Walkthrough of the game Murdered: Soul Suspect. Complete walkthrough of Murdered soul suspect pc walkthrough


Salem. The game is greeted with news clippings. Somewhere there is a maniac walking around - a killer nicknamed “The Beller”. And now we are flying out of the window and after that the whole life of the main character flashes before our eyes. From childhood and fights to becoming a police officer and losing the woman he loved. We find the criminal, but he throws us out the window.

By some miracle we survived. We go into the house. At least we are trying, because the broken ribs are making themselves felt. We open the door, but nothing happens. Granny will open the door for us, push us onto the steps, be horrified and close the door. It turns out we are dead. We are trying to return to the body using the prompts on the screen. We almost succeeded, but the “Ringer” shoots our body and we become a real ghost.

For now, just go into the light. We meet an ex-lover who talks about the bridge and unfinished business. They don't let us leave in peace.

The game returns to the place where we died. Civilians are already fussing and calling the police. We try to talk to them, but they don't hear. Of course, we have become a ghost. But suddenly we notice a girl. We follow her into the alley. Since we are a ghost, we can pass through objects in the real world. We continue to follow the girl who clearly does not want this and puts obstacles in our way. We pass through the trash container and watch the video.

We ask the girl the accumulated questions. Having received a brief educational program, we try to ask the girl in more detail, but we run into a demon’s trap. Okay, it's time to return to the city, to your corpse.

At the crime scene we see a stupid cop who managed to ruin all the evidence. A typical police officer in general. Fortunately, our friend arrived in time and gave a sobering slap in the face to this idiot. Okay, no need to yawn. Let's take a better look at Patrolman Stewart's diary, and then fully examine the murder scene to get a complete picture of what is happening. After viewing the evidence and eavesdropping on the conversation, move into Stuart and look in the diary. Select the last item there: about weapons. We move into the girl and awaken memories using the “Ringer” item. Having collected eight pieces of evidence, we think about the situation and understand that we need to go up to the fourth floor, but the door is closed. At this moment, Stuart opens the door and carefully examines something in the passage. This is our chance!

Let's go to the apartments. Another ghost greets us. You can talk to him. Let's go further, listen to the conversation of a crazy couple and go up to the second floor. Our old friend will be here, drawing some notes. She won't be very happy to see us. We go further to the fourth floor. Arriving in room 4a, we begin the search for evidence. A gun, a girl's mental trail (hiding, scared, watching), a killer's mental trail (searching, determined), Cassandra Foster's request on the kitchen table, a hole in the wall. That's enough for now. We are putting together a picture of the crime: the killer is in search, the witness is on the run. It turns out that there was a witness at the crime scene. Now all that remains is to find her. We are looking for other evidence. A Supernatural book on the shelf next to the bathroom, a bag of things at the end of the room. After this, we approach the place where the policeman is standing and try to look at the photograph. We get into the cop’s mind and force him to show the photo using the “Mysterious Photo” evidence. The policeman will look at the photo and we will see it too. We approach the photograph, concentrate and select the one where she is standing with the priest. After that, we summarize and solve the problem. It turns out there was a witness, but he ran away and we need to find him. The clue is the church. We jump off the balcony and head there.


We go into the church and find a priest with a girl. He gave her shelter in the attic. We go through the door, inhabit the priest to pass the trap and leave when he passes the trap. Now we need to somehow get into the attic. We go into the next room and move into the cat. We run into the attic in the body of a cat, and then leave it.

We move into the girl and try to make her remember the killer using the “Search for the Killer” evidence. But! Not so, she pushes us out of her body. It turns out she is a medium. It's time to ask a few questions.

After questioning, the witness will refuse to cooperate and attempt to escape. Let's catch up with her. We move into the cat and jump out of the window onto the street. Let's go out. There's a trap in our way. With the help of a poltergeist, we start the vacuum cleaner and attract the attention of the priest. We move into his body and bypass the trap.

There will be two demons in the church lobby. You need to deal with them in order to move on. We disturb the raven and the demon flies up to him. We approach the demon from behind and eliminate it. Do the same with the second demon. Let's go out.

We're late. The witness has already run away. We think about where she could have gone. Using the evidence “Mother’s Note”, we remember what she said about the site.

Police station

We go to the operational headquarters of the site and examine the evidence. After we look at nine pieces of evidence, one of the policemen will come into the headquarters and sit down at the computer. We move into it and force it to dig up new data on the missing residents.

From the same policeman sitting at the computer you can find out that Joy Foster (the witness) has been detained. Apparently, she didn’t manage to quietly steal the case. Now we need to help her.

We go into the interrogation chamber, turn off the camera and release the girl. We talk to her near the police, behind cover. She begins to become willful. We distract the policeman with a coffee machine. We continue to “poltergeize” until the witness reaches the door leading to the second floor. Oops! Trap! We cannot cross, but the witness agreed to “carry” us through the trap. We move to the second floor.

On the second floor we distract one cop with a coffee machine, and another with a printer. Let's follow the girl into Baxter's office, which has already been destroyed, apparently, in search of the dossier. We pay attention to several folders and select a dossier with a photograph (Ronan’s dossier is ours), which was never given a go. Thanks brother for this. However, we digress.

We are looking for a dossier. First, let's look at all the evidence: books, photographs, then pay attention to the message left and tell Joy to listen to it. We approach the rack with weapons and select what we need: shadow, marks. Having solved the riddle with the cache, we talk to Joy about it and take the dossier.

The police have already come to their senses and are looking for the missing girl. We need to leave! We distract the policeman using the printer and go down to the first floor. We talk to the witness and watch a short video. Don’t rush to leave, better listen to the conversation between Rex and the policeman about us. Inspirational speech!

The girl successfully leaves the station and again tries to go alone. We prove to her that she cannot cope alone with the help of the evidence “Mother’s Note”. Now we need to visit the cemetery. Symbolic, isn't it?


Before entering the cemetery, we are greeted by a strange-looking ghost, apparently a girl, who immediately retreats to the cemetery territory. We have to keep our ears open.

At the cemetery, Joy surrendered without a fight and was about to leave. This is where we step in with our detective skills and question the ghost sitting next to us. She says she saw something on the shore. On the shore we find the corpse of the same ghost who met us near the gate. We set the parameters: washed ashore, dead, tattered. Thanks to this, we are visited by a vision in which we can see how another ghost saw the body of the victim and he is in this cemetery. A witness saw something swim into the bushes. It’s dark in the bushes and you can’t see anything, so we ask Joy to shine a light into the bushes and pull out evidence - a familiar rope. Let’s remember the evidence “Peculiarities of Murders”. It was necessary to go up the river and find the corpse, but apparently you don’t have to bother. The ghost of a girl - Sofia was watching us. Now we need to follow her, but first we will destroy three demons so that they do not interfere.

The girl takes us to a field hospital and tries to tell us something, but she can’t because her mouth is sewn shut. Upset, she runs away again, and we learn to teleport to catch up with her. The next teleportation will take us to an area with three demons. We use the raven to kill the first, go around the second and finish off the third. If you are noticed, then circle around the shelters and use the crow. At some point they must be distracted by a crow.

We follow the ghost of Sofia. She didn’t try to run away, she led us to show us something. We approach the tree and select the sound: “Crack”. We watch a couple of short videos and learn about some kind of agreement. Sofia freaks out and knocks us out screaming. Now you can return to Joy for questions. Joy found an entry in her diary about treaties that leads to a surviving madwoman. Guess where we're going? Psychiatric hospital. Classic.

Psychiatric hospital

At the hospital you need to find out Iris's room. We look at the evidence. We are interested in the photo of the boy. After that, we move into the duty room and make him remember this photo. Using the monitor, we find out that Iris is in room 216. But we need to hurry, she is scheduled for electroshock therapy in the evening. On the second floor, break the camera so Joy can move on. Don't forget to open the electric door for her. We hack the cameras again and distract the orderly so that Joy can get through.

Next we split up with Joy. We go around, climb into the cat and make our way through the ventilation. In the premises we deal with three demons. We go around other traps and obstacles and meet Joy. We hack the electronic locks so that Joy can move on. Don't forget about the cameras! After all this, we break the lock on room 216 and watch the video.

We are trying to move into the girl, but she pushes us out. Okay, time to look at the drawings. In the picture with the hounds, the correct answers are: chase, torture. In the picture with bells: a bell ringer burned at the stake. In the picture with sisters: two girls, connection. We draw a conclusion. Iris had a sister who saved her at the cost of her own life. She appears on stage in the form of a burning ghost and, after arguments, helps us escape. We distract the guard with the help of a walkie-talkie, open the electronic door and escape from the psychiatric hospital. Next clue: the museum. Let's go there.

Museum of History

We are looking for evidence in the museum. The first will be on the table next to the “judge”; to get the second you need to go to the pillar and solve the riddle: rose, burned, torture.

The third will be on the stone with blood, you need to select the blood in the center and you will see a vision.

The fourth clue: focus on the gallows by selecting “hatch”, examine the rack, examine the picture with the painted estate, analyze the shameful chair: water, Sofia, drowning. Having examined all the exhibits, we conclude that the Beller dealt with his victims as if they were witches. But why? To answer this question, let’s go up to the second floor of the museum, fortunately the door was opened. But it's not that simple. A ghost - a train - will interfere with us. We wait until he drives into the wall and with short dashes and teleportation we go to the second floor. We meet Joy there and together we go to the unexhibited exhibits. We focus on the medallion and learn that mediums were previously considered associated with evil spirits.

Having found all the evidence, we make a chain: the sign from the picture (bell), the board of mediums, the medallion (exactly the one that caused the vision). Suspicion falls on Baxter, but why? Baxter is in the museum, Baxter asked about the girl and Baxter hid the dossier. We understand that Baxter is somehow involved and decide to visit his apartment.

We leave the museum while dealing with the demons. At the exit from the museum we hear a conversation between two women who say that something else happened in the city. There was an incident in the church, and we just sent Joy there. Baxter's apartment is put aside and we head to church.

Church again

Joy tried to get into the church, but the police caught her and put her in a car. Okay, that's not our concern. We go into the hall and expel or avoid the demons and go through the door on the right side. We lure the cop with the help of a poltergeist and possess him to avoid the trap and cross to the other side. We find Iris's corpse in the yard. Still, we could not save her. Okay, let's try to find evidence that will lead to the killer. First, we analyze how she died: crushed, murder weapon, statue stones. We reconstruct the scene of the murder and watch a video of the sisters’ reunion. Now we go to the second floor and see that the Beller left a couple more corpses. We analyze the crime scene: scared, falling, in need of help. We move into the survivor and awaken the memory of the fleeing Iris, after which we recreate the crime scene and understand that these are random victims who fell into the hands of the Beller. Let's go to the attic and look for more evidence. The priest was killed, and we need to understand why the killer went up to the attic. Let's look at the evidence where he looks at the photograph: he looks, he is discovered. After this, we recreate the scene and understand that the killer came for Joy, but killed Iris without finding the latter. Having touched the cat, we see that the killer dropped something. We move into the cat and try to get the key in the ventilation. Thanks to this key, we remember the House of Justice. Now we leave the church the same way we came, but be careful, the demons are not asleep.

House of Justice

There will be a police car parked near the House of Justice. It looks like the suspicions are confirmed. Most likely, Baxter is here. The house is empty, but it's better to look around. We go up to the second floor and go into the secret room, into the Ringer’s operational headquarters. Here you need to inspect everything better. Having examined all the evidence: extracts from newspapers of past decades, trophies of victims, a map of murders - we come to the conclusion that a copycat is working here. We are distracted by a loud click. Need to check. We deal with two demons and go down to the basement. There will already be four demons in the basement, deal with them using crows and teleportation. After the fight we go down even lower and see Baxter’s corpse. It's time to ask a couple of questions. After the conversation, we send Baxter to Cassandra so that he takes her to a safe place, while we ourselves remain in the basement to search for evidence. First evidence (judge): accuses, judges, harsh; second evidence (girl): in prison, begging. Having found all the evidence: a sign, a cot, candles, shackles and two pieces of evidence - we put all the memories into one whole (the accuser, Abigail in captivity, the bell-ringer's sign). In a fit of rage, Abigail drew the Bell-Ringer's sign, causing every witch in Salem to die. It turns out that Abigail is a murderer. We need to find her urgently. Halfway out of the basement we hear a conversation on the radio. Rex disappeared with Joy and did not appear at the station. It all started. We remember the important evidence: Abigail - the Beller, an ancient gallows, an instrument of death. We get out of the house and hurry to the museum.

Museum. Final

After the final scene, you cannot return to Salem. So complete all your tasks in advance. There are many traps in the museum, so be careful. Abigail has possessed Rex and is trying to hang Joy. You have 20 seconds to think. We run through the traps and move into Joy. Using the “loud scream” evidence, we expel the ghost of Abigail from Rex’s body. Abigail still doesn't give up and tries to finish Joy off. We have 7 seconds to think. We approach her and grab her hand. We watch videos and ask questions.

Game over.

Video walkthrough

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

Before you start walkthrough of the game Murdered: Soul Suspect, you will have to watch a video telling about the life of the main character and his death. Moreover, you will get the opportunity to control the ghost as soon as the murder occurs. First, lie down on your body, making sure to position your head, arms and legs correctly. However, the attempt to take possession of the body again will be unsuccessful, so do not waste any more time and talk to the ghost of your wife. After finishing the conversation, you will need to go deeper into one of the alleys after the ghost girl, and then talk to her in the playground - this will help you get important information regarding your new condition. After you find out everything, go to the crime scene again.

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On the street

Next everything will be very simple. By carefully looking around, find out the thoughts of all the people you see nearby. Read the police reports, and then move into the girl's body. In this girl’s thoughts, select the “Ringer” option, after which she will immediately remember everything and provide the investigation with new important information. Enter the open doors and go up to the fourth floor, being careful not to be seen by the demons. Travel between astral memories and kill demons by approaching them from behind.

Apartment 4a

At this point in the game, first go straight and then turn right. Now you will watch a short video, after which you will need to collect absolutely all the evidence that you can gain access to. Moreover, keep in mind that the killer is now actively looking for his target, and the girl is hiding in a shelter and watching. When you have only eleven pieces of evidence left to find, you will notice a photo next to the policeman - move into his body to look at the photo. Use the window to get out of the room and hurry to the church.


Once inside, find the memory and hang the picture. Enlist the help of a priest to get rid of the demons. You will see a cat near the stairs - you need to move into its body and approach the worker who is sitting near the ventilation. With the help of this ventilation you can move from one room to another. Go outside, climb up the tree, and you will find yourself in the attic. Talk to the girl about the killer and what he was looking for. Returning back, deal with the ghosts, and then hurry outside to examine the letter. At the end of this section of the game you will have to go to the police station.

Operational headquarters

It turns out that identifying the killer is not as easy as Rex had hoped - after all, no traces or fingerprints can be found. Carefully examine the entire room, and then enlist the help of the policeman who is sitting at the computer to find out about the girl’s location. After leaving the room, turn left and pass the main rooms. You can find the girl in the interrogation room. Break the cameras and take Joy to the stairs, which will take you to the second floor. And along the way, don’t forget to distract the attention of the cops by using fax and telephone. Once at the top, distract a couple more policemen and talk with Joy.

Baxter's office

As you will know during this part of the game, Baxter worked with his mother Joy, and with her help he tried to find the maniac. Having carefully examined the office, pay attention first to the answering machine, and then to the wall - here you will find a secret door behind which documents for the Beller are hidden. When you do all this, help Joy get out of the station and go outside yourself too. Use your mother's letter to convince the girl to help you.

At the police station

After passing several streets, enter the cemetery territory. In the northwestern part of the churchyard, among the graves, you will find Joy.


After examining the area, you will find the ghostly corpse of a girl, as well as rope and other material evidence. Talk to the local spirits and you will learn that it was in this place that a child was recently drowned. Immediately after this, the ghost of the victim will appear, and you will need to run after him to the other end of the cemetery. Moreover, be prepared to meet many demons along the way - you will need to either run around them or kill them. After running past the hospital, go inside the barn and go up the stairs. At this stage of the game, you will master the ability to move in space with the power of thought. Resume chasing the ghost.


You will learn that the murdered girl was named Sophie. Carefully inspect the tree, as well as other objects in the area. Having reconstructed the events of the past, you will find out that the Beller was trying to achieve something from Sophie, but then suddenly decided to tie the girl to a chair and lower her to the bottom with him. Go to Joy again, and then move towards the mental hospital, following the prompts on the screen.

Emergency room

Since the girl doesn't want to talk about patients, just look around her. And then get the information you need with the help of a lady who misses her son. Go upstairs and hurry to get to the reception area. Turn off the cameras and do not forget to distract the attention of the orderlies so that Joy can pass the corridors without problems. When you find yourself in front of the sealed doors, go up to the abandoned floor to get around them.

Chamber of Iris

Further, in the process of passing the game, you must go inside board No. 216 (do not forget to first break the camera). Talk to Iris. When examining the chamber, pay special attention to the writings. So you can find out that the girl’s sister was burned alive at the stake by a maniac because she did not want to tell about the agreement. That's all, now you can get out of their hospitals using the back entrance.

At the mental hospital

After talking with Joy and Iris, go to the Museum, where you will be taken straight to an exhibition of torture instruments from the last century.

Exhibition in the museum

Find seven instruments for torturing witches on the ground floor and carefully examine each of them. And then you will understand that the maniac you are interested in does not just kill people - he executes them. The head of the exhibition will tell you that some of the exhibits can also be found upstairs - use the help of a TV reporter to get there.

Cabinet of restorers

There is a lot to see here - the room is full of ancient sculptures and signs, as well as a variety of torture instruments. Be careful, and you will understand that, according to the Beller, the mediums have made a deal with the devil - for this they die. After reading the newspaper clippings, go back and talk to Joy. The girl is very upset that she didn’t find her mother, and therefore, blaming your hero for everything, she will run away. Hurry after her and you will end up in the church.


To complete this section of the game you will have to pass the main hall, which is full of demons. Then move straight and to the right. When you find yourself on the street, you will see Iris's death. After examining the girl’s body, you will understand that the maniac simply threw her onto a concrete slab. Now you need to figure out how he got into the church - to do this, go inside the building and go upstairs.


Once in the main room, you will immediately find many corpses. Look through people's thoughts, and also carefully examine the fragments. You will learn that the Beller chased the girl through this room, after which she jumped out the window and broke her leg. Iris, like the other victims, became an accidental victim of a maniac. However, how he got inside the building is still not clear. Go to Joy's room.


Once you find yourself in the attic during the game, you will find the body of a clergyman here. Carefully examine everything around you, and you will find out that the Beller was interested in Joy and her mother, and he came across Iris and the priest by accident. You know what happened next. Having inhabited the cat's body, use the hatches to go down. You will find a key on the floor, and the initials written on it will tell you where to go next. Go downstairs to talk to Joy.

Lair of the Ringer

Further in the process of passing the game you will need to go to the house of “Justice”. Once inside, go up the stairs and in place of one of the cabinets you will find the entrance to a secret room. All the recordings and achievements of the Beller are hidden here. When you hear a suspicious sound, quickly run down, breaking through the crowd of demons.


Earlier in the process of passing the game, you might have come across evidence that Baxter is the maniac. However, he is now shot in the head. Ask the guy your questions and he will tell you about Mama Joy and the help she gave him. Go down to the basement to find the maniac's hideout.


To complete this section of the game, first of all, carefully inspect the cells. After reviewing the events of the past, you will understand that the girl you met at the beginning of the game is the killer. It was she who, inhabiting the bodies of men, attacked mediums. Moreover, now the killer is in Rex’s body and is going to deal with Joy in the Museum. Hurry there.

The walkthrough was written for the Russian version of the game



Esc- pause the game and exit to the menu, go back.

Enter- confirmation of choice.


W, A, S, D- movement: forward, left, backward, right

Mouse- camera

E - action, conversation, mind reading

R- entry into the bodies of living people, the ability to hide from demons

Right mouse button- exit from the body, during entry

Q- influence on people’s thoughts, conclusion during investigation in tasks

F- detection of demons

Tab- evidence, tasks, additional tasks

Shift left(hold) + movement buttons - run

R(hold) + different key combinations - execute, kill the demon

Left mouse button(hold) - teleportation

Right mouse button- back, skip videos

Space- change of view, zoom in (first person view)

Saves in the game occur automatically, after each completed task. You can only load the latest autosave.


Let's watch the initial video. This is a story about how detective Ronan O'Connor will investigate his own murder. It turns out that our hero has a rather dark past. Staggering, we try to get up, climb the steps to the door and open it, but we get hit in the forehead. We rise and notice ours on the ground body, Ronan gets the idea to return to it. We lie down on our body and press the keys. W, A, S, D so that the body parts match. When this happens, simply move the mouse down. After a failed attempt, we watch as our killer finishes us off in cold blood. Let's watch the video. Finding ourselves in a strange place, we hear a female voice. We go towards the bright light, we meet Julia, Ronan's deceased wife. After talking with her, we find ourselves on the same street.


The police have already arrived at the crime scene, interrogating witnesses and examining the murder scene. We look around and notice a wooden fence and the ghost of a little girl between the houses, we follow her.

We move straight all the time, then left to the fence. This is where Ronan's mystical abilities begin to reveal themselves. We simply pass through the fence, then follow again forward and to the right, past the ghostly image of a cart. We get to the playground and see a girl. We talk with her, asking all the questions. After the conversation, the girl leaves, and we return to the city.

Crime scene

We are faced with a task - we need to collect 8 pieces of evidence. We examine our body and the evidence around (they are located next to the numbered plates). This is a pistol, spent cartridges, shards of broken glass, a cigar. We already have five pieces of evidence, so we pay attention to the policeman with a notepad in his hands, we need to read the notes. We come closer and, pressing the key R, we move into his body. We read the notes. The mark we need is the last one, the third one, select it. We get evidence No. 6. We leave the body of the policeman by clicking the right mouse button. We move on (for fun, you can try to inhabit other bodies of people on the street and read their thoughts). We are looking for a girl witness, she is talking to a policeman. We move into her, read her thoughts. We are trying to influence the girl, but she has forgotten important information. We leave her body. We pay attention to two policemen talking on the road, you need to eavesdrop on their conversation. We approach the police and move into one of them, listening to information about Zvonar. Here is evidence No. 7. We leave the body of the policeman and return to the girl witness. We move into her body and influence the girl’s memories (key Q). From the proposed answers, we choose the thought of Zvonar. This is the last, eighth piece of evidence. Ronan will conclude that he needs to go to the house nearby. A new task appears before us: we need to get into the house and go up to the apartment on the fourth floor. We are lucky because... one of the policemen enters the house, we follow him through the open door.

After the policeman leaves, a ghost appears from the wall on the right. In the game we will often encounter various bonuses and additional tasks. They have little effect on the main playthrough, but by completing them you will receive additional achievements at the end of the game. We move further along the corridor and see a man talking with a woman about something.

Bonus task

We go straight through the wall behind the man and find ourselves in the laundry room. We meet the ghost of a girl, she asks for help finding her body.

It turns out that the girl was killed, and among the suspects is an elderly couple. You can go to the left, near the wall you will find a bonus by simply clicking “discover” and “collect”.

We return to the corridor and go straight through the wall. We find ourselves in the apartment of the spouses suspected of murder. We look into the storage room on the right and find gardening tools and a shovel there. Near the entrance to the left on a table with a flower we find a note and read it. We go further into the kitchen and see a newspaper on the dining table, we study it. We approach a man who is watching TV on the sofa and move into him. We read the man’s thoughts and use the “influence” command. We perform the same manipulations with his wife, who is standing at the window.

All the evidence has been collected, we draw a conclusion by choosing the answers: “the old woman’s secret” and “the old man’s secret.” We return to the girl and tell her everything. We go out into the corridor and go up the stairs to the second floor. Let's watch the video. Let's go forward, along the way you can go to the neighboring apartments. We reach the wall and click “detection”, a drawing should appear. We turn right and try to go to the stairs, but that was not the case. Let's watch the video. To hide from the demon, we pay attention to ghostly figures that look like haze or fog. Press the key R. Similar ghostly shelters will continue to be found in the game. We jump from one shelter to another until the demon loses sight of us. Another of Ronan's abilities is the ability to see if there are any demons nearby. To do this, press and hold the key F. We look around. The red silhouette in the distance is a demon. We quietly approach the demon from behind and, when the cursor lights up above it, press and hold the key R. Then quickly press the key combination that lights up at the bottom of the screen. The demon is defeated. We go up to the third floor.

Attention! There are two demons walking in the corridor, you can try to fight, but I didn’t succeed, they were too fast. I did this. We pass through the wall on the left and go through the entire apartment. Along the way, you can look into the bathroom and talk to the ghost of the suicide. We go into the bedroom and click “detection” on the wall, we see another strange drawing. Next, click “detect demons” (key F). When the monster turns and goes a little further to the right, we quickly pass through the wall and run to the stairs. Even if the demon chases us, we simply don’t pay attention. The main thing is to have time to run up the stairs, the demon will not go any further. We go up to the fourth floor.

Fourth floor. Apartment 4a

Let's watch the video. We follow straight and turn right, go into the apartment. Let's watch the video. We have a new task ahead of us: we need to collect 14 pieces of evidence and find out what is here

the killer did. The first piece of evidence is a gun, my mother's gift. From the front door, turn to the right and click “discover.” Now Ronan can create mental images of people who visited certain places (also with objects). We analyze the image, answering: purposeful, searching. We go to the kitchen and go behind the policeman. On the left side of the table is a document - this is a request for data on a missing person. If you turn right, you can find a bonus near the drying plates (materials about Salem). From the kitchen we head to the living room to the broken window and examine it. Next, we turn and go a little further, behind the closet on the wall we find a trace of a struggle (there is a sign with No. 9 on the floor). We go to the right and on the floor we find another traces of a struggle (next to the sign number 8). We head to the shelf near the wall and find a book about the supernatural there. We go into the next room, and on the right we find a mental image of a girl, we analyze it. Correct answers: scared, hiding, watching. We leave and go into the room, which is located next to the image of the killer. We pass and see a bag with things in the far corner. We move further, and near the left wall on the floor we find psychological portraits of children. If you found everything correctly, then by this moment you should have 10 clues, there are 4 more left to find. Click “output”. Correct answers: killer on the hunt, witness on the run. We return to the living room, approach the policeman and try to look at the documents lying in front of him. But nothing comes of it, so then we move into his body and use our influence to force the policeman to remove his hand. After the policeman leaves, we look at the photograph. The answer to the question is church, that’s where you need to go. This concludes our tasks in the apartment. We follow into the bedroom and go out into the street through the window.

Road to the church

We find ourselves in an alley between houses. If you want to complete bonus tasks, then turn around and go back. We go to the right to the police car, create the image of Rex, Ronan’s friend and policeman, listen to Rex’s memories. You can go into the courtyard on the right and collect bonuses. On the way we meet a cat, out of curiosity we move into it, especially since it will be useful to us in the future.


From the police car we follow straight along the road until we meet the ghost of a girl who is jealous of her ex-boyfriend of his new living girlfriend, with whom he is standing next to. We agree to help the girl. We first inhabit the guy, then his girlfriend, and find out their thoughts. We draw a conclusion. Answers: heartbroken, death of an ex-girlfriend, cry into your vest. We tell the ghost girl about everything.

Then we return to the alley from which we came, and now we go straight. We exit the opening on the right and recreate the memory. Next, we head to two policemen and move into one of them, listening to their conversation. We continue our path again: we go straight until the turn, then again straight to the house. We turn left, go around the boat and go forward. We're heading to the beach.

Bonus task

We see a sobbing ghost of a woman and talk to her. We find out that she is a victim of a shipwreck. We agree to help. All the necessary evidence is located next to the ghost of a woman. To the right, a little further away, we find a newspaper, to the left - candles, to the right of the table - a photograph. Behind the boat, where the crosses are, we find a memorial, and next to the memorial there is a boat. Near its side we find a bouquet of flowers.

The evidence has been collected, we draw a conclusion: a photo, an obituary in the newspaper, a bouquet. Yes, she is not a victim at all, but on the contrary, a heroine! We return to the woman and tell her everything.

We continue our path, move straight to the water's edge, then turn left. We go around the gazebo and follow along the shore. A pier should appear in the distance, and a huge sign with the name of the church should appear on the left. We go up the steps, we have arrived.


We go around and examine the entire church, collect bonuses, talk with ghosts. We approach the altar and recreate the memory. This is a fragment from the life of Ronan himself, his wedding with his wife Julia. We turn around and go to the left along the rows. We discover the mental image of the witness and the priest, look at the memory. We have a new task ahead of us: getting into the attic. We return and go through the entire church into the left door, there are signs nearby. We go in and notice a burning hole in the floor, it’s better to stay away from them, because... demons live there. But we need to get to the other side, so we move into a priest with a vacuum cleaner that walks in a circle. When the clergyman crosses to the other side of the hole, we leave him. We go through the door and see a cat.

Path to the attic

We follow through the courtyard into the open door and go left. We create a mental image of a girl near the elevator. We walk a little further, notice a cat on the threshold of the kitchen, and move in with it. We go into the kitchen and go left, where two men are repairing the ventilation. We are lucky because... The grate is removed, we go inside. We move straight and see a window in the wall into another room, we need to jump there. A cat can only jump while moving. To do this, press the key W+ Shift(left) and at the same time point the camera (mouse) to accurately hit the window. We find ourselves in a room in which a monster is wandering, but as long as we are in the form of a cat, nothing threatens us. Let's move on, keep to the right. We pass the burning hole in the floor and head to the far corner, where there is a ladder and table. We jump onto the table and then up. We jump into the ventilation hole under the ceiling. We move straight until the first turn to the right, turn there and find ourselves in the room that we have already passed. We go outside. We go to the middle of the yard, but before reaching the stone pedestal, we turn right and jump onto the wooden scaffolding (there is a man standing nearby). We move along the boards to the left to the wall, turn left and follow straight along the parapet. We jump in and then move forward, climbing up the plant on the wall. Having climbed up, we go around the objects on the right and walk along the branch that touches the parapet. We move along it, but before reaching the middle of the tree, we turn left onto the branch closest to us. We go forward and then jump. We follow straight forward along the iron grate, jump and again climb up the plant, jump into the window. We're there. We accept our original appearance.


We go into the room on the right, and here is our witness. We move into her, using our influence to choose the “witness on the run” option. After a good kick, we communicate with the girl on all topics. It turns out that she sees Ronan perfectly, unlike other people. After the girl leaves, we move into the cat again, return to the room and jump out of the open window.

If you are having problems with Walkthrough of the game Murdered, you can always use our advice and information to take action. We describe in detail the steps that need to be taken to completely complete the game. Murdered. In the most difficult places we add pictures that can help you. Walkthrough Murdered read on our website.

Ghost Girl

Watch a video story about the main character of the game, they will also show you his death. Immediately after killing you, you will begin to control the ghost. Lie down on your body, you need to put your legs, arms and head in the right position. An attempt to return to the world of the living will be unsuccessful, so talk to the ghost of your wife. After the dialogue ends, follow the girl into the alley, chat with her on the playground and learn a lot about your condition. Then return to the crime scene.

On the street

It's quite simple. Inspect the area around your corpse, read the thoughts of all the inhabitants. Read police reports. Then move into the girl, select the option Ringer in her thoughts. Then the person will remember everything and give new leads for the investigation. Go through the open door. You need to get to the 4th floor and avoid the eyes of the demons. Move between astral memories. Sneak up from behind the demons and kill them. Be careful on your way.

Apartment 4a

Go straight and then through the door to the right. A short video follows. Collect all the evidence you can. Hint on the killer (he is purposefully searching, and the girl is (hiding and watching in fear). When you have 11 clues left to find, look at the photo next to the policeman, and then move into him and study the photo. Leave the room through the window and go to the church.


Upon entering the church, find the memory and hang the picture. With the help of the priest, get past the demons. Get into the cat by the elevator, go to the repairman, he is sitting near the ventilation. Through it you can get to other rooms. Once outside, climb up the tree and go into the attic. Talk to the girl about how the killer was looking for something. Go back, kill the ghosts. Go outside, examine the letter and follow to the police station.

Operational headquarters

Rex is trying to find out who the killer is, but it's not so easy because there are no traces or prints. Explore the entire room. With the help of a policeman at the computer, find out where the girl is. Exit the room, go left through the main rooms. Find the girl in the interrogation room. Break the cameras, lead Joy to the stairs, which will help you get to the second floor (distract the police with faxes and phones). Once at the top, distract two more cops. Talk to Joy.

Baxter's office

It turns out that Baxter worked with Mom Joy and with her help he tried to find the maniac. Look around the office. Pay attention to the answering machine, and then to the wall. Behind it there is a secret door where documents on the Beller are located. Help Joy leave the site. Go out into the street yourself and convince the girl to help you with a letter from her mother.

At the police station

Go through the streets to the cemetery. Enter its territory and find Joy in the northwest among the graves.


Look around the area. Find the girl's ghostly corpse, rope and other evidence. Interrogate the local spirits. It turns out that a child was recently drowned in this place. His ghost will appear. Run after him through the entire cemetery. There will be demons on your way, kill them or avoid them. Pass the hospital. Go into the barn and go upstairs. Now you will learn to move with your thoughts. Continue following the ghost.


It turns out that the drowned girl's name was Sophie. Look around the tree and everything around it. Restore the events of the past. It turns out that the Beller wanted to get something from the girl, but then tied her to a chair and lowered her to the bottom of the river. Return to Joy. Now you need to get to the psychiatric hospital, go to it according to the mark on the screen.

Emergency room

The girl doesn't want to talk about the sick. Look around her. The lady misses her son, use this to get the information you need. Follow upstairs. You need to get to the emergency room as quickly as possible. Turn off the cameras, distract the orderlies so that Joy can walk through the corridors. At some point you will come across sealed doors. Go around them through the abandoned floor (there will be a lot of demons on it, so don't relax).

Chamber of Iris

Open the door, break the camera and enter room 216. Talk to Iris. Look around her room, pay attention to the writing. You will learn that Zvornyak burned the girl’s sister alive at the stake because she did not tell about the agreement. Leave the hospital through the back entrance.

At the mental hospital

Talk to Joy and Iris, go through the streets of the city to the Museum, where an exhibition of torture of the last century is being held.

Exhibition in the museum

On the first floor there are seven instruments for torturing witches. Find and study them all. You will understand that Zvornyak does not just kill, but executes his victims in various ways. The head of the exhibition lets slip that there are more exhibits upstairs. Use the TV reporter to follow the train and go to the top floor.

Cabinet of restorers

The entire room is filled with ancient signs, sculptures and instruments of torture. After studying them all, you will learn that Zvornyak believes that the mediums have made a deal with the devil and that is why he is killing them. Examine the newspaper clippings, go back. Talk to Joy. The girl will be upset that she couldn’t find her mother and will run away from you, blaming you for everything. Run after the young lady who went to church.


First, go back to the church. You need to pass many demons through the main hall, when finished, go straight and to the right. Go outside and you will notice Iris dying. Examine her body and everything around it. The zvornyak threw a concrete slab on the girl. You need to understand how he got into the church, go into the building and follow upstairs.


In the main room you will find many corpses. Study people's thoughts and fragments. Zvornyak chased Irisa through this room, the girl jumped out the window and broke her leg. All the dead people became random victims of a maniac. The question remains: "How did he get into the building?" Go upstairs to Joy's room.


Now you will find the corpse of the priest himself. Study everything. It turns out that the Beller came for Joy and her mother, but met the holy father and Iris. As a result, the first was killed immediately, and a chase began for the second, which ended with the death of the girl in the yard. Get into the cat, go through the hatches and find yourself below again. Find the key on the floor. By his initials you will understand where to go next. Go downstairs and tell Joy everything.

Lair of the Ringer

Get to the house of "Justice". Enter it and go upstairs. Instead of one of the closets, there is a passage to a secret room. In it you will find everything that Zvornyak wrote down during his life and how he tracked down his victims. You will hear a sound, quickly run down through the crowd of demons.&


Previously, everything indicated that Baxter was a maniac, but it turned out that he had just been shot in the head. Ask the guy about everything. He will tell the truth about Mom Joy and how she helped him. Go to the basement of the building to understand where the maniac is hiding.


Inspect the cells. Plunge into the past, it turns out that the girl you met at the beginning of the game is the killer. She inhabited the bodies of men and attacked female mediums. It also turns out that Rex is currently possessed and he is going to execute Joy in the Museums. Urgently go to save your friend.


Run inside the museum. Watch the video in which Rex turned out to be a killer. Free yourself from the clutches of demons, possess Joy and scream at Rex. Grab the girl by the hand, interrogate her, and then watch the final video. The game is over.

Murdered: Soul Suspect was released on June 3, 2014 for the following platforms: Xbox One, Xbox 360, PS3, PS4 and PC. The developer was the American studio Airtight Games, and the publisher was the Japanese company Square Enix.

Murdered Soul Suspect: review

Not every detective manages to solve complicated murders. While searching for the killer of his beloved, detective Ryan O'Connor falls straight into the clutches of the killer himself, dying heroically in the process. Of course, the cop is in no hurry to go to heaven, because he needs to solve his latest case. To carry out his plan, Ryan finds himself a partner-medium , which helps him in the investigation of the crime.

The passage of the game Murdered: Soul Suspect is quite exciting, because the plot turned out to be quite good, with amazing elements of mysticism, tense moments and scenario tricks. The setting is also revealed quite well. Don't forget that you are a ghost, and therefore some objects of the real world are of no use to you now. Of course, the ghostly world also has its own laws, which boil down to traps and alternating appearances of demons. The atmosphere of the afterlife is felt 100%! Nevertheless, the gameplay in Murdered: Soul Suspect 2014 gets boring pretty quickly: the same game situations, constant searches for clues, endless infiltration of people and animals - all this is terribly annoying after 3-4 hours of play.

Of course, if it were a little heavier, it would be more interesting to play. But that was not the case! For any mistakes made by the player, you are not punished in any way, which practically reduces the entire detective component to nothing. There are also secondary tasks here, but they are rather lackluster. The result is not the brightest picture: the game has an exciting setting, a good plot, good sound and nice graphics, but the gameplay, which is the main element of any game, is boring and monotonous. A little further we will give a complete walkthrough of the game Murdered: Soul Suspect.

Technical problems

Of course, you can’t do without this. So, if you're having problems with the game, match your PC specifications to those needed to run Murdered: Soul Suspect. PC requirements (recommended):

  • Windows: Windows 7/8 (only 64-bit OS supported).
  • Processor: AMD FX-8000 or similar from Intel.
  • Video card: Radeon TM R9 270/GTX 660.
  • RAM: 4 GB.
  • DirectX 11.

As for other problems, standard solutions can usually be applied to them.

1. Murdered: Soul Suspect (PC version) freezes or crashes.

You can solve this problem by installing the latest drivers for your video card and reducing the quality of the graphics settings. License holders are also recommended to check the cache in the Steam service.

2. Murdered: Soul Suspect does not start. Observed slowdowns and lags.

Install the latest patch for the game. If the problem is not solved, then set all settings to minimum (be sure to turn off anti-aliasing). If all else fails, you will have to upgrade your outdated PC.

Please also remember that Murdered: Soul Suspect will not run on 32-bit OSes.


Let’s immediately clarify that if you want to play on a pirated copy of Murdered: Soul Suspect, “Mechanics” (RG “Mechanics”) have one of the best repack assemblies. Use it.

The game begins with news clippings that tell us about a maniac nicknamed the Beller. After a short flashback, our hero will fly out of the window, which is why his whole life flashes before his eyes: from childhood to the very moment when he becomes a policeman and loses his beloved. We found her killer, but it was he who threw us out into the street. By some miracle, Ryan manages to survive, and so he will have to quickly get to the house. For some reason we are unable to open the door. Grandma will help us. As it turns out later, we are already dead. The hero almost manages to return to his body, but the Ringer will shoot Ryan, which is why we will become a 100% ghost.

Follow the light, where you will meet an ex-girlfriend who will talk about the bridge and unfinished business. In general, they do not allow our hero to go peacefully into another world. Then we will be returned to the place of our death, where civilians will be scurrying around in crowds, calling the cops and an ambulance. At some point we will notice a girl whom we need to follow to the alley. Since we became a ghost, we had the opportunity to pass through any objects. At a certain point in time, we will be shown a story clip, after which Ryan will ask the girl questions that have accumulated in 10 minutes in Murdered: Soul Suspect. The passage in the future will only become more intriguing.

The death of the hero will be examined by a stupid cop who will manage to ruin all the evidence in a split minute. Fortunately, we will arrive in time, bringing the thoughtless policeman to reason. Look into Patrolman Stewart's diary, then carefully examine the murder scene. After collecting evidence and successfully overhearing a conversation, you need to move into Stuart by looking in the diary again. There we select the final point of evidence that mentions something about weapons. Next, possess the girl standing nearby, awakening memories in her. When you collect 8 pieces of evidence, think about the current situation and run to the house. When you enter it, you will be greeted by another ghost with whom you can exchange a few words. Go up to the second floor and go into room 4a. Here we need to find evidence that will help us in the investigation. Weapons, mental traces of the girl and the killer, a hole in the wall, Cassandra Foster's request on the kitchen table. That's all for now. Compiling the overall picture of the crime, we understand that the witness, who was at the scene at the time of the murder, is on the run, and the maniac is looking for her. We just have to find the witness herself.

We are looking for other evidence: the book “Supernatural” lying on the shelf near the bathroom, as well as a bag with things. After that, go up to the policeman and try to look at the photo. Infiltrate the cop's brain by forcing him to show the photo using the Mystery Photo evidence. Focus and choose the one where there will be a girl with a priest. Next, solve a simple problem that will let us understand that there was a witness here, but he managed to escape. Of course, we need to find him. Let's remember the church. Let's head towards her.


Come to the church. There you will immediately find a priest and a girl. Go further and inhabit the servant of the Lord in order to safely avoid the trap. Next we need to get to the attic, which has become the girl’s temporary refuge. Once in the next room, get into the cat and run to the right place.

After that, we move into the girl, trying to make her remember the maniac using the “Search for the Killer” evidence. Unfortunately, she will push us out of her body for the reason that she herself is a medium. Ask her a couple of burning questions. After some time, the girl will refuse to help us, after which she will try to escape. Catch up with her, get into the cat again and jump out into the street through the window. Next, go to the exit from the church. Here a trap will interfere with you, and therefore you will have to improvise with a poltergeist, with the help of which you should start the vacuum cleaner, attracting the attention of the priest. Move into it and avoid the trap. There are 2 demons in the church, which, of course, will have to be dealt with quickly. Let's move on. Unfortunately, we will not be able to catch up with the witness, because she will have time to disappear. Where could she go? Using the evidence “Mother's Note” we guess that she went to the police station.

Police station

We continue to talk about the storyline of Murdered: Soul Suspect. The passage takes us to Ryan's "home" - the police station. Go into the building and look at the evidence. When you look at all 9 pieces, a policeman will enter the headquarters and sit down at the computer. Move into him and force him to discover new facts about the missing residents. From the same cop you can learn about the arrest of Joy Foster (witness). Now we need to help her. Go into the interrogation chamber, where you turn off the camera and release the girl. Talk to her near the cops. She will begin to be willful.

Distract the law enforcement officer behind the coffee machine, and then continue to use your ghostly essence until the girl reaches the doors that lead to the second floor. There will be another trap here. You will not be able to cross it, but the witness will help us cross it. We find ourselves on the second floor. There you will have to distract 2 more policemen. Follow the girl to Baxter's office. Here you will have to find a lot of evidence, including photographs and books. Then pay attention to the missed message and tell Joy to listen to it. Approach the rack with weapons, choosing what we need. When you solve the riddle with the cache, talk to Joy about it, then take the dossier.

It is also worth mentioning that Murdered: Soul Suspect in Russian sounds simply amazing, so try not to miss the story videos and atmospheric character dialogues. Next, we urgently need to leave, as the police will begin to look for the missing girl. Distract the cop with the printer and go down to the 1st floor. Talk to Joy, then watch a short video. We leave the station and catch up with the girl. Stop her and prove that it will be difficult for her alone (using the evidence “Note from Mother”). We go to the cemetery.


At the entrance to the cemetery you will be greeted by an unusual-looking ghost in the form of a little girl. Unfortunately, she will immediately disappear among the gloomy tombstones. Here we will have to show all our detective skills by questioning the ghost sitting nearby. You learn that he saw something on the shore. We go there and discover the corpse of the ghost himself. After a little debriefing, we will see a brief vision that will clearly show us another ghost who saw the victim's body. Have Joy shine the light on the bushes behind and pull out the evidence (rope). Let's remember the evidence "Peculiarities of murders". Afterwards it turns out that Sofia (the girl’s ghost) was watching us, and therefore we will have to follow her, destroying along the way 3 demons that appear so often in Murdered: Soul Suspect. Passing half of the game behind your back, ahead - the remaining 50%.

Later, the girl will lead us to a field hospital, where she will try to tell us something. Unfortunately, she will not be able to do this, since her mouth is sewn shut. Then she will run away somewhere again. Learning to teleport. After one of the unsuccessful attempts, our hero will find himself right in front of 3 angry demons, from which he will have to save himself using previously learned methods. Having dealt with them, we continue to follow Sofia. As it turns out, she did not run away, but simply led us to a certain place. Go to the tree and select the sound: "Crack". After watching a couple of videos, you will learn about some kind of agreement. Sofia will start to freak out and knock us out with her scream. Return to Joy to clarify the situation a little. In her diary there is an entry about a contract that will lead to the surviving madwoman. We go to a psychiatric hospital.

Psychiatric hospital

We continue to tell you what the passage of the main storyline is like in Murdered: Soul Suspect. In the hospital you will need to recognize Iris’s ward. Consider the evidence in which you should be interested in the photo of the boy. Move into the room on duty and make her remember this photo. Using the monitor, we find out that Iris is in room 216. Hurry up!

On the 2nd floor you will have to break the camera so that no one discovers Joy. Then help her by opening the electric door. Hack the cameras again and distract the orderlies. Next you will split up with your friend. Go around, get into the cat and make your way through the ventilation. In the premises, deal with 3 demons. Avoid other traps and obstacles to meet Joy. Pick locks so that the medium can move on. Don't forget about the cameras! After all this, we find ourselves in room 216 and watch the video. Look at some of the pictures. The correct answers to the picture with the hounds would be: “pursuit”, “torture”. With bells: “ringer”, “burned at the stake”. With sisters: “2 girls”, “connection”. After analyzing this, we can conclude that Iris had a sister who gave her life to save her. A little later, she will appear before us under the guise of a burning ghost, and after a short conversation she will help us escape. The next clue is the museum.

Museum of History

Upon entering the museum, we immediately begin searching for new evidence. You will find the first on the table, the second - at the pillar, after you solve the next riddle (rose, burned, torture), the third - on the bloody stone. The latter is much more difficult to obtain. First, focus on the gallows by selecting the hatch. Secondly, look at the picture with the estate painted on it, analyze the shameful chair. When the hero examines all the exhibits, he will conclude that the Beller killed his victims as if he were dealing with witches. Next, go up to the 2nd floor, where another obstacle will be waiting for us - a ghost in the form of a train. With the help of teleportation and short dashes, you will still get to the desired floor, where you will meet Joy. Together with her, go to the hidden exhibits and focus on the medallion, thanks to which you will learn interesting information about mediums.

When you find all the necessary evidence, make a logical chain: the sign from the picture, the board of mediums and the medallion. Baxter becomes the only suspect. We go to his apartment, leaving the museum. But that was not the case. First, demons interfere with us, and then we hear a conversation between 2 women, who claim that some kind of incident happened in the church. As you remember, we sent Joy there. In this regard, we postpone the trip to Baxter’s apartment and rush at full speed to the church.

Church 2

Joy had already tried to break into the building, but the cops caught her. Fortunately, this is no longer our concern. We go into the church and destroy the demons. Next, we go through one of the doors on the right, after which we lure the policeman and move into him in order to avoid harmful traps. In the courtyard you will find the corpse of Iris, who, unfortunately, you were not able to save. Next, we again look for evidence that will help us find the maniac. First, analyze the fact of Iris's death. Next, we will be shown a short video, after which we should go to the second floor, where you will notice several more corpses. Possess a surviving victim, forcing him to remember the last moments of Iris's life. Afterwards we go to the attic in search of a couple more clues. Look at the photo you found. Then recreate the murder scene, realizing that the maniac came for Joy's life, not Iris. When you touch the cat, you will realize that the Beller has lost something. Move into the animal and climb into the ventilation to get the key from there. Thanks to him, you will remember about the House of Justice. We go to him, having dealt with the demons along the way.

House of Justice

There will be a parking lot near the building, which means that Baxter is most likely here. Go to the second floor and go into the secret room. Take a good look at everything here to find all the evidence: newspaper costs, trophies of victims, map of murders. At some point a click will be heard. Go down to the basement, dealing with demons along the way. After several skirmishes, we go even further, where you will notice the corpse and the ghost of Baxter. We ask him important questions, after which we send him to Cassandra. We ourselves remain to search for evidence: a sign, a cot, shackles, candles. We put all this into a single picture and understand that Abigail is the same killer. Of course, we need to find him very quickly. As you head towards the exit, you will hear a conversation on the radio and find out that Joy and Rex are missing. Let's hurry to the museum.


The game Murdered: Soul Suspect, the passage of which was quite intense, has come to an end. The museum will be full of traps, and therefore you need to be extremely careful in order to get around them safely. As it turns out, the maniac possessed Rex while trying to hang Joy. You will have 20 seconds to make a decision. Go through the traps and possess your girlfriend. Use the "Loud Scream" clue to exorcise the ghost of the killer from Rex's body. The maniac will be quick, and therefore will still try to kill Joy. Run up to him and grab his hand. Watch the video and ask burning questions. End!