How to make a fly helicopter out of paper. Aircraft - Aviation modeling and aircraft navigation. Resources and equipment

Helicopter "fly". An article about how to make a “fly” helicopter with your own hands. The fly helicopter consists of a two-bladed propeller mounted on a round stick. To work, you need to prepare a small block of wood measuring 140x22x8 mm and a strip with a cross-section of 4x4 mm and a length of 200 mm. We place the screw template made in advance on the wide part of the block and trace it with a thin pencil. Using a sharp knife, carefully cut out the workpiece exactly along the contour line. We make double-sided bevels at the ends of the blades of the cut workpiece. We process the blades by cutting off their ribs until the blades assume an inclined position. The top side of the propeller blade should be slightly convex and the bottom slightly concave. We process first with a rasp or a coarse file, and then with glass and fine sandpaper (until a smooth surface is obtained). We drill a thin hole in the center of the propeller, insert a piece of wire into it and check whether the blades are balanced. If any blade outweighs, we clean it with a file and sandpaper. We drill out the thin central hole in the screw to a diameter of 4mm. Then we round the square strip (4X4 mm), first cut off only the sharp edges with a knife, removing the wood layer by layer, then rotating the stick in your hand, scrape it with a piece of thin window glass and sand it with sandpaper. We coat one end of the stick with glue and insert it into the round hole of the screw so that the sharp end of the stick protrudes 10 ... 12 mm. After the glue has dried, the model can be painted and varnished. Launching the fly. Having given the rod a vertical position, holding it between the palms, we force the screw to rotate quickly (by moving the palm of the right hand over the stationary left palm). We unclench our palms, and the freed “fly”, rotating, rapidly rises up. Under the action of the lifting force of the propeller blades, the “fly” gains a height of 10 ... 12 m and descends. If, at the time of launch, the axis of the “fly” is tilted, then at first the flight will occur in a straight line, and then the trajectory will be curved (flight in an arc). The direction of bending will be in the direction opposite to the rotation of the screw. You cannot launch with your left hand, as the propeller, rotating to the left, can cause injury to the launcher and the observer. Therefore, all observers must be at least 5 m away from the launcher. You can force the “fly” to fly in the desired direction: if at the moment of launch you tilt the axis of the “fly”, it will fly in the direction of the tilt. Therefore, when holding flight range and altitude competitions, you need to remember safety precautions when launching the model into the air. The launch should be done in an open area. During competitions, you can turn on the “hit the target” game. We draw a conditional target on the ground (a circle with a diameter of 1 m) and from a distance of 5 m we launch the model towards the circle, tilting the stick with the screw towards it. Participants in the game must be able to launch the model in a given direction with the required force.

Helipad. Working with paper and cardboard. Construction

Product: “Mukha” helicopter.

Tasks and materials in the workbook: “Helicopter “Fly””.

Lesson objectives: introduce students to the design of a helicopter; practice skills of independent work according to a plan, construction from paper and cardboard; introduce a new material - cork and ways of working with it.

Planned results: be able to design products from a group of different materials; make a “Fly” helicopter.

New terms and concepts: helicopter, blade.

Resources and equipment. From the teacher: textbook, workbook, sample of the product “Helicopter “Mukha””, images of various helicopters.For students: textbook, workbook, copy paper, pencil, colored cardboard, scissors, awl, cork, cutter, glue, pen refill.

During the classes

“Our next stop is the Helipad.” What do you think we can learn at this stop? Let’s check our guess by looking at page 120 of the textbook. Read the text and look at the illustration. How does a helicopter fly? What are blades? How can fly a helicopter, in what directions? What are its advantages over other air vehicles? Where can a helicopter be used?

Additional material. The main advantage of helicopters is their maneuverability: helicopters are capable of vertical take-off, vertical landing, hovering in the air and even flying backwards. The helicopter can land (and take off) in any place where there is a flat area the size of one and a half times the diameter of the propeller. In addition, helicopters can carry cargo on an external sling, which makes it possible to transport very bulky cargo, as well as perform installation work.

The disadvantages of helicopters compared to airplanes include lower maximum speed, difficulty in controlling, high specific fuel consumption and, as a result, higher flight costs.

Next, students are asked to talk about the professions of a navigator, pilot, and aircraft designer, information about which they were asked to find at home. Checking the completion of this task takes place in the form of a discussion between students, which is controlled by the teacher.

We do it ourselves. “Before you start working on a product, you need to remember what it means to create a model, what a model is. (This is a sample of some product or a sample for the manufacture of something.) Let's analyze the finished helicopter model. What materials and tools are needed to create it? Remember the rules and techniques for working with these materials and tools. What work technique should we use? What elements of the helicopter need to be prepared? (Blades, landing gear, wing, fuselage.) What marking and assembly method will you use? How will you design the product?

After analyzing the finished product, students familiarize themselves with the work plan and illustrations in the textbook (p. 121) and independently draw up their own work plan. When the plan is ready and corrected by the teacher, the children begin to do the work.

Marking. Based on the templates in the workbook (p. 64).

Open it up. Cut out the marked parts with scissors. The teacher must monitor compliance with safety precautions when working with an awl. Cut the cork strictly following the instructions on p. 121 textbooks. The teacher must tell students about the new material and its properties, demonstrate how and where to cut the cork.

Assembly. The helicopter assembly proceeds according to the plan in the textbook (p. 121) with the help of the teacher.

Finishing. Students can complete and design the composition using colored paper on their own.

Let's summarize. At the end of the lesson, it is advisable to hold an exhibition of students’ work and a conversation about what turned out to be the most difficult in working on the product.

Homework. Find information about the fastest air transport and the type of air transport that appeared first. Bring to the next lesson a balloon, tape, plastic cup, markers, napkins, decorative pins, colored cardboard, pencil, carbon paper, thick threads or balloons, tape, threads, colored paper, scissors, foam rubber, ribbons

Municipal budgetary institution of additional education

"Station of young technicians"

Lesson notes

Making the Mukha helicopter

with children of primary school age in the “Primary Technical Modeling” association

Compiled by:

additional education teacher

Zakharova Tamara Grigorievna


Lesson topic:

“Making the Mukha helicopter”

Purpose of the lesson:

    make a model the simplest helicopter "Mukha"

Lesson objectives:


    introduce students to the sequence of manufacturing the simplest helicopter “Mukha”;

    develop skills in manufacturing a simple helicopter: assembly, adjustment and launch;

    consolidate skills in working with a ruler and scissors;



    observation, attention, visual memory;

    small muscles of the hands;

    the main functions of thinking: introspection, self-esteem, goal setting and motivation for knowledge.


    instill interest in technical creativity;

    cultivate respect for Russian scientists, aircraft designers, and pilots;

    cultivate perseverance, patience, accuracy in work;

    foster a sense of mutual assistance

New terms and concepts: helicopter, blade.

Resources and equipment:

The teacher has: a sample of the product “Helicopter “Fly”, images of various helicopters.

Materials for work:

    Landscape, colored paper

Tools for work:

  • Simple pencil;

Time should be spent on safety precautions to protect students and yourself from hurtful injuries.

Safety precautions when working with scissors:

    When cutting, open the scissors wide and keep the ends away from you.

    Be careful not to hurt the fingers of your left hand.

    Turn the paper when cutting out the part.

    Pass the scissors only closed, rings first.

    When working, do not hold the scissors with the ends up.

    Don't leave them open.

    Do not use loose scissors.

    Use scissors only in your own workplace.

Progress of the lesson.

1.Organizational moment

Psychological mood:

Good afternoon Guys, let's smile at each other. I am glad that you are in a good mood, because a smile is undoubtedly the key to success in any work, and I think that today will bring us all the joy of communicating with each other. Good luck to you! (children stand in a circle and say words in chorus)

Everything is beautiful in the sky ( raise their hands up)

Beautiful on earth ( hands down to the floor)

Everything around us is beautiful ( show hands around themselves)

Excellent and to me (point to themselves).

Determine what mood you came to class with, show it in color sticker : red is a bad mood, green is a good mood.

    Explanation of new material


Guys, today we are starting a new topic “Aeromodelling”.

There's probably not a day that goes by that you guys don't see a plane in the sky. More than 10 million people use Aeroflot every year. Many of you have already flown on it. And today we will go into more detail with you by solving the riddle:

“I fly up without acceleration,

I remind you of a dragonfly.

Takes flight

Our Russian..." (helicopter)

You probably know, guys, that aviation is widely used in geological exploration, in the exploration of fish in the sea, slowly circling over an area of ​​​​the sea, the helicopter finds schools of fish and points them out to the fishermen, to destroy harmful (insects) agricultural crops, the traffic police carries helicopter service, it is used in the sanitary service, as an ambulance, in various emergency situations, for example, when extinguishing complex fires, in many sectors of the national economy.

A helicopter is simply necessary in the city. The helicopter will help you get to the airfield located in the suburbs and transport arriving passengers to the very center of the city. Like a bird, it will perch on the flat roof of a high-rise building. Helicopters rescue people lost in the mountains, transport construction materials and even heavy boxes. Brings ships into the harbor, removes people from sinking ships. And much, much more could be said about the helicopter - a fast and brave machine, a man’s faithful assistant.

The main advantage of helicopters is their maneuverability: helicopters are capable of vertical take-off, vertical landing, hovering in the air and even flying backwards. The helicopter can land (and take off) in any place where there is a flat area the size of one and a half times the diameter of the propeller. In addition, helicopters can carry cargo on an external sling, which makes it possible to transport very bulky cargo, as well as perform installation work. The disadvantages of helicopters compared to airplanes include lower maximum speed, difficulty in controlling, high specific fuel consumption and, as a result, higher flight costs.

MI-1. The first production helicopter in the USSR

The helicopter is the most versatile of all aircraft. A helicopter doesn't have wings, but it does have screw. The rotor blades, rotating, throw back the flow of air, and due to this, the helicopter rises from its place without a run-up.

It flies due to one or several horizontally located propellers with long blades. At the same time, it can move forward, backward, sideways and even hover motionless in the air. Like an airplane, it does not need an airfield runway, since it takes off and lands vertically.

M By the way, this was also predicted Leonardo da Vinci, a great Italian artist and inventor back in the 15th century. He designed the world's first helicopter. But the first real helicopter project was the M.V. project. Lomonosov. He called it an “aerodynamic machine” capable of rising vertically. Its idea is simple: two small propellers should rotate in different directions relative to one common vertical axis and create lifting force. It was the first device to prove the possibility of vertical flight using horizontally rotating propellers.

KA-52 Alligator. There is no tail rotor.

Aeromodelling is the design, construction and launch of flying models - balloons, kites, gliders, airplanes and rockets.

Many of the famous aircraft designers, pilots, and cosmonauts began their journey with an aircraft modeling circle.

The aircraft modellers were aircraft designer twice Hero of Socialist Labor - Alexander Sergeevich Yakovlev, Hero of Socialist Labor - Oleg Konstantinovich Antonov, three times Hero of the Soviet Union - Alexander Ivanovich Pokryshkin, pilot-cosmonaut Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin and others.

I would like to name a few names of famous aircraft designers and helicopter creators:

    Doctor of Technical Sciences, Hero of Socialist Labor, Laureate of the USSR State Prize Nikolai Ilyich Kamov;

    The famous helicopter designer Mikhail Leontievich MIL produced Mi series helicopters, which included about 30 models

(the most famous are Mi-2, Mi-4, Mi-6, Mi-8, Mi-10, Mi-12, Mi-24).

    Marat Nikolaevich Tishchenko and others.

4 .State the topic and purpose of the lesson.

Before you start working, you need to remember what it means to create a model, what a model is. (This is a sample of a product or a sample for making something.)

Before moving on to the practical lesson, let's answer a few questions (use of computer technology):

    Where do all the aircraft land? aerodrome

    What is the name of an aircraft that has wings and a tail? Airplane

    What is the name of an aircraft with a propeller? Helicopter

    What is the name of an aircraft that flies without a motor? Glider(the glider differs from other aircraft in that it does not have a motor)

    How can we describe in one word everything that we just guessed?

Right, aviation .

5. Sequence of manufacturing the Mukha helicopter model.

6. Practical work:

Making a “FLY” helicopter from paper

Very funny model! When a helicopter descends to the ground, it does not fall sharply down, but spins around its axis. This happens because our model has blades. The air flows around these blades and the helicopter lands smoothly and beautifully. The model is easy to manufacture. Its only difficulty is the need to divide the paper into equal parts using a pencil and ruler. For a primary school student, such a task is not only feasible, but also useful. Having learned to confidently fold the model, you will be able to do without a ruler, doing all the work “by eye”.

Draw on a sheet of paper and cut out a strip of paper measuring 21x5 cm. Draw a vertical line in the middle. You don’t have to draw a line, but mark it with a fold - fold the strip in half, then straighten it - that’s the line drawn

A third of the strip – 7 cm – bend downwards

Unfold the paper and make a cut in the middle, up to the fold line.

Draw a line just below the fold line. Divide this line into four segments.

Make cuts on both sides along the marked line, cutting a quarter of the width of the paper on each side.

Fold one side towards the center and smooth it out well. Fold the other side in the same way.

Bend the bottom part as shown in the picture.

Secure the bottom of the helicopter with a paper clip. Spread the blades. The model is ready to fly!

To launch the model, you just need to drop it from a height of at least your outstretched arm. But if you climb onto a chair or table, it will be more interesting.

7. Physical exercise. Launch of manufactured models

(The teacher shows the correct techniques for launching the model, observes the launch of each student’s model, and helps if necessary)

8. Summing up the lesson. Repetition of theoretical material.

    What helicopter model did we make today?

    What makes a helicopter fly?

    What are blades?

    How can a helicopter fly, in what directions?

    What are its advantages over other air vehicles?

    Where can you use a helicopter?

An exhibition of student work and a conversation about what turned out to be the most difficult part of working on the product.

9. Reflection. What planet are you on now?

10. Cleaning the workplace

(The teacher supervises the cleaning of work areas by children).


1. Fetzer V.L. "Aviation in Models". Publishing house Izhevsk "Udmurtia" 1992

2. Ermakov. A. M. “The simplest aircraft models.” ed. M.: Education, 1998. - 208 p.

3. Zamotin, O.E. Create, invent, try [text]/ O.E. Zamotin, R.V. Zaripov, E.F. Ryabchikov - M.: Education, 1986. - 144 p.

4. Zavorotov, V. From idea to model [text] / V. Zavorotov. - M.: Education, 1988. - 160 p.

5. Marakhovsky S.D., Moskalev V.F. "The simplest flying models." Popular science publication. Moscow 1988

Sources of illustrations:

1.Leonardo da Vinci - Wikipedia

2.Helicopters - Wikipedia

avia. pro/ blog/ helicopter

To make a model, you need a board, preferably linden (linden can be easily processed with a knife). If there is no linden, you can use alder, aspen or, in extreme cases, pine.

First of all, we will make a template for the propeller blade (Fig. 1). The template is made for one half of the screw. To do this, take thick paper or cardboard measuring 20 X 100 mm, divide it along the length by an axis, set aside 70 mm from one end of the axis and mark the second axis. From the point of intersection of the axes, draw a circle with a radius of 7.5 mm. This will be the propeller hub.

Rice. 1 Helicopter propeller template.

Let's draw a circle around the hub neck. Then we cut out the template.

Using a planer, we plan out a block 140 mm long, 15 mm wide and 10 mm thick from the prepared board. We will draw longitudinal and transverse axes on the workpiece from the top and bottom sides. Place the template on the drawn block so that their axes coincide, and trace the template along the contour. Let's do the same on the second lined side of the block. On one side of the block, starting from the hub, we cut off a piece of wood with a knife or plane (see Fig. 1).

Then, exactly in the center of the intersection of the axes, we will pierce it with an awl or drill a hole with a hand drill into which a stick will be inserted to launch the model. Then, exactly along the lines of the pencil, we cut off the excess with a knife, smooth out the unevenness with a file, holding the screw in a table vice.

The further procedure for manufacturing the screw is shown in Fig. 2. Using a knife, we cut off those edges that are located to our right on the blade that we are not holding with our hands. We will have four such slices. After the cuts are ready, we will process the future propeller with a large file so that the profile of the blades is flat on the bottom and semicircular on the top.

Rice. 2 The procedure for manufacturing a helicopter propeller.

The final processing of the blades is done with a piece of glass and sandpaper - first medium, then fine. Cleaning must be continued until the thickness of the blades at the hub is 3 - 4 mm, and at the ends - 0.5 mm. During processing, we will strictly ensure that the blades are the same in shape and thickness. We will put the manufactured propeller on the wire and check the balancing of the blades. To do this, hold the wire horizontally and turn the screw. The screw should stop in a horizontal plane. If this does not happen, it means that the blade that is hanging is heavier than the top one and you need to clean it until both are balanced.

Now we will plan a round stick 200 - 220 mm long and 4 mm in diameter. Cut one end of the stick with a knife or grind it into a cone with a large file and insert it into the screw hole.

To launch the “Fly” model, we hold the stick between our palms, and, untwisting it, release the model into the air (Fig. 3). The “fly” will fly up 8-10 m.
If the “Fly” sways a lot during flight, you need to put a longer stick, if it doesn’t rise well, shorten it (it’s too heavy for the model). By adjusting the length of the stick, you can achieve lifting of the model to a height of 12-15 m.

Rice. 3 Launching a helicopter model.

The direction of the Fly's flight is determined by the tilt of its axis, since the thrust force of the propeller is always directed along the axis of rotation.