Real name of El from Death Note. L (Death Note) - L (Death Note). L, Al "Ryuga Hideki, Ryuzaki, Erald Coyle, Deneuve" Lolight

Levan Gorozia, better known as rapper L"One, is a talented musician from distant Yakutia, who managed to conquer the capital without money or connections and contribute to the domestic rap culture. From 2012 to 2019 he was an artist at the Black Star production center, and later decided to start a new one stage in his life and set off on his own voyage.

Childhood and adolescence

The future rapper was born on October 9, 1985 in Krasnoyarsk, in a friendly international family. His father is a purebred Georgian and runs a large forestry business. My mother is Russian by nationality and works as an accountant. The parents met while studying at Krasnoyarsk University and have been going through life hand in hand ever since. In 1985, their first child Levan was born, and five years later his younger brother Merabi was born.

When our hero was four years old, the family moved to polar Yakutsk, where he spent the conscious part of his childhood and adolescence. Parents raised their sons in strictness, trying to instill in them honesty, decency, a sense of responsibility and other qualities necessary for real men. The children spent almost every summer with their grandparents in Sukhumi, so they were well acquainted with national Georgian traditions.

L"One in childhood

At school, Levan was an exemplary student, getting A's and B's until the ninth grade. He grew up as an athletic boy, successfully passed all GTO standards, and participated in school and regional competitions. In the sixth grade, the young man became seriously interested in basketball, achieved excellent results over several years and even became captain of the youth team of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), where he played number 12. But a knee injury put an end to his professional career. The young man left sports and took up hip-hop.

L"One in his youth

The first interest in this fashionable youth trend appeared in adolescence, and in high school Levan already tried to record his own tracks, reading them into a tape recorder. He was inspired by the work of Public Enemy, Cypress Hill, Onyx and Tupac Shakur, and in sports, Michael Jordan was and remains his constant idol.

The beginning of a musical career

After graduating from school, the young man entered the philological faculty of the local university. There he became interested in KVN, but did not give up his music studies. At the same time, he worked part-time at a radio station, wrote scripts for corporate events, and hosted a show on a cable TV channel.

With the advent of the Internet, Levan’s musical activity reached a new level. Together with a friend Igor Pustelnik (rapper Nel), who had a computer at home, they recorded tracks using beats found on the Internet and mixed them using special programs. Over time, the guys came up with the idea of ​​​​creating their own group, Marselle, and in 2005 they even released their debut album. And since in Yakutsk there were not enough opportunities to develop in full force, it was decided to go to conquer Moscow.

L"One and Nel in their youth

Parents were not happy that Levan dropped out of university and was planning to move to the capital. The father dreamed that his son would have a higher education and a decent profession, and was skeptical about his passion for music. Therefore, the young man had to convince his parents that he was going to continue his education at the Faculty of Journalism.

In 2005, having moved to the capital, Levan actually entered the journalism department of the Humanitarian Institute of Television and Radio Broadcasting. True, he never received a diploma of higher education - after successfully passing the state exams, he took an academic leave from which he never returned (but now he conducts master classes for current students at the same university).

L"One in his youth

At first, Levan had a hard time in Moscow - together with Igor they rented a tiny one-room apartment in Odintsovo, there was a catastrophic lack of money. Their creative ideas required considerable financial investments, so the guys took on any job, even selling counterfeit goods. Levan wrote scripts for holidays, worked in a creative agency, hosted corporate events and club parties.

In his third year, he got a job at Radio Next, the only radio station in Moscow at that time that played rap. Taking advantage of his official position, he occasionally slipped his tracks to the music editor, but his superiors did not consider it necessary to put them on air and put them “on the table” until better times. But the persistent and purposeful Levan did not give up his attempts and managed to get his song “Moscow” on the air. Unexpectedly, this composition took a leading position in the radio station's charts and stayed at the top for thirty weeks. The A-One TV channel included “Moscow” in rotation, and the track took 6th place in the local hit parade.

Marcelle – Moscow

From that moment on, the popularity of the Marselle group began to rapidly gain momentum, the guys signed a contract with the German record label “Phlatline” and, under its auspices, took part in the collection “I am the Russian dream vol.1”, which included tracks by Basta, Karandash, and other young rappers .

Way to success

In 2008, Levan (aka rapper L "One), as a representative of the group Marselle, took part in the show “Battle for Respect” on the Muz-TV channel. Gorozia lost the battle to his competitor, rapper ST, but in the next fight his comrade Nel managed to snatch victory Thanks to this, the ranks of their fans increased significantly, and the group became widely known among fans of Russian rap.

L "One in “Battle for Respect” (2008)

In the same year, the group’s new album, “Mars”, was released, which included nineteen compositions, including the famous “Moscow”. Sasha Legend, Basta, ST, Teona Dolnikova, Dza-Dze and other performers took part in the work on the collection. The album was met with great interest, tours began throughout the country and neighboring countries, the group began to be invited to music festivals and fashionable rap parties.

In 2009, the guys delighted fans with the mixtape “Phlatline in da building,” thus celebrating the group’s fifth anniversary. In support of the album, a video was shot for the song “In Your House” and a tour was organized.

Marcelle ft. ST - In your home

Director Timur Bekmambetov gave the team an invaluable gift - in 2011, he made the song “Moscow” the soundtrack to his new film “Phantom”. Thanks to this, the group gained worldwide fame, and their tour map expanded significantly.

It would seem that the ambitious dreams of the musicians finally began to come true, all doors opened before them - live, create and rejoice, but at the end of the year the group members unexpectedly announced the end of their joint activities. Before this, Marcelle, rapper ST and DJ Booch for unknown reasons broke their contracts with the Phlatline label.

In 2012, L"One left the Phlathine label

The breakup of the group came as a complete surprise to their fans. The musicians explained the reason by a divergence of views on further creativity and began independent promotion in the music world. True, subsequently their paths crossed more than once - Igor repeatedly took part in the recording of L"One albums, and was also involved in producing many of its tracks.

L"One: about sports, music and changes in life

Black Star

In the spring of 2012, Levan Gorozia signed a contract with the young production center Timati Black Star and became a full member of the team, which was later joined by rapper Mot, Misha Marvin, Klava Koka, Yegor Creed and other talented Russian performers. In those days, Black Star was a convenient haven for musicians who had a lot of ideas in their heads, but did not have the money to implement them.

L"One and Timati

Having become an artist of the label, L "One released two new tracks, “Everything will be” and “Give me your word,” for which expensive videos were shot. In June, the rapper took part in the recording of the scandalous “LET’S DATE,” which made Timati and Philip Kirkorov for several years irreconcilable enemies.

The following year, the artist released a full-fledged solo album, “Sputnik,” which included fourteen new tracks. Timati and other label artists took part in its recording, and the song “Everyone is dancing with their elbows” became an all-Russian hit. A video clip was shot for it, which in record time collected more than ten million views on YouTube.

L"One - Everyone dances with their elbows

Another striking work was the composition written by Levan, Timati and Sergei Mazaev for the promotion of GQ magazine. In addition to its creators, the video for this song featured Fyodor Bondarchuk, Denis Matsuev, Garik Martirosyan, Alexander Revva and other domestic celebrities.

Gradually, from a simple guy from a nearby street, Gorozia turned into a successful artist with a multimillion-dollar army of fans and a stable financial income. At first, he was comfortable within the walls of the label - he recorded songs, filmed videos, and actively toured with colleagues from Black Star. The musician willingly collaborated with other artists, as evidenced by his bright duets with Varvara Vizbor, Elka, Monatic and Max Barskikh. He began to appear on television, gave an interview to Yuri Dudu, and visited the “Evening Urgant” program.

L"One and Yolka

In addition to his musical activities, Gorozia began to engage in other projects - he launched his own clothing line, made several films in which he acted as a director and actor. Soon he became uncomfortable within the framework of Black Star, which over time turned into a commercial empire with burger and barber shops, and the artist decided to leave the production center and go on a free run.

In 2019, Levan’s contract with Black Star expired, and the musician announced his resignation. For Timati this did not come as a surprise - conversations had taken place before, the main problem was copyrights to songs, videos and the use of a stage name. Levan was tired of constant touring, as well as the fact that he paid all the expenses (for the studio, musicians, recording, filming, etc.), and the label received the income.

Unfortunately, the musicians were unable to part amicably, and L"One was left with nothing - the production center reserved full right to dispose of his work and pseudonym.

Gorozia filed a lawsuit against Black Star and lost. The angry rapper filed a second lawsuit and expressed his attitude to what was happening in the track “Wind of Change,” where he calls Timati “a mountain sheep who ran away to a gold mine” and himself “an elbow dancer who doesn’t know how to read a contract correctly.” Timati left it to the lawyers to sort out this issue, especially since this is not the only such case in recent times. In 2019, Yegor Creed left the production center, and his departure was also accompanied by a scandal and mutual claims.

Levan shared his future plans in the “Evening Urgant” program, of which he became a guest in November 2019. He told the presenter that he plans to make a full-length film, open his own production center and, possibly, go into the restaurant business. Gorozia considers perseverance and hard work to be one of his most important qualities, thanks to which he always achieves what he wants.

Levan Gorozia – Wind of Change

Personal life of L'One

Levan met his future wife Anna Guseva while a student at the Moscow Institute of Television and Radio Broadcasting. He first saw the girl at a student party dedicated to the beginning of the school year, and immediately decided that she would become his soulmate.

He was not embarrassed that Anna was dating another guy, he quickly won her away from his rival and has not let her go anywhere since then. The lovers got married in 2012, and a year later the young couple had a son, Misha (09/25/2013).

L'One's son also plays basketball

The appearance of a child in the family radically changed Levan’s attitude towards life - if earlier he loved extreme entertainment and even flew into the stratosphere on a military fighter, now he has become much more careful and judicious.

L"One with his wife and children

On April 15, 2017, Anna gave her husband and son another gift - she gave birth to baby Sofiko. Levan’s happiness knew no bounds - he calls his daughter nothing more than a dandelion and can talk about her for hours.

You can see what an ideal father Gorozia is on the YouTube channel of Dmitry Shepelev, who launched a new project “Folders” in November 2019. L"One became the first guest and revealed a completely different side, little known to his fans.

L"One now

After leaving Black Star, Levan Gorozia is glad that he is now the master of his own time. He will no longer have to go on tour all year round, but will have time to be with his family and work on new material. He is experimenting with electronic music, but it is too early to talk about releasing a full-length album.

Levan is also interested in photography and is collecting material for a new photo exhibition (the first took place in 2017).

At the end of 2019, L’One renewed relations with the Marselle group and was going to give a big tour with old comrades.

Hip-hop and rap are probably the most popular styles of music among young people and teenagers. Currently, the young hip-hop artist Alexey Uzenyuk with the stage name Allj has become famous. Many people believe that it is impossible to become a real rap artist, you can only be born one.

Rap is a special language of lyrics, special poetry, music that is filled with a variety of rhythms and, of course, a special feeling of the world. All these features are fully manifested in the work of one of the youngest Russian hip-hop artists - Eldzhey. Allj is a popular rapper who is highly respected by young people. This article is devoted to his biography and work.

Biography of Eljay

Alexey was born in 1994 in Novosibirsk. From a very early age he had a penchant for music, the boy attended a music class and was engaged in creativity. After receiving secondary education, he entered medical college and began working at the same time, but the desire to be a musician wins out, and Aljay gives up everyday activities and devotes himself to musical and creative activities. This is how he becomes famous and popular. Alexey began creating his first rap compositions at the age of fifteen, and this is how Eldzhey’s creative biography began. Even then, he felt a craving for hip-hop style and rap music. Many fans are interested in: “How old is Eljay?” On July 9, 2017, he turned twenty-three years old.

Creative path

Alexey Uzenyuk - Eldzhey - started in 2010, when he recorded the first tracks and rapped in small clubs. In 2013, his first album entitled “Heads are Smoking” appeared. Allij (Eljay) gained particular popularity among young people - middle and high school students, students. Allj is one of the most unusual artists of modern hip-hop, a bright representative of the underground scene. In addition to recording singles, Eljay also organizes parties and various entertainment events. Parties and get-togethers are his strong point, where he expresses himself in full.

Early creativity

The journey of the hip-hop artist Eljay began with rap battles, creative competitions to determine who could best rap his single. Hip-hop battles were held in the city of Novosibirsk, and Alexey Uzenyuk had a chance to participate in one of them. Impressed by the event, he realized that he could rap better than the young people performing there. At thirteen years old, he even takes part in a large number of hip-hop battles, Allj (Eljay) wins many. In 2013, Allj released his first studio album together with the famous Russian rapper Mal.

The sound of the album is reminiscent of “lyrics from the entrance”, underground, that is, not at all the direction that Eljay is interested in now.

In 2014, Alexey Uzenyuk’s second album, entitled “Bosses are Smoking,” was released, which will occupy a special place in Eldzhey’s biography. The audience received this creation well; the sound was much better and the lyrics of the songs were more interesting. And the main song of this album by Eljay with the same name was heard from every car, for the sake of it they even installed special speakers to impress women. This was the rapper's first success, but far from his last.

In 2015, Allj recorded the album “Pushka”, held concerts, and toured the country with performances, thereby further increasing its audience of listeners.

In 2016, another successful solo album “Catacombs” was released, in which it is necessary to note the fairly popular track “Music”, which was recorded together with the hit artists Miyaji and Endgame. There is a strong sense of a completely new style of songs in it, a departure from the old direction of rap.

Popularity of Allj's creativity

A turning point in Eldzhey’s work occurred in the fall of 2016, it was then that the track “Disconnect” with the performer Kravets was released, which quickly became popular. The track took first place in all music charts and became a hit at all club parties. Eljay’s biography is filled with scandalous parties where he presented his new tracks to the public. Social networks have also added to the popularity of rapper Eljay.

Eljay’s album “Sayonara Boy” has a completely new sound and a new musical direction.

In 2017, Eljay released another solo album, Sayonara Boy. Thanks to him, a unique personal style is created, namely appearance, a large number of tattoos, and, of course, everyone’s recognizable glowing eyes.

Hit "Rose Wine"

The peak of popularity, in the opinion of many fans of his talent, is August 2017. It was then that a jointly recorded track with performer Feduk and Allj (Eldzhey) was released - “Pink Wine”, which became the main hip-hop hit of the summer of 2017. The song is dedicated to a guy’s love interest with a beautiful girl. The chorus is sung by singer Feduk, and Eldzhey raps in the verses. The song was popular with both boys and girls. Many listeners of the song noted the beautiful lyrics and excellent vocal abilities of Feduk.

What's wrong with Eljay's eyes?

Eljay is doing great with his eyes and vision, there are no diseases or abnormalities. And he wears white luminous lenses, like tattoos and provocative clothes, only to attract attention and create a unique image that will be remembered by listeners and people attending his concerts. Due to constant questions about his white lenses, he even has a track called "What's Wrong with My Eyes?" So, this is just a way to attract a mass audience and shock them.

Eljay's personal life

In an interview, Aljay stated that his parents are proud of the creative and commercial success of his compositions and public performances. It is known that Alexey Uzenyuk has a younger brother who also lives in Novosibirsk. At the moment, the rapper lives with his girlfriend and often posts photos of them together on social networks. Her name is From the photo you can see that the couple is happy. From her photos on social networks, you can understand that she is also a creative person. Alexey does not like to talk about his personal life and relationships with the opposite sex, which is why there is so little information about him on the Internet. From Eljay’s interview it is known that he values ​​fidelity between a man and a woman and does not accept betrayal.

List of Eljay's albums

Initially, Alexey simply posted his tracks on VKontakte, where he received the first comments from visitors to his page. Over time, having become popular and gained commercial success, he records official studio albums. Let's make a short sketch of his studio work.

  1. In 2013, Eljay recorded his first album with the performer Mal under the specific name “Gundezh”. The album enjoyed some success.
  2. In 2014, he published his second album, “Bosses Are Smoking,” and then Uzenyuk gained real popularity.
  3. In 2015, the album “Pushka” was recorded, which contains nine tracks. During this period, he begins to give his first performances in Russian cities.
  4. In December 2015, the next album “Catacombs” was created, and “Sayonara Boy” was also recorded.
  5. In 2016, Eljay recorded the album “Library”. And in mid-2016, he decided to stop using the standard rapper style and begins to make calm dance compositions using club sounds. His track “Rose Wine” speaks about this.

We hope that Eljay’s biography will be replenished with new popular songs and successful albums.

L (Death Note) - L (Death Note)

L (Death Note) - L (Death Note) Biography of an anime and manga character

L (Death Note) - L (Death Note) Character biography

L(Japanese: エル era) - one of the main characters in the manga, anime series and films "Death Note". Considered the best detective in the world. In the story, he confronts the serial killer Kira, who possesses this very notebook.

He solved many cases, but only took on those cases where more than a million dollars or the lives of 10 thousand people were at stake, and, of course, only those that interested him. In the anime, he is voiced by Kappei Yamaguchi (Japanese: 山口勝平 Yamaguchi Kappei). Actor - Kenichi Matsuyama (Japanese: 松山ケンイチ Matsuyama Kenichi).

He successfully hid his name, origin and face even from Interpol, but during the investigation of Kira’s case, he revealed his face to the most reliable police officers and two suspects. He communicated with everyone else by hiding his face behind the letter L, written in Old English Text MT font. The only confidant known to viewers at the beginning of the series is Watari. In addition to the pseudonym “L”, the character uses two more pseudonyms - “Erald Coyle” (Japanese: エラルド=コイル erarudo koiru) and "Deneuve" (Japanese: ドヌーヴ donwoo:woo), who are known as other outstanding detectives. In front of the investigation team and Light Yagami, he asks to call himself Ryuzaki (Japanese: 竜崎), according to him, for secrecy. His real name, according to the manga, is El Lolight (Japanese: エル・ローライト Eru ro:raito, L Lawliet)

    Please understand that L. Lawlight is one of the more difficult characters to follow because he is a problem solver and a good judge of judgment. This may seem almost impossible.

    Look the part. Most of the articles require the use of the same clothes, hair and in general everything that L. Lawlight wore in the series. This is not always possible. Some of us live where it is very cold and need to wear outerwear most of the time. While others live where it is very hot and wearing warm clothes can cause heatstroke.

    • Wear what you feel comfortable in. Whatever suits you. The clothes don't have to be exactly the same as L. Lawlight's, but it would be nice. It is advisable to wear a T-shirt and sweatpants or something that will blend in with your surroundings. To realistically resemble L. Lawlight, you need to blend in with the crowd. If it's something fashionable, wear something fashionable.
    • Choose a natural hair color. If you want to add color to your hair or change it up, choose black. In the anime, L. Lawlight's blue hair color contrasts with Light's red hair color, however, his hair is black and messy.
    • Don't do anything too strenuous to cause bags under your eyes. Get some sleep. You are not like L. Lowlight, you need to sleep to maintain your deduction skills.
  1. Be smart and gain new knowledge. Despite the fact that L. Lawlight has almost superhuman intellectual abilities, try to gain knowledge in many areas. The more you know, the smarter you will seem. Going to school is one way to appear smart, as well as becoming smart. At the very least, know the exact meaning of every word you say. In addition, correcting grammar and punctuation, as well as spelling, will not hurt at all. The easier it is for you, the smarter you will look.

    Do exercises to relieve tension. Dealing with typical L.Lawlight stress (when you carry too much weight on your shoulders (as in Kira's case)) causes wrinkles, pimples and other skin or body conditions. It's important to pay attention to things like this. You have to know when to slow down and just relax. L. Lowlight is never tense, so you shouldn't be either.

    Read a lot about L's area of ​​expertise. Lowlight. He is a forensic psychologist and a leading homicide investigator. To be like someone important to this world, you need to have basic knowledge in the areas relevant to that person. You can find many free online lessons on the basics of psychology. The things you can learn from the program are phenomenal. Plus, if you aspire to have a career like L.Lawlight's, you need to be the best in your studies. Basic knowledge of the law will also be helpful.

    Sit like L. Lowlight. He doesn't sit, but rather crouches. If you're uncomfortable, either shift your body weight to your butt instead of your legs, or find another weird way to sit. Just find your own comfortable way to sit.

    Imitate L's walk. Lawlight. When he walks, he slouches and leans heavily. You can achieve the same result by sitting in front of a computer all your life, or you can just pretend. It takes a lot of effort to remember to slouch all day. It will also take at least a whole month to train yourself to slouch permanently. The easiest and most beneficial way for your neck and back is to not do it at all, but to come up with another strange way of walking. L.Lowlide is individual. There is no one like him. Therefore, be yourself.

    Find something to work on. L. Lowlight is always informed about everything. You can create the same impression on others by being friends with everyone on social media. You can also subscribe to or receive email newsletters from any important website, such as a local news site, court records, or anything else worthy of L.Lawlight's knowledge. Try to check everything twice a day.

    Go to bed later than everyone else in your house and wake up earlier than everyone else. This will make it seem like you never slept. Investigators of the operational-tactical group said that they had never seen L. Lawlight sleeping. In some houses this is almost impossible, but still. Consider sleeping in a different time zone, one time zone away from the one you are in. Just like L. Lowlight, keep it a secret.

    Imitate your obsession with sweets. Have a sweet tooth if you like it. Eat sweets when everyone can see it. If you like to impress others, bring sugar cubes with you and eat them like candy. If you're doing this part, slow down a bit. If this type of behavior is negatively affecting your health or you don't like candy, find any other food you like and eat it all the time.

    Be open as a person. L. Lawlight speaks about someone from the point of view of his personal experience. His reasoning seems to serve to confirm the plausibility of his theories about someone's behavior, or better yet, an explanation. When Light was watching a porn magazine, L. Lowlight said that he only did strange things like this when he was young. Coming back to his words, he said that he was childish and he did not want to miss the opportunity. He was very open to everyone and talked about his experience as a warning to others.

    Improve your understanding of human emotions. Those. you have to look at the person who has the problem from their point of view. Try to understand how they feel without pouring out your emotional experiences on them. Emotionally, L. Lowlight is a very balanced and calm person. Over time, it will become easier and easier for you to react to events less emotionally.

    Practice facial expressions. Most often L. Lawlight has a bored face. He doesn't smile, he has big black eyes. Next time you watch an anime, watch his face. Take a mirror and try to copy his facial expressions, try not to look strange. L. Lowlight never looks good, but it's not like that, everyone has their moments of fame.

Al (eng. L) - known under the pseudonym L as the best private detective in the world (and under two more pseudonyms Erald Coil, Danuve - like other outstanding detectives). In front of the investigation team and Yagami, Light asks to call himself Ryuzaki, according to him, for conspiracy. But in fact, his name is Lauliet El. He solved many cases, but took on only those cases that interested him. He successfully hid his name, origin and face even from Interpol, but during the investigation of Kira’s case, he revealed his face to the most reliable police officers and two suspects. The only confidant known to viewers at the beginning of the series is Watari. He was brought up in Wammy House (an elite orphanage based on funds Watari earned thanks to L, who, while still a child, advised him to buy out shares in a company). He was a role model for many pupils of this orphanage. Since childhood, he was distinguished by his love for various kinds of puzzles, which is why he became a detective.

He has a number of interesting habits, in particular, he always sits with one leg (or both) crossed, does not sleep or sleeps when no one is looking, and in the same position as he sits, loves sweets, but despite this, he remains very thin. One of the most interesting habits is that he almost always chews his thumb. In one of the episodes he says to Misa: “If you think too much, you won’t get better from sweets.” Probably, the love for sweets is due to the fact that L grew up in an orphanage. Or the fact that glucose affects the improvement of brain function. Also distinguished by straightforwardness, dispassion, and excessive suspicion. He was brave because he was not afraid to show his face to the one whom he considered Kira from the very beginning. Despite his rather weak appearance, he has good physical characteristics, which is clearly shown during fights with Light. L himself said about himself that he is childish and does not like to lose, just like Kira. He also knows how to pilot a helicopter, but as L said, “It’s a hobby.”

From the very beginning, L is sure that Kira is Light. Throughout the entire plot he plays a double game with him, but as a result he realizes that he missed something and realizes that his death is inevitable. Before L's death in the anime, there is an episode where, after standing in the rain with Light, he then wipes his feet. At first Light resisted, and then said: “Do what you want!” According to one version of the interpretation, this was the last test of L, this incident proved to him that in front of him was really Kira (a true friend would not allow L to wipe his feet). However, this makes L very upset because he has actually started to consider Light and Misa to be his only friends. However, this episode is absent in the manga, and it can be considered nothing more than a trick by the producers. L died, suspecting Light and Misa, in the 25th episode of the series (in the 58th chapter of the manga) at the hands of Rem. L's successors are Mello and Near. In the film, L defeated Kira on his own, but at the cost of his own life. But even this outcome was foreseen: he sent all the data on Kira’s case to the orphanage where his successors were raised, who finished his work.