There was a sound when scrolling the mouse wheel. The most convenient way to control volume in Windows. Volumouse program

I have been using the “Volumouse” program on all my computers for more than 3 years now and adjust the volume using the mouse wheel while holding down the left button. Another method causes me discomfort - it is more convenient than using special multimedia buttons on the keyboard, because the mouse is always in your hand, and you need to “reach” for the buttons on the keyboard or buttons in program interfaces.

"Volumouse" is a small program that allows you to conveniently and easily adjust the volume on a Windows computer - simply by turning the mouse wheel. Despite the small size of the program itself and the RAM it occupies, everything is very flexible.

By default, the interface is in English, but if you need Russian, then copy the file volumemouse_lng.ini to the folder with the installed program.

It is possible to set up to 12 different rules that determine how and when the mouse wheel will be used to adjust the volume. By default, 2 rules are enabled: when the Alt button is pressed and when the left mouse button is pressed. You can easily customize the rules for yourself.

Description of the basic rules for adjusting volume

Each rule contains 4 basic fields:

  1. “Use wheel when:” is the condition under which the rule works. For example, if you select "Shift key pressed", the rule will only work when the Shift key is pressed. You can also turn off the rule by selecting “Blocked” in this field.
  2. “Component:” Determines which audio component (headphones, speakers, microphone, etc.) the rule controls. “General system volume” is a component that is enabled by default and is used most often.
  3. “Channels:” By default, the “All channels” option is enabled and the most commonly used option. This means that the volume of both channels (eg left and right) changes equally. But if you need to adjust the channels individually, you can easily do this. The option to turn off/on the entire channel is also available.
  4. “Steps:” - the number of steps according to which the volume will be adjusted in one movement of the mouse wheel. Those. if you increase this value, the volume will adjust faster. I set myself this value - “3000”.

In addition, additional settings are available - click the “More…” button next to the corresponding rule.

Additional rules settings

“Enable rule after”—you can specify after how many rotations of the mouse wheel the rule will be enabled.
“Left/Right Balance” - allows you to control the balance of the left and right channels. For example, if you want the left channel to always be 50% quieter than the right, set the value of the right to “1.0”, the left to “0.5”

Screen Indicator

The program allows you to display an on-screen indicator when the volume level changes. You can configure it in advanced settings for each rule.

“Type:” You can set the indicator to display vertically, horizontally, or turn it off altogether.
"Size:" You can set the size in pixels
"Delay:" The number of milliseconds after adjusting the volume that the indicator will be shown.
“Position:” Horizontal and vertical position of the indicator. By default, it is displayed near the mouse cursor.
“Transparency:” Allows you to adjust the transparency of the indicator

Adjusting window transparency and screen brightness

To use this feature, create a new rule with the “Window Transparency” or “Screen Brightness” component. For example, you can make it so that when you hold down the right mouse button with the wheel, the transparency of the window over which the cursor is located or the brightness changes.

Of course, most people don’t need all these fancy functions - but the basic function of “adjusting volume with the mouse wheel” will be convenient for all people.

The latest version of Vloumouse is always available via a direct link from the developer's website.

User question

Hello. Please tell me what to do with a non-working mouse wheel. We reinstalled Windows and now the mouse partially does not work: the arrow runs across the screen, the left and right buttons work, but scrolling through the wheel does not work (you have to drag it with the pointer, which is inconvenient). We tried to connect another mouse to our computer - the same story (our mouse works on another PC) ...

What should I do in this case, why does the mouse not work at all?

PS: we went into the mouse settings in the Windows control panel - but there is no “Wheel” section at all, in which you can set how many lines to scroll the page (although there used to be one!).


The problem described above is quite typical, and most likely it is associated with the lack of drivers (probably for some kind of universal serial bus USB port controller, or for the mouse itself (which is less likely, judging by the description)).

In the article I will consider the user’s question and other reasons for this behavior of mice...

By the way, if your mouse doesn’t work at all, I recommend reading these instructions:

Reasons why the wheel does not work

(the mouse twitches and slows down)

1) Drivers were not installed (or failed)

Perhaps checking the drivers is the first thing you should start with (especially if your problem matches the description of the issue, see above). To do this, open device Manager .

Reference! To open the device manager: press the Win+R button combination, and enter the command devmgmt.msc, click OK. An example is shown in the screenshot below.

The screenshot below shows the “picture” of what usually happens after reinstalling Windows (by the way, in newer Windows operating systems, drivers are installed automatically on many devices). Please note that all devices for which no drivers were found will be located in the “Other Devices” tab, and a yellow exclamation mark will appear next to each one.

There are no drivers for a dozen devices... Device Manager in Windows 7

Next, I recommend opening the “Mice and other pointing devices” tab. It should indicate your mouse; as a rule, it is an HID-compatible mouse. If your tab is empty, or it only contains the “ELAN...” device (touchpad, relevant for laptops), then you simply do not have a driver: either for the mouse (this often happens with gaming mice) or for the USB port controller .

Mice and other devices

How to update drivers:

  1. You can install the drivers that came with your computer (usually, they were either downloaded by the seller onto your hard drive or recorded on a separate CD\DVD);
  2. Use special utilities to auto-search and update drivers. I have one big article dedicated to this on my blog:
  3. Find drivers by VID and PID (special identifiers by which you can find the manufacturer of your equipment, its make, model, etc.) in a search engine, for example, Google. This is a universal method, I will discuss it below. The only negative is that there must be access to the Internet (and without drivers for the network card, it may not exist...).

And so, in the device manager you see some device for which there is no driver. Right-click on it and open its properties.

In properties, open the tab "Intelligence", select option "Equipment ID" and copy the first line, which will contain the values ​​VID, PID, REX, SID (etc.).

Next, paste the string into a search engine (for example, Google) and start searching. In my case, for example, dozens of sites were immediately found (and in first place was the laptop manufacturer’s site), where the drivers were downloaded.

After installing them and rebooting the laptop, the mouse was detected and began to work as expected (including the wheel ☺) ...

2) Is the USB port working or is it disabled?

The second thing to pay attention to is whether the USB port works at all. However, in this case, your mouse will not work at all! That is, even the mouse pointer will not move.

First, turn the mouse over and see if the LED on it is lit? If it lights up, it’s not bad, it means there is power and everything is fine with the wire. If it doesn’t light up, try connecting another mouse or flash drive to this USB port. By the way, USB ports may often not work due to a lack of drivers, and not due to physical damage (which I wrote about just above).

By the way, it would also be a good idea to connect the mouse to another computer (laptop) to see if it works on it.

Such simple rearrangements very quickly help determine the culprit...

3) Damage to the mouse (breakage). Physical deterioration

With active use of the mouse (especially in games, various shooting games, where in a fit of passion users often press forcefully and sharply, hitting the buttons), it eventually becomes unusable (nothing lasts forever). As a rule, it all starts with: a double click of the left/right button (although you do a single one), bad scrolling, the cursor starts to twitch “nervously”, etc.

The best diagnosis in this case is to try connecting another mouse to your PC (or this mouse to another PC) and see how it behaves.

In general, in case of physical wear and tear, the best advice is: buy a new mouse (so that it doesn’t cost much). All these repairs, soldering, etc. for an unprepared user - 99% end in wasted time...

4) Incorrect settings in mouse settings in Windows

And the last thing I wanted to focus on: the mouse parameters that are set in the Windows Control Panel. To check the settings: open the section "Equipment and Sound" in Control Panel, then click on the "Mouse" link in the "Devices and Printers" subsection (see screenshot below).

Next, open the “Wheel” section and adjust the number of scrolled lines when the wheel moves (this is set for vertical and horizontal displacement separately). The parameter is individual for each mouse (and it also depends on the user - one is comfortable with turning half the page at once, another needs 1 line...) .

It would also be a good idea to go to the tab and adjust the speed of the pointer. I recommend checking the box next to the item "Enable increased pointer precision" . Thanks to this, your mouse will not twitch as if dumbfounded when you aim at some insignificant detail when you move the pointer slightly.

How to do without a mouse wheel:

  1. The keyboard has special keys: PgUp and PgDn. Using them you can quickly scroll the page, convenient even if you have a mouse;
  2. Key "Space"- if you press the key, the page will scroll down. To scroll up - press Shift+Space;
  3. You can also use your mouse pointer to drag the slider up or down (not very convenient, but it also works).

This is where I end this article. All the best!

For additions - a separate merci...

Good day everyone and all sorts of other differences. Today we'll talk about Volumouse, which has long been obvious from the subtitle, and also about how to quickly change the volume with the mouse using it.

Probably everyone knows the situation that it happens that you are sitting there, listening or playing, and then someone comes in to talk or the phone rings (or something else) and you need to turn down the volume. Urgently, yes. Or remove it altogether.

But in order to reduce it, you need to do a merciless number of things (remote control, button on, regulator on 5.1 system), but it is necessary here and now.

In general, today we will correct this situation.


Actually, there is a completely simple little program that will allow you to adjust the sound using the hotkeys you have configured.

It’s nice, without quitting your favorite game and without being distracted anywhere, to hold down and turn the mouse wheel down and, voila!, the sound became quieter or turned off completely.

Moreover, it can regulate the sound on different channels using different combinations, i.e., for example, with one type of lit keys you can mute several (not all) channels of the system, leaving the most necessary ones to work, while others can regulate the sound globally (all), the third You can also change the sensitivity of the microphone, quarter.

Mouse volume is mouse volume

Well, in general, you understand. This can be customized Not only by hot button, but also by focus on the player (i.e., when the mouse is over the player), which is also very convenient - you don’t need to drag the cursor to the volume slider in it, - just move the mouse to the window and turn the wheel - the volume changes.

By the way, you can do this on any window, select, say, and when it’s above the browser, just use the wheel. In general, there are a lot of things with such a thing as mouse volume, that is, for example, from the opposite, when Not the selected key or mouse is pressed Not in such and such a window, etc., etc.

This program is called Volumouse.

Download and install this program

To begin with, let me briefly (in my traditional manner) tell you a little about the program settings and its internals.

I will show the articles in English, purely for those who are too lazy to bother with the Russifier, and then we’ll talk about it more specifically.

Mouse and volume - in general, Volumouse settings

I’ll tell you what’s in it, what’s what, why and how to generally control the volume with the mouse in applications, without applications, using buttons, a wheel and without all this business.

Let's look at the screenshot above (or the printed one, if it's more convenient for you to use the volume with the mouse and just live :)

First column(leftmost) - this is the parameter by which the mouse wheel will change 40 since the parameter mentioned here:

  • If it is written, say, " Alt key is down", - this means that when the button is held down " Alt" The program is activated and you can use the mouse wheel to change the volume. Accordingly, wherever "is down"(Left Mouse, Shift key, etc.) - this is the parameter of the pressed button;
  • "Is focused", - means that the program is in focus, i.e. the mouse is above the window. Hence, for example, the parameter " iTunes is focused" says that the program is activated when the mouse is over the player window" iTunes" and just turn the mouse wheel to change the volume. Same for other players;
  • "The cursor is screen edges", - means that when the mouse cursor is in the corner of the screen... Correct! :-), - the program is activated and the sound can be changed by turning the mouse wheel. There are also all sorts of " Mouse is over task bar", - the cursor above the taskbar (i.e. the tray where the clock and icons of running applications are), " Mouse is over a title bar", - the cursor is above the title of any window.. and stuff like that;
  • "The specified application window is focused", - that is, when any window you select is in focus, for example, the ICQ contact list. By selecting this function, a window like this will appear, where, using the sight, you point to the window when hovering over which the program will activate, enter the name, press OK and enjoy the result :-)
  • "No button/key is passed", - when nothing is pressed at all from the buttons, you can change the sound volume with the mouse wheel. When at least one button is pressed, then, of course, when using the wheel, the sound will not change.

This is just the beginning, yes. Therefore, we will simply move advanced management, or rather the remaining columns, into a separate subheading.

Volume with the mouse, Volumouse.. In short, the second part of the settings

In general, not everything is as complicated as it seems, and all this joy would be enough for 5 minutes or less. But what we have here is not just some YouTube video, but an article, so:

  • Second column("Component") allows you to select which component is changed using the selected hotkey. Here you can select a microphone and all sorts of other attributes plugged into your sound card so that the volume of the mouse does not go too far;
  • Third column(“Channels”) allows you to select the channel on which you want to change the sound volume. This could be the left or right speaker, subwoofer and other components of your acoustics;
  • Third column(“Steps”) sets the so-called number of steps, in other words, the sensitivity of the change. The larger the parameter, the greater the percentage the sound volume will change. Accordingly, the fewer steps, the less percentage changes per revolution of the wheel.

In simple terms, when this (last) parameter 3000 , then in one or two turns you can turn it off completely or turn it all the way up, and when this parameter, say, 100 , then you will have to make a dozen or two such revolutions, but the volume level can be set more accurately.

Separately about More and general options

Button " More.."allows you to set the size of the percentage slider that appears when changing the volume, its transparency and other small attributes. It is simply impossible to describe it for all cases - experiment with the volume with the mouse or read the documentation.

As for the checkmarks below:

  1. If installed, displays the program icon (where the clock is);
  2. Sets the option to load or not, Volumouse while loading Windows;
  3. Displays a window with settings when the program starts;
  4. Sets a high priority at startup (needed to eliminate problems such as the program’s slow response to clicks);
  5. Disables the program, or rather deactivates it until the checkbox is unchecked.

Everything seems to be fine with the settings, in theory I haven’t forgotten anything, but what I forgot, I think you’ll sort it out.

How to install a Russifier

Then go to the folder with the program, usually this is:

  • \Program Files (x86)\NirSoft\Volumouse
  • \Program Files\NirSoft\Volumouse

Well, of course, I welcome any opinions, additions, alternative solutions, etc.;)

Users don't realize how important the mouse wheel is until it becomes unusable. Meanwhile, it is the wheel that is responsible for scrolling pages, changing the scale in editors and browsers, opening a page in a new tab, as well as some gaming functions. What to do if the wheel doesn't work? Don't rush to change your mouse - try troubleshooting.

How to fix a mouse wheel

The key causes of problems with the wheel are malfunctioning software or mechanical damage to the mouse. If you detect a failure, first connect the accessory to another computer and check its functionality. If scrolling works, the reason is in the settings, and if not, the solutions vary for each specific case.

If pressing and scrolling up and down does not work

A mouse that does not respond to clicks or scroll the wheel must be disassembled to understand the cause of the failure. Procedure:

  1. Remove the protective pads at the bottom of the mouse and unscrew the bolts.
  2. Detach the bottom panel. You will see a board, and below it is a scroll mechanism.
  3. Lift the board after unscrewing the bolts.
  4. Take out the wheel and pay attention to the axle - most likely, it is broken off on one side.

If you find a broken axle, try to fix it using a paper clip:

  1. Unbend the paper clip, bend the wire in half and twist it into a bundle.
  2. Attach the part to the wheel, in the place where the axle was located, and cut it to size with pliers, adding 1-2 mm.
  3. Heat the desired part of the wire red-hot on a gas stove or using a piezo lighter and apply it to the fracture site of the axle.
  4. Once the material has melted, reassemble the wheel and check for scrolling and pressure.

Photo gallery: how to disassemble a mouse yourself

Step 1. Remove the base of the mouse Step 2. Remove the wheel Step 3. Replace the wheel axle Sometimes it is not the axle itself that breaks, but the tabs that hold it

If the mouse works and the wheel spins evenly without hitting anything, reassemble the case and check the functionality.

Sometimes the axle does not break off, but falls out. If you find a pin that has fallen out, replace it with a larger diameter axle.

Pages won't scroll

Check your software settings if the mouse does not scroll the page. For this:

  1. Open Start - Control Panel. Select "Hardware and Sound - Devices and Printers - Mouse".
  2. Open the Wheel tab and check the scroll values.
  3. Increase the values ​​if necessary and click OK.

Check the operation of the mouse - if the method does not help, reinstall the driver. Sequencing:

  1. Open Device Manager.
  2. Find Mice and Pointing Devices.
  3. Select the mouse you are using and double-click on its name.
  4. Open Driver and click Update.

If the update does not bring results, follow the same path and click “Uninstall”, and then reinstall the driver.

If the pages “jump”

In a situation where the wheel works, but when scrolling quickly the page turns jerkily and “jumps” up and down, the touch sensor is faulty. To fix it:

  1. Disassemble the mouse using the instructions above.
  2. Remove the protective cover from the scroll mechanism.
  3. The sensor is pressed to the wheel by four metal petals - carefully bend them one by one.
  4. Bend the protective part of the wheel, remove the clamping mechanism and wipe it and the inside of the device with a cotton swab dipped in alcohol.
  5. Place the clamping piece on the table and press on the middle with a screwdriver so that a dent remains. It will guarantee the correct operation of the part when scrolling.
  6. Place the mechanism in place, bend the protection and press the petals back tightly.
  7. Assemble the wheel, replace the board and the lower part of the case. Secure the parts with bolts.

Check the functionality of the mouse. If scrolling does not work, contact service or replace the mouse.

Video: Pages twitch when scrolling

The wheel does not spin and rattles

When the wheel does not scroll at all, or something rattles inside the mouse, look for a hardware failure. First of all, lubricate the mechanism. To do this, disassemble the accessory as described above and clean the sensor with alcohol. Prepare liquid silicone lubricant - for example, WD-40. Drop it inside, assemble the wheel and spin it two or three times. Check the operation - if lubrication does not help, replace the pressure petals. For this:

  1. Disassemble the mouse and remove the wheel.
  2. Break off the petals holding the protection.
  3. Use copper wire to make 4 brackets of the appropriate size.
  4. Solder the brackets in place of the petals and assemble the mouse.

By disassembling the mouse yourself, you automatically lose your right to warranty service.

Pressing the wheel doesn't work

If the mouse wheel scrolls pages, but the system does not respond to clicks, listen for clicks when clicked. If yes, check the program settings:

  1. Download an app to reassign hotkeys - Antsoft Key Manager or Oscar.
  2. Find out what function is assigned to the wheel click.

If the click function does not work only in the browser or game, you do not need to download additional applications - check the information in the program settings.

If the click is not heard, the problem is a hardware failure. Disassemble and repair the mouse or replace it with a new one.

Video: how to repair a wheel axle with your own hands

Conflict between Windows 10 and mouse drivers - how to fix it

In Windows 10, scrolling works in Explorer, browsers, editors and the standard environment, but in the Start menu and some pre-installed applications it does not. The reason is a conflict between the system and device drivers. If you encounter this problem, install Windows updates. For this:

  1. Open Update Center and click Check for Updates.
  2. When the system collects information, click “Install updates.”
  3. Wait for the process to complete and restart your computer.

The method may not help - in this case, do the same steps and roll back the update. If working with updates does not bring results, download mouse drivers from the official website. Try combinations:

  • system update + new driver;
  • system update + old driver
  • system without updates + new driver.

If the problem persists, contact Windows technical support.

Problems with the mouse caused by glitches in programs can be resolved independently. Hardware failures, including those related to the mouse wheel, should be fixed by yourself only in cases where you are technically savvy and are not afraid of losing the warranty on the gadget.

Today I will tell you how, in my opinion, it is most convenient to control the volume and not only that, on a computer running Windows.

It is very convenient to change the volume by holding the left mouse button and scrolling the mouse wheel. I've been using Volumouse to control volume for a long time. But now I decided to share it with the readers of my blog.

Volumouse program

First you need to download the program. You need to do this from the official website - download volumemouse.

Choose the option for your operating system. There you can download an archive with a crack. It will need to be unpacked and copied to the program folder.

In total, you can set 12 different rules in the program. They will determine how and when to use the mouse wheel to adjust volume.

Basic management rules

  1. “Use wheel when:” Defines the condition for the rule to work. For example, if the left mouse button is pressed.
  2. “Component:” Responsible for what we will control (speakers, headphones, microphone, etc.).
  3. “Channels:” By default, the “All Channels” mode is enabled. But you can enable control of individual channels.
  4. “Steps:” sets the step with which the volume will be adjusted in one movement. For example, if it costs 1000, the effect will be achieved more slowly; if you put 3000, it will be faster.

Additional rules

“Enable rule after” For example, you can specify that the rule starts working after 3 scrolls with the mouse. Left/Right Balance Controls the balance of the left and right channels.

Screen Indicator

If desired, you can adjust the volume level indicator. Set its size, transparency, horizontal or vertical position, etc.

Volume adjustment

We launch the program and the rule is Use the wheel when we press the arrow button. In the drop-down menu, select “Left mouse button pressed”

In the “Component” column, select “Speakers” (or the device for which you want to set adjustment settings)

Then select the desired channel (all by default)

In the column steps. Set the desired value, I set 3000 to adjust the volume and 1000 to adjust the screen brightness.

Adjusting screen brightness

With this program I control not only sound. Here you can adjust the screen brightness. Adjustable in the same way as volume. I made it so that by holding the alt key you can make the screen brighter or darker.

For greater clarity, I recorded a video, I also recommend watching it. How to control volume on a computer: