Certificate szi 6 what documents to obtain. On approval of the form of information on the status of the individual personal account of the insured person. What are extracts from the Pension Fund of Russia?

April 2018 Crimea. SEZ. Property tax The Republic of Crimea and the federal city of Sevastopol are located in a free economic zone (FEZ), where, in accordance with Law No. 377-FZ, preferential taxation procedures apply. In this article, we will consider the procedure for applying property tax benefits. On the application of reduced land tax rates Let us immediately say that we were prompted to turn to this topic by the Letter of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated January 26, 2018 No. BS-4-21/ In this letter, the Federal Tax Service sent copies of court decisions in case No. A41- to lower tax authorities for study. 90821/2016 (including Determination of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation dated January 15, 2018 No. 305-KG17-20424) and listed the circumstances indicating the use of plots in business activities and, accordingly, the unjustified application of a preferential tax rate.

How to get data from the ILS to the Pension Fund using the Szi-6 form

Information on additional insurance contributions for funded pension, including those received within the framework of the State Co-financing Program for Pension Savings: Your voluntary contributions, rubles, kopecks. State co-financing amounts<8, руб., коп.
Additional contributions from your employer, rub., kopecks. 4. Your insurer is: name of the non-state pension fund 4.1. Amount<9средствпенсионныхнакоплений застрахованного лица, гарантируемаяАгентствомпострахованиювкладовпринаступлении гарантийногослучая<10вотношениисредствпенсионныхнакоплений, учтенных на индивидуальном лицевом счете застрахованного лица: — сумма страховых взносов на финансирование накопительной пенсии: руб.
cop.; — funds (part of the funds) of maternal (family) capital: rub.

Informing insured persons about the status of an individual personal account

Many people want to know about the status of their personal account in the Pension Fund. Such a document, among others, is required by many institutions - departments of social protection and education, as well as banks.
The Pension Fund offers several ways to obtain an extract (form SZI 6). You can receive a certified statement of the status of your individual personal account: 1.

In the Pension Fund Offices at the place of residence, an extract with a stamp is issued immediately at the reception. It’s even faster to order a statement by phone, indicating how you would like to receive it – in person or by registered mail.

Mail is sent the next day after the telephone order is received. 2. In Sberbank offices (not only bank clients). A certified statement is issued by the cashier-operator immediately upon application.

3. At local Multifunctional Centers.

How to obtain an extract from an individual personal account of the Pension Fund

  • January 01 Legal regulation of the relationship between employer and employee. New aspects of labor, civil and pension legislation
  • January 01 Course training program for workers authorized to solve problems of civil defense and RSChS.
  • January 01 Children's medical organization. Effective management
  • January 01 Attraction of extra-budgetary funds by autonomous and budgetary institutions
  • January 01 Organization of procurement activities of autonomous institutions.

Why is there no length of service for 2017 in the PFR (SZI-6) statement?

Co-financing is carried out based on the amount of additional contributions ranging from 2 to 12 thousand rubles per year for 10 years, starting from the year of your first payment under the Program, if the first payment was made before January 31, 2015.<13 Сведения о фиксированной выплате (с учетом повышений фиксированной выплаты) не отражаются в отношении лиц, указанных в части 6 статьи 3 Федерального закона от 15.12.2001 N 166-ФЗ «О государственном пенсионном обеспечении в Российской Федерации» (Собрание законодательства Российской Федерации, 2001, N 51, ст. 4831; 2009, N 30, ст. 3739; 2010, N 30, ст. 3739; 2014, N 30 (часть 1), ст. 4217). <14 Отражается только в случае формирования формы СЗИ-6 на число месяца, в котором осуществлена единовременная выплата средств пенсионных накоплений.

What documents are needed to obtain a SZI-6 certificate from the pension fund?

Employer Calendar year Duration of periods of work (years, months, days) Information on earnings (remuneration), income taken into account when assigning an insurance pension<3 2.4.расчетный пенсионный капитал, сформированный из страховых взносов за2002- 2014 годы (с учетом индексаций расчетного пенсионного капитала) руб. коп. Работодатель Календарный год Сумма страховых взносов, руб.
cop. Duration of periods of work (years, months, days) 3. Your insurer is the Pension Fund of the day, month, year of the Russian Federation.

Error 404

Funds are invested in the name of the management company (investment portfolio) 3.1.Amount<4средствпенсионныхнакоплений застрахованного лица, гарантируемаяАгентствомпострахованиювкладовпринаступлении гарантийного случая <5 в отношении средств пенсионных накоплений, учтенных на индивидуальном лицевом счете застрахованного лица: — сумма страховых взносов на финансирование накопительной пенсии: руб. коп.; — средства (часть средств) материнского (семейного) капитала: руб. коп.; — сумма дополнительных страховых взносов на накопительную пенсию, сумма взносовработодателявпользузастрахованноголицаи сумма взносов на софинансирование формирования пенсионных накоплений: руб. коп. 3.2.Суммасредствпенсионныхнакопленийсучетомрезультатаих инвестирования: руб.

The Pension Fund will issue a certificate of personal account status using a new form

Contact our lawyers - and these difficulties will no longer be a serious problem for you! Experienced specialists will tell you how to get SFI 6, what to do specifically in your case, what documents to provide. Call! Legal consultation is free! What information must be provided to obtain information on Form 6? You must receive an extract from your individual personal account.
The original is provided to the authorities (you can receive it in electronic form or on paper). The statement will not be returned to you. What does the SZI 6 certificate from the pension look like? The document is provided on several pages.

Resolution of the Board of the Pension Fund of June 15, 2016 No. 491p approved the composition of information on the status of a personal account in the SZI-6 form. This form is intended to inform insured persons about the status of their individual personal account.
You can obtain information on the SZI-6 form as follows:
- by contacting in person the territorial body of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation or the MFC. In this case, you must have an identification document with you. To simplify identification in the database of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, it is also recommended to have an insurance certificate of compulsory pension insurance (SNILS).
- using the “Personal Account of the Insured Person” posted on the official website of the Pension Fund. All users registered on the site have access to the service. www.gosuslugi.ru and in the Unified Identification and Authentication System (USIA), and having a “confirmed” account level.
- You can also obtain information about the status of an individual personal account (form SZI-6) via postal service. In this case, the applicant sends a corresponding application, to which is attached a copy of the applicant’s identity document. These documents must be certified in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Russian Federation (i.e., notarized). To simplify the identification of the applicant in the database of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, it is also recommended to attach a copy of the insurance certificate of compulsory pension insurance (SNILS) to the application.
The Pension Fund of the Russian Federation keeps records of the pension rights of citizens on an individual personal account, which, among other things, displays information about periods of work experience before registration in the individual (personalized) accounting system. This information for the indicated periods was submitted to the territorial bodies of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation by employers in 2003-2004. Information about periods of labor activity before registration in the compulsory pension insurance system was included in individual personal accounts based on information available in the work book.
If you believe that your individual personal account does not contain information about periods of work and (or) other activities prior to registration in the individual (personalized) accounting system, you can appear at the territorial office of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation at the place of your actual residence or at the place of your registration .
You must have a passport or other identification document, an insurance certificate of compulsory pension insurance, as well as documents confirming periods of work and (or) other activities.
In addition, the individual personal account displays individual (personalized) accounting information (information on wages, amounts of insurance contributions and labor (insurance) length of service) after registration in the compulsory pension insurance system. This information has been submitted by policyholders to the territorial bodies of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, starting in 1997, only for persons registered in the compulsory pension insurance system.
Information on wages (income), accrued and paid insurance premiums for insured persons working under an employment contract, as well as those who have entered into civil contracts, is presented on the basis of accounting data. Information about labor (insurance) experience is presented on the basis of orders, other documents on personnel records and other documents confirming the working conditions of the insured person, as well as accounting data on the calculation and payment of insurance premiums.
Information is included in the individual personal accounts of insured persons only when the policyholder calculates and pays contributions for compulsory pension insurance; periods for which insurance premiums are not paid are not included in the length of service and are not entered into personal accounts.
Responsibility for providing reliable information rests with the policyholder in accordance with the provisions of Federal Law No. 27-FZ dated April 1, 1996.
According to Art. 18 of the Federal Law of April 1, 1996 No. 27-FZ, disputes between policyholders and insured persons on issues of individual (personalized) accounting are resolved by the court.

Insured persons have the right, by contacting the nearest branch of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation or in other officially prescribed ways, to receive an SZI-6 certificate, through which the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation provides the user with information about the status of his individual account.

Certificate SZI-6: form, definition, rights of the insured person

Currently, the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation uses the SZI-6 certificate, a sample of which was approved by Resolution of the Board of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation No. 184p dated April 5, 2018.

The full name of this certificate is “Information on the status of the individual personal account of the insured person.”

According to the established procedure, a certificate of personal account status is not a document subject to mandatory distribution to the addressee, but is provided to insured persons upon request (Article 16 of the Law “On Personalized Accounting” dated April 1, 1996 No. 27-FZ).

You can obtain the SZI-6 certificate by contacting:

    to the customer service of the territorial branch of the Pension Fund of Russia;

    to Sberbank - the insured person can apply for a certificate from an operator at a bank branch, through Sberbank-Online, ATMs or bank terminals;

    to a multifunctional center (MFC) for the provision of state and municipal services;

    via ]]> Personal account ]]> on the official portal of the Pension Fund;

    to the portal ]]> State Services ]]> .

When applying in person, you will need to present your passport and SNILS.


To obtain information about the status of your personal account through the Internet portal of the State Services or the Pension Fund, the insured person must register on these resources. The opportunity to use this service will be available to the user after identification and receipt of an access code to the electronic account.

For users of electronic accounts on these resources, the option of quickly viewing the information contained in the SZI-6 certificate online and printing the generated document is available. However, if for any purpose the insured person needs an SZI-6 certificate from the Pension Fund, certified in the prescribed manner, it must be obtained from the Pension Fund client service.

An insured person can apply for a certificate:

    upon a personal visit to a specialist from the Pension Fund of Russia, MFC or Sberbank;

    by sending an application by letter - using postal services;

    in the form of an electronic application.

Preparation of “paper” SZI-6 certificates is carried out within 10 calendar days from the date of filing the application. There is no charge for issuing the document.

Help SZI-6: what kind of document is this and its contents

According to the established regulations, the Pension Fund maintains a systematic record of the rights of citizens, the data of which is reflected in individual personal accounts. To inform the insured persons about the information on compulsory health insurance, the Pension Fund uses the standardized form SZI-6; what kind of certificate it is and what information it carries – we will consider below.

The ILS (individual personal account) of the insured displays a set of information provided to the Pension Fund by policyholders for persons registered in the OPS system, and concerning factors affecting the accrual and calculation of pension benefits, including:

    deductions for a specific calendar period - information about personalized accounting of wages, amounts of insurance contributions;

    information on investing pension savings.


The certificate of form SZI-6, generated according to the data of the Pension Fund, contains information only on the accrued and actually paid contributions for compulsory pension insurance by the policyholder. If the insured person’s compulsory health insurance contributions were not paid by the employer, information about them and the insurance period for this period is not included in the SZI-6 certificate. Claims for length of service actually worked, but not included in the insurance period due to non-payment, in accordance with current legislation (Article 18 of the Law “On Personalized Accounting” No. 27-FZ) must be attributed to the employer, whose actions can be appealed in court ok.

To whom is it provided?

Information about the status of an individual personal account under OPS can be provided:

    insured persons - citizens of the Russian Federation;

    non-citizens of the Russian Federation (foreigners) - in cases where they were subject to the Pension Legislation of the Russian Federation in terms of pension insurance (persons who temporarily resided and were officially employed in the territory of the Russian Federation);

    stateless persons, permanently or temporarily residing in the territory of the Russian Federation, officially employed, who are subject to the OPS.

Why does the insured person need an SZI-6 certificate?

    confirmation of length of service and contributions paid to the Pension Fund;

    participation in various government social programs;

    clarification of information about the funded and insurance part of the pension;

    obtaining information on the average monthly salary of the insured person for a specific period.

The TIN is indicated in brief The individual tax number and the reason for registration are indicated Codification of the insured person Filled out on the basis of a single classifier Date of compilation The estimated moment of payment of the labor pension is indicated The date of provision to the employees of the Pension Fund The date the form is accepted for processing is indicated, the month and day must be entered Not mandatory, filled out by the regional department of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation Reporting period Indicates the time period for which current information is provided Mandatory Information about the insured person Indicates the full name, insurance number, period of employment at the last place of work, and the territorial affiliation of the person References to the law In order to understand where To obtain a certificate of insurance experience, you must refer to the main provisions of the current legislation of the Russian Federation, or more precisely to Federal Law No. 173.

How to get data from the ILS to the Pension Fund using the Szi-6 form

Pension Fund: “Did you find and correct the error yourself? Great. We are fining you” Anonymous, you wrote: Anonymous just What will the “gentlemen” say when the 20 million they indicated “self-inflicted... Carrot or stick? The authorities are thinking about how to force the self-employed to pay taxes Nad.K, you wrote: No, it is impossible to reduce the tax of the 1st quarter. There is a condition in the Tax Code that it is impossible to reduce... How to fill out a UTII declaration to receive a deduction for the purchase of cash registers. Can anyone tell me how to pay the fine of Article 15.33.2 of the Code of Administrative Offenses to the director (aka the chief accountant).&...
Pension Fund: “Did you find and correct the error yourself? Great. We are fined you” Child care benefits at the expense of the Social Insurance Fund are paid until the child reaches 1.5 years old... Where did you see... Social Insurance Fund: a mother cannot receive child care benefits if he goes to kindergarten I would not give clarification... Wrote I would like a polite reply... The clarification is a camera in a new circle.....

Informing insured persons about the status of an individual personal account

In accordance with the same federal law, a requirement may be established to attach an additional package of documents to the application. This list of securities is as follows:

  • certificates confirming work experience at previous places of employment - Articles 27 and 28;
  • children’s birth certificate – Article 28;
  • on the upbringing of children up to the age of 8 years - Article 28, a fact confirmed by the provision of documents from regional self-government bodies;
  • confirmation of children's disability – Article 28;
  • on recognition as visually disabled, as a result of which there are restrictions on work activity - paragraph 1, article 28.

Article 27. Retention of the right to early assignment of a labor pension Article 28.

Why is there no length of service for 2017 in the PFR (SZI-6) statement?


Certificate of work experience - samples The procedure for filling it out is not established by the legislator, so the employer draws up the document in any form. The certificate is most often submitted to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, if it is not possible to prove the length of service with a work book, as well as at the request of other organizations (for example, to the court). In this regard, the certificate must contain all the necessary information.

We will tell you how to arrange it correctly in our article. We issue a certificate of length of service in an organization. Certificates of general, continuous, insurance experience. How to obtain a certificate from the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation? Subscribe to our channel in Yandex.Zen! Subscribe to the channel We issue a certificate of work experience in the organization. At the request of a current or former employee, the employer is obliged to issue a certificate of work experience at this enterprise within 3 working days (Article 62 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

Where to get a certificate confirming insurance experience SZI 6

Carrot or stick? The authorities are thinking about how to force the self-employed to pay taxes Natalie B, you wrote: msneg, you wrote: Natalie B, you wrote: The chief accountant is advertised on VKontakte “Journ... “Aktion” threatens “Clerk” msneg, you wrote: Natalie B, you wrote: Glavbukh is advertised on VKontakte “The Glavbukh magazine is no longer... “Aktion” threatens “Clerk” Anonymous, in the calculation of insurance premiums, individual entrepreneur contributions are not shown at all. Individual entrepreneurs without employees even... Fixed contributions IP-2018: new calculation, KBK, deadlines Let them take their damn pennies for themselves, lousy indexers. When will the pension be indexed after dismissal? Table for 2018 msneg, You wrote: Natalie B, You wrote: Glavbukh is advertised on VKontakte “The Glavbukh magazine is no longer...
"Aktion" threatens "Clerk" I am for it. The Roskomnadzor website has crashed. But we have hypersound! Like? Or maybe not! And what the hell with it, with hypersound and with one-class...

How to obtain a certificate of insurance experience

A certificate of insurance experience is submitted by an individual to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation using the SPV-2 form. This document contains current accounting information for certain periods, as well as information about the insured person. The document is created on the basis of a special application from an employee of each specific organization who wishes to retire.
Submission of the SPV-2 form must be carried out within 10 days from the date of the employee’s written request. The completed form must be certified by the signature of the head and the state seal of the organization.

Error 404

Contact our lawyers - and these difficulties will no longer be a serious problem for you! Experienced specialists will tell you how to get SFI 6, what to do specifically in your case, what documents to provide. Call! Legal consultation is free! What information must be provided to obtain information on Form 6? You must receive an extract from your individual personal account. The original is provided to the authorities (you can receive it in electronic form or on paper). The statement will not be returned to you. What does the SZI 6 certificate from the pension look like? The document is provided on several pages. This is not like a bank account! It does not store real money, but your pension rights. Until 2013, information could be obtained from annual “letters of happiness.”

How is sick leave calculated using the SZI-6 certificate to confirm the length of service?


Periods of work for individual citizens under contracts (domestic workers, nannies, secretaries, typists, etc.) for the time before the conclusion of employment contracts or contracts of a civil law nature, the subject of which is the performance of work or the provision of services, is confirmed by an agreement between the employer and the employee, registered in trade union bodies, and a document from the territorial body of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation or the territorial tax authority on the payment of mandatory payments. Night accountant." Tax officers are more actively taking on employment contracts and comparing “salary” reports from different years. Links do not work: https://www.klerk.ru/buh/news/472940/ “Night accountant”. Tax officials are more actively taking on employment contracts and comparing “salary” reports from different years. They’ve already been bullied with this spam about the Central Bank and the IMF.

Attention, the structure of world finance should be studied, or something.
You choose which form of document is preferable: electronic with a qualified signature or issued on paper.
  • Contact the bank with which the Pension Fund has an agreement. Statement 6 can be ordered from Sberbank of Russia, Uralsib Bank, Gazprombank, Bank of Moscow or VTB 24 Bank.
  • Now you know where to get SFI 6, how to do it, how long you will have to wait, and in what situations you need to order information. “Moscow Law Company” has been providing similar services for new and regular clients since 2007. Lawyers help to cope with complex and confusing situations when the pension fund refuses SZI 6, there are problems with obtaining an extract or confirming the length of service. We monitor changes in legislation and help obtain up-to-date samples of SZI 6, which are 100% compliant with the requirements of government agencies.

SZI-6) and was surprised to discover that it lacks information for Insured persons Tax deduction for participants in the State Co-financing Program Participants in the State Co-financing Program who pay additional insurance premiums (DSI) can annually Insured persons Why do you need SNILS Insurance number of an individual personal account ( SNILS) is a unique identifier of a Russian citizen in mandatory systems for Insured persons Memo for persons who arrived in the territory of Russia from Ukraine The right to pension provision under the legislation of the Russian Federation of persons who arrived in the territory of the Russian Federation from Ukraine depends on Insured persons How to find out about their pension savings in the Pension Fund ? In this article we will look at the main ways to obtain information about the status of an individual personal account in the Pension Fund.

SZI 6 – a form for displaying information about the status of the individual personal account of the insured person. State bodies periodically update it with resolutions of the Pension Fund Board. The new form was approved by Resolution of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation dated June 15, 2016 No. 491p. Be careful to obtain up-to-date certificates and not be refused by authorized entities. Why do you need a certificate 6 To find out about the status of your personal account with the Pension Fund. This is not real money (similar to a bank account!), it is just a representation of your rights. According to the document, you can control which savings and in what amount go towards your future pension. The document contains information about the current employer, past employers, and the amount of accrued insurance premiums. Who has the right to order SZI 6? Who needs the document

  1. A citizen of Russian Federation.

How to get data from the ILS to the Pension Fund using the Szi-6 form

Sv-experience: detailed instructions from the Pension Fund If previously (until 2016 inclusive) employers submitted quarterly reports containing this information to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, then starting from January 1, 2017, information on the amount of earnings (income) on which insurance contributions for compulsory Employers submit pension insurance and the amount of accrued insurance contributions quarterly to the Federal Tax Service. Accordingly, you see this information for 2017 in the statement. Information about the insurance period (periods of work) is now provided by the employer once for the entire year, no later than March 1 of the year following the reporting year.

Thus, information about your periods of work for 2017 will be received by the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation before March 1, 2018, and, after including this information in the personal account, it will be displayed in the statement on the SZI-6 form.

Informing insured persons about the status of an individual personal account

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Roskomnadzor blocks Amazon IP addresses and its main goal is to attract attention... Green versus red, yellow and blue. In a new advertisement, does Sberbank humiliate its competitors? Anonymous, you wrote: Fuck you, gentlemen! Exceptionally silidary.

Why is there no length of service for 2017 in the PFR (SZI-6) statement?

At the same time, the data of those acts on the basis of which the changes were made are written down. The certificate is signed by the manager or personnel inspector by proxy (indicating the date and number of the latter). The document is certified by a seal. Here you can download a sample certificate of experience.
Certificates of general, continuous, insurance experience Download the form of a certificate of work experience According to the current pension and labor legislation, the concepts of “total length of service” and “continuous experience” have lost their relevance. Currently we can only talk about insurance experience. However, not all citizens’ work activity is covered only by the insurance period, since we calculate it only from January 1, 2002. Periods of work before 2002 constitute seniority.
Therefore, if a certificate of general experience is required, then it includes both labor and insurance experience.

Where to get a certificate confirming insurance experience SZI 6

If an individual, for any reason, cannot independently request such a certificate from the employer, then you can write an application addressed to the head of the regional branch of the Pension Fund with a request to organize the issuance of the document. In the corresponding application, it is recommended to indicate the name of the organization and its exact location, as well as the period of work of the person at the enterprise.

Knowing the answer to the question whether military service is included in the insurance period, you can accurately determine the procedure for calculating and the amount of pension payments. What is the northern insurance experience, and what benefits does its presence entitle you to, you can find out here.

How to obtain a certificate of insurance experience

Error 404

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Carrot or stick? The authorities are thinking about how to force the self-employed to pay taxes. Pulse width modulation affects the flickering of the monitor screen. Vision decreases when working at a computer - what to do? Advice for an accountant Anonymous, you wrote: For the complete happiness of optimizers, you need to “cut out” not 42 million, but just... With a carrot or a stick? The authorities are thinking about how to force the self-employed to pay taxes for the very stratum. For the servants themselves, of course. Carrot or stick? The authorities are thinking about how to force the self-employed to pay taxes. And in which section of the calculation of insurance premiums should the amount of payment in excess of 300,0000 be indicated. ...

How is sick leave calculated using the SZI-6 certificate to confirm the length of service?


Anonymous, you wrote: piropark, you wrote: I am a former individual entrepreneur, now a defendant for arrears of penalties and contributions... Chain letters are pouring in from tax authorities about contributions. 71% of seconded employees firmly believe that per diem is not compensation for additional expenses...

Employers pay too little per diem for posted workers. With the help of advanced telecommunications, we will open up all the possibilities of the digital world to our citizens. And... "The Night Accountant." A fresh batch of amendments to the Tax Code. Internet, goodbye? This fine has been paid. Why are they writing about him again? Maybe they don't see him? You can go to the magistrate’s court... Pension Fund: “Did you find and correct the mistake yourself? Great. We are fining you” Anonymous, you wrote: More tests for the last six months and fluorography... and first of all... How to complain in a new way from April 21 about a bank that does not open or blocks an account. And why complaining can hurt Yes.
Retention of the right to early assignment of a labor pension to certain categories of citizens It is worth noting that the assignment of other pensions may require an additional set of documents. Registration of a certificate of insurance experience It is important, first of all, to say that for 5 years it is necessary to save copies of all documents that are submitted to the regional office of the Pension Fund. This requirement is regulated by Article 29 of Federal Law No. 402. This is due to the fact that the information specified in these documents may be required by Fund employees to quickly organize the issuance of certificates of insurance experience and contributions. An application for insurance experience must be submitted because, on the basis of this document, an employee of the Pension Fund will be able to provide detailed information about the state of the applicant’s personal account.

You can request such a document at your last place of work, since upon employment they always make a photocopy of the work record book. Just like a regular certificate, the employer prepares this paper in no more than 3 working days.

When drawing up a certificate, the personnel service employee simply adds up the periods of work by the number of years, months and days in the manner prescribed by Chapter 3 of the Law “On Insurance...” dated December 28, 2013 No. 400-FZ. Further, the document reflects the total duration of working time.

The basis indicates the numbers of entries in the work book. A sample certificate of insurance work experience can be downloaded here.

How to obtain a certificate from the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation? If for various reasons it is not possible to obtain information about the length of service from the employer, a citizen can apply for the issuance of such information directly to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.