Is it possible to grow eyelashes at home? How to grow eyelashes? Thick and long eyelashes at home. How to care for eyelashes. What not to do

How to grow eyelashes at home? The problem is solved in two ways. You can carefully care for the skin of your eyelids and hairs in order to get eyelashes of maximum length. Or you can achieve the goal in another way, simply by attaching artificial hairs.

The first method, of course, takes longer and is more complicated, but the result also guarantees a more sustainable result.

Life of an eyelash

Eyelashes are a completely normal hair structure that borders the eye. The visible part is the hair shaft, the invisible part is the root. The latter is located under the skin and ends in a hair follicle. The number of follicles determines the fundamentally possible number of eyelashes. However, in practice, about a third of the hair follicles are in “hibernation”, and 2/3 are in an active state. How long eyelashes grow does not depend on the ratio.

On average, there are 150–250 eyelashes on the upper eyelid, and 50–150 on the lower eyelid. The length of the upper ones is slightly longer - on average 10 mm, the length of the lower ones - 7 mm. The thickness of the hairs is determined by race, and the shape is determined by the type of hair follicle.

From here it is clear that the length, thickness and average number of eyelashes are determined genetically and cannot be changed. It is impossible to grow longer eyelashes than the genetic program suggests.

How long does it take for eyelashes to grow? The average lifespan of a hair is 90 days. It is divided into 4 phases:

  • the active growth phase lasts 14–21 days;
  • resting phase – 28–56 days;
  • the rest of the time, 62–34 days, is the time of rejection and preparation for the growth of a new hair.

The difference between the lifetime of a hair and the duration of all 4 phases can be influenced. All care methods are based on this possibility. It is impossible to influence your lifespan, therefore all methods that promise to increase the number and length of eyelashes in a week are lies.

Causes of loss

As a rule, a person does not notice the “planned” change of eyelashes, just as he does not notice the change of hair. The secret is that in a healthy state, the optimal ratio between sleeping and working follicles is always maintained, and it turns out that a new one is ready to replace the fallen hair.

However, this pattern can be broken, and then thick, long eyelashes suddenly become brittle and sparse. There are many reasons:

  • poorly chosen cosmetics - with a strong degreasing effect, for example. In this case, the hairs lose their fatty lubricant - their natural protection, which leads to dryness and brittleness. As a result, they do not fall out, but break off, which does not in any way affect the appearance of new ones;

  • mechanical injuries - burns, too much exposure to the sun, frequent and vigorous rubbing of the eyes. All this leads to premature drying and hair loss. After loss, a new eyelash appears only in due time, and then the difference between the phase of existence and the phase of rejection turns out to be too great. How long it takes for new ones to grow depends on the conditions: in the absence of traumatic factors, eyelashes are restored quite quickly;
  • illnesses - many illnesses lead to deterioration in the nutrition of hair follicles. In this case, growth slows down, and some of the bulbs go into “dormant” mode. It is impossible to strengthen them without treating the underlying disease;
  • stress – in this condition, peripheral blood circulation worsens, that is, the hair follicles receive insufficient oxygen and nutrition. Alas, neither cream nor oils will help in this condition.

If only the hair shafts are damaged, it is quite possible to restore them; if the hair follicles are lost, then the process is irreversible. In this case, the question of what to do if there are no eyelashes is solved in a more radical way.

Tips to help you grow thick and long eyelashes on your own:

Home Remedies

Most care methods are aimed at strengthening eyelashes and eyebrows and lengthening the resting phase, when the hair does not grow, but remains. Due to this, you can increase the immediate number of active follicles.

You can improve the condition of your eyelashes by resorting to familiar and well-known folk remedies. They do not promise a significant increase in the number of hairs, but it is worth noting that this number can fundamentally be changed by no more than 15%.

  • Burdock oil - only the lazy do not know about its beneficial effect. The effect of the oil affects quickly: within a week, the eyelashes will return their natural shine and silkiness. The oil envelops the hair, regulating the arrangement of scaly cells - the top layer of the hair shaft, and thereby retains moisture inside, restoring natural elasticity. With long-term use, burdock oil stimulates the awakening of the follicles, as it is rich in vitamins.

To speed up recovery if eyelashes take a long time to grow, you can do this: find and thoroughly wash the brush from the old mascara, and then apply oil with it. The procedure is repeated every day at night for a month. After 15–20 minutes, remove any remaining product with a cotton pad. You should not leave it on overnight, as the skin of the eyelids is too tender and swollen. If necessary, you can apply oil with a cotton pad, but a brush ensures a more even distribution.

  • Castor oil is an equally well-known option to get thick eyelashes. The oil is rich in vitamins A and B and reliably protects the hair. Apply in the same way: using a mascara wand or a cotton swab. The mask is kept on for no more than 15–20 minutes and the residues are carefully removed: castor oil is heavy, so the last step cannot be neglected.

  • You can smear your eyelashes and eyebrows with olive oil. It has a lighter structure, so you can apply it with your fingers. This procedure is repeated during the day, but it is still better to remove any remaining oil.

  • A good remedy for constant exposure to traumatic factors, such as a swimming pool with chlorinated water, sea bathing, or a hiking trip, is regular Vaseline. It is preferable to lubricate it at night, comb the hairs with a brush, and then remove the excess.

  • Hair grows quickly if you combine the effect of oil with plant extracts or juices. For example, this composition: mix 1 teaspoon of castor oil, 1-2 tablespoons of aloe juice and 1 capsule of vitamin A. The composition is placed in a pill tube, for example, or another container and shaken until it forms a homogeneous mixture.

This “conditioner” is applied to eyelashes and eyebrows at night after removing makeup. After how many weeks the hairs can be restored, the effect depends on many other factors; the conditioner stimulates the hair follicles, so the result will be noticeable in any case.

  • The use of herbal compresses gives good results. Their main goal is to restore water balance, and the compress acts on both hairs and skin. To do this, prepare a decoction of chamomile or cornflower flowers: pour 1 tablespoon of the raw material with a glass of boiling water and leave for 24 hours. Cotton pads are soaked in the infusion and left on the eyelids for 20 minutes.


The appearance of new hairs, and, most importantly, the support of existing ones, directly depends on the nutrition of the hair follicles. And the latter ensures sufficient blood flow. Massaging your eyelid skin will help strengthen your eyelashes and stimulate the appearance of new ones.

You need to do it at home using a special composition: dry skin is much more prone to injury and stretching. To do this, mix a tablespoon of olive or burdock oil with half a teaspoon of parsley juice and aloe juice. The mixture is rubbed along the eyelash edge with gentle, smooth movements. This will not make short hairs longer, but they will be stronger and thicker.

You cannot rub your eyes; on the contrary, massage is done on the half-closed eyelid, circular movements are made slowly and only along the hairline.

Cosmetical tools

At home, you can also use a cosmetic product to strengthen your eyelashes. Many companies produce caring gels, balms and masks, and even special strengthening mascaras.

In fact, any self-respecting mascara falls into the last category. This can be determined by its composition; it necessarily includes the following components:

  • keratin – an analogue of the keratin top layer;
  • melanin is a pigment that protects against ultraviolet radiation;
  • lanolin – prevents moisture loss;
  • vitamins – A, B, F, E.

Balms and gels help to significantly improve the condition of hairs.

  • Antioxidant balm from Dzintars is colorless, odorless, very easy to apply and absorb. Contains castor oil, aloe juice, keratin and vitamins. The balm can be applied at night.
  • Eyelash balm "Mirra Lux" - includes grape oil, castor oil, ylang-ylang oil, jasmine and jojoba. In addition to the fact that the composition stimulates hair growth, it has a noticeable anti-edematous effect and has a beneficial effect on the skin of the eyelids.

  • Gel from Talika is part of many of the company's cosmetic lines. Has a restorative and stimulating effect. The very light structure allows you to apply the product during the day under makeup. How quickly and whether new hairs grow also depends on the cause of their loss. If we are talking about a mechanical injury, then a month in advance, if there is stress or illness, you will have to wait longer.
  • Modeling gel from “Art-Visage” is designed to care for both eyebrows and eyelashes. Very useful for dryness and brittleness. By restoring the water balance, it extends the resting phase, that is, the hairs last longer and do not break.

How to quickly grow eyelashes at home is determined by many factors: the general condition, the cause of loss, and the thoroughness of care. On average, a good result can be achieved within a month, but in some severe cases, illness occurs and recovery takes longer.

Long eyelashes are the pride of every female, because it is eyelashes that make the eyes more expressive and charming. Of course, you can contact a cosmetologist who will offer different extension methods, but this year natural beauty is in fashion, so I would really like to have natural thick eyelashes. In this article we will discuss in detail whether it is possible to grow eyelashes quickly and at home and what methods exist for this.

Some interesting facts

Eyelashes are considered hair; they renew themselves faster than other hairs on the human body. The average life cycle of each eyelash is about six months (with proper care), after poor-quality extensions or lack of vitamins, eyelashes can fall out much faster and grow back much longer.

The average length of hairs on the upper eyelid is 8-10 cm and their number reaches 200 pieces, on the lower one - 5-7 cm, in the amount of 100-120 pieces.

Since eyelashes are considered hair, then the care should be appropriate, i.e. Various vitamin, nourishing and moisturizing masks, balms, and natural oils are used.

Causes of eyelash loss

Abuse of extensions and false eyelashes. Of course, when applying extensions, your own eyelashes suffer greatly, especially if the artist uses low-quality, cheap materials. Also, eyelashes and hair follicles can be damaged during rough removal of false eyelashes or eyelash extensions.

There are low-quality cosmetics in your cosmetic bag. We have already said more than once that cosmetics, both skincare and decorative, must be of high quality and contain natural ingredients. Yes, such cosmetics are not cheap, but you cannot skimp on your beauty and health. Also, always pay attention to expiration dates. Don't forget that mascara needs to be renewed every 3-5 months, depending on storage conditions. If your eyes become itchy and watery from mascara, eyeliner or pencil, then such cosmetics should be immediately replaced with special hypoallergenic ones for sensitive eyes.

You have a habit of not removing your makeup at night. If you want to grow long, thick eyelashes, as well as prolong the youth and beauty of your skin, you should never go to bed with makeup on your face. The most important thing is that you deprive your skin of breath, which slows down metabolic processes in the cells of the epidermis. Unwashed mascara also blocks access to oxygen to the hair follicles and can lead to broken eyelashes, especially if you like to sleep with your face in the pillow.

Poor nutrition, vitamin deficiency. Like any other hair, eyelashes react very sensitively to the quality of nutrition and to the lack of vitamins. Therefore, if you want to quickly grow eyelashes, then reconsider your diet and, if necessary, take a complex of vitamins. Introduce foods containing keratin into your diet. It is this substance that our eyelashes consist of. The foods richest in keratin are red bell peppers, parsley and rose hips.

Various diseases and stress. Stress has a detrimental effect on the condition of hair and skin, so before you start growing eyelashes at home, stop being nervous and, if necessary, take sedatives or herbal remedies. Also, hair and eyelashes react very sensitively to disruptions in the body. If your eyelashes and hair suddenly begin to fall out, you may need to listen to your body to see if everything is okay with it, or if there are any exacerbations of chronic diseases.

Don't like wearing sunglasses? Yes, dislike for this accessory, especially in the summer, can lead to fading and depletion of eyelashes. Always wear sunglasses in sunny weather to protect your eyelashes from ultraviolet radiation. It is worth drawing your attention to the fact that cheap plastic sunglasses purchased on the market will not only not protect your eyes from ultraviolet radiation, but can also seriously damage your vision. Therefore, be very careful when choosing this accessory, and preferably buy it in specialized stores.

How to grow eyelashes using castor oil?

Castor oil is very popular among girls, who have tried to grow eyelashes at home. The product is inexpensive and accessible, sold in any pharmacy without a prescription.

How to use it correctly? Very simply, best in the evening on cleansed skin, you apply the oil with a brush. You can take a used tube of eyeliner, wash it thoroughly, remove the dispenser, fill it with oil using a syringe without a needle, and return the dispenser to its place. That's all, now dip the brush in oil and apply it like eyeliner, along the growth of the eyelashes. This should be done at least an hour before bed so that the oil is thoroughly absorbed into the skin and not rubbed off on the pillow.

Some girls note that a positive result is visible after 9-15 days of regular use, but this period is individual for everyone, sometimes the eyelashes need a little more time.

Castor oil perfectly nourishes the eyelash bulbs, the eyelashes themselves, and also activates the so-called dormant bulbs, due to which the eyelashes become thicker. The advantages of this tool:

  1. rarely causes allergies,
  2. has virtually no odor,
  3. has a very low price.

How to quickly grow eyelashes after extensions

Most often, after extensions, your own eyelashes become brittle and fall out, sometimes there are even very noticeable gaps left in those places where your own eyelashes fell out in bunches. Some girls make the mistake of running to hide defects using the same method, i.e. eyelash extensions again, but it’s better to try to restore your own.

Oil masks. Castor oil is also perfect for these purposes. In addition to castor,
Peach and almond oils perfectly stimulate hair and eyelash growth, and burdock oil improves local blood circulation. If you also have very dry skin, then you can add a few drops of olive oil to any oil, which perfectly moisturizes the skin.

Vitamin A and E. You can buy these vitamins at any pharmacy in capsule or liquid form. If you buy in a bottle, then you can dose the required amount using a pipette, but if in capsules, then for a one-time procedure it is enough to squeeze one capsule into a container with the main composition of the mask or the selected oil.

Natural masks for eyelash growth

Now let’s move on to traditional methods that will make your eyelashes grow faster and thicker.

Aloe mask

An excellent composition that will help grow eyelashes in a week. And so, we take aloe juice, castor oil and finely chopped parsley in equal proportions. Everything is mixed well and applied to the base of eyelash growth and the eyelashes themselves using a mascara brush or a regular cotton swab. The mask should be kept for about half an hour.

Cognac mask

By the way, this mask is perfect for enhancing hair growth. Take cognac and castor oil in equal proportions. Mix and apply in the same way as in the first option.

Oil mix

Mix castor and burdock in equal parts, add a couple of drops of vitamin A to this mixture
and E.

All masks, including those, can be prepared in reserve; they store well in the refrigerator for several days, as they are oil-based. Just remove the product from the refrigerator in advance and wait until it warms up to room temperature. All compositions should be kept on the eyelashes for at least 30 minutes, maybe a little longer.

You can try all the listed masks. Use one mask for a week, then try another after a week, and see which mask gave the best effect.

Compresses for eyelash growth

Few people use or even know about this method, but it also works great.

  • Buy at the pharmacy: calendula, chamomile, cornflower.
  • Take all the herbs in equal proportions and prepare a decoction.
  • Just add boiling water and simmer over low heat for 10 minutes.
  • Cool to body temperature and then soak cotton pads or pieces of gauze in the resulting broth and place them on your eyelids.
  • Take a comfortable horizontal position and think about something good.
  • After 15-20 minutes, remove the cotton pads and let the eyelashes dry.

After the compress, you can treat your eyelashes with oil or apply a prepared mask. The compress will steam the pores, clear away dirt, improve blood circulation, therefore, oil or for example will have a greater effect.

And at the end of the article, I would like to remind you once again to properly remove makeup from your eyes, be it this or any other, never rub your eyes so as not to damage your eyelashes. Don't skimp on cosmetics, buy only high-quality products.

Trainer-nutritionist, sports nutritionist, honored author of Evehealth


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This article is based on scientific evidence, written and reviewed by experts. Our team of licensed nutritionists and estheticians strive to be objective, unbiased, honest and present both sides of the argument.

For women who want to make their eyelashes long and beautiful, there are many ways to achieve this in the form of cosmetic and folk procedures.

Effective methods for increasing eyelashes at home

Perhaps the only instant method of getting very long eyelashes. In salons, specialists can offer both natural and artificial fibers of false eyelashes. When choosing long enough models, a woman can feel like a real goddess at any holiday, but medium-length eyelashes are more suitable for everyday life.

The big advantage of increasing eyelashes in this way is that there is no need for additional curling or a large amount of cosmetics. In addition, false eyelashes glued to the surface of the eyelid do not have a negative effect on your own. Visually, even the shape of the eyes changes due to eyelash extensions.

The disadvantage of extensions is the impossibility of using fatty creams or lotions, or swimming in bodies of water. It is not recommended to rub your eyes or sleep with your face in the pillow. A contraindication may be an individual allergy to the constituent components of eyelash glue.

Before lengthening your eyelashes at home, it is important to decide which models to choose. There are eyelashes in bundles and ribbons. Bunches increase thickness in certain places, and ribbons create the effect of luxurious eyelashes along the entire growth line. Applying eyelashes should be done after makeup, starting from the outer to the inner corner of the eye.

Partial gluing of the bundles is carried out only up to the middle of the eye on the natural eyelashes near the eyelid. The tape is attached to the eyelid itself. Extending beautiful and long eyelashes at home is a good option, but not long-term. Cosmetologists do not recommend sleeping with them on, so you need to rest after removing them using a special product.

Cosmetics as a way to visually increase eyelashes

In order not to resort to foreign fibers on the eyelids, you can use your own cosmetic product - mascara. True, it should not be the most ordinary, but of high quality. Such a mascara should not have a smell, perhaps only faint sweet shades. And, of course, no lumps in the consistency.

Steps for applying mascara:

  1. powder – first you need to powder your hair with a thick brush;
  2. mascara - then you should quickly apply makeup on your eyelashes, as if combing them;
  3. mascara - pressing the brush close to the eyelid and constantly scrolling with the brush, color the eyelashes from the outside;
  4. mascara - lightly apply eyelashes from the inside.

It is best to use mascara, which, in addition to its intended purpose, also cares for eyelashes. This product contains vitamins A, E, lanolin, keratin and biotin. They act on hairs, improving their structure and accelerating growth. You need to choose mascara very carefully, not only by color, smell or brush shape. It is extremely important not to harm your eyes with a low-quality product. If after application redness appears on the eyelids and eyes, you should immediately wash off the mascara and get rid of it.

In addition to mascara, curling with special curling irons will help in the question of how to enlarge eyelashes. The main thing is to make the bend of the hairs very expressive without breaking them completely. Eyeliner, liquid or pencil, can also work quite effectively, giving the eyelashes additional volume.

Even those with beautiful and long eyelashes need to constantly monitor their beauty. This applies not only to the use of traditional methods for the growth and thickness of eyelashes, but also to their daily care.

After applying decorative cosmetics to your eyes, it is important to remove any remaining makeup at the end of the day. At night, your eyes should also rest. It is not recommended to wash off mascara with water and soap, so as not to dry out the skin of the eyelids and lead to brittle eyelashes. For this purpose, there are many mousses and moisturizing milks on the market. If the mascara is waterproof, you will have to purchase two-phase products that contain the necessary vitamins and oils.

Many people wonder what needs to be done to make eyelashes long? The answer is quite simple - daily and proper care, which also includes nutrition of the eyelashes. You need to buy jojoba, apricot or peach oil from the pharmacy chain. Every evening, applying such oils to your eyelashes will stimulate their active growth. The mask stays on the hair for about 30 minutes and is thoroughly washed off.

Also, massage of the skin where eyelash growth begins has good results. To do this, you need an old mascara brush soaked in oil.

Causes of eyelash loss

Eyelashes often appear short and sparse not because they are naturally that way, but because they are influenced by many factors that lead to their loss. After all, what is an eyelash? This is the same hair, consisting of keratin scales, and it is also subject to delamination. It receives nutrition from the hair follicle, and just like on the head, it has its own lifespan. It lasts about six months, which makes the eyelash the shortest-lived hair on the human body.

It is interesting that on the upper eyelid you can count at least 100 eyelashes, and on the lower - from 50. At the top they reach a length of 1 cm, and at the bottom – 7 mm. Only careful care will help lengthen eyelashes, but not more than a third of their natural length. This takes from 1 to 2 months.
The most common cause of hair loss is lack of attention. It can even include too frequent curling and extensions, when under the weight of foreign eyelashes your own eyelashes quickly fall off.

If a woman has low-quality cosmetics in her arsenal, this is very harmful to the skin of the eyelids and the hairs on them. And the habit of sleeping with makeup is equivalent to killing eyelashes, because they are very susceptible to fragility during sleep. In addition, the skin of the eyelids does not breathe, metabolic processes are disrupted and it ages.

Like all other parts of the body, various diseases and mental stress lead to eyelash loss. Therefore, before you think twice, you should understand the reasons and stop tormenting your body with excessive nervousness.

Cosmetics for eyelash enlargement

In addition to mascara for eyelash growth, there are many cosmetics, of which the most useful are products with vitamins, melanin, glycerin, protein and others. Together they provide gentle eyelash care. It is important to remember that you should not buy products containing hormones, as they can have completely unpredictable effects on the body.

A good remedy today is a serum that improves eyelash growth. It contains peptides, vitamins and plant components. Such growth stimulants show their results after just 6 weeks, so it is extremely important to read the instructions for use.

If the hairs on the eyelids become brittle and fall out, it means that the person does not have enough multivitamins. To replenish them, you need to introduce a vitamin complex with components A, E, B12, B5, C and D into your diet. It is important to review your dietary standards, which must include fish products, veal, vegetables, fruits, herbs, nuts and butter.

Such products will be an excellent replacement for sausages and baked goods, which will be visible even in the appearance of your skin, hair and nails. The food should also contain keratin. This is a protein found in rose hips, green parsley and bell peppers.

On warm sunny days, you should always protect your eyes from harmful ultraviolet radiation with glasses.

Home treatments

For some reason, unlike hair and skin, eyelashes rarely receive time for care. But to have beautiful long eyelashes, you will have to reconsider your schedule for using home remedies.

The best way is to use oils, each of which has its own properties. For example, almond oil and peach oil will help promote eyelash growth. Burdock oil and castor oil can improve hair health, and olive and sunflower oil can help eliminate brittleness. You can increase the effectiveness of their action by adding vitamins E and A. Such complex products are applied to clean eyelashes daily for about one hour.

Massage is another effective method of how to lengthen eyelashes at home. Any of the oils, perhaps with the addition of aloe and parsley juice, should be applied to your fingers and gently massage your eyelids with pads, which takes literally a few minutes. In addition, in this way you can improve your vision, the main thing is not to put too much pressure on your eyes and not let the oil get on their mucous membrane.

It is good to use compresses to lengthen eyelashes. Chamomile, calendula, cornflower, coltsfoot herbs and even black tea are brewed for them. The decoction should be strong enough; it is applied to cotton pads and applied to the eyes, periodically wetting for 20 minutes.

To motivate women to undergo such procedures, we can say that one should not give up just because of the long time it takes to care for eyelashes. The main thing is that as a result your eyes will become even healthier and more attractive.

Video on how to make eyelashes longer and fuller

Video on how to properly dye eyelashes

Video about eyelash makeup

I once saw a guy: he was ugly, and his eyelashes were like those of a doll: black, thick, long, curved... At that moment it struck me: what an injustice, I want those too! Well, then I asked myself the question of how to grow eyelashes, and make them long, thick, and also like a doll’s.

After many months of effort, I share my experience and reviews of the products)

How it all started:

Frankly speaking, I have no luck with eyelashes. Absolutely straight, short and suddenly light gray in color (my hair is dark brown), being unmade up, they are completely invisible on my face.

It is clear that with this state of affairs, one mascara is not enough.

And I know that this is not only my problem: you also want to have long, thick and beautiful eyelashes, right? However, few girls are lucky enough to be proud of their own.

There is no use in worrying about this, I decided, and I went online to look for long and thick ones, looking for answers to the question “what to do when eyelashes are sparse and short” and effective methods for growing them.

In the article I will tell you what ways there are to make eyelashes thicker and longer, about myths and what really works on their beauty .

What I tried and what I will talk about here:

  • about eyelash curlers
  • about ways to grow at home
  • about purchased funds
  • about false eyelashes
  • about magnetic eyelashes
  • about eyelash extensions
  • about myths that supposedly work
  • about chips to simulate thickness
  • and what girlfriends say

About eyelash curlers

Were once fashionable eyelash curler (I think you all know them - they are very similar to nail scissors with soft abs).

I thought: I’ll curl my eyelashes, put makeup on them, and it will be beautiful. As a result, the eyelashes, of course, curved upward, but from the side it was clear that they seemed to be breaking. Well, of course, this didn’t make them any thicker or longer (no one expected it, I just wanted quick beauty).

And after a couple of months, they really began to break and fall out, so I had to stop frequent use.

You can use these tweezers from time to time, nothing will happen.

About growing eyelashes at home

Attention, myth!

After giving my eyelashes a little rest after curling, I resorted to some cunning advice from someone on the Internet. “There is a way to really quickly grow your eyelashes,” this “someone” suggested, “you need to spend a few minutes every day carefully pull them back thumb and index finger."

You know, these methods work on parts of the body. For example, we all know about an African tribe where women put rings on their necks, thereby stretching it to what we consider a monstrous length, so that if you remove these rings, the neck simply breaks.

And we know about Japanese girls who, in the old days, had their breasts tightly wrapped and tightened since childhood, and they did not grow. Flat girls were considered more beautiful.

So: unfortunately, this doesn’t work with eyelashes. The fact is that their visible part is already dead cells, like nails, and these cells do not lend themselves to such “motivation”. But the skin of the eyelids will stretch for the sweet soul. You don't have to do that.

Attention, another myth!

One of my friends, having heard about a new radical method of growing her own thick and long eyelashes, took the risk of using it.

And in vain. The method was that the girl was rooted trims all his eyelashes , and the new ones will supposedly grow up very young, healthy (unlike those), strong and therefore long.

Nonsense, of course. And that friend of mine was convinced of this from her own bitter experience. Bitter for two reasons: firstly, walking around for several weeks with bald eyes is still fun, and secondly, the new eyelashes have grown “shaggy” (this is when the tips begin to look in different directions, some up, others down).

Eyelashes are already constantly renewed, there is no need to trim them.

Castor oil for eyelash growth

I read about Castor oil . Sold in a pharmacy, inexpensive (about 60-70 rubles), reviews are good.

I started using it: I dipped a clean mascara wand into the bottle, shook off the excess and blotted it, and applied it to my eyelashes as if I were using regular mascara. For the night, of course.

Used it for two months. The result is that the eyelashes have become definitely darker and thicker. Longer - no, they didn’t, but they did to look like longer (because the colorless ends have darkened).

Verdict - the product is good, useful for eyelashes. But it’s not for nothing that I stopped using it...

The problem is that castor oil is comedogenic (this means that it can clog pores, which causes the formation of comedones - those bumps on the skin that are very difficult to get rid of).

And I got two of these comedones - one on each lower eyelid. I applied very little oil to my eyelashes, but apparently at night it warmed up from body heat and flowed a little onto my eyelids, clogging my pores. The use of oil had to be stopped.

Aleran stimulator for eyelash growth

Have you already heard about eyelash growth stimulator Aleran , Yes? This product costs about 600-700 rubles, the formula is day-night (you apply one composition to your eyelashes during the day, another at night).

Here is a very important point that some of you girls should know: if suddenly you are now experiencing a period of severe weakening and hair loss on your head, and it did not start due to problems with the scalp (but I had this) - this cannot do not affect the eyelashes, they will also weaken and fall out.

And in this case, if no means for growing eyelashes help you, this is not because the means do not work, but because you first need to dig out and solve the true problem, otherwise all these means will be like trying to seal a leaking pipe with tape. But this is a very broad topic, more about it in other articles.

So, when I eliminated my causes of hair loss, it was Alerana who helped me achieve the maximum thickness and length of eyelashes possible for my genetics.

I also use Alerana to restore eyelashes after extensions.

No, this does not mean that my eyelashes as a result became twice as long, three times thicker and began to curl towards my eyebrows on their own with a joyful song - no. This means they're a little longer, a little stronger, and a little thicker, which is good, but still not enough to be considered chic.

After Alerana, out of curiosity, I used a couple more products to grow and strengthen eye hair, but they were similar in composition to Alerana (although one cost about 1,500 rubles), and the result was similar.

Life truth

Summing up the intermediate result, I will say that with The most unpleasant thing about trying to grow long and thick eyelashes is that every girl has the maximum possible length and thickness individual and genetically determined, and the eyelashes simply cannot grow longer than nature intended for this particular girl.

Having reached a certain length, the hair lives for some time, and then simply falls out, making way for a new one.

However, in our power " turn on your genetics to the fullest "And with the help of eyelash growth products and hair vitamins, achieve the maximum possible length and thickness for each specific case.

As for the strengthening product, I settled on Aleran, and as for the vitamins, I’ll write about my favorites in another article.

Plus, there are mandatory rules so that your eyelashes don’t look worse than they can:

Eyelash rules:

  • throw away all the cheap mascaras and buy one good quality one. Do not store mascara for longer than 3 months.
  • every evening . The area around the eyelashes is the most difficult to clean, so don’t skimp on cotton pads, don’t waste your time - clean your eyes properly so that the chemicals don’t clog the pores. At the same time, do not rub your eyes too much - you can damage the bulbs.
  • massage your eyelashes a couple of times a week at night: with your eyes closed, use clean fingers to gently and lightly (without pressing on the eyeball) massage their roots. You can apply just a little bit of castor or burdock oil to your fingertips to enhance the effect, but please constantly monitor the reaction of your eyes and remember that the oils must be of high quality. If you use Alerana, you don’t have to bother with this point.
  • your eyelashes will look better if you drink a lot of clean water and eat healthy foods, not junk. Watch your diet: vegetables, fruits, fish, avocados, nuts, cereals - all this is very useful for your beauty.

Special shampoos and balms, masks and compresses for eyelash growth - in my opinion, this is already too much. Because if we look after them so carefully, as well as eyebrows, hair, nails, skin, teeth, etc., then 24 hours in a day will not be enough for us.

Therefore, use those methods that definitely work: healthy diet + vitamins + proven strengthening product + quality cosmetics + good cleansing. It's enough.

Well, if you have already done everything possible, strengthened your eyelashes, nourished them with benefits, but the result is still far from your dreams, then it’s time to use completely different methods of changing the appearance of your eyelashes.

How to make eyelashes long and thick quickly?

This section is no longer about how to grow eyelashes, but about how to make them visually long and thick.

About false eyelashes

First I tried it. I bought a couple of these that looked more or less natural, plus glue (all for 250 rubles).

I watched several videos on YouTube on how to glue them correctly. The first damn thing was lumpy: I rolled them in glue, smeared all over my eyelids - and this was an hour before a very important event. I had to quickly wash my face and reapply my makeup.

The second time it turned out almost well, but somehow it turned out that after a couple of hours my upper eyelid began to stick to the supraorbital ridge. There was no way to remove the glue, as a result I looked extremely strange, blinking one eye =))

Why am I telling you this? Under no circumstances should you try to apply false eyelashes shortly before leaving the house if this is your first time doing this. However, with practice, you will be able to stick them on much faster and without incident.

But this is not an option for every day: it still takes time (after practice, I still need 10 minutes to do everything perfectly), plus, false eyelashes don’t look completely natural. Beautiful - yes, natural - no. Only from afar. Excellent as an evening option.

I continue to use them sometimes (for photo shoots, if I haven’t had time to build them up, for videos, sometimes for evening events). And by the way, if you don’t want to pay 200 rubles for a pair of eyelashes every time, buy them on Joom, it’s much cheaper there.

  • official Joom application for iphone - Here
  • official Joom app for Android - Here

About magnetic eyelashes

I won’t go into too much detail here, I’ll just say that up close they look terrible. The magnets are visible. However, they are molded very quickly and generally hold up well, so they will do as an option for a photo shoot where your face will not be photographed close-up.

About eyelash extensions

Next I decided grow eyelashes . The first experience was sad: I went to a newly opened salon in my house, where a girl with a bad smell from her nose (yes, her nose was very close to my face) suspiciously quickly extended my eyelashes, which safely fell off after 3 day. Oh, I should have gotten up and left right away...

My friend was getting extensions done at her salon around the same time. However, after a few hours she developed such a terrible allergy to the glue (imagine what happens to her eyes: they sting, they swell and water, and itch, itch, itch) that the eyelashes had to be immediately removed along with a good half of her own.

Therefore, girls, do not chase cheapness, do not chase the proximity of the salon, get extensions from those about whom you have heard a lot of positive reviews. After asking our friends, we found out about such a girl, and she grew eyelashes really wonderfully.

Our eyelash extensions (from good specialists) cost about 2,500 rubles. With proper care, the eyelashes last a month, then bald spots become visible and you need to go and grow them. Correction is already cheaper.

My choice is extensions

At first I couldn't get used to special care for eyelash extensions(I’m still getting used to saying “extensions” and not “extensions”...). You can’t wipe your eyes, you need to watch what position you sleep in (although in fact this is a plus - not sleeping on your face, it’s good for beauty), make sure that the eyelash doesn’t fall off and stay on your cheek (because it doesn’t look good anymore). like an eyelash, but like a spider's leg, it looks terrible).

Well, you need to wash your face and remove makeup much more carefully. Which, however, is also good - the skin should be treated as carefully as possible.

Now I’m used to this care, I extend eyelashes like this: I add extensions, a month later correction, after a month I remove them and let the eyelashes rest. It’s different for everyone, but mine look worse after extensions, so just after extensions I restore them with Alerana and take vitamins every second time. During this period, I use invoices for some activities.

When the eyelashes are back to normal, I go to get eyelash extensions again.

Yes, there are difficulties, but there is so much joy! Eyelash extensions (from a good specialist and with high-quality materials) look amazing, chic, amazing! You wake up - you’re beautiful, you don’t have to put on makeup! And at sea they are so convenient, and at photo shoots, and in general... In general, extensions are a cool thing, I use them with pleasure.

In the video you can see how much the look changes after extensions, how expressive, rejuvenated and wide-open your eyes become:

About all sorts of tricks and experiences of girlfriends

Eyelash perm

I haven’t tried it myself, but my friend has.

In general, there is also a procedure that allows you to bend your eyelashes for two months - this is. The essence of this procedure is that a special flexible roller is glued to the eye and a chemical solution is applied to the eyelashes.

As you can understand from the name of the procedure, this can be dangerous. Firstly, there are a lot of reviews about allergic reactions to the solution; many have burned their eyes, and many have broken ends. Secondly, this procedure is highly not recommended for girls who wear contact lenses or have sensitive eyelids.

My friend found a good master: it didn’t sting her eyes, it didn’t hurt, and the bend turned out nice. The effect of eyelash perming is limited to 2.5 months - this is the time during which the eyelashes are completely renewed.

But chemistry is still chemistry: there is little good in tormenting your eyes with it from time to time. One way or another, over time, the chemistry penetrates the eyelash follicles, making them weaker.

Lamination of eyelashes

I haven’t tried it myself either - I just don’t like the way it looks.

According to statements, lamination makes eyelashes stronger plus maintains a good curl. But in my opinion, this procedure is for those who already have their own good and beautiful ones.

After lamination, a girl with sparse and short eyelashes begins to look like a girl with the same sparse and short eyelashes, only they are already curled. And they don’t look like anything... greasy, dirty, or something. A friend of mine made it and didn’t like it.

Tattooing of the inter-eyelash space

And another friend decided to tattooing of the interlash space . She says it was terribly painful and she could barely stand it. But the eyes really began to look a little more expressive, because it seems that the eyelashes have become thicker at the base.

But I definitely won’t recommend this method to you: pain, harm, the possibility of negative consequences... And then the paint will lighten and come off (most likely in parts) and you will either have to repaint each time or go through it again. In general, an experiment for everyone.

Do you think you could withstand tattooing on your eyes? I probably don't...

Little tricks

  • If you want to make your eyelashes longer and thicker in your photos -
  • Before applying mascara to your eyelashes, powder them carefully and evenly. Then cover it with mascara. If the mascara is good, nothing will fall out, but the hairs themselves will look thicker.
  • After applying mascara, immediately lick the sides of your index fingers and curl your eyelashes with them, raising your eyebrows (it’s better to hold it for a couple of minutes). At first this will only work for a couple of hours, but over time your eyelashes will slowly adapt to this position.

In conclusion of the article

If a girl is charming and feminine, if she knows how to use makeup correctly, then the lack of gorgeous eyelashes will not make her look bad.

As I already said, the length of each girl’s eyelashes is individual and genetically determined, so some medications, gels and ointments will not achieve an effect (I mean, a SUPER TOUCH effect, like with extensions).

But! This applies to cases when your eyelashes have not undergone any, let’s say, stress - that is, they have always been the way they are now. How to grow eyelashes if one day for some reason they begin to fall out, thin out, or become thinner? There are several reasons for this, but there is also a solution. About this in the article “Eyelash Care” Next post
How to care for eyelashes correctly? »

Beauties who dream of lush eyelashes are able to resort to various tricks, after which they begin to have a headache for another reason: how to restore their natural hairs. From our review you will find out how long it takes for women to grow eyelashes, whether eyelashes grow after they fall out, how long it takes for eyelashes to grow after extensions and how to quickly grow eyelashes after extensions.

Why are eyelashes needed?

Eyelashes are not created to decorate a woman's image. They serve as a kind of filter against dust, dirt, sand getting into the eyes (each eyelash reflexively covers the eye when danger arises).

Performing a protective function, they take the blow on themselves: the eyelashes fall out, lose thickness (it’s clear that the volume is no longer the same), and become less long.

What are they made of?

There are more hairs on the upper eyelid than on the lower eyelid, and, in addition, they are 2-3 mm longer. Top – 150-200, bottom – 70-100 hairs.

The eyelash consists of the following parts:

  • root (the part hidden from the eye; its location is the hair follicle);
  • bulb (located under the skin);
  • rod (an element visible to the eye, protruding above the skin).

The health of the bulb is influenced not only by genetic factors, but also by external stimuli. For example, it is negatively affected by taking medications, as a result of which the hairs begin to grow slowly. How long do eyelashes grow when taking antibiotics and other drugs? Growth will resume after stopping their use.

How fast do eyelashes grow?

Eyelashes tend to renew themselves, but this is a long process, since complete replacement can occur after several years, and some hairs are constantly dormant (lower - 15%, upper - 40%).

How long does it take for eyelashes to grow? The active growth phase takes 30-40 days (hairs grow by 0.4-0.7 mm per month). Each hair lives for 3-6 months, but it is difficult to say how long eyelashes grow during this period.

Growth phases

All hairs, after they have grown to a certain point, stop growing, and if they are pulled out during this period (transition phase), the restoration process will take a long time, since new ones do not yet have time to “prepare”.

Then comes the resting phase, it lasts 100 days, at which point the root of the new hair matures. If you tear it out or lose it now, the restoration of a new one will go faster.

Note! The hair falls off after the new root matures.

Eyelashes after extensions

Cons of extensions:

  • due to the sensitivity of the eyes, allergic reactions may occur (the situation can be provoked by external irritants and extension products);
  • an incompetent and inexperienced master is capable of causing microtrauma to the client (this rarely happens);
  • an unscrupulous lash maker can infect the client with an infection (before increasing artificial beauty, it is advisable to see what sterilization methods your master uses);
  • eyelash follicles inevitably suffer: after eyelash extensions, the growth of their vegetation will slow down.

Important! After extensions at home, eyelashes grow much longer than hairs that are not “tormented” by any procedures.

After getting rid of the extensions, your own villi require special care. But before you begin “restoration work,” the hair extensions need to be removed from a specialist so as not to damage your own (if you read the blogs, more than one girl has pulled out her native hair due to the inability to properly remove the artificial one).

Advice. It is better to give up mascara and curling irons for a while - this should be done so that each hair has time to rest from the “stress” and new vegetation grows faster.

Other causes of loss:

  • diseases of internal organs;
  • improper care;
  • low-quality cosmetics;

  • stress;
  • environment (its negative impact).

Eyelashes after loss

Hair loss is a natural process: some hairs fall off, others grow back. If renewal is not visible with each hair that falls out, and the problem gets worse, you should visit a doctor (perhaps the reason is problems with the thyroid gland).

But in any case, it is important to keep your face clean (do not touch your face with unwashed hands and do not allow your pet to lick it), and see if the cause of the illness lies in the use of cosmetics.

Note! The cause of hair loss may be a specific disease: someone who compulsively pulls and tears their hairs is diagnosed with “trichotillomania.” Do you suspect you have this disease? Consult a specialist.

If you singe, cut or tear out the hair, it will recover, although it is unknown how long it will take. But with stimulants (masks, massage, etc.) this process will speed up significantly.

How to grow eyelashes

Rules of care:

  • not with three eyes, especially with dirty hands;
  • we don’t go to bed until we wash off our makeup;
  • We eat right and don’t go on diets: because of them, the body does not receive enough necessary vitamins, and fats are not the enemy of women (thanks to them, hair growth increases);
  • we take vitamin A and add it to nourishing masks (it is responsible for the growth of vegetation - with its help it will be possible to increase the length of hairs);
  • We massage the eyelids 1-2 times a day for 2-3 minutes (lightly tap the eyelids with your fingers - blood will “flow” to the bulbs and hair growth will be activated);
  • Before going to bed, regularly apply castor oil (1-2 drops) to the hairs with a brush (carefully wash the brush from old mascara) (castor oil is responsible for the thickness and strengthening of the villi);
  • We stimulate hair growth with aloe juice (it also has a calming property): dip a cotton swab in the juice (a couple of drops) and run it over the eyelashes. Once a week you can make a mask of oil and juice (proportion – 1:1). It needs to be applied (a cotton swab or brush will do) at night, and washed off in the morning.

Professional products

Growth “activators” are produced in different forms and by different manufacturers (the formulas of each are original). Some of them claim that their drugs are able to awaken the dormant stem of the bulb after falling out and prolong the active growth phase.

The following brands deserve attention:

  • RapidLash;
  • Careprost;
  • Almea Xlash;
  • Alerana;
  • Twist Fusion;
  • Lash Trick.

Note! Store-bought products can be used, but not all the time, otherwise it will cause brittleness of the villi. You should not use hormonal stimulants often and for a long time, otherwise addiction will set in - the product will stop working, and the eyelashes will begin to fall off.

Composition of the “correct” mascara

Before you take mascara off the shelf and pay for it, familiarize yourself with the composition of cosmetic products. What components should be there:

  • keratin (strengthens);
  • panthenol (from fragility);
  • proteins (for growth);
  • UV blockers (protection from ultraviolet radiation);
  • melanin (protection from external aggressors);
  • castor oil (for inflammation and strengthening);
  • lanolin (for dryness and brittleness);
  • preservatives (thanks to glycerin and benzalkonium chloride, foreign microorganisms will not multiply in the carcass);
  • vitamins (vitamins A, B5, E, F are used for hair growth, nutrition and strengthening).

Note! If your product does not contain any of these substances, you can add them yourself: add 1-2 drops each of retinol (vitamin A) and vitamin E (their base should be oily) to your mascara. The same trick can be done with castor oil.

Important! Do not buy mascara that contains parabens, thimerosol, or petroleum. These substances are not only a source of eye irritation - they pose a health hazard!


We grow and restore hair using the following masks:

  • For those “chasing” an increase in the number of hairs, it is advisable to apply a mixture of oils (almond, peach, castor oil) and vitamins A and E (1-2 drops) to the eyelashes every night at night. Store leftovers in a glass container in the refrigerator;
  • To make everything grow back, make a mask of aloe juice, castor oil, burdock oil and vitamin E. Dosage: everything in equal parts, and vitamin – 3 drops. After half an hour, remove with a napkin;
  • Each hair grows better from a mixture applied to it for 2 hours, from oils: an equal amount of olive, burdock and almonds + fish oil, a solution of vitamin E or A (1-2 drops);
  • Villi will grow back faster if you apply a compress to your eyelids from a mixture (soak gauze folded in several layers with this mixture) of parsley juice (squeeze it out of a finely chopped bunch), burdock oil and aloe juice (5 ml each). Exposure time – 25 minutes;
  • Hairs increase in volume from a herbal decoction (it is used as food for bulbs) of sage, thyme, chamomile, cornflower and calendula. Infuse the herbs (equal proportions) for an hour after pouring boiling water over them. Then dip cotton pads into the broth and apply them to the eyelids for 15 minutes.

Without “nutrition” and proper care, it is difficult for eyelashes to remain strong, elastic and long. Therefore, it is so important not to leave them without your attention.
