A short presentation on the history of Ludwig van Beethoven. Presentation on the topic "Ludwig van Beethoven". Spent his youth in Vienna

Ludwig van Beethoven (1770 – 1827)

Ludwig van Beethoven German composer, conductor and pianist, one of the three “Viennese classics”. Ludwig van Beethoven was born in Bonn into a family of musicians. Presumably the date of birth is December 16, 1770. The house in which Beethoven was born

Beethoven's first music teacher was his father. It is traditionally believed that he was very harsh towards little Ludwig, who “was often in tears at the instrument.” Christian Gottlob Nefe became Beethoven's real teacher. He introduced Ludwig to the works of Bach and Handel. Thanks to Nefa, Beethoven's first work was published - variations on the theme of Dressler's march. Beethoven was twelve years old at that time, and he was already working as an assistant to the court organist. Portrait of Beethoven at the age of 13

Three children's sonatas and several songs are known from the composer's youthful works, including “The Groundhog.” At the age of 17, Ludwig visited Vienna to study with Mozart. But the classes did not take place, because... his mother fell ill. After the death of his mother, a seventeen-year-old boy was forced to become the head of the family and take care of his younger brothers. He joined the orchestra as a violist.

In 1892, Beethoven again traveled to Vienna. Here Antonio Salieri becomes his mentor. Already in the first years of his life in Vienna, Beethoven gained fame as a virtuoso pianist. His performance amazed the audience. In Vienna, Beethoven did not immediately gain fame as a composer, despite the fact that he devoted a lot of time to composition studies. Portrait of Beethoven, probably 1800

Beethoven's first public performance in Vienna took place in March 1795, where he debuted his piano concerto. Beethoven's works began to be widely published and enjoyed success. Beethoven composes the Sixth Symphony

Illness Progressive deafness (the first signs of which appeared in 1797) forced Beethoven to reduce her concert activities over time, and in the last years of her life to completely abandon public performances. Due to deafness, Beethoven rarely leaves the house and is deprived of sound perception. He becomes gloomy and withdrawn. It was during these years that the composer created his most famous works one after another. Beethoven at work at home

Creativity of 9 symphonies: No. 1 (1799-1800), No. 2 (1803), No. 3 “Heroic” (1803-1804), No. 4 (1806), No. 5 (1804-1808), No. 6 “Pastoral” (1808 ), No. 7 (1812), No. 8 (1812), No. 9 (1824). 11 symphonic overtures, including Coriolanus, Egmont, Leonora No. 3. 5 piano concertos. 6 youth sonatas for piano. 32 piano sonatas, 32 variations and about 60 piano pieces. 10 sonatas for violin and piano. concerto for violin and orchestra, concerto for piano, violin and cello and orchestra (“triple concerto”).

5 sonatas for cello and piano. 16 string quartets. 6 trios. Ballet "Creations of Prometheus". Opera "Fidelio". Solemn Mass. Vocal cycle “To a distant beloved”. Songs based on poems by various poets and arrangements of folk songs

Death Beethoven died on March 26, 1827. Over twenty thousand people followed his coffin. Beethoven's grave at the Central Cemetery of Vienna, Austria

Thank you for your attention! Remember the classics!

Ludwig van Beethoven was born in the German city of Bonn. He grew up in a musical family. Musical abilities showed up early.

  • Ludwig van Beethoven was born in the German city of Bonn. He grew up in a musical family. Musical abilities showed up early.
  • Beethoven's father taught him music. But he was an inexperienced teacher, a callous and cruel person.
  • For seven to eight hours a day, his father forced him to play exercises, and sometimes at night.
  • At the age of eight, little Beethoven gave his first concert in the city of Cologne.
  • From the age of twelve he was forced to work. He entered the court chapel as an organist.
In 1782 he met H. Nefe. An excellent teacher, composer, organist, introduced Beethoven to the best works of German composers. The teacher helped Beethoven publish his first compositions. On his advice, the young man read a lot and studied foreign languages ​​(Latin, French, Italian).
  • In 1782 he met H. Nefe. An excellent teacher, composer, organist, introduced Beethoven to the best works of German composers. The teacher helped Beethoven publish his first compositions. On his advice, the young man read a lot and studied foreign languages ​​(Latin, French, Italian).
  • Having strengthened as a composer and pianist, Beethoven went to Vienna in 1787 to meet Mozart and hear his advice. Beethoven played and improvised. Mozart was amazed and exclaimed: “Pay attention to him! He will make everyone talk about himself!”
In 1792, the twenty-two-year-old composer moved to Vienna, where he lived until the end of his days.
  • In 1792, the twenty-two-year-old composer moved to Vienna, where he lived until the end of his days.
  • Beethoven's name soon became famous. He first conquered Vienna as a pianist. He began to play a then new instrument - the piano.
  • The year 1802 was a turning point in Beethoven's work. The next decade is the most fruitful. The maturity of talent comes.
  • Beethoven gained worldwide fame and respect. His “academies” are a huge success. Works are published.
  • The tragedy of Beethoven's life was his deafness. A serious illness forced him to shun his friends and made him withdrawn. The composer felt the first signs of illness at the age of 28. The treatment did not help, the deafness became more and more severe. He was ready to give up his life. But his love of music, the idea that he could bring joy to people, saved him from tragic death.
In the years following his meteoric rise, Beethoven wrote significantly less.
  • In the years following his meteoric rise, Beethoven wrote significantly less.
  • But illness, need, loneliness could not break the will and courage. In 1824, the ninth (last) symphony appeared. The music of the symphony's finale, reminiscent of a hymn, calls on the peoples of the whole world to unity, happiness and joy.
  • This peak is the last flight of a brilliant thought. The illness and need became stronger and stronger. But Beethoven continued to work.
  • In the last years of his life, Beethoven suffered from severe liver disease. The great composer died when none of his relatives were around him. His funeral turned into a demonstration. Thus, even during the composer’s lifetime, his music won the hearts of people. Beethoven is buried in the Vienna Cemetery.
9 symphonies
  • 9 symphonies
  • 11 overtures
  • 5 concertos for piano and orchestra Concerto for violin and orchestra
  • 16 string quartets
  • 6 trios for strings, winds and mixed compositions 6 youth sonatas for piano
  • 32 piano sonatas (composed in Vienna)
  • 10 sonatas for violin and piano
  • 5 sonatas for cello and piano
  • 32 variations (C minor)
  • Bagatelles, rondos, ecosaises, minuets and other pieces for piano (about 60)
  • Opera "Fidelio"
  • "Solemn Mass"
  • Arrangements of folk songs (Scottish, Irish, Welsh)
  • About 40 songs with lyrics by various authors
  • Gymnasium No. 295 Chernyshova Lyudmila Viktorovna

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Municipal budgetary educational institution of the Perevozsky municipal district of the Nizhny Novgorod region Ichalkovskaya secondary school Presentation project:

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Goal: talk about the life and work of Beethoven. Objectives: to study the life and creative path of the composer; show other students how interesting Beethoven's music is; draw attention to classical music. Hypothesis: It’s interesting to learn about one of the great composers, whose music is still heard today.

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Ludwig van Beethoven (1770 - 1827) is a great German composer and pianist, one of the three “Viennese classics” (along with Haydn and Mozart). A key figure in the transition period from classicism to the romantic era in European classical music, Beethoven remains one of the most famous and performed composers in the world to this day.

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Ludwig van Beethoven was born in Bonn. The founder of the musical dynasty was the composer's grandfather Lodewyk van Beethoven, a musician who, towards the end of his life, held the position of head of the court chapel. His only son was Johann van Beethoven - the father of Ludwig, named after his grandfather. Johann, like his father, served in the choir as a vocalist and earned money by giving violin and clavier lessons. In 1767 he married Mary Magdalene, the daughter of the court chef, and three years later Ludwig van Beethoven was born. The child was baptized according to the Catholic rite on December 17, 1770, so presumably the date of birth is December 16. Of the seven children of Johann and Maria Magdalene van Beethoven, only three survived - the second son Ludwig and his two younger brothers - Caspar Karl and Nikolaus Johann.

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The composer's father wanted to make his son a second Mozart and began teaching him to play the harpsichord and violin. The boy's first performance took place in 1778. However, Beethoven did not become a miracle child; his father entrusted the boy to his colleagues and friends. One taught Ludwig to play the organ, the other taught him to play the violin. In 1780, organist and composer Christian Gottlob Nefe arrived in Bonn. He became Beethoven's real teacher. Early years.

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Beethoven began composing music, but was in no hurry to publish his works. Much of what he wrote in Bonn was subsequently revised by him. Three children's sonatas and several songs are known from the composer's youthful works, including “The Groundhog.” In 1787 Beethoven visited Vienna. After listening to Beethoven's improvisation, Mozart exclaimed: He will make everyone talk about himself! After the death of his mother, Beethoven returned to Bonn and took care of his younger brothers. Ludwig serves in the opera house, playing the viola, and gives countless lessons. Beethoven did not like teaching. During the lesson, he could go to another room and compose there, or do other things. But despite his characteristic irritability, all his students said that he was very patient during lessons.

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Little Bonn was unbearably small for the young musician. Ludwig was aware of his educational deficiencies. He needed to go through a good music school. At twenty-two, he again goes to Vienna, where he enters training with the great Haydn.

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The Viennese were amazed by Beethoven's violent improvisations. He surpassed all his contemporaries in piano virtuosity. No less striking for Vienna were the composer's works. Swift, impetuous, stormy music expressed some new feelings, ideas, sometimes not yet clear, but so attracting listeners. And the whole appearance of the composer sharply distinguished him from those around him. Beethoven was a short man, stocky, with a face pitted with smallpox. He never wore a wig; his dark hair fell over his forehead. He was rough in his movements and often harsh with people. But sometimes he suddenly became unbridledly cheerful and sarcastic. Beethoven never flattered, and with this quality he made many enemies.

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In 1789, a revolution took place in France. Beethoven is imbued with the ideas of freedom, universal equality and brotherhood. The young general Napoleon Bonaparte becomes his hero. The composer dedicated his “Heroic Symphony” to him. But the further actions of the “hero” disappoint Beethoven. He understands that Napoleon is nothing more than a terrible tyrant who brings misfortune to people, and refuses the initial dedication of the symphony.

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The tragedy of Beethoven's life was his deafness. The disease made itself felt already at the age of twenty-six. “My ears,” he writes, “are noisy and buzzing day and night. I can say that my life is the most miserable.” Beethoven's works were published in large quantities during the composer's lifetime. But this man did not know the value of money at all. He hovered in the highest spheres, and spent much more than he received. Beethoven's deafness intensifies, he becomes more withdrawn and lonely. The composer's request for permanent work at the opera house is rejected. Due to his illness, he stops giving solo concerts, and his financial difficulties gradually increase.

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The presentation was made by: Konstantinova V.V., teacher of Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School No. 7 in Dzerzhinsk

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Do you remember his facial features well? Hair hanging over the face in clouds. They give the appearance something demonic. Face? Yes, perhaps it’s ugly. Wide, weathered, with traces of smallpox. But the expression of mental fortitude, will, and directness in his face is captivating. Probably the forehead, the characteristic high, powerful forehead. And of course, the eyes. They are extremely attractive, smart, kind, but in their very depths lies suffering.

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A violent temperament manifests itself in everything: in gestures, in gait, in manner of speaking. Not a shadow of aristocratic sophistication or artistry. He is a plebeian. And he doesn’t hide it. It is not for nothing that he will one day say to one of his high society patrons: “Prince, what you are, you owe to the accident of birth, what I am, I owe to myself. There were and will be many princes, but Beethoven is one.”

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While practicing music, the boy often quarreled with his father because of his love for improvisation, and not for practice. But his father Johann did not disdain corporal punishment, and this threat was enough for Ludwig to concentrate on the tedious but necessary scales. Although Ludwig was not a child prodigy, he first performed in front of an audience at a concert in Cologne when he was eight years old. Wanting his son to seem like an extraordinary child, like Mozart was, Johann announced that his son was only six years old. The family's life was prosperous until the death of his grandfather in 1773. His father's drunkenness inevitably led the family to poverty, and Beethoven had to become the sole breadwinner, going to work as an assistant court organist at the age of 12. Despite domestic troubles, Beethoven's musical gift flourished, and the boy was sent to Vienna in 1877. He was then 17 years old. The Austrian capital - the European center of music and culture - opened a new world for Beethoven. During the several months spent there, he, moving in the highest circles of society and following the latest fashion, became a favorite of young society ladies.

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Acquaintance with Mozart allowed Ludwig to take several music lessons, but this fruitful communication lasted only two weeks. Beethoven, having learned that his mother had died, returned to Bonn. He lived in Bonn for five years. The composer became a music teacher in the family of a wealthy widow. Thanks to her, he again entered the circle of rich and influential aristocrats. His works aroused the admiration of Haydn, who invited Beethoven to Vienna in 1792. Ludwig van Beethoven accepted the invitation and left his hometown forever. Vienna at the end of the 18th century was ready to receive 22-year-old Beethoven. Mozart died in 1791, and the music-loving residents of Vienna lived in anticipation of a new genius. The acquaintances made in Bonn allowed Beethoven to enter elite circles of society. The composer's talent was appreciated, his popularity grew, and he could receive any amount he asked for his compositions and music lessons.

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By 1800 he had become the most popular composer in Vienna. He earned much more than most composers of that time, and his fame spread far beyond Austria. All the doctors who examined him agreed in one opinion - the disease is incurable, and one day he will become completely deaf. For a man who trusted sound with his well-being and deepest feelings, this was the most cruel sentence. “For two years now I have not taken part in public life solely because I cannot tell people: I am deaf,” Beethoven wrote in 1801.

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A colorful portrait of the thirty-year-old Beethoven is drawn by the outstanding French writer Romain Rolland, who has deeply studied this period of the composer's life. “...Look at him, at Beethoven, this thirty-year-old conqueror, a great virtuoso, a brilliant artist, a salon lion, whom young people rave about... who causes delight... at Beethoven, whose bad manners are patiently corrected by the kind Princess Likhnovskaya; who pretends to despise fashion, but raises his head high above a beautiful, white, thrice-twisted tie and is satisfied, proud (at the same time not entirely calm), and looks sideways at the impression he makes on those around him, on Beethoven, who has a good good humor, laughter at the top of your lungs, cheerfulness.”

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At the end of 1800, Beethoven met young Juliet Guicciardi. She was sixteen years old. She loved music, played the piano well, and began taking lessons from Beethoven, easily accepting his instructions. What attracted Beethoven to her character was her cheerfulness, sociability, and good nature. Beethoven fell seriously in love. Gradually, a romance developed between Beethoven and Juliet, and Beethoven patronized Juliet in society. The composer seriously dreamed of marrying this charming girl. In 1801, in Hungary, Beethoven wrote the Moonlight Sonata, which he dedicated to Juliet Guicciardi.