Goblin rebuffed critics of the film “28 Panfilov’s Men. Insulting Red Army soldiers does not anger them

Still from the film “28 Panfilov’s Men”

The sensational film “28 Panfilov’s Men” is an excellent propaganda of love for the Motherland, which is simply necessary today. This opinion was expressed by the famous film critic and blogger Dmitry Puchkov (Goblin), commenting on critical reviews of the film.

“I don’t see anything wrong with the propaganda itself. Some of our radio stations promote ideas that are completely alien and sometimes hostile to Russia. But for some reason this does not cause any rejection among the loudmouths. And for some reason the propaganda of the exploits of our ancestors infuriates them. I believe that promoting the ideas of love for the Motherland and self-sacrifice for its sake is wonderful,” kp.ru quotes him as saying.

Puchkov also noted the unfoundedness of statements that the creators of this film are trying to make money on patriotic themes. According to Puchkov, who, by the way, is on the council under the Ministry of Culture, about 30% of Russian viewers today do not watch domestic cinema at all, and the trend is that soon such “refusers” of Russian products will reach 50%. Based on this, Puchkov called those who talk about the selfish motives of the authors of the film about the feat of Panfilov’s men “insane” and who do not understand anything about the peculiarities of distribution.

According to the blogger, viewers who watched the movie “28 Panfilov’s Men” left mostly positive reviews. At the same time, there were those who called the picture “dry,” that is, not evoking emotions and sympathy. Such critics, according to Puchkov, are simply accustomed to the overly expressive acting of Russian actors adopted in Russian cinema. Such people have no idea how heroes actually behave in the face of danger, the blogger is sure.

“If you are a weak-willed rag, then you will fight in hysterics, as is customary in our cinema. And when you are among other men, you cannot show cowardice, doubt, or hesitation. I recommend these “critics” and “experts” in screenwriting to go on the Internet and listen, for example, to radio conversations of the Maikop brigade that died in Grozny. Listen to what people say in the face of death. And there’s no need to get your dirty paws into places where you shouldn’t go,” says Dmitry Puchkov.

Another part of the opponents of the film “28 Panfilov’s Men” bases their critical reviews on allegations that the film does not correspond to historical reality. This camp of critics is convinced that the feat of Panfilov’s men did not happen at all; there are also doubts that there were exactly 28 heroes. Numerous scandals and public discussions were organized about this, and they continue to this day. Dmitry Puchkov had an answer for this type of critics: “I can only applaud the stupid intellectuals who say that nothing happened. They say nothing happened. But people know what happened and go to see the feat of their ancestors. Does this benefit the film? Yes. Yell louder. The louder you shout, the more people will come to see a great movie. Try your best, we are grateful to you for that.”

The fact that the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation provided only 30 million rubles for the filming of the film (according to Puchkov, initially the Ministry of Culture promised to add exactly the same amount as citizens would raise) was also widely discussed in society. At the same time, Zvyagintsev’s film “Leviathan,” which focused on the negative image of Russia, received 220 million rubles from the state budget. According to Dmitry Puchkov, this only means that in Russia today there is a “orgy of freedom”, and can become a powerful argument in the dispute about mythical censorship in the Russian state.

In general, attention in this issue should be shifted to another plane, Puchkov believes: officials should listen to the opinion of the Russian audience, who, as is known, votes with rubles. The film critic recalled that with a budget of almost $7 million for “Leviathan,” box office receipts amounted to only $2 million. This result can only indicate the authors’ inability to make films that are interesting to the viewer:

“In my opinion, cinema is commerce,” Puchkov noted. - You were given 100 million rubles, be so kind as to return at least 101 million to the state. If you cannot do this, you are probably unsuitable for your profession. You can buy yourself an iPhone, go and shoot your creative ideas with it. The state should have nothing to do with this.”

Comments (14)

  • User blocked 30 November 2016, 21:07

    According to my observations, the descendants of citizens who managed food warehouses during the Great Patriotic War or served time for crimes of a criminal nature are trying to discredit and distort the history of our Great Country. As a last resort, we had a fake reservation, having bought ourselves a certificate of tuberculosis. The most interesting thing is that then they again bought battle awards for money, or took them off the people they had killed. I won’t explain what their philosophy of life is. The thing is that meanness and betrayal are passed on at the genetic level from generation to generation. And already now, their sexually mature descendants allow themselves to express their opinion about the feat of the Soviet people. Which opinion is understandable. You don't have to go far.

  • User blocked 01 December 2016, 11:44

    I will add one more thing to what has been said. The recent ancestors of today's Russophobes, such as grandfathers and great-grandfathers, as a rule served as policemen in the occupied territories of the USSR and actively participated in the murders of Soviet people. Quite a few of them joined the gang of retired General Vlasov. After the war, many suffered just retribution. During the Soviet era, their children were actively involved in blackmailing things and currency. Others were gang members and spent most of their lives in prison. Others were engaged in theft of state property, working as store directors and warehouse managers. Of course, why should they love the Soviet government and the Soviet people? Therefore, among them there were many traitors to the Motherland.

  • Olya Yoffe December 03, 2017, 20:08

    I watched the picture 2 times. The idea is clear, and I am “FOR” making films that inspire patriotism and love for the Motherland. But they should not be done purely out of patriotism, they should carry a complex script and direction. And this is just a problem, especially with the directing. It’s not clear why there are built-in dialogues that were simply inserted for filling, which are not only dry in content, but they are simply not justified and meaningless. In the same film "Saving Private Ryan", there are also dialogues about everyday life, dedication and love for the Motherland, but every dialogue there pierces the heart!! Okay, let's take a Soviet movie, everyone's favorite (including mine) - “Only old men go into battle.” Excellent dialogues, humor, content, which I didn’t see at all in “28 Panfilov’s Men”. Not a single character of the hero is written down! It’s as if we’re watching a story about “the masses”; there’s no character that you really care about. The tempo of the picture is monotonous, it becomes a little interesting only during the battle, and even then, only for a split second. Unfortunately. All the dialogues are UNJUSTIFICALLY pretentious, especially when people are talking in the trenches, and not only there, everywhere. A very strange, undercooked film. From technical nuances - the sound was terribly recorded, the dialogues were very illegible, I had to listen. And the operator’s work in camera movements leaves much to be desired, crooked, incomprehensible panoramas. I am not a person who carefully looks for pitfalls in any films; here I am stating the fact of huge failures in working with the script and direction. That’s why there is criticism, because Leviathan also has directing (even though I’m not a fan of such films), and directing is the basis of the entire film mechanism! No amount of super camera work, cool locations and a good message will pull out a FILM if there is no good directorial and dramatic foundation.


Before the new Russian film “Panfilov’s 28” had time to hit theaters, a scandal had already broken out around it. Liberal historians and journalists rushed to assure that the feat of the soldiers on which the picture was based was a fiction of Soviet propaganda. The people did not agree with them and raised 35 million rubles for the filming of this film! People miss real films about the Great Patriotic War! Minister of Culture Vladimir Medinsky stood up for the Panfilovites, writing an article in which he crushed the arguments of those “denying the feat.” Popular film critic, translator and blogger Dmitry Puchkov (Goblin), who helped raise money for this film, told Komsomolskaya Pravda why the film about 28 Panfilov men causes such hatred among some people.


The main version of all the “whistleblowers” ​​of Panfilov’s followers is that the feat was an invention of the “Red Star” journalist Krivitsky. Is there any reason to believe this version?

Let's start with what no one denies. General Panfilov's division actually held the line near Moscow. Including at the Dubosekovo crossing. This is a fact. For example, political instructor Vasily Klochkov died in battle there, to whom the words are attributed: “Russia is great, but there is nowhere to retreat - Moscow is behind us!” There are documents that prove that the battle took place there.

- What is being disputed then?

Details. Correspondent Krivitsky arrived at the front and asked the commander: “What’s going on here?” The commander said: “Yesterday there was a battle, during which 28 people died, 28 Panfilov’s men. Everyone died a heroic death, they held the line.” Afterwards the article “28 Panfilov’s Men” was published. And you have to be a complete idiot to think that a correspondent should go into the trenches and stick his fingers into the wounds of each corpse in order to make sure that he is really dead. So the commander outlined the situation to the correspondent, and he outlined it. What's the problem? That they didn't kill everyone? Happens. That there were not 28, but 32 of them? Happens.

Why does everyone remember only about 300 Spartans, when 7.5 thousand people fought heroically in that Thermopylae Pass? Here, too, near Moscow, a whole division of Panfilov’s men fought! And 28 people became legends. Citizens who call these events a “myth” should turn to an explanatory dictionary of the Russian language to familiarize themselves with the meaning of this word. These are REAL events that have become LEGEND.


But why are they now attacking the film “Panfilov’s 28”? After all, they were silent about the film “Bastards,” in which street children were sent to be shot behind German lines.

I'm interested too. They never talk about Solzhenitsyn’s work “The Gulag Archipelago,” which consists of fiction from beginning to end. No so-called historians are interested in this. When the film “Imminence” by Nikita Mikhalkov comes out about the ugly flight of Soviet troops, general cowardice, betrayal, this also does not cause any rejection in them. When they show “Citadel”, where 15 people with shovel sticks attack, everything is also normal. “Penal battalion”, where people are sent to mine mines, is also wonderful. Everything is great! Until a film appears about the real feat of the Soviet people who did not allow the enemy to reach Moscow. This is what they simply cannot tolerate. But why?!!

- When attacking “28 Panfilov’s Men,” no one says that this is not a documentary film, but a fictional story.

It’s not that it’s “not a documentary”, it’s generally about how men behave in the face of death. And a specific event there serves only as a background. Here are the soldiers, they have little strength. They don't have proper weapons. But they hold the line against a superior enemy. How do men behave in this case? That's what this movie is about.


- Have you already watched “Panfilov’s 28 Men”? What are your impressions?

Perhaps some will think that I am biased, because I have a little involvement in the production of the film. But, in my opinion, this is a very good film! We haven’t produced a movie like this about war for decades. It is not propaganda. The role of the Communist Party is not clearly reflected there. They don’t even remember Comrade Stalin, you won’t believe it. But, nevertheless, this is a film made with respect to the ancestors and their feat.

Still from the film "Panfilov's 28 Men".

The Defense of Moscow is 75 years old. Maybe this is a tradition - to insult heroic deeds on a memorable date? On the eve of May 9, we are also faced with a similar denial of the great Victory.

Sorry, now I’m going to lash out at those in denial. They believe that the Russians and the Soviets did not have and could not have had any heroes. None! Alexander Matrosov simply slipped and fell into the embrasure of a fascist pillbox. This is what they are trying to convince us of. A lot of such nonsense has been invented. These characters have no idea what they are saying at all. There is no question of any respect, no respect for the grief of others. They just giggle and spit like monkeys. This is a lack of education, first of all. Perhaps the brain too. Knowledge does not play any role, because, as we see, even some historians spout exactly the same nonsense.


I’ll give you a quote from a journalist from a liberal radio station, Anton Orech: “They decided that we don’t need the truth - we need a myth. We need “holy legends” instead of history.” Are they ready to accept another “truth”, which is the real story?

He himself doesn't seem to understand what he's saying. His head is full of propaganda cliches - anti-Soviet and Russophobic. So he repeats these same cliches, as in the perestroika magazine Ogonyok. Some cite, for example, documents signed by Stalin's prosecutor. But it is written in black and white that there was a battle at the Dubosekokovo crossing! Where is the myth? I can't understand it logically.

What can you say about the words of Minister Medinsky about those who do not recognize the feat of Panfilov’s men - he called them “complete scum”?

I don’t even want to comment on whether it is appropriate for an official to use such language. He knows better. But I can completely understand the minister’s emotional impulse, because I’ve simply had enough.

The all-Russian premiere of the film "28 Panfilov's Men" will take place in November.

- What do you think, if liberals were in the Ministry of Culture, what films would they make?

Yes, they were already filming! Throughout perestroika they produced their garbage films. And Comrade Medinsky took the whole thing and stopped it. With him, scripts began to be considered. They stupidly stopped giving money for all sorts of nonsense. Hence, understandably, the howl of dissatisfaction. Who can be offended by the exploits of their ancestors? Who are these people?


Are there similar hysterics around films in the USA? After all, for example, “Pearl Harbor” talks about American heroes, although in fact the plot is very different from the real story.

Firstly, that big war practically did not take place on the territory of their country, so they perceive it all differently. Secondly, American propaganda is hundreds of times more powerful in brainwashing than even Soviet propaganda. There the adventures of idiots are imposed on people, in the style of “Dumb and Dumber.” There, the American army even defeats an alien invasion - this is much more interesting for them. And the fact that they haven’t been able to defeat a bunch of Taliban in Afghanistan for 15 years—they don’t make a movie about that.

- What other films about war can you recommend watching?

Of the new Russian ones, I can only remember “Brest Fortress” off the top of my head. And watch some excellent Soviet films: “They Fought for the Motherland”, “In War as in War”, “Shield and Sword”. There are a lot of them. Previously, films were made by those people who went through this war. That's the whole point...

28 Panfilovtsev, trailer.

Is it possible to understand the film “Panfilov’s 28 Men” without having served in the army, who its main character is and how one of the initiators of the project, Dmitry Puchkov - Goblin will command the unit entrusted to him - [Fontanka.Office] found out first-hand.

The film “Panfilov’s 28 Men,” filmed partly with the money of future viewers, was released. Fontanka correspondent Evgeny Khaknazarov, [Fontanka.Office] presenter Nikolai Nelyubin and Fontanka readers conducted a debriefing with translator Dmitry Puchkov - Goblin, one of the initiators of the project.

N.N.: – Dmitry, remind us how the idea for the film came about? You were at the origins of this film. How difficult was this story?

D.P.: – I was at the forefront of raising money for the film. And the idea came to Andrei Challope back in 2009. He wrote a script and offered it for study. Sergei Selyanov, in my opinion the main film specialist in our city, said that the script was good, but since a number of masterpieces by Nikita Sergeevich Mikhalkov had been released, no one would give money for a military theme. This does not bring in any fees, and here is a clear example. So it sat until 2013, when Andrei decided to make a good trailer; he needed to raise 300 thousand rubles for it. I posted a call on my website to donate money, and it turned out that they donated 398 thousand rubles. Then Andrey immediately got to work and shot the video within a couple of months.

N.N.: – It turns out that the viewer is the main lobbyist for the film?

D.P.: – People want to see a normal movie about their normal ancestors, who honestly fulfilled their duty to their Motherland, defended Moscow and won the war. Therefore, when the next small video was made, another three million rubles were collected in a week. At this moment, the Minister of Culture got involved and said that he would allocate as much money as the people raised. When 32 million rubles had already been collected, the Ministry of Culture issued 30 million, plus we worked with the Ministry of Culture of Kazakhstan, which allocated another 19 million rubles.

N.N.: – What do those who have already seen the film say?

D.P.: – The majority are delighted. There are, of course, negative reviews. There is a common opinion, carefully prepared and introduced into consciousness, that there was no feat. And all the negative reviews boil down to exactly one thing: “This is a myth, you are all lying.” “But the head of Rosarkhiv, Mironenko, declassified documents that say that there was no feat.” If there were not 28 heroes, then how many were there? No one can give the exact figure. Was this a feat or not? Here is a company of fighters, in the company there are 2 anti-tank rifles, no artillery. And a German division stands against it. A company is 100 people, a German division should be 10 thousand people. The German division has tanks, but Panfilov’s men do not. And these people with rifles and Molotov cocktails stopped the German advance. Are they heroes or not? In the film you can see what it looks like.

E.Kh.: – Yesterday I watched this long-awaited film. The saddest thing is that Andrei Shallopa and the whole team are very nice people. You wish them success. But this is the same case when good people did not become professionals. “28 Panfilov’s Men” is not a film. This is a reconstruction that has been transferred to the big screen. I didn’t find any clearly defined characters in the film – they simply weren’t there. I didn't see any drama. Going through unnecessary, meaningless dialogues at the beginning of the film is simply torture.

It is clear that the film has a target audience. These are people who love to play tanks in real life, fans of computer games, and reenactors. And, apparently, a teenage audience who are interested in watching the fight, which was conveyed wonderfully.

D.P.: – Did you serve in the army? This is a key point to understand. When you are in a men's group, specific things are revered there, which are now called machismo. In the face of danger, we must continually demonstrate to each other a lack of fear. Otherwise, those around you will immediately put you in your place. The officer can shoot you for this, because you are causing confusion in the actions of the unit. Regarding the main character... he shouldn't exist. There can be no hero there. This is a unit that operates coherently. This is what happens in war. The movie is about men in the face of death. If you think that in such an environment it is necessary to show some kind of cowardice, rush about, cry, then you do not understand male psychology. If you think that according to the law of the genre it should be like this, then I think that this is not entirely correct. Agree that you have never seen such films before. Is this interesting to anyone? In my opinion, everyone is interested. For me personally, the key point is the behavior of the audience. Did they come there with popcorn to have fun? I've never seen it. There is such psychological tension that it is impossible to eat popcorn. The movie is quite cruel, dark and gloomy. Who is it for? It may be a revelation for many, but 75% of the American audience are teenagers from 13 to 17 years old. If our teenagers go to see such a movie, is that bad?

E.Kh.: – Dmitry, I agree with your statement that we have never seen anything like this before. This is actually the worst movie I've ever seen in my life. As for male psychology, there is no psychology in the film. Psychology involves some kind of thought processes. And the heroes of our film are real stilted characters. Indeed, they do not hesitate, they do not rush. Any reflection is generally alien to them - with rare exceptions. Is this good for the film? They show us the reconstruction. I don’t want to diminish the feat that took place or the bright images of these characters. But I think that, apart from the specialized audience and teenagers, the rest of us have nothing to do with this film.

D.P.: – Psychologism is present everywhere there. For example, officers are sitting at a table. The task comes to hold a section of the front. The scene is painful: all the officers, looking at each other, understand perfectly well that they cannot complete this task. That everyone will die. If this is not noticeable to you and you consider all these words empty, then I don’t know how it can be conveyed. This is at the level of instincts.

The end result is always money. If the viewer goes to see it, the film is successful. If it doesn’t work, it means it didn’t work out.

N.N.: – Comment from our user. Dead heroes feed generations of officials, filmmakers, critics, and here is another shovelful of food for them.

D.P.: – Strange ideas. I just said that war films don’t make money at the box office. Two films by Nikita Mikhalkov, “Presentence” and “Citadel”, were deafening failures. Apparently, your listener personally stands at the feeder and gives food. I don't see this. I think I helped make a good movie. That the people who donated money for this movie got exactly what they wanted on the screen - a film about the feat of their ancestors.

N.N.: – Does this mean that if tomorrow Dmitry Puchkov-Goblin gets the idea to make another film about some heroic moment, he will be included in the project and the Minister of Culture will automatically support this project?

D.P. (Laughs): – I doubt it very much. The Minister of Culture has his own purely ministerial understanding of what is good and what is bad. And I’m not a beacon in the night for him. The fact that the minister fit in is absolutely correct. The fact that the state gave money is also correct.

E.Kh.: – Here we need to digress from the ministers of culture of Russia or Kazakhstan and say that the filmmakers did the right thing. As it turned out after fundraising, there is a public order for a proper movie about the war. But still, it seems to me wrong to create proper films completely departing from the principles of cinema. As a result, we got a canvas - there is scope, there are impressive views, there is a battle. But I don’t think it’s suitable for a feature film. With all due respect and regret.

D.P.: – We have a free country, free citizens and a free creator. He does what he considers necessary. You take the position: “This is wrong, this is not right here.” That is, in some way you want to impose your vision. But the creator is free in his creativity and believes that this is how it should be done. Fyodor Bondarchuk's film "Stalingrad" was released - in my opinion, a commercial piece of art about nothing. There is an abundance of various delusional reflections, the script was redone five times along the way. This did not cause any criticism from critics that the film was outright rubbish, that the money was spent on incomprehensible things, that this was not a feat of our ancestors, but some kind of teenage production. “28 Panfilov’s Men” is a completely different matter. It was actually filmed for $2 million. Two million and 70, which are given for various slag, are completely different things. As Nikita Sergeevich says, look, all the money is on the screen. Here, yes, you can see that all the money is on the screen. This movie is honest from all sides.

E.Kh.: – I agree with the slightly harsh definition that “Stalingrad” is a rubbish film. But it's still a movie. And here we see a canvas, a reconstruction. You say the creator did what he wanted. But it seems to me that the creator did what happened in the end.

D.P.: – No. What was planned is what happened.

N.N.: – Dmitry, when they say that your cinema is an integral part of propaganda, how do you perceive this?

D.P.: – I don’t understand the hatred towards the word “propaganda” at all. 20 years ago the country lay in ruins and was breathing its last breath. There were no cinemas, projectors or rental systems - everything was carefully destroyed. There are 15 thousand screens in America, and this is considered an unattainable figure in the world. There were 50 thousand screens in the Soviet Union. And now we have 3 thousand screens, and this is the highest achievement for us. Could you imagine in 1995 that 20 million people would come out to the Immortal Regiment rally? The propaganda of that time diligently spat on the exploits of their ancestors, but now they have come to their senses. In my opinion this is good.

N.N.: – At the end, a remark from our regular user Andrei Musatov: “Spielberg at least understands why the war should never happen again. And ours, no matter how they film it, are all about the fact that the main thing is to die for the Motherland.”

D.P.: – Citizen Musatov, your country is surrounded by not very kind neighbors who are once again approaching its borders. This time - with missiles, not tanks. As soon as a danger arises for your native country, citizen Musatov, and I, and you, will receive machine guns in your hands and march to the defense of this homeland that you do not love. Nobody will ask you. And if you end up in my unit, then I, citizen Musatov, will make sure that you fulfill your military duty properly.

Before the new Russian film “Panfilov’s 28” had time to hit theaters, a scandal had already broken out around it. Liberal historians and journalists rushed to assure that the feat of the soldiers on which the picture was based was a fiction of Soviet propaganda. The people did not agree with them and raised 35 million rubles for the filming of this film! People miss real films about the Great Patriotic War! Minister of Culture Vladimir Medinsky stood up for the Panfilovites, writing an article in which he crushed the arguments of those “denying the feat.” Popular film critic, translator and blogger Dmitry Puchkov (Goblin), who helped raise money for this film, told Komsomolskaya Pravda why the film about 28 Panfilov men causes such hatred among some people.


The main version of all the “whistleblowers” ​​of Panfilov’s followers is that the feat was an invention of the “Red Star” journalist Krivitsky. Is there any reason to believe this version?

Let's start with what no one denies. General Panfilov's division really held the line near Moscow. Including at the Dubosekovo crossing. This is a fact. For example, political instructor Vasily Klochkov died in battle there, to whom the words are attributed: “Russia is great, but there is nowhere to retreat - Moscow is behind us!” There are documents that prove that the battle took place there.

- What is being disputed then?

Details. Correspondent Krivitsky arrived at the front and asked the commander: “What’s going on here?” The commander said: “Yesterday there was a battle, during which 28 people died, 28 Panfilov’s men. Everyone died a heroic death, they held the line.” Afterwards the article “28 Panfilov’s Men” was published. And you have to be a complete idiot to think that a correspondent should go into the trenches and stick his fingers into the wounds of each corpse in order to make sure that he is really dead. So the commander outlined the situation to the correspondent, and he outlined it. What's the problem? That they didn't kill everyone? Happens. That there were not 28, but 32 of them? Happens.

Why does everyone remember only about 300 Spartans, when 7.5 thousand people fought heroically in that Thermopylae Pass? Here, too, near Moscow, a whole division of Panfilov’s men fought! And 28 people became legends. Citizens who call these events a “myth” should turn to an explanatory dictionary of the Russian language to familiarize themselves with the meaning of this word. These are REAL events that have become LEGEND.


But why are they now attacking the film “Panfilov’s 28”? After all, they were silent about the film “Bastards,” in which street children were sent to be shot behind German lines.

I'm interested too. They never talk about Solzhenitsyn’s work “The Gulag Archipelago,” which consists of fiction from beginning to end. No so-called historians are interested in this. When Nikita Mikhalkov’s film “Imminence” comes out about the ugly flight of Soviet troops, general cowardice, betrayal, this also does not cause any rejection in them. When they show “Citadel”, where 15 people with shovel sticks attack, everything is also normal. “Penal battalion”, where people are sent to mine mines, is also wonderful. Everything is great! Until a film appears about the real feat of the Soviet people who did not allow the enemy to reach Moscow. This is what they simply cannot tolerate. But why?!!

- When attacking “28 Panfilov’s Men,” no one says that this is not a documentary film, but a fictional story.

It’s not that it’s “not a documentary”, it’s generally about how men behave in the face of death. And a specific event there serves only as a background. Here are the soldiers, they have little strength. They don't have proper weapons. But they hold the line against a superior enemy. How do men behave in this case? That's what this movie is about.


- Have you already watched “Panfilov’s 28 Men”? What are your impressions?

Perhaps some will think that I am biased, because I have a little involvement in the production of the film. But, in my opinion, this is a very good film! We haven’t produced a movie like this about war for decades. It is not propaganda. The role of the Communist Party is not clearly reflected there. They don’t even remember Comrade Stalin, you won’t believe it. But, nevertheless, this is a film made with respect to the ancestors and their feat.

The Defense of Moscow is 75 years old. Maybe this is a tradition - to insult heroic deeds on a memorable date? On the eve of May 9, we are also faced with a similar denial of the great Victory.

Sorry, now I’m going to lash out at those in denial. They believe that the Russians and the Soviets did not have and could not have had any heroes. None! Alexander Matrosov simply slipped and fell into the embrasure of a fascist pillbox. This is what they are trying to convince us of. A lot of such nonsense has been invented. These characters have no idea what they are saying at all. There is no question of any respect, no respect for the grief of others. They just giggle and spit like monkeys. This is a lack of education, first of all. Perhaps the brain too. Knowledge does not play any role, because, as we see, even some historians spout exactly the same nonsense.


I’ll give you a quote from a journalist from a liberal radio station, Anton Orech: “They decided that we don’t need the truth - we need a myth. We need “holy legends” instead of history.” Are they ready to accept another “truth”, which is the real story?

He himself doesn't seem to understand what he's saying. His head is full of propaganda cliches - anti-Soviet and Russophobic. So he repeats these same cliches, as in the perestroika magazine Ogonyok. Some cite, for example, documents signed by Stalin's prosecutor. But it is written in black and white that there was a battle at the Dubosekokovo crossing! Where is the myth? I can't understand it logically.

What can you say about the words of Minister Medinsky about those who do not recognize the feat of Panfilov’s men - he called them “complete scum”?

I don’t even want to comment on whether it is appropriate for an official to use such language. He knows better. But I can completely understand the minister’s emotional impulse, because I’ve simply had enough.

- What do you think, if liberals were in the Ministry of Culture, what films would they make?

Yes, they were already filming! Throughout perestroika they produced their garbage films. And Comrade Medinsky took the whole thing and stopped it. With him, scripts began to be considered. They stupidly stopped giving money for all sorts of nonsense. Hence, understandably, the howl of dissatisfaction. Who can be offended by the exploits of their ancestors? Who are these people?


Are there similar hysterics around films in the USA? After all, for example, “Pearl Harbor” talks about American heroes, although in fact the plot is very different from the real story.

Firstly, that big war practically did not take place on the territory of their country, so they perceive it all differently. Secondly, American propaganda is hundreds of times more powerful in brainwashing than even Soviet propaganda. There the adventures of idiots are imposed on people, in the style of “Dumb and Dumber.” There, the American army even defeats an alien invasion - this is much more interesting for them. And the fact that they haven’t been able to defeat a bunch of Taliban in Afghanistan for 15 years—they don’t make a movie about that.

- What other films about war can you recommend watching?

Of the new Russian ones, I can only remember “Brest Fortress” off the top of my head. And watch some excellent Soviet films: “They Fought for the Motherland”, “In War as in War”, “Shield and Sword”. There are a lot of them. Previously, films were made by those people who went through this war. That's the whole point...

Dmitry Puchkov: People who donated money to “Panfilov’s 28 Men” got what they wanted Source fontanka.ru – Dmitry, remind us how the idea for the film came about? You were at the origins of this film. How difficult was this story? DMITRY PUCHKOV: I was at the forefront of raising money for the film. And the idea came to Andrei Challope back in 2009. He wrote a script and offered it for study. Sergei Selyanov, in my opinion the main film specialist in our city, said that the script was good, but since a number of masterpieces by Nikita Sergeevich Mikhalkov had been released, no one would give money for a military theme. This does not bring in any fees, and here is a clear example. So it sat until 2013, when Andrei decided to make a good trailer; he needed to raise 300 thousand rubles for it. I posted a call on my website to donate money, and it turned out that they donated 398 thousand rubles. Then Andrey immediately got to work and shot the video within a couple of months. – It turns out that the viewer is the main lobbyist for the film? DMITRY PUCHKOV: People want to see a normal movie about their normal ancestors, who honestly fulfilled their duty to their Motherland, defended Moscow and won the war. Therefore, when the next small video was made, another three million rubles were collected in a week. At this moment, the Minister of Culture got involved and said that he would allocate as much money as the people raised. When 32 million rubles had already been collected, the Ministry of Culture issued 30 million, plus we worked with the Ministry of Culture of Kazakhstan, which allocated another 19 million rubles. – What do those who have already seen the film say? DMITRY PUCHKOV: The majority are delighted. There are, of course, negative reviews. There is a common opinion, carefully prepared and introduced into consciousness, that there was no feat. And all the negative reviews boil down to exactly one thing: “This is a myth, you are all lying.” “But the head of Rosarkhiv, Mironenko, declassified documents that say that there was no feat.” If there were not 28 heroes, then how many were there? No one can give the exact figure. Was this a feat or not? Here is a company of fighters, in the company there are 2 anti-tank rifles, no artillery. And a German division stands against it. A company is 100 people, a German division should be 10 thousand people. The German division has tanks, but Panfilov’s men do not. And these people with rifles and Molotov cocktails stopped the German advance. Are they heroes or not? In the film you can see what it looks like. – Yesterday I watched this long-awaited film. The saddest thing is that Andrei Shallopa and the whole team are very nice people. You wish them success. But this is the same case when good people did not become professionals. “28 Panfilov’s Men” is not a film. This is a reconstruction that has been transferred to the big screen. I didn’t find any clearly defined characters in the film – they simply weren’t there. I didn't see any drama. Going through unnecessary, meaningless dialogues at the beginning of the film is simply torture. It is clear that the film has a target audience. These are people who love to play tanks in real life, fans of computer games, and reenactors. And, apparently, a teenage audience who are interested in watching the fight, which was conveyed wonderfully. DMITRY PUCHKOV: Did you serve in the army? This is a key point to understand. When you are in a men's group, specific things are revered there, which are now called machismo. In the face of danger, we must continually demonstrate to each other a lack of fear. Otherwise, those around you will immediately put you in your place. The officer can shoot you for this, because you are causing confusion in the actions of the unit. Regarding the main character... he shouldn't exist. There can be no hero there. This is a unit that operates coherently. This is what happens in war. The movie is about men in the face of death. If you think that in such an environment it is necessary to show some kind of cowardice, rush about, cry, then you do not understand male psychology. If you think that according to the law of the genre it should be like this, then I think that this is not entirely correct. Agree that you have never seen such films before. Is this interesting to anyone? In my opinion, everyone is interested. For me personally, the key point is the behavior of the audience. Did they come there with popcorn to have fun? I've never seen it. There is such psychological tension that it is impossible to eat popcorn. The movie is quite cruel, dark and gloomy. Who is it for? It may be a revelation for many, but 75% of the American audience are teenagers from 13 to 17 years old. If our teenagers go to see such a movie, is that bad? - Dmitry, I agree with your statement that we have never seen anything like this before. This is actually the worst movie I've ever seen in my life. As for male psychology, there is no psychology in the film. Psychology involves some kind of thought processes. And the heroes of our film are real stilted characters. Indeed, they do not hesitate, they do not rush. Any reflection is generally alien to them - with rare exceptions?6?