Scenario for the New Year holiday in Tatar. Scenario for the New Year holiday in the Tatar language Scenario for the New Year in the Tatar language

Yana ate kichesene script


Alyp Baruchy:

Yomshak kyna bulyp karlar java,
Karlar java zhirne bizaklәp.
Ak karlary belen Yana elym
Bәhet alyp kilsen zhitәkәp.

Khormatle duslar, isenmesez! Haerle Kichler! Yana ate belen sezne!

Bu suzlerne ishetuge beznen kuz aldybyzgy khushch isle zifa chyrshi, ap –ak kar borteclare, zhemeldevek sikhri utlar kilep basa.

Yana ate diyuge, kunelde utkenner belen khushlashu sagyshy ham ometle kilechek belen kavyshu shatlygy uyana.

Yana ate diyuge - uen - kolke, zhyr-biya, Kysh babay, Kar kyzy kuz aldyna kile.

(Alsu zhyr “Kyshky chiya”)

Alyp Baruchy : Yana ate st – duslarny, tugannarny berge zhyygan beyram tabyny.

Yana el-hyyallarnyn kanatlangan chagi.

Yany ate – utkende eshlengen eshlerge yomgak yasau chori. Kotlau very suz

Alyp Baruchy:

Yana elny kotep ala harkem,
Yush kilsen deep yuriy telәgen.
Yana elda in-in yakynina
Bүlәk itә kainar yөrәgen.

Guzeliya Basharova ham Vildan Shamsievnyn muzykal kuchtenechen tynlagyz.

Alyp Baruchy: Elek-elekten yana elga bashlagan eshlerenne eshlap beterep, berer yana kiem kiep, burych kaldirmy kererge gedetlengenner. Kysh jitte simerep betken akkoshlar zhyly yaklarga yul tota Lekin ber akkosh uzenen kulen tashlap kite almy, mortgage st. creditin tulep betermegen.Zhey bue st tulep temam yabykkan hem healthezlangen.Akkoshtan songs protsentlaryn alyp betererg e borket investment bank uzenen karchygasyn zhibere hem alar arasynda kan koigych sugysh bashlana.Ballet songs olesen uzegez karap anlarsyz.

(ballet accoshlar)

Alyp Baruchy:


Alyp Baruchy:

Yana Elda Herkem Telek Teli

Yana elda eshler unar cook.

El buena ashmy yorgen uylar

Yana elda chynga ashar, cat!

Barygyzny and beyram belen kotlap fat Venera Angamovna.

Alyp Baruchy: In front of you New Year's musical fairy tale "How Santa Claus was looking for his wife"

Sounds 01. Please turn it off

Presenter: This story happened on the eve of the wonderful New Year holiday, a holiday from which each of us expects a miracle: the poor dream of wealth, the sick dream of health, and the lonely dream of meeting their love... After all, they say on New Year everything is possible..

Sounds 02. Time to believe in miracles

Presenter: So, our fairy tale begins...

Sounds 03. Visiting a fairy tale

Presenter: In a forest clearing in the winter forest, there lived, grew and blossomed a beautiful Christmas tree, we meet

It sounds 04. And I am the May rose

Presenter; The Christmas tree stood and was sad, because in this forest no one sees her beauty, out of annoyance she said to her mother:

It sounds 05. I’m standing again..

Presenter: And nearby, in his ice palace, there lived neither a king nor a prince, but the great New Year's wizard, Father Frost. And he had it all: a magic staff, a gift-making workshop, and a beautiful granddaughter, but he didn’t have love and a faithful friend nearby... let’s meet Santa Claus!

Sounds 06. Lonely man

Presenter: And so he read in the horoscope that he would find his destiny in the New Year's forest, and it would be prickly, but beautiful, and only she would be able to hug, understand and warm him. Without thinking twice, Santa Claus went there, he goes, and Snowflakes meet him, who are also looking for happiness. Let's meet.

(Three Snowflakes come out dancing.)

Sounds 07 “Everyone wants to love”

Presenter : The snowflakes saw Santa Claus, were delighted, and let’s flirt with him, they’ll touch him on the cheek, then they’ll throw themselves into hugs, they’ll tickle Santa completely.

Sounds 08. Laughter

Presenter: The beautiful Elka watched all this with annoyance; she tried to draw Father Frost’s attention to herself, even sang a song to him, but no matter how hard she tried, she could not distract Father Frost from the young seductresses. Let's see..

Sounds 09. January is ringing...

Presenter: And Santa Claus was completely weakened by the attention and caresses of the Snowflakes, and began to think about himself:

Sounds like 10. Who cares about such beauty...

Presenter: And the Snowflakes circled around him, but Frost still understood that he couldn’t handle three, he had to find the most caring and ardent one among them. First, I resorted to the scientific method, measured the length of each person’s arms and legs (takes out a centimeter and measures)

Sounds 11. Ay, yay, girl

Presenter: At this time the tree made a second attempt and began to sing again.

Sounds 12. I'm all alone

Presenter: But again Santa Claus did not hear her, and you know why, because this is a fairy tale, and in a fairy tale, a miracle only works the third time. And our Moroz scratched his beard and decided to use a creative approach - he organized a casting among the applicants. Let's watch the performance of the 1st Snowflake.

It sounds 13. And I'm a girl from Rostov

Presenter: Good, but let's watch the 2nd...

Sounds 14. Gypsy

Presenter: I lit it, you can’t say anything, the word is on the 3rd

Sounds 15. Bomb..

Presenter: Grandfather swam and was completely at a loss, but then the Christmas tree could not stand it, she parted her branches and came forward

Sounds 16. Tsigel, Tsigel

Presenter: Santa Claus reacted to the beacon, of course... The snowflakes had to move, but Frost remembered that he needed a very hot hug, so he measured the length of Elka’s arms and legs, and in the meantime Elka promised him

Sounds 17. I'll kiss you..

Presenter: And Santa Claus immediately opened his heart to her..

Sounds 18. I'm tired

Presenter: And the Christmas tree and Santa Claus began to hug, and the Snowflakes danced around them and rejoiced

Sounds 19. Oh, oh, oh

Presenter: We don’t know what will come of this love story in the future, we only know that on New Year’s Eve something extraordinary can happen to anyone and that now we will greet our actors with friendly applause

Sounds 20 People are celebrating the New Year.. (to applause)

Presenter: And now everyone is dancing!

Sounds 21. New Year's.

(everyone is dancing)

Alyp Baruchy: Eidegez duslar kunel achyp, uyen uynap alabyz.


Alyp Baruchy:

Bugen donya ak kulmekten,

Yoldyzlar toshken zhirge.

Cardan agargan chyrshylar

Zhyygan duslaryn berge deep zhyrly yana ate belen kotlap Guzeliya Basharova

(zhyr Guzeliya Basharova “Yana ate segetlere”)


Alyp Baruchi: Kaderle duslar sezne yana ate belen kotlap fat Florida Khuzina “Keshe Gomer”

Alyp Baruchy:

Boten keshe ashkynyp, sagnyp kotken beyram bu

Keshelerge yana ate, alyp kilgen beyram bu.

Boilers Bulsyn Yana ate, Beyram Bulsyn Moberek

(Scene “Kezhe belen saryk”) Uzara beheslashep kezhe belen saryk kere.

K.Tur bashynda bugen min utyram.Mine tantanali raveshte ozatirga tieshler.

S.Nishlap ele blue?El buye kesheler Saryk ely da Saryk ely deep yorde.Eshlere unmasa da uylary baryp chykmasa da mine gaepledeler.Imes ni kotersen inde saryktan!Boten yorek zhylymny,boten yonimny birep zhylytyrga tyryshtym uzleren. Shulay bulgach eide mikeldeme tosh chairdan , ozatsynnar mine as it should be!

K.Yuk mine ozatsynnar.Min bash ta kutermi ate bue ashledem.

S.Eshladen?El buye kebeste kimerden!Shuna keshelernen kebestese bette.

Alyp Baruchy: Duslar, shul kader kyzyp-kyzyp ni hakynda beheslashesez st?

S.Ene kezhe ele bulsa minem ate deep bashymny katyra.

K.Shushi Saryk Sakalymny Agartty bit, walla h And.

Alyp Baruchy: Yucca suz kuertasız.E gomum alganda sez ikegez de bertiguez.

(Maimul kere)

M. Min, gomumen, bu behesnen megnesen kurmim. Ikegez de kitese bit. Min miiiiin huzha monda!

Alyp Baruchy: Songy kone de yamsezlenep tormagyz. Mene sezge tagy ber utyrgych tour bashynda ikegezgede uryn bulyr.

K. Hai rahmet.

S. Mene monysy dores. E sin, maymylbike ashykma, kotep tor beraz.

Alyp Baruchy: Tarikhnyn bu danly elyna yes

Beznen kupme zhinu uelgan

E shulai da shatlyklyrak bulsyn

Kaderlerek bulsyn yanasi

S. Iii elatasyz inde.

K. Sinen de kunelen tuldymy?

M.Ebeu inde bereuler... Minem de plannarym zurdan, zur eshler maytaryrga isebem bar.Ya,yalindyrmagiz biregez picetne.

Alyp Baruchy. Tuktagyz, ipteshler, beyremebezde Yana ate kichenen in zur kunaklary kysh babay b.n Yana ate yuk bit. Zhitmese, pichet yanynda kysh babainyn kultamgasy bulmagach, document uz kochene kere almy.

M. (bot chabyp)haaaay boo bureaucratic!

(music uynay, kysh babaylar kere)

Alyp Baruchy: Ene bit minem babakayim yana elny alyp killep te live.

Shoo babay. Kaderle duslar, yana ate belen!Kilese elnyn 366 kone de bekhet shatlyk kyna kitersen. Tormysh yullarynda shatlykly ochrashular, behetle elmayular, kuanychly misgeller kotep torsyn!

Yana ate. (shigyr soyli)

Alyp Baruchy. Rakhmat.Eidegez Yana ate belen bergelap biep alyk.

Alyp Baruchy. Beyremebeznen rasmi oleshen temamlap kuyasy bar iken bit.Kysh babay, sinen rohseten belen tylsymly pichatne yana ate khuzhasyn tapshyryrga vakyttyr. Kaida ele st uzgan ate huzhalary.

S. Monda min

K. Min monda

M. (elmayyp kolep hall urtasyn maymyl chiga) E min monda.

S. I am bir inde pichatne

K. Nik min birim, pichat sinde de inde.

S. Nishlap minde, sinde bit

TO.hah, saryk

Alyp Baruchy. Bu tormyshtaher nersenen uz chiraty, uz vakyty bar. Mene shushi tarikh digen zur kitapka uz pichetegezne sugygyz. (Saryk b.n kezhe pichet suga, kysh babay kultamga kuya.)

S. Bugen uz elym very

Songs bitemne acham

Shat Bulyrmyn Yakshi ate dip

Kunelegezde kalsam!

K. Seznen elygyz utte deep

Without onytmassyz ele

366 konnen bulgandyr

Sagynyrlyk, matur mele.

(Bash iyaler, zhiteklashep chygyp kiteler)

Alyp Baruchy. Ifrat istelekle iske elym

Sau bul inde diep kalabyz

Utkannerden fehem ala ala

Yana elga kerep barabyz!

Alyp baruchy. Tarikh kitabyn kabul itep al 2016-nchy ate khuzhasy.

(Kysh babay kitapny he pichatne maymylga bire)

Shoo babay. Kilese elga kader sau bulygyz duslar. Yana ellar boilers bulsyn!

(Kysh babay chygyp kite)

M. Yana elnyn khuzhasy min

Bu ate minnen bashlana

Shatlyklarga iltken yullar

Bulsin shushi tantan!

Alyp Baruchy. Tagyn ber ate artta kaldy

Borchuy shatlyklar

Ak behetler unysh telep

Java yana ate punishment!

ZHYR BERGE “Yana elga kerebez”

1.Karshylyk duslar bergelep

Yana ate kilgen bezge

Ene kupme kunak kilgan

Eilene tirabezge

Kush. Yana ate behetle ate

Bulasyn without belebez

Shuna kure bergelashep

Yana elga kerebez

2. Yoldizlar toshep kushylgan

Chyrshydagy utlarga

Kysh babay belen Kar kyzy

Kilgan bezne kotlarga

(Kaderle duslarim, sezne chyn kunelden Yana ate beyremnere bn kotlyysym kile. Kilase ate sezge tagy da nykly selematlek, sunmes dert, behetle, shatlykly mizgeller alyp kilsen. Yana ellarybyz moberek bulsyn. Beyram belen!

3. Rakhmat sina da iske ate

Matur ate buldyn bit sin

Sinnen algan bekhet shatlyk

Homer buyina zhitsen

Barysy Berge: Yana ate belen!!!


Father Frost

Snow Maiden

Father Frost:

Hello guys,
My glorious friends!
Through the forest, through the snowdrifts,
I was in a hurry to come to you for the holiday! How glad I am to see you again! After all, we haven't met for a whole year. I was in such a hurry to get to you. I was afraid of being late. Where is the Snow Maiden? Is it really not there yet? Strange. Oh, who's that there? (a bunny appears.)

Bunny: It's me! I brought an envelope from Shurale!

Santa Claus: Well, well, let's see. Hmm, this is a disk, you need to insert it and look. There is a video recording on the screen with Shurale’s speech. (“Isenmesez! It’s me. Do you recognize me? Ha-ha-ha! Listen, everyone! It was I who stole the Snow Maiden! Ha-ha-ha! You will never get her back! Ha-ha-ha! If you only pass my tests, then you will find the Snow Maiden."

Santa Claus: What should we do now? What would a holiday be without our beloved Snow Maiden?

Batyr runs up to the presenter.

Batyr: Don't worry! I will save the Snow Maiden. Who will help me with this?

Batyr: Great, that means I have a lot of friends!

Santa Claus: Thank you, Batyr! Hit the road. Good luck. There will be difficulties, call your friends and they will help you.

(Dance of snowflakes.)

Batyr appears on stage. And a wolf comes out to meet him.

Wolf: Oh, Batyr. So you're caught, I'll eat you!

Batyr: Wait, Wolf! You better help me find the Snow Maiden. We’ll invite you to the party, right, guys?

Wolf: Do you promise?

Batyr: Yes!

Wolf: What to do! I will help and advise if you fulfill one of my conditions.

Batyr: Which one?

Wolf: I haven’t heard beautiful songs for a long time, that’s why I’m bored.

Batyr: Sing a merry song to please the wolf.

A song is playing.

Wolf: Well done guys! Pleased. Rakhmat! Thank you! And you, Batyr, go along this path and don’t turn anywhere!

Batyr: Thank you! Goodbye!

(Batyr approaches Shurale’s house, he is sleeping.)

Batyr: Shurale! Let the Snow Maiden go!

Shurale wakes up. He looks at Batyr in surprise and says:

Batyr: Let me go, I say!

Shurale: Oh, I scared you. But I won’t let you in! You don’t even invite me to the holiday!

Batyr: And we’ll invite you to the holiday, we’re friends!

Shurale: Yeah, so I believed you. Here you can guess my riddles. Then I'll think about it.

Batyr: I think the guys will be happy to help us with this.

Even though she herself is snow and ice,

And he leaves shedding tears. (winter).

What kind of stars are these?

On the coat and scarf -

All through, cut-out,

Can you hold it - water in your hand? (snowflakes)

I live under the very roof,

It's scary to even look down.

I could live higher

If only there were roofs there. (icicle).

And not snow, and not ice,

And with silver he will remove the trees (frost).

He entered - no one saw

He said no one heard.

He blew through the windows and disappeared,

And a forest grew on the windows (frost).

Shurale: We solved all the riddles. I see you guys are friendly. What to do, so be it. I will let the Snow Maiden go.

The Snow Maiden comes out to the music (music sounds).

Santa Claus: Hello Snow Maiden! We've been waiting for you.

Snow Maiden: Hello friends! I, the Snow Maiden, came to you and brought you a holiday! Let's have fun!

Good evening, dear friends! The most long-awaited holiday has arrived - the New Year, which is associated with new hopes for happiness, good luck, and I sincerely wish you that in this new year everything that you wished for at the Christmas tree on New Year's Eve will come true! Not a single New Year can do without gifts, holiday greetings and, of course, it is unthinkable without Father Frost, the Snow Maiden, a New Year tree, snow, funny pranks and jokes. And at our evening today, the heroes will be everyone’s favorite New Year’s characters from childhood, and you and our esteemed jury will have to determine which of the New Year’s teams will turn out to be the most real.
1st competition. "Carnival costume"
So, the 1st competition is the New Year's costume competition, and I ask the New Year's teams to take the stage.
Each team takes turns taking the stage, showing off their costumes. Maximum score - 5 points.
2nd competition. "New Year's Report"
These days, nothing will escape the watchful eyes of Father Frost, the Snow Maiden and the Snowman, who are now setting off to do an on-site holiday report on how children in different groups are relaxing.
You can give such a topic for a report if you are spending an evening at a winter camp. If you are holding a competition at school, the topic could be: “How the class prepared for the New Year.” Preparation time is 15 minutes while the 3rd and 4th competitions are underway. The maximum score is 3 points. 3rd competition. "Symbol of the Year"
We are already accustomed to the question “What year were you born?” - answer: “In the year of the Dog, Tiger, Dragon...”. This year is the year of the Goat (Dog, Tiger or Dragon depending on when you spend the evening). Now we will try to draw a symbol of the coming year. We will ask the New Year and the Bunny to complete this task.
To conduct this competition, it is necessary to prepare whatman paper in advance as follows: the sheet is folded in half, and on one half the animal that is the symbol of the year is drawn. But only half of it is drawn. For example, for a dog you draw either a head and two front legs, or two hind legs and a tail. On the second half of the Whatman paper, only two lines are drawn, which ends your drawing. Team members see only the half of the Whatman paper where these two lines are written. They do not know what is drawn on the second half of the sheet: a head or a tail. Their task is to complete the second half of the animal, guessing which part needs to be completed. In this competition, of course, both the coincidence of the drawing and the quality of execution should be assessed. Approximately 10 minutes are given to complete the task while the 4th competition is underway. The maximum score is 3 points. 4th competition. “The little Christmas tree is cold in winter”
There are only Christmas trees left. Aren't Little Christmas Trees cold and bored alone on stage without the support of New Year's teams? Nothing, I hope that now it will become fun, and the well-known song “The Little Christmas Tree is Cold in Winter” will not seem so dreary and sad, because we will ask our participants to perform this song in different styles: - in a marching rhythm; - in rap style; - in folk style.
Each participant will have to sing this song in only one of the styles, and which one will be determined by lot. The maximum score is 3 points. After this competition, we look at the drawings and listen to the reports. 5th competition. "Christmas educational program"
The New Year's holiday has one amazing feature - it is never similar to the previous one. What’s even more surprising is that the New Year in each country is different from its neighbor’s. And now we will learn some of the features of celebrating the New Year in different countries: where different New Year traditions came from and what they mean. And 2 participants from each team will help us with this, who will have to choose one correct answer from three possible answers.
For each team there are 2 questions, the correct answer is 1 point, the correct explanation is another 2 points. It is clear that the guys do not know the exact answers to all the questions, but they can make their own assumptions, which may coincide with the correct answers. 1. In Ancient China, the New Year was announced: a) a day of fifty percent discounts on all goods; b) the feast of the poor; c) the day of the dragon and the purge of red lanterns.
Could you tell us what this tradition was? In Ancient China, a beggar's holiday was declared, which meant that on this day any person could enter any house and take from it what he needed. Those hosts who refused uninvited guests were condemned. 2. As you know, December 25 is considered the birthday of Jesus Christ, and Catholic Christmas is celebrated on December 25. When did the first mention of the celebration of the Nativity of Christ date back to? a) BC; b) with the advent of our era; c) in our era. Leading.
Who knows the exact date? The first mention of the celebration of the Nativity of Christ dates back to 354 AD. 3. In Ireland, one very ancient custom has been preserved: here on the evening before the New Year they open wide: a) the doors of all houses; b) all windows in the apartment; c) all wallets, Leader.
Could you explain the meaning of this tradition? The doors of all the houses are opened because the owners will be glad to anyone who comes to see the light, give them plenty to drink and feed. 4. What are the names of Christmas songs in Europe? a) Glagolitics; b) bucolics; c) Carols. 5. In Scotland they say goodbye to the old year and celebrate the New Year: a) in a large company, laughing loudly; b) with the family, singing songs; c) in complete silence, staring blankly at the fire in the fireplace. Leading.
Could you explain the meaning of this tradition? Hot Scottish guys see off and celebrate the New Year in silence. The whole family sits silently and looks at the burning fireplace, burning away the hardships of the passing year. With the first strike of the clock, the head of the family still silently opens the door through which the old year leaves and the new year enters. 6. What do the Dutch call their Santa Claus? a) Sinterklaas; b) Santa Claus; c) Singershucher. 7. Compared to the Scots, the Germans look like sparkling merry fellows - here, as soon as the clock begins to strike midnight: a) everyone goes to bed; b) everyone climbs onto pieces of furniture available to them: chairs, armchairs, tables, etc.: c) everyone opens the windows and shouts: “Happy New Year!”
Could you explain the meaning of this tradition? The Germans climb onto the furniture in order to jump off them into the New Year with the last blow. 8. What are the constant attributes of Santa Claus? a) a staff, a red nose and a large bag of gifts; b) Snow Maiden, a staff and a large bag of gifts; c) reindeer, sleigh and a big bag of gifts.
7th competition. "Present"
The arrival of Santa Claus cannot be imagined without gifts. Each New Year's team has prepared its own gift, and now they will present it to us.
Maximum score - 5 points. After the last competition, the jury sums up the results and awards the winning team.