What city does Kadyrov live in? Presidents of the Republic of Chechnya. The main women of Ramzan Kadyrov

Ramzan Akhmatovich Kadyrov (Chechen: Kadiri Akhmadan kIant Ramzan). Born on October 5, 1976 in the village. Tsentaroy (Tsentoroi), Kurchaloevsky district, Checheno-Ingush Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic. Russian statesman and political figure, head of the Chechen Republic since February 15, 2007 (in 2007-2011 - as president of the Chechen Republic), member of the bureau of the supreme council of the United Russia party, Hero of the Russian Federation (2004). Son of the first president of the Chechen Republic within the Russian Federation, Akhmat Kadyrov.

During the First Chechen War he took part in hostilities against federal troops, and during the Second Chechen War he went over to the side of the federal government.

He held the positions of head of the security service of the President of the Chechen Republic, then chairman of the government of the Chechen Republic. Since 2007, he has headed the Chechen Republic. Major General of Police.

Kadyrov’s achievements include the establishment of peace in the republic and the restoration of Grozny, which was destroyed during the war. However, he is accused of establishing a dictatorial regime, massive human rights violations and corruption.

Ramzan Akhmatovich Kadyrov

Ramzan Kadyrov was born on October 5, 1976 in the village of Tsentaroy (at that time - Chechen-Ingush Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic). He was the second son in the family of Akhmat Kadyrov and his youngest child - he had an older brother Zelimkhan (1974 - May 31, 2004) and older sisters Zargan (born in 1971) and Zulay (born in 1972). The Kadyrovs belong to one of the largest Chechen teips, Benoy. In 1992, Ramzan graduated from secondary school in his native village.

During the First Chechen War, together with his father, he was in the ranks of the Chechen separatists and fought against the Russian Armed Forces.

After the First Chechen War, from 1996 he worked as an assistant and personal bodyguard to his father, the Mufti of Ichkeria Akhmat-Khadzhi Kadyrov, at that time one of the leaders of the separatist and anti-Russian movement in Chechnya, who declared “jihad” on Russia.

In the fall of 1999, Ramzan, together with his father, who opposed the growing influence of Wahhabism since 1996, went over to the side of the federal authorities. Since 2000, when Akhmat Kadyrov became the head of the provisional administration, he headed his father’s security service, forming it from personally dedicated fighters.

In 2000-2002 - inspector of communications and special equipment at the headquarters of a separate police company at the Internal Affairs Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, whose functions included protecting government buildings and ensuring the safety of senior leaders of the Chechen Republic. From May 2002 to February 2004 - platoon commander of this company. In 2003, after his father was elected president of Chechnya, Ramzan became head of the presidential security service. According to official statistics, from 2000 to 2003, five attempts were made on Ramzan Kadyrov’s life.

Responsible for conducting special operations. Conducted negotiations with members of illegal armed groups (IAF) about their transition to the side of the federal government. Most of the militants who surrendered were enlisted in the security service of the President of the Chechen Republic; as a result, by the end of 2003, former militants made up the overwhelming majority of Kadyrov’s men.

In 2003-2004 he served as assistant to the Minister of Internal Affairs of Chechnya. He was a member of the State Council of the Chechen Republic from the Gudermes region.

On May 10, 2004, the day after the death of his father, he was appointed first deputy prime minister of the Chechen Republic. Supervised the power unit. The state council and the government of Chechnya appealed to the Russian president with a request to change the legislation so that Kadyrov could register as a candidate for the post of president of Chechnya (according to the Constitution of the republic, a person who has reached the age of 30 can become president; Kadyrov was 28). However, Putin did not change the legislation.

After his appointment as Deputy Prime Minister, Kadyrov announced his intention to achieve peace in Chechnya. He promised to personally eliminate the terrorist Shamil Basayev.

In September 2004, Kadyrov, with members of his security service and police officers of the Chechen regiment of the PPS, surrounded a large (estimated at about 100 people) detachment of the so-called. “guardsmen” of Aslan Maskhadov, led by the head of his personal guard, Akhmed Avdorkhanov, between the villages of Alleroi, Kurchaloevsky district, and Meskhety, Nozhai-Yurtovsky district (before that, Avdorkhanov entered Alleroi and killed several residents there who collaborated with the federal authorities). During the battle that lasted several days, according to Kadyrov, 23 militants were killed, while Kadyrov had 2 policemen killed and 18 wounded. Avdorkhanov left, Kadyrov claimed that he was seriously wounded.

Since the second half of October 2004, he has been an adviser to the Plenipotentiary Representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the Southern Federal District, Dmitry Kozak, on issues of interaction with the security forces of the federal district. Since November 2004 - head of the compensation committee.

On November 18, 2005, Prime Minister of Chechnya Sergei Abramov was in a car accident and was seriously injured, and on the same day, Chechen President Alu Alkhanov appointed Ramzan Kadyrov as acting chairman of the government of the republic.

Since January 2006, he became chairman of the government commission to suppress drug trafficking in the Chechen Republic. Since February 9, 2006 - secretary of the regional branch of the United Russia party.

On February 28, 2006, Abramov, still undergoing treatment, resigned as prime minister. On March 4, 2006, Alu Alkhanov proposed the candidacy of Ramzan Kadyrov for the post of chairman of the government of the republic to the People's Assembly of Chechnya, which was unanimously approved. On the same day, Alkhanov signed a decree appointing Kadyrov.

Commenting on the candidacy, Chairman of the People’s Assembly Dukvakha Abdurakhmanov said that Kadyrov “proved his ability to manage the economy, and not just the security forces... in a few months, as many facilities were commissioned in the republic as the federal enterprise “Directorate” did not commission in five years,” which was engaged in construction and restoration work in Chechnya, “mosques, sports complexes, hospitals are being built.” After Kadyrov's appointment as prime minister, massive construction in Grozny and other cities continued. On the occasion of Ramzan Kadyrov’s thirtieth birthday in October of the same year, Akhmat Kadyrov Avenue in the city center and a restored airport were opened in Grozny.

In July 2006, Radio Liberty journalist Andrei Babitsky said: “Every year it becomes more and more difficult for the Chechens to fight. The social base of those hiding in the mountains and forests is getting worse, Russian intelligence services are becoming more and more effective. The security forces of Chechen Prime Minister Ramzan Kadyrov are also working quite successfully. Even acquiring weapons and food becomes an extremely difficult task for militants.”

Since the spring of 2006, a conflict has been unfolding between Kadyrov and Alkhanov: the chairman of the government claimed full power in the republic, and in October he was supposed to turn thirty years old, which would allow him to take the presidential post. Some leaders of combat units subordinate to the federal forces, who did not want Kadyrov’s influence to increase, came out on Alkhanov’s side: commander of the Vostok battalion of the 291st motorized rifle regiment of the 42nd Guards Motorized Rifle Division of the GRU Sulim Yamadayev, commander of the Highlander detachment under the operational coordination FSB Directorate for the North Caucasus Movladi Baysarov and the commander of the West battalion of the GRU Said-Magomed Kakiev.

In April, there was a shootout between the president’s and the prime minister’s guards, which resulted in a meeting between Kadyrov and Alkhanov with Vladimir Putin. In May, the Ministry of National Policy, Press and Information of Chechnya distributed a survey questionnaire throughout the republic, three of the seven questions of which, according to observers, boiled down to a contrast between two top officials. In August, presumably on Kadyrov’s initiative, deputies of the upper house of the Chechen parliament refused to approve Alkhanov’s candidate for the post of chairman of the Supreme Court of Chechnya, A. Elmurzaev. In February 2007, representatives of the two politicians made contradictory statements about the fate of the Secretary of the Security Council, German Vok, who was close to Alkhanov: according to Kadyrov’s representatives, Vok was fired, according to Alkhanov’s entourage and Vok himself, he just went on vacation. Alkhanov and Kadyrov exchanged loud statements in the press: for example, Kadyrov said that Alkhanov’s team was “high time to disperse”

On February 15, 2007, Alkhanov submitted his resignation, which was accepted by the country's President Vladimir Putin. At the same time, Putin signed a decree appointing Ramzan Kadyrov as interim president of Chechnya.

March 1, 2007 Putin proposed Kadyrov’s candidacy for consideration by the Chechen parliament, informing Kadyrov about this at a meeting in Novo-Ogarevo. On March 2, his candidacy was supported by 56 out of 58 deputies of both chambers of the Chechen parliament. On April 5, the inauguration ceremony of Ramzan Kadyrov as President of the Chechen Republic took place in Gudermes, where former Prime Minister of Chechnya Sergei Abramov, the heads of several regions of the Southern Federal District, and the head of the Republic of Abkhazia Sergei Bagapsh were present.

After Kadyrov assumed the presidency, the situation in the republic stabilized compared to previous years, although reports of human rights violations in Chechnya continued to emerge, and Kadyrov himself was now blamed for them.

According to the anti-terrorist commission of Chechnya, which was headed by Kadyrov, in 2007 the number of terrorist attacks in the republic decreased by 72.5%. In 2006, Memorial recorded 187 kidnappings in Chechnya, of which 11 cases ended in the death of the victim and 63 in disappearance, and in 2007 - 35, 1 and 9, respectively. At the same time, according to Memorial and Human Rights Watch Kadyrov, for example, introduced the practice of collective punishment, when, in retaliation for militants going “into the forest,” their relatives’ houses were burned. Continuing the policies of his father, Kadyrov convinced many former separatists (both ordinary militants and well-known public figures) to go over to the side of the Chechen authorities. In the first months of his rule, Kadyrov obtained from the federal leadership the replacement of the head of ORB-2 (operational search bureau No. 2 of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for combating organized crime in the Southern Federal District). Before that, both Kadyrov and human rights activists accused ORB-2 of mass torture and fabrication of criminal cases.

The period of Kadyrov's rule was marked by large-scale construction and restoration of infrastructure in Chechnya, which became possible mainly thanks to subsidies from the federal budget. Thus, in 2008, the head of the Russian Presidential Administration, Sergei Naryshkin, announced the allocation of 120 billion rubles to finance the targeted program of local authorities. According to the Ministry of Finance, cited in 2011 by The New York Times, more than 90% of the republican budget was generated from Moscow. Another source of funds was the regional public fund named after Hero of Russia Akhmat Kadyrov, founded by Ramzan Kadyrov. According to the politician himself, donations to the fund are primarily from “former friends of Akhmat Kadyrov” and Chechen entrepreneurs living outside the republic. According to Jonathan Littell, all civil servants in Chechnya are regularly required to make contributions to the fund from their salaries.

Another feature of Kadyrov’s rule was the Islamization of the republic. Kadyrov often spoke out in support of Sharia law or its individual rules. During Kadyrov's presidency, the Heart of Chechnya mosque and the Russian Islamic University were opened in Grozny. He himself regularly demonstrates deep religiosity in the media. Kadyrov supports Sufi Islam, traditional for Chechnya, and its active dissemination has become one of Kadyrov’s ways of fighting Islamic radicalism (Salafism).

Kadyrov performs lezginka at the opening of "Grozny City"

In October 2007, Kadyrov headed the regional list of United Russia in the Chechen Republic in the elections to the State Duma of the Russian Federation of the fifth convocation. Subsequently, he refused his deputy mandate.

In April 2008, on the Caucasus highway, a conflict occurred between the guards of Kadyrov’s motorcade and soldiers of the Vostok battalion, which was extinguished personally by the President of the Republic. On April 15, special services controlled by Kadyrov blocked the Vostok base in Gudermes, two battalion soldiers were shot dead during their arrest, and a search was carried out in the family home of the Yamadayev brothers. Ramzan Kadyrov publicly accused Sulim Yamadayev of murders and kidnappings, including the deaths of civilians during a clean-up operation in the village of Borozdinovskaya in 2005. In May, the command removed Yamadayev from his post. In November, the Russian Ministry of Defense disbanded the “East” and “West” battalions, thus eliminating the last units disloyal to Kadyrov, staffed by Chechens.

On October 23, 2009, an assassination attempt on Kadyrov was prevented with the participation of a suicide bomber. The militant was killed while trying to approach the venue for the opening of the memorial complex, where Kadyrov and Russian State Duma deputy Adam Delimkhanov were present. Later, the identity of the militant was established; he turned out to be a native of the city of Urus-Martan, Beslan Bashtaev.

On November 10, 2009, the President of the Russian Federation, by Decree No. 1259, awarded R. A. Kadyrov the rank of police major general.

On August 12, 2010, Ramzan Kadyrov sent an official letter to the parliament of the Chechen Republic requesting a change in the name of the highest official of the Chechen Republic. Kadyrov explained his position by saying that “in a single state there should be only one president, and in the constituent entities the first persons can be called heads of republics, heads of administrations, governors, and so on.”

On February 28, 2011, President Dmitry Medvedev submitted Kadyrov's candidacy to the Chechen parliament for approval for a second term. On March 5, Kadyrov was unanimously confirmed in office.

In August-September 2012, a dispute arose between Kadyrov and the President of Ingushetia, Yunus-Bek Yevkurov, about the administrative border between the republics. Kadyrov announced the need to review the borders of the Sunzhensky district of Chechnya. As a result, the dispute was quelled by the plenipotentiary representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the North Caucasus Federal District, Alexander Khloponin.

In 2014, Ramzan Kadyrov often made loud statements about the annexation of Crimea to Russia and the armed conflict in eastern Ukraine. According to Kadyrov, through the Chechen diaspora in Ukraine, he negotiated the release of LifeNews journalists Marat Zaichenko and Oleg Sidyakin detained by Ukrainian security forces, which ended with the return of the journalists to Russia.

There is evidence that the participation of well-equipped Chechen detachments on the side of the DPR is Kadyrov’s personal initiative. At the same time, although the head of the Chechen Republic has repeatedly admitted that many Chechens are fighting in eastern Ukraine, he always pointed out that these are volunteers, not regular units. On July 26, 2014, for supporting the actions of the separatists, Kadyrov was included in the list of persons against whom the European Union applied sanctions in the form of an entry ban and asset freeze.

On December 6, 2014, the Security Service of Ukraine opened criminal proceedings against Kadyrov “on the fact of terrorist threats against the people’s deputies of Ukraine” Yuriy Bereza, Andrey Levus and Igor Mosiychuk after Kadyrov gave instructions to take them to Chechnya (previously the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation filed against three deputies are facing a criminal case after their approving statements about the militant attack on Grozny on December 4, 2014).

In January 2015, after a terrorist attack on the editorial office of the Charlie Hebdo newspaper in Paris, Kadyrov responded to Mikhail Khodorkovsky’s call not to leave a single “publication without a caricature of the prophet” with a message on his Instagram account, in which he called Khodorkovsky “the enemy of all Muslims in the world” and added , that in Switzerland there will be people who will “call a fugitive criminal to justice.” After Khodorkovsky’s statement, the Ekho Moskvy radio station posted a survey on its website asking whether it was necessary to publish cartoons of Muhammad in response to the terrorist attack in Paris, in which two-thirds of those who voted answered that it was necessary.

Kadyrov made a statement that the editor-in-chief of the radio station, Alexei Venediktov, “turned Ekho Moskvy into the main anti-Islamic mouthpiece,” and the authorities must call the station to order, otherwise “there will be those who will call Venediktov to account.” Venediktov and a number of commentators regarded these statements as unambiguous, albeit carefully worded, threats. On January 19, in Grozny, on Kadyrov’s initiative, a rally “Love for the Prophet Muhammad and protest against cartoons” was held. According to various estimates, several hundred thousand people took part in it, and a day off was unofficially declared in the republic. Kadyrov himself also spoke at the rally.

January 31, 2016 Ramzan Kadyrov, in which opposition figures Mikhail Kasyanov and Vladimir Kara-Murza are depicted in the crosshairs with the caption "Whoever does not understand will understand." Party co-chair Mikhail Kasyanov called Kadyrov's post a "direct threat of murder," while Kara-Murza described it as "incitement to murder."

In response, Kadyrov invited the opposition to sue him, while calling the behavior of his opponents “hysterical.”

On March 13, Kasyanov reported that the FSB refused to satisfy his application demanding that a criminal case be opened in connection with this incident, adding that “such a response from the FSB means that the head of the special services and all other law enforcement agencies, President of the Russian Federation V. Putin, approves of these methods of political struggle with me and the PARNAS Democratic Coalition."

On March 25, 2016, due to the expiration of the term of office of the Head of the Chechen Republic, Ramzan Akhmatovich Kadyrov was appointed by the Decree of Russian President Vladimir Putin as acting Head of the Chechen Republic.

Ramzan Kadyrov's height: 174 centimeters.

Personal life of Ramzan Kadyrov:

Ramzan Kadyrov is married to fellow villager Medni Musaevna Aidamirova (born September 7, 1978), whom he met at school. Medni works as a fashion designer and in October 2009 founded the Firdaws fashion house in Grozny, which produces Muslim clothing. They have ten children: four sons - Akhmat (born November 8, 2005, named after his grandfather), Zelimkhan (born December 14, 2006), Adam (born November 24, 2007) and Abdullah (born October 10, 2016), as well as six daughters - (born December 31, 1998), Karina (born January 17, 2000), Hedi (born September 21, 2002), Tabarik (born July 13, 2004), Ashura (born January 2012) and Eishat (born January 13, 2015). Two adopted sons (orphans from an orphanage) were adopted by Kadyrov in 2007.

Ramzan Kadyrov with his wife

Ramzan Kadyrov's mother Aimani Nesievna Kadyrova is the head of the Regional Public Foundation named after Hero of Russia Akhmat Kadyrov, established in 2004. The fund provides assistance to orphans, seriously ill and homeless residents of the republic.

In 2006, Aimani Kadyrova, at the request of Ramzan, adopted a 16-year-old pupil of the Grozny orphanage, Viktor Piganov (after the adoption, the boy received new documents in the name of Visit Akhmatovich Kadyrov), since Ramzan was not allowed to do this by his age difference. In 2007, Aimani, again at his request, adopted another 15-year-old teenager.

The main women of Ramzan Kadyrov

Ramzan Kadyrov is a master of sports in boxing and heads the Chechen Boxing Federation. According to a certificate from the RIA Novosti agency, he “until 2000 was known mainly for his sports career: he participated in many boxing competitions.” Journalist Vadim Rechkalov stated: “The athletes I interviewed from the Southern Federal District, including Ramzan’s peers, had not heard of the boxer Kadyrov. To get a master, you need to get into the Russian final or beat other masters. If Ramzan had done this, the boxers would have known.”

From 2004 to 2011, Kadyrov was the president of the Terek football club; in 2012, he became its honorary president. Kadyrov heads the Ramzan sports club, which has branches in all regions of the Chechen Republic.

Kadyrov is an active user of the Instagram service. He began maintaining the account in February 2013, publishing both protocol and personal photographs. Soon he had tens of thousands of subscribers; in the comments, users - residents of Chechnya - posted complaints and messages about looking for work. In March 2013, Kadyrov created the Ministry for organizing interaction between the government and civil society, and appointed one of the most active subscribers as its head. On March 5, 2015, R. A. Kadyrov registered on the VKontakte social network, arguing this decision with his intention to support Russian networks and in response to numerous requests.

In 2014, Ramzan Kadyrov starred in the leading role in the short feature film “The Magic Comb” (written by M. Akhmadov, directed by Kh. Akhmadova).

Kadyrov Ramzan Akhmatovich
Chapter in 2007 - present

President of the Chechen Republic since March 2007; born on October 5, 1976 in the village of Tsentoroy, Shalinsky District, Chechen-Ingush Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic (now the village of Tsentoroy, Kurchaloy District of the Chechen Republic), son of the President of the Chechen Republic Akhmat Kadyrov, who tragically died as a result of a terrorist attack at the stadium in Grozny on May 9, 2004; in 2004, he graduated with honors from the Makhachkala Institute of Business and Law with a degree in Jurisprudence, later from the Russian Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation; since 1996 - assistant and head of security for the Mufti of the Chechen Republic Akhmat Kadyrov; from June 2000 to May 2002 - inspector for communications and special equipment at the headquarters of a separate police company at the Internal Affairs Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, whose functions included ensuring the security of senior officials and protecting facilities and buildings of government bodies of the Chechen Republic; from May 2002 to February 2004 - platoon commander of a separate police company under the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Chechen Republic for the protection of facilities and buildings of state authorities of the Chechen Republic; since 2003, with the election of Akhmat Kadyrov as President of the Chechen Republic - head of the presidential security service; since 2004 - Assistant Minister of Internal Affairs of the Chechen Republic, member of the State Council of the Chechen Republic from the Gudermes region; On May 10, 2004, he was appointed First Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Chechen Republic; On October 19, 2004, he was appointed advisor to the plenipotentiary representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the Southern Federal District (D. Kozak), supervised issues of interaction with the law enforcement agencies of the district; On March 16, 2005, by order of the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation, he was appointed head of the republican commission for the payment of compensation to citizens who lost housing and property during military operations in the Chechen Republic; from August 1 to August 4, 2005 - Acting President of the Chechen Republic; from November 18, 2005 to March 4, 2006 - Acting Chairman of the Government of the Chechen Republic; since January 2006 - Chairman of the Government Commission for the Suppression of Drug Activities in the Chechen Republic; On March 4, 2006, he was appointed Chairman of the Government of the Chechen Republic; On February 15, 2007, after the voluntary resignation from the post of President of the Chechen Republic, Alu Alkhanov, by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin, was appointed acting President of the Chechen Republic for the period until the person vested with the powers of the President of the Chechen Republic took office; March 1, 2007 Russian President Vladimir Putin submitted to the Chechen parliament the candidacy of Ramzan Kadyrov to vest him with the powers of the President of the Republic; On March 2, 2007, deputies of the State Council of the Chechen Republic were vested with the powers of the President of the Chechen Republic; since 2004 - Chairman of the Regional Public Foundation named after. Hero of Russia A. Kadyrov (the Foundation is engaged in charitable activities, which is expressed in material support for the sick, disabled, and in financing construction projects); Secretary of the regional branch of the United Russia party (since December 2005); Hero of the Russian Federation (awarded the title by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation V. Putin dated December 29, 2004 “for courage and heroism shown in the performance of official duty”); awarded the Order of Courage, the Order named after Akhmat Kadyrov, medals “For Distinction in the Protection of Public Order”, “For Participation in the Counter-Terrorism Operation on the Territory of the Chechen Republic”, “For Service in the Caucasus”, “Defender of the Chechen Republic”, etc.; "Honorary Citizen of the Chechen Republic"; "Honorary Academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences" (2005); "Honored Worker of Physical Culture of the Russian Federation"; for services to the international community, personal contribution to the protection of human rights and strengthening international relations, he was awarded the highest award of the International Committee for the Defense of Human Rights “Gold Star. Honor and Dignity” (2007); candidate for master of sports in boxing, since 2002 he has headed the Ramzan sports club; married, has four daughters and two sons.
According to Ramzan Kadyrov, after the second stage, which should end with the elimination of traces of the war, the third stage will begin - the rapid economic development of the republic. In 2007, the development program “New Economic Strategy for Chechnya” was presented, which will allow the republic to achieve unprecedented economic success. Kadyrov himself believes that “Russia is a great power” and that “the revival of great Russia began from Chechnya,” and advocates its indivisibility: “if the regions sign agreements with the federal center on the division of powers, this could weaken Russia.” Nevertheless, an alarming situation is developing in the republic related to the observance of the rule of law and human rights when the administrations of cities and regions of the republic distribute housing

Alkhanov Ali Dadashevich
Chapter in 2004 - 2007

Born on January 20, 1957 in the village of Kirovsky, Taldy-Kurgan region, Kazakh SSR, Chechen. Subsequently, the Alkhanov family returned from deportation to their homeland, to the village of Urus-Martan. After graduating from school in 1973, A. Alkhanov worked on a state farm. In 1975-1977 served in the Soviet Army.
Since 1979, Alu Alkhanov began working in law enforcement agencies. He was an employee and commander of the linear police department at the airport in Grozny, a criminal investigation inspector of the North Caucasus Department of Internal Affairs in Transport, a senior detective for combating drug addiction, the head of the criminal investigation department, and the head of the criminal police of the linear police department at the Grozny station.
In 1994, A. Alkhanov graduated from the Rostov Higher School of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation with a degree in jurisprudence. In 1994-1997 was the head of the Grozny linear department of internal affairs in transport.
Since 1997, Alu Alkhanov worked as a senior detective officer at the Mineralovodsk branch of the operational-search department of the North Caucasus Internal Affairs Directorate for Transport, and as the head of a linear police department at the Shakhty station in the Rostov region.
In 2000, A. Alkhanov returned to serve in law enforcement agencies of the Chechen Republic. In 2000-2003 was the head of the Grozny Linear Internal Affairs Directorate for Transport. Restored the transport police of Grozny.
In April 2003, he was appointed Minister of Internal Affairs of the Chechen Republic. Under the leadership of A. Alkhanov, the system of law enforcement agencies of the Chechen Republic was recreated. Together with the President of the Chechen Republic A. Kadyrov, he achieved the restoration of the rights and powers of the republican Ministry of Internal Affairs.
In June 2004, A. Alkhanov took over as chairman of the Public Council for Control over the Restoration of the Economy and Social Sphere of the Chechen Republic.
On September 1, 2004, Alu Alkhanov was elected president of the Chechen Republic. 73.67 percent of voters from the total number of voting participants cast their votes for him.
In August 2006, A. Alkhanov transformed the Security Council of the Republic into the Council of Economic and Public Security (ECPS). The former first assistant and relative of Alu Alkhanov, German Vok, was appointed head of the new structure.
Throughout 2005 and 2006. The confrontation between Alu Alkhanov and Ramzan Kadyrov intensified, which reached its climax in early February 2007 after the events associated with the resignation of the Secretary of the Social Security Security Council, German Vock.
On February 15, 2007, Russian President V. Putin considered Alu Alkhanov’s request for a transfer to another job and signed a decree appointing Alkhanov as Deputy Minister of Justice.
After the assassination of Kadyrov on May 9, 2004, he received Kremlin support for his candidacy for the presidency. In the elections held in August, he received 85.25% of the votes, ahead of the other 6 candidates. According to many observers, during Alkhanov’s presidency, a dual power actually developed in the Chechen Republic: Ramzan Kadyrov acted as a center of power independent from the president.
Alkhanov believed that the main hope of the republic lay in the national elite, and called on the best representatives of the Chechen diaspora to take an active part in the restoration of the republic.
Alu Alkhanov placed special hopes on Chechen entrepreneurs: “Chechnya needs private capital.” And although he admitted that investments in the Chechen economy are associated with certain risks, that capital is reluctant to go to hot regions, Alkhanov promised big profits to those who decided to invest money in the industry of the republic. “You have a unique opportunity,” he said, “to build a republic from scratch, from scratch.”

Akhmat Abdulkhamidovich Kadyrov
2000 - 2003 Head of the Administration of the Chechen Republic
2003 - 2004 President of the Chechen Republic

The first president of the Chechen Republic.

1968 - graduated from Bachiyurt high school.
1968 - attended a combine operator course in St. Kalinovskaya, Naursky district.
1969-1971 - worked at the rice-growing state farm "Novogroznensky" in the Gudermes region.
1971-1980 - worked in construction organizations in the Non-Black Earth Region and Siberia.
1980 - in the direction of the Gudermes Cathedral Mosque, he entered the Bukhara Mir-Arab Madrasah.
1982-1986 - continued his studies at the Tashkent Islamic Institute.
1986-1988 - worked as deputy imam of the Gudermes Cathedral Mosque.
1989-1994 - founded in the village. Kurchaloy of the Shali region was the first Islamic Institute in the North Caucasus and was its rector.
1990 - entered the Sharia faculty of the Amman Islamic University.
1991 - after interrupting his studies, he returned to his homeland.
1993 - appointed deputy, in September 1994 - acting mufti of the Chechen Republic of Ichkeria.
1994-1996 - participated in military operations in the ranks of the separatists against federal forces. He was awarded the Order of Ichkeria “Honor of the Nation”.
1995 - elected Mufti of Chechnya.
1995 - as a mufti he declared jihad (which was later stopped in connection with the Khasavyurt agreements)
July 25, 1998 - initiates the Congress of Muslims of the North Caucasus. Congress participants condemned Wahhabism.
October 26, 1998 - an unsuccessful attempt was made on Kadyrov in Grozny

In 1995, he was elected Mufti of the Chechen Republic - head of the Spiritual Administration of Muslims of Chechnya; in June 2000 he was appointed head of the administration of the Chechen Republic; On October 5, 2003, he was elected to the post of President of the Chechen Republic, gaining 80.84% ​​of the votes (87% of voters took part in the voting); was awarded the Order of Friendship (2001), awarded the title "Hero of the Russian Federation" (posthumously, 2004);
He was known for his irreconcilable position towards extremist Wahhabis.
There have been attempts on the life of the President of the Chechen Republic Akhmat Kadyrov at least 20 times. He died as a result of a terrorist attack in Grozny (explosion at the stadium) on May 9, 2004.

Maskhadov Aslan Alievich
Chapter in 1997 - 2007

Aslan Maskhadov was born in 1951 in the village of Shakai, Kazakh SSR, into a family of deported Chechens. Originally from the village of Aleroy. In 1972 he graduated from the Tbilisi Higher Artillery School.
He served in the Far East, in the Southern Group of Forces (Hungary), and the Baltic Military District. Since the fall of 1990 - chief of staff of the missile forces and artillery of the Vilnius garrison and deputy commander of the 7th division. During his service in the Soviet Army he was awarded two orders "For Service to the Motherland".
Returning to Chechnya, Aslan Maskhadov began to make a career surrounded by President Dzhokhar Dudayev. First, he headed the civil defense of Chechnya, then he was appointed deputy chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ichkeria, and in March 1994 - chief of the General Staff.
In August 1996, Maskhadov represented Chechen militants in negotiations with the Secretary of the Russian Security Council, Alexander Lebed, which ended with the signing of the so-called “Khasavyurt agreements.” On November 23, 1996, it was Aslan Maskhadov who signed an agreement on the principles of relations between the federal center and the Chechen Republic. On behalf of the federal Russian delegation, the agreement was signed by the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation, Viktor Chernomyrdin.
On January 27, 1997, A. Maskhadov was elected president of the Chechen Republic. After the invasion of Shamil Basayev’s militants into Dagestan in the summer of 1999, he condemned this invasion. With the start of the counter-terrorism operation in August 1999, Aslan Maskhadov, with whom the federal center broke off relations, went underground.

In the first “Chechen war” he fought against federal forces. In August-October 1995, he led a group of military representatives of the separatist delegation in negotiations with the federal authorities. In accordance with the agreements reached, Maskhadov was appointed co-chairman of the special supervisory commission. Under the leadership of Maskhadov, an attack by militants on Grozny, Argun and Gudermes on August 6, 1996 was developed and carried out. On January 9, 1999, Maskhadov advocated the creation of an Islamic state in Chechnya.
After the entry of Russian troops into Chechnya, Maskhadov led the armed resistance and took the post of head of the State Defense Committee of the ChRI. On March 10, 2000, he was again put on the federal wanted list by the Russian authorities, and in 2002, on the international wanted list. A. Maskhadov was charged with armed rebellion, organizing illegal armed groups, as well as encroaching on the lives of law enforcement officers.
Aslan Maskhadov was involved in many terrorist attacks against civilians and Russian military personnel. Thus, he announced a “large-scale operation” a few days before the capture of the Dubrovka Theater Center in October 2002. In addition, he took responsibility for the downing of the Mi-26 military transport helicopter on August 19, 2002. More than 120 military personnel were killed then.
Last month, the Russian Prosecutor General's Office brought new charges against A. Maskhadov for an armed attack on Ingushetia and Grozny in the summer of 2004, including hostage-taking in Beslan.
Aslan Maskhadov, according to official data, was killed on March 8 in the Chechen village of Tolstoy-Yurt.

Doku Gapurovich Zavgaev
Chapter in 1995 - 1997

Doku Gapurovich ZAVGAEV was born on December 22, 1940 in the village. Beno-Yurt of the Nadterechny district of the Chechen-Ingush Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic in a large peasant family.
In 1944, he and his family were deported to Kazakhstan. Until 1957, the Zavgaev family lived in the village. Tokarevka near Karaganda.
In 1966 he graduated from the Mountain Agricultural Institute, in 1984 from the Academy of Social Sciences under the CPSU Central Committee. Candidate of Agricultural Sciences.
Since 1958 he worked in the Nadterechny region. Since 1965 - manager of the Naur-Nadter district association "Agricultural Equipment". From 1966 to 1971 - director of the Znamensky state farm.
From 1972 to 1975 - head of the republican association of state farms. Since 1975 - Minister of Agriculture of the Chechen-Ingush Republic.
Since 1977 - at party work.
On March 4, 1990 he was elected people's deputy of the RSFSR.
From March 1990 to September 1991 - Chairman of the Supreme Council of the Republic.
Since July 1990 - member of the CPSU Central Committee.
Since 1991 he worked in the Supreme Council of the Russian Federation. Then he worked as head of the department of the Department for Work with Territories in the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation.
In March 1995, he was elected a member of the Committee of National Accord of Chechnya.
On December 17, 1995 he was elected head of the Chechen Republic. Since January 1996 - ex-officio member of the Federation Council.
In March 1997, he was appointed Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Russian Federation to the United Republic of Tanzania.
He was awarded the medal "For Valiant Labor", two Orders of the Red Banner of Labor and the Order of the Badge of Honor.
Doku Zavgaev at that time was the only one who officially received power in the Chechen Republic. In fact, the republic began to be governed by the four Zavgaev brothers, through whom all positions were distributed.
Doku Zavgaev stated in 1996: “... Not a single bomb, not a single shell fell on the territory of Chechnya, not a single shot was fired for 8 days. Not a single populated area in Chechnya will be subject to shelling anymore. An agreement on this has been reached. The heads of all administrations, respected persons - elders will take upon themselves the disarmament of the militants; if he refuses to surrender his weapons, he will be expelled from the villages.”
He was killed in an assassination attempt in September 2002.

Dzhokhar Musaevich Dudayev
Chapter in 1991 - 1995

A native of the Chechen-Ingush Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, a Chechen. Born in 1944, the same year when all Chechens were deported by order of Stalin to Kazakhstan and Central Asia. Here he spent his childhood until Khrushchev’s permission for the Chechens and Ingush to return to their homeland in 1957.
At one time he completed a physics and mathematics course, then the Tambov Higher Military Aviation School named after M. Raskova and in 1977 - the Gagarin Air Force Academy. In 1968 he joined the CPSU and did not formally leave the party. His wife is an artist, three children, a daughter and two sons. He was described by his colleagues as a tough, hot-tempered, harsh person, whose handwriting was even nervous: when he wrote, ink splashed in all directions, and the paper sometimes tore. He was also often reproached for authoritarianism and lust for power. According to his deputy Yusup Saslambekov, Dudayev was known among the Estonians (his division was stationed in Tartu) as a “rebel general” who allegedly refused to carry out the order to block television and the Estonian parliament.
Dudayev retired in May 1990, when, as they said, Chechens who came to Tartu approached him with a request for this, and headed the Executive Committee of the National Congress of the Chechen People (OCCHN), which was in opposition to the authorities. In fact, he came to power on the wave of a popular uprising, after on August 19, 1991, the Executive Committee, in the very first hours of the putsch, sided with the Russian parliament and President Yeltsin. The parliament of the republic came to its senses only on August 21 and adopted a resolution condemning the State Emergency Committee, but it was too late. Freedom Square was filled with people. They built barricades. They were recruiting for the “national guard.”
In relation to Russia, the President General used constantly changing tactics - from emphasized loyalty within the framework of economic relations (not without regular threats, however, to revise such a policy) to rather tough actions within the framework of political relations. His supporters stated that “formally, we have been at war with Russia since 1859, because no agreement was signed then.” Some experts considered his words, which he often repeated, to be programmatic: “In the event of Russia’s aggressive actions against the Chechen people, the entire Caucasus will stand on its hind legs.
On October 1, 1991, by decision of the Supreme Council of the RSFSR, the Chechen-Ingush Republic was divided into the Chechen and Ingush Republics (without defining borders). The decision served as a catalyst for national criminal processes and led to numerous armed clashes. With the tacit approval of Dudayev, terror began in the republic against the Russian population. With his first decree, Dudayev declared the independence of the self-proclaimed Chechen Republic of Ichkeria (CRI) from the Russian Federation, which was not recognized by either the Russian authorities or any foreign states. On November 7, Russian President Boris Yeltsin issued a decree introducing a state of emergency in Checheno-Ingushetia. In response to this, Dudayev introduced martial law in the territory under his control. The Supreme Council of Russia, where Yeltsin's opponents had the majority of seats, did not approve the presidential decree, in fact supporting the self-proclaimed republic. On March 3, 1992, Dudayev stated that Chechnya would sit down at the negotiating table with the Russian leadership only if Moscow recognized its independence, thus leading potential negotiations to a dead end. Nine days later, the CRI parliament adopted the constitution of the republic, declaring it an independent secular state.
On April 21, 1996, Russian special services detected a signal from Dudayev’s satellite phone; 2 Su-25 attack aircraft with homing missiles struck the target and eliminated Dudayev.
When preparing this article, information from


President of the Chechen Republic. Born on October 5, 1976 in the village of Tsentoroy, Gudermes region of Checheno-Ingushetia.

He graduated from high school in Tsentoroi.

In 2004 he graduated from the Makhachkala Institute of Business and Law.

According to official data, he did not take part in the First Chechen War (1994-1996).

After the first Chechen war, he worked since 1996, worked as an assistant and personal bodyguard of his father, the Mufti of the Chechen Republic Akhmat-Khadzhi Kadyrov, at that time one of the leaders of the seratist and anti-Russian movement in Chechnya, who declared “jihad” on Russia. In 1992-1999 father and son Kadyrovs were considered supporters at first Dzhokhara Dudayeva, and after his death in 1996 - Aslana Maskhadova.

In 1999 A. Kadyrov He and his son went over to the side of the federal troops and became a fighter against separatism.

In 2000 R. Kadyrov headed the security service A. Kadyrov- head of the administration, and then - president of Chechnya.

On May 12, 2000, he survived his first assassination attempt - on the federal highway "Caucasus" on the eastern outskirts of Grozny, next to R. Kadyrov's jeep, an explosive device went off. He suffered a slight concussion. Akhmat Kadyrov accused of organizing the assassination attempt Aslana Maskhadova.

On January 16, 2001, terrorists planted a bomb in a drainage under the Caucasus federal highway along the route R. Kadyrov in the vicinity of Gudermes. Kadyrov and his escort escaped with bruises.

On September 30, 2002, unknown persons fired at a car. Ramzan in the village of Novogroznensky, Gudermes district of Chechnya. One of his subordinates was wounded.

On March 22, 2003, he announced that he had managed to negotiate the voluntary surrender of 46 armed militants who had laid down their arms under the personal guarantees of his father. Most of the militants who agreed to stop armed resistance were enlisted in the security service Akhmat Kadyrov .

July 17, 2003 stated that he managed to convince 40 militants from among his personal guards Maskhadova voluntarily lay down arms. In addition, he claimed that he entered into negotiations with separatists from the detachment Ruslana Gelayeva, 170 of whose fighters expressed their readiness to lay down their arms.

July 27, 2003 in the village of Tsotsan-Yurt, Kurchaloevsky district - another attempt to blow up R. Kadyrov- the security interfered. The suicide bomber herself and a local resident were killed.

In September 2003, at a press conference in Moscow, the presidential candidate of Chechnya Malik Saidullaev stated that his assistants are being kidnapped and tortured, and that he is personally involved in this Ramzan Kadyrov.

Similar accusations against Kadyrov were not isolated. For example, on the website vip.lenta.ru it was stated that “Kadyrov Jr.’s detachments became a more terrible punishment for the Chechens than the detachments of Russian soldiers and policemen, that Kadyrov’s thugs tortured and kidnapped people, putting cruel skills and habits acquired in Russia at the service of Russia.” service of the separatists."

November 30, 2003 Ramzan Kadyrov announced that a group of Chechen businessmen had offered a $5 million reward for reliable information about the whereabouts of Shamilya Basayeva, and promised to catch the terrorist by 2004.

On May 13, 2004, at a joint meeting of the State Council and the Government of Chechnya, an appeal was adopted to Putin with a request to support the nomination Kadyrov for the post of President of Chechnya and take “all measures to remove obstacles to his registration.” According to the Constitution of Chechnya, Kadyrov did not have the right to run for president, since he was under 30 years old. Head of the Presidential Administration and Government of the Republic of Chechnya Ziyad Sabsabi stated: “Chechnya is an exceptional region, non-standard decisions can be made here. And the Russian President, who has great powers, may find an opportunity to satisfy our request.” Myself Kadyrov in an interview with reporters, he said that he “won’t be able to become president.” However, answering the question: “What if the people ask?”, Kadyrov replied: “Where can you go if the people say?”

On June 2, 2004, Kommersant wrote: “The Kremlin has already decided on the presidential candidate of Chechnya. As sources in the circle assured Ramzan Kadyrov, we were talking about the Minister of Internal Affairs of Chechnya Alu Alkhanov, person Akhmat Kadyrov and a still virtually unknown figure. His candidacy was proposed to Putin by Kadyrov Jr." (Kommersant, June 2, 2004)

June 7, 2004 Kadyrov addressed the militants on a local television channel with an ultimatum, in which he invited them to lay down their arms within three days and voluntarily surrender to the authorities. "Otherwise, you will be destroyed. You were given the opportunity for a long time to report to law enforcement agencies, lay down your arms and return to peaceful life. If you refused this, then your choice is conscious, and there is no other way than to destroy you, you don’t leave,” he warned. In June 2004, in an interview with the Kommersant newspaper, he said: “Bandits and criminals are afraid of me, whether they are in uniform or without them. Ordinary people have nothing to fear from me. They treated me and treat me normally, with respect. Thousands and thousands of people came at my father’s funeral. Isn’t this proof that the Kadyrovs are treated well in Chechnya? It wasn’t Kadyrov who first spoke about the danger of the Wahhabis. Muhammad warned that such people would come and we should not talk to them, but destroy them. My father explained that wherever there are Wahhabis, there will be evil and blood. Of course, my father understood perfectly well what the war with them threatened him with. He admitted that he had set himself up, his family and all his relatives. He said that he did it deliberately - for the sake of the people."

June 10, 2004 Ramzan Kadyrov stated: " Alkhanov- a worthy colleague Akhmat Kadyrov, his candidacy was unanimously chosen by supporters of the late president of Chechnya." (Gazeta.ru, June 10, 2004)

On July 13, 2004, during a battle in the vicinity of the village of Avtury (Shalinsky district), six employees of the security service of the President of Chechnya were killed, 12 were captured and captured. On September 17, 2004, the Ulyanovsk Regional Pardon Commission decided to pardon the former colonel Yuri Budanov, who was serving a sentence for the murder of a Chechen girl, with the full return of his rank and awards. In this regard, Kadyrov said: “If Budanov leaves prison early, thousands of peers could take to the streets of Grozny Elsa Kungaeva who today demand to be punished Maskhadov and Basayev for the terrorist attacks committed and for which Budanov is the same criminal as these terrorist leaders... There is no difference between Basaev and Budanov, for both of them are guilty of killing civilians. The decision of the Ulyanovsk commission is a spit in the soul of the long-suffering Chechen people." Kadyrov's following statement was also widely quoted in the press: "If this (Budanov's pardon) happens, we will find an opportunity to give him what he deserves."

At the end of September 2004, in the Nozhai-Yurt district of Chechnya, an operation of special forces of the Chechen Ministry of Internal Affairs began to encircle the gang Akhmed Avdorkhanov, among whose members Maskhadov was supposed to be. The operation was headed by Kadyrov. On September 30, he said that Maskhadov was among the surviving bandits and “will be caught within a week.” However, the deputy head of the FSB Directorate for Chechnya, Alexander Potapov, said: “Firstly, apart from assumptions, there is no reliable information that Aslan Maskhadov is in the place where they are looking for him today. And secondly, even if he was there, he has already has escaped the encirclement and it will be very difficult to catch or eliminate him.” Within a week Maskhadov was not caught.

Inauguration took place on October 5, 2004 Alkhanov. I received the presidential certificate not from the hands of the chairman of the election commission, as is usually the case, but directly from Ramzan Kadyrov.

Immediately after taking office Alkhanov sent the government of Chechnya headed by Sergei Abramov in full force resigned, immediately appointing Abramov as acting. chairman of the new government. Shortly before the inauguration, Alkhanov said that Abramov and Ramzan Kadyrov “will remain in their posts.”

On October 19, 2004, he was appointed Advisor to the Presidential Plenipotentiary Representative in the Southern Federal District Dmitry Kozak. This position did not provide significant powers, but seriously changed the administrative status Kadyrov. First of all, because in the eyes of the majority of Chechen officials, Kadyrov began to look like a representative of the federal government.

On October 22, 2004, speaking about the results of the operation in the Kurchaloevsky, Gudermes, Nozhai-Yurtovsky districts of Chechnya, he stated that “among a large group of militants was Basayev himself, his personal guard was seriously wounded Akhmed Avdorkhanov. In total, more than 20 militants were killed, 5 bandits were detained.” In addition, Kadyrov argued that Aslan Maskhadov ready to give up and looking for a way out to the “federal center.”

Maskhadov's representative Usman Ferzauli said on this occasion that rumors about the surrender of his boss are being spread for propaganda purposes: “They have nothing else left - they cannot catch him.” (Kommersant, October 23, 2004)

At the end of October 2004, the weekly "Arguments and Facts" published an interview with Dmitry Rogozin, in which he said about Kadyrov: “On central television they constantly show Kadyrov Jr., who every now and then cheekily pats the Chechen President Alkhanov on the back. But what, one of our security officials or ministers can guarantee that “our Kadyrov” with with his 10 thousand bearded eagles will he always be loyal to Russia? I myself watched in surprise, driving along New Arbat, how this guy, apparently deciding to have dinner, blocked the center of Moscow with an armored ZIL and ten security cars accompanying him with flashing lights. This is how he demonstrates! “that he considers himself the new master of Russia. Unfortunately, this is also a sure sign of the weakness of the federal government, which is currying favor with its former Chechen brothers.”

On November 4, 2004, Kadyrov said: “If an order is received to eliminate terrorists in Pankisi [the Pankisi Gorge in Georgia, where Chechen bandits were believed to be hiding], it will be carried out immediately.” President of Georgia Mikheil Saakashvili When asked to comment on this statement, he said: “What comment can be made on the statement of some bandit! He does not represent the Chechen people, and I do not welcome his presence in Georgia.”

In November 2004, in an interview with the Mze television company, he stated that 5 thousand Chechens were ready to enter Tskhinvali to maintain peace in this region and that representatives of South Ossetia had approached him with a corresponding request.

December 7, 2004 Prosecutor of Chechnya Vladimir Kravchenko reported that the republic’s security forces began “full checks of compliance with the law in the field of payment of compensation” for destroyed housing, in which incredible corruption reigned. Shortly before this, Kadyrov was appointed head of the compensation commission. On December 10, 2004, he said: “The first arrests have already been made; the intermediaries who received money from the applicants, promising to speed up the process of inclusion in the list and receipt of compensation, have been detained.” Kadyrov also promised that he would force these individuals to “return all illegally received money” and publicly announce the names of those involved in fraud with compensation payments.

December 29, 2004 Putin awarded Kadyrov the title of Hero of the Russian Federation "for courage and heroism shown in the performance of his official duty." On January 10, 2005, in the Khasavyurt district of Dagestan, the car in which Kadyrov’s sister Zulay Kadyrova was located was stopped by officers of the local police department, who took her to the police department without explanation. According to other sources, either she or her guard did not have documents with them. In general, there were many discrepancies in reports about this incident. At the police department, Zulay's arm appears to have been broken (or, according to the police, she herself fell during an asthma attack and injured it). According to the Chechen side, a group of Chechen Ministry of Internal Affairs officers headed by the Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs went to the scene of the incident. Khamzat Guseinov, who “asked his colleagues to give an explanation about the incident and returned to Chechnya with Kadyrova.” According to the Dagestanis, “the clarification of the circumstances of the case was interrupted by the invasion of the city by armed people led by Ramzan Kadyrov. Some of them broke into the building of the GOVD, took with them the persons they had brought in and departed towards Chechnya.” At the same time, several Dagestani policemen were beaten.

In early January 2005, Chechen separatist leaders sent a letter to members of the European Parliament claiming that Russian authorities had “kidnapped” Maskhadov’s relatives: two brothers, a sister, a nephew and a cousin. The authors of the letter linked the “kidnapping” with the statement of the Prosecutor General Vladimir Ustinov that relatives of terrorists should be held accountable for the crimes of their loved ones. The International Federation for Human Rights and the Helsinki Group also announced the capture of eight relatives of Maskhadov. (Izvestia, January 11, 2005; ITAR-TASS, January 20, 2005)

Human rights activists claimed that Maskhadov’s relatives were captured on Kadyrov’s orders in order to force the president of Ichkeria to surrender.

Kadyrov responded by saying that “the official security forces of Chechnya and law enforcement agencies have nothing to do with the disappearance of Maskhadov’s relatives.” According to him, this became clear after “a thorough check and investigation carried out on his instructions on the territory of the republic.” (ITAR-TASS, January 20, 2005)

January 25, 2005 along with Sergei Abramov participated in the ceremony of laying the first stone in the foundation of the future water park named after. Zelimkhan Kadyrov in Gudermes. Pop singers also took part in the ceremony Glucose and TV presenter Ksenia Sobchak. Money for construction was allocated by a charitable foundation named after Akhmat Kadyrov. At the beginning of February 2005, at the invitation of Sobchak, Kadyrov attended the fashion award ceremony “Crystal Image Fashion TV”.

According to Vlast magazine, in the end the federal authorities actually took sides Gantamirova: his family home was guarded by SOBR soldiers, and his relatives also received protection, which caused extreme dissatisfaction among Chechen officials. June 11, 2005 Dmitry Rogozin in a report at the congress of the Rodina party, he stated: “Power in Chechnya has again been seized by legalized militants, it doesn’t matter that the local king of beasts with the hero’s star on his chest brazenly takes credit for the victory of the army Special Forces, and in the intervals between interviews he seduces the impregnable beauty Sobchak.” (Rodina.ru, May 11, 2005)

On June 25, 2005, celebrations took place in Gudermes on the occasion of awarding Kadyrov the title of Hero of Russia. Famous representatives of the Russian stage took part in the festive events Nikolai Baskov and Diana Gurtskaya, who, by decree of the President of Chechnya, was awarded the title of Honored Artist of the Chechen Republic. (Interfax, June 25, 2005)

On June 27, 2005, he was appointed head of the Commission of the Chechen Republic for resolving the situation in the village Borozdinovskaya, where a “cleansing operation” was carried out on June 4, as a result of which 12 people went missing.

On July 11, 2005, the weekly Vlast published a long interview with Kadyrov, in which he said: “The special forces regiment named after my father - almost 90% of them were former militants. These militants were defenders of the people, they were simply misused... . Dudayev was born not by Chechnya, but by Russia. He was sent to Chechnya by certain people, Maskhadov was their colonel, and now the leadership of Russia has changed - praise the Almighty that he is in this position now. President Putin, who wants to end the war. And in 1991, in 1992, the then leaders started this war. And President Putin is not indifferent to the fate of Chechnya. Therefore, he supported a law that would amnesty these people. And we. We don’t want to kill them. We want to save our people, the whole, united Chechen people. They were used incorrectly. If they want to protect the people, if they want to follow the path of Allah, then they must be with us. We explained to them that they were being used contrary to our customs. They understood this. And if one of the military says that militants who came out of the forest on their own need to be punished, they are speaking incorrectly. The State Duma adopted an amnesty law, and these people have rights like all other people. We must forget the labels that were given to them: militants, terrorists. They are normal people, citizens of the Chechen Republic who want peace."

On July 13, 2005, he resigned as chairman of the state commission to resolve the situation in the village. Prime Minister of Chechnya Sergey Abramov stated that Kadyrov fully coped with the tasks assigned to him, the main one of which was the return of refugees.

On July 13, 2005, he accused the Federal Agency for Construction and Housing and Communal Services of stealing budget funds allocated for the payment of monetary compensation for lost housing and property in Chechnya: “Rosstroy stole the allocated budget money for restoration and is now stealing compensation money, and in everything blames the Chechen government," Kadyrov said. Rosstroy denied this information and stated that the lists were approved by a commission of the Chechen government and the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and Rosstroy only allocated money.

On August 2, 2005, gambling was outlawed in the republic. He gave the owners of toy libraries a week to dismantle the equipment: “I give one week to these would-be entrepreneurs. Otherwise, I will destroy these installations myself.” According to him, “gambling is contrary to the norms of Islam and has a negative impact on the education of the younger generation.” He denied rumors that he himself is the owner of slot machines.

On August 4, 2005, the council of imams of Chechnya adopted a fatwa (religious decree) on the fight against Wahhabis. Kadyrov said: "I welcome this decision. Law enforcement officials must be sure that their actions do not contradict the Koran and Islam."

On September 22, 2005, he spoke at a press conference in Gudermes. He said that “in any region of Russia, Chechens are persecuted for no reason, taken to the police, they are mocked for far-fetched reasons. And the only reason is that they are Chechens.” Then he moved on to criticize the work of Russian police officers sent to Chechnya: “They never leave the police department, not a single resident of the republic knows them by sight, they do not know the operational situation and cannot influence the situation in their stations.” Noting that a full-fledged Ministry of Internal Affairs had been created in Chechnya, Kadyrov said that the time had come to transfer the counter-terrorism operation under his control. He promised, after the election of parliament, to raise the issue of the administrative borders of Chechnya with Ingushetia and Dagestan. In conclusion, Kadyrov criticized the work of all ministers, suggesting that the president Alkhanov draw conclusions.

Also Kadyrov said: “The President of Chechnya, the government, the heads of district administrations together must openly declare that Chechen oil, which is one of the most expensive in the world, is being exported and sold, and this money must be used to demand the restoration of the republic.” The Russian government was blamed for the lack of progress in the restoration of Chechnya. According to Kadyrov, “Russian officials have no patriotism, no concern for the state,” so they ignored Putin’s orders regarding Chechnya: “The head of state gives them clear instructions, but they do nothing.”

Kommersant cited the words of an unnamed “source” from the Chechen government: “This is, in fact, a pre-election speech. And here no one doubts that in a year Ramzan will take the place of president.”

On October 12, 2005, Kadyrov stated: “The President of the Chechen Republic Alu Alkhanov, speaking about the increasing cases of kidnappings, set us the task of turning the situation around by any means. I discussed these tasks with the leadership of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Chechen Republic and at the same time gave an unequivocal order to destroy any vehicles involved in kidnappings."


Hero of Russia (2004).
Awarded the medal "Defender of the Chechen Republic" (August 2005)

Ramzan Kadyrov - 3rd President of the Chechen Republic
since February 15, 2007
6th Chairman of the Government of the Chechen Republic
November 17, 2005 - April 10, 2007
Party: United Russia
Education: Makhachkala Institute of Business and Law
Profession: Lawyer
Religion: Islam, Sunni
Birth: October 5, 1976
Tsentoroy village, Checheno-Ingush Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, USSR

Ramzan Akhmatovich Kadyrov(b. October 5, 1976, Tsentora-Yurt (Tsentoroi), Chechen-Ingush Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, RSFSR, USSR) - Russian statesman and political figure, Hero of the Russian Federation (2004), since 2007 - President of the Chechen Republic. Member of the Bureau of the Supreme Council of the United Russia party.
Previously Ramzan Kadyrov- Prime Minister of the Chechen Republic, head of the security service of the President of the Chechen Republic. Son of Akhmat Kadyrov, the first President of the Chechen Republic.

During the First Chechen War Ramzan Kadyrov participated in hostilities against federal troops, and during the Second Chechen War went over to the side of the federal government.

Education and academic degrees of Ramzan Kadyrov

In 1992 Ramzan Kadyrov He graduated from secondary school No. 1 in his native village of Tsentora-Yurt (Tsentaroy) in the Kurchaloevsky district.
In 2004 Ramzan Kadyrov Graduated with honors from the Makhachkala Institute of Business and Law with a degree in jurisprudence. According to the text of an interview with Ramzan Kadyrov dated June 2004, published in Novaya Gazeta, he found it difficult to name the topic of his diploma and the branch of law in which he specialized.

Since 2004 Ramzan Kadyrov- student of the Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation.
January 18, 2006 “at the request of authoritative scientists”, for the fact that under his leadership in Chechnya “the negative phenomena that took place in connection with the activities of illegal armed groups are being overcome”, R. Kadyrov awarded the title of honorary member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences (RANS).
June 24, 2006 Ramzan Kadyrov became a candidate of economic sciences, defending his dissertation on the topic “Optimal management of contractual relations between the main participants in construction production” at the Makhachkala Institute of Business and Law.

July 27, 2006 Ramzan Kadyrov elected honorary Academician of the Academy of Sciences of the Chechen Republic.

In 2006 Ramzan Kadyrov awarded the title of honorary professor of the Modern Humanitarian Academy.
June 19, 2007 Ramzan Kadyrov awarded the title of honorary professor of the Chechen State University.
During the First Chechen War Ramzan Kadyrov Together with his father, he was in the ranks of the Chechen separatists and fought against the Russian Armed Forces.

In 1996-2000 - assistant and personal bodyguard of his father.

After the First Chechen War, since 1996 Ramzan Kadyrov worked as an assistant and personal bodyguard to his father, the Mufti of the Chechen Republic Akhmat-Khadzhi Kadyrov, at that time one of the leaders of the separatist and anti-Russian movement in Chechnya, who declared “jihad” on Russia. In 1992-1999 father and son Kadyrovs were considered supporters first of Dzhokhar Dudayev, and after his death in 1996 - of Aslan Maskhadov.
In the fall of 1999, together with his father (who opposed the growing influence of Wahhabism since 1996), he went over to the side of the federal authorities.

In 2000-2002 Ramzan Kadyrov- Inspector of communications and special equipment at the headquarters of a separate police company at the Internal Affairs Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, whose functions included guarding government buildings and ensuring the safety of senior leaders of the Chechen Republic. From May 2002 to February 2004 Ramzan Kadyrov- platoon commander of this company. In fact, he acted as head of the Presidential Security Service of about 1 thousand people.
In 2003, after his father was elected president of Chechnya, Ramzan Kadyrov became head of the presidential security service.

Responsible for conducting special operations. Conducted negotiations with members of illegal armed groups (IAF) about their transition to the side of the federal government.

In 2003-2004 Ramzan Kadyrov served as assistant to the Minister of Internal Affairs of Chechnya. He was a member of the State Council of the Chechen Republic from the Gudermes region.

On May 10, 2004, the day after the death of his father, he was appointed first deputy prime minister of the Chechen Republic. Ramzan Kadyrov supervised the power unit. The State Council and the government of Chechnya appealed to Russian President Vladimir Putin with a request to change legislation in order to Ramzan Kadyrov could register as a candidate for the post of president of Chechnya (according to the Constitution of the republic, a person who has reached the age of 30 can become president; Kadyrov was 28). However, Putin did not change the legislation.

After being appointed Deputy Prime Minister Ramzan Kadyrov declared his intention to achieve peace in Chechnya. Ramzan Kadyrov He also promised to personally eliminate the terrorist Shamil Basayev.

Since the second half of October 2004, he has been an adviser to the Plenipotentiary Representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the Southern Federal District, Dmitry Kozak, on issues of interaction with the security forces of the federal district.

Since November 2004 Ramzan Kadyrov- Head of the Compensation Committee.
Since January 2006 - Chairman of the government commission for the suppression of drug trafficking in the Chechen Republic.
Since February 9, 2006 Ramzan Kadyrov- Secretary of the regional branch of the United Russia party.

In November 2005, after the Prime Minister of the Chechen Republic Sergei Abramov was involved in a car accident, Ramzan Kadyrov became and. O. Chairman of the Government of the Chechen Republic.
On March 4, 2006, President of Chechnya Alu Alkhanov signed a decree appointing Ramzan Kadyrov as chairman of the government of the republic. Previously, Kadyrov's candidacy was unanimously approved by the People's Assembly of Chechnya.

February 15, 2007 after removal from office Alu Alkhanova Appointed by decree of the President of the Russian Federation as acting President of Chechnya.

March 1, 2007 candidacy Kadyrov The President of Russia proposed the Chechen parliament for consideration, reporting this Kadyrov at a meeting in Novo-Ogaryovo. On March 2, 2007, the parliament of the Chechen Republic approved the occupation Kadyrov position of president (his candidacy was supported by 56 out of 58 deputies of both chambers of the Chechen parliament).

On April 5, 2007, the inauguration ceremony took place in Gudermes Ramzan Kadyrov as President of the Chechen Republic, where former Chechen Prime Minister Sergei Abramov, heads of several regions of the Southern Federal District, and the head of the Republic of Abkhazia were present Sergey Bagapsh.

After joining R. A. Kadyrova took office as president, the situation in Chechnya stabilized. In October 2007 Kadyrov headed the regional list of "United Russia" in the Chechen Republic in the elections to the State Duma of the Russian Federation of the fifth convocation. Subsequently, he refused his deputy mandate.

On November 10, 2009, the President of the Russian Federation D. A. Medvedev, by Decree No. 1259, assigned R. A. Kadyrov rank of police major general. This is what the press service of the President and Government of the Chechen Republic and the press service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Chechen Republic reported.

Kadyrov highly appreciates Putin’s merits in establishing a peaceful life in the Republic: “He thinks about Chechnya more than about any other republic. When my father was killed, he personally came and went to the cemetery. Putin stopped the war. What was it like before him? To resolve issues, you had to have at least 500 armed people, a long beard and a green bandage.”

August 12, 2010 Ramzan Kadyrov sent an official letter to the Parliament of the Chechen Republic with a request to make a change in the name of the highest official of the Chechen Republic. Your position Kadyrov explained by the fact that “in a single state there should be only one president, and in the subjects the first persons can be called heads of republics, heads of administrations, governors, and so on.”

Assassination attempts on Ramzan Kadyrov

May 12, 2000 next to the car Ramzan Kadyrov the bomb went off. Kadyrov received a concussion. Chechen President Akhmat Kadyrov accused Aslan Maskhadov of organizing this assassination attempt.
January 16, 2001 en route Ramzan Kadyrov an explosive device went off. Kadyrov received bruises.
On September 30, 2002, in the Gudermes region of Chechnya, unknown persons fired at a car. Ramzan Kadyrov. A subordinate was injured Kadyrov.

On July 27, 2003, in the Kurchaloevsky district, a suicide bomber tried to blow up Ramzan Kadyrov, however, she was prevented by Kadyrov’s security. The suicide bomber and one of the local residents died.

On the night of May 1, 2004, a detachment of militants attacked village of Tsentoroi. According to subordinates Ramzan Kadyrov, the goal of the attacking militants was to kidnap or kill Kadyrov.

On October 23, 2009, an assassination attempt involving a suicide bomber was foiled. The militant was killed while trying to approach the venue for the opening of the memorial complex, where the President of Chechnya was located Ramzan Kadyrov and Deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation Adam Delimkhanov. The identity of the militant was established; he turned out to be the emir of the city of Urus-Martan, Beslan Bashtaev.

Activities of Ramzan Kadyrov

Socio-economic policy of Ramzan Kadyrov

On March 4, 2006, the chairman of the People's Assembly, Dukvakha Abdurakhmanov, said that Kadyrov “proved his ability to manage the economy, and not just the security forces.” As Abdurakhmanov noted, “in just a few months, as many objects have been commissioned in the republic as the federal enterprise “Directorate”, which was engaged in construction and restoration work in Chechnya, had not commissioned in five years. Abdurakhmanov stated that “two major avenues have been reconstructed - Pobeda and Tukhachevsky in Grozny, roads have been repaired, intensive construction work is underway on two streets - Staropromyslovskoe Highway and Zhukovsky, mosques, sports complexes, and hospitals are being built.”

In 2006, the growth of the gross regional product in the Chechen Republic was 11.9%, in 2007 - 26.4%. The unemployment rate in Chechnya decreased from 66.9% in 2006 to 35.5% in 2008.
In June 2008, the head of the Russian Presidential Administration, Sergei Naryshkin, and his first deputy, Vladislav Surkov, inspected the progress of the reconstruction of Chechnya. Naryshkin said he was impressed by the pace of reconstruction of Chechnya under the leadership Ramzan Kadyrov.

Ramzan Kadyrov's fight against terrorism and separatism

Speaking on March 4, 2006, the Chairman of the People’s Assembly, Dukvakha Abdurakhmanov, stated that thanks to the skillful leadership Ramzan Kadyrov Law enforcement agencies have practically reversed the situation in the fight against illegal armed groups.

Ramzan Kadyrov has a negative attitude towards the actions of the separatists: “They are not people, these militants who kill old people and smash the heads of babies against walls. They think they will go to heaven, but Allah is not with them. Allah is with us. And we will win."
In July 2006, Radio Liberty journalist Andrei Babitsky said: “Every year it becomes more and more difficult for the Chechens to fight. The social base of those hiding in the mountains and forests is getting worse, Russian intelligence services are becoming more and more effective. Security forces of the Prime Minister of Chechnya Ramzan Kadyrov They also work quite successfully. Even acquiring weapons and food becomes an extremely difficult task for militants.”

According to the Anti-Terrorism Commission of the Chechen Republic, headed by Ramzan Kadyrov, as a result of the actions of the security and government structures of the federal center and the Chechen Republic in 2007, the number of terrorist attacks on the territory of Chechnya decreased by more than 3 times. If in 2005 there were 111 terrorist attacks, then in 2006 there were 74.
According to the commission, since its formation (April 2007), special units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for Chechnya and the FSB for Chechnya have neutralized 12 field commanders and 60 militants, detained 444 members of illegal armed groups and their accomplices, liquidated 283 bases, 452 caches of weapons and ammunition.

Ramzan Kadyrov's special operations against militants

Ramzan Kadyrov and his security forces, mostly made up of former militants, are actively fighting separatist militias.
In August 2003, for leading the operation to destroy the detachment of the famous Arab mercenary Abu al-Walid Ramzan Kadyrov were nominated for the Order of Courage, although Abu al-Walid himself then managed to escape from encirclement.
In September 2004 Ramzan Kadyrov with members of its security service and policemen of the Chechen regiment, the PPS surrounded a large (estimated at about 100 people) detachment of the so-called. “guardsmen” of Aslan Maskhadov, led by the head of his personal guard, Akhmed Avdorkhanov, between the villages of Alleroi, Kurchaloevsky district, and Meskhety, Nozhai-Yurtovsky district (before that, Avdorkhanov entered Alleroi and killed several residents there who collaborated with the federal authorities). During the battle that lasted several days, according to Kadyrov, 23 militants were killed, while Kadyrov had 2 policemen killed and 18 wounded. Avdorkhanov left, Kadyrov claimed that he was seriously wounded.

Negotiations between Ramzan Kadyrov and militants about their surrender

Ramzan Kadyrov also negotiates with militants, inviting them to go over to the side of the Russian authorities.
In March 2003 Ramzan Kadyrov stated that he managed to negotiate the voluntary surrender of 46 militants who laid down their arms under the guarantees of his father. In July 2003 Ramzan Kadyrov stated that he managed to convince 40 militants guarding Aslan Maskhadov to voluntarily lay down their arms. Most of the militants who surrendered were enlisted in the security service of the President of the Chechen Republic; as a result, by the end of 2003, former militants made up the overwhelming majority of Kadyrov’s men.

Sports career of Ramzan Kadyrov

Before 2000 Ramzan Kadyrov was known mainly for his career in sports: he participated in boxing competitions and is a master of sports. By the way, Ramzan Kadyrov heads the Chechen Boxing Federation. He is the president of the Terek football club. He heads the Ramzan sports club, which has branches in all regions of the Chechen Republic.

Accusations of Ramzan Kadyrov being involved in murders

On April 27, 2010, the Austrian prosecutor's office stated that Kadyrov “gave the order in 2009 to kidnap a Chechen in Vienna who made revealing statements; during the abduction, this person was mortally wounded"; the next day, the press secretary of the President of Chechnya, Alvi Karimov, declared non-involvement Ramzan Kadyrov to the kidnapping and murder of Umar Israilov. Also, in April of the same year, the Russian media published testimony to the investigation by Isa Yamadayev, in which he accused Ramzan Kadyrov in organizing an attempt on his life (July 29, 2009), as well as the murder of his brothers. Both cases, according to some observers, could "indicate that the Kremlin is urging Chechnya's leader to rein in his security forces and pay more attention to human rights."

On November 15, 2006, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Chechnya put FSB Lieutenant Colonel Movladi Baysarov on the federal wanted list as a suspect in the abduction of the Chechen Musaev family from the Staropromyslovsky district of Grozny. Movladi Baysarov was the former commander of the Highlander detachment. On November 18, 2006, in Moscow, on Leninsky Prospekt, he was shot by a special group of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Chechen Republic, according to the official version, while resisting arrest, carried out jointly with Moscow police officers.
Baysarov came into conflict with Kadyrov in May of the same year, when fighters from his squad detained a relative Kadyrov, who tried to smuggle stolen pipes for an oil pipeline to Ingushetia and sell them. In an interview with the Vremya Novostey newspaper on November 14, 2006, Baysarov stated that if the federal prosecutor’s office is interested in him in connection with the death of Anna Politkovskaya, then he is ready to answer all questions.

Ramzan Akhmatovich Kadyrov - known as Russian politician and head of the Chechen Republic. Was born October 5, 1976 in the Chechen-Ingush Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic.

Ramzan was born into a family of large Chechen teips Benoi. He was the middle son of three children. Father - Akhmat was a very strict, religious man. He raised his children in loyalty and love for the family rules.

At the age of 6, Ramzan went to secondary school in his native village of Tsentar. Much of the knowledge he was able to use in his career came from his father. Akhmat taught the boy to ride horses, the art of wielding military weapons, and the intricacies of Chechen culture.

In May 1993, Ramzan graduated from a regular secondary school. And immediately, at the insistence of his father, he joined the Chechen Army, which was headed by Akhmat. Between 1993 and 1997, Ramzan took part in hostilities against the Russian Federation. Fighting for the independence of his native state, Ramzan acquired leadership skills.

After the hostilities, when a truce came, Akhmat made Ramzan head of security. Despite his very low position, Ramzan supported his father and was his right hand.

When in 1998 civil war began in Chechnya Between the two directions of Islam, Ramzan and Akhmat began military operations against supporters of radical Islam. Ramzan had to go into battle against his own comrades, but loyalty and devotion to the family rules were higher than friendly relations.

Later, after bloody years in the Chechen lands, peace came and in 2000, Kadyrov Jr. joined the police unit, which maintained the security of the Chechen leadership. The head was still his father Akhmat Kadyrov.

Years of service in the police strengthened authority Ramzan, he was able to recruit a team of loyal supporters. He was able to negotiate with the separatists about peace and the entry of some of them back into the republic. During these years, about six attacks on the lives of Ramzan and his father were committed.

After the new election of Akhamat Kadyrov as head of the republic, Ramzan took the position head of national security. At the same time, he was the head of the internal affairs department.

At the end of 2004, when Akhmat Kadyrov died, Ramzan was appointed Prime Minister of the Chechen Republic. A year later, he became the first member of the government of the Chechen Republic.

After the conflict, the current president, Alu Alkhanov, Ramzan, gathering his personal company, left the government.

A in 2007 he became a popular choice for the post of head of state. At the end of the summer of 2007, he began his duties as president of the Chechen Republic.

Personal life and family

Ramzan Kadyrov married Medni Aidamirova. She was his fellow villager and supporter. The couple met when they were in school together and never separated after that.

Medni produces clothes for Muslim women and is active in social activities. She was able to persuade Ramzan to open the first fashion house for women in the Chechen Republic.

The spouses Medni and Ramzan have ten natural children: four boys and six girls. The youngest child is now 2 years old. At Medni's request, he and Ramzan They took two children from an orphanage.

Despite the fact that Ramzan Kadyrov was elected by the people, many believe that the elections were illegal. Therefore, many studies were carried out, and ultimately it turned out that 60% of the population of the Russian Federation trust Ramzan. They are glad that peace and tranquility reign in the North Caucasus.

The main success of the President of the Chechen Republic is associated with his life principles. Ramzan, despite martial law and assassination attempts, was able to graduate from the university and is Doctor of Economic Sciences. Since Ramzan loves sports and was involved in freestyle wrestling in his youth, he managed to become a master of sports in boxing.

Together with sons loves to play football at his residence. Positively uses social networks for communication: VKontakte, Odnoklassniki, Instagram. He often comments on news and rumors about his life.

He openly communicates with the press and attends various TV shows. In 2005, he even accepted an offer to star in the film “Whoever does not understand will understand”, where he was given the main role.

Ramzan Kadyrov's compatriots speak of their leader as a fair father and mentor. The head of Chechnya often holds charity events for those in need, and is the organizer of the Akhmat Kadyrov Charitable Foundation.

The foundation collects humanitarian aid for disadvantaged families and orphans.

Every day, the fund's employees feed about 100,000 homeless and people in need throughout the Russian Federation and the Chechen Republic.