New measures to help defrauded shareholders. The State Duma discussed the possibility of developing a federal program for completing the construction of houses of defrauded shareholders. Far Eastern Federal District: Developers are not interested in Vladivostok

The problems of all-Russian deception can no longer be hidden. To continue to pretend that nothing is happening and to falsify the statistics of deceived citizens and long-term construction projects is to push the economically active part of the population towards a social explosion. We write thousands of appeals, go to pickets and rallies, organize hunger strikes, acting within the framework of the law. But the authorities continue to ignore us, people are dying without receiving housing,” she said. As Yuli Petrukhina said, according to statistics from the Ministry of Construction, shareholders invested 4.5 trillion rubles, which is a third of the country’s budget and more than 50% of housing is built with funds from citizens.

We paid for the right to have housing, but not to be robbed. Shared construction is 13 years old, and for 13 years the problem of defrauded shareholders has not been solved. The result of Federal Law No. 214 is that we were deceived and discarded as unnecessary ballast. Officials convinced us of the integrity of these developers, but now they brush them off like flies. When we contact law enforcement agencies, we receive answers that there is no misuse of funds until the bankruptcy procedure begins, when there is nothing left to take. Why are these officials still at large? Law 214 legitimized the irresponsibility of officials - it is unconstitutional in its essence, it deprives us of the right to housing,” said Yulia Petrukhina.

Then at the convention they made a small flashback - a video from 2011 was shown on the screen. On him Vladimir Putin says that there are more than 70 thousand defrauded shareholders in the country, whose “rights and interests were grossly violated.” Reports that by July 1, 2012, the problems of the overwhelming number of shareholders must be resolved.

What is the year now? 2018? As the heroine of the film “Love and Doves” said, they must have arrived.

6 years have passed and the situation has only gotten worse. The State Duma website lists more than 2.5 million defrauded shareholders across the country. The share construction bubble has burst. The problematic status of an object is determined by municipalities, which, in order not to spoil the statistics, refuse to recognize them as problematic. At the federal level, the picture is distorted, says Yulia Petrukhina.

The resolution of the II All-Russian Congress of defrauded equity holders and shareholders notes that as of January 1, 2013, there were 870 problem objects and about 86 thousand (according to expert estimates - up to 120 thousand) affected shareholders in Russia. By 2017, the situation had deteriorated catastrophically - there were more than 900 unfinished construction projects, and, as was said, more than 2.5 million shareholders.

Participants of the congress note that the road maps drawn up in accordance with the presidential instructions of 2016 and 2017 and government decree No. 1063 turned out to be an ineffective tool. Firstly, they were developed only on the basis of officially recognized long-term construction projects; secondly, they do not contain financial measures, do not provide guarantees for completion, and in addition, the responsibility of executive authorities for decisions taken is not provided for. That is, it is difficult to arrive somewhere along this road map.

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Vladimir Novikov, "Evening Moscow"

Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin spoke about the current situation and new steps of the Moscow government to solve the problem of defrauded shareholders. Information about this appeared on the personal website of the Moscow mayor, as well as on his official microblog in Twitter.

Almost every post of mine contains appeals from defrauded investors. Legally, the city is not responsible for dishonest developers. But we understand: this is a cry from people for help. I tried to briefly and clearly describe our actions to solve the problem,” the publication says.

Thanks to the assistance of the city authorities, since 2011, over 11 thousand defrauded shareholders have already received their apartments. It was extremely difficult to do this, the Moscow mayor emphasized.

At the moment, there are at least 30 problem objects in the capital, which are divided into 4 groups: objects for which decisions have been made, objects under construction, problem objects, and a special situation.


Solutions to restore the rights of affected citizens are being implemented at 8 addresses.

List of these objects:

Rublevskoe highway, house 18, building 3
- Polyarnaya Street, building 34, building 3
- Volgogradsky Avenue, property 143–145
- Dmitrievskogo Street, building 9
- District South Tushino, microdistrict 11
- People's Militia Street, property 33
- General Glagolev Street, property 17–19
- Menzhinsky Street, building 19, building 1 and building 20, building 1


There are 14 of these objects in total. In cases where the previous investors were unable to continue to implement the project, the city found a replacement for them in the person of new developers. Construction work has already resumed at half the addresses.

For the remaining seven facilities, the dates for the resumption and completion of construction have been determined.

The task of the Moscow government is to interact with new developers and monitor their fulfillment of obligations. It is important to ensure that all deceived citizens receive their apartments, noted Sergei Sobyanin.

Objects in construction:

Mytnaya Street, property 40–44
- Nagatino-Sadovniki, microdistrict 1, building 29b
- Troitsk, Tekstilshchikov street, property E-42
- New Cheryomushki, block 10c, building 8
- Settlement Pervomaiskoye, near the village of Ivanovskoye
- Settlement Filimonkovskoe, village Maryino
- Settlement Filimonkovskoye, OJSC “Maryinskaya Poultry Farm”, site No. XV-1

It is planned to complete:

Bochkova street, property 11a
- Settlement Voskresenskoye
- Balaklava Avenue, building 2abv
- Kashirskoe highway, property 74 building 1 buildings 2, 3, 4, 5
- Kastanaevskaya Street, property 68
- 3rd Cherepkovskaya Street, property 15a
- Zelenograd, microdistrict 9, bldg. 901a

For objective reasons, it is impossible to attract new investors to work on these objects, since this process will take many years

PHOTO: Personal website of Sergei Sobyanin


This list includes 10 housing complexes.

Based on the results of the analysis of the situation with each of the objects, it was decided to continue the search for new investor-developers at 7 out of 10 addresses. Experts say that solving this problem is possible, although not easy.

Novogireevskaya street, property 5 (residential complex "Terletsky Park"). Construction readiness: 20 percent;
- Malygina Street, property 12. Construction readiness: 80 percent;
- Kokoshkino settlement, Truda Street, position No. 8 according to the General Plan. Construction readiness: 40 percent;
- 6th Radialnaya Street, property 7 (residential complex “Tsaritsyno”). Construction readiness: 30 percent;
- Shcherbinka, Mostotrest street, property 7; st. Lublinskaya. Construction readiness: construction and installation works have not started;
- Mikhailovo-Yartsevskoe settlement, Shishkin Les village. Construction readiness: 40 percent;
- Troitsk, Tekstilshchikov street, property E-39. Construction readiness: 30 percent;
- Marushkinskoye village, houses 1,2,3,4. Construction readiness: 50 percent;
- Vernadsky Avenue, property 78 (residential complex "Academ Palace"). Construction readiness: 50 percent;
- Shcherbinka, Ovrazhnaya street, possessions 3, 8. Construction readiness: 60 percent.

After analyzing the situation of each object, it was decided to continue the search for new investor-developers at 7 out of 10 addresses

PHOTO: Personal website of Sergei Sobyanin


This item includes objects that are in the most difficult situation, namely the Tsaritsyno residential complex, Academ Palace and Terletsky Park.

For objective reasons, it is impossible to attract new investors to work on these objects, since this process will take many years.

For example, in the Tsaritsyno residential complex, the former investor refuses any forms of constructive cooperation with the Moscow Government. The new investor, Promsvyazbank, which seemed to promise to take on the problems of the long-suffering residential complex, is now solving its own problems. Each of these residential complexes has a long trail of criminal cases, blatant abuses and management errors have been identified,” said Sergei Sobyanin.

To help defrauded shareholders, it was decided to take advantage of recent amendments to the legislation on shared construction and bankruptcy.

We agreed with the Russian Ministry of Construction that, as part of the bankruptcy procedure for unscrupulous investors, these residential complexes will be transferred to a city organization, which will become the new developer, noted the head of the city of Moscow.

In fact, the city will take responsibility for the completion of the facilities and will guarantee that the affected people will receive their apartments.

The decision is not easy, literally unprecedented, but I don’t see any other way out of the current situation,” Sergei Sobyanin emphasized.

Last November, I wrote in a blog about our work to solve the problem of defrauded shareholders. Once again about the current situation and new steps of the Moscow Government.

Since 2011, thanks to the assistance of the city authorities, over 11 thousand defrauded shareholders have received their apartments. Believe me, this was extremely difficult to do.

At the same time, today in Moscow there are more than 30 problem objects that can be divided into several groups.

  1. Objects for which decisions were made

At eight addresses, decisions have been made and are being implemented to restore the rights of affected citizens.

List of these objects:

  1. Objects under construction

There are 14 objects in total. Where previous investors were unable to continue with the project, the city attracted new developers.

Construction work has now resumed at seven addresses.

For seven more facilities, planned dates for the resumption and completion of construction have been determined.

The task of the Moscow Government is to interact with new developers, monitor the fulfillment of obligations, and ensure that in the end all affected citizens receive their apartments.

List of objects that are planned to be completed:

Mytnaya Street, property 40–44

Objects in construction

Nagatino-Sadovniki, microdistrict 1, building 29b

Troitsk, Tekstilshchikov street, property E-42

Novye Cheryomushki, block 10c, building 8

Settlement Pervomaiskoye, near the village of Ivanovskoye

Settlement Filimonkovskoe, village Maryino

Settlement Filimonkovskoe, OJSC "Maryinskaya Poultry Farm", site No. XV-1

Bochkova street, property 11a

It is planned to complete it.

Settlement Voskresenskoye

Balaklava Avenue, building 2abv

Kashirskoe highway, possession 74 building 1 buildings 2, 3, 4, 5

Kastanaevskaya street, property 68

3rd Cherepkovskaya street, property 15a

Zelenograd, microdistrict 9, bldg. 901a

  1. Problem objects

A total of 10 housing complexes:

Construction readiness

Novogireevskaya street, property 5 (residential complex "Terletsky Park")

20 per cent

Malygina street, property 12

80 percent

Settlement Kokoshkino, Truda Street, position No. 8 according to the General Plan

40 percent

6th Radialnaya Street, property 7 (residential complex “Tsaritsyno”)

30 percent

Shcherbinka, Mostotrest street, property 7; st. Lublinskaya

Construction and installation works have not started

Mikhailovo-Yartsevskoe settlement, Shishkin Les village

40 percent

Troitsk, Tekstilshchikov street, property E-39

30 percent

Village Marushkinskoye, houses 1,2,3,4

50 percent

Vernadsky Avenue, property 78 (residential complex "Academ Palace")

50 percent

Shcherbinka, Ovrazhnaya street, possessions 3, 8

60 percent

An analysis of the situation at each of these facilities was carried out. Based on the results, it was decided to continue the search for new investor-developers at seven out of ten addresses. According to experts, solving this problem will not be easy, but it is possible.

Special situation

The defrauded shareholders of the Tsaritsyno, Academ Palace and Terletsky Park residential complexes are in the most difficult situation.

For these objects, attracting new investors is objectively impossible, or the search process will take many years.

For example, in the Tsaritsyno residential complex, the former investor refuses any forms of constructive cooperation with the Moscow Government. The new investor, Promsvyazbank, which seemed to promise to take on the problems of the long-suffering residential complex, is now solving its own problems.

Each of these residential complexes has a long trail of criminal cases, blatant abuses and management errors have been revealed.

To help the defrauded shareholders of the Tsaritsyno, Academ Palace and Terletsky Park residential complexes, they decided to take advantage of recent amendments to the legislation on shared construction and bankruptcy.

We agreed with the Russian Ministry of Construction that, as part of the bankruptcy procedure for unscrupulous investors, these residential complexes will be transferred to a city organization, which will become the new developer. In fact, the city will act as a guarantor and take responsibility for completion. The affected citizens will receive their apartments.

Of course, the bankruptcy procedure is not a quick process, but it is not endless either.

The decision is not easy, literally unprecedented, but I don’t see any other way out of the current situation.

Today, January 13, 2018, shareholders in Moscow and the Moscow region held a mass appeal to the Moscow Government and the Presidential Administration. From 10 o'clock in the morning, shareholders gathered near the reception of the City Hall to make an appointment. But despite the fact that this Saturday was declared a reception day, the reception was canceled and the doors were closed to shareholders. It was suggested that appeals be placed in the box, which was overflowing. Outraged citizens turned around and headed to the reception area of ​​the Presidential Administration. While the shareholders were on their way, the AP had already received a message about this and the Administration employees closed the doors, limiting the entry of people to two people and opened an additional window on the street to receive letters. Very touching concern. As a result, people were freezing outside in the cold.
Shareholders of the Tsaritsyno residential complex have been hopelessly waiting for their apartments for several years. Every year, from television screens and the pages of various publications, officials assure that the residential complex will be built. But the sight of a collapsing construction site continues to frighten even the crows with despondency. Currently, the overdue period for equity participation agreements is about 5 years.
Exhausted by waiting, people are forced to resort to various street actions to attract the attention of officials: starting from mass appeals to various authorities, pickets, flash mobs, settlements, hanging banners, hunger strikes. But while all this has attracted the attention only of law enforcement agencies, the police have been appearing at the site of the proposed action for a long time. The shareholders have not yet received any help other than threats from the police.
Thanks to the protest movement of shareholders, officials woke up from their slumber and began to come up with amendments to laws and new bills, each worse than the other. Concerned about the requirement to establish criminal liability for an official whose negligence deceived people at a facility under his control, officials decided to turn the tables on developers and make their lives extremely difficult. But of course, everything here is also very well thought out. Shareholders can point to the developer, they say he alone is to blame for everything, he’s sitting in prison, you yourself wanted this. Developers can also clarify the tightening of requirements and extortions every year, more and more - it’s all of them, the shareholders are to blame, they demand blood. At the same time, the small developer will leave the market, will not be able to withstand the load, and the large one will again become even larger, despite his time in a five-star luxury prison.
Among all the noise, the insurance companies Baltstrakhovanie and Rinko somehow hid unnoticed, whose services were imposed on shareholders in recent years as a lifeline. But in fact, insurance companies not only did not pay out insurance policies, but also provided reliable protection for the shareholder from any assistance from the state; Order 560 of the Ministry of Construction clearly states that if you have insurance, you are not a defrauded shareholder. It doesn’t matter that, firstly, it ended on the day the delay in the DDU began, secondly, it was not paid at all, and thirdly, the insurance company generally pretended to go bankrupt. Not everyone will be deceived.
The overwhelming burden of a mortgage for an empty place and renting a house at the same time as the birth of a child bears very little resemblance to helping a young family and the state’s interest in increasing the birth rate. One of the shareholders openly reported his readiness to commit suicide due to unbearable living conditions.
Shareholders of the Tsaritsyno residential complex demand that the officials responsible for the deception of thousands of people be held accountable. With the help of the federal construction financing program, the authorities will have the only chance to rehabilitate themselves in the eyes of thousands of their own citizens. You won’t have to look for who is to blame, you just need to decide what to do.

Photos from the event at the Moscow Government and the Presidential Administration


on the issue of NOT fulfilling the instructions of the President of the Russian Federation

to protect the rights of citizens - participants in shared construction

Participants in the construction of apartment buildings in Moscow EXPRESS DISCONFIDENCE Deputy Mayor of Moscow in the Moscow Government on issues of urban planning policy and construction Khusnullin Marat Shakirzyanovich and the Chairman of the Moscow City Committee for ensuring the implementation of investment projects in construction and control in the field of shared-equity construction Timofeev Konstantin Petrovich .

Khusnullin M. Sh. and Timofeev K. P. neglect the responsibilities assigned to them by the Mayor of Moscow S. S. Sobyanin to develop and implement schedule plans (“road maps”), providing for the implementation of legislative, organizational and financial measures for protection of injured citizens included in the register of citizens whose funds were raised for the construction of apartment buildings and whose rights were violated, and containing mechanisms for solving the problems of these citizens, in accordance with instructions of the President of the Russian Federation No. 1520 of August 3, 2016.

Khusnullin M. Sh. and Timofeev K. P. took a formal approach to the implementation of this instruction; the mechanisms presented in the “road maps” do not solve the problems of participants in the construction of apartment buildings, will not lead to the completion of the construction of facilities, and the receipt of paid housing by citizens.

“Road maps” are constantly being rewritten, the deadlines specified in the plans are not observed, they include mechanisms that cannot be implemented, which indicates incompetence of employees The Moscow City Committee for ensuring the implementation of investment projects in construction and control in the field of shared-equity construction, which draw up schedules.

When making changes to schedules, mechanisms are prescribed that were initially tried to be avoided, which infringe on the rights of a large number of citizens, participants in shared construction and delay the implementation of projects indefinitely, in particular, the bankruptcy of developers.

The negligence of officials is due to the absence of any responsibility for failure to comply with the instructions of the President of the Russian Federation No. 1520 of August 3, 2016; no one is responsible for failure to meet the deadlines for the commissioning of unfinished construction of apartment buildings.

Ignoring by Khusnullin M. Sh. and Timofeev K. P. of fulfilling the instructions of the President No. 1520 of August 3, 2016 leads to an increase in social tension, distrust of the Mayor of Moscow Sobyanin S. S., and a decrease in the rating as the main candidate for the post of Mayor of Moscow. This is completely unacceptable in light of the upcoming elections for the Mayor of Moscow in September 2018.

In connection with the above, we require:

  1. To remove from their positions the Deputy Mayor of Moscow in the Moscow Government on issues of urban planning policy and construction, Marat Shakirzyanovich Khusnullin and the Chairman of the Moscow City Committee for ensuring the implementation of investment projects in construction and control in the field of shared construction, Konstantin Petrovich Timofeev.
  2. Take under personal control the implementation of instructions of the President of the Russian Federation No. 1520 dated August 3, 2016 on the development and implementation of schedules (“road maps”) providing for the implementation of legislative, organizational and financial measures to protect injured citizens included in the register of citizens whose money funds were raised for the construction of an apartment building and whose rights were violated, and containing mechanisms for solving the problems of these citizens.

Applications on _____ sheets.

_______________________________ / _______________________________

The state has been helping defrauded shareholders for at least the last ten years. And judging by the fact that the robbed people still want what they want, and in the end they get what the legislator offers and, at the same time, continue to hope that the authorities will solve their problems, the government is successfully coping with its task. There is stability and order in the country.

Russian citizens, after 70 years of totalitarianism, under which their rights were terribly limited by the Soviet state, finally received freedom and began to live in a rule of law state. And this is actually true. Russians began to have many different rights, because in a democratic state everyone is free. Everyone is free - both the people and the government, which freely promises everything the people want and is not responsible for its promises. All this is done for the benefit of the entire people. Although for some reason people don’t like this kind of concern. People do not understand that now only those who can ensure their rights without restrictions can afford to have everything at once.

And in order to leave the rest the right to fulfill their desires only in a bright future, the main task of the authorities becomes the creation of conditions that do not allow every citizen of a legal state to exercise their rights freely here and now. An equally important task facing the authorities is to prevent social tension, which necessarily arises when the rights of a free person are infringed. This task is extremely difficult, but as practice shows, it is doable. To do this, it is necessary to maintain the confidence of the average person that the state is tirelessly taking care of him. But it doesn’t have time to give everyone everything they rightfully want, so the free citizen has to wait for it. And in order for such concern to be realized as quickly as possible, it is necessary to reach out to the authorities by any means offered by the same state.

Through the efforts of the authorities, the majority of defrauded shareholders continue to live in such an illusion. In reality to Both the federal and regional authorities do not consider defrauded shareholders to be defrauded at all. After all, no one will believe that the opinion of officials appointed by the federal center may contradict the opinion of their superiors, and a subordinate will defend his opinion, contrary to the will of his superiors. The state passes laws, and subordinates carry them out, that is, they express the will of the state. For this purpose, the Federal Law No. 214 was invented. And if everything is done according to the law, then, in the opinion of the state, the shareholder who is left with nothing is not considered defrauded. Those who are deceived think differently. It's their right. Nobody forbids you to have your own opinion. After all, we have a rule of law state...

Some of the deceived shareholders manage to break out of the captivity of their own illusions. It is then that we can observe that shareholders, placed on equal terms with the rest of the defrauded, seek to receive the apartments promised to them, without any additional conditions from the developer or local administration. It cannot be said that something has changed around them, but a certain reassessment of their own experience has occurred. This is normal for those who managed to act continuously and long enough to see what the results of certain actions led to. For those who have enough courage to look at themselves and their past impartially. This is normal for smart people. If you did everything correctly, the overestimation will be minimal and the lost time will not be critical.

There are such examples, but no one really thinks about why they happen. It is not typical for our citizens, as well as not ours, to delve into details. Well, they achieved it and achieved it, they were lucky, they finished shouting, finished writing, complained, heard their authorities and felt sorry for the unfortunate people. It's simple. We do the same thing and we should be lucky. Why are we worse? So they continue to walk year after year in the same circle created for them by the puppeteers. They continue to walk until they completely lose faith in everything and completely give up. After all, they created all the conditions for deceived people to fight as if against a concrete wall.

Until people were able to overcome their fear - EVERYTHING'S UNDER CONTROL. The sad and hopeless action continues, which for some reason the deceived people call the fight for their apartments. It is not surprising that such victims continue to wait decades for help. They still couldn't understand that their main problem is that they only think they are doing the same thing. The shareholders expecting help from the authorities will never understand that there will never be any help, and those who have achieved their apartments or are just really moving towards this goal have done the most important thing for their victory. They realized that there would be no help FROM THE STATE and stopped waiting for it. Agreeing to destroy the illusion is always the most difficult thing. If you were able to do this, then further actions are a matter of time, not difficulties. They are done deliberately, and the difficulties that arise are much easier to overcome.

Deceived shareholders constantly complain that Law 214-FZ does not work. In reality, the law works, but not for them. And they convinced shareholders of the opposite solely to encourage potential buyers to take risks and give their money for a promise, and not for real apartments. After all, for the majority of completely sane and adult people, it is preferable to have a bird in the hand than a pie in the sky. The state needed to break this belief, which effective managers, judging by what was happening, successfully demonstrated to everyone.

From popular experience it is known that the law is like a drawbar, where you turn, that’s where it goes. FZ-214 is a clear confirmation of this. The law provided for the state to evade responsibility by shifting it onto the shoulders of the defrauded shareholders themselves. Therefore, the authorities are making every effort to force robbed and homeless people to agree to this. Like, you see that we came up with a law for you, which is supposed to protect you, but you are such “fluffy suckers” that even the law did not help you. The state shrugs, as if we did everything we could for the people. What is the demand from us? You were robbed in full accordance with the law.

Therefore, the authorities have provided three options for shareholders. The state does not care whether these options suit the defrauded shareholders or not. The task of the authorities is to force the unsuccessful new settler, outraged by the proposed proposal, to agree with one of the proposed options. The most worthy, because it is beneficial for local officials - this is the first way to solve the problem from such an unpleasant choice for shareholders.

It is precisely this method of solving the problem that officials insist on in most cases. This option implies a lot of goodies for “those who are in trouble.” As a consequence, an increase in problems for those who pay - defrauded shareholders who became voluntary shareholders. But this is the topic of a separate article, so we will not dwell on it in detail here.

We mean Housing cooperative, the abbreviation of which the people called in their own way, succinctly and precisely: "Live as best you can".

1 .Creation of a housing cooperative (Housing and Construction Cooperative). It must be formed by the citizens themselves, and this can only be initiated by the bankruptcy trustee of a bankrupt developer. In the future, shareholders who have become shareholders of this cooperative, in the opinion of the state, must act as an investor to finance the further completion of the facility.
2. Sale of collateral. It only applies if the property is encumbered. But in this case, 60% of the proceeds will be used to pay off the claims of creditors under the obligation secured by the pledge. And only 25% of the funds are used to pay off the claims of shareholders. True, the same 25% is ideal.
3 .Transfer of property and obligations of the developer. This norm, according to many experts, is currently unworkable and “dead” due to lack of economic feasibility. Attracting another investor for completion is profitable only when benefits can be derived from it. But most apartments in problem buildings are usually sold out, leaving the new company with only construction costs. In a falling market, even such a theoretical possibility can be considered purely as fantasy. Therefore, even if the so-called “investor” appears, then he most often uses the site for his own commercial interests, then successfully bankrupts the company. There is also a second option, when the site is being completed under a new name, and the defrauded investors are left with nothing.

According to the authorities, the defrauded shareholder must meekly agree with one of the options proposed by the legislator and forget about any claims to the state. Moreover, the state and those gentlemen whose interests the government protects have already received everything from the shareholder. And the fact that he was left with nothing is his problem. Do not return to him, in fact, what was taken from him. Let him, in general, be glad that he was finally not allowed around the world. Let him sit on his butt, in the kitchen of a rented apartment, and let off steam on social networks. Let him hope for the bright future that state representatives regularly promise. Let them write letters, after all, this is why there are regulatory bodies that distract citizens from unnecessary activity. Let him walk in circles and receive replies until he gets tired and is disappointed in everything. There are deputies, there is an administration, and in the end, a court. Let him retire from the race, making room for the new deceived ones to run around the bureaucratic offices. Let those who can survive as best they can. For those whose life will improve over time, the state will come up with something else. For the peace of the state, the main thing is that the defrauded shareholder does not take to the streets demanding justice.

Defrauded shareholders, of course, have rights, but the state does not give them the opportunity to exercise these rights. Or do we not live in a rule of law state? In fact. In a democratic state, the main principle of existence is the privatization of income and the nationalization of expenses. Therefore, our people are protected by law and only very few are not protected... And they, that is, the state, have new tasks and new “furry suckers” ahead. Those who still have something to lure out. THE PROBLEM FOR THE STATE IS ONLY, that the deceived themselves do not think so and do not want, (who are not grateful, how much they were promised, how much they were told and told, wait and... wait, a wizard will appear on a “blue helicopter” and provide you with a bright future...). However, the disadvantaged do not want to agree with the opinions of government officials, and their number is constantly growing, as is social tension.

But the state does not despair and works hard with the incomprehensible population. The number of all kinds of all-Russian congresses held by various political interests is growing. B The majority of shareholders still continue to turn to officials for help, ask for attention, write complaints, sign petitions, and wait for government officials at rallies. In general, they do everything to ensure that the authorities are confident that the state has everything under control. Therefore, there is no reason to twitch and worry, and even more so to solve the problem as the deceived people ask and want.

There are, of course, those whose problem will have to be solved, but their quality has not yet grown into a quantity that worries the state. Life, as we know, is far from ideal, but the authorities have the strength, desire, and ability to become closer to the ideal. In a rule-of-law state, stability is maintained only when it acts, and does not wait for a bright future, like the majority of its citizens. This is probably why sections of the population unprotected by law already have everything in the present. Unlike the majority of defrauded shareholders, the realization of their rights was promised by the state only in a bright future.

Author: Sergey Popov, Maxim Rodionov, Vladimir Smirnov, especially for “Strength in Movement”