Games where you choose the plot yourself. Games in which you can do whatever you want. Beware, spoilers from hell


This is not to say that games with a linear plot are bad. Of course, there are a lot of great games in the world that don’t need a plot at all, and if there is one, it’s deeply corridor-like. However, just as a big sausage sandwich is better than a small one, a non-linear plot is better than a linear one, especially when it comes to some kind of role-playing project. If you think so too, then you will be interested to know about ten games that, in my opinion, had the most non-linear plot.

Many people don't consider The Walking Dead a full-fledged game. They say it’s some kind of cartoon where the player sometimes needs to press one button. Of course, such a point of view also has a right to life, but as for the plot, there is complete order with it. The player will be asked to make a choice quite often. Sometimes ten times a minute, and sometimes once a minute. And, if at first everything goes more or less linearly, then, when new characters are added to the story, the decisions made by the player will affect the plot more and more, and the moral torment of choice will haunt the gamer constantly. Moreover, the scriptwriters use a rather familiar, but still effective technique, according to which they first tie them to some minor character, or even several, and then offer to sacrifice one to save the other. In total, if my insanity serves me correctly, the game has 3 endings, among which there will be no absolutely good ones at all.

If you thought that 3 endings were worthy, then there are 18 of them, and some are very, very difficult to achieve, and many, in despair, simply take it and watch them on the Internet. This is also not a game in the literal sense of the average gamer, but a movie, but the movie is atmospheric, unusual, and, I must say, not fun. The plot revolves around a serial killer who calls himself Master Origami, whom the main characters catch, catch, but cannot catch, and in some endings the killer remains free, and the playable characters end their lives very badly. There's a lot more choice making here than in The Walking Dead, and if that's your thing, be sure to wait for a game called Detroit: Become Human. It's made by the same guys who made Heavy Rain, who promise even more endings and even more branches.

Fallout 2 and 3.

To be honest, the plot of the third part did not seem out of the ordinary to me, so I immediately wanted to put only part No. 2, but knowing that young people associate Fallout not with isometrics, but with a first-person view, then the third part in the person of the same New Vegas I left - let it be. However, Fallout 2 still has a cooler plot. Here, almost every task can be completed in at least two ways. More often than not there are more ways. You can level up for a long time and then go to the final boss, or you can do it right away, without breaking anything at all, and kill him there without firing a single shot. True, if you do this, then in the final story about the fate of the cities that the Chosen One was supposed to visit, nothing good awaits them - the cities. Any of your actions can affect the fate of entire settlements, and the hero will be able to remain in the memory of people with equal probability as a good hero and an evil scoundrel. It all depends on personal preferences.

I personally managed to get three endings out of this game, although they say that there is at least one more. These endings are diametrically opposed, starting from victory over evil and ending with personal transformation into an evil demigod, who, while you watch the credits, will begin to destroy humanity. The game was made by the same citizens who worked on the first two parts of Fallout, which is in itself a sign of quality. As in Fallout, the main branches here will break off in the course of dialogues: if you answered the wrong way or the wrong way, please follow a different plot track. By the way, it was precisely because of the dialogues that many of those who enjoyed playing Fallout did not want to play this RPG, since there were too many of these dialogues and too few battles, and in the end it turned out something similar to a text novel .

Probably, in terms of the number of endings, this game is the record holder today. Moreover, some of the endings were many months after the release, and it cannot be ruled out that someday the developers will show us one or two more hidden endings that no one has achieved. And everything in the game would be very good if it weren’t for its absurd plot and surreal atmosphere. The main character wanders around the office, trying to understand what is actually happening, and the voiceover communicates with him, telling him what to do and where to go. The nuance is that the order of actions, as well as their choice itself, is a personal matter for everyone, and it is not necessary to follow the instructions. But you can follow. For example, in one mission, a voice will ask you to press three buttons in turn over the course of two hours. And those who don't disobey, who don't feel like the game is going in a loop, will get one of the rarest endings in the history of video games in general.

There are alternative endings and the opportunity to go through it differently in the first two parts, but the third is still cooler. If you don’t take the additions of Hearts of Stone and Blood and Wine, then in total the game has 3 full-fledged endings, as well as 36 states of the game world in all the lands where Geralt has visited. Well, as players progress, more than 300 different main and minor scenarios of certain events await them, starting with the most powerful quest with the Bloody Baron, and ending with the correct execution of some small mission, where you don’t just need to report that the dwarven pharmacist ate by wolves, which will also be considered fulfillment, but to find his body and find out that it was not wolves who ate him, but local pensioners. I won’t spoil it, because the game is relatively new and big, so many people are still playing through it, I’ll just say that, despite the generally positive atmosphere of this action game, there are not just bad endings, but very bad ones.

I don’t presume to judge, but, in theory, the greatest nonlinearity was evident in the first part. At that time, the game did not yet look like a corridor shooter, and the developers were still trying to put a truly unusual story into it, which could be replayed over and over again, trying different solutions. It was not possible to determine the exact number of endings. Basically, everyone comes to the first - green ending, at the end of which Shepard remains alive. But in fact there are 3 more that are different, but not very much. You can destroy the Council, or leave it, save the fleet or destroy it. Also, the ending depends on who will be decided to appoint consul. In general, this is a normal game with a good plot, made at a time when the developers had not yet become completely lazy, and gamers were not considered complete sheep.


Here there is also complete order with nonlinearity. As in Fallout 2, almost every mission can be completed in different ways. For example, bandits won’t let you on the bridge and demand money for passage. You can kill them, you can complain about them to the constable, who, however, will only make things worse, you can pay them, or intimidate them, persuading them to let you pass for nothing. And so it is everywhere. After completing each area that you happened to walk through, it will find its own fate - good or bad. For each option there will be 2-3 outcomes. Well, as for the hero, he can also end in different ways. He may die, or he may become a god if his communication skills are sufficiently developed. In general, in terms of nonlinearity, the developers of Arcanum pulled out almost everything that could be pulled out at that time, and it’s impossible to complain about the limited choice of actions here.

Yes, exactly Stalker. Many then may say, well, since Stalker, then let there be GTA 5 and Borderlands, but we are talking about non-linear games, and it’s difficult to argue with the fact that Shadow of Chernobyl is non-linear. The game is non-linear, if only because it has an open world, and interaction with various characters can indeed be diametrically opposed. Well, alternative endings, of course, are also present. They are divided into two types: True and False. The first ones are positive, there are only two of them. The second ones are negative, there are five of them in total, and, I must say, it is much easier to end the life of the main character sadly. For example, if he has a lot of money in his pockets, the Monolith will punish him for greed, if the hero wants to destroy the Zone or humanity, the Monolith will punish him for cruelty, and so on. In general, the result is one of the most, if not the most, non-linear first-person shooter.

Baldur's Gate and Dragon Age.

Well, and, of course, the classics. In the end, it was decided to stage two games at once, because it is impossible to decide which of them is more deserved. Personally, I like Baldur's Gate better, but if we talk only about it, then they might ask - where is Icewind Dale? Then, in general, you will have to remember all the classic, isometric fantasy of 20 years ago, which was much cooler than the modern Pillars of Eternity or the promoted, but wretched Torment: Tides of Numenera. In both of these games, we controlled a combat squad, solved problems, thought about what to do so that everything would be fine, chose the lesser evil, and sacrificed some kind of ally to achieve the goal. In general, this is exactly what many people love who want to spend their time playing video games in the most interesting and varied way possible.

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To make your holiday more fun and exciting, website I’ve put together some cool games for you that will help you have a good laugh, exercise your brains once again and learn a lot about each other. They don’t require any special props, so go for it.


All participants come up with ten words, write them on pieces of paper and put them in a hat. And then the fun begins: players, in a limited amount of time, take turns trying to explain, show or draw the words they come across, and everyone else tries to guess them. The most successful ones receive victory points, honor, glory and a medal around their neck.


Everyone sits in a circle, and someone speaks any word into the ear of his neighbor, he must immediately say into the ear of the next one his first association to this word, the second speaks to the third - and so on, along the chain, until the word returns to the first. If you turn an “elephant” into a “stripper,” consider the game a success.

Get to know me

Several people sit in a row. The presenter must, blindfolded, recognize by touch the hidden person in those sitting. Moreover, you can guess by different parts of the body - for example, by the arm, legs, hair, depending on how far everyone is ready to go.


© Still from the TV series “The Big Bang Theory”

A tower is built from even wooden blocks, and the direction of laying alternates at each level. Players then take turns carefully pulling out one block at a time and placing it on top of the tower. All this must be done very carefully, otherwise the tower will collapse. The player whose actions caused the collapse is considered the loser.


This is a popular game in which, using gestures, movements and facial expressions, participants show the hidden word, and other players try to guess it. The driver is prohibited from pronouncing any words or making sounds, using or pointing to surrounding objects, or showing letters or parts of a word. The lucky one, who guesses what is being said, in the next round depicts the word himself, but this time it’s different.


One leader is selected, and everyone else stands in a very close circle - literally shoulder to shoulder. Players' hands should be behind them. The essence of the game is to pass a cucumber behind your back without the host noticing and take a bite of it at every opportunity. And the presenter’s task is to guess whose hands the cucumber is in. If the leader guesses right, then the player he caught takes his place. The game continues until the cucumber is eaten. It's a lot of fun!


The presenter comes up with a word and tells the other players the first letter of this word. For example, the word “catastrophe” was conceived - the first letter “K”. Each of the other players comes up with a word starting with this letter and tries to explain to the others what exactly he is up to without naming it. If one of the players understands exactly what word was intended by the one who explained, then he says “There is contact!” and both (the one who explained and the one who responded) begin to count out loud to ten, and then each say their own word. If the word matches, then the presenter names the second letter of the word, and the game continues, only now you need to invent and explain a word with the initial letters already given. If the word does not match, then the players continue to try to come up with and explain a new word.


© Still from the series "Sherlock"

Good old detective fun. Danetka is a word puzzle, a confusing or strange story, part of which the presenter tells, and the rest must reconstruct the sequence of events. Questions can only be asked that can be answered with “Yes”, “No” or “Irrelevant”, hence the name of the game.


A good old children's game. Players collect one of each item, which is put into a bag. One player is blindfolded. The presenter pulls out things one by one, and the blindfolded player comes up with a task for the pulled out thing, the owner of which must complete it. The tasks can be very different: sing a song, dance or walk the iron.

Immersion in virtual reality helps to briefly escape from the boring everyday worries. It’s so nice to escape for a while into another world, where the circle of events unfolds according to your rules.

If the game is made with sufficient quality, if the developers put their soul into their project, then such a virtual environment can rightfully compete with real life in terms of entertainment. So let's consider games where you can do anything you want, well, or almost... It should be noted right away that sandboxes are the most suitable projects for the maximum capabilities of the player!

Some sandboxes allow you to change almost every detail of the game world. There are not so many such games (we are talking about high-quality toys), you can count them on one hand. Most masterpieces of game design allow you to change only individual elements of the game environment.

Second Life

Second Life– this is more than a game. This project was born back in 2003. This ingenious creation was created by Linden Lab, led by Philip Rossdale.

So what is so brilliant about this toy, what is so special about it?

  • There is no clear storyline in Second Life. This game provides absolute freedom of action to its players.
  • Gamers themselves create entire worlds or individual apartments, thereby emphasizing their unique vision of the ideal world, from their point of view.
  • “Second Life” allows you to create an almost identical copy of yourself. However, for the most accurate resemblance of a real person to a virtual clone, it will be necessary to shell out a certain amount of money for special features.
  • Second Life, with its phenomenal success among World Wide Web users, was able to attract very real businessmen to the virtual spaces. Many companies have opened their virtual offices in the game.
  • Second Life has its own currency - the Linden Dollar (L$). These virtual dollars can easily be exchanged for real greenbacks.
  • In the game you can have romances, create families, take children in orphanages under your care, etc.
  • Within 60 calendar days, from 10 to 20 thousand new users from all over the world are registered in Second Life.
  • The gaming project is, in essence, an innovative social network. Here people form communities of interests, simply communicate and fall in love, organize conferences, concerts, festivals and much more.
  • Second Life is used as a platform for honing foreign language skills in British schools and universities. Moreover, NASA opened its research center in a virtual environment. The famous Harvard University also could not ignore this large-scale fantasy universe.


Second and last a game in which you can do everything– Minecraft, created by Markus Persson, speaks. This masterpiece changed the minds of many people, showing them what a truly open world should be like - without any restrictions.

Key Features:

  • The game allows you to create unique virtual spaces of gigantic size, without any restrictions, inhabited by various species of animals and plants.
  • In Minecraft, you can create (“craft”) items of varying complexity.
  • The huge universe allows players not only to explore virtual territories, but also to apply diplomacy, as well as fight in battle for numerous territories in various locations.
  • Two game modes:
  • Minecraft as a whole is based on the extraction of various materials for “crafting” in underground mines. The deeper a character goes underground, the more valuable the ingredients they dig up become.
  • The game has the opportunity to tame wild animals and form a virtual farm.
  • Thanks to mods and scripts that appear regularly, the game can make even your wildest dreams come true. Be it creating your own medieval kingdom or a parallel world from a distant galaxy.
  • In 2014, the number of officially registered Minecraft players exceeded 100 million.

It only remains to add that it is useful to play, but it is harmful to play around and lose the line between virtuality and reality, and with the above games in which you can do everything whatever comes into your head - this line is almost invisible!

Toys are a noble cause. They relieve stress, distract from reality, and give a lot of impressions. Here is our top - what we have personally tested and recommend: you will not regret any time, effort, or dead joysticks.

  • 663328
  • July 29, 2016

Ordinary people tell stories about how they go to work, sit with friends in cafes and sleep during breaks. To live brighter and have more cool stories in your arsenal about how you rescued princesses from the clutches of dragons, saved the world from the Forces of Evil and stole the cars of civilians in your spare time, do the right thing - play games.

An important point: this is not the top of the generally recognized best games, these are toys recent years, in which we, 2x2 employees, spent more than one night and which we would recommend to everyone. Trust us, we will not give bad advice.

The Witcher 3. Wild Hunt

Platforms: PC, PS4, XBOX ONE

Geralt, a specialist in the destruction of monsters, travels through a fantasy world in search of the girl Ciri, who can stop the coming of the Wild Hunt (just accept the fact that it is bad and scary). Walks through fields and forests, kills griffons, sleeps with beauties and jokes during breaks. Both the reaper and the trumpet player.

Every part of The Witcher is obscenely good, and with each subsequent toy in the series everything only gets better. This is even unfair to competitors, who a priori should be very ashamed of how they are compared to The Witcher. "Wild Hunt" is super-elaborate quests, many of which have an unreal cool story behind them. All completed quests and decisions affect the ending of the game, which is cool and motivating. The combat system here has received many advantages since the time of the second part. Signs have gained in usefulness, the world is detailed and open as much as possible.

Even those who just love cool novels will like it. And oh my, how many Localization gave rise to the most epic coubs!


Platforms: PS3, PS4

You are a mysterious someone, your goal is to get to a very distant mountain. The plot synopsis is more than fully described by this, but you can’t even imagine what a magical and unusual gaming experience is hidden behind it. This is very meditative and beautiful game- music, graphics, landscapes - in which you will need to go through very picturesque locations.

Everything here is really unusual and unusual. No map, no tips, no multiplayer as such, but! During your journey, you can meet another player and move with him to that same mountain. You know absolutely nothing about your companion - except that he is a living person. You have no means of communication other than some sort of screaming, and only at the end, after completing the Journey, do you see your companion's name in the credits. A very unusual and cool gaming experience.

Grand Theft Auto V

There's no point in advertising GTA. Every Pokemon has known about the delights of this world since the days of Vice City. But the fifth part (aka the 15th game in the series) is something. Oh my God, Rockstar killed 266! millions! dollars! into game development! There are 3 main characters here with well-developed characters, whose stories are intertwined. The final goal is to rob the US Federal Storage, taking out more than 200 million dollars in bags and pockets. Oh my!

GTA V has maximum freedom: an open dynamic world, the ability to switch between heroes at any time and as many as 3 endings to the main storyline. Steal, go to strip clubs, steal cars, love, watch TV, do yoga, play Tamagotchi, take selfies, smuggle contraband! Everything is possible here.

And breaking news for those who have slept in a hole in recent years: GTA V finally has multiplayer. Now you can do the same thing online with your gang, and having friends is not at all necessary. But be prepared for a Game of Thrones style death - very, very sudden.

Deponia The Complete Journey

Platforms: PC

Deponia is a cool humorous quest that improves logic and erudition. An ideal option for those who can’t stand shooting games and consider ordinary quests primitive and boring. The plot of the quest is that Rufus, tired of life on a small planet littered with garbage, makes ridiculous escape plans one after another.

You don’t need a Friend level IQ to pass, don’t be alarmed, but The puzzles and plot are really cool, and the solutions are not always obvious. Deponia The Complete Journey is one of the best representatives in its genre. The only thing is to be prepared for the fact that localization killed a good half of the jokes, so if English allows, go in the original.

Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons

Platforms: PC, PS3, XBOX 360, PS4, XBOX ONE

A fabulous cooperative puzzle adventure with not the most intricate plot, but a very powerful moral background. There are two brothers whose mother died a long time ago, and then suddenly their father became very ill. The only thing that can save him is the sap of a huge tree that grows behind mountains, forests, fields and generally very far away. A strong and dramatic story that the creators managed to tell without using words (at least humanly understandable) at all.

There is no cooperative as such here: you will play as both brothers at the same time(get your joysticks ready, it will be hard without them). At first, the brain will refuse to understand how this is even possible, but over time it will get involved and even begin to enjoy such a process. The gameplay is original and intuitive: only two buttons to interact with the outside world, and two sticks to control the brothers.

There is nothing here besides the main storyline, and it goes through quite quickly - in about 4 hours. All scenes and tasks are very original and atmospheric, there are no repeating mechanics, but there are magnificent colorful landscapes. The story itself is cruel and bloody in places, but most importantly, very magical and emotionally powerful.

Platforms: PC, PS4, XBOX ONE

Team-based online shooter from Blizzard with fantasy art. In the future, the machines have risen after all, as the Terminator promised. But the Overwatch organization was able to overcome the rebel robots. Everything calmed down, the guys from the organization ceased to be needed by humanity, which is why they were forced to go home. But a few years later, crime gained momentum, and Overwatch members had to reunite as a team and take up arms in order to save civilians.

Multiplayer ideal, raised to absolute. Based on the experience of Team Fortress 2, which is played even almost 10 years after its release, it is basically obvious: team shooters live outside of time, like Tsoi, once they conquer their audience. Blizzard did not impose its game - the noise around it arose and did not subside from the first days of the beta release. And after the release, the servers, which were designed for something inhuman, crashed. The flow of people wanting to play turned out to be greater than this very “inhuman” thing.

Overwatch is very different characters, each with its own history and skills, a bunch of arenas and modes(3 cards each). Persians do not need leveling or customization, everything is decided only by your personal skills- nothing superfluous. Gameplay is intuitive and clear, and even your girlfriend will like it due to the drawing: she will stick to the monitor while you create destruction.

Platforms: PC, PS4, XBOX ONE

The nuclear boom has given rise to a post-apocalypse. Only those who managed to reach the bunker survived. Everything is either half-destroyed or half-mutated. After 200 years, the hero crawls out of the bunker and goes for a walk through the destroyed world in search of his son, Shaun the sheep.

Generally recognized as one of the most anticipated projects of 2015 more likely to succeed than not. The locations are well-developed, the enemies are very terrifying, the quests are interesting(although, to be fair, there is also wild boredom like “bring me that thing that’s quietly lying across the road”), the overall plot is gaining momentum, and in the end it turns out that the hero is involved in some wild story. For fans of the original duology it will cause pain and a burning sensation below the back, but for everyone else it will be very playable.

Platforms: PC, PS3, PS4, XBOX 360, XBOX ONE

Hipster adventure movie quest, Very cool interactive everyday life, in which you live the life of a girl student, Max. At a critical moment, the gentle creature discovers the ability to rewind time and correct mistakes. At first, the skill is used mainly for everyday student trifles, but as the action progresses, it turns out that the city of Max is facing an apocalypse, and it would be good to prevent it.

The game was released as a series, episode by episode, and if the first parts are similar to a girl's series with a teenage drama, then somewhere in the middle the suffering fades into the background, and the main thing becomes The hellish mystery of the disappearance of a girl in the style of "Twin Peaks". Every decision and action has its fruits and sooner or later it will definitely come back to haunt you. Included - cool soundtrack, well-developed detective plot, realism with a pleasant dose of mysticism. The disappointing thing, however, is that the final choice is the same for everyone and does not depend on your previously made decisions.

Uncharted 4: A Thief's End

Platforms: PS4

The main character Nathan and his wife bought a house, chose curtains to match the color of the sofas and happily live a quiet life until Nathan’s older brother, who was considered dead for many years, turns up. Oh, yes: in the previous parts of the game, Nathan was a treasure hunter. Little has changed here: suddenly the living brother says that there is a treasure waiting in Madagascar, and the guys go in search of the mythical Libertalia.

Impossible beautiful exclusive for Sonya, which forced many stubborn PC people to get a console. "A Thief's End" is elaborate third-person action with puzzles, shootouts(there are more weapons in the arsenal, and shootouts are approaching the title of ideal), action scenes at the level of Hollywood action films and the ability to choose answers in dialogues. But be prepared for a very poor Russian localization.

Need for Speed ​​(2015)

Platforms: PC, PS3, PS4, XBOX 360, XBOX ONE

There is no point in talking about the legendary Need for Speed ​​racing - they earned their name back in the distant 2000s. This is not just a game, this is a real era. The 2015 restart has everything that the mutated series managed to lose in the last parts: advanced car tuning, a brave new open world, and police racing.

At first it seems that restarting the series is not the idea of ​​the creators, but of PR people who wanted more gold from an already obsolete product. But in reality it turns out that the game is from the 15th year absorbed all the best from the previous parts, and the output was the very essence of Need for Speed. A must for anyone who has ever felt the rush of adrenaline behind a keyboard, joystick or a real steering wheel.

The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim

Platforms: PC, PS3, XBOX ONE

Welcome to the interactive Game of Thrones. You are the Dragonborn who conveniently arrives in the province of Skyrim just when he is needed most. The world is threatened with death from dragons, and you need to overcome a lot of difficulties to stop the fire breathers and their lord Alduin.

The world here is also infinitely open, the player can do whatever he wants. The graphics are wildly beautiful and cause multiple aesthetic orgasms. Plus complete creative freedom: you can start a family, you can become a thief, a murderer, a noble knight - or even a princess. Eat spectacular battles, the ability to upgrade certain attacks and skills. The good thing about the plot is that certain RPG mechanisms generate their own stories, which is original and addictive.

The most honest Skyrim trailer ever.

Platforms: PC, PS3, XBOX 360

Everything here is as gloomy as in the horror stories about “a black, black street in a black, black city.” People have been decimated by a disease that turns everyone into the undead, and the main character goes on a long trip to restore white balance and stop the approaching Age of Darkness. And so you walk around the world, completing quests and fighting enemy creatures.

It won't be fun or easy - only difficulty level 180 and fear, only hardcore. Remember "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles" on Dandy, in which, when you died, you found yourself at the very beginning? It's about the same here, but lighter. Every creature taller than half a meter kills you in two spits, and each death throws you back strongly, taking away the accumulated experience. But at least not to the beginning.
builds character and works magic on the nervous system, and against the backdrop of a clear trend towards simplifying games, it is delightful and especially valuable. A must for those who really like to overcome difficulties.

Tomb Raider (2013)

Platforms: PC, MAC, PS3, XBOX 360

Tomb Raider (2013) is a prequel to the very first game in the series. Here Lara famously transforms from an archaeological university graduate into a fierce sex symbol for all gamers. In the story, Lara and her expedition are looking for a lost civilization, but a terrible storm destroys the ship, and then throws all the survivors onto the shore of a seemingly uninhabited island.

When Crystal Dynamics announced that it was planning to... bring gaming's most famous woman up to date, the world held its breath: it’s clear that restarts are a terrible thing. But in the end it turned out very well: a perfectly executed third-person combat system, enjoyable gameplay and a realistic system for acquiring survival skills. Is it true, brain-racking puzzles have gone into oblivion, for which old Lara was so famous. But this is compensated by a large number of advantages - take at least a good competitive multiplayer system and Lara’s breasts, which retained their firmness.


Dandy's dead joysticks and childhood will never go away, but time passes. In recent years, “Mortal” has been gaining momentum and evolving, and in the “top ten” this is felt especially powerfully: the bones crunch here as loudly as ever. For example, Sonya and Johnny Cage had children who inherited their parents’ love for blood and also rip out the insides of everyone they come across. For example, in the 10th part, you can destroy, ugh, a father’s manhood with the hands of his own daughter.

New heroes like Predator, and also those who returned from vacation (for example, Tanya from part 4). In general, ideal k-k-combo pairs for fights. And there is more variety: Now you can choose priorities in battle for each hero. From controversial points, an opportunity arose... buy Fatality. The archaic keystroke system still works, but now you can get away with it simply by paying.


It’s also known as “Look Dog”, “Dog Watch” and how else this name has not been joked about. A guy in a fashionable cap is engaged in magical hacking - he hacks the phones of rich and respected people using Bluetooth. At one party he is fired upon and a chase begins, during which the hero’s niece dies in an accident. And he decides to become an avenger.

Basic the plot is not that wow, not particularly memorable or stands out in any way. But there are funny dialogues and jokes that smooth out the situation. There is complete beauty and detail all around, Although There are problems with physics and textures. There will be many plot Easter eggs, games of hide and seek, action, shootouts, racing and good tasks outside the main storyline.

True, we still didn’t understand What do dogs have to do with all this?.

Platforms: PC, PS3, XBOX 360

Mix of adventure-shooter-RPG first-person, in which you play as a guy whose vacation hasn't gone according to plan. Jason Brody (this is you, meet me) comes with friends to an exotic island, where they hang out, have fun, take selfies, jump with parachutes, until one day they are captured by sadistic pirates. Jason manages to escape, and he is fired up with a desire to take terrible revenge.

A cool open world with frighteningly realistic graphics and a plot that you won't want to tear yourself away from.. Players will need to storm pirate territory, hunt all kinds of creatures and evolve from a weakling into a tough guy who saved his friends and matured during the time you spent with him. A special treat for fans of "Lost".

Platforms: PC, PS3, XBOX 360

A shooter that captures the imagination and amazes it to the deepest depths. Private detective Booker receives an order: to get to a flying city, whose location is not really known, and rescue a girl from there. Then it turns out that some kind of absolute horror is happening in the world and a destructive war is about to break out.

The plot setups are quite classic- a princess in a tower, a hero with a dark past, the world is on the verge of disaster. But all this is summed up in such a way that the result is something completely new.. And although the world of the game is fictional, you still immerse yourself in it and believe: atmosphere and detail take their toll. Here's what's cool Every little detail is important to the plot, and that's all. Spectacular fights, a truly intricate story told in a movie-like shooter form.

Platforms: PC, PS4, XBOX 360, IOS

Something very terrible happened in the world: everything fell apart into small pieces, and the only place that survived was the Bastion. The blond guy, whom you have to play for, wakes up in an incomprehensible place and is going to go towards this very Bastion, where he finds out that the fortress has been destroyed, and in order to restore it (and the world) and destroy the universal Evil, you will have to make a lot of effort than you and get busy.

A very nice and detailed adventure game, in which it is not immediately clear what WTF is going on here . You travel to different locations, fight local bosses and difficulties, then move back to Bastion, where you choose what weapons you will take and what potions you will throw in before your trip. Towards the middle you are already getting ready strategically choose the right equipment, which adds a decent amount of advantages to the game’s interestingness.

Platforms: PC, PS3, XBOX 460, PS4

Fantasy adventure, which at first glance is very similar to Bastion (the same developer, after all), but in fact it is something completely different. You will have to play as the red-haired singer Red, whose life was recently attempted and who is determined to fiercely take revenge for this. On her side is a huge talking sword, Transistor, in which the consciousness of the unknown person who saved Red’s life is placed.

Outwardly, everything is similar to Bastion: a third-person action RPG in which you need to travel through a beautiful fantasy world, fight and do all sorts of little things. But the gameplay has become deeper since the studio's first game, the story is more personal, and the atmosphere is atmospheric. If you give free rein to whining, you can say about Monotonous battles and fairly short game duration.

Platforms: PC, PS3, XBOX 360

A high-quality puzzle experiment with fairly complex puzzles- for logically thinking masochists who like to test their wits and cannot imagine life without difficulties. The plot is simple: the main character, Chell, wakes up in one of the cells of the highly scientific laboratory Aperture and attempts to escape. She has a portal gun at her disposal, with which she can move herself and other objects.

It won't be too difficult at first, but that's just the beginning.: further even primitive things will become confusing, and an empty room will turn into a quest. Extremely good localization and a lot of high-quality humor. It is bound to appeal to those who love brainstorming games and want to get the maximum profit from games.