Telegony facts. The science of telegony - myth or reality? Telegony, what this term can mean for modern society

Were the sexual revolutions that shook the world in their time accidental? Or were they deliberately created to reduce humanity on the planet?

And there are a lot of such cases.

I think this is the law.

Santiy Perun

And what is extremely interesting.

After all, why lie?

-you ask?

and on the table - pork!

Long life to everyone, Lyuba

- no, well, I thought!


Then, when the girlfriend calmed down (apparently after all), love had never been so passionate, we remembered the laws of Rita and discussed the topic of the purity of the nation.

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Telegony. Myth or reality?

Were the sexual revolutions that shook the world in their time accidental? Or were they deliberately created to reduce humanity on the planet?

Was the so-called AIDS virus created artificially by people or not? That's later.

Now I want to write about such a phenomenon as telegony.

The term “telegony” appeared in the 19th century, its components tele - “far”, gennao - “I generate”.

It is also called “the science of virginity.”

Some scientists believe that nothing affects the health of the offspring more than virgin purity, and what your children will be like depends on it.

Our ancestors also believed that healthy offspring would never be born from a walking woman. How right were they? Interesting!

Telegony was first discussed about 150 years ago by breeders who crossed different breeds of horses and dogs to produce new breeds. (With)
Although this phenomenon is not recognized by all scientists, even if
This phenomenon has not been officially registered in humans.
Although many breeders and scientists assume that since this occurs in animals, it means it is also possible in humans.

“And the discovery began with the fact that about 150 years ago, horse breeders, who were breeding new breeds of horses, decided to cross a horse with a zebra to increase endurance. The experiments were unsuccessful: not a single conception occurred - neither in horses from male zebras, nor in zebra mares. The experiments were stopped and they tried to forget about them, believing that the matter was over. However, after a few years, the mares that had been in the experiments began to give birth to striped foals. From thoroughbred stallions!..

The stunned scientific world called this phenomenon telegony.

Here is one definition of this law:

“Telegony is the phenomenon of the influence of the previous male (previous mating) on ​​the hereditary characteristics of the offspring from subsequent males. It is characterized by a low frequency of the event and consists in changing the cells of the germinal epithelium (from which eggs are then formed) with the genes of the sperm of the previous male.”

Py.Sy. By the way, the previous male is not necessarily the first. Information can be transferred from the next one.

The most interesting thing for me in this theory or science was that

Only the first man is the father of her (the woman's) children. In every intimacy with a new woman, a man leaves an imprint on her genetic field at the birth of children.

Therefore, a woman who frequently changes sexual partners can even transmit mental illnesses to her former partners.
This is why a couple of white people can have a black child, although none of the spouses even thought of going to the left.
And there are a lot of such cases.

When people fell in love with a person, and not with a female or male just for sex, only then healthy children were born. Supporters of this theory believe.

An example would be all the offspring that were born after the sexual revolution.
A woman collects the imprints of all her partners and therefore the born child carries these imprints from all her former partners.
Which may result in mental or other disabilities. Scientists suspect that our chromosomes are capable of remembering and encoding all information and remain in the body forever. It would seem that this has anecdotal concepts, but the information is interesting.

When girls or boys want to have fun before marriage and then start a family
it may happen that she will not receive healthy offspring.

With each generation, more and more defective and unhealthy children are born. This is a fact that we will not deny.

And the birth of black children to white women after the Olympics! How can you explain this?

I think this is the law.

Those scientists who deny theology tend to believe that
The child's dissimilarity from his parents arises for completely different reasons.
So, black-haired and brown-eyed parents may well give birth to a fair-haired and blue-eyed child. But the “fault” here is not at all the fair-haired neighbor and not telegony, but genes.

But none of them could prove that this particular theory is true. Therefore, I personally am inclined to believe in both.

“Do not allow strangers to your daughters, for they will create your daughters and corrupt their pure souls and destroy the blood of the great race, for the first man leaves images of the spirit and blood from his daughter..., and this race, degenerating, perishes without having healthy offspring. For there will be no inner strength
what kills all illnesses..."
Santiy Perun

Having dug a little deeper on this topic, I decided to supplement my article and convey to readers several interesting facts.

Many men are simply sure (judging by the reviews) that this effect can be avoided by using contraceptives.

But the insidiousness of telegony is that it acts informatively at the level of human DNA.

After all, chromosomes have the ability to remember not only material information, but also wave information, and sperm (even if they are poured into a condom) emit photons and radio waves, which carry information about a man’s heredity.

Scientists called this the “first male effect.”

As I already wrote in the first part: all information remains in the woman’s body and can be transmitted completely unexpectedly to her subsequent partners.

And not only physiological (hereditary diseases, external characteristics, etc.), but also mental (behavioral characteristics, tendency towards habits, certain character traits, etc.) (c)

Even under Stalin in the thirties, experiments were carried out in the country to create a “superman”.

There were many secret laboratories where geneticists and microbiologists worked.

And what is extremely interesting.

At that time, condoms were also produced at the Baku rubber products factory. Maybe someone who caught this time will remember that they (on the corresponding batches) had an inscription - checked by electronics. This was game number 2.

Many people still think that this was a test of rubber for quality - this is not so.
In fact, it was not the rubber that was tested, but the spectrum of radiation transmitted by the rubber.
More precisely, the emission spectrum of spermatozoa. Filters of different colors were placed on the rubber. The developers tried to reduce the risk of information entering the female body during casual relationships.

After all, in the country of the Soviets, no one needed sick children.

But it soon turned out that this is not protection against unwanted information entering the female body. Scientists have conducted a lot of experiments and proved that most of this information remains with women who repeatedly change sexual partners - prostitutes.

Why do you think some girls look very young, while others look much older than their years? It turned out that it is not only good genetics or bad that is to blame.

After all, the night butterfly sleeps with everyone who paid. It “works!”, while collecting all the information within itself, the body quickly ages. Often energy fields that are completely incompatible with each other come together. All this cannot but harm the woman’s condition and immunity. All this is reflected on the face.

One has only to take a closer look at the faces of some young women.

Random connections accumulated in the so-called female genome affect the child born to her. As a rule, such children always have pathology and are not born healthy.

Just imagine: A woman accumulated energy from many sexual partners, and then all this was shoved into the poor child. Can he remain healthy and mentally alert after this?

After all, even our ancestors knew that a woman should give birth to children from her first man, taking into herself precisely his genetic program.

And then, having married at least several times, she will carry signs of him in her children.

This probably sounds funny in the modern world, but there is something in it. The more I dig into the topic, the more inclined I am to believe in telegony.

It’s not for nothing that everything was so classified and no information was available to the common man.

By marrying a virgin, a man created an image of his spirit and blood. A man programmed a woman.
He laid hereditary characteristics of his kind into her genetic memory. After this, all the signs in the woman remained forever.

The energy of spirit and blood is a spectrum of a certain masculine gender, which is then transmitted at the genetic level.

I became curious, what if a girl or woman was raped. Let's take the times of various wars. How then to preserve the image of spirit and blood?

It turns out that this was foreseen. There is such a ritual - fire and water and the Magi - people with strong energy - the priests performed it. Using this ritual, they erased someone else's code.

There are cases when a child is born into a family that does not resemble either the mother or the father.
Such children look like former lovers, and not like a husband. And there are a lot of such cases!

Although genetic science is not able to comment on such a phenomenon, there are cases, as I wrote.

Geneticists cannot, and perhaps do not want to, explain such a phenomenon where a DNA molecule can remember information and read it from where the DNA molecule was previously located.

This can only be explained from the perspective of telegony.
I will not bore readers with scientific explanations, but I can no longer deny telegony as such for myself personally.

I was very struck by another experiment of scientists.

We all know that after the funeral (in the Slavic religion) of a person, his soul leaves the earth on the fortieth day.

So, there was a DNA molecule in the test tube, then it was removed, but the information (the phantom of the molecule) remained, and the laser beam constantly read it. The information disappeared precisely on the fortieth day. Accident, you say! Maybe, but I'm deep in thought.

It's just more and more curiosity. Telegony. Myth or reality?

Doctor of Biological Sciences Pert Goryaev conducted many experiments with laser irradiation of human DNA.
He irradiated the DNA cells and made sure that the trace remained and disappeared only on the fortieth day, as I described this experiment in the second part.
This means that we don’t have completely healthy people, a crazy thought came to the scientist’s head. After all, a mother does ultrasound several times during pregnancy, that is, she irradiates the child already in the womb, erasing important information.

At the beginning of the 19th century, young scientists conducted numerous experiments on animals. The experiment was carried out with pigeons, and later, Darwin carried out it with pigs. The scientist's assumptions were confirmed. And then Darwin made the assumption that this law of the “first male” could be transferred to people. And this phenomenon was called telegony.

After all, even pigeon keepers know well that if a white dove is trampled by a sizar, then pure white offspring will no longer be seen.
While I was thinking about this phenomenon, an idea struck me. What about mixed marriages? Maybe there is already a mixing of cultures and morals happening on a “large scale” so to speak?
And when marrying a person of a different nationality, children will have no idea about the history of their people? And from the very beginning you will already have signs of a culture foreign to you and your family?

Science fiction of course, but I found it interesting. I want to make it clear right away that I respect any nationality.

Why don't the Jewish people mix? Probably the only one that, albeit unofficially, does not mix with other nations. They are almost the only ones who are categorically against mixed marriages.

I think this is very interesting, because

One influential Jew was asked:
-Tell me, slave, so you teach your children from childhood that you only need to love your nation?
He thought for a moment, but then very wisely replied,
-you need to love everyone, but create a marriage: marry or get married only to a person from your own nationality. Rabe was deeply convinced that every nation on earth has its own purpose.

After all, why lie?

The best chess players, the best financiers, the best managers are all Jews. We don’t even count dentists, watchmakers and jewelers. Why?

Assimilation is a very dangerous thing. The slave thinks so. After all, every nation has its own purpose, given to it from above.
Muslims have one thing, Slavs have short, each has its own purpose. And each nation carries its own culture, and if you do not maintain the purity of the nation, then all this can simply crumble and sink into the abyss.

May the reader forgive me, here I remembered Hitler and his struggle for the survival of a purebred Aryan. History knows what came of it.

However, the slave is not so wrong. What is happening on the planet now! The Slavic nation is degenerating and, according to scientific research, soon every third person will be of a non-white race.
This is what we have come to, I thought.

What does telegony have to do with it?
-you ask?

Yes, actually, it has nothing to do with it. Just interesting thoughts about the purity of the family came to mind.

And I leave it to everyone’s discretion to believe or not in such a phenomenon as telegony. Even geneticists and biologists still argue, but what about ordinary people? We will wait for new irrefutable evidence, and then we will see. The main thing is not to die out until then.

Here's my favorite joke on the topic:
An old Jew comes to the rabbi:
- Rebbe! What a horror! What should I do?!... I go to my son today, and he has a Christian girl in his bed
and on the table - pork!
-It's not so bad. Now, if the girl was on the table, and the pork was in the bed...

Long life to everyone, Lyuba

*RITA Laws are Heavenly Laws on the purity of Family and Blood. The Laws of RITA, according to which all Slavic and Aryan peoples lived since ancient times, became known in the modern world in the middle of the 19th century. Now the Greek name is used to denote the Laws of RITA - Telegony. In medicine it is called the phenomenon of the first male." Telegony is a figurative and the only parameter for the transmission of heredity from generation to generation.

A small personal example on the topic of Jewish marriages or just an author’s afterword.

I had a bosom friend at work who loved to share with me all the nuances of her personal life. I was the only one who always listened to her to the end, without interrupting. Not because I was that interested in her personal life, just because she was a friend. And who, if not me. She had no right to disappoint her best friend.

So, her name was Inka and she was Latvian by nationality. We worked together in the same office in the financial department. We ran together for smoke breaks and snacks, and therefore there were always opportunities to chat. Although she did most of the talking, and I listened. I myself don’t like to share details of my intimate life.

For three years now, my Inka had been dating a guy named Marik, who was Jewish. They developed a passionate love (according to Inka’s stories). He gave her expensive gifts and could not get enough of her (according to her stories). She finally got the main thing.

My Inka had long wanted to get married and dreamed of children. Biological age was pushing up.

What am I talking about...ah, yes, she waited for the main thing, the marriage proposal. But Marik was in no hurry to introduce her to his parents, but he proposed. My Inka was in seventh heaven with pride and happiness.
“Wait to be so happy,” I warned, let him introduce you to his mother first. After all, in a Jewish family, it is the woman who is the successor of her family and her voice is very significant..
“So we’re going to Marik’s house tomorrow,” the friend said.
- no, well, I thought!
After meeting Marik’s parents, my Inka was just as happy as before.
A week later, their registration at the registry office was scheduled. They decided to celebrate the wedding quietly without any fuss. But later, not on the same day. Inka took a couple of days off, which she added to Saturday and Sunday.

After the weekend, Inka came to the office with tear-stained eyes and a swollen face.
I looked in amazement towards my friend, but the first one didn’t ask anything. Although she was fidgeting with impatience in her chair. Then we went to lunch and Inka threw up. Sobbing and blowing her nose, she poured out the entire stream of information on me.
Her Marik ran away straight from the registry office. He came, but while they were sitting in line, he went away to smoke and ran away.

My Inka is again looking for a groom and also dreams of children, and I bit my tongue so as not to tell her that I knew it. A Jew will never marry a Latvian and will never come into conflict with his mother..

Then, when the girlfriend calmed down (apparently after all) love had never been so passionate, we remembered the laws of Rita and discussed the topic of the purity of the nation.

In the modern world, when there is freedom of morals and the absence of any restrictions in choosing a sexual partner, the need for morality and chastity has increased. Whether or not telegony exists in people - among scientists there are many ardent opponents of the theory, but there are also those who unequivocally answer: “Yes, it exists!” This phenomenon still raises more questions.

Telegony - what is it?

In the 19th century Lord Morton, a close friend of Charles Darwin, ventured into a biological experiment: he crossed a purebred mare with a zebra stallion. There were no offspring, but two years later, after crossing with a male of her own breed, the mare gave birth to foals with barely faint stripes on the croup. Morton called this phenomenon telegony. Darwin considered this a manifestation of an archaic trait inherent in the ancestor of the equine genus.

Telegony (from the ancient Greek τῆλε - “distant” and γόνος - “birth”) is the manifestation of the signs of the first male in offspring in the animal world, even if pregnancy did not occur during mating for the first time. Belief in telegony is mainly widespread among breeders and breeders. Known facts:

  • purebred dogs and cats, when mated with outbred ones, subsequently produce “bad” offspring, therefore, even with a single mating, such animals are “culled”;
  • Among professional pigeon keepers there is a cruel custom of wringing the head of a female pigeon if she had contact with a sizar, a “wild” representative of the pigeon family.

What is telegony in humans?

Telegony in humans has not been scientifically confirmed, but some geneticists believe that the fact itself occurs. The phenomenon of telegony in humans manifests itself in the same way as in animals. The characteristics of the embryo are inherited by the genotype not only of its specific parents, but also of those partners that the couple had before a specific pregnancy. Cases are described when a white woman gives birth to a child with dark skin from a man of her own nation, having previously met a representative of another nation, but did not become pregnant from him. Science explains the phenomenon by saying that the parents do not have this trait, but the genotype contains it from distant ancestors.

Telegony in women

Distant ancestors of different nationalities believed that the first man who had a relationship with a woman left his “image of spirit, blood” - a kind of imprint in her genome - this is what scientists are already saying. Telegony, or the influence of the first male, is described in A. Dumas’s book “The Count of Monte Cristo”, where Edmond’s beloved, Mercedes, marries Fernand a few years later and gives birth to a son with Edmond’s features.

Telegony in men

For the first time, all that was known about the phenomenon was that it left an imprint on a woman’s reproduction; it turned out that everything was not so simple. Telegony in men - the effect of the first female - is a more complex phenomenon that can be described as “the effect of any female”, in contrast to a woman in whom only the first partner bears the fundamental function of transmitting traits. A man receives a charge of genes from each partner, which is stored in the genome. The more women there are, the more pronounced the change in genetic information in a man is.

Telegony - true or false?

The telegony effect excites the minds of people who have embarked on the path of self-knowledge and cultivating positive qualities in themselves. Currently, telegony is a pseudoscience, akin to extrasensory perception or paranormal events. But researchers tend to believe that the real results of the experiments are hushed up from society, so many facts about this phenomenon are simply taken on faith by people. Telegony - myth or reality? For each individual person, it is more about taking responsibility and turning to one’s own morality.

Telegony - scientific facts

Geneticists answer the question of whether telegony exists in the affirmative. In 2014, a study was published that confirmed the phenomenon in flies. The male flies were divided: some were put on a nutrient-rich diet, others on a meager diet. Poor nutrition affected the males; they were small compared to the group receiving. Scientists crossed immature females with both groups of males, and changed partners when they reached maturity. As a result of the second mating, the females reproduced large offspring (the influence of the nutritious diet of the male of the first group).

Telegony - how to cleanse yourself?

The ancient Slavs revered the laws of RITA: girls and boys led a chaste and moral lifestyle before marriage, this was the key to the birth of strong and healthy offspring. Today, before tying themselves with the knot of Hymen, young people manage to change several partners until they find their one and only. In which child does telegony disappear? Married couples who have learned about the phenomenon are interested.

Professor P. Garyaev claims that by being imprinted into genes, traits are inherited in all children born subsequently. But this mechanism can be removed from the genome of both men and women. There are rituals for getting rid of telegony:

  1. Cleansing the physical body– any cleansing practices together with a partner: a bath with herbal infusions and oil massage – they renew the structures and cellular membranes of the body, and foreign information comes out with sweat.
  2. Working with thoughts– it is necessary to mentally imagine the first partner for a woman, and for a man all partners up to his wife, and replace these images with the appearance of the current partner.
  3. Vedic practice– for 3 days, a husband and wife live outdoors in a hut, sleep under the starry sky, eat only food and wash each other with river or spring water.

Orthodoxy on telegony

Representatives of religious doctrines took the phenomenon of telegony into their arsenal to strengthen the meaning and importance of preserving virginity before marriage. Telegony is not denied in Orthodoxy; priests believe that healing from the effect is possible through spiritual healing - turning to God removes the influence of premarital partners. Telegony and chastity are incompatible concepts. The Old Testament describes cases when prodigal girls were expelled from the village, tied to a pillory and flogged, while the confessor read prayers to drive out fornication, sometimes walking girls were stoned to death.

Books about telegony

The science of telegony is underestimated by many scientists and is considered a pseudoscience on a par with astrology, but a number of biologists and geneticists continue to work and surprise with the results. You can read about telegony in the books:

  1. F. Le Dantec - “Individual, evolution, heredity and originality.”
  2. G. Muravnik - “On the mysterious phenomenon of telegony.”
  3. G. D. Berdyshev, A. N. Radchenko “Telegony as a complex of mysterious genetic phenomena, their mechanisms.”
  4. A. V. Bukalov – “Telegony, wave genetics and quantum levion structures.”

In the last century, one assumption arose that the hereditary genes of future female children are also influenced by the girl’s first sexual partner. Such a statement did not arise from experimental actions, but still leads to a lot of controversy and reasoning to this day. What is telegony: myth or truth?

How did this word come about?

This word consists of two stems that mean far and give birth. There is even a myth in history that gave rise to this term. According to this myth, the son of Odysseus and the nymph Circe Telegonus was killed by a fatal accident, as well as by the fact that his father did not even suspect his existence.

Continued research

Next, K. Ewart carried out his experiment, which involved eight purebred mares and a male zebra. He ended up with thirteen different hybrids. After which the mares were crossed with stallions of their species category. 18 small foals were born, and none of them included zebroid characteristics. At the same time, one scientist I.I. Ivanov carried out his experiments, but was never able to obtain real scientific evidence that the term telegony is applicable in real life.

In 2014, one of the experiments was officially published, which was accompanied by real facts confirming the veracity of telegony. The experiment was based on the following steps: males were sorted into several groups, with one of the groups eating only food rich in nutrients and microelements, and the second group eating food in which the amount of nutrients was minimal.

Males of different sizes were bred with young mares. As soon as the females reached full maturity, their partner was changed. Ultimately, offspring were born that depended on the diet of the first male. However, this experience cannot 100% confirm the effect of telegony, since other factors may also influence this result. For example, the absorption of the molecules of the seed of the first male individual by the immature eggs of the mare.

Telegony, what can this term mean for modern society?

Some dog breeders, as well as horse breeders, believe in the possibility of the existence of such a phenomenon. They categorically do not tolerate crossing females with unclean individuals, since they are confident that all subsequent offspring of the dog will have negative genes and traits.

Proponents of religion and sacred ideologies use this term to promote chastity among their fellows. This theory brought about a particular wave of anti-Semitism during Nazi Germany. Esoterics also confirmed the possibility of telegony. The basis for their confirmation of this term was the biological fields of the two partners and the interaction of their auras during sexual activity, which remained in them until the end of their lives.

The opinion of philosophers and scientists about this phenomenon

Do people have telegony?

Telegony in the human body has not been proven by science, but some geneticists note that such a phenomenon may exist in humans. At the same time, telegony manifests itself in humans in exactly the same way as in representatives of the animal world. Thus, an individual inherits the characteristics and genotype not only of the main parental pair, but also of those partners that both sexes had before this pregnancy.

There have been cases where a white woman, dating a man of the same nationality, gave birth to a child with dark skin color, while dating in the past with a dark-skinned man, but did not become pregnant from him. Science explains this phenomenon by the fact that the parents do not have such a trait in their genotype, but in the general genotype it is present from some distant ancestor.

How does telegony occur in the body of women?

In ancient times, religious people believed that a girl’s first sexual partner leaves in her his image of the spirit, as well as a piece of his blood - a kind of trace in her genotype - this is what scientists say today. Telegony, or in another way influence of the first male, is described in detail in the work of A. Dumas “The Count of Monte Cristo”, where Edmond’s love, Mesredes, after several years marries Fernard and gives birth to a son who has Edmond’s features.

How does telegony occur in the body of men?

At first, all that was said about telegony was that it was capable of leaving a unique imprint on a girl’s genotype, but it turns out that everything is not so simple. Telegony in a man's body - the effect of the first female - is the most complex phenomenon that can be called the effect of any female. Thus, in contrast to the weaker sex, in which only the first man carries the main opportunity to transmit part of the genotype, a man is able to receive a certain part of genes from each woman, which subsequently remains in his body. The more girls a man had, the more his genetic background and heredity rate suffered.

Is telegony a myth or reality?

Such a phenomenon as telegony brings to negative thoughts those people who have decided to completely change their attitude towards the world and restore the most positive qualities in themselves. Now telegony is characterized as a pseudoscience, which is more like extrasensory perception or paranormal phenomena. But most researchers warn that many details about the results of telegony experiments have been hidden from the public, so most stories about telegony are simply accepted by some people. For each person, telegony is most likely an appeal to one’s own morality and faith in this phenomenon.

Telegony: how to cleanse yourself?

In ancient times, the Slavs valued and believed RITA law, therefore, they maintained a moral lifestyle and did not engage in sexual relations before marriage, because this was considered the key to the birth of truly strong and strong children. Currently, before young people decide to legalize their relationships, they change a large number of sexual partners. All this happens until a person finds a truly beloved and interesting ally with whom he is ready to connect his entire future life. In which child can telegony disappear, couples who recently learned about this term ask themselves.

Professor P. Garyaev says that genes are absorbed into the cells of the body and are subsequently inherited by all children born in the future. But this phenomenon can be removed from the human body, both in women and men. For this there is specialized rites capable of saving a person from telegony.

  1. Cleaning the human body. This includes any cleansing actions performed on the other half. For example, a bath with tinctures of special herbs and an oil massage. This method is able to cleanse the structure of cell membranes of the human body, removing excess information with sweat substances.
  2. Complex work with human thoughts. Here the woman needs to imagine her first sexual partner and replace his image with the real one. For men, you need to imagine images of all the women who came before your wife.
  3. Vedic method. For three days, the couple lives in natural conditions, sleeps in a hut under the starry sky, eats only vegetables and fruits, and also washes with river or spring water.

Conservation at the physiological level

The phenomenon of preservation and conservation of partner genes in the reproductive tract of female representatives is confirmed by many zoologists and animal breeders. This process has been observed in vertebrates; the main differences arise only in the duration of preservation of these genes. For example, sperm in mammals remain in production for several months. It is for this reason that it cannot be said that the female will not be fertilized by the sperm of the previous partner during subsequent sexual relations with a new individual.

What does Orthodoxy say about telegony?

Religious representatives adopted this term in order for their supporters to strengthen the meaning of the role of the family and preserve virginity until marriage. At the same time the phenomenon of telegony in Orthodoxy is confirmed.

Priests claim that it is possible to completely heal from this phenomenon by turning to God for help, thereby removing the influence of past partners. So, telegony and chastity are two words with opposite meanings. The Old Testament describes situations where unclean girls were expelled from a village or settlement, tied to a stake of shame and flogged. At this time, the priest usually read prayers in order to drive out fornication from the girl. In some cases, such girls were simply stoned.

Refutation of telegony

The term telegony can cause a lot of controversy and speculation. Proponents of this term argue that the only people who do not believe in it are those who do not want to infringe on themselves in sexual pleasures and partners. Many men deny telegony because they are afraid that their born child will have the characteristics of his wife’s ex-partner. A large number of girls also do not believe in the phenomenon of telegony. Proponents of the idea say that this is due to the fact that almost no one is able to remain celibate before their first wedding, and also does not show much interest in the physical and mental integrity of their partner.

Does telegony exist? Let's try to understand this issue. Have you heard about such science? If not, now you will find out what she is studying. So, telegony - myth or reality? Let's figure it out. Nowadays very little is said about heredity and chastity. In ancient times everything was different; then there was a set of ethical rules.

The Science of Virginity

In the nineteenth century, geneticists discovered the phenomenon of telegony. The very name of science was formed from the words “tele” - far away, and “gony” - hormones or sex glands. This phenomenon lies in the fact that the first sexual partner in a woman’s life has a decisive influence on the offspring.


It is believed that the first sexual partner lays down the gene pool of the offspring, regardless of when children are born and from whom. A man who violates a girl's virginity becomes the genetic father of her child. All women should know this so as not to make a mistake that, unfortunately, cannot be corrected.

After the phenomenon of telegony was discovered, it was immediately hidden from publicity, since the fact of its existence interfered with the sexual revolution and other global changes in society.


Many people who get married want to have children, but not all of them know how virginity affects their health. Our ancestors believed that a walking woman would not produce a healthy child. She was severely punished for her unlucky life. Such a girl was considered spoiled, which meant that she was unworthy of marriage.

Telegony - myth or reality?

It all started quite a long time ago. More than a hundred years ago, scientists planned to breed a new breed of horses. To increase the stamina of the stallions, they wanted a zebra. However, no matter how hard they tried, they could not get offspring. The horse didn't even get pregnant. After which such experiments were stopped and forgotten about.

However, after some time, the mares who participated in the above-described test began to give birth to striped babies from thoroughbred stallions. Then the scientific world called this phenomenon telegony. Numerous studies have confirmed this fact, although dog breeders knew it even earlier. If you breed a purebred dog with a male mongrel, even if as a result of mating she does not produce puppies, then in the future you should not expect purebred offspring from her.

A phenomenon called "telegony"

Myth or reality? This question began to interest scientists after it became known that the effect of the first male acts on animals. They wanted to know if this phenomenon applies to people?

They began to conduct a lot of experiments, as a result of which the existence of this phenomenon in human individuals was confirmed. Scientists have come to the conclusion that telegony extends to you and me.

It happened that after international celebrations on the territory of the Russian Federation, black children were born to families from Russian husbands. This phenomenon has been noticed even across generations. If the mother had contact with an African-American man, then the daughter may also have a child with a dark skin tone.

In addition, scientists have come to the conclusion that in addition to the external characteristics of the first partner, internal ones are also transmitted.

Telegony - myth or reality? Now the answer to this question is almost obvious, since there are a lot of facts confirming this, but it is impossible to say for sure that such a phenomenon exists.

Telegony: myth or reality?

Telegony has been talked about for a long time. Some argue that the statement about the first partner effect is absurd, while others are convinced of the sanctity and correctness of this theory.

Telegony: myth or reality? Be that as it may, facts are stubborn things. Of course, many things set out in telegonic works are often too far-fetched, and the facts are full of the author’s fantasies. People who get married dream that their children will be like them in everything, both in appearance and in character. But sometimes it happens that the children do not look like their mother, father, or any of their relatives.

As a rule, such situations cause misunderstandings, disagreements and even alienation in the family. Children become unloved and every now and then suspicions arise that the man is not the father of the child. As the child grows up, suspicions only intensify. The woman is sure that her husband is the father of the baby, but at the same time, the child does not resemble him at all. This is indirect evidence of telegony.

If you want to have your own children, then this article is for you!

Let's start with the history of the discovery of telegony as a phenomenon. 150 years ago, horse breeders decided to conduct an experiment in order to develop a new breed of horses. They crossed a horse and a zebra. The experiments were not crowned with success - the horse was never able to conceive from a male zebra, nor did the zebra mares from stallions. Since it was not possible to achieve a positive result, the experimenters abandoned the idea, and the results of the experiments were forgotten over time. Several years have passed. And then the purebred mares that had been bred to zebra stallions a few years earlier began to give birth to striped foals. It was then that horse breeders first seriously thought about the reasons for what was happening. Scientists called the new phenomenon telegony.

The experiments continued, but with other animals. Professor Flint, Felix Ledantek and other medical minds began to closely study the phenomenon of telegony. Ledantek even published a book called “The Individual, Evolution, Heredity and Neo-Darwinists.” This happened in 1889. One of the chapters, “Telegony, or the influence of the first male,” described the experiments that were carried out during the experiments. The book did not receive wide distribution, but it aroused genuine interest in narrow circles of specialists. The theory of telegony was especially interesting to dog breeders. If a bitch is mated to a mongrel dog, then she will never give birth to purebred puppies from a good, titled dog. Nowadays, all dog breeders know this very well, and therefore they carefully protect the honor of the bitch from a young age and do not allow matings with untested dogs.

In general, telegony in the animal world has been proven by numerous experiments. But since it concerns animals, perhaps it also applies to people?

Scientists have been closely involved in clarifying the question of the influence of the first sexual partner on children who will be born years later, and it has become clear that telegony also affects people! And even more pronounced than it was in the case of animals! However, at a certain point, all experiments were stopped, and their results were either destroyed or classified so that mere mortals were denied access to any information about the project.

But, as usual, everything secret will sooner or later become clear. The truth about telegony and its consequences gradually began to emerge. The Internet also played a big role in all this. Information began to appear in the public domain about the reasons for the birth of children with genetic oddities, not similar to their parents, or even of a different race altogether.

At the end of the 20th century, freedom began to penetrate into all areas of life. Humanity declared war on the old principles and rushed into all seriousness. Promiscuity, unprincipled behavior, swinging, homosexuality and other relics of modernity have had a negative impact on health. There was no longer talk of any chastity or preservation of virginity.

A wave of questions about telegony began to appear in 1980, when the Olympic Games were held in Moscow. A few years after them, dark-skinned children began to be born in Moscow and other cities, although both parents were ordinary Russians. Naturally, husbands immediately began to suspect their wives of infidelity, which in fact never happened! Even later, it turned out that during the Olympic Games, girls “out of curiosity” gave themselves to visiting athletes. There were Chinese, Africans, and Arabs among them. It was their genes that influenced the birth of “not such children.”

Telegony is also called the effect of the first sexual partner, although in fact a woman is affected not only by the connection with the first man, but also with all the others. Even more scary is that telegony affects not only the first generation after a vicious relationship, but also the subsequent ones. By the way, the wave of infertility in recent years is associated precisely with the effect that telegony gives. Scientists have already confirmed the information that sexual intercourse with a representative of another nationality is fraught with the appearance of genetic mutations of the chromosomal chain.

It is generally accepted that children from parents who are representatives of different nations (for example, from a Russian and an Indian) can be very beautiful, smart and talented. Yes, that's true. But about 30% of such children are sterile, that is, they cannot have offspring. The situation is even worse with subsequent generations, in which children are born with serious mutations, genetic diseases and other problems.

How does it work?

It turned out that during sexual intercourse not only external features can be transmitted, but also character and type of behavior. How does this happen? How can genetic information be passed on through sexual contact? And it's all about the sperm. They are the carriers of genetic information, which, as if on a disk, is “recorded” in the female body. All received genetic material is not only temporarily recorded, but also stored there forever. Ultimately, when a woman becomes pregnant, the child absorbs all the acquired information. Why do women of easy virtue rarely give birth to healthy children? Precisely because her womb absorbed the genetic data of hundreds or thousands of men who had contact with her.

Who decided that it is not necessary to preserve virginity and maintain honor? Telegony proves the fact that any premarital affairs of a woman negatively affect the health of her future children.

Experts are confident that virginity and fidelity in marriage are the key to the genetic health of children. “But virginity is a woman’s lot,” you say. This is true, but a man is also obliged to be faithful in marriage. Of course, a man’s sexual relations will not affect the genetic health of children, but the very fact of promiscuity in any case is fraught with the appearance of chronic diseases.

Laws of Rita among the Slavs

Do you think telegony began to be studied in the 1800s? You are wrong! Yes, no one had studied it before, but everyone knew that such a phenomenon was taking place. Moreover, prodigal women were punished, their gates were smeared with tar, they were flogged in the pillory, and in Arab countries women who committed adultery were simply stoned.

Even more interesting things can be found among the Slavs. Yes, yes, among the very same ones who supposedly, before the arrival of Prince Vladimir, lived in dugouts and organized a primitive communal way of life. Yes, yes, those same Slavs who allegedly did not have writing, who were stupid and more like animals. But for some reason, there are still wooden churches in the vastness of Mother Rus', built long before the arrival of Vladimir and his brothers. But that's not what we're talking about. So, according to the beliefs of the Slavs, on the first wedding night, the first man of a woman conveyed to her images of the Spirit and Blood of his family, the energy of an entire year of his life so that his wife could bear a child (that’s why men always live less) and the karma of his kind. That is, not only external features were transmitted, but also character, genetic diseases, and various types of deviations. True, this was not called telegony, but the Laws of Rita.

According to modern ideas and long-term research, scientists have found that the Laws of Rita exist. But earlier, back in Slavic times, it was generally accepted that the first man was the father of all a woman’s children. And this is regardless of how many men she had after, and from whom she gave birth to children. All the children will still be like the first man. But scientists managed to identify even more serious things. It turns out that every man with whom a woman has had sexual relations leaves his mark. That is, in a woman’s body there remains, as it were, a phantom of those same sperm, their double, which subsequently affects future children.

Is it possible to remove the telegony effect from yourself? There is an assumption that it is possible. And this is done by very strong, maddening love. If you believe scientists, then with a very strong sexual and spiritual attachment, a woman’s body is, as it were, cleansed of past connections in order to accept the image of the Spirit and Blood of the man who really suits her. According to scientists, only once a woman has the right to be rehabilitated and give her genetic code the opportunity to clear itself. But this is just a theory that has not yet been proven.

Sexual slavery

Have you ever wondered why the Arabs do not have their own prostitutes, and they constantly use the services of visiting priestesses of love? And here again we remember telegony. East Asia honors motherhood and the purity of family and blood, and therefore a woman’s depraved behavior is immediately punished. The perpetrator of fornication is stoned or drowned. And to provide sexual services, loving Arabs choose Slavic or European women.

But, at the same time, in those same Arab countries, rapists are immediately killed for raping women of their nationality. And this works even in today's democratic times. Probably, the strength of these peoples lies in the fact that they sacredly observe the laws of Rita and make sure that they are not violated. The number of sick children and children with deformities there is minimal. Perhaps because among the women there the chromosomal chain is not disrupted by numerous sexual relationships?

There is an assumption that telegony and the teaching about it were secretly banned because the powers that be are eager to reduce the population.

In our schools, they no longer talk about virgin purity, moral character, or marital fidelity, but from the pages of textbooks they talk about how to protect themselves and what to do if pregnancy occurs. Today, children are shown condoms as early as the 6th grade, thereby provoking a genuine interest in sex. As a result, in almost every school there are pregnant girls or those who had an abortion at a very young age. Isn’t this retribution for the fact that sex, which was once a very intimate activity, is brought to public discussion and becomes public?