Presentation on the topic of Internet security. Presentation on the topic "Internet safety." Organizing time. Formulation of the problem

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The presentation on the topic “Internet Safety” (grade 10) can be downloaded absolutely free of charge on our website. Project subject: Computer science. Colorful slides and illustrations will help you engage your classmates or audience. To view the content, use the player, or if you want to download the report, click on the corresponding text under the player. The presentation contains 10 slide(s).

Presentation slides

Slide 2

Internet security is a very important issue of our time. And it concerns everyone, from children to pensioners. It is becoming more and more relevant due to the massive arrival on the Internet of users who are almost, if not completely, unprepared for the threats that await them. After all, it is not just one user who suffers, but many others, united in one global structure

Slide 3

The number of Internet users in Russia is growing rapidly, but is the level of knowledge on how to counter cyber threats increasing? Especially considering that today you can lose much more as a result of hacking your account than at the dawn of RuNet? Many experts believe that a huge number of users still neglect basic rules, essentially nullifying with their carelessness all the efforts made by online services to improve security.

Slide 4

Dangers that await us on the Internet In short, there are two main ways in which your computer can become a victim. First, you yourself, by wandering around various sites or installing software from unverified sources, and sometimes from verified ones, infect your computer. Secondly, it is also possible that attackers deliberately, using, for example, Trojan programs or viruses, make your device a source of danger.

Slide 5

Viruses - computer viruses, network and email worms can spread independently. For example, if you receive a suspicious email with an attachment, there is a very high probability that it contains a computer virus that can infect some files on your computer, corrupt or steal some data. Trojan horses do not spread on their own, although they can be spread by computer viruses. Their main goals are to steal and destroy.

Slide 6

In order to hack a PC’s protection, even if it exists, hackers use a number of methods, and users are wrong to think that by simply installing an antivirus, they are freed from the danger of, for example, picking up a malicious program. Therefore, before looking for information on how to properly maintain security on the Internet, you need to understand where viruses and Trojans come from.

Slide 7

Now, some information on how to ensure safe work on the Internet.

Delete all emails with suspicious content immediately, and do not even try to open files from unknown sources. Ignore all offers of easy money, do not send your passwords to anyone, and do not follow suspicious links. Use only strong passwords consisting of a complex set of numbers, letters and symbols. For each case, assign your own, original one.

Slide 8

Children and the Internet

There is a lot of information in it that children should not have access to. In addition, they need to be taught how not to “catch” viruses and Trojans. Who will help them with this if not adults. In addition, information security on the Internet is very important, since children are completely inexperienced users. They can easily fall for the bait of an experienced fraudster or attacker.

Tips for making a good presentation or project report

  1. Try to involve the audience in the story, set up interaction with the audience using leading questions, a game part, do not be afraid to joke and smile sincerely (where appropriate).
  2. Try to explain the slide in your own words, add additional interesting facts, you don’t need to just read the information from the slides, the audience can read it themselves.
  3. There is no need to overload the slides of your project with text blocks; more illustrations and a minimum of text will better convey information and attract attention. The slide should contain only key information; the rest is best told to the audience orally.
  4. The text must be well readable, otherwise the audience will not be able to see the information being presented, will be greatly distracted from the story, trying to at least make out something, or will completely lose all interest. To do this, you need to choose the right font, taking into account where and how the presentation will be broadcast, and also choose the right combination of background and text.
  5. It is important to rehearse your report, think about how you will greet the audience, what you will say first, and how you will end the presentation. All comes with experience.
  6. Choose the right outfit, because... The speaker's clothing also plays a big role in the perception of his speech.
  7. Try to speak confidently, smoothly and coherently.
  8. Try to enjoy the performance, then you will be more at ease and less nervous.

Slide 1

You need to follow basic rules when surfing the Internet, just like you follow the rules of the road when driving.
The Internet is a public resource.

Slide 2

in the Internet

Slide 3

The Internet is a worldwide system of interconnected computer networks for storing and transmitting information. Often referred to as the World Wide Web and the World Wide Web, as well as simply the Internet, the World Wide Web (WWW) and many other data transmission systems operate.

Slide 5

Mass media, incl. Internet
System of social and educational work
Personal communication
Any of these means can be used for the benefit or harm of the individual!

Slide 6

Internet in education
Modern network tools allow you not only to “stay in contact,” but also to study together, learn new things, and create original information products. The computer in our time has become both a “friend” and a “helper”, and even a “educator”, “teacher”.

Slide 7

The average daily audience of the Russian Internet (Runet) reached 52.2 million people, which is 45% of the population.
The average age for starting independent work on the Internet is 10 years, and today there is a tendency to reduce the age to 9 years;
30% of minors spend more than 3 hours a day on the Internet (the norm is 2 hours a week!)
Daily children's audience of Runet: 13-16 years old; children’s most “favorite” resources are social networks (78%); They spend up to 60 minutes a day.
reference Information

Slide 8

Children of this age love to surf the Internet and play online games. They may use email and may also access websites and chat rooms.
What do 7-8 year olds do on the Internet?

Slide 9

Child in the information society
Children this age use the Internet to develop school projects. They also download music, use email, play games, and visit fan sites for their idols. Their favorite way to communicate is instant messaging.
What do 9-12 year olds do on the Internet?

Slide 10

Child in the information society
They download music, use email, instant messaging and play games. In addition, teenagers actively use search engines. At this age, the Internet becomes part of the social life of children: they meet and spend time on the Internet, look for information related to their studies or hobbies. At this age, children typically go through a period of low self-esteem, seek support from friends, and are reluctant to listen to their parents.
What are teenagers doing on the Internet?

Slide 11

Information security issues
Security – the absence of threats, or the state of being protected from threats. Information – information or messages.
Basic Concepts
A threat to information security is a set of conditions and factors that create a danger to the vital interests of the individual, society and the state in the information sphere.

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Be careful!
The Internet can be dangerous!

Slide 13

Impact on human physical health; Impact on human mental health; Aggression Sites with inappropriate content; Internet scammers.

Slide 14

Basic safety rules:
Personal means only for you. Respect yourself! Be vigilant!

Slide 15

Spyware Spam Phishing attacks Viruses and malware Fraudulent transactions

Slide 16

Spam is anonymous mass mailing of emails to the email address of a user who has not consented to receive it.
Phishing is a special type of computer fraud. Purpose: gaining access to the user’s personal data (login and password)
A computer virus is a specially created program that is capable of creating copies of itself, sometimes not exact ones, but a complete match with the original is not necessary.
DDoS attack is a distributed denial of service attack, which is one of the most common and dangerous network attacks.

Slide 17

– Why is the topic of information security important and why should these issues be discussed at school? – Of the possible reasons, what aspects can you highlight related to the essence of the Internet and its significance as a means of communication?

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Using the Internet is safe if you follow THREE BASIC RULES
Protect your computer
Update your operating system regularly. Use an antivirus program. Use a firewall. Back up important files. Be careful when downloading content.
Remember! Once information is published on the Internet, it will no longer be possible to control it and delete every copy of it.

Slide 19

Protect yourself online
Think about who you are talking to.
Remember! On the Internet, not all information is reliable and not all users are honest.
Always make sure you know who the information is being shared with and understand the purposes for which it will be used.
Never give out personal information online except to people you trust. When asking for personal information on a website, always review the Terms of Use or Privacy Policy to ensure that the website operator provides information about the purposes for which the information will be used and shared with others.

Slide 20

Think about other users
The law must be obeyed even on the Internet.
When surfing the Internet, be polite to other Internet users.
You may copy material from the Internet for personal use, but attribution of authorship of this material is prohibited. Transfer and use of illegal materials (for example, pirated copies of films or music, software with broken security codes, etc.) is illegal. Copying of software or databases that require a license is prohibited, even for personal use.
The names of friends, acquaintances, their photographs and other personal information cannot be published on the website without their consent or the consent of their parents.
Remember! Unauthorized use of the material may lead to administrative penalties in court, as well as other legal consequences.

Slide 21

Close dubious pop-ups! Pop-ups are small windows with content that entices you to click on a link. When such a window is displayed, the safest way to close it is to click the X icon (usually located in the upper right corner). It is impossible to know for sure what action will follow after clicking the “No” button.
Beware of scams! It's easy to hide your identity on the Internet. It is recommended to verify the identity of the person with whom communication occurs (for example, in discussion groups).
Remember! Much of the material available on the Internet is inappropriate for minors.

    Slide 2

    Internet security is a very important issue of our time. And it concerns everyone, from children to pensioners. It is becoming more and more relevant due to the massive arrival on the Internet of users who are almost, if not completely, unprepared for the threats that await them. After all, it is not just one user who suffers, but many others, united in one global structure

    Slide 3

    The number of Internet users in Russia is growing rapidly, but is the level of knowledge on how to counter cyber threats increasing? Especially considering that today you can lose much more as a result of hacking your account than at the dawn of RuNet? Many experts believe that a huge number of users still neglect basic rules, essentially nullifying with their carelessness all the efforts made by online services to improve security.

    Slide 4

    Dangers that await us on the Internet In short, there are two main ways in which your computer can become a victim. First, you yourself, by wandering around various sites or installing software from unverified sources, and sometimes from verified ones, infect your computer. Secondly, it is also possible that attackers deliberately, using, for example, Trojan programs or viruses, make your device a source of danger.

    Slide 5

    Viruses - computer viruses, network and email worms can spread independently. For example, if you receive a suspicious email with an attachment, there is a very high probability that it contains a computer virus that can infect some files on your computer, corrupt or steal some data. Trojan horses do not spread on their own, although they can be spread by computer viruses. Their main goals are to steal and destroy.

    Slide 6

    In order to hack a PC’s protection, even if it exists, hackers use a number of methods, and users are wrong to think that by simply installing an antivirus, they are freed from the danger of, for example, picking up a malicious program. Therefore, before looking for information on how to properly maintain security on the Internet, you need to understand where viruses and Trojans come from.

    Slide 7

    Now, some information on how to ensure safe work on the Internet.

    Delete all emails with suspicious content immediately, and do not even try to open files from unknown sources. Ignore all offers of easy money, do not send your passwords to anyone, and do not follow suspicious links. Use only strong passwords consisting of a complex set of numbers, letters and symbols. For each case, assign your own, original one.

    Slide 8

    Children and the Internet

    There is a lot of information in it that children should not have access to. In addition, they need to be taught how not to “catch” viruses and Trojans. Who will help them with this if not adults. In addition, information security on the Internet is very important, since children are completely inexperienced users. They can easily fall for the bait of an experienced fraudster or attacker.

The average daily audience of the Russian Internet (Runet) reached 52.2 million people, which is 45% of the population.

Daily children's audience of Runet: 13-16 years old;

The average age for starting independent work on the Internet is 10 years, and today there is a tendency to reduce the age to 9 years;

30% of minors spend more than 3 hours a day on the Internet (the norm is 2 hours a week!)

What do 7-8 year olds do on the Internet?

Children of this age love to surf the Internet and play online games. They may use email and may also access websites and chat rooms.

What do 9-12 year olds do on the Internet?

Children this age use the Internet to develop school projects. They also download music, use email, play games, and visit fan sites for their idols. Their favorite way to communicate is instant messaging.

What are teenagers doing on the Internet?

They download music, use email, instant messaging and play games. In addition, teenagers actively use search engines. At this age, the Internet becomes part of the social life of children: they meet and spend time on the Internet, look for information related to their studies or hobbies. At this age, children typically go through a period of low self-esteem, seek support from friends, and are reluctant to listen to their parents.

  • Pornographic sites;
  • Sites that incite national hatred and racial hatred.
  • Depressive youth trends.
  • Drugs.
  • Dating websites.
  • Sects.
  • Content risks
  • Electronic security
  • Malware
  • Cyber ​​fraud
  • Cyberstalking

  • Newbies to the Internet who are not familiar with netiquette;
  • Unfriendly users;
  • Those who are eager to try everything new and exciting;
  • Actively seeking attention and affection;
  • Rebels;
  • Lonely or abandoned;
  • Curious;
  • Having problems with

sexual orientation;

  • Those whom adults can easily

to deceive;

  • Those who are attracted to the subculture

beyond the understanding of their parents.

  • Dangers. Tell your children about the dangers that exist on the Internet and teach them how to get out of unpleasant situations correctly.
  • Computer. Increase the overall security level of your computer.
  • Time. Ensure your child achieves a balance between online and offline time.
  • Rules. Discuss family rules for using the Internet.
  • Etiquette. Teach your children to respect others online.

  • Be attentive to your children’s actions on the World Wide Web;
  • Inform your child about the opportunities and dangers that the Internet brings;
  • Choose a convenient form of monitoring your child’s online presence;
  • Regularly improve your computer literacy so you know how to keep children safe;
  • Establish family rules for using the Internet.


Monitor your children's online activities using modern programs. They will help filter out harmful content, find out what sites your child visits and what he does on them. In Russia, about 8 million global network users are children. They can play, get acquainted, explore the world... But unlike adults, they do not feel danger in the virtual world. Our responsibility is to protect them, to make the Internet as safe as possible. This goal is achievable if parents realize their primacy in ensuring the safety of their children.

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Abstract for the presentation

A presentation on the topic "Internet Security" was prepared for a computer science lesson in the eleventh grade. The development introduces the main types of threats to a computer when working on the World Wide Web, teaches how to avoid possible problems, and develops students' legal literacy by talking about criminal liability for the deliberate use of virus programs. It will be useful for any novice user to get acquainted with the materials.

The most dangerous threats
Legal educational program
Physical education minute
Fighting network threats.


    pptx (powerpoint)

    Number of slides

    Medvedeva Yu.A.






    • To conduct a lesson by a teacher

Slide 1

  • Presentation prepared by:
  • master of industrial training
  • GBOU NPO PL No. 114 MO
  • Orekhovo-Zuevo
  • Medvedeva Yulia Alekseevna

Slide 2



Slide 3

The most dangerous Internet threats

  • Slide 4


    Computer virus

    Slide 5


    Currently, there is no unified system for classifying and naming viruses.

    It is customary to divide viruses into the following groups.

    Slide 6

    By target objects

  • Slide 9

    Script viruses

    Slide 11

    Viruses that infect source code

    Slide 12

  • Slide 13

    Microsoft Windows

    Slide 14


    Slide 15

    Polymorphic viruses

    Slide 16

    Stealth viruses

    A virus that completely or partially hides its presence in the system by intercepting calls to the operating system that read, write, read additional information about infected objects (boot sectors, file system elements, memory, etc.)

    Slide 17


    Slide 18



    Slide 19


    scripting language

    Slide 20

    Slide 21


    Slide 22


    Modules for intercepting keystrokes on the user's computer, included in virus programs.

    Slide 23


    Slide 24


    Slide 25


  • Slide 26

    The creation and distribution of malicious programs (including viruses) is prosecuted in Russia according to the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (Chapter 28, Article 273)

    Slide 27

    There is the Information Security Doctrine of the Russian Federation, according to which in Russia legal education should be carried out in schools and universities when teaching computer science and computer literacy on the issues of protecting information in computers, combating computer viruses, child porn sites and ensuring information security in computer networks.

  • Slide 28

    Physical education minute

    • We'll all smile together
    • Let's wink a little at each other,
    • Let's turn right, left
    • And then we nod in a circle.
    • All ideas won
    • Our hands shot up.
    • The burden of worries has been shaken off
    • And let's continue the path of science.
  • Slide 29

    fighting network threats

  • Slide 30

    Install a comprehensive security system

    • Installing a regular antivirus is a thing of the past. Today, so-called “comprehensive protection systems” are relevant, including an antivirus, a firewall, an antispam filter and a couple or three more modules to fully protect your computer.
    • New viruses appear every day, so do not forget to regularly update the signature database; it is best to set the program to automatically update.
  • Slide 31

    Be careful with email

    • You should not transmit any important information via email.
    • Set your email attachments to be blocked because many viruses are contained in attachments and begin to spread as soon as the attachment is opened.
    • Microsoft Outlook and Windows Mail help block potentially dangerous attachments.
  • Slide 32

    Use MozillaFirefox, GoogleChrome and AppleSafari browsers!

    • Most worms and malicious scripts are targeted at Internet Explorer and Opera.
    • IE still holds the first place in the popularity ranking, but only because it is built into Windows.
    • Opera is very popular in Russia because of its illusory convenience and a really large number of settings.
    • The security level is very poor in both one and the second browser, so it’s better not to use it at all.
  • Slide 33

    Update your Windows operating system

    • Keep your Windows operating system updated.
    • Microsoft periodically releases special security updates that can help protect your computer.
    • These updates can prevent virus and other attacks on your computer by closing potentially dangerous entry points.
  • Slide 34

    Don't send SMS messages

  • Slide 35

    Use licensed software

    • If you download pirated versions of programs or a new cracker program, run it and deliberately ignore the antivirus warning, be prepared for the fact that you can install a virus on your computer.
    • Moreover, the more popular the program, the higher this probability.
  • Slide 36

    Use a firewall

    • Use Windows Firewall or another firewall that alerts you to suspicious activity when a virus or worm tries to connect to your computer.
    • It also allows you to prevent viruses, worms and hackers from loading potentially dangerous programs onto your computer.
  • Slide 37

    Use strong passwords

    • According to statistics, 80% of all passwords are simple words: names, brands of phones or cars, the name of a cat or dog, as well as passwords like 123. Such passwords make the job of hackers much easier.
    • Ideally, passwords should be at least seven, and preferably twelve, characters long. It takes 2-4 hours to guess a five-character password, but it will take 2-4 years to crack a seven-character password.
    • It is better to use passwords that combine letters of different case, numbers and different icons.
  • Slide 38

    Make backups

    • At the slightest threat, valuable information from your computer can be deleted, and even worse, stolen.
    • Make it a rule to create backup copies of important data on an external device - flash card, optical drive, portable hard drive.
  • Slide 39

    Parental Controls feature keeps you safe

  • Slide 40

    Thank you for your attention

    • Materials used:
    • Wikipedia - the free encyclopedia Computer_virus
    • Safe computer and Internet for children: a new professional development program for teachers of APKIPRO //Microsoft in education. - [Electronic resource]. - Electron. Dan. – cop. 2008 – Access mode:
  • Slide 41

    Images used

  • View all slides


    Class: Grade 11

    The purpose of the lesson






    Didactic basics of the lesson:

    Teaching methods:

    Lesson type: explanation of new material;


    Lesson plan:

    Introduction to the topic (3-5 min.);

    Physical education minute (1 min.);

    Lesson summary (2-3 min.);

    During the classes:

    brief activity plan.

    Introduction to the topic, 3-5 min.:

    (Slide 2) Internet– these are interconnected computer networks, a global system for transmitting information using information and computing resources.


    Information theft

    Employee negligence

    Hacker attacks

    Financial fraud

    Hardware and software failures

    Computer virus- a type of computer program or malicious code, the distinctive feature of which is the ability to reproduce (self-replication).

    Classification(Slide 5)

    By target objects(Slide 6-11)

    Boot viruses.

    Script viruses. They require one of the scripting languages ​​(Javascript, VBScript) to independently penetrate uninfected scripts.


    Viruses of this type infect either the source code of the program or its components (OBJ-, LIB-, DCU-files) as well as VCL and ActiveX components.

    (Slide 12-13)

    Microsoft Windows

    (Slide 14-17)

    Polymorphic viruses. A virus that, when infecting new files and system areas of the disk, encrypts its own code.

    Stealth viruses.

    Rootkit. A program or set of programs to hide traces of an intruder or malware on a system.

    (Slide 18-19)


    high level programming language

    scripting language

    (Slide 20-24)

    Backdoors. Programs that an attacker installs on a hacked computer after gaining initial access in order to gain access to the system again

    Spies. Spyware is software that collects information about the computer configuration, user activities and any other confidential information without the consent of the user.

    Botnets. This is a computer network consisting of a number of hosts running bots - stand-alone software. They are usually used for illegal or unapproved activities - sending spam, brute-forcing passwords on a remote system, denial of service attacks.

    Physical education minute (1 min)

    We'll all smile together

    Let's wink a little at each other,

    Let's turn right, left

    And then we nod in a circle.

    All ideas won

    Our hands shot up.

    The burden of worries has been shaken off

    And let's continue the path of science.

    (Slide 30)

    (Slide 31)

    (Slide 32)

    (Slide 33)

    (Slide 34)

    Nowadays, sites offering access to other people’s SMS and call printouts are very popular; also very often, when downloading files, you are asked to enter your number, or a blocking window suddenly appears, which supposedly can be removed by sending an SMS.

    When sending an SMS, at best, you can lose 300-600 rubles on your phone account - if you need to send a message to a short number for payment, at worst, a terrible virus will appear on your computer.

    Therefore, never send SMS messages or enter your phone number on dubious sites when registering.

    Use licensed software. (Slide 35)

    Licensed programs will save you from such a threat!

    Use a firewall. (Slide 36)

    Use strong passwords. (Slide 37)

    Make backups. (Slide 38)

    (Slide 39)

    For a child’s psyche, the Internet is a constant threat of psychological trauma and the risk of becoming a victim of criminals.

    Do not try to hide from your parents the range of topics that you discuss online and from new Internet acquaintances; this will help you realistically evaluate the information you see on the Internet and not become a victim of deception.

    Take a seat at the computer.

    Administrative Code

    Labor Code

    Criminal Code

    Civil Code

    By target objects

    By affected operating systems and platforms

    For additional malicious functionality

    Internet Explorer

    Send emails

    Send SMS message

    To restart a computer

    Do not send SMS message

    Labor Code of the Russian Federation

    Convention on the Rights of the Child

    To restart a computer

    Format hard drive

    Turn off computer.

    Lesson summary (2-3 min.);



    Materials used:

    Melnikov V.P. Information security and information protection: textbook for students of higher educational institutions; 3rd ed., St.-M.: Publishing Center “Academy”, 2008. – 336 p.

    Lesson topic: “Internet Security”

    Class: Grade 11

    The purpose of the lesson: study dangerous threats to the Internet and methods to combat them;


    Educational: get acquainted with the concepts of “Internet”, “Virus”, study security techniques when working on the Internet;

    Developmental: development of interest in the subject, information culture; formation of logical thinking techniques; development of the ability to analyze and generalize, draw conclusions;

    Educational: fostering accuracy, precision, independence, instilling skills in group work and cooperation;

    Health-saving: compliance with sanitary standards when working with a computer, compliance with safety regulations, the optimal combination of forms and methods used in the lesson;

    Preliminary preparation of students: material studied in previous computer science lessons;

    Preliminary teacher preparation: studying lesson material, writing notes, creating a presentation, creating a test, preparing a video clip;

    Didactic basics of the lesson:

    Teaching methods: verbal, visual, practical.

    Lesson type: explanation of new material;

    Forms of student work: frontal, individual work.

    Equipment: PC, projector, interactive whiteboard (or screen), 12 computers, notebooks, presentation “Internet Safety.”

    Lesson plan:

    Organizational moment (1-2 min.);

    Introduction to the topic (3-5 min.);

    Explanation of new material (30-35 min.);

    Physical education minute (1 min.);

    Independent work (7-10 min.);

    Lesson summary (2-3 min.);

    During the classes:

    Organizational moment, 1-2 min.:

    communication of the topic of the lesson (entering the topic in a notebook), its goals and objectives;

    brief activity plan.

    Introduction to the topic, 3-5 min.:

    prepare children to perceive the topic;

    focus on productive work.

    Today our lesson is devoted to the topic “Internet Security”. (Slide 1)

    Note. Students write down the main definitions in their notebooks independently as the lecture progresses.

    (Slide 2) Internet– these are interconnected computer networks, a global system for transmitting information using information and computing resources.

    Today, almost every person, one way or another, uses the Internet. The possibilities of the Internet are endless: studying, searching for necessary information, transferring funds, relaxing and much more. However, many users do not even think about what danger awaits us on the World Wide Web.

    Let's think and remember what threats you have already encountered while working at the computer, or maybe some threats you have heard from your friends? (students' answer)

    Explanation of new material (27-30 min.):

    Now let's turn to statistics on the Internet. The rating of the most dangerous threats is distributed as follows (Slide 3):


    Information theft

    Employee negligence

    Hacker attacks

    Financial fraud

    Hardware and software failures

    As you can see, there are quite a lot of threats and they are all interconnected, for example, due to the negligence of employees, information can be stolen, and information theft, in turn, can be associated with financial fraud.

    But, of course, the leader among threats is viruses. Let's see what viruses are and what types they come in. (Slide 4)

    Computer virus- a type of computer program or malicious code, the distinctive feature of which is the ability to reproduce (self-replication).

    Classification(Slide 5)

    Currently, there is no unified system for classifying and naming viruses. It is customary to divide viruses into the following groups.

    By target objects(Slide 6-11)

    Boot viruses. These are computer viruses that are written to the first sector of a floppy or hard disk and are executed when the computer boots.

    Script viruses. They require one of the scripting languages ​​(Javascript, VBScript) to independently penetrate uninfected scripts.

    Macroviruses. This is a type of computer virus developed in macro languages, built into application software packages such as Microsoft Office.

    Viruses that infect source code. Viruses of this type infect either the source code of the program or its components (OBJ-, LIB-, DCU-files) as well as VCL and ActiveX components.

    By affected operating systems and platforms(Slide 12-13)

    Microsoft Windows

    According to the technologies used by the virus(Slide 14-17)

    Polymorphic viruses. A virus that, when infecting new files and system areas of the disk, encrypts its own code.

    Stealth viruses. A virus that completely or partially hides its presence in the system by intercepting calls to the operating system that read, write, read additional information about infected objects (boot sectors, file system elements, memory, etc.)

    Rootkit. A program or set of programs to hide traces of an intruder or malware on a system.

    According to the language in which the virus is written(Slide 18-19)


    high level programming language

    scripting language

    For additional malicious functionality(Slide 20-24)

    Backdoors. Programs that an attacker installs on a hacked computer after gaining initial access in order to gain access to the system again

    Spies. Spyware is software that collects information about the computer configuration, user activities and any other confidential information without the consent of the user.

    Botnets. This is a computer network consisting of a number of hosts running bots - stand-alone software. They are usually used for illegal or unapproved activities - sending spam, brute-forcing passwords on a remote system, denial of service attacks.

    (Slide 25-26) Every day more and more new viruses appear. You need to know that the creation and distribution of malicious programs (including viruses) is prosecuted in Russia according to the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (Chapter 28, Article 273).

    (Slide 27) Also in our country there is a doctrine of information security of the Russian Federation, according to which in Russia legal education should be carried out in schools and universities when teaching computer science and computer literacy on the issues of protecting information in computers, combating computer viruses, child porn sites and ensuring information security in computer networks.

    Therefore, today I will tell you about how to protect yourself, your friends, your personal or work computer, so as not to become a victim of online threats.

    Physical education minute (1 min)

    But first, we’ll rest a little and have some physical education. (Slide 28)

    We'll all smile together

    Let's wink a little at each other,

    Let's turn right, left

    And then we nod in a circle.

    All ideas won

    Our hands shot up.

    The burden of worries has been shaken off

    And let's continue the path of science.

    So, how to deal with online threats? (Slide 29)

    Install a comprehensive security system. (Slide 30)

    Installing a regular antivirus is a thing of the past. Today, so-called “comprehensive protection systems” are relevant, including an antivirus, a firewall, an antispam filter and a couple of other modules to fully protect your computer. New viruses appear every day, so do not forget to regularly update the signature databases: it is best to set the program to update automatically.

    Be careful with email (Slide 31)

    You should not transmit any important information via email. Set your email attachments to be blocked because many viruses are contained in attachments and begin to spread as soon as the attachment is opened. Microsoft Outlook and Windows Mail help block potentially dangerous attachments.

    Use Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome and Apple Safari browsers. (Slide 32)

    Most worms and malicious scripts are targeted at Internet Explorer and Opera. IE leads the popularity rankings, but only because it is built into Windows. The Opera browser is very popular in Russia because of its incredible convenience and a very large number of settings. The security level has a number of disadvantages in both one and the second browser, so it is better not to use them at all.

    Update your Windows operating system. (Slide 33)

    Keep your Windows operating system updated. Microsoft periodically releases special security updates that can help protect your computer. These updates can prevent virus and other attacks on your computer by closing potentially dangerous entry points.

    Don't send SMS messages. (Slide 34)

    Nowadays, sites offering access to other people’s SMS and call printouts are very popular; also very often, when downloading files, you are asked to enter your number, or a blocking window suddenly appears, which supposedly can be removed by sending an SMS.

    When sending an SMS, at best, you can lose 300-600 rubles on your phone account - if you need to send a message to a short number for payment, at worst, a terrible virus will appear on your computer.

    Therefore, never send SMS messages or enter your phone number on dubious sites when registering.

    Use licensed software. (Slide 35)

    If you download pirated versions of programs or a new cracker program, run it and deliberately ignore the antivirus warning, be prepared for the fact that you can install a virus on your computer. Moreover, the more popular the program, the higher this probability.

    Licensed programs will save you from such a threat!

    Use a firewall. (Slide 36)

    Use Windows Firewall or another firewall to alert you to suspicious activity when a virus or worm tries to connect to your computer. It also allows you to prevent viruses, worms and hackers from loading potentially dangerous programs onto your computer.

    Use strong passwords. (Slide 37)

    According to statistics, 80% of all passwords are simple words: names, brands of phones or cars, the name of a cat or dog, as well as passwords like 123. Such passwords make the job of hackers much easier. Ideally, passwords should be at least seven, and preferably twelve, characters long. It takes two to four hours to crack a five-character password, but it takes two to four years to crack a seven-character password. It is better to use passwords that combine letters of different case, numbers and different icons.

    Make backups. (Slide 38)

    At the slightest threat, valuable information from your computer can be deleted, and even worse, stolen. Make it a rule to create backup copies of important data on an external device - flash card, optical drive, portable hard drive.

    The Parental Control feature will keep you safe. (Slide 39)

    For a child’s psyche, the Internet is a constant threat of psychological trauma and the risk of becoming a victim of criminals.

    Do not try to hide from your parents the range of topics that you discuss online and from new Internet acquaintances; this will help you realistically evaluate the information you see on the Internet and not become a victim of deception.

    By following these simple rules, you can avoid popular online threats. (Slide 40).

    Independent work (7-10 min.);

    Reinforcing the material - computer testing.

    Now, let's check how carefully you listened to this material today.

    Take a seat at the computer.

    Download My Test Student.

    Select the "Internet Safety" file

    The test contains 10 questions, each question has only one correct answer.

    Based on the test results, you will see a window with your results. The grade the computer gives you will be your grade for today's lesson.

    Finish this sentence: The creation and distribution of malicious programs (including viruses) is prosecuted in Russia according to...

    Administrative Code

    Labor Code

    Criminal Code

    Civil Code

    What classification of viruses does not exist today?

    By target objects

    By affected operating systems and platforms

    By the number of affected files

    For additional malicious functionality

    Which of the following passwords is more secure?

    To ensure that antivirus programs provide the best security for your PC, you must:

    Install several antivirus programs

    Delete all files downloaded from the Internet

    Timely update anti-virus databases

    Disconnect your computer from the Internet

    Which browser is considered less secure than the others:

    Internet Explorer

    Send emails

    Add photos to your emails

    Open unknown email attachments

    Leave emails in the Sent folder

    What should you do if a window appears on the screen asking you to send an SMS for further work?

    Send SMS message

    Format the hard drive

    To restart a computer

    Do not send SMS message

    According to which document is a right-wing educational program on information security in computers carried out in Russia?

    Labor Code of the Russian Federation

    Doctrine of Information Security of the Russian Federation

    Strategies for the development of the information society of the Russian Federation

    Convention on the Rights of the Child

    Why do you need to make backups?

    So that information can be available to everyone

    To avoid losing important information

    To be able to perform a system restore operation

    To be able to print documents

    What needs to be done if a message suddenly appears on a website on the Internet about a quick PC check asking you to restart the computer?

    To restart a computer

    Format hard drive

    Close the site and check your PC

    Turn off computer.

    Lesson summary (2-3 min.);



    Guys, your homework will also be related to our topic. We will divide into groups - you sit at the computers and by the computer number we will determine which group will prepare the material:

    Students at computers No. 1-No. 4 - You need to find information about holidays related to information and the Internet, which are celebrated in our country.

    Students at computers No. 5-No. 8 - You need to find the rules of communication on the Internet, which are called “Netiquette”

    Students at computers No. 9-No. 12 - You need to find information about anti-virus programs - their types and a brief description of popular anti-viruses.

    Materials used:

    Melnikov V.P. Information security and information protection: textbook for students of higher educational institutions; 3rd ed., St.-M.: Publishing Center “Academy”, 2008. – 336 p.

    Safe computer and Internet for children: a new professional development program for teachers of APKIPRO //Microsoft in education. - [Electronic resource]. - Electron. Dan. – cop. 2008 – Access mode:

    Wikipedia - the free encyclopedia

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