Water with lemon and smoothies on an empty stomach: do morning “beauty cocktails” work? Smoothies for colon cleansing The benefits of vegetable smoothies

Smoothies are healthy. Or not? Or not all smoothies, but only those made from vegetables? What is the best way to make them? What to fill with and what to do if they make your stomach bloat? But what about the rule that vegetables should only be eaten separately from fruits? Are there any special “correct” proportions or other rules for making smoothies?…

Questions familiar? I get asked these questions all the time. And, after thinking a little, I decided to answer them with one article. Not only because interest is high, but also because I constantly come across conflicting information in different sources. Nowadays, many people write about healthy eating, but often the information is based solely on personal experience without any scientific basis. Today I want to tell you not just about smoothies, but about the RIGHT smoothies that will not only provide you with energy, but will also be your basis for proper nutrition for many years. So…

Why a smoothie and not a juice?

Smoothies have two advantages:

  1. Smoothies contain a lot of healthy fiber that nourishes our bifidobacteria living in the intestines. And they are the key to good immunity. If you don't feed them, they will die, and their place will immediately be taken by pathogenic fungi and bacteria. In addition, fiber prolongs the feeling of fullness, which means it will prevent you from overeating and/or gaining weight.
  2. Proper smoothies, again, thanks to fiber and fats, do not upset the balance of blood sugar. This gives a lot of benefits: good mood, hormonal balance, feeling full, alert during the day, good skin condition...

Another plus: it is MUCH easier to clean kitchen machines after a smoothie. I rinsed the blender and went to work. The main thing is to do this immediately after cooking, before the contents stick tightly to the walls. If you don't have much time, you can simply fill the blender with dishwashing liquid and water. Come home in the evening and wash everything calmly. But this trick won’t work with a juicer. That is why mine has been collecting dust in the kitchen cabinet for a long time. It’s a shame to throw it away, because, firstly, it’s paid for, and secondly, thoughts from the series “What if it comes in handy!” do not give rest. But that's not the point. In general, smoothies are much simpler, healthier and more satisfying.

What is the correct composition of a smoothie?

There are a few simple rules that will ensure you the best results:

  • No more than two medium-sized fruits per liter of finished drink. The fact is that fruits contain a lot of sugar. This is why a fruit smoothie is not the best start to the day. The trick again is to stabilize blood sugar. It is necessary to avoid a sharp release of glucose into the blood, which is exactly what happens when eating fruit. Therefore, the “apple-banana-melon-milk” option is absolutely not suitable for a “proper” smoothie.
  • At least three large handfuls of greens or vegetables per liter of finished drink. For what? It is from these foods that we get the healthiest things, and they are what make smoothies so healthy. If you eventually fall in love with smoothies that contain no fruit at all, then your health will only benefit from this. The point, again, is a large amount of fiber, beneficial microelements and stabilization of blood sugar.
  • Amount of liquid: all solid ingredients are filled 2/3 with water or other “correct” liquid (more on this below).
  • Fats- Necessarily! To further stabilize blood sugar, you need to add sources of fat to your smoothie: vegetable oils, coconut milk/cream, avocado. For 1 liter of the finished drink, use: 100 ml of non-light coconut milk OR 2 tbsp. any vegetable oil OR 1/2 medium avocado
  • Additives such as ginger, turmeric, cayenne pepper (Chili), cinnamon, lemon will not hurt at all. All these ingredients have a lot of beneficial properties. The main thing is not to overdo it with the quantity. For example, for 1 liter of smoothie I add 3-4 cm of ginger root, 1 small lemon (right with the peel, but this is not for everybody, it’s just that the peel contains bioflavonoids, which improve digestibility vitamin C). Seasonings - no more than 1-2 teaspoons per liter, otherwise it will be too spicy.
  • Berries are not classified as fruits because, unlike them, they stabilize blood sugar and have a different acidity. Therefore, the good news is that you can add berries to smoothies indefinitely.

To make it easier to understand how this works in practice, here are a few recipes for the “right” smoothies:

What changes to what in a smoothie?

The rules here are very simple: everything is replaced according to the principle of colors. Everything red turns into red, orange turns into orange, and green turns into green. For example, spinach can be safely replaced with parsley or cilantro. Beets - bell pepper and apple. Banana - pineapple... In general, I advise you to experiment. Everyone's tastes are different, and my favorite green smoothie with lemon makes a lot of people gag. But I can’t imagine life without him! Why do I recommend substituting ingredients based on the color of the food? It’s just that certain colors carry certain microelements that are similar to each other or interchangeable. So, all greens are rich in calcium, folic acid and chlorophyll (a substance that helps in detoxification of the body). All citrus fruits contain vitamin C and bioflavonoids, which improve the absorption of vitamin C (how wise nature is!). Everything orange contains beta-carotene, which gives your skin a healthy color and protects it. from aging.

How do smoothies help you lose weight and improve your body health? How to properly prepare a smoothie? Why a smoothie and not a juice? I answer all these questions in this video.

How many smoothies can you drink per day?

In theory, a liter a day is more than enough. This, I would even say, is the absolute maximum. Unless, of course, you decide to have a fasting day. In this case, you can drink two liters. But no more! Otherwise, you will overload your intestines, and out of habit, you may even develop mild diarrhea.

Therefore the rule is: minimum 200 ml per day and maximum 1 liter on a normal day and 2 liters on a fasting day.

Is it possible to mix fruits and vegetables in one drink?

Can! But smoothies consisting only of fruits are contraindicated. Such a drink is a dessert, and not a healthy product. Fruits have too much sugar, so save the banana-strawberry-fruit juice option for a treat.

As for the very question of combining fruits and vegetables at one meal, I’m already tired of participating in the debate... There is no scientific evidence that vegetables and fruits cannot be eaten together. The only thing you will find on the Internet on this topic are enthusiastic materials from eyewitnesses who will tell you how their lives became better when they stopped mixing fruits with other foods. A better life lies in the fact that their discomfort in the stomach and intestines has disappeared. But! Having a reaction to mixing fruits and vegetables in one meal is simply a sign of a problem with the digestive system. If your stomach is bloated, then you should not eat fruits separately, but identify digestive problems and solve them. One of the options for solving problems is in this article.

Fruits contain acid and other substances that, on the contrary, promote better digestion of food. For example, natural preparations that improve digestion consist precisely of fruit extracts. And pineapple and papaya are even recommended during and immediately after meals to help the stomach function.

So, for your health, mix both fruits and vegetables, only so that there are at least twice as many vegetables as fruits.

How to accustom yourself, your children and other inhabitants of your home to smoothies

As with everything else - gradually. In ancient times, I also drank smoothies according to the “fruits-fruits-fruits-juice” recipe. Then I read that it was harmful, and first replaced the juice with water. It was not the same (of course!). I started adding honey to the water, literally a couple of teaspoons per liter. Then I removed the honey. After another month, I replaced one fruit with a portion of spinach. Then after some time I added avocado and other oils...

In general, patience and more patience. Although, there are people who are better off in the deep end. If you are one of them, then try the “right” smoothie right away. I hope that awareness of the correctness and health of such a drink will give you the strength to drink it to the end.

I also encounter the following reaction to smoothies: it doesn’t work because of the consistency!

A person cannot swallow all this miracle of nature, no matter how hard he tries. Then there are two options:

  1. Give up the idea and get your set of nutrients from vegetable foods
  2. Experiment with consistency by varying the amount of liquid. You may prefer a thinner or thicker drink than the recipe I offer.

As for children and other people who share living space with you: you will not be able to re-educate them. You can only infect people by your example. I can also advise you to unobtrusively offer to try. Every time. Last Saturday, for example, they refused. And the next time, invite them to try again, even just a sip. And the next time - the same thing... I did it. It's been about three years since I started sneaking spinach into smoothies. But now if I have the audacity not to make a smoothie for breakfast, then I can’t avoid a reprimand. By the way, there are many more tips on how to teach children to eat healthy in this article.

What to do if you can't get enough of smoothies

Here I offer the following options:

  • Add 1-2 tbsp to smoothie. protein powder. I have already written about what they are like.
  • Eat a handful of nuts (10-20 pieces) as a snack. Nuts take a long time to chew and keep you full for a long time due to their high protein and fat content. And it's delicious!
  • If you have a very powerful blender, you can add nuts and seeds directly to the smoothie during the cooking process.
  • After preparing the smoothie, add a tablespoon of chia or flax seeds and mix everything on low speed.
  • Try this option: 300 ml smoothie plus 1 the right bread with the correct filling (fish in any form is suitable, pesto, avocado, vegetables)

The right liquids for smoothies

  • Regular clean water
  • Soy or other plant-based milk without added sugar
  • Coconut milk light

Just a couple of weeks ago, a discussion flared up in the comments to my posts: is it possible to add kefir, milk or drinking yogurt to a smoothie? Like, otherwise it won’t taste good. A nice discussion very quickly turned into a heated argument... Some wrote that drinking yogurt, which is sugar-free and fat-free, contains less sugar, others reasonably noted that yogurt is full of sugar substitutes and chemicals, and dairy is generally not the best option for a healthy drink. I agree with the second. Of course, anything is possible. Another question - is it necessary?

Firstly, sweeteners should be avoided. Why - there is more about it. If you can’t live without a sweet smoothie, then it’s better to add apple juice. This will be much better than drinking yogurt.

Secondly, dairy products interfere with the absorption of calcium from food (and from dairy products themselves!), acidify the body and cause constipation... Is it worth starting your day with such a cocktail?

Thirdly, although kefir contains bifidobacteria in small quantities, it is still a dairy product. Why it should be avoided is in the sentence above.

How long can smoothies be stored?

It is best to drink smoothies within three hours of preparation. Maximum shelf life (in the refrigerator) is 1 day. Without a refrigerator - 4 hours (this is how long fermentation processes begin to occur in food at room temperature). Personally, I try to drink my liter before lunch (I have it at noon). If some days I don’t feel like it (yes, that happens!), then I put the smoothie in the refrigerator and use it either as a second snack in the afternoon, or drink it the next morning. This option seems to me the most convenient.

What to do if your stomach is bloated after drinking a smoothie

Wait a couple of weeks. It is quite possible that everything will go away on its own. The fact is that such a reaction is the consequences of the huge amount of fiber that is contained in the right smoothies. And if before that you only ate porridge and sandwiches, then your intestines may simply react this way out of habit. If after two weeks the stomach does not stop bloating, then I advise you to work on digestion, while simultaneously reducing the amount of smoothies by half. I wrote in detail how to get rid of bloating.

That's probably all about smoothies. If you have any questions, please ask them in the comments either here or on social networks.

If you have a desire to make smoothies your favorite drink, which will guarantee your youth, longevity and good health, then I suggest you join my author’s “Mini-detox” program, where you will not only receive many recipes for the healthiest smoothies, but you will also be able to communicate with me and other program participants in real time. More details about the program -

My dears! Thanks for reading. I am sharing valuable information with you free of charge, and I will be very grateful if you share this article on your social networks or leave a comment.

P.S.If you need individual advice, please contact us! Details - .

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A smoothie, a drink made from vegetables, fruits, herbs, nuts and other dietary ingredients ground in a blender, is primarily good because it is easily digestible and instantly energizes you. Secondly, it just as quickly saturates the body with fiber and vitamins necessary for slimness, and makes the skin glow. But the main thing is that it’s impossible to get bored with smoothies: there are delicious and extremely healthy options for any time of day and people with different taste preferences. The best cocktail recipes that will help you cheer up in the morning, energize you before fitness and replace dinner, were chosen for you by Olga Malysheva, a nutrition and detox specialist.

Morning: Breakfast Smoothie Recipes

Green smoothie (1)

What you need:

(for two servings)

  • Handful of spinach leaves
  • 6 lettuce leaves
  • 3 celery sticks
  • 1 pear
  • 1 banana
  • Lime juice
  • 1.5 glasses of water

What to do:

Wash all the ingredients, chop them, put them in a blender and mix until smooth. Ready!

To spend not five minutes on kneading in the morning, but two, prepare the ingredients in the evening

A green smoothie is an ideal breakfast option that will quickly perk you up without the help of coffee. Drinks made from fresh greens help cleanse and renew cells, increase hemoglobin and supply the body with essential minerals and vitamins. And don’t be confused by the “herbal” appearance of this smoothie: even with a ratio of 40% greens and 60% fruits, the taste of the latter wins. The only, but important rule in this case is to take only ripe bananas, which will give a pleasant sweetness.

Almond smoothie (2)

What you need:

(per serving)

  • Handful of unroasted almonds
  • 1 glass of water
  • 3 pitted dates (or a spoonful of honey)
  • ½ tsp. cinnamon
  • 5–8 leaves
  • fresh mint

What to do:

Soak the almonds in water overnight, rinse in the morning and grind well in a blender with a glass of water. Strain the resulting “milk”, return it to the blender and mix again with dates, cinnamon and mint leaves until smooth. The finished cocktail can be quickly cooled in the freezer, added ice, or drunk immediately, garnished with a cinnamon stick and coconut flakes.

Nut milk can be the basis for any nutritional shake. Make it with a glass of water and a handful of your favorite raw nuts or seeds. Hazelnuts, sesame seeds, poppy seeds, pumpkin or sunflower seeds are suitable: soak them for several hours, grind them with a glass of water in a blender and strain through a sieve or cheesecloth.

This heartier breakfast option will especially appeal to those who are used to yoghurt in the morning. Cocktails with nut “milk” perfectly satiate, but do not overload the stomach in the morning, and calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, vitamin E and zinc, which almonds are rich in, are absorbed better, since the nut is pre-soaked. Paired with dates, this smoothie is the perfect snack before an intense workout or a busy day.

Day: Smoothie recipes for lunch

Any smoothie can be easily prepared at home and taken with you to work or on the road in a bottle

Avocado smoothie (3)

What you need:

(for two servings)

  • 1 avocado
  • 1 orange
  • 1 banana
  • Juice of half a lemon
  • Bunch of parsley (leaves only)
  • 1 glass of water

What to do:

Peel the banana and orange, chop and place in a blender along with avocado pulp, herb leaves, water and lemon juice. Once everything is mixed until smooth, a thick, tasty and satisfying smoothie is ready.

Thanks to avocado, you will get a lot of healthy vegetable fats and enjoy the pleasant creamy texture of the drink. But an even more important advantage of this nutritional cocktail is the ability to provide energy without heaviness in the stomach. And don’t be afraid to try new smoothie options from time to time: you can replace the orange with a couple of tangerines or kiwi, and the parsley leaves with spinach.

To get the most out of your smoothie:

  1. Don't mix fruits and vegetables in the same drink. The exception is avocado, which goes well with both. Any ingredients go well with fresh herbs.
  2. Drink the smoothie in small sips, chewing it in your mouth, or use a teaspoon.
  3. Do not wash down other food with a smoothie - it is an independent and completely complete meal.

Sun smoothie (4)

What you need:

(for two servings)

  • 3 carrots
  • 2 green apples
  • A piece of ginger (2–3 cm)
  • 2 bananas
  • 1 orange
  • Handful of fresh mint leaves

What to do:

Make juice from carrots, apples and ginger, and then mix it in a blender with peeled bananas, orange and fresh mint.

Although this fresh drink tastes like dessert, don't pounce on it right after breakfast: your body will thank you if it receives a vitamin boost half an hour before another meal or three hours after your last meal. And finally fall in love with ginger: it not only adds a pleasant spiciness to the cocktail, but also invigorates you in the middle of the working day and improves digestion. But you can safely replace banana or orange with ripe mango.

Evening: Smoothie Recipes for Dinner

Gazpacho with strawberries (5)

What you need:

(for two servings)

  • 3 large sweet tomatoes
  • 1 small sweet red pepper
  • 5 strawberries (can be frozen)
  • 1 medium cucumber
  • ⅓ cup sun-dried tomatoes
  • Juice of ½ lemon
  • 2 cloves garlic
  • ½ tsp. red pepper
  • A pinch of cayenne pepper (chili)
  • ½ tsp. salt
  • Basil leaves for decoration and flavor

What to do:

Wash and cut the vegetables, peel the cucumber. Place all the ingredients in a blender, not forgetting the sun-dried tomatoes, the juice of half a lemon and spices. Turn the ingredients into a smooth creamy soup, pour into bowls, garnish with basil leaves, and enjoy!

Gazpacho can be heated on the stove (but not brought to a boil) and eaten, complemented with the pulp of halved avocado and sprouted wheat toast.

If you didn’t exercise in the evening, it’s better to focus on vegetables at dinner, and this gazpacho is an excellent alternative to the usual salad. In addition to the rich taste and ease of preparation, there is one more bonus: after this soup, the thought of dessert will definitely not come to you.

Banana smoothie (6)

What you need:

(per serving)

  • 1 frozen banana
  • 15 raw almonds (soaked in water for several hours)
  • 1 glass of water
  • ½ tsp. cinnamon
  • Pinch of salt

What to do:

First, mix frozen banana pieces with water in a blender, then add cinnamon, salt and almonds. Mix well again and the smoothie is ready.

This simple, quick, satisfying and completely dessert option is ideal for when you find yourself in the kitchen tired and hungry. With a frozen banana, this smoothie resembles a milkshake, but is absorbed much better. You can refresh the drink by adding spinach or mint leaves.

Curd smoothie (7)

What you need:

(per serving)

  • 200 g low-fat cottage cheese (1 pack)
  • 1 peach
  • 150–200 ml kefir (1–3%)

What to do:

Mix all ingredients in a blender and eat immediately.

Fermented milk mix will be an ideal dinner after a workout, Women's Health fitness expert Lidiya Ershova is sure: it has been proven that protein is necessary for the body that has experienced stress to restore muscle tissue and suppress the action of cortisol, a hormone that causes the body to accumulate fat, mainly in the abdominal area. The main thing is – eat a protein smoothie no later than an hour after class.

Nowadays, smoothie recipes for health are known to all people who take care of themselves. This incredibly healthy and tasty cocktail is perfect for those who watch their weight and exercise, and will also help cope with many problems in the body.

To prepare it, you only need a blender and healthy ingredients. Fresh fruits and berries given in the recipes can be replaced with frozen ones. Milk and yogurt should be low-fat or low-fat. You can also add ice to cocktails.

It’s great to consume a smoothie before a workout; it will increase energy and sufficient endurance during the workout itself. When a person is hungry, there will not be enough energy, which means that all exercises will be performed half-heartedly, and the effect of the exercises will be weak.

An ideal and healthy pre-workout smoothie should be easy to digest and full of healthy carbohydrates. It should be consumed about an hour before starting sports.

Smoothie recipe:

  • 150 grams of berries (any);
  • banana;
  • 100 ml yogurt;
  • 100-150 ml milk.

After sports

After an intense workout, the body needs to replenish glycogen stores and rebuild muscles. To do this, the cocktail must contain a lot of protein, carbohydrates, be easy to digest and quickly processed by the body.

Just don’t overuse smoothies. Two or three cocktails will be too much. This cocktail should be drunk within 30 minutes to an hour after training.

If the workout was very intense or lasted longer than an hour, you can drink an additional shake an hour after taking the first one.

  • a pinch of cinnamon (to normalize blood sugar levels);
  • 3 tsp. any nut butter;
  • 1 banana;
  • 150 ml milk.

To increase the nutritional value of this recipe, you can add spinach or any other dark green leafy vegetables.

Lose weight

A good weight loss shake should be packed with nutrients while being low in calories. This smoothie is good to have for breakfast or lunch. It may not be a snack or breakfast addition, but a complete meal replacement

To do this, the smoothie must contain proteins, healthy carbohydrates and some fat. A small amount of healthy fat is necessary for the body to function properly.

Berries are natural sweeteners and provide the body with carbohydrates, fiber and vitamins. Chia seeds contain a huge amount of nutrients and vitamins, so they are great for losing weight.

Smoothie recipe for weight loss:

  • 5 grams of chia seeds;
  • 25 grams of protein;
  • 1/2 banana;
  • 1 glass of berries;
  • 150 ml milk or natural yogurt.

Reducing waist and abdomen

In order to reduce your waist and belly, you need to add monounsaturated fatty acids (help remove belly fat) and natural yogurt (helps you lose weight and fights bloating) to your smoothie.

  • 200 grams of berries;
  • 2 tsp. flax oils;
  • 1/4 cup milk;
  • 5-6 tbsp. l. Greek yogurt.

It’s good to add a little nut butter and dark chocolate to this cocktail.

Low carb smoothie

This recipe is suitable for those who are on a low-carb or protein diet, but want the body to receive nutrients and beneficial substances. Since the body needs healthy carbohydrates for healthy functioning, in this smoothie they can be obtained from berries.

At the same time, the body will receive high-quality protein and carbohydrates filled with nutrients. It is better to use stevia or other healthy sugar substitutes as a sweetener.

Smoothie recipe:

  • 25-30 grams of whey protein (1 scoop);
  • 1 glass of berries;
  • 1 glass of cold water;
  • 1/4 cup cottage cheese (or a little more);
  • stevia or other sugar substitute to taste.

Boosting Metabolism

This delicious and healthy smoothie can boost your metabolism and saturate your body with nutrients. Its basis is green tea, containing caffeine and catechins - substances that accelerate metabolism.

This cocktail also contains a lot of protein, which increases metabolism.

  • honey to taste;
  • 1 mango (if you can’t buy mangoes, you can replace it with apricots);
  • 100 ml yogurt;
  • 100 ml of green tea brewed and cooled to room temperature.

Invigorating and promoting health

This smoothie fills you with energy and gives you strength. It is based on antioxidant-rich herbal tea. You can choose any herbs. Chamomile and mint will help with problems with the digestive system, lavender - with insomnia. You can add .

  • 25-30 grams of protein powder;
  • 1 tbsp. l. any nut butter;
  • 200 grams of frozen berries (you can choose one type of berries, or you can mix different ones);
  • 1 glass of brewed and cooled herbal tea.


An invigorating and healthy green smoothie will activate your senses and energize you.

  • 2 tsp. lime juice;
  • 1/2 cup spinach or other dark leafy greens;
  • 1 large green or yellow apple;
  • 1 medium pear;
  • 1 glass of cool ginger tea;
  • honey (optional).

To prepare ginger tea, pour a liter of water into a saucepan and bring to a boil. Grate 5-7 cm of ginger root and throw into boiling water. Turn the heat down, cover the pan and cook for about 15 minutes.

Smoothie - breakfast

Healthy smoothies are great for a quick and healthy breakfast. Do you know when you’re late for work and don’t have time for a full breakfast? This drink can completely replace it!

Oats and nuts slow down the absorption of glucose from fruits, keeping its level in the blood stable, and also charge the body with energy for a long time.

Milk contains a lot of protein, fruits are a source of vitamins, minerals, fiber and carbohydrates. All these components allow you not to feel hungry for a long time and charge you with energy for the whole day.


  • 3-4 tbsp. l. oatmeal flakes;
  • 1/4 cup of any nuts;
  • 1 ripe banana;
  • 3 tbsp. l. yogurt;
  • 250 ml milk.

Substitute coffee

Many people need coffee in the morning; without this drink they feel sleepy and lethargic. This delicious smoothie recipe is made with black coffee. It will help you wake up quickly and drive away drowsiness.

Smoothie recipe:

  • cinnamon (pinch);
  • 1 banana;
  • 3/4 cup yogurt (vanilla tastes best);
  • 1 glass of black coffee (cold).

For a hangover

This smoothie is filled with nutrients that restore health. Banana and nut butter will provide energy, ginger will help cope with nausea and normalize stomach function.

Bio-kefir will calm the stomach and intestines; pomegranate juice contains many antioxidants. If you don't have pomegranate juice, you can use cranberry or blueberry juice, or you can add a glass of various berries.

  • 1 tsp. ginger;
  • 3 tsp. almond oil;
  • 1 banana;
  • 100 ml bio-kefir;
  • 100 ml pomegranate juice.

For insomnia

How terrible it is to lie in bed and try to sleep, concentrating on this, but never fall asleep. You can’t force yourself to fall asleep mentally, but physiologically you can. This smoothie consists of milk, bananas and nut butters, which contain tryptophan.

Tryptophan, converted to serotonin, promotes the production of melatonin. It is known that a lack of serotonin contributes to a lack of melatonin, which leads to insomnia.

The carbohydrates and calcium contained in this smoothie enhance the effects of tryptophan. Cherries contain melatonin, and bananas contain a lot of potassium and magnesium - natural muscle relaxants.

Smoothie recipe:

  • 1 tbsp. l. peanut or other nut butter;
  • 1 tbsp. l. sesame seeds;
  • 1/4 cup cherries;
  • 1/2 banana;
  • 1 glass of milk (cow's, almond or soy).

Relaxing and calming

Smoothie recipe:

  • ground nutmeg (quarter tsp);
  • 1 small packet of vanillin or vanilla extract on the tip of a spoon;
  • honey (to taste);
  • 1/4 cup ground almonds;
  • 2 bananas (you can pre-freeze them, then the cocktail will be more velvety);
  • 1/4 cup chilled chamomile tea.

Improves digestion

This smoothie will help with all sorts of digestive system disorders. Papaya soothes the stomach, ginger fights flatulence and prevents nausea.

Probiotics contained in yogurt help increase the number of bacteria that are good for your gut. This cocktail is also rich in fiber, which cleanses the intestines and removes toxins from the body.

Smoothie recipe:

  • 1 tbsp. l. flax seed;
  • 1 tsp. chopped ginger;
  • 2 peaches;
  • 1 papaya;
  • 1 pear;
  • 200 grams of yogurt.

Detox smoothie

This smoothie helps. Beets have detoxifying properties, carrots are rich in antioxidants, and ginger is an anti-inflammatory.

And pears and apples are an excellent source of fiber, vitamin C and antioxidants. Spirulina (you can buy it at the pharmacy) is a storehouse of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and protein.

  • 1 tsp. spirulina;
  • 2 tbsp. l. lemon juice;
  • 2 tsp. ginger;
  • 1 large apple;
  • 1 large pear;
  • 1 beet;
  • 1 carrot.

Skin rejuvenating

It's no secret that proper nutrition helps our skin maintain youth and beauty longer. This cocktail contains all the substances that are necessary and beneficial for healthy skin:

  1. anti-aging vitamin E;
  2. collagen-boosting vitamin C;
  3. healthy fats that prevent sunburn;
  4. oleic acid, which reduces wrinkles.
  • 1 tbsp. l. flax seed;
  • 1 cup blueberries;
  • 1 cup cherries;
  • 100 grams of strawberries;
  • 50 grams of avocado;
  • 1/2 cup Greek yogurt.

Exotic smoothie that boosts immunity

This smoothie will help boost your immunity and prevent seasonal colds.

  • a third of a glass of ground almonds;
  • 200 grams of melon;
  • 100 grams of pineapples (fresh or canned);
  • 1 medium banana;
  • 1 medium mango;
  • 1/2 cup almond, soy or cow's milk.

Mango, melon and pineapple contain beta-carotene and vitamin C, while almonds and almond milk contain zinc, an immune system protector.

Making smoothies at home is very easy!

What is a smoothie

Smoothie is a cocktail of vegetables, fruits, berries and milk or water, whipped in a mixer or blender. It’s not difficult to make, and now the number of recipes on the Internet already exceeds tens of thousands. Their popularity is due to their convenience: you can make it in advance and take it with you to drink at any time. Plus, smoothies are a very healthy drink!

Benefits of smoothies

How can a smoothie be useful? Well, everything is simple here! Benefit depends on ingredients. Fruits and vegetables contain many vitamins and minerals, and by combining them, you can get your own new vitamin complex every time. Milk and kefir are rich in calcium and valuable amino acids. Smoothies are very useful for athletes and people trying to lose weight, as they quickly satisfy the body’s need for micronutrients.

A huge plus is that the smoothie tastes more pleasant than individual vegetables. For example, a child does not like fresh carrots, but when you mix them with some fruit, you get a very pleasant cocktail.

Can smoothies be harmful?

Only if a person has intolerance to certain foods or allergies. There is a way out - just don’t add such products.

Is it possible to lose weight with smoothies?

It depends on how you feel about this expression. Smoothies do not directly affect weight loss! That is, if someone starts drinking smoothies in order to lose weight, then they will soon be disappointed. Everything is very simple - this cocktail, as well as the ingredients used for its preparation, do not contain substances that can somehow noticeably affect the fat burning process. Don't trust magazines, public pages and your own laziness.

If you follow a diet, exercise, and add smoothies to your diet to satisfy hunger and replenish micronutrient reserves, then you can say there are some benefits. As you noticed, it will be indirect.

And one more thing! Not all cocktails are light and low-calorie. After all, by adding cream, syrup or honey, you will get a product that can compete in calorie content with baked goods.

There are many recipes, but they are all very simple. Smoothies can be easily prepared at home. To do this, we need a blender or mixer and the necessary ingredients, the composition and quantity of which can only be limited by your imagination. Below is a very good recipe.

Banana smoothie


  • Orange;
  • Kefir;
  • Banana;
  • Nectarine;


You need to peel and remove the seeds from the orange and nectarine. Cut into small pieces. Also peel and cut the banana.

Place everything in a blender, add a small amount of kefir and stir. Determine the amount of kefir so that it is not liquid, but not too thick, since smoothies are usually drunk through a straw. You can add honey or sugar for sweetness.

Place a couple of ice cubes in a glass and carefully pour in the fruit mixture. Insert a cocktail straw. That's it, the smoothie is ready. Now you realize that you can make countless variations of this drink. Choose, experiment.

Delight your family and friends with your creations. Need another recipe? Then especially for you:

Apple smoothie

  • A very nutritious smoothie. One of the best for those on a diet. Contains nutrients, tastes great and has only 130 calories per serving. You will need: 1 peeled, cored apple, 1 cup frozen red grapes, 1 teaspoon fresh grated ginger, half a glass of kefir, half a glass of chilled unsweetened green tea, 1 tablespoon of honey, ice.

Spinach smoothie

  • Super smoothie. 7 nutritious foods complement each other perfectly in this drink and fill your body with health. By the way, it only has 131 calories! You will need: 1 cup spinach, 1 cm frozen and chopped banana, 1 cup frozen berries (unsweetened), fresh ginger root (1 cm), 1/2 cup Greek yogurt, 1 cup chilled green tea, 1/2 cup pomegranate juice, 1 cup crushed ice.

Pomegranate-Banana-Ginger Smoothie

  • Pomegranate is not only good for the heart and circulatory systems, but also helps in weight loss. The energy value of the cocktail is 200 calories! You will need: 1 frozen and chopped banana, half a glass of Greek yogurt, 0.5 cm of ginger root, 1 glass of pomegranate juice, 4 - 5 ice cubes.

Kiwi smoothie

  • Green berry smoothie. Forget about high-calorie cocktails from cafes! This recipe will give you only 235 calories, is made with fresh fruit and is delicious. You will need: 1 frozen banana, 4 frozen strawberries, 1 peeled kiwi, 2 cups salad, 1.5 cups green tea, 6 ice cubes.

Melon smoothie

  • Melon wind. A refreshing, invigorating and healthy snack. Only 165 calories, rich in nutrients. You will need: 1 cup lettuce, 1 cup spinach, 1 frozen banana, 10 - 12 small pieces of honeydew melon, half a cup of milk, half a cup of Greek yogurt, 4 - 5 ice cubes.

Blueberry smoothie

  • Blueberry Banana Smoothie. Less than 250 calories, no trans fats, but contains fiber and protein. You will need: 1 piece of tofu (2 cm), 1 cup milk, 1 cup frozen blueberries, 1 cup spinach, 1 large banana.

As you can see, a low-calorie snack can be delicious and very healthy! Don't starve, don't torture your body, love yourself and fill your body with healthy foods! Bon appetit! Did you like the article? Be sure to share with your friends on social networks!

Positive smoothie

In the wake of the raw food diet trend, the menu of healthy lifestyle supporters is increasingly including unusual cocktails - smoothies. However, skeptics tend to consider this to be more of a fashion statement. Is this so and what are the benefits and harms of smoothies, how justified are the enthusiastic responses of fans of the popular drink: let’s compare the pros and cons.

What is a smoothie

Smoothie is translated from English as “very pleasant” and “homogeneous”, “balanced”, which indicates its taste, composition from a homogeneous mixture of various ingredients. The components of the drink are berries, fruits, vegetables with the addition of herbs, yogurt, nuts, honey, milk, eggs.

The uniformity of the composition of such a cocktail is ensured by whipping it using a blender. The finished mixture is a “golden mean” between puree and juice.

The history of the invention of smoothies is associated with the 60s of the 20th century, when vegetarianism was gaining momentum, as well as with the name of the owner of the Smoothie King chain of cocktail bars, Steve Kahnau, who, in search of relief from allergies, experimented with mixing various fruits and discovered that the mix of raw fruit does not cause a reaction in the body. Inspired by the find, he became a popularizer of a cocktail with unique properties. The industrial development of smoothies began in 1984, during the Olympics in Los Angeles as part of the development of a series of healthy drinks.

Smoothies have risen to the crest of modern popularity due to the spread of the healthy lifestyle movement. Indeed, in addition to the convenience of eating a whole portion of fruits and vegetables in one glass, such cocktails have medicinal benefits.

Beneficial properties of smoothies

Our common fresh juices are a squeeze of vegetables and fruits. Cleared of the remaining pulp, which also includes fiber, such drinks include only part of the beneficial properties of the vitamin-mineral complex. In contrast, smoothies absorb the original plant product in full, with maximum benefit of organic inclusions.

The denser consistency of a smoothie cocktail allows you to use them as a snack, since the puree-like mass enriches the body with fiber and helps stimulate the gastrointestinal tract, increases the absorption of nutrients, thanks to its unique bioavailable form. Such cocktails have a whole list of beneficial properties.

  1. Smoothies Suppress Free Radicals. The harm from consuming refined and fried foods manifests itself in the creation of favorable conditions for the development of tumors and pathologies of blood vessels and heart (Alzheimer's disease, phlebitis, varicose veins, atherosclerosis). Healthy smoothies can neutralize this health threat.
  2. Organic products in smoothies contain the maximum amount of folic acid., ascorbic acid and iron, which are responsible for hair health. Thus, the benefits of banana and apple-based cocktails work to strengthen the hair follicles, giving them a healthy shine, smoothness and manageability, which is very important after the damage of exposure to the sun, hair dryer, dyes and low-quality cosmetics.
  3. Freshly shaken cocktails strengthen the skeletal system. Eating raw food helps maximize calcium absorption and replenishment in the body. The beneficial properties of smoothies affect the condition of teeth and joints, and reduce the likelihood of developing problems such as caries, osteoporosis, arthrosis, arthritis, and rheumatic diseases.
  4. Increase immunity. Smoothies with citruses, carrots, and herbs accelerate cell renewal, which increases the formation of red blood cells and enhances the body’s protection from the harm of viral, infectious and fungal infections. This is beneficial in the fight against tuberculosis, ARVI, meningitis and many inflammatory diseases that have a fungal basis.
  5. Improves vision. The beneficial properties of blueberries, carrots, spinach, and pumpkin are useful as a base for smoothies to improve visual acuity, including for diabetes. Including peaches, oranges, blackberries, and grapes in a cocktail will be useful for relieving eye fatigue from the influence of radiation from electronic gadgets and stress factors.
  6. Eliminate constipation. The abundance of fiber in smoothies has a beneficial effect on the intestines, gently binding and removing feces, toxins and wastes, thereby helping to cleanse the body and normalize the urge to defecate.
  7. Slow down aging. The beneficial properties of smoothie cocktails as powerful antioxidants are manifested in protecting cells from the harm of destruction, in maintaining the acid-base balance: externally this is manifested in the regenerative processes of the body: tightening the skin and reducing wrinkles.
  8. Qualitatively affect the excretory system and water balance. The benefits of smoothies also affect the kidneys, remove salt from the body, cleanse the skin and eliminate acne, blackheads, dermatosis, urticaria, psoriasis and other problems.
  9. Increase stress resistance. The benefits of cocktails on hormonal levels directly affect your mood and help reduce the risk of depression.

One of the important advantages of cocktails is the ease of preparation.

For digestion

Drinking a nutritious smoothie cocktail has the ability to speed up and improve metabolism, which has a positive effect on digestion. In particular, the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract is restored, as a result of which the risks of developing gastritis, colitis, and ulcers are reduced.

To cleanse the body

Smoothies can serve as a gentle way to cleanse the body. Fiber, which is so rich in healthy cocktails, is like a sponge, capable of absorbing and removing toxins that are harmful to health from the body. With regular use, the detox effect of smoothies will far surpass medications due to the benefits of a deep effect on the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys and liver.

For weight loss

Due to the fact that with the help of smoothies the body is cleansed of toxins, it has the ability to normalize metabolism and promote fat burning. As a result, weight loss occurs naturally and gently, minimizing the harm of intoxication.

The smoothie diet is one of the popular options for losing weight: its benefit lies in the fact that, with a given set of healthy cocktail ingredients, it can preserve and even replenish missing muscle mass.

The smoothie diet includes fresh fruits, vegetables with the addition of grains, cereals, due to the beneficial nutritional properties of which smoothies are called “lunch in a glass.” In fact, such a cocktail, unique in composition, turns from a drink into food: at the same time, it serves not just as a snack between its main meals: it itself represents a full meal.

In this regard, to speed up digestion, it is necessary to chew the solid particles of the cocktail: this will stimulate the functioning of the salivary glands.

You should also pay attention to the caloric content of the ingredients included in the smoothie. For example, low-calorie apples can be the base of a smoothie. For weight loss, low-calorie apricots, tangerines, and black currants are primarily suitable from fruit and berry ingredients. The properties of low-fat apples, pineapples, and cherries will also be useful for weight loss. And you should be careful when consuming fruits with a high content of glucose and starch, such as grapes, avocado, watermelon, melon and peaches, bananas: it is better to exclude them from the diet.

It would be useful to replace additives from sweet and fatty dairy products with low-fat yogurt or kefir in a smoothie cocktail.

Salt must be excluded from the diet to normalize water balance. For taste comfort, crushed dried will be useful as a good replacement.

Due to the ability to mix various ingredients in one glass, it makes sense to enhance the beneficial properties of the cocktail by adding components that are rarely consumed on their own, but are powerful sources of vitamins: celery leaves and roots, spinach, cilantro, parsley, dill, wheat sprouts, nettles and beet tops.

For example, apple, carrot, celery, mango and low-fat yogurt are a great balanced option for making a smoothie: everything is chopped, mixed, and then blended to the desired consistency.

The mode of taking smoothie cocktails is 3 or 5 times a day, depending on the selection of products and the appearance of hunger.

A smoothie diet for weight loss can range from one to several days a week, and can be done regularly.

For athletes

This healthy cocktail is also ideal for athletes who set themselves the goal of gaining weight. Adding protein, nuts or cottage cheese to the smoothie will increase the protein content, and bananas and greens will balance the carbohydrates in the smoothie. The power of smoothies to increase energy is also known, which serves as a natural support for the body during physical activity. In addition, intense training requires the expenditure of mineral elements and vitamins, which are then well restored by a light and at the same time nutrient-rich drink.

For children

A healthy, tasty solution would be to supplement the children's menu with a vitamin glass, especially for those kids who are not inspired by salads.

In addition, studies have been conducted, the results of which indicate the benefits of the influence of the properties of smoothies on mood. Drinking bright, fresh cocktails will be helpful in switching to a positive attitude.

Healthy smoothie recipes

Smoothies are a universal drink that is beneficially used by both raw foodists and supporters of the traditional menu as a tasty way to replenish the body’s supply of vitamins and minerals valuable to humans.

Important! The calorie content of the finished cocktail, consisting of plant ingredients, is on average 40 kcal.

Depending on the ingredients, smoothies have different properties: they can be cleansing, nourishing, invigorating, strengthening, dessert, etc.

Imagination makes the list of smoothie cocktails endless, but it will be useful to use already developed balanced recipes as a starting point.

Vegetable smoothies

Vegetable smoothies include tomatoes, carrots, beets, avocado, cucumbers, pumpkin, bell peppers, cabbage, ginger and enhance the benefits with “green” vitamins of parsley, basil, cilantro, celery, and spinach.

Pumpkin and carrot smoothie

  • one medium carrot;
  • 150 g pumpkin pulp;
  • 150 ml yogurt;
  • 1 tbsp. l. honey;
  • zest of half an orange.

Carrots are washed and squeezed in a juicer. The pumpkin is cut. All ingredients are mixed and blended into a homogeneous mass.

Tomato smoothie

  • tomatoes 500 g;
  • apple – 1 pc.;
  • carrots – 2 pcs.;
  • flax seeds - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • olive oil – 2 tbsp. l.

The tomatoes are cut. Peel carrots and apples and grate them on a coarse grater. All ingredients, except oil, are mixed and blended with a blender at low speed for a minute. Pour into tall glasses, add olive oil, and top with flax seeds.

Summer smoothie option

  • cherry tomatoes - 10 pcs.;
  • cucumber – 2 pcs.;
  • red onion – ½ piece;
  • garlic – 2 – 3 pcs.;
  • kefir or yogurt – 600 ml;
  • cottage cheese, black pepper - to taste.

Vegetables are washed, chopped, mixed with all ingredients, and blended in a blender. Yield: 3 cups.

Beetroot smoothie

  • beets – 1 pc.;
  • celery stalk – 2 pcs.;
  • yellow bell pepper – 1 pc.;
  • large cucumber – 1 pc.;
  • lemon – 1 pc.;
  • carrots – 2 pcs. (optional).

Vegetables are coarsely chopped, combined with lemon juice and ground in a blender.

Fruit smoothies

It is important to remember that fruits contain large amounts of sugar. Their excessive use leads to a sharp jump in blood glucose, which is extremely undesirable, especially at the beginning of the day. Therefore, it will not be beneficial to have fruit smoothies for breakfast.

Morning cleansing smoothie with greens

  • celery – 2 stalks;
  • spinach – 1 bunch;
  • banana – 1 pc.;
  • juice of half a lime;
  • water – ½ tbsp.

The ingredients are cleaned, crushed and blended with a blender.

Apple smoothie with cinnamon

The apples are washed, peeled, coarsely chopped, poured with yogurt and blended with a blender into a homogeneous mass, ice is added to taste. The consistency is adjusted with yogurt. The cocktail will be useful for breakfast.

Other recipe options

Four more healthy fruit smoothie recipes:

  1. For a refreshing effect: from green tea, ginger, apple, grapes, banana, kiwi, a spoon of honey.
  2. For vigor: banana, half a glass of yogurt, half a glass of freshly brewed coffee, dark chocolate, grated nutmeg.
  3. For the benefit of strengthening the immune system, for second breakfast: kiwi, banana, berries.
  4. For relaxation - an alcoholic dessert smoothie: orange, mango, 2 tbsp. l. tequila.

All components are mixed in a blender to the desired consistency. For invigorating and refreshing properties, add ice to taste.

Berry smoothies

The beneficial properties of berry smoothies are unique due to the antioxidants and vitamins present in large quantities in their composition.

In addition, due to the specificity of carbohydrates and the acidity of berries, they, unlike fruits, will be useful for stabilizing blood sugar, so adding them generously to cocktails will not be harmful.

Recipes with a healthy combination of ingredients and a balanced composition. You can use frozen berries.

Strawberries with yogurt

  • low-fat yogurt - 150 ml;
  • strawberries - 200 g;
  • milk or yogurt - 1 tbsp.

Vitamin bomb with Chia seeds

  • banana – 1 pc.;
  • frozen raspberries – 200 g;
  • Chia seeds - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • spinach – 3 handfuls;
  • coconut milk – 100 ml.

Cocktail yield – 1 l.

Sparkling smoothie:

  • white wine – 2 tbsp. l.;
  • blueberry juice – 1 tbsp.;
  • tangerine – 1 pc.;
  • raspberries – 100 g.

Attention! The benefits of berry smoothies with added ice also include an anti-hangover effect.

Smoothie with grains

A smoothie containing grains will be beneficial especially in the morning. You can use flakes or sprouted grains as ingredients. Eating sprouted grains in a smoothie on an empty stomach can provide therapeutic benefits due to their antioxidant properties in combating free radical damage.

Morning smoothie with wheat germ


  • two green apples;
  • juice of half a lemon;
  • 40 g each of fresh basil and parsley;
  • 60 g of sprouted wheat grains.

Cooking features:

  1. Juice is prepared from apples.
  2. Half the volume of juice is mixed with herbs and wheat, whipped until smooth.
  3. Pour into a glass and add the rest of the juice.

Smoothie with cereal

  • oat flakes “Hercules” (can be buckwheat, rye, rice, etc.) - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • banana - 1 pc.;
  • oranges or tangerines - 2 pcs.;
  • yogurt (kefir, fermented baked milk) - 150 g;
  • water - 2 - 3 tbsp. l.

The flakes are poured and infused in boiling water, then mixed with the rest of the ingredients and blended with a blender.

What can you add to a smoothie to make it healthier?

The most useful additives will be dried fruits, seeds and nuts.

Supporters of traditional nutrition will appreciate smoothies with kefir, yogurt, milk and cottage cheese.

The beneficial properties of ginger, cayenne chili pepper, cinnamon, and lemon will enhance the composition of a valuable cocktail. Here the main rule will be to observe the measure: for example, in 1 liter of the finished smoothie there should be up to 4 cm of ginger, a small lemon, which can be used directly with the peel - this way the bioflavonoids useful for the absorption of vitamin C will be preserved. Exceeding the amount of seasonings by more than 1.5 tsp. may harm the taste of the drink.

Athletes can also add special protein and carbohydrate supplements directly to the shake.

Attention! In addition to prepared berries, you can use frozen fruits and vegetables in the cocktail. This will be especially useful in winter.

What not to add to smoothies

Using sugar and salt will not bring health benefits to the cocktail: the best solution would be to replace sugar with honey or stevia, and, if necessary, add some salt to vegetable smoothies with sea kale powder.

Canned ingredients should be avoided.

Heavy cream is poorly compatible with fruit: this ingredient is more suitable for desserts than for a vegetable cocktail.

According to doctors, the benefits of smoothies will also be significantly reduced by various flavoring additives and fillers: sweeteners, syrups, toppings, etc.

Is it possible to make a smoothie without a blender?

The situation when you don’t have a blender at hand, for example, on a trip, is not yet a reason to refuse a healthy snack in a glass.

  1. The simplest solution for “low-tech” smoothie preparation is to choose soft fruits and berries (banana, kiwi, strawberries, raspberries, etc.), arm yourself with one or two forks, and also prepare a liquid cocktail base in the form of yogurt, kefir, etc. The pulp is crushed with a knife or crushed with a fork, then diluted with a small amount of yogurt, whipped with two forks, folded in the form of a whisk in one hand (this speeds up the process) into a thick mass, and then gradually diluted with yogurt to the desired consistency of the cocktail.
  2. Another option is to use a fine grater. Hard ingredients are grated, and very juicy or soft ingredients are rubbed through a sieve or squeezed through cheesecloth.
  3. If you have other kitchen equipment on hand, a juicer, a fine-mesh meat grinder, or a mixer with a regular egg whisk may be useful for grinding cocktail ingredients.

The crushed ingredients can also be shaken vigorously in a sealed jar.

How to drink a smoothie correctly

What parameters should a proper smoothie cocktail meet:

Attention! The main useful rule for preparing a “live” cocktail is the balance of BJU in order to avoid harm from increased cholesterol and blood sugar.

Harm of smoothies and contraindications

Since cocktails made from fruits and berries contain a large amount of acid, this can be harmful to tooth enamel. Precautionary measures here include rinsing your mouth after each drink and using a straw.

Regular consumption of cocktails will also require the inclusion of solid components that can be chewed. This way you can ensure a constant flow of blood to the gums and support your gums and teeth from possible problems.

There are few contraindications to drinking cocktails, and they relate to intolerance to the components and possible allergic reactions, as well as exacerbation of chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract: in this case, you will need to consult a doctor.

How to store smoothies

A freshly prepared smoothie will retain its benefits in the refrigerator for no longer than 24 hours. Moreover, after 3 hours of storage, oxidative processes begin to negatively affect the beneficial properties. Outside the refrigerator, the cocktail will last until fermentation for a maximum of 4 hours.


The benefits and harms of smoothies have long ceased to be a topic of heated debate, since the advantages of preparing fresh drinks are undeniable. It all depends on the purpose of drinking the cocktail. As in any nutritional issue, with a competent approach, taking into account contraindications, you can not only get great pleasure from the taste, but also make the most of the medicinal properties of fresh smoothies.