A strong prayer for good luck in everything. Prayer for the return of prosperity and luck in life. Prayer after graduation

“Abide in me, and I in you….

If you abide in Me and My words abide in you,

ask whatever you desire, and it will be done for you.”

John 15:4-7

Luck is when life events work out in the best way, it is a state of mind when everything works out and it seems that nothing is impossible.

At all times, people have tried to catch luck by the tail, feed it and even make it work for themselves. For this purpose, since time immemorial, there have been many rituals, conspiracies and chants. “Who or what determines whether we are lucky or not?” - this question is as old as the world, but there is no exact answer. The Internet and bookstores are full of all kinds of textbooks on attracting good luck, thick books with black magic for manipulating luck and many mantras for success. You can, of course, follow these paths, but will it work and what is the price of this imaginary success!?

For me, the answer to this question is obvious: everything depends, first of all, on the will of the person himself, his actions, attitude and, most importantly, faith - faith in himself, faith in God and good forces, and on the will of the Most High, Who in any case only wants the best for us , but also has “his own plans” for each of us. It is precisely this point that I want to expand on in this post, or rather, lay out those prayers that are the bridge between a person and the Higher powers, through which peace and prosperity will come into your life.

Daily prayers that every Orthodox Christian should read in order to bring prosperity into his home

Our Father

Our Father, who art in heaven!

Hallowed be Thy name; Thy kingdom come; Thy will be done as it is in heaven and on earth; Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our debts, just as we forgive our debtors; and do not lead us into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one. For Yours is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever and ever.

Virgin Mary, rejoice.

Virgin Mary, Rejoice, Blessed Mary, the Lord is with You, Blessed are You among women and blessed is the fruit of Your womb, for You have given birth to the Savior of our souls.

Prayer to the Guardian Angel

Angel of God, my holy guardian, given to me from heaven by the Lord, I diligently pray to You, Enlighten me today and save me from all evil, guide me to good deeds and direct me on the path of salvation. Amen.

Prayer to the Saint whose name you bear

Pray to God for me, holy servant of God (name), as I diligently resort to you, a quick helper and prayer book for my Soul.

Thank God and the Heavenly Powers for every day you live, for all the good things that happen in your life, and your life will change even more for the better - don’t even doubt it.

Prayers to the Guardian Angel for good luck and prosperity

The Guardian Angel is our closest assistant, appointed by God in order to enlighten us, try to save us from troubles, and correct us in the right direction if we accidentally deviate from the right path.

The Guardian Angel is an ardent prayer book for us before God. “The Guardian Angel saved you” - this is what they say if trouble miraculously passed you by. In order for everything to go well with us, we need to talk to Him daily through prayer, ask the Angel to enlighten us and pray for us sinners.

Prayer of gratitude to the Guardian Angel

Having glorified the Lord, I pay tribute to you, my guardian angel. Glorious be you in the Lord! Amen.

Prayer to the Guardian Angel in moments of failure, from despondency and troubles.

My patron, my intercessor in the face of the One Christian God!

Holy angel, I appeal to you with a prayer for the salvation of my soul. A test of faith came down from the Lord to me, a wretched one, for our Father God loved me. Help me, saint, to endure the test from the Lord, for I am weak and I am afraid that I will not be able to withstand my suffering. Bright angel, descend to me, send down great wisdom on my head so that I can listen very sensitively to the word of God. Strengthen my faith, angel, so that there are no temptations before me and I pass my test.

Like a blind man walking through the mud, without knowing it, I will walk with you among the vices and abominations of the earth, not raising my eyes to them, but in vain only to the Lord. Amen.

Protective prayer to the guardian angel from misfortunes and illnesses.

Holy Angel of Christ, protector from all evil providence, patron and benefactor!

Just as you take care of everyone who needs your help in a moment of accidental misfortune, take care of me, a sinner. Do not leave me, listen to my prayer and protect me from wounds, from ulcers, from any accident. I entrust my life to you, as I entrust my soul. And as you pray for my soul, the Lord our God, take care of my life, protect my body from any damage. Amen.

Prayer to the Guardian Angel in illness

Holy angel, warrior of Christ, I appeal to you for help, for my body is in serious illness.

Drive away illnesses from me, fill my body, my arms, my legs with strength. Clear my head. I pray to you, my benefactor and protector, about this, for I have become extremely weak, infirm. And I experience great suffering from my illness. And I know that because of my lack of faith and because of my grave sins, illness was sent to me as punishment from our Lord. And this is a test for me.

Help me, God's angel, help me, protecting my body, so that I can endure the test and not shake my faith in the least. And above all, my holy guardian, pray for my soul to our Teacher, so that the Almighty will see my repentance and take away the illness from me. Amen.

Prayer to the Guardian Angel for business prosperity

Lord have mercy! Lord have mercy! Lord have mercy!

Crossing my forehead with the holy sign of the cross, I am a servant of God, I give praise to the Lord and I pray to my holy angel for help. Holy angel, stand before me in this day and in the day to come! Be my assistant in my affairs. Yes, in no way will I anger God! But I will glorify him! May you show me worthy of the goodness of our Lord!

Give me, angel, your help in my work, so that I may work for the good of man and for the glory of the Lord! Help me to be very strong against my enemy and the enemy of the human race. Help me, angel, to fulfill the will of the Lord and to be in harmony with the servants of God. Help me, angel, to carry out my work for the good of the people of the Lord and for the glory of the Lord. Help me, angel, to stand my ground for the good of the people of the Lord and for the glory of the Lord. Help me, angel, to prosper my work for the good of the people of the Lord and for the glory of the Lord! Amen.

Prayer to the Guardian Angel against poverty and so that the abundance on your table is not transferred.

Having given tribute to our Lord God, Jesus Christ, for the dishes on my table, in which I saw a sign of His highest love, I now turn with prayer to you, holy warrior of the Lord, angel of Christ.

It was the will of God that for my little righteousness, I, the accursed one, would feed myself and my family, my wife and unthinking children. I pray to you, saint, protect me from the empty table, fulfill the will of the Lord and reward me for my deeds with a modest dinner, so that I can satisfy my hunger and feed my children, who are sinless before the face of the Almighty. Since he sinned against the word of God and fell into disgrace, it was not out of malice. Our God sees that I did not think about evil, but always followed His commandments.

Therefore, I repent, I pray for forgiveness for the sins that I have, and I ask to be given a plentiful table in moderation, so as not to die of hunger. Amen.

Prayers to the Mother of God for success, prosperity, from troubles and misfortunes

The Mother of God is our most important Intercessor and Intercessor before God for us sinners. Even in her earthly life, the Mother of God was a model of bottomless love - both maternal and love for God. It is in Rus' that the Mother of God is treated with special love and they pray to Her for all troubles and for prosperity in life.

Prayer to the Mother of God asking for protection and for well-being in life

Most Blessed Lady, take my family under Your protection. Instill in the hearts of my husband and our children peace, love and non-questioning of all that is good; Do not allow anyone from my family to experience separation and difficult parting, to premature and sudden death without repentance. And save our house and all of us living in it from fiery ignition, thieves' attacks, every evil of the situation, various types of insurance and devilish obsession.

Yes, we too, collectively and separately, openly and secretly, will glorify Your Holy Name always, now and ever, and forever and ever. Most Holy Theotokos, save us! Amen.

Prayer before the icon of the Mother of God “Protection of the Blessed Virgin Mary” for all troubles and for well-being

O Most Holy Virgin, Mother of the Lord of the Highest Powers, Queen of Heaven and Earth, our city and country, all-powerful Intercessor!

Accept this singing of praise and gratitude from us, unworthy Thy servants, and lift up our prayers to the Throne of God Thy Son, that He may be merciful to our iniquities and add His grace to those who honor Thy all-honorable name and with faith and love worship Thy miraculous image. We are not, because you deserve to be pardoned by Him, if you do not propitiate Him for us, the Lady, as everything is possible for You from Him.

For this reason, we resort to You, as to our undoubted and speedy Intercessor: hear us praying to You, cover us with Your all-powerful protection and ask God Your Son as our shepherd for zeal and vigilance for souls, as a city ruler for wisdom and strength, for judges for truth and impartiality. , the mentor is reason and humility, the spouse is love and harmony, the child is obedience, the offended is patience, the fear of God is offended, the sorrowful is complacency, the rejoicing is abstinence: for all of us is the spirit of reason and piety, the spirit of mercy and meekness, the spirit of purity and truth. To her, Most Holy Lady, have mercy on Your weak people; Gather the scattered, guide those who have gone astray on the right path, support old age, educate the young with chastity, raise the infants, and look upon us all with the mercy of Your intercession; raise us up from the depths of sin and enlighten the eyes of our hearts to the vision of salvation; be merciful to us here and there, in the land of earthly arrival and at the Last Judgment of Your Son; Having ceased in faith and repentance from this life, our fathers and brethren began to live with the Angels and all the saints in eternal life.

For you are, Lady, the Glory of heaven and the Hope of earth, You, according to God, are our Hope and Intercessor of all those who flow to You with faith. We therefore pray to You and to You, as the Almighty Helper, we commit ourselves and each other and our whole life, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Prayer for troubles, poverty and for prosperity in front of the icon of the Mother of God “Kazan”

O Most Holy Lady, Lady Theotokos!

With fear, faith and love before Thy honest and miraculous icon, we pray to Thee: do not turn away Thy face from those who come running to You: pray, merciful Mother, Thy Son and our God, the Lord Jesus Christ, to keep our country peaceful and His Church May he preserve the unshakable saint and deliver him from unbelief, heresies and schism. There are no imams, for there is no other help, no imams of other hope, except You, Most Pure Virgin: You are the all-powerful helper and intercessor of Christians: deliver all those who pray to You with faith from the falls of sin, from the slander of evil people, from all temptations, sorrows, illnesses, misfortunes and sudden death: grant us the spirit of contrition, humility of heart, purity of thoughts, correction of sinful lives and the remission of sins, so that we all gratefully sing of Your greatness and mercy, manifested over us here on earth, we will be worthy of both the Heavenly Kingdom and there with Let us glorify with all the saints the most honorable and magnificent name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, forever and ever.

Prayers to Saint Nicholas the Pleasant for troubles, misfortunes and for success in righteous deeds

St. Nicholas the Wonderworker is prayed to and venerated by many: Orthodox, Catholics, and even Muslims and Buddhists. Truly an amazing saint who always and instantly helps those who ask with the fervent prayer. They pray to the saint for almost any problem - everyday, spiritual, in sorrow and in joy.


O all-merciful Father Nicholas! To the shepherd and teacher of all who flow by faith to your intercession, and who call you with warm prayer!

Strive soon and deliver the flock of Christ from the wolves that are destroying it, and protect every Christian country and save the saints with your prayers from worldly rebellion, cowardice, invasion of foreigners and internecine warfare, from famine, flood, fire, sword and vain death.

And just as you had mercy on three men sitting in prison, and you delivered them from the king’s wrath and the beating of the sword, so have mercy on me, in mind, word and deed, drying out the darkness of sins, and deliver me from the wrath of God and eternal punishment; for through your intercession and help, with His mercy and grace, Christ God will give me a quiet and sinless life to live in this world, and deliver me to the right hand with all the saints. Amen.

Prayer to Saint Spyridon of Trimifuntsky - as powerful protection and help from a miserable existence

I have always been amazed by the miracles associated with this great Wonderworker. This is one of the few saints who is considered to walk the earth and help people. They pray to the saint in case of all kinds of sorrows and illnesses, especially in case of material and housing difficulties.


O all-blessed Saint Spyridon, great servant of Christ and glorious miracle worker!

Stand in heaven before the Throne of God with the face of an Angel, look with your merciful eye on the people (names) coming here and asking for your strong help. Pray to the compassion of God, the Lover of Mankind, not to judge us according to our iniquities, but to deal with us according to His mercy! Ask us from Christ and our God for a peaceful and serene life, mental and physical health, earthly prosperity and all abundance and prosperity in everything, and may we not turn the good things given to us from the generous God into evil, but into His glory and glorification your intercession! Deliver everyone who comes to God with undoubted faith from all spiritual and physical troubles, from all yearnings and the devil’s slander!

Be a comforter to the sad, a physician to the sick, a helper in times of adversity, a protector to the naked, a protector to widows, a protector to the orphans, a nourisher to the baby, a strengthener to the old, a wandering guide, a sailing helmsman, and intercede to everyone who requires your strong help, whatever is useful for salvation! For if we are guided and observed by your prayers, we will reach eternal rest and together with you we will glorify God, in the Trinity of Holy Places, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Prayer to the 12 Apostles for troubles and good luck in life


Consecration of the apostles of Christ: Peter and Andrew, James and John, Philip and Bartholomew, Thomas and Matthew, James and Jude, Simon and Matthew!

Hear our prayers and sighs, now offered by our contrite hearts, and help us, the servants of God (names), through your powerful intercession before the Lord, to get rid of all evil and enemy flattery, and to firmly preserve the Orthodox faith that you have firmly devoted to, in which your intercession will not We will not be diminished by wounds, rebuke, pestilence, or any wrath from our Creator, but we will live a peaceful life here and be honored to see good things on the land of the living, glorifying the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, the One in the Trinity, glorified and worshiped God, now and ever and forever and ever. Amen.

Faith saves and helps, but love works miracles. I wish you all, my readers!

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It’s worth saying that runes are not an acquired taste. Not everyone dares to create magic with their own hands. This is a personal choice for everyone. Many still prefer to rely on higher powers and their help in achieving success in life.

So today we'll talk about prayers for good luck. How can you turn to heaven in order to accurately and quickly receive help or advice?

Of course you can pray in your own words. Or you can use prayed codes, which, by and large, are prayers.

Below you will find several prayers for good luck. Choose the one that will make you smile. And may it definitely bring you good luck!

What you will learn from the article:

Prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker

Especially often, sailors and those associated with the sea, those who are engaged in trade (formerly merchants) turn to Nicholas for help; the saint saves from unnecessary death, helps those unjustly convicted, reconciles warring parties, and “solves” money issues. And in general, if you read his life, there is not a sphere of life in which he never helped those in need. Therefore, they pray to Nikolai Ugodnik for good luck.

Oh, all-holy Nicholas, exceedingly pleasing servant of the Lord, our warm intercessor, and everywhere in sorrow a quick helper! Help me, a sinner and sad person in this present life, beg the Lord God to grant me forgiveness of all my sins, great sins from my youth, throughout my life, in deed, word, thought and all my feelings; and at the end of my soul, help me the accursed, beg the Lord God, the Creator of all creation, to deliver me from airy ordeals and eternal torment: may I always glorify the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, and your merciful intercession, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Prayer for good luck

Before this prayer, it is good to say seven times an appeal to Jesus Christ:

“Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner!”

The spark of the eternal manifestation of the Lord, born by a miracle, will manifest itself in me when my soul is illuminated with the Good News. I call on the great Lord to touch my destiny, to direct my paths into the channel of good luck and prosperity, and the seven sources of Heaven will unite in my heart, when the Lord hears me, and by a blessed miracle, my life will gain new meaning, and I will gain the power of Life, I will gain success in in today's affairs, and in future affairs there will be no obstacles for me, for the hand of the Lord will help me. Amen.

Prayer for luck from Natalia Stepanova

Natalya is a famous healer from Siberia. She is famous for her spells. It is worth saying that a conspiracy is not exactly a prayer. And many Orthodox Christians do not really welcome this kind of activity. Below is a prayer from a healer. I believe that God can be addressed in any words, so I don’t see anything reprehensible in this woman’s activities. Plus she helped a lot of people. Without God's help nothing is given. And since God gave her the gift of the ability to heal with words, He gave us a wonderful healing tool, including his luck.

Lord my God, I stand before you, my guardian angel, deliverer from evil hearts, save me, protect me. Like a loving mother, she doesn’t want to take her child away from her breast until the time comes, so that no one will ever take or take away my luck. Increase, Lord, my luck. Send, Lord, deliverance from enemies. My angel, stay with me! Keep my happiness and luck in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen

Prayers for good luck and money are absolutely safe rituals that do not imply any consequences. They will help you attract material benefits, prosperity and wealth into your life. Anyone can use such rituals, regardless of faith, gender and age.

The effect of prayers differs from conspiracies and spells for money and good luck. This is due to the fact that prayers allow you to attract wealth to a greater extent than great wealth.

That is, using such rituals, you will be able to live well, you will have enough for everything you need, but you will not be able to become a billionaire. In the same case, if a person strives for untold wealth, such a ritual is contraindicated for him.

There are numerous prayers for good luck and money to Nicholas the Wonderworker and prayers to Spyridon. There are also Muslim prayers. From all this variety, you can choose the most suitable option for you.

Rule for reading prayers

Prayers for good luck and money of any of the above types must be read according to certain rules at the prescribed time.

Here are the basic requirements for reading prayers for good luck, money and success:

Reading time
It is best to read magic words in the early morning, at dawn. This time is considered the most suitable for seeking help from white magic.

Before performing the ritual, it is best to memorize the text of the prayer. As a last resort, you can write it on a clean white sheet in beautiful and legible handwriting. It is recommended to pronounce words in a half-whisper or in a chant. The text of the ritual must come from the soul.

At the time of performing the ritual, you should focus on your desire. Try to let go of all grievances, negative thoughts and tune into a positive mood. Only with a pure heart can you achieve a ritual that helps.

By following these rules, you will have a ritual that will help you achieve your goal in the shortest possible time.

Prayer to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker for money will help improve the financial situation of the family and attract good luck and prosperity.

“Oh Nicholas, human intercessor, our helper!
Help the servant of God (your name) in real life!
Ask the Lord for the well-being of my family,
In deed, in word, in action, beg Him.
Deliver me from poverty and torment.
I will glorify Your name,
The name of God, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

The magic words of the prayer are repeated seven times. You need to read the text for at least one month.

When the time comes for financial problems in your life, a prayer to Spyridon of Trimythous for money will help you solve them.

“Saint Spyridon, do not judge me, the servant of God (name)
For such a request, for this petition,
By your mercy do with me and with my family
Human happiness, reward us with peace.
We ask not only for money, but for health,
Both physical and mental.
Don't leave my request unattended,
Remember us at the threshold of God, pray for our worldly well-being,
For human life, genuine happiness, bliss!

The words of the prayer are repeated twelve times. The duration of the ceremony is at least three weeks. If no improvements are noticeable within these three weeks, then you should continue to perform the magic ritual.

This Muslim ritual is suitable for any person. It is important that the one who performs it believes in the power of the word he pronounces. If he does not believe what he says, prayer will be useless.

The following words are read three times a day:

“In the name of Allah, the Merciful, the Omnipresent and the Merciful!
I am seeking refuge from the evil enemy, Shaitan, and I dedicate my prayer to You!
I seek refuge in You, I ask for help and understanding!
From anxiety and grief, from poverty and want, from lack of strength and laziness,
Save my soul. And when everything gets better, it will be from stinginess and cowardice.
Bless me with lawful blessings, and take away what is forbidden.
Free me from desires that are not good and are not You!

It is best to repeat this text nine times; the duration of the ritual is a month, during which everything should begin to improve for the person.

Prayers for good luck and money help people attract wealth into their home and make their cup full. Prayers to Nicholas the Wonderworker, Spyridon of Trimifuntsky or Muslim prayers must be read following the basic rules for performing such rituals.

When reading the above prayers, you must believe in the result. If you do not believe in the effectiveness of the magic word, then such a ritual will not bring you any benefit.

Very often people turn to God not only to save their souls, but also for help in simple everyday matters. Strong prayers for good luck can help a person become successful. It is very important to believe that you will be heard.

Daily prayers for good luck in worldly affairs

You need to pray for good luck every day. In this way, people have attracted luck into life at all times. It is believed that every sincere Christian believer must cross himself before starting any important undertaking and turn to God with a prayer request for assistance in his endeavor. If the prayer came from the depths of the heart, then luck and success during the life period always accompanied the person and all his affairs went well.

Why are these prayers read?

Prayers for good luck can be used if you need to improve your life in a variety of areas. You can ask your own Guardian Angel for everything. This prayer is very popular among believers.

  • Desperate people who have lost hope of success;
  • People who, for one reason or another, have sunk to the bottom of life, and really want to rise;
  • When you need to complete the work you started, but you no longer have enough strength to do it.

Believers turn to St. George the Victorious, who is especially revered by Orthodox Christians, with a prayer to bring good luck into life.

You need to pray to the Holy Great Martyr in the following cases:

  • When you need to attract good luck in the business sphere, in particular, his prayer will help in successful trading;
  • When it is necessary to ask for additional strength to complete a difficult task;
  • When a woman needs to ask for the health of her husband for many years, because he is the breadwinner and the well-being of the whole family depends on him.

Which Saints are addressed with this or that petition?

It has long been known that Orthodox Christians always prayed to St. George the Victorious in the spring, when the earth awakened after a winter rest. It was believed that the Holy Great Martyr, having heard the prayer of farmers and cattle breeders, granted a good harvest and offspring, and therefore ensured a rich and prosperous life.

You can ask for prosperity in life and protection from all troubles by reading prayers addressed to the Holy Mother of God. It is believed that they will be most effective if the prayer words are said in complete solitude in front of the icon of the Mother of God with a lit candle.

You can contact Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker for any reason and at any time. Every Orthodox believer, coming to church, will definitely approach the icon of the Saint and ask him to grant him good luck, wealth and anything else in life that he needs at a specific period of time.

Matrona of Moscow also helps to cope with any troubles in life. This Saint is a simple woman from the people. Even during her lifetime, being blind, she strove to help all those who suffered and directed the atheists to the true path. It is noteworthy that after turning to Matrona of Moscow for help, you can voice your problem and request in your own words. The main thing is that the words come from the depths of the soul, in this case the Saint will definitely hear the believer and help him.

Since you can include your own words in any Orthodox prayer to God, the Holy Mother of God or the Saints, it is important to remember that the prayer text should not contain angry statements addressed to other people. All requests for your own luck should not harm anyone else. Remember that the Higher Powers help only kind and self-sufficient people with an open heart.

Prayers for health and well-being in the family

There is a universal prayer that will help maintain health for many years. It should be read every day after waking up. Also, prayer words should be said if you feel very tired during the day.

The prayer directed to the Higher Powers sounds like this:

“I turn to the Higher Powers, I ask you to hear my request. I sincerely believe and I need your help. I ask the Higher Powers to grant their blessing to me, the Servant of God (my own name). Protect me from all life’s troubles, adversities and misfortunes, cover me with your wings from enemies and envious people. Fill my soul with strength so that I can resist evil and bring goodness and prosperity to the world. Grant me health for many years to come. Amen".

It is noteworthy that this prayer can be modified and you can turn to the Higher Powers with a request to grant fortitude and health to your loved ones.

An appeal to the Holy Mother of God is considered a strong prayer for well-being.

The following prayer words must be said morning and evening:

“Oh, Most Holy Lady, Holy Mother of God, Lady of Heaven! I, the Servant of God (my own name), fall before Your miraculous icon with fear, love and true faith in the power of the Lord Almighty. I pray to You for help and protection. You will not turn your face away from everyone who comes running to You. Beg and help, Holy Mother of God, Mother of Your Son and our Lord. May God preserve our country and the Holy Church. May she stand unshakably and forever. May it save from unbelief and heresy, may there be no schism and temptation in it. You, Holy Mother of God, are an all-powerful helper and intercessor for all believers. I ask You, deliver all believers and me, the Servant of God (my own name), from the temptations of life, painful sorrows, debilitating diseases, unbearable troubles and from sudden death. Grant me and my loved ones the strength of spirit to resist all evil, humility of heart, and purity of thoughts. Let me correct my sins and forgive all my sins. I will gratefully sing of Your greatness and immeasurable mercy to the believers here on earth. I praise the Lord Almighty, forever and ever. Amen".

It is safe to say that every person in the business sphere may experience a bad streak. And it is very unpleasant if it affects the material side of life. When inexplicable troubles begin at work that you cannot cope with, you need to resort to prayer. This is how you can harmonize the environment around you.

If any difficult situation arises in your work, then you need to read a prayer to Saint Tryphon in the mornings and evenings. Such a prayer will help not only solve an unpleasant problem, but also find a decent job or advance up the career ladder.

It is very important to be a sincere believer and hope that your words will be heard.

The text of the prayer may sound like this:

“Oh, holy martyr, Tryphon! I, the Servant of God (my own name), pray and appeal to you, looking at your holy face. You are a quick, reliable protector and helper of righteous Christians. You always hear sincere believers praising God. So hear me, as I honor the memory of you and remember everything about your sacred death. You, holy martyr, Tryphon, on your deathbed, said that if someone in sorrow and need calls on him in sincere prayers, he will help him free himself from all life’s misfortunes and troubles, and deliver him from the unfortunate circumstances that have happened. I know that you, the holy martyr, Tryphon, freed the Roman Caesar from an evil demon and healed him, so hear me, the Servant of God (my own name). I ask you, help me, save me from everything evil. Be my helper and protector. Protect me from evil demons and become a guiding star to the King of Heaven. Please pray for me before our Lord. Ask him to have mercy on me and give me joy in my work and blessing on all my endeavors. May the Almighty God be near me and bless me so that everything I have planned will increase my well-being. May I work for the glory of the Heavenly Father! Amen!"

There is a universal prayer that must be read every time before going to work. It will allow you to tune in to easily perform your duties, which means it will prevent possible troubles. Additionally, such a prayer should be read before a serious business meeting or negotiation.

The prayer words are as follows:

“Lord Almighty, Jesus Christ, the only begotten son of the beginningless Father, accept the prayer of God’s Servant(s) (proper name)! You yourself have been among people and said that “without me you cannot do anything.” I admit this, my Lord, and I glorify you; I believe with all my heart and with all my soul in your true words. I ask you for your blessing on my business. Grant me the opportunity to carry out my work without interference, so that I can successfully complete all my undertakings. I will work for Your glory, Lord. Amen!"

Prayers for successful trade and business

Quite often it happens that very successful entrepreneurs, for unknown reasons or because of an absurd accident, very quickly go bankrupt. This is difficult to explain, but if you are a believer, you can prevent this by reading special prayers.

If you are running a business, then every day you need to read a strong prayer for good luck, which will help you avoid any surprises and, above all, ruin. The prayer appeal is directed to the Martyr Seraphim of Sarov.

“Oh the Most Holy Father Seraphim, the great Sarov Wonderworker! You are a quick-to-obey helper to all who come running and call upon you. During the days of your life on the mortal earth, everyone who came to you found consolation, accepted the voice of your words and received help. It was for everyone’s benefit to see you, since you had the gift of healing and insight. He healed the souls of the weak and helped everyone who was thirsty. When the Almighty God called you, Father Seraphim, to himself from earthly labors, you did not forget about us believers on earth, and your healing power only increased. You provide help to everyone who turns to you and grant them protection and healing. I ask you, I, the Servant of God (my own name), offer a prayer to the Almighty Lord for my well-being. I ask you to grant me a beneficial earthly life and spiritual salvation. Help protect yourself from sinful falls and teach true repentance, so that you can enter the Kingdom of Heaven without stumbling and there sing the Life-Giving Trinity forever and ever. Amen.”

After this prayer has been read, you need to continue it with these words:

“The works of the Lord, with the most pure lips the Saint will pray for me. I ask You, my Lord, with all the faith of my soul, help me, increase all my trade affairs, fill everything that a merchant lives with with prosperity. Let your protection be in everything. May I not glorify the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit in vain. Amen".

The prayer to John of Sochava is also considered very powerful. During his lifetime he was a merchant and navigator. This man was canonized as a saint for his devotion to the bright faith of Christ, to which he remained faithful, even while experiencing terrible mortal pain. Great Martyr John of Sochava is considered the patron saint of people involved in trade. The prayer should be read when you notice that your affairs have not gone the way you would like. To do this, you need to read the Saint’s prayer by church candles.

In a separate room, in complete privacy, you should light candles, place an icon in front of you and read the prayer text:

“Holy saint of God John! I, the Servant of God (my own name), know that during your life you were glorified by a great feat and for your piety you received in heaven the crown of righteousness, which the Lord God prepares for everyone who loves him. I pray and trust in the Saint before his image, I praise the feat he accomplished during his life, and I honor his memory. I ask you, Saint John, with a request. Standing before the throne of God, hear my prayer and pray for me before the Lord. Ask him to forgive me all my sins, known and unknown, so that he can help me resist the devil’s temptation. So that he would deliver me from evil, sorrows and troubles in earthly life. I ask for help in my difficult matter, please guide me on the true path. So that my work is for the benefit of people and does not harm anyone. I hope, Holy One, for your help. Amen".

There are many prayers that contain requests to God for material well-being. Therefore, those believers who believe that praying for money is a sin are mistaken. A life of abundance is filled with happiness. In addition, money allows you to make your cherished dreams come true, help those in need, and, therefore, allows you to make the world around you a better place.

Most often, believers ask St. Nicholas the Wonderworker to send prosperity. It is believed that it will be most effective if read on one of the Thursdays in the temple. But if it is not possible to do this, you can read it at home. It is also recommended to read this prayer immediately before an important financial transaction.

Its text reads as follows:

“Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker, I, the Servant of God (my own name), turn to you with a prayer for help. Please be strict with me, but be fair. I believe sincerely and want to avoid temptations. So, send prosperity and abundance into my life according to my faith and do not let me make mistakes. Teach me wisdom, tell me how to manage money wisely, without harming others, attract opportunities into my life to provide me with financial freedom. I trust in you, Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker, for I know that you are in earthly affairs to every believer who asks you. I glorify your name forever and ever. Amen".

Prayer to the Matrona of Moscow also helps to find prosperity in life. It is believed that this Saint will definitely help everyone who asks in earthly matters if they pray in front of her icon. A church candle must be lit during prayer.

The prayer words sound like this:

“Matronushka-mother, I, the Servant of God (my own name), trust in you. I ask for earthly blessings and hope for you. I pray to you with all my heart and soul. I know that you help everyone in need and are a defender of the poor. I ask you to send me prosperity and abundance, but help me not to succumb to temptations and deliver me from greedy thoughts and sins associated with them. I pray for help in financial matters, may my money be for the benefit of my family and not harm anyone else. Deliver me from poverty and the grief associated with it. Amen".

The prayer to Spyridon Trimifuntsky, which can be read both in church and at home, helps well in stabilizing the financial sphere. During his lifetime, this Saint never refused financial assistance to those in need and never set deadlines for the repayment of debts. After his beloved wife died, he forgave all his debts and went to wander around the world. According to legends, he performed many pious deeds, which were equated by the people with amazing miracles. Gently repeat the prayer to the Saint every day until you feel that financial problems have not left you.

Its text goes like this:

“I praise you, Saint Spyridon! During your life, you always supported the disadvantaged and weak. During your lifetime, you worked miracles and helped get rid of poverty. Your name is on the lips of all believers, for you strive to help everyone living even after your death. Beg the Almighty Lord to accept my repentance and not condemn me for my sins. Deliver me from all bodily troubles and from all spiritual anguish. Protect me and my family from poverty, give me the opportunity to earn money and spend it for good. Protect and increase the wealth of my family. Bless me and my loved ones with abundance and wealth. Amen".

Prayers for family well-being are very popular. And this is understandable, because for every person the family is the main support in life. It should be recognized that no material wealth, work or friends can replace the warmth of home. Each person is able to live fully only when a truly close person walks through life next to him, when care, love and children's laughter are present in his home.

But building a happy family is not so easy. After all, initially two completely different people meet who perceive life differently. In addition, various everyday problems leave their mark on relationships. A prayer directed to the Most Holy Theotokos can strengthen family relationships and help overcome all difficulties.

It sounds like this:

“To the Most Blessed Lady of Heaven, Holy Mother of God, I turn to you, Servant of God (my own name), with prayer and hope. Take my family under your protection. I ask you to fill the hearts of my household with love and kindness, instill peace and tranquility in my home, do not let us experience separation or a difficult parting, do not allow premature death without repentance and cleansing of the soul. Save and protect our house from external evil, from fire and any attack, as well as from any devilish obsession. And we will all glorify Your Holy Name all day and all night. Most Holy Theotokos save and preserve us. Amen".

The words of the prayer are as follows:

“To you, my God, Creator of the earth, I, the Servant of God (my own name), turn to you with a prayer and worship, entrusting my soul and my body to You. Bless me and have mercy, deliver me from all worldly evil and devilish temptation. Give me the strength to survive this day without sin, for your glory and for the salvation of my own soul. Amen".

When a dark streak comes in life, you need to turn to Archangel Michael in prayer. This saint is known in all world religions. He is the leader of God's army. For believers, Archangel Michael is a protector from all evil.

The prayer goes like this:

“Lord, God Almighty and Almighty, send Archangel Michael to help me, the Servant of God (proper name). I ask the Holy Archangel to protect me from all enemies, visible and invisible. Destroyer of evil demons, Great Archangel Michael, take my enemies and ill-wishers away from me, humble their evil hearts and fill their souls with humility and love, do not let them harm me. I turn to you, commander of the Heavenly forces, become my protector and helper in all troubles, support in my sorrows and troubles. Oh, Great Archangel Michael, deliver from the temptation of the devil who prays to you and calls on your name. Speed ​​up your help in difficult times and help me overcome all my enemies with your sincere faith and the prayers of the Holy Apostles. Oh, Great Archangel Michael, help me, a sinner, in all my endeavors, protect me from cowards, fire, flood and premature death. Deliver me from meeting the flattering and crafty enemy forever and ever. Amen".

Features of reading and use

Conspiracies for luck are a very effective way that allows you to solve the most complex problems. They have great strength and energy, so with their help you can also provide protection from troubles. It is very important to read luck conspiracies correctly. When pronouncing magic words, you need to feel confident and believe in your victory.

There is a universal conspiracy that needs to be recited every morning before leaving the house. This magical effect will help you choose successful paths to resolve certain issues and meet the people you need.

Standing on the threshold, just before leaving the house, you need to say the following words:

“Lord my God, protect me, the Servant of God (my own name) from the vanity of the day. Removed from me all sorts of troubles that could lead to troubles. Deliver me from communicating with evil and unkind people. Bring good luck to me that will fill my life with happiness. Amen".

After pronouncing the plot, you can leave home. But if you forgot something, then you cannot return home. If absolutely necessary, repeat the prayer. This conspiracy is very strong, but during the day you need to try to control your emotions. You cannot treat any negative events as failures, since in this case the protective power of the conspiracy will decrease.

It is better to read luck conspiracies without shoes. It is important to loosen the belt on your clothing, if there is one, and unfasten the buttons. It is desirable that the body does not experience discomfort. In addition, the plot must be read alone. You need to properly tune in to the ceremony. You can attract luck only in a positive mood.

Three powerful prayers for good luck

There are three powerful prayers for good luck. They are very effective and will help to attract luck into life.

Muslim prayer

Thus, Muslim prayer is very popular. You need to understand that the culture of the Muslim world is different from the Slavic culture. All powerful prayers for good luck are written in the Koran. They call it dua. It is permissible to read them in translation in order to understand the meaning of the words.

In Islam it is believed that Allah hears and sees everything in this world. This means that the Muslim prayer can be said not only out loud, but also mentally. But it is very important to pronounce all words with confidence. Muslims believe that you can attract good luck in life if you go through all the difficulties without being afraid of anything.

During prayer, it is important to forget about all everyday problems and focus only on the spoken words.

In addition, the following rules must be observed:

  • Before praying, you should cleanse your soul and body. To do this, first take a shower and attend a sermon in the mosque.
  • It is important to dress in clothing that corresponds to the Islamic faith to read the prayer.
  • When reading a prayer, it is necessary to have pure and sincere intentions in your soul.

One of the most common Muslim prayers is as follows:

“Innaa lil-lyahi wa innaa ilyaihi raaji"uun, allaahumma "indakya ahtasibu musyybatii fa"jurni fiihe, wa abdilnii bihee hairan minhe."

Her translation:

“Truly, we all who live belong to Allah and all of us who live always return to Him. To you, Lord, I will be accountable for all my actions aimed at overcoming this misfortune. I ask for reward for my patience, and help me cope with the trouble.”

The power of Muslim prayer lies in the fact that it helps the faithful cope with the evil shaitans and genies who prevent them from achieving what they want.

The famous Bulgarian healer Vanga is known throughout the world. She naturally had the gift of predicting the future and helped people deal with misfortunes. After death, many prayers from the famous healer became known. They help people cope with many life problems. One of the most popular prayers is considered to be the prayer to the “Bright Angel”, aimed at attracting good luck to life. It is short so it is very important to learn it by heart as this will make it more effective.

The text of the prayer goes like this:

“Angel of Light and Kindness, guardian of body and soul, looking down on us all. I, the Servant of God (my own name), bow before you and turn to you with a prayer. Forgive all my sins that I committed in ignorance. I ask you to help me. Bring good luck into my life and provide the opportunity to get rich. I don’t need wealth for evil, but for a peaceful life. Bright Angel, my prosperous destiny depends on you. I need your help now, the sun for everything on earth. Send me luck and good fortune, I pray and pray. Amen".

It can be read on a piece of bread and goes like this:

“The Lord Christ was able to feed the hungry with five loaves. So I ask, Lord, support my family. Make our lives happy and prosperous. Show me the path to prosperity, grant me success in my affairs. I will spend all my money for good, and I will help those in need and glorify the Lord Almighty. Amen".

After reading the prayer, you need to eat the bread and wash it down with holy water.

Prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker

Prayers to Nicholas the Wonderworker, aimed at attracting good luck to life, are in demand. Having secured the support of this Saint, a person can easily overcome all life’s difficulties.

He can become successful, because luck will accompany him in everything.

There is a very powerful prayer appeal to the Holy Saint. This prayer must be read in front of the icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, kneeling.

The prayer words sound like this:

“Oh, great Wonderworker, Holy Pleasant of God Nicholas! I pray you, be the hope for all believers. Become their faithful protector and provider. Cheer the crying, heal the sick, guide the lost to the true path, help the poor. Grant us a peaceful and tranquil life. And we will be honored to praise the One God and worship him, and also to glorify all the chosen ones living in Heaven. Forever and ever. Amen".

If you read such a prayer every morning, you can attract luck and fortune into your life, which means that any endeavors will be successful. Additionally, you can add your personal appeal to the prayer. Moreover, you can ask for anything you want using this prayer. The main thing is that the desire that is voiced in the text of the prayer does not contain a threat to other people.

When overcoming many problems that plunge us into the vanity of the “sea of ​​life,” we should not forget about God and the saints. They are able to help in solving complex issues that do not depend on a person’s efforts. With the help of Jesus Christ, the Mother of God and the saints, the most difficult problems are easily solved.

Before starting any work, a Christian crosses himself and reads a short prayer to the “Heavenly King.” If particularly difficult events are coming up, a prayer service “Before the start of any business” is ordered in the church. There are separate petitions before traveling (trip, business trip), medical procedures, construction, starting agricultural work, driving a vehicle, and even before flying an aircraft. Any action should be sanctified by prayer for success in work performed for the glory of God.

Over many centuries, Christians have developed a tradition of turning to certain saints, patrons of various fields of activity. Numerous testimonies of gracious help from them give confidence that the prayer will be heard by them. How strong this request will be depends on a person’s faith, on his willingness to work to the best of his ability and fulfill the will of God.

Important. For a Christian, the concepts of “luck” or “fortune” do not exist, since they refer to the action of blind chance, and not of God’s Providence. “Prayer for good luck at work” is considered a wrong expression, or rather to talk about hope for God’s mercy.

Saint George is considered the patron saint of the military, since in earthly life he was a warrior. But his name can be invoked in any cases where protection from adverse circumstances is required. We especially love this saint in the Caucasus. Peasants living in difficult mountain conditions pray to St. George the Victorious before field work, the beginning of grazing, and to protect fields from harmful insects. Knowing the quick help from the saint, even non-believers turn to him. Banners with the image of St. George the Victorious always accompanied Orthodox soldiers in battle.

When strong protection is required in dangerous work, it is enough to read the prayer to the Great Martyr George with faith.

Holy Great Martyr George the Victorious

Prayer to George

“Oh, all-validated, holy great martyr and wonderworker George! Look upon us with your quick help, and beg God, the Lover of Mankind, not to judge us, sinners, according to our iniquities, but to deal with us according to His great mercy.

Do not despise our prayer, but ask us from Christ our God for a quiet and godly life, mental and physical health, fertility of the earth, and abundance in everything, and may we not turn the good things given to us by you from the All-Bountiful God into evil, but into the glory of the Holy One in His name and in glorification of your strong intercession, may He grant our country and all the God-loving army victory over the adversaries and strengthen us with unchangeable peace and blessing.

May His angel protect us saints with a militia, so that we, upon our departure from this life, may be delivered from the wiles of the evil one and his difficult airy ordeals, and may present ourselves uncondemned to the Throne of the Lord of Glory.

Hear us, passion-bearing George of Christ, and pray for us unceasingly to the Trinitarian Lord of all God, so that by His grace and love for mankind, with your help and intercession we may find mercy, with the angels and archangels and all the saints at the right hand of the Just Judge of the world, and He will be glorified with the Father and Holy Spirit, now and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen".

Healthy. Saints who were monks who renounced the worldly to serve God and instruct people are called venerables.

The name of this illustrious saint is known even to non-church, non-believing people. Having pleased God with a righteous life and unceasing prayer, St. Sergius has great power to ask the Lord for success in everyday affairs, and especially in studies. As a child, Sergius was unable to read and spent long periods of time secluded himself in the forest, praying to God for admonition.

One day the boy saw a monk in front of him holding out a piece of prosphora (church bread). Mistaking the monk for a wanderer, Sergius took him home, since his parents loved to provide shelter to travelers. After praying, the guest asked Sergius to read a few lines from the prayer book. The boy fearfully opened the book and, to the surprise of his parents, read the proposed text clearly and distinctly. Since then, studying was easy for him.

Before starting studies or exams, it is good to pray to St. Sergius.

Holy Venerable Sergius of Radonezh

Prayer to Sergius

O sacred head, venerable and God-bearing Father Sergius, by your prayer, and by faith and love for God, and by the purity of your heart, you established your soul on earth in the monastery of the Most Holy Trinity, and was granted angelic communion and the visitation of the Most Holy Theotokos, and the gift of miraculous grace accepted, after your departure from the earthly, especially drawing closer to God and joining the heavenly powers, but not retreating from us in the spirit of your love, and your honest relics, like a vessel of grace, full and overflowing, left to us!

Having great boldness towards the all-merciful Master, pray to save His servants ( names), His grace existing in you, believing and flowing to you with love: ask us from our great-gifted God every gift that is useful to everyone and everyone, the observance of the immaculate faith, the establishment of our cities, the pacification of peace, deliverance from famine and destruction, preservation from the invasion of foreigners , comfort to those who mourn, healing to those who are sick, restoration to those who have fallen, return to those who have gone astray, strengthening to those who strive, prosperity and blessing to those who do good in deeds, education for children, instruction for the young, admonition for the ignorant, intercession for orphans and widows, departing from this temporary life to the eternal good preparation and parting words for those who have departed to their blessed rest, and grant all of us, through your prayers, to be delivered on the day of the Last Judgment, to be delivered from the right parts of the land, and to hear the blessed voice of the Lord Christ: come, blessed of My Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world .

Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker

Nikolai Ugodnik is known not only among Christians. His prayerful help was felt more than once by Mohammedans and pagans. This is one of the world's favorite saints. You can pray to him for success in a variety of areas: travel, trade, justice, a successful marriage and good luck in financial matters.

Various prayers to Nicholas the Wonderworker:

Distinguished by his steadfastness in the Orthodox faith, Saint Nicholas confirmed his chosenness by virtues during his life and miracles after death. He did good deeds secretly, so as not to have praise from people.

Sailors pray to Nicholas the Pleasant for a successful voyage; there is a known case when he appeared to those dying in a storm and tamed the storm. Also, through the prayer of the soldiers innocently condemned to death, Saint Nicholas appeared at the place of execution and stopped the executioner’s hand.

When praying before starting any task, you should remember St. Nicholas with a short prayer.

Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker

Troparion to Nicholas the Wonderworker

The rule of faith and the image of meekness, self-control, the teacher, show you to your flock as things are true; For this reason, you have gained high humility, rich in poverty, Father Hierarch Nicholas, pray to Christ God to save our souls.

In any work that does not contradict the commandments of God, it is worth praying to the holy elder Ambrose.

Healthy. Elders are people who lead a monastic, righteous life. They receive visitors asking for spiritual advice and prayers.

The Lord listens to the strong prayers of his ascetics - the elders. Ambrose of Optina, lived at the end of the 19th century in the Optina Monastery - a monastery in the Kaluga province. The Lord endowed him with the gift of clairvoyance; he knew the future. Even to a person he saw for the first time, Ambrose could give the right advice and warn about danger. Crowds of people gathered at his cell, wanting to hear at least a short instruction and ask for advice in making a choice.

Many letters have been preserved that Ambrose wrote with love to his spiritual children. When planning a serious undertaking, it would not be amiss to read the instructions of the monk. Perhaps the Lord will instill the right thought through his prayers. Before reading the book, you need to pray to the saint.

Venerable Ambrose of Optina

Prayer to St. Ambrose Optinsky

O great elder and servant of God, reverend our father Ambrose, praise to the Optina and all Rus' teacher of piety! We glorify your humble life in Christ, by which God has exalted your name while you were still on earth, especially crowning you with heavenly honor upon your departure to the palace of eternal glory.

Accept now the prayer of us, your unworthy children, who honor you and call on your holy name, deliver us through your intercession before the Throne of God from all sorrowful circumstances, mental and physical ailments, evil misfortunes, corrupting and evil temptations, send peace to our Fatherland from the great-gifted God, peace and prosperity, be the immutable patron of this holy monastery, in which you yourself labored in prosperity and you have pleased our glorified God with all in the Trinity, to Him belongs all glory, honor and worship, to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and ever forever and ever. Amen.

Saint John Chrysostom

Those whose profession involves giving speeches (teachers, politicians, bosses, TV presenters, etc.) will be helped in their work by praying to St. John Chrysostom. John had a good education and was a priest in Byzantium in the 4th century. At first people did not understand his learned speeches. Then one woman said: “Your lips are golden, but your word is far from us.” From then on, John began to be called Chrysostom, and he prayed to God to learn to speak simply and clearly. God gave him a wonderful gift of speech and persuasion. Over time, John Chrysostom became a famous preacher. He was not afraid to speak out against the vices of kings and rulers. At the end of his earthly life, God glorified him with many miracles.

Read about Saint John Chrysostom:

  • Prayer to Saint John Chrysostom

    O great saint John Chrysostom! You received many and varied gifts from the Lord and, as a good and faithful servant, you multiplied all the talents given to you for good, for this reason you were truly a universal teacher, as every age and every rank learns from you.

    You are the image of obedience for the youth, the luminary of chastity for the young, the teacher of hard work for the husband, the teacher of kindness for the old, the rule of abstinence for the monk, the leader for those who pray, inspired by God, the enlightener of wisdom for those seeking wisdom, the well-spoken oracles are an inexhaustible source of living words, for those who do good. - the star of mercy, the ruler - the image of the wise, the zealot of truth - the inspirer of boldness, the righteousness of the persecuted - the mentor of patience, you were everything to everyone, and you saved everyone.

    Over all of these you have acquired love, which is the bond of perfection, and with that, as if by the power of the Divine, you have united all the gifts in your one person, and here you have shared the reconciling love, in the interpretation of the words of the apostles, you preached to all the faithful. We, sinners, each one of us having our own talent, the unity of spirit in the union of the world are not imams, we are vainglorious, irritating each other, envious of each other, for this sake of the gift our divided not into peace and salvation, but into enmity and condemnation appear to us.

    Moreover, we fall to you, the saint of God, overwhelmed by discord, and in contrition of heart we ask: with your prayers drive away from our hearts all pride and envy that divides us, so that in many places there will be one church body, so that, according to your prayerful words, we will love each other and with one mind we confess the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, the Trinity, Consubstantial and Indivisible, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

    Healthy. Before any good deed, they must pray to the Most Holy Theotokos, as the First among saints. Her intercession will certainly bring success in any godly endeavor.

    Christians experienced in prayer will advise you to read the prayer of the Mother of God in front of the “Quick to Hear” icon in everyday difficulties and problems at work. The icon received this name for the quick help given to believers.

    How else can you pray for help in your work:

    After a working day or at the end of work, passing an exam, project, report, you should definitely thank God and the saints who were addressed the day before. Gratitude is the key to God’s acceptance of future prayers.

    Watch a video about praying for good luck in business