comment. At the court of Peter the Great, they hardly spoke Russian, because it was considered the language of the common people... basically all communication took place in German and Dutch.
So the word God in these languages ​​means God... i.e. By his decree, Peter forced his subjects to congratulate each other on the New God on the day of his circumcision. This Peter's joke still exists, and people, having lost the original meaning, continue on January 1 to congratulate each other on the New Circumcised God, and not on the New Year, as it was before...

Ancient records of past events were called Chronicles, not Chronicles. We still ask each other how old are you, not how old are you...

In addition... Peter, he didn’t just replace the old calendars with a new one... He stole 5508 years of Great Heritage from the people and ordered foreigners to write in its place a History that did not exist before...
Nowadays, few people remember that earlier the dates in the Chronicles were written with the initial capital letters of the Old Russian language, and not with the numbers that were introduced by order of Peter...

Before the introduction of the new calendar, the people celebrated 7208 New Years from the victory over the ancient Chinese, and dates were always written in capital letters... this tells us that writing existed among the Slavs long before the Solunsky monks Cyril and Methodius... if not for the reform of Peter, this If only the church fairy tale about “enlightening illiterate pagans” would have been forgotten long ago, like someone’s stupid joke. It was not for nothing that Empress Catherine II said: "The Slavs had their own writings many thousands of years before the birth of Christ."

Here is a short list of calendar forms used by most Old Believers:

Chronicles corresponding to 2007-2008.
Summer 7516 from the Creation of the World in the Star Temple
Summer 13016 from the Great Cold (Great Cold)
Summer 44552 from the Creation of the Great Colo of Russia
Summer 106786 from the Founding of Asgard of Iria
Summer 111814 from the Great Migration from Daariya
Summer 142998 from the Three Moons period
Summer 153374 from Assa Dei
Summer 165038 from the Time of Tara
Summer 185774 from Time Thule
Summer 211694 from Time Swag
Summer 273902 from the Time of H'Arra
Summer 460526 from Time Gifts
Summer 604382 from the Time of Three Suns...

These systems do not cancel, but complement each other. Each subsequent one is a continuation of the previous calendar system...

The Slavs and Aryans used other calendar systems than those currently accepted.Therefore, it will probably be interesting who and when conceived the transition to a different calendar system and what it was connected with.

First, briefly about the calendar systems of Europe and Scandinavia.

Different peoples living in Europe had different systems for counting days. The Celts and Scandinavians originally had a 9-month calendar, but it was later replaced by a 24-month one. This was due to constantly changing climatic conditions and a complete transition to the runic form of writing.
After the transition, each month was designated by its own rune, from the so-called. Futhark - collection of Runes. The months differed in length, so 1 month was 14 days, 2 month - 15 days and 3 month -16 days... then this alternation was repeated.

This alternation was primarily associated with the phases of the Moon, the frequency of which is 29.5 days... thus, the first 4 months of the Runic calendar (14+15+16+14=59) corresponded to the 2nd full lunar months (29, 5+29.5=59)... and a further system of alternating months connected the lunar phases with the solar calendar... thus, the year of the Runic calendar contained 360 days.
But since there was also a 25th empty rune in the Runic, sometimes called the rune of Odin, it also found its application in the calendar... at the end of every third year, an additional 25th month was inserted, in which there was an alternation of days, first 14, then 15, and then 16 days.

This 25th month helped to even out the cyclicality of the solar year, just as they do now with the help of a leap year.

In the south of Europe, on the territory of modern Italy, lived the Rasens, who are better known under the names Etruscans or Tyrrhenians. They also used a 9-month calendar.The Latins and Sabines who arrived in Italy brought with them their calendar systems... Subsequently, new systems appeared, for example the Greek “Olympic Cycles” or the Latin “Calends from the Founding of Rome”...

The Latins tried to impose their calendar system on the Rasen, and when this idea failed, the Latins declared the Etruscans stupid and decided to simply destroy the Rasen...

This wide variety of calendar systems sometimes introduced great confusion into the definition of “big trading days”... therefore, in 45 BC. By decree of Emperor Julius Caesar, a “new” Calendar system was introduced, which was required to be observed throughout the entire Roman Empire. It was not for nothing that I wrote the word “new” in quotation marks, because the current calendar of the priests of Egypt was taken as its basis. Julius Caesar changed it somewhat, thus the well-known Julian calendar appeared.

Now imagine the problems faced by Christian missionaries who went to “enlighten” the pagans of Europe...

Even if they introduced someone to a new faith, they immediately faced problems with when to hold holidays or at what time to observe fasts...

A different calendar system did not allow Christian missionaries to correctly determine which date of the local calendar corresponds to the Julian calendar, because local calendars were more difficult for Christians to understand, and besides, comparative dates were constantly “floating”. Only one way out was found. Ban the old calendar and introduce a new one - the Julian.

The same picture was observed during the baptism of Rus'... The people did not accept the introduced Julian calendar. Because the people did not understand why a foreign calendar with numbered months in Latin was needed on Russian soil, of which there were 3 more, and besides, it did not begin on the Day of the Autumn Equinox, but at the beginning of spring.

But Christians found a way out of this situation; they came up with Slavic names for the Julian calendar and the months, instead of numbers in Latin, received Slavic names: Berezen, Kviten, Grass, Cherven, Lipen, Serpen, Veresen, Zhovten, Listopad, Gruden, Sichen, Lyutiy.
Only in this form did Christians manage to impose an alien calendar on the Slavic peoples. In other Slavic countries, the same reconstruction of the Julian calendar was done, and the months received their Slavic names.

But even after Christians found a way out of this situation, and in the Julian calendar the months received Slavic names, the ancient Slavic calendar did not cease to exist. All Slavic lands continued to use two calendars.

Because according to the new (Julian) calendar it was possible to learn only about church holidays and about events of the past that occurred far from the Slavic lands.

And the old calendar was needed primarily for the daily life of people, because it was used to determine when to start and when to finish agricultural work and other tasks... after all, you won’t be satisfied with prayers alone...
Thus, in Rus' there were 2 calendar systems in parallel, the old and the new.But the church and secular authorities were not satisfied with the fact that the people celebrated holidays according to both calendars, but most of all they were not satisfied with the confusion that the chroniclers created, because Russian chroniclers used the dates of the old, Slavic calendar, and the invited Greek chroniclers used dates from the new calendar, where The New Year was counted from the first spring full moon...

For example: the date is March 1, 1005 AD. according to the Slavic calendar it fell on Summer 6513 from S.M.Z.H, and according to the Christian on Summer 6512 from S.M., thus the difference between the Slavic calendar and the calendar from the Nativity of Christ was 5508 years, and for the Christian calendar - 5507 years .

In order to somehow streamline the inconsistency of the new calendar, in Summer 6856 (1348 AD) by decree of the king Ivan III, The New Year in the new calendar was fixed on March 1, and the number of the year was taken from the old Slavic calendar.

In addition, the new calendar began to be adjusted to everyday life; some holidays were prohibited, others, which were celebrated despite the prohibitions, the Christian Church began to adapt to itself.

For example:

Day of God Veles was replaced by the Day of Blaise;

Maslenitsa-Maryon Day was declared simply Maslenitsa;

God Kupala Day became the day of John the Baptist, or as it was called in the Russian manner - Ivan Kupala, i.e. Ivan, who bathed everyone in the river;

Triglav Day (Svarog-Peruna-Sventovita), turned into the Trinity;

Supreme Day of God Perun replaced by the Day of Elijah the Prophet... etc.

But most of all, the church and secular authorities were not happy with the fact that the people used two calendars, notes two New Years... Christian New Year on March 1 and Slavic New Year on the Day of the Autumn Equinox.
No prohibitions of the Slavic calendar helped... and the adoption of harsh measures, including executions, had the opposite effect - in many cities and villages, unrest began and uprisings arose, everywhere there was a complete extermination of Christian priests and their assistants... Things got to the point where Many thousands of “God’s people” were destroyed, and then Tsar Ivan III had to “go to the people,” because only in this way could the authorities calm the rebellious people.

To prevent troubles and ruin from causing harm, the king not only allowed people to use the old calendar, but also legalized the right to honor the Old Faith of the Ancestors. Thus, Dual Faith and two calendars were officially legalized on Russian soil. The church calendar began to be considered official, i.e. state, and the old calendar - folk.

The next change in the official calendar occurred after 1 Circle of Years (144 years). As the Summer of 7000 from the Creation of the World (1492 AD) approached, apocalyptic sentiments grew among Christians in Russia. Everyone was waiting for the end of the world and did not even prepare Easter for the following years. But when all the expected dates for the end of the world had passed, the Moscow Church Council in September of Summer 7000 (1492) approved a new Easter and decided to move the beginning of the year from March 1 to September 1. This decree is still in force in the Christian Church...

In Summer 7090 (1582), the Catholic Church, at the direction of Pope Gregory XIII, introduced a new calendar, which received his name. In the new calendar, the dating was no longer from the Creation of the World, but from the Nativity of Christ. The need to introduce a new calendar was due to the fact that the length of the Julian calendar year was slightly longer than the length of the natural year, and therefore it began to lag slightly behind nature, so that one day accumulated over 128 years. Therefore, at the time of the introduction of the Gregorian calendar, there was already a 10-day difference.
But not all European countries immediately switched to the new calendar; some countries took years or even centuries to switch to the new Gregorian style. In Russia, they switched to this style only in February 1918.

The Gregorian calendar is also not absolutely accurate: it lags behind the natural calendar by one day in 3300 years; In addition, the Gregorian calendar is "uneven", it contains a kind of "jumps". But gradually the Gregorian calendar was adopted by most states and today is generally accepted.

In the Summer of 7208 (1699), Peter I moved the New Year to January 1 and issued a special decree:

“Since in Russia they count the New Year in different ways, from now on stop fooling people and count the New Year everywhere from January 1, 1700 from the Nativity of Christ. And as a sign of good beginnings and fun, congratulate each other on the New Year, wishing prosperity in business and in the family. In honor of the New Year, make decorations from fir trees, amuse children, and ride down the mountains on sleds. But adults should not commit drunkenness and massacres - there are enough other days for that.”

Despite its unusualness, for modern perception, especially when the calendar is based on 9 everywhere, this calendar system is the most accurate and convenient of all currently existing calendars. Moreover, over the past few tens of thousands of years, this Slavic calendar, otherwise called Kolyada's Gift“didn’t “run away” and didn’t “lag behind” for a single day...

Krugolet of Chislobog

Kolyada's Gift, contains three natural seasons: Autumn, Winter And Spring .

These three seasons are combined into a single solar cycle called - Summer. Summerconsists of 9 months, so there are three months for each natural season.There are two concepts in the calendar:Simple Summer And Sacred Summer . They make up Circle of Years , in which there are 15 simple and 1 Sacred Summer.

Nine Circles of Years, amounted to Circle of Life, which consists of 144 years. These repeating cycles are called Around Chisloboga .

Simple Summer consists of 365 days, all odd-numbered months contain 41 days, and even-numbered months contain 40 days. (5x41=205)+(4x40=160)=365.
Sacred Summer consists of 369 days, all months contain 41 days. (9x41)=369.

New Year falls on the 1st day of the second month of Ouseni, i.e. on the Day of the Autumn Equinox. This is usually associated with the fact that the entire harvest was harvested, the bins were filled, and the new Summer began with complete prosperity.

In addition, it was customary to take the most important events on the New Year. For example, a peace treaty with the Great Dragon (ancient China) was signed precisely in the New Year. This was very convenient for introducing a new starting point for peaceful life, and this did not affect the main calendar system in any way. After all, the Creation of the World (between nations) occurred on 1 day of 1 month of Summer 5500 from the Great Cold.
Thus, 1 day of 1 month of Summer 5501 from the Great Cold, at the same time became 1 day of 1 month of Summer 1 from the Creation of the World, and since the peace treaty was signed in Summer bearing the name - the Star Temple on the Chislobog Circle, the name of the new Summer Calculation became - from Creation of the World in the Star Temple .

The week of the Slavic calendar also consisted of 9 days. They carried a numerical form and were called: Monday, Tuesday, Triteinik, Chetverik, Friday, Sixth, Seventh, Octalic, Week.

It was very convenient, all odd months Happy Summer began on one day of the week, and all even numbers began on the other. And since the Holy Summer consists of 41 weeks, then the next Circle of Life, began on the same day of the week as Holy Summer. Thus, each Circle of Life, i.e. a cycle of 144 years began on Monday.

We can be convinced that the old nine-day week was remembered not so long ago by reading the tales of the Siberian storyteller Pyotr Pavlovich Ershov.

Well, Gavrilo, this week we’ll take them to the capital;
We'll sell it to the boyars there and split the money evenly.

(The Little Humpbacked Horse)

Now the eighth season has passed and the week has come.
(Stone bowl)

The ancient Slavic calendar, as well as the Scandinavian or Celtic one, had a Runic form of display, i.e. Initially, the names of months, numbers, days of the week and the names of Years were written in Runes.
For those who don’t know, Rune is not a letter or a syllable... Rune- this is a secret Image. The names of the months were initially designated by Runes, and later the entry by Initial Letter was added with a brief disclosure of the semantic meaning.
The first month was indicated by one Rune, and the remaining eight months were indicated by the combination of two Runes, with the second Rune indicating part of the solar cycle known to us as Lѣ That .
In the ancient Slovenian letter, when writing the name of the month, the initial letter " was placed at the end Kommersant" - er, sounded like O-short. In addition, each month carried its own meaning, determining people’s lives.

Here are the names of the Months of the Slavic Calendar:
Ramkhat- Month of the Divine Beginning.
Isleѣ t - Month of New Gifts.
Baleѣ t - Month of White Light and Peace of Peace.
Gailѣ t - Month of Blizzard and Cold.
Dyleѣ t - Month of Nature's Awakening.
Alѣ t - Month of Sowing and Naming.
Valeѣ t - Month of the Winds.
Haleѣ t - Month of Receiving the Gifts of Nature.
Tileѣ t - Month of Completion.

The names of the months not only in Runik had a deep meaning, but also in Bukvitsa. In their totality, the Images of the Initial Letters, with which the names of the months began, also carried a special meaning. To somehow understand it, you just need to remember the names of the initial letters in the Old Slovenian writing and what they mean.

R- Retsi - to instruct, to inform;
A- Az, - man, people;
B- Gods,
G- Verb - to speak;
D- Welcome,
E- This is a pointing form;
IN- Vedi, - Vedas, wisdom, knowledge;
X- Storage, - preservation;
T- Firmly. - completion, final form.

By combining these Images of drop caps, we get the following text: The Gods instructed man, speaking kindly, to maintain this Wisdom firmly.

Each Summer had its own name.All these names are associated with certain cycles of human life on Earth. This system goes back to the time when white people lived on the server continent, which they called Daaria(Hyperborea, Arctida, Arctogea).

Therefore, this system is called - Daariyskiy Krugolet Chislobog .
Circles of Years (16) pass through Natural Elements (9), thus the complete Circle of passage is called - Circle of Life .

But not only Summers were considered Circles of 16 years, the complete passage of Yarila the Sun through the Heavens among the stars also contained the number 16.

These equal parts are called - Heavenly Palaces of the Svarog Circle . Each Hall has its own Patron, God or Goddess.

In addition to the Halls on Svarog Circle, there is a lot more information, see the photo on the left.

On the Outer Circle of the engraving it is clearly visible which of the Ancient Gods or Goddesses patronizes which Hall:

1. Hall of the Maiden - Goddess JIVA,
2. Hall of the Boar - God RAMKHAT,
3. Hall of Pike- Goddess ROZHANA,
4. Hall of the Swans - Goddess MAKOSH,
5. Hall of the Serpent - God SEMARGL,
6. Raven's Hall - God KOLYADA,
7. Hall of the Bear - God SVAROG,
8. Hall of Busla (Stork) - God ROD,
9. Hall of the Wolf - God VELES,
10. Hall of the Fox - Goddess MARENA,
11. Hall of Tours - God ROOF,
12. Hall of the Elk - Mother of God LADA,

13. Finist's Hall - God is HIGH,
14. Hall of the Horse - God KUPALA,
15. Hall of the Eagle - God PERUN,
16. Hall of Race - God TARH.

On the second circle, from the outer edge, the Runes of Time and their structural display are shown.

That is, we have a Daily Circle in which there are 16 hours, 4 hours for each time of day: 4 hours for the Evening, 4 hours for the Night, 4 hours for the Morning and 4 hours for the Day. Each hour has its own name, devil image and Runic writing.

In the next Circle the Runes of the 16 Heavenly Halls are depicted; their outline has a certain connection with the location of the stars in the Firmament and with the Natural elements... Therefore, very often these Runes were placed on amulets. Not only on those worn by people... but also on amulets protecting livestock and poultry. In addition, these amulets can be found on dishes and other household utensils...
The next circle is called All around the Elements, it identifies the 9 Elements through which life passes. Each Element is given its own name and its own Rune of Order. The beginning was made from the First Element...

1. Earth
2. Star
3. Fire
4. Sun
5. Tree
6. Heaven
7. Ocean
8. Moon
9. God

Each Summer was in one way or another connected with the Circle of Elements, so knowing the elemental characteristics, people knew what to expect from a particular Summer.

Next came the Weekly Circle. It was used to determine not only the serial number of the day of the week, but also which of the Gods patronizes this day, as well as which of the Nine Earths of the Yarila-Sun system gives its power...

In the very center, in the Circle, which is the structural designation of a person. 9 points pointed to the 9 main energy centers (chakras) of a person, through which he receives various streams of life force... to 9 types of human consciousness, to 9 different feelings that are given to a person... and much more...

Svarog Circle. This is a section of the starry sky along which the Yarilo-Sun (the modern Zodiac, or ecliptic) moves during the Summer. The Svarog Circle is divided into 16 Halls. In an instant, along the River of Time, in which the Svarog Circle is displayed, 53,896,011,200 individuals are born, each with its own unique destiny and its own unique character. And these individual Souls strive to manifest themselves on the Earths in the Reality World, where, in turn, the Suns, Stars, Earths and Moons will add additional character properties to them. Each incarnated Soul is a special matrix, which contains information from the Goddess Jiva, and is supplemented by the Patron God of the Family. In ancient times, up to 21-24 billion Souls lived simultaneously on Midgard-Earth (our Earth), and on the Earth of Oreya (Mars) up to 50 billion Souls, on the Earth of Dei (now the asteroid belt) - 30 billion. But two Souls born in one second, two women in the same ward will have different destinies, since there is a difference in moments, moments, moments. In addition, they have different Lord Stars, different Clans, fathers and mothers. The souls of their Ancestors belonged to different Star systems, and each Star system at the highest Divine level has its own Roots.

Yarilo-Sun has a special influence on human mental activity. And especially the flow of its harmonious particles, which in the modern world are called neutrinos. Man is the only living structure that has the ability to completely retain this harmonious flow in its body. A neutrino as a particle can fly through the Moon, any Earth, and when it hits a person, it stops, and the body accumulates it. This radiation is necessary for mental activity and control of the nervous system. In addition to humans, some representatives of the animal world living in different elements are also capable of partially retaining neutrinos. (The animal does this only partially). In the water element these are dolphins, in the air element they are eagles, falcons, golden eagles, owls, eagle owls, and crows. In the earth element - comas (bears), the cat family (lions, pards, leopard, tiger, lynx) and wolf. Therefore, in Ancient Slavic-Aryan legends, the above representatives of the animal world are endowed with wisdom and are considered assistants of the Gods. They were depicted on ornaments on clothes, objects, and weapons. It is believed that animals of the water element are the Wisdom of Navnaya (from the World of Glory). The animal world of the earthly elements is Explicit Wisdom (from the World of Reveal). Birds are Righteous Wisdom (from the World of Rule).

Explanations for some of the Slavic Chronicles.

Calendar “From the Creation of the World in the Star Temple.” This Calendar is one of the Ancient Slavic-Aryan Calendars, which were kept from any significant events. It originates from the Victory in the battle that took place 7513 years ago (as of 2004-2005) - the Great Race defeated the people of the Great Dragon (yellow-skinned, or Arim - as they were called then). As a result, after the end of the war, a peace treaty was concluded between Hanuman (Emperor of Russenia) and Ahriman (Emperor of Arimiya) (or, as they said then, “The World was Created”). The defeated Arim were forced to build a wall (with loopholes in their direction) to mark the border of Russenia. The wall was named Kii-Tai, which translated from ancient Slovenian means Kii - stick, fence, Tai - top, completion, that is, “the final, limiting fence.” The year in which this happened is called the “Star Temple” according to the Da’Aryan Circle of Chislobog. Hence the name of the Calendar. This Calendar was canceled by Emperor Peter the 1st. Thus, by introducing the calendar from the Nativity of Christ, Peter the 1st removed more than 5 thousand years from our Heritage.

Calendar “From the Great Cooling”. It is said in the Santiy of the Vedas of Perun: “...hard times will bring the flow of the River of Time to the Holy Land of the Great Race... And only the Priests-Guardians of Ancient Knowledge and Hidden Wisdom will remain on this earth... For people will use the Power of the elements of Midgard-Earth and destroy the small Moon and their World beautiful... And then the Svarog Circle will turn (the earth’s axis will shift) and human Souls will be horrified...” This event was predicted by Perun during his 3rd visit to Midgard-Earth.

This Calendar originates from the Great Cooling, which was associated with the catastrophe - the fall of fragments of the destroyed moon of Fatta onto Midgard. Before the fall, Fatta revolved around Midgard (in the equatorial plane) with a revolution period of 13 days. The priests of Antlan (Atlantis), experimenting with Crystals of Power (with the help of which one can modify torsion fields, the cores of the Moons and Earths), inadvertently destroyed Fatta, the fragments of which fell in the area of ​​the western continent (America). The largest of them destroyed the island of Antlan. On the wall of one of the Mayan pyramids in America there is an inscription “The Little Moon has broken.” As it is written in the Ancient Scriptures, the resulting wave (tsunami) circled the Earth three times, reaching the deep parts of the continents. The population of the Earth was mostly destroyed. Ash and dust from the resulting volcanic activity and earthquakes closed the Earth's atmosphere for many years, causing climate change and cooling. The impact of the fragments caused a shift in the earth’s axis (the earth’s axis acquired a top-like motion along an ellipse, which modern scientists call the “period of precession”). Remains of the survivor

The Antov people (their leaders shaved their heads and wore “Oseledets” on their heads) later began to live in the Black Sea region (the current crests). In connection with this event, the expression “Fatal outcome” appeared. The number 13 (the period of Fatta's circulation) has since been considered unlucky.

Calendar “From the 3rd Arrival of Vaitmana Perun”. A little over 40 thousand years ago, one of the Highest Slavic-Aryan Gods, Perun, descended on the large Heavenly chariot - Wightman to Midgard. Vaitmana landed in the area of ​​​​Asgard (City of the Gods) in Belovodye Siberian. For 9 days, the Priests and Warriors of the Holy Race communicated with Perun. He told them Wisdom from the World of Rule, which was written down by the Magi in the santias (golden plates) of Perun. (Gods live in multidimensional Worlds of Rule. The World of Truth, for example, has 65,536 to the degree of 2048 dimensions of space. But, being multidimensional, the Gods periodically come to the World of Revealing, - to 4-dimensional space, to the World of People, in the world familiar to people in the form of a man. This was the third visit to Midgard-Earth by God Perun.)

Calendar “From the Foundation of Asgard of Iria.” In the ancient Slovenian language, As is God embodied in a human body. Our Ancestors called themselves Ases, their country was called Asia (the Old Scandinavian epic “The Saga of the Ynglings” also mentions this). Asgard means “City of the Gods”. Iriysky - because it stands on the Iriy Quiet River (abbreviated Irtish, or Irtysh). There were 4 Asgards in total. Asgard Daariya, located at the North Pole, died (sank) along with the death of the Northern continent - Daariya. Later, Asgard Sagdiyskiy (a region of present-day Ashgabat) and Asgard Svintjodskiy (city of Uppsala, Norway) were built. The ruins of Ancient Asgard of Iria, destroyed by hordes of Dzungars in 1530 AD, were discovered by Peter the Great's cartographer Remizov, after which the Omsk fortress (now the city of Omsk) was built on this site.

Calendar “From the Great Migration from Daariya”. Daaria is a continent at the North Pole of Midgard-Earth, where our Ancestors lived for a long time after settling Midgard-Earth. This continent sank as a result of a flood created by waters and fragments of the destroyed small moon Leli. The Santi Vedas of Perun also speak about this: “... These Kashchei, the rulers of the Grays, disappeared along with the Moon in half an hour... But Midgard paid for freedom with Daariya, hidden by the Great Flood... The waters of the Moon created that Flood, they fell to the Earth from Heaven like a rainbow, for the Moon split into units and the army of Svarozhichs descended to Midgard...” An image of the outlines of the continent of Da'ariya is preserved on the wall of one of the pyramids at Giza. In 1595, this map was published by Rudolf, the son of Gerardus Mercator. The death of the mainland and the catastrophe were predicted by a sorcerer named Spas, so the Slavic-Aryan peoples began to move along the isthmus formed by the Riphean Mountains (Ural) to the area of ​​Buyan Island (West Siberian Upland). After a 16-year journey from Daariya to Russeniya and the subsequent flood, the holiday PASCHET was founded (an abbreviation of the letters - The Path of Asa Walking This Way). The emerging tradition of painting and beating eggs against each other was symbolized: a broken egg is a symbol of the lost Moon Lelya, and a whole egg is a symbol of Tarkh (Dazhdbog), who destroyed the Moon along with the Kashchei who were on it, plotting to destroy Midgard.

Calendar “From the Period of Three Moons”. This is the Period when three Moons revolved around Midgard-Earth: Lelya, Fatta and Month. Lelya is the small Moon with an orbital period of 7 days, Fatta is the middle Moon with an orbital period of 13 days and

The month is a large Moon with a period of 29.5 days. Two of these Moons - Lelya and the Month - were originally the Moons of Midgard-Earth, and Fatta was dragged from the Earth by Dei after its death.

Calendar "From Assa Dei". Assa - Battle of the Gods. The period indicated in the chronology separates us from the war that took place in Svarga, not only in the World of Revealing, but also in the multidimensional Worlds of Glory and Rule. Not only people, but also Legs, Arlegs, and Gods took part in that battle. In the World of People, the grays (Kashchei) fought against the Slavs and Aryans, and on their side were blacks (people with skin the color of darkness). During the battle, Earth Dei (the 5th planet of the solar system Dei) and its satellite, Luna Lititia (Lucifer), were destroyed and split into pieces. Nowadays it is an asteroid belt, rotating in the 5th orbit after the Earth Oreya (Mars). The second Luna of Dei – Fatta (Phaethon) survived. As a result of a powerful explosion, part of the atmosphere was blown away from the then populated Earth of Oreya, after which the Slavic-Aryan clans left it, some of them moved to Midgard (the so-called Children of Oreya). After the end of Assa Dei, many people with skin the color of darkness, left without their Earth, while on starships in space, asked for mercy and permission to land on Midgard. Our Ancestors allowed and allocated them lands with a climate similar to their homeland, and to adapt to the radiation of Midgard-Earth, they dragged Moon Fattu from the 5th orbit and launched it around Midgard with a period of 13 days.

Calendar “From the Time of Tara”. It originates from the time when the Goddess Tara visited Midgard-Earth.

Calendar “From the Time of Three Suns”. This is one of the most ancient Slavic-Aryan Calendars of Midgard-Earth. He mentions events more than 600,000 years ago, when, due to rotation around the center of the Universe, a neighboring galaxy came closer to ours. As a result, the two solar systems of the neighboring galaxy came so close to ours that its two giant Suns, silver and green, were observed in the sky of Midgard-Earth and were equal in size to our Yaril-Sun in the visible disk.

Our ancient system for measuring time intervals was simple, accessible and visual, as it was based on well-known astronomical phenomena.

In ancient times, the Slavs had several calendar forms of numbering, but only a few have survived to this day...

It's coming now 7521 years since the Creation of the world in the Star Temple. In ancient times, the creation of the world was called the conclusion of a peace treaty between warring peoples. Thus, we have a “new frame of reference.”

This very peace treaty, between the Great Race (ancient Slavs) and the Great Dragon (ancient Chinese) was concluded on the day of the Autumn Equinox, or on the 1st day of the First month of Summer 5500 from the Great Cold (Great Cold). The Great Race then won, which was depicted in the form of an image - A white knight on a horse strikes a Dragon with a spear. Now the original meaning of this image has already been forgotten, since it is heavily exploited by the Christian church under the name “St. George the Victorious.”

Different peoples living in Europe had different systems for counting days. This wide variety of calendar systems sometimes introduced great confusion into the definition of “big trading days,” so in 45 BC. e. by decree of Emperor Julius Caesar, was introduced "new" calendar system, which was required to be observed throughout the entire Roman Empire.

Christian missionaries who went to “enlighten” the pagans of Europe faced serious problems. Even if they introduced someone to a new faith, they immediately encountered problems of misunderstanding when to celebrate holidays or at what time to observe fasts.

A different calendar system did not allow Christian missionaries to correctly determine which date of the local calendar corresponds to the Julian calendar, because local calendars were more difficult for Christians to understand, and besides, comparable dates were constantly “floating”.

Only one way out was found. Ban the old calendar and introduce a new one - Julian.

The same picture was observed during the baptism of Rus'. The people did not accept the introduced Julian calendar. It was not clear to him why a foreign calendar was needed on Russian soil, with numbered months in Latin, of which there were three more, and besides, it began not on the Day of the Autumn Equinox, but at the beginning of spring.

But Christians found a way out of this situation: they came up with Slavic names for the Julian calendar - and the months, instead of numbers in Latin, received Slavic names: Berezen, Kviten, Grass, Cherven, Lipen, Serpen, Veresen, Zhovten, Listopad, Gruden, Sichen, Lyuty.

Only in this form did Christians manage to impose an alien calendar on the Slavic peoples. In other Slavic countries, the same reconstruction of the Julian calendar was done, and the months received their Slavic names...

Our Slavic calendar - or, as we say, Kolyada's Gift- was banned by Peter the Great. In Summer 7208 (1699) he issued a decree abolishing all the old calendars that simultaneously existed in the Russian lands, and introduced the Western European calendar from the Nativity of Christ, while he moved the beginning of the calendar (New Year) from the Day of the Autumn Equinox (among the Slavs-Old Believers ) and September 1 (for Christians) on January 1, and designated the starting date - 1700:

“Since in Russia they count the New Year in different ways, from now on stop fooling people and count the New Year everywhere from January 1, 1700 from the Nativity of Christ. And as a sign of good beginnings and fun, congratulate each other on the New Year, wishing prosperity in business and in the family. In honor of the New Year, make decorations from fir trees, amuse children, and ride down the mountains on sleds. But adults shouldn’t indulge in drunkenness and massacres—there are plenty of other days for that.”

The start date of the new calendar was not chosen by Peter the Great by chance. On December 25, the entire Christian world celebrates the Nativity of Christ. According to the Bible, on the eighth day the baby Jesus was circumcised according to the Jewish rite, that is, on January 1, the Christian church celebrated the Circumcision of the Lord.

This is the date that Peter the Great chose. By his decree, he ordered all his subjects to celebrate the beginning of the new calendar and congratulate each other on the New Year, that is, with the “New God” (God - English God)

Slavic New Year(we did not have the concept of “year”, there was only “summer”) began at the point of the autumnal equinox (in modern September), which was easily determined on the horizon by periodically observing the place of sunrise or sunset of Yarila the Sun. The points of the autumn and spring equinoxes on the horizon coincide and lie strictly between the points of the summer and winter solstice. Therefore, having once determined the winter and summer solstices and the point between them, and then placing the corresponding three landmarks on the horizon (mounds, dolmens, etc.), you can quite accurately record the New Year, as well as the rotation of the day to decrease and increase.

The modern calendar has been complicated to serve political interests. So, now, the New Year begins on a day that is unremarkable from the point of view of an observer of celestial phenomena.

New days used to begin at the moment of setting of the Yarila-Sun on the day of the equinox - very simply and clearly. Now the day begins at night, when everyone is sleeping. But even if you weren’t sleeping, you still can’t record the beginning of a new day, since there’s nothing to observe in the sky at that moment.

Have you ever wondered why the adverb “today” is used when referring to a night that has already passed? They say: "this night". After all, the new day seemed to have already begun exactly at midnight. This means it’s already yesterday’s night... As a child, I puzzled over this question for a long time, and the adults could not explain this point to me, because they themselves did not know. They just got used to talking like that, but there was no understanding anymore.

But this is yet another confirmation of the existence of the old chronology system. The new day for the Slavs began at the end of the day, in the evening, and the night already referred to the coming day. This is what happened in the morning - “ WITHtoday At night I dreamed...«.

IN " Dark times“The week was shortened from nine to seven days thanks to fans of the lunar cult. Yes, yes, the Slavs used to have nine days in a week. Remember Ershov's fairy tale " The Little Humpbacked Horse«: "And for the first seventh week he went to the capital city", "...here octagon already passed, and a week came..."

The number of months in a year increased, and their names changed, as some ancient rulers wanted to perpetuate their name by inventing new months and giving them their name. First, the names of the first nine months were changed and a tenth was added. December in Latin means "tenth month". The ninth month was called November, the eighth - October, the seventh - September.

Then, at the whim of ambitious and vain rulers, they added two more months in the middle of the year ( July- lat. Julius - in honor of Julius Caesar; August- lat. Augustus - in honor of Emperor Augustus). And December has already become twelfth in order, although it continued (and continues) to mean “tenth” in the sense of its Latin root. The same applies to the words “September”, “October” and “November”, which, contrary to the meaning of their roots, became the designations of the corresponding ninth, tenth and eleventh months.

Due to the increase in the number of months, a leapfrog occurred in their duration. It has shrunk (just like in the famous cartoon about sewing sheepskin hats: is seven possible? - maybe seven!), and since there were no more days in the year than there are (365 or 366), the months became 31, 30, 28 or 29 days. Due to these changes, months and years began to begin on different days of the week. The order of ancient chronology has collapsed.

The number of hours in a day was increased to 24, changing the duration of an hour and thereby losing the concept of a part, a beat, a moment, an instant, a moment. And to top it all off, these short periods of time began to be measured in Sumerian, sexagesimal number system. An hour is divided into 60 minutes, and a minute into 60 seconds. Much later, the second began to be divided into parts already in the decimal number system - into milliseconds, microseconds, etc.

Many elements of the Slavic calendar ( Daariysky Krugolet Chislobog) have survived to this day in the form of sayings and customs, the origins of which have already been forgotten. For example, Great funeral feast, that is, the commemoration of the deceased, takes place after a week and a month, that is, on the ninth and fortieth day. The seventh day of the week is commemorated, for on this day Dazhdbog was crucified in the Caucasus Mountains.

In ancient times, a girl got married only after 16 years, or 144 months, which is one Circle of the Daarian Circle; before this period she carried the message, learned the Message, and after that she stopped telling the message and became bride.

The mother carried the child in her womb for seven months (in ancient time reckoning) and then fed him with breast milk for forty forty (months). And after forty forty, or four years and four months, after the birth of the first child, a woman began a period of life improvement, as a result of which she becomes in charge mother(or a witch).

369 weeks after a person’s birth, the era of his spiritual training began, for in nine years The first Great introduction to the ancient wisdom of the gods and ancestors took place.

At 108 months, or at 12 years, a person came of age, and he passed coming of age and naming rites, and after another 108 months, he, accepting spiritual consecration by the Sacred Fire, had to learn the true meaning of the existence of his Family and the true meaning of the family name.

At the age of 33, each of our ancestors had a time of spiritual improvement. And at 369 months, or 41 years, the era of spiritual insight began.

Name: Kolyady Dar
This program is a Slavic calendar (or Kolyady Dar). This calendar existed in Rus' before the introduction of Christianity and carries with it a huge layer of knowledge of our ancient and wise Ancestors.

In Summer 7208 (1700 AD), our ancient calendar was banned by Peter the Great, who issued a decree abolishing all old calendars that simultaneously existed in the Russian lands. He introduced the Western European calendar from the Nativity of Christ, thereby stealing 5508 years of Great Heritage from the people. Nowadays, the Slavic-Aryan calendar is used only by Orthodox Old Believers. You can find out more about him in the Slavic-Aryan Vedas.

The program is used to display Slavic-Aryan months and holidays, as well as to convert dates from the Gregorian style to the Slavic-Aryan style. The current version of the program only supports the 52nd Circle of Years (1868-2012 AD). The Kolyady Gift program is intended for a wide range of users interested in the ancient heritage of Rus', its culture, traditions and Gods.

  • Display the calendar by month with the corresponding dates in Gregorian style;
  • Display on the calendar the Days of Remembrance of Ancestors, Parents' Days, fasting days and important holidays;
  • Display of Slavic-Aryan holidays in a separate tab;
  • Converting the Gregorian date to the Slavic-Aryan date;
  • Displaying the characteristics of the day, Summer, the Hall and a description of the Patron God of the Hall;
  • Printing out the calendar and received data;
  • Ability to add your own holidays (family, state) by editing the holidays file;
  • Automatic checking of new program versions;
Appearance of the program

Download the Program (1.7 MB) Version: 2.1
Compatibility: Windows 9x/2000/XP/Vista

Terms of Use
This program is distributed as freeware, so it does not require registration. Use of the program for commercial purposes is prohibited.

  • - O. Alexander, who published the Vedas series and allowed the use of materials from the Old Believers forum in the program - and its help system of the head of the ArtCradle design studio
  • - all the people who send error messages by email (and patiently wait for them to be fixed)

You can send your thoughts about my humble creation, discovered errors, wishes regarding features in future versions, and simply words of gratitude to the author at the following address:

New Year of the Fire Phoenix

On September 22, 2017, on the day of the Autumn Equinox, all enlightened Rus - Russians - Slavic-Aryans - will celebrate the New Year of the Fire Phoenix! During this period, Summer 7526 begins from the Creation of the World in the Star Temple (S.M.Z.H)!
Currently, the World is still under the influence of “Biblical civilization” and most people use dates from the Nativity of Christ and the Gregorian church calendar. The Julian calendar, which differs from the Gregorian calendar by approximately 13 days, called the “old style,” is also preserved in memory. It so happened in Russia that since the time of Peter I, he is remembered every January when the “Old New Year” is celebrated.

Also, the media obsessively reminds us of the change of years according to the Chinese, Japanese and other calendars. For example, the Chinese are currently in the year 4713, the Jews have already celebrated their year 5778.

Of course, this expands our general horizons, but in order for it to become more real, objective, and reflect a true worldview, we need to touch precisely our native Old Russian tradition of chronology.

All holidays of the Rus are astronomical and are associated with their native Vedic faith. Therefore, they are firmly tied to Space and Sidereal Time, and do not depend on any human innovations - neither on the “old” nor on the “new” style of chronology.

The origins of the culture of our Ancestors lie many millennia before the beginning of the “new era”, and echoes persist to this day...
In them we find the most ancient layer - objects and phenomena of the immediate environment that were woven into human life.
These are the forces of Space and Nature, and our Great Ancestors associated with them: Svarog, Lada, Perun, Veles, Makosh - our entire Family. But also flora and fauna, trees, groves, forests, rivers, lakes, stones, scrolls, etc.

Our Ancestors had many totem animals into which Russian Gods could transform, that is, they were hypostases of these gods: Bear (Veles), Wolf (Semargl), Horse (Kitovras), Eagle (Perun), Finist Yasny Falcon (the image of the Rus) , Phoenix (Eternal Life – Cycle of Svarog), etc.
The ancient Faith of the Rus is characterized as a Russian philosophical-Vedic teaching - the wisdom that everything that exists is God, identifying the Universe, Nature and the absolute beginning of being. And man is a microcosm. God is not outside, but inside – in the abyss of the human soul. The object of the cult was Nature, perceived as a single organic whole, full of various manifestations of life and in constant movement.

Slavism is the oldest world Faith on our planet. The main core of the Slavs is the Old Russian Vedic Culture. The Slavs are Aryans - Rus - Russians who adhere to the Old Russian Vedic Faith, who glorify the Rule - the laws of Space and Nature - the universal law of Svarog, which governs the world. To glorify Rule is to glorify God. Glorifying the Rule is Orthodoxy. As we see, this was the name of the Faith of our Ancestors already in that distant time. Slavism gave the basis to all currently existing world religions.

The Rus are a wonderful people with great Ancestors and a rich culture! And our people have their own holidays every month associated with Nature, Space, our Russian Gods - our Family.
The Old Russian calendar - Kolyady Dar - Chislobog's Circle came to us from our Ancestors from Slavic-Aryan astrology, according to which our Midgard-Earth not only moves around the Yarilo-Sun, but also rotates around its axis, and the axis, in turn, slowly moves in a circular direction cone. This movement is called precession. And as a result of this, a complete revolution of the starry sky, visually observable from Earth, occurs in 25,920 years - this is the known period of revolution of the solar system of Yarilo-Sun around the center of the galaxy. Our ancestors called this celestial cycle the Svarog Circle (Days of Svarog).

The rotation cycle of Midgard-Earth around the Yarilo-Sun was called Summer. From the word summer, the concepts of chronicle, chronicler, chronology, etc. have been preserved in our language.

Likewise, the longest period of time among our ancestors, “Svarog Circle,” was also long: 25,920 years. Such a huge figure still remains unnoticed by contemporaries, accustomed to living on the scale of one human life, and not on the time scale of the Cosmic existence of mankind and ice ages.

During the Svarog Circle, for the earthly observer, our Yarilo-Sun moves across the vault of heaven from constellation to constellation (otherwise, the palace) in the opposite direction from the usual annual cycle. The position of the Yarilo-Sun in the sky is determined during the solstices. In which palace is Yarilo-Sun located on September 22 (Aryan, Russian style) or March 22 (Latin, Western style) in that era we live.

Since, unlike Western and Chinese astrology, the Slavic-Aryans distinguished not 12, but 16 zodiacal constellations in the firmament, then, accordingly, the zodiacal era, in their opinion, lasted 1620 years. That is, the autumn solstice point of the Yarilo-Sun moves into a new palace (constellation) every 1620 years.

Almost all Rus holidays coincide with the life cycle of the Earth and Space, and therefore have not only spiritual significance, but also something else - familiarization with Nature, bringing into one’s life the feeling that the Universe is alive.

For tens of thousands of years, calendar dates served our Ancestors, helping them to cultivate the land, harvest crops, hunt and fish on time. Summer, divided into sixteen (modern - twelve) parts, was depicted on ritual thickets and each month had a special sign. Summer (annual wheel) - Kolo Svarog - carried a special meaning, which consisted in the eternal rebirth and renewal of all living things. But the calendar is important not only for everyday life, it is always decorated with joyful holidays.

Ramhat is coming - the month of the Divine Beginning. This month is associated with the beginning of the Russian calendar New Summer - the New Year in the New Slavic space era of the Wolf under the auspices of the God Veles.

1 Ramhat - September 22 - Day of the autumn equinox, Birthday. Svarog Day, Harvest Festival - Russian New Year!

Astronomically, autumn begins on Ramkhat 1 or September 22. These are the autumn months in which the Sun transits the signs of Libra, Scorpio and Sagittarius. Cold dew, the bee stops carrying a bribe. Then we meet autumn, see off the sunset in the field, with songs. And the last flight of swallows, harvesting (completion of the harvest).

In the old days, this month was also called “Ruin” - from the roar of autumn winds and animals, especially deer. The Old Russian form of the verb “ryuti” (roar) is known, which when applied to the autumn wind meant “roar, blow, call.” He received the name “gloomy” due to his weather differences from others - the sky often begins to frown, it rains, autumn is in nature. Another name for this month, “heather,” is explained by the fact that at this time the heather begins to bloom.

But the most ancient name of the month was “Ramkhat” - the month of the Divine Beginning, the month of fortieth - 41 days. The first day of the month Ramhat corresponds to September 21-22, that is, the Slavic-Aryan day included the evening and part of the night of September 21 plus the rest of the night, morning and day of September 22.

During this period, Makoshino Poletye is celebrated - the “old Indian summer”, a series of holy days up to the 38th Ramkhat (October 28), dedicated to the Goddess Mokosh the Ancestress, the last warm days of the passing summer. Goddess Makosh - Goddess of Universal Fate, Goddess of the Law of Karma.

Makosh complements Veles, which personifies women's wisdom, guards women's fertility and productivity, thriftiness and prosperity in the home, and also patronizes women's handicrafts on Earth. Goddess Makosh is the Main Goddess of Rus'! Thanks to this Goddess, the concept of “unknown fate” exists in Rus', since all the threads of the Fates are in the hands of Mokosh (whose Will is known only to Rod). Patronizing entirely family happiness and prosperity, Makosh is a rather strict and demanding Goddess.

Field work ends, Makoshino Poletye passes, the last warm days of the passing Summer and the Great Holidays begin: Roda, Svarog, Lada, Rozhanitsa, Mother Earth, Harvest!
This is the time of summing up the results, and the onset of the New Summer - making decisions about concluding a marriage, - after all, this is the astronomical Day of the autumn equinox - 1 Ramhat (September 21-22)!
On this day they bring the demand to the Almighty Family and the Heavenly Family - the Ancestors-Ancestors, and also glorify the Earthly Family - all relatives according to the Rule of the living:
“Glory to God Rod forever, praise to us according to our deeds.”

1 Ramkhat (from September 21 to 22) - Svarog Day - the most important day - Day of the autumn equinox - Holiday of the Heavenly Blacksmith. The rituals of closing Svarga (interruption of the living connection between Heaven and Earth) have already passed. The influence of the Light Gods is falling. The earth remains in the care of Veles...

So that people could survive difficult times, Svarog gave them an ax, the art of craft. Therefore, blacksmiths, carpenters and all craftsmen are especially honored. The autumn equinox, or harvest time, was traditionally associated with the procurement of wild or green fruits, gifts from Mother Earth. This equinox is the second of two days in the year when day equals night in the Kola of Svarog, the end of the harvest of vegetables, fruits and remaining grains.
The day of the autumnal equinox reminds of the arrival of winter; during this period, magic rituals are performed to ensure that there is enough food in the winter: the ritual consists of first demonstrating and then eating the best gifts of summer...