“I want to know everything” is an extracurricular activity. Intellectual and educational game “I want to know everything” (scenario) I want to know everything event for children

Shleina Elena Lvovna,

MBDOU No. 35 “Forest Fairy Tale”, Mezhdurechensk

teacher-defectologist (typhlopedagogue)

Intellectual game “I want to know everything!”

(joint event for children with visual impairments and parents)

Preliminary work:

creating a presentation of the intellectual game “I want to know everything!”;

making certificates for game participants;

selection of music for musical accompaniment.


promote the development and formation of intellectual readiness for regular schooling and cognitive activity;

create conditions for joint activities of parents and children with visual impairments.


task cards,

musical accompaniment,


certificates for awards.

Progress:(children's music plays, children and parents enter the hall)


Today is an unusual day for us,

We are glad, so glad to welcome you!

Kids gathered for a smart game

It's time for us to start it! (music "Mustachioed Nanny")

All day long all the children ask questions:

Why is there water in the river?

Where are the clouds going?

Why do birds fly and not get lost?

Why should we sleep and get up again tomorrow?

Who ate a piece of the moon?

Why do elephants trumpet?

Why do flowers bloom?

What does an owl eat?

Why should we eat, brush our teeth, wash our face?

Why do you have to try really hard to be smart?


One hundred questions, one hundred answers

What can we say here...

Terribly interesting

Know everything about everything in the world! (musical theme “Terribly interesting...”)


Children not only ask questions, but also easily give answers, delighting and surprising those around them. Here are some examples as a warm-up before the game. Attention to the screen, how do you think the children combined these three pictures and what did they get? Let's listen to their options.

Sonya: A girl dances to the music of a violin in a flower meadow.

Dima B.: Mushrooms grow in the forest, they are collected in baskets and the whole family cooks soup.


It's time to start

Intellectual game “I want to know everything!”

Introducing our participants:

Number 1

... Nikita is smart and brave

In the future he may become a military man.

Number 2

... Introducing Katya

Our Katya values ​​intellect and knowledge.

She's always busy and we all like her!

Number 3

Meet, here... Dmitry,

He is smart and businesslike.

Number 4

... Nastya is a wonder to everyone!

And athletic and smart.

There's one in the game, we need it!

Number 5

He is interested in everything about everything,

We will now call his name -... Yaroslav.

Our participants will be supported by their parents, let's welcome them!

Smart, cheerful, resourceful guys gathered in our hall. They are still at the beginning of the path to great knowledge and discoveries, and today we will find out what they already know, what topics are interesting to them.

Methodological development

Extracurricular activities

In pedagogy and psychology


Game “I want to know everything”

Compiled by:


Final stage ps and educational-pedagogical game

“I want to know everything.”

Target: Promotion of psychological and pedagogical knowledge and development of cognitive interest in this area of ​​human knowledge;

Formation of students’ “I-concept” as a means of professional development;

Raising the status of students with positive motivation and pronounced success in the field of teaching.


Venue: Biysk Pedagogical College

Form: Intellectual-cognitive game

Equipment: Portraits of teachers, their statements, definitions of psychological and pedagogical concepts, textbooks, audio-video materials.

Progress of the game

Q.1: Hello!

Q.2: Good afternoon, friends!

Q.1: Welcome to the intellectual-cognitive game “I Want to Know Everything.”

Q.2: We will be the presenters together with you.

Q.1: He is an actor, but his audience does not applaud him.

Q.2: He is a doctor, but his patients do not always want to be treated.

V.1: He is forever called to the board to answer to the children and for the children.

Q.2: Who is he? (teacher).

Q.1: Until recently, some of you were school students and today you are taking the first steps towards mastering the profession.

Q.2: And some of you know and can do a lot, have been in practice, worked with children.

Q.1: Are you now ready to test your knowledge, abilities, skills, undergo rigorous analysis and criticism?

Q.2: Today in this audience there are the smartest, the most savvy, the best of the best, who will fight for the right to be called experts in pedagogy and psychology.

Q.1: Good luck to you.

Q.2: We invite 2 teams to our improvised stage.

Q.1: Meet our teams.

Q.2: To evaluate your knowledge, we will need a jury.

V.1: Teachers are invited to the jury: psychology teacher Efimova I.Yu., pedagogy teachers Baryshnikova S.A., Shkurkina O.N., Elfimova L.P.

Q.2: Let's welcome our jury.

Q.1: Our game includes 7 stages.

First competition"Blitz tournament" .

Each team will be asked questions, your task is to give as many correct answers as possible. If you know, answer without waiting for the end of the question; if you don’t know, say “further.”

Q.2: Next competition« N find the mistake."

The teacher must be smart and attentive.

We will now check your attentiveness. You need to find errors in the text within two minutes.

Q.1: In order to pass the exam well and successfully pass the interview when entering the Institute, you need to know famous psychologists, teachers, and the content of their work.

We announce competition No. 3."Guess whose statement."

Your task is to determine which teacher or psychologist this statement belongs to.

Q.2: Contest №4 « WITH leave a definition" .

The future teacher must master the methodology. You will be given 2 lists of words. Your task: to create a definition from them.

V.1: The teacher must find a way out of any situation, understand the motives of the children’s actions and behavior.

Competition No. 5 "R solving psychological and pedagogical problems.”

In 10 minutes, your team must solve 2 problems.

Q.2: Competition No. 6"Bookstore" .

The teacher must be able to work with new literature. Imagine that you come to a bookstore to buy a book.

There are 3 books in front of you. Your task is to formulate what information can be found in them.

Q.1: And now the teams will show their homework

“Why do you need to know pedagogy and psychology.”


Competition "Blitz Tournament"»


1. The formation of pedagogical Science is associated with the name of which teacher? (Ya.A. Komensky)
2. What were the slaves called in ancient Greece who accompanied the children of noble and wealthy townspeople to school? (teachers)
3. Who is the Minister of Education of modern Russia? (Fursenko)
4. What is the name of a teacher in a preschool educational institution? (educator)

5. What is your own assessment of actions and actions called? (reflection)
6. What is the leading activity of a preschool child? (game)
7. What is the name of the method of education associated with the condemnation and inhibition of antisocial actions? (punishment)
8. What is the acceleration of growth and sexual development of children and adolescents compared to previous generations called? (acceleration)
9. The part of pedagogy that sets out the theoretical foundations of education and learning? (didactics)
10. The main forms of organization of child labor? (assignments, duty, team work)
11. What is meant by the basic, initial provisions of any theory, teaching, or science? (principles (of training, education))?
12. A conscious image of the anticipated result towards which human activity is aimed? (target)
13. Conditions for the physical education of a preschooler, a scientifically based routine of life, providing for a rational distribution in time and sequence of various types of activities and rest? (mode)
14. What is the name of the main state document regulating the activities of preschool educational institutions? (“Program for the education and training of preschool children”)
15. A special type of activity with preschoolers, which makes it possible to introduce children in a natural setting to natural, cultural objects, and the activities of adults? (excursion)
16. What is the name of a child’s work aimed at serving himself? (self-service)
17. The main form of organizing the education of preschoolers? (class)
18. Who runs the preschool? (manager)
19. What is the purposeful process of introducing preschool children to the moral values ​​of humanity and a particular society called? (moral education)
20. What did A.S. Makarenko call “the material basis of children’s play”? (toy)


1. How is “Psychology” translated from Greek? (science of the soul)
2. Age limits for preschool age? (3-7)
3. What is the object of study of psychology? (Human)
4. Incorrect, distorted perception? (illusions of perception)
5. Branch of psychology that studies the development of the human psyche at different stages of ontogenesis? (age psychology)
6. Direct reflection of objects and phenomena in general? (perception)
7. The highest stage of mental development? (consciousness)
8. The ability of the brain to reflect the environment
reality? (psyche)
9. The ability to feel another as oneself? (empathy)
10. A person’s experience of his attitude towards what
he knows, does, to other people and to himself?
(emotions and feelings)
11. What is the leading activity in infancy? (emotional communication between a child and adults)
12. What is the subject of study of psychology? (psyche)
13. Physiological basis of sensations? (analyzers)
14. Adaptation of sensory organs to external influences? (adaptation)
15. Basic methods of psychology? (observation, experiment)
16. The opposite process of conservation? (forgetting)
17. Memory that allows you to remember emotions, feelings, experiences? (emotional memory)
18. Memory loss? (amnesia)
19. Directed, natural change in the child’s psyche, the process of formation of his inner world? (mental development)
20. The combination of skin and motor sensations is called... (touch)

Competition No. 2 “Find the mistake”

Team No. 1

The emergence and development of pedagogy.
Education appeared along with the first people.
In the most developed states of the ancient world - China, India, Greece, the USA, Egypt - attempts were made to generalize the experience of education.
The most important representatives of ancient Greek philosophy: Plato, Aristotle, Socrates, considered issues of education in their works.
During the Middle Ages, the church monopolized the spiritual life of society, directing education in a religious direction. Among the church leaders were educated for their time: Thomas Aquinas, Sukhomlinsky, who created treatises on the upbringing and spiritual education of people, linking it with computer literacy and comprehensive personal education. During the Renaissance, revolutionary changes in the science of education are associated with the name of the Slavic teacher Jan Sergeevich Komensky. In the 19th and 20th centuries, intensive research into pedagogical problems was carried out. D. Dewey, Tatiana Montessori and others.
After the October period, Russian pedagogy followed the path of its own comprehension and development of ideas and education of a person in a new society.

Team No. 2

What typical psychological mistake does N.K. make? Krupskaya: “From very early childhood, school should strengthen and develop the higher senses: vision, hearing, touch, etc., the strength and diversity of perception depends on their sharpness and perfection of development, so children must be given the opportunity
constantly exercise your external senses..."

Competition No. 3 “Guess the saying”


1. Author of age periodization, in which three eras are distinguished:
toothless childhood, childhood of baby teeth, childhood of permanent teeth.
2. Founder of the cultural-historical concept; developed theoretical aspects of play activity, formulated the principle “game is the leading activity” and four basic laws of child development.


1. “...Let it be a golden rule for students: everything that is possible should be provided for perception by the senses, namely: visible for perception by sight, audible by hearing, smells by smell, subject to taste by taste, accessible to touch by touch...”

2. “If pedagogy wants to educate a person in all respects, then it must first get to know him in all respects.”

Competition No. 4 “Make a definition”

Team No. 1

1. Comparison -…

objects, purpose, similarity, comparison, phenomenon, difference,
2. Method of moral education-…
The purpose, of the pupil, with, the creation, feelings, method, and, behavior, conditions, of his, influence, on, disclosure, for, opportunities.

Team No. 2
1. Education - …
Systems, experience, development, value, knowledge, relationships, and, activities, cognitive, abilities, skills, and orientations.

2. Attention - …

direction, object, activity, distraction, everything else, concentration, consciousness, specific

Competition No. 5 “Solving psychological and pedagogical problems”

Team No. 1

No. 1. Parents often complain that children ask to buy them a toy that is quickly taken apart and broken. When they are scolded, the children make excuses and say that they wanted to see what it was made of.
1. What are the possible reasons for this behavior?
2. Name the main motive for children’s behavior.

№2. Kolya (5 years old) willingly carried out all assignments, especially household chores. The teacher praised him, citing Kolin’s hard work as an example to others. Gradually Kolya became more cheeky and arrogant. During labor classes, he demanded in a capricious tone that he be given the task first.
1. Describe Kolya’s behavior.
2. What should be the teacher’s position in relation to Kolya?

Team No. 2
1. Ilyusha fell ill for a long time. The kids in the older group, together with the teacher, write letters to him. Every time there is something new and pleasant that you can tell your friend, something to please him with: “A parrot has appeared in a corner of nature, he is not yet used to us, he is afraid of noise, so we try not to make noise. Yesterday we watched an interesting fairy tale through a filmoscope. This is what we drew, and this one
The drawing is the best, Margarita drew it, we are sending it to you. We are preparing for the holiday. Get well soon and come to kindergarten. We are sending you this book, it contains a poem about the October holiday. You’ll probably like it, learn it and then tell it at the matinee.”
Ilyusha is “in a hurry” to get well and every day he tells his mother:
- I have no time to be sick. So much to do in the garden! - the boy exclaims.
I'm completely healthy! Will I go to the garden tomorrow?

1. What educational goal does the teacher pursue by inviting children to write letters to a sick child?

2. What feelings does the boy experience when he receives letters from the kindergarten children?
3. Evaluate this example of developing a sense of community in children.

One day Slava suggested to the kids playing family:
-Can I play with you? I'll be a dad, coming late and drinking wine. And then I will make a scandal.
Ira objects:
“There’s no need to make a fuss, my dad never scolds.”
“And drinking wine is bad,” Zhenya adds.
- Why is this bad? My dad always does this... - the boy says with conviction. Having typed the elongated details of the builder, he says:
- That's how many bottles of wine I'll bring you!

1. What feelings can this game evoke in children?

2. How should we treat children’s games with negative content that arise on the children’s initiative?

3. In what cases is it permissible for an adult to directly interfere with a child’s play?

Radchenko Elena Vladimirovna, senior counselor of the State Educational Institution RO Matveevo - Kurgan boarding school, Rostov region.

New Year's holiday “I want to know everything!” (scenario)

Hello guys. Today we will go to the wonderful world of the new and unknown.

We received many letters with questions, and here is one of them:

1) Hello, New Year is coming soon. There will be many gifts, and all people will celebrate this favorite holiday. Tell us how the New Year is celebrated in Poland.

Our film crew visited the New Year celebration, let's watch a report from the scene.

ROOM 2nd class “New Year in Poland”

Game for spectators “Come on, take a bite!”

Participants must eat an apple that is tied on a string. Whoever completes the task faster wins.


The following letter came to us from Moscow, first-grader Sasha Ivanov writes to us:

2) “I wonder how they celebrate the New Year in sunny Italy?

More about this in our next report.

ROOM 3rd class “New Year in Italy”

Game for spectators “Feed your friend”

Couples participate. One participant must feed ice cream to another participant while blindfolded. The winner is the pair that completes the task faster and is cleaner than the others.

The following letter is written to us by a 7th grade student at a Vologda school:
3) Tell us how children live in Africa, what they do in their free time.

You will find the answer to this question in our next report.

NUMBER 4 class “Children of Africa”

Game for spectators “Get the candy”
The participants’ task is to, without using their hands, take out candy from a plate in which flour is poured.

And here is another letter, it came to us from Sakhalin Island. A 3rd grade student writes:
4) Recently I read a book about the Tumba-Yumba tribe. Tell me, does this tribe exist, or is it fiction?

NUMBER 5 B class "Tumba-Yumba Tribe"

Game for spectators "Island"
The game is played similar to the “Extra Chair” game, only paper is used instead of chairs.

The following letter came from the Rostov region. A 4th grade student from a boarding school writes to us:
5) “My favorite holiday, New Year, is coming soon. Father Frost and Snow Maiden will come to the Christmas tree. Tell me, when is Santa Claus's birthday?

NUMBER 6 B class "Santa Claus's Birthday"

Game for spectators "Mummy"
Participants must make “Mummies” out of toilet paper.

The following letter was sent by Valya Petrova from the city of Petushki.
6) “It is believed that the nesting doll is the talisman of Russia. How did she appear?

NUMBER 7 A class "Matryoshka"

Game for spectators “The wind blew from the sea”
Participants are given balloons. The task is to blow on the balls so that they do not touch the floor. In this case, you cannot help with your hands.

Another letter was sent to us from Vladivostok:
7) “There are 7 wonders of the world in the world. And they say that there is also an 8th wonder of the world. How could it appear, because there are no wizards..."

Our film crew found this 8th wonder of the world and is ready to tell us about it.

Municipal budgetary institution

additional education for children

"Children's Ecological and Biological Center" Kolpashev

Ecological marathon

“I want to know everything”

(educational game program for childrenfrom 7 to 16 years old)

Andreeva Natalia Nikolaevna–

additional education teacher



This material will be useful for additional education teachers and school teachers for extracurricular activities. The program is designed for children aged 7 to 16 years, and can be used for festive events dedicated to the holidays.

Target: developing interest in studying the world around us through playful and experimental activities of students.

Tasks :

Develop curiosity, intelligence, ingenuity, imagination,

Expand children's knowledge about the species diversity of nature,

Reinforce norms of environmental behavior.

Progress of the event

    Organizational point and introductory part.

    Traveling through stations (game).



Good afternoon guys! It's very nice to see so many curious faces. Today we gathered for an educational and entertaining program“I want to know everything.” You will travel through stations, where educational competitions and creative tasks await you. We will conduct a series of experiments and reinforce the norms of environmental behavior. To cope with all tasks, you need to showingenuity and ingenuity. The time for passing the stations is 6-8 minutes.

Are you ready?

( Children's answers "yes" )

- Now we will calculate by 1,2,3,4,5,6 and divide into 6 teams, according to numbers. Each team will choose a representative. Representatives of the teams come and get their routes - trains with the route of passing stations (Appendix 1).

Teachers will be waiting for you at each station and will tell you the tasks.

- Steam locomotives forward!

( Children's responses "tu-tu"

Station 1. Smekalkino


Guys, you have arrived at the Smekalkino station. You need to be smart to cope with the tasks.

Each participant is given an envelope with geometric shapes. You need to make animals out of them. Who will make up more? You cannot take pieces from other envelopes. If you find it difficult, you can look at the sheet for a hint.

Station 2 Znaykino.


Guys, you have arrived at the Znaykino station.

At this station I will ask riddles about plants and animals. Question - answer. The team's task is to guess as many riddles as possible. For each correct answer, one token is given.(If the answer is not given, it is voiced by the teacher. In this case, the token is not issued) At the end of the game, the tokens are counted and the result is written on the board. For comparison between teams.

QUESTIONS Plants trees
1. HOW TO FIND OUT HOW OLD IT IS BY THE STUMP OF A FALLED TREE? /The annual rings are clearly visible on the log house. How many rings so many years/




5. WHAT MEDICINAL HERBS TREAT COLDS? /Coltsfoot, plantain, oregano, mint, etc./






4. WHY WAS THE BUFFIN CALLED THAT? /They arrive with the first snow/




SLEEPING IN THE SNOW? /partridge and black grouse/



QUESTIONS are different

    CONTINUE THE PROVERB. /There is a lot of forest - don’t destroy it, if there is no forest - ... (plant it).

    WHAT DOES THE GRASSHOPPER CRY? /Foot on the wing/


    WHO MAKES STOCK FOR WINTER? (squirrels, mice, hamsters)




1. predatory mammal, one of the largest and most dangerous land predators. Master of the taiga./bear /

2 . A rodent with an elongated body with a fluffy long tail, long ears, dark brown color with a white belly, sometimes gray (especially in winter). A distinctive feature is that it stores supplies for the winter./squirrel/

3. A species of predatory mammals from the genus weasels and polecats. Brushes for artists are made from the hairs of its tail /speakers/

4. The largest of the deer, one of the central characters in the mythology of the northern peoples./elk/

5. An artificially dispersed semi-aquatic rodent species that has become widespread in Russia. This American animal was brought to Russia in the early 20s of the 20th century and has since spread widely everywhere from Moscow ponds to Siberian tundra rivers. /otter/

6. The most common type of small game. He is considered very clean and loves to comb his fur with his paws and tongue. It is a symbol of a cowardly, offended creature. /hare/

7.The northernmost of the cat species. The body is short and dense. The paws are large, well-furred in winter, which allows them to walk on snow without falling through. There are long tassels on the ears. The tail is short, as if chopped off. /lynx/

8.As Vladimir Dahl’s explanatory dictionary of the living Great Russian language says, this is a Siberian animal (“tamias striatus”), a small, striped, ground squirrel. /chipmunk/

9. Insectivores, small and medium-sized animals adapted to an underground, burrowing lifestyle. /mole

Station 3. “Transshipment” (corridor)


Transshipment" You need to go from one end of the corridor to the other. But at the same time you need to complete the task.First, representatives of the animal (animal, bird, fish, insect) and plant (tree, shrub, plant) world are called, and only after that a step is taken. The steps are not big. Animal names are not repeated. The youngest participants go first. The older guys go last. You need to reach the 2nd line. If the participant does not reach the 2nd line, the presenter asks him a riddle. When answering the riddle correctly, the participant takes a step.

(2 lines are drawn on the floor on different sides of the corridor.) Participants line up along the 1st line and, one by one, begin to move.

Riddles - tips (for small participants)

    The lady sat down in the garden bed,

Dressed in noisy silks.

We are preparing tubs for her

And a bag of coarse salt. (Cabbage)

    Unsightly, gnarly,

And she will come to the table,

The guys will say cheerfully:

“Well, crumbly, delicious!” (Potato)

    He never and no one

Didn't offend you in the world.

Why are they crying because of him?

Both adults and children? (Onion)

    Sitting in the ground

The tail looks up

Sugar can be extracted from it

Cook delicious borscht. (Beet)

    For the curly tuft

I dragged the fox out of the hole.

To the touch - very smooth,

Tastes like sweet sugar. (Carrot)

    A bush is tied to a peg.

There are balls on the bush:

Exposing my sides to the sun,

They turn red from the heat. (Tomatoes)

    What kind of animal:

White as snow

Puffed up like fur

Walks with shovels

Does he eat it with a horn? (Goose)

    Toothy, furry,

As soon as he starts eating -

Sings a song. (Cat, cat)

    Red mortar,

White pestle. (Raspberry)

    There is a town -

How many gray houses,

So many little white residents. (Sunflower)

Trick riddles.

1. Crows when asleep

Dear, kind... (rooster)

2. Who is gnawing on a pine cone on a branch?

Well, of course it is... (squirrel)

Station 4. Ecological.


Guys, you have arrived at the station "Ecological". Here I will check how you know the rules of behavior in nature. Do you comply with them?(There is trash scattered on the floor near the wall.)

I will read outproposals forbehavior of children in the forest.

Participants take turns completing their statements orally. Stating what can be done and what cannot be done. If correct, they run to the wall. On the way, they need to put 1 piece of garbage in the bag. If not correctly, they run to the wall, they need to take 1 piece of garbage out of the bag and put it on the floor. The game continues until the participants collect all the garbage in a bag.

    Play loud music…….(it is forbidden)will scare away birds and animals.

    Wash your car on the river bank…….. (impossible)

    Go hunting at the allotted time......(possible)

    Picking out mushrooms or knocking down non-edible ones with sticks...(it is forbidden): the mycelium is destroyed,

    Break branches for the fire…….(it is forbidden)dry wood is gathering.

    Tie up a broken branch...…… (Can)

    Hiding under a tree during a thunderstorm…… (it is forbidden)

    Throwing trash from the river bank into the water…… (it is forbidden)

    Build a fire in hot weather during a fire situation…….(it is forbidden)– this could cause a forest fire.

    Burn paper, paper candy wrappers in a fire……… (possible)

    Burning plastic bottles in a fire...... (not allowed)Polyethylene is poorly destroyed by microorganisms (completely destroyed within 220 years),

    Burn in a firemetal cans…… (it is forbidden)destroyed within 100 years.

    After burning out, cover the fire with earth or fill it with water until the burning stops completely........(Can)

    Take animals from the forest. ……. (it is forbidden)

    Touch birds’ nests, pick up birds’ eggs….……. (it is forbidden)

    Leaving the forest,..., collect a bouquet of beautiful flowers as a souvenir....……. (it is forbidden)

Station 5. Experimental.


Guys, you have arrived at the Experimental station" This is where we will conduct experiments.

    Experiment « Secret letter"

Let the child make a drawing or inscription on a blank sheet of white paper using milk, lemon juice or table vinegar. Then heat a sheet of paper (preferably over a device without an open flame) and you will see how the invisible turns into visible. To develop the inscription, heat it (iron it, hold it over the fire or in the oven). Be careful not to let children do this themselves.

Explanation:The improvised ink will boil, the letters will darken, andthe secret letter can be read.

    Experiment "Floating Egg"

Materials and equipment: 2 eggs, 2 glasses of water, salt.


    Carefully place the egg in a glass of plain, clean water. As expected, it will sink to the bottom (if not, the egg may be rotten and should not be returned to the refrigerator).

    Pour warm water into the second glass and stir 4-5 tablespoons of salt in it. For the purity of the experiment, you can wait until the water cools down. Then place the second egg in the water. It will float near the surface

Explanation: It's all about density. The average density of an egg is much greater than that of plain water, so the egg sinks down. And the density of the salt solution is higher, and therefore the egg rises up.

Now, by twisting 2 eggs, determine which one is boiled and which one is raw.

A boiled egg spins well, but a raw egg does not.

Explanation: The center of gravity of a boiled egg is constant.

    Experiment « floating feather »

Materials and equipment :

Two store-bought white bird feathers (do not use found feathers)
- Wide bowl of water
- 2 tablespoons (30 g) dishwashing liquid
- Blue food coloring
- 2 cotton balls
- Tweezers
- Paper towel

This experience shows How water pollution with detergents (detergents) affects the buoyancy of waterfowl. Water contaminated with soap ends up in the natural environment. It seeps through groundwater into ponds, lakes and other bodies of water.

Scheme of work:

1. 1 bowl. Pour water into a bowl and add some blue paint.

2. Using tweezers, carefully lower the first feather to the surface of the water.

3. After one minute, take out the pen and carefully run a cotton swab over it.

Look - the wand will remain clean.

4. Place the pen on a paper towel.

5. 2 bowls. Add two tablespoons (30 g) of dishwashing liquid to the water. Stir carefully to avoid bubbles.

6. Gently lower the second feather to the surface of the water.

7. After one minute, take out the pen and gently run a cotton ball over it. Look - the color of the stick will change.

8. Place the pen on a paper towel


Both feathers will float, but in soapy water the feather will let water through - you will see the color of the cleaning product (blue) on the cotton ball.


To understand what happened, you need to take a closer look at the structure of the feather. The "trunk" of the feather that attaches to the bird's body is called the quill. Thin feather petals extend from the spine, which are tightly linked to each other with tiny hooks and form a continuous surface.

When you add detergent, the surface tension of the water decreases and it can penetrate between the hooks. In addition, soap dissolves the fatty lubricant of bird feathers, and as a result, the bird becomes “heavy” in the water, moves more slowly and gets tired faster. Not only geese, ducks and other waterfowl suffer from water contaminated with soap, but also waterfowl - otters, beavers and others.

    Experiment « Explosion of color in milk"

To conduct this spectacular experiment, you will need:

Whole milk
- food colors of different colors
- any liquid detergent
- cotton swabs
- plate

Please note that the milk must be whole and not skim. Why? All explanations after the experience.

Work plan:

1. Pour milk into a plate.

2. Add a few drops of each dye to it. Try to do this carefully so as not to move the plate itself.

3. Now, believe it or not, we will get the milk moving using regular detergent! Take a cotton swab, dip it in the product and touch it to the very center of the plate of milk. Look what happens! The milk will begin to move and the colors will begin to mix. A real explosion of color in a plate!

Explanation of experience:

Milk is made up of different types of molecules: fats, proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals. When detergent is added to milk, several processes occur simultaneously. First, the detergent reduces surface tension, allowing food coloring to move freely across the entire surface of the milk. But the most important thing is that the detergent reacts with the fat molecules in the milk and sets them in motion. This is why skim milk is not suitable for this experiment.

    Experiment « Discoloration of iodine"

After doing this experiment, you will see how a transparent liquid instantly turns dark blue. To carry out the experiment, you may need to go to the pharmacy to buy the necessary ingredients, but the miracle transformation is worth it.

You will need:

3 liquid containers
- 1 tablet (1000 mg) vitamin C (available at the pharmacy)
- iodine solution in alcohol 5% (sold in a pharmacy)
- hydrogen peroxide 3% (sold at the pharmacy)
- starch
- measuring spoons
- measuring cups

Work plan:

1. Mash 1000 mg of vitamin C thoroughly in a cup with a spoon or mortar, turning the tablet into powder. Add 60 ml warm water, stir thoroughly for at least 30 seconds. We will conditionally call the resulting liquid Solution A. By the way, we will no longer need Solution A; you can put it aside.

2. Now pour 1 teaspoon (5 ml) of Solution A into another container, and also add to it: 60 ml of warm water and 5 ml of an alcohol solution of iodine. Please note that brown iodine will react with vitamin C and become colorless. Let's call the resulting liquid Solution B.

3. In a third cup, mix 60 ml of warm water, half a teaspoon (2.5 ml) of starch and one tablespoon (15 ml) of hydrogen peroxide. This will be Solution C.

4. Now all preparations are completed. You can invite spectators and put on a show! Pour all of Solution B into the cup containing Solution C. Pour the resulting liquid from one cup to another and back again several times. A little patience and... after some time the liquid will turn from colorless to dark blue.

Explanation of experience:

You can explain to a preschooler the essence of the experiment in a language he can understand as follows: iodine, when it reacts with starch, turns it blue. Vitamin C, on the contrary, tries to keep iodine colorless. In the struggle between starch and vitamin C, in the end, starch wins, and after some time the liquid turns dark blue.

    Experiment « Water in an inverted glass»

Materials and equipment: 1 glass of water, a sheet of paper.

This experience explains phenomenon of atmospheric pressure.

Tell us that the air presses on us with such force, as if we were carrying 15 tons of weight on our shoulders. But it presses from all sides and even from the inside - so the person does not feel anything.


    Take a glass of water 2/3,

    Press the piece of paper firmly against it,

    Turn it over sharply and safely release your hand.

    You can remove your hand - paper and water will not go anywhere!


Experience shows that the air pressure that the paper receives from below is greater than the water pressure that the leaf receives from above and therefore the water is held in place with its help and does not spill out.(Inside the glass, the pressure of the water column is less than the air pressure below. So the water stays in place.)

Station 6. Ugadaykino.


Guys, you have arrived at the station "Ugadaykino" The rule of the game at the station is this. Participants take turns turning their backs to the board. The presenter hangs a picture of an animal on the board (you can have “photos of animals” slides on the screen). The remaining participants take turns trying to explain what kind of animal this is, without naming it, to the participant standing with his back to the screen.

(Bear, squirrel, frog, etc.)



Well, your engines have passed all the stations! It's time to take stock. Did you like our game?

Children - yes


What did you especially like?

Children (hands out)


The time has come for us to say goodbye. See you again, guys.

Appendix 1

Appendix 2

Entertainment scenario for children 5-6 years old with TNR with parents “I want to know everything”

Target: Development of cognitive interest
Tasks: 1. Correctional and educational tasks: to consolidate and clarify children’s knowledge about spring and its signs, about the heroes of fairy tales, about animals and their habits, features; expand and activate the vocabulary; strengthen the skills of sound and syllabic analysis; development of expressive speech.
2. Correctional and developmental tasks: development of visual attention, perception, logical thinking, memory, general motor skills, expressiveness of movements.
3. Correctional and educational tasks: development of curiosity, cognitive interest, emotional responsiveness.
Materials and equipment used: TV, audio recordings, tape recorder, two easels, two A3 sheets, two markers, a scarf, “puddles”, two umbrellas, tokens.

Progress of entertainment:

Presenter 1:
- It’s an unusual day for us.
We are sincerely glad to welcome you
Children gathered for a smart game
It's time for us to start it!
1. All day long all children
Ask questions:
Why at Vanechka's
Is your nose that snub?
Why is there water in the river?
Where are the clouds going?
Why do birds fly
And they can't get lost?

2. Why should we sleep?
Do you have to get up again tomorrow?
Brush your teeth, wash your face
Are you going to kindergarten?
Why should we eat
Should you listen to the teacher?

3. One hundred questions – one hundred answers!
It’s impossible to tell everything at once.
Gradually you will find out everything
You'll learn to read everything.

4. The world is mysterious, spacious
Waiting for discoveries and good deeds.
He will give everything to you, no doubt
What did you want to know?
Presenter 2 Today the most curious, most inquisitive guys from the Dandelion group gathered in our hall.
There is a knock on the door and a sad Dunno comes in.
Leading:- Why are you so sad Dunno, what happened to you?
Dunno:- My friends from “Flower City” were offended by me because I don’t want to study. They say it's not interesting to be friends with me because I don't know anything.
Leading:- Guys, can we help Dunno become smarter and make peace with his friends? (Children: yes) - Moms, can you help Dunno, after all, you know a lot of things? (Moms: yes)
Well, then come out and help us quickly.
Answer the questions and help Dunno!
We now want to find out who will help better: mothers or children?
Presenter (Dunno):- Introducing our assistants: the team
Children: “Curious people”
and team
Moms: "The wisest"
Dunno: Yes, I’m a daredevil and I’m not at all stupid.
Leading: We will believe this, but we will still check it. One - two, one - two, the game begins. Children: Do leaves or flowers bloom on a tree in the spring? (flowers)
Parents: Can a penguin call itself a bird? (no, he can't talk)
Children: Are streams or rooks murmuring in spring? (streams)
Parents: How to pick a branch so as not to scare away the bird? (you have to wait until she flies away on her own)
Children: Do the buds or leaves swell in spring? (kidneys)
Parents: Why do you go to the kitchen when you are hungry? (by gender)

Children: Do insects or birds come to us in spring? (birds)
Parents: To which street do they send a person they don’t want to see? (roll like a sausage onto Malaya Spasskaya)
Children: Who comes out of the den in the spring: a bear or a hare? (bear)
Parents: What strange metamorphoses happen to people who eat? When I eat... (I'm deaf and dumb)
Children: Do the days get longer or shorter in spring? (longer)
Parents: What two notes are suitable for preparing the first hot dish? (beans)
Children: Does it get colder or warmer outside in spring? (warmer)
Parents: Which female person complains about her memory and absent-mindedness? (Masha the Confused)
Children: Grandma Masha has a granddaughter Dasha, a cat Fluff and a dog Druzhok. How many grandchildren does grandma have? (1)
Parents: I am in the seas and lakes. But I’m not in the water. What am I? (letter P)
Children: How many nuts are there in an empty glass? (not at all)
Parents: On what day of the week does it usually stop raining? (after the rain on Thursday)
Children: What will happen to a white scarf if it is lowered into the Black Sea? (he will become wet)
Parents: What is the year usually like: rectangular, round or square? (round)
Dunno always tries to answer questions incorrectly.
Leading: The jury sums up the results of the “Fun Questions” competition. We give them the floor. How many syllables are in the word cat? (1)
The name of which of these items fits this diagram? (lion)
The name of which object begins with a hard consonant [l]? (boat)
What letter do the names of these items begin with? Choose an object whose name begins with the same letter. (ram)
How many stacks are there in the word airplane? (3)
Leading: Dear jury, let me tell you which of the teams turned out to be the most competent. Dunno: So stop boring me already, I want to play.
V.: How?
N.: My favorite game, and it’s called “Puddles”
Q: Dear jury, evaluate the most athletic team. Children: What is the longest necked animal? (Giraffe)
Parents: Who sleeps upside down? (bat)
For children: Who carries a baby in a bag? (kangaroo)
Parents: What kind of snake wears a hood? (cobra)
For children: A bird that cannot fly and is not afraid of frost? (penguin)
Parents: What animal builds dams on rivers? (beavers)
Children: Long-eared coward? (hare)
Parents: Which bird has the most beautiful tail? (peacock)
For children: What is the largest animal living on land? (elephant)
Parents: A tabby relative of the cat? (tiger)
For children: What is the largest animal living in the ocean? (whale)
Parents: What animal is called the ship of the desert? (Camel)
For children: Who carries his own house? (snail, turtle)
Parents: What bird doesn't build a nest? (cuckoo)
Leading: The jury will now tell us who loves animals more, children or parents. We need to guess the animal and show it to you.
Children - Who clicks his teeth, yes clicks
Near the village wanders... (a wolf)
Genus. - There’s not a bird on the branch
The animal is not big
Fur is warm like a hot water bottle
Who is this? (squirrel)
Children - Gray fur coat in summer
And in winter - white
Wears a jumper
Timid... (bunny)
Genus. - Cunning cheat
Red head
Fluffy tail - beauty
And her name is... (fox)
Children - He sleeps in a den in winter
Under a tall pine tree
He is neither an elephant nor a monkey
This is a clubfoot... (bear)
Genus. -Who digs tunnels in the forest?
Builds dams on streams
Teeth like axes
They are working... (beavers)
The jury evaluates who showed the answer better, the “Know-It-Your” or “Wise” team. Dance “We will go with you to the left 1-2-3...”
Leading: We give the floor to the jury, tell us who was the most “danceable.” Dunno: Who will we draw?
Leading: But guess the riddle and portray him.
Wearing a round-brimmed hat
And in knee-length pants,
Busy with different things
He's just too lazy to study.
He is a famous artist,
He is a well-known poet
Wonderfully brought up
He is dressed very fashionably.
Well, guess quickly
What's his name? (Dunno)
- We will draw
Dunno portrait
Children will see the drawing,
But there is no mother.
We'll blindfold them
And you can't peek
Let's draw one by one
One body part at a time
To make things move faster.
Leading: Jury, I ask you to choose the best artists, and Dunno will help them. Children: What delicacy did Carlson love most in Astrid Lindgren’s tale? (jam)
Parents: What did the Absent-Minded Man put on his head in S. Marshak’s poem? (frying pan)
Children: Where did the bear sit to eat the pie in the fairy tale “Mashenka and the Bear”? (on a stump)
Parents: What kind of dishes did the Fox use to treat the Crane in the Russian folk tale? (from a plate)
Children: What delicacy did Winnie the Pooh love most (honey)
Parents: Who was riding the tram in K. Chukovsky’s fairy tale “The Cockroach”? (bunnies)
Children: Which character from a fairy tale fits this scheme? (gingerbread man)
Parents: Who helped Khavroshechka in the Russian folk tale? (cow)
Leading: Dear jury, we give you the floor.
Results of the Jury - medal certificates.
Dunno (cries): I can’t know everything, I can’t answer your difficult questions. Ah-ah-ah-ah.
V.: Stop shedding tears
To know a lot
Don't be lazy
Children: study
V.: And also?
Child: To know a lot
You need to read a lot of books
V.: That's right. What else?
Child: First think, figure out,
And then answer.
Dunno: Well, thanks for the advice,
I'll probably study all summer!
V.: Take more rest in the summer
Yes, read different books
And go to school quickly in the fall.
Dunno: I see.