Extracurricular event on the topic: “I want to know everything. Entertainment scenario “I want to know everything” for children of senior preschool age Scenario I want to know everything educational intellectual programs

Biysk Pedagogical College

Methodological development

Extracurricular activities

In pedagogy and psychology


Game “I want to know everything”

Compiled by:


The final stage of the psychological and pedagogical game

"Want to know everything".

Target: Promotion of psychological and pedagogical knowledge and development of cognitive interest in this area of ​​human knowledge;

Formation of students’ “I-concept” as a means of professional development;

Raising the status of students with positive motivation and pronounced success in the field of teaching.

Time spending:

Location: Biysk Pedagogical College

Form: Intellectual-cognitive game

Equipment: Portraits of teachers, their statements, definitions of psychological and pedagogical concepts, textbooks, audio-video materials.

Progress of the game

Q.1: Hello!

Q.2: Good afternoon, friends!

Q.1: Welcome to the intellectual and educational game “I Want to Know Everything.”

Q.2: We will be the presenters together with you.

Q.1: He is an actor, but his audience does not applaud him.

Q.2: He is a doctor, but his patients do not always want to be treated.

V.1: He is forever called to the board to answer to the children and for the children.

Q.2: Who is he? (teacher).

Q.1: Until recently, some of you were school students and today you are taking the first steps towards mastering the profession.

Q.2: And some of you know and can do a lot, have been in practice, worked with children.

Q.1: Are you now ready to test your knowledge, abilities, skills, undergo rigorous analysis and criticism?

Q.2: Today in this audience there are the smartest, the most savvy, the best of the best, who will fight for the right to be called experts in pedagogy and psychology.

Q.1: Good luck to you.

Q.2: We invite 2 teams to our improvised stage.

Q.1: Meet our teams.

Q.2: To evaluate your knowledge, we will need a jury.

V.1: Teachers are invited to the jury: psychology teacher Efimova I.Yu., pedagogy teachers Baryshnikova S.A., Shkurkina O.N., Elfimova L.P.

Q.2: Let's welcome our jury.

Q.1: Our game includes 7 stages.

First competition "Blitz tournament" .

Each team will be asked questions, your task is to give as many correct answers as possible. If you know, answer without waiting for the end of the question; if you don’t know, say “further.”

AT 2: Next competition "Find the mistake."

The teacher must be smart and attentive.

We will now check your attentiveness. You need to find errors in the text within two minutes.

Q.1: In order to pass the exam well and successfully pass the interview when entering the Institute, you need to know famous psychologists, teachers, and the content of their work.

We announce competition No. 3. "Guess whose statement."

Your task is to determine which teacher or psychologist this statement belongs to.

AT 2: Competition No. 4 "Make a definition" .

The future teacher must master the methodology. You will be given 2 lists of words. Your task: to create a definition from them.

V.1: The teacher must find a way out of any situation, understand the motives of the children’s actions and behavior.

Competition No. 5 " Solving psychological and pedagogical problems.”

In 10 minutes, your team must solve 2 problems.

AT 2: Competition No. 6 "Book Shop" .

The teacher must be able to work with new literature. Imagine that you come to a bookstore to buy a book.

There are 3 books in front of you. Your task is to formulate what information can be found in them.

Q.1: And now the teams will show their homework

“Why do you need to know pedagogy and psychology.”


Competition "Blitz Tournament"


1. The formation of pedagogical Science is associated with the name of which teacher? (Ya.A. Komensky)
2. What were the slaves called in ancient Greece who accompanied the children of noble and wealthy townspeople to school? (teachers)
3. Who is the Minister of Education of modern Russia? (Fursenko)
4. What is the name of a teacher at a preschool educational institution? (educator)

5. What is your own assessment of actions and deeds called? (reflection)
6. What is the leading type of activity for a preschool child? (a game)
7. What is the name of the method of education associated with the condemnation and inhibition of antisocial actions? (punishment)
8. What is the acceleration of growth and sexual development of children and adolescents compared to previous generations called? (acceleration)
9. The part of pedagogy that sets out the theoretical foundations of education and learning? (didactics)
10. The main forms of organization of child labor? (assignments, duty, team work)
11. What is meant by the basic, initial provisions of any theory, teaching, or science? (principles (of training, education))?
12. A conscious image of the anticipated result towards which human activity is aimed? (target)
13. Conditions for the physical education of a preschooler, a scientifically based routine of life, providing for a rational distribution in time and sequence of various types of activities and rest? (mode)
14. What is the name of the main state document regulating the activities of preschool educational institutions? (“Program for the education and training of preschool children”)
15. A special type of lesson for preschoolers, which makes it possible to introduce children in a natural setting to natural, cultural objects, and the activities of adults? (excursion)
16. What is the name of a child’s work aimed at serving himself? (self-service)
17. The main form of organizing the education of preschoolers? (class)
18. Who runs the preschool? (manager)
19. What is the purposeful process of introducing preschool children to the moral values ​​of humanity and a particular society called? (moral education)
20. What did A.S. Makarenko call “the material basis of children’s play”? (toy)


1. How is “Psychology” translated from Greek? (science of the soul)
2. Age limits for preschool age? (3-7)
3. What is the object of study of psychology? (Human)
4. Incorrect, distorted perception? (illusions of perception)
5. Branch of psychology that studies the development of the human psyche at different stages of ontogenesis? (age-related psychology)
6. Direct reflection of objects and phenomena in general? (perception)
7. The highest stage of mental development? (consciousness)
8. The ability of the brain to reflect the environment
reality? (psyche)
9. The ability to feel another as oneself? (empathy)
10. A person’s experience of his attitude towards what
he knows, does, to other people and to himself?
(emotions and feelings)
11.Leading activity in infancy? (emotional communication between a child and adults)
12. What is the subject of study of psychology? (psyche)
13. Physiological basis of sensations? (analyzers)
14. Adaptation of sensory organs to external influences? (adaptation)
15. Basic methods of psychology? (observation, experiment)
16. The opposite process of conservation? (forgetting)
17. Memory that allows you to remember emotions, feelings, experiences? (emotional memory)
18. Memory loss? (amnesia)
19. Directed, natural change in the child’s psyche, the process of formation of his inner world? (mental development)
20. The combination of skin and motor sensations is called... (touch)

Competition No. 2 “Find the mistake”

Team No. 1

The emergence and development of pedagogy.
Education appeared along with the first people.
In the most developed states of the ancient world - China, India, Greece, the USA, Egypt - attempts were made to generalize the experience of education.
The most important representatives of ancient Greek philosophy: Plato, Aristotle, Socrates, considered issues of education in their works.
During the Middle Ages, the church monopolized the spiritual life of society, directing education in a religious direction. Among the church leaders were educated for their time: Thomas Aquinas, Sukhomlinsky, who created treatises on the upbringing and spiritual education of people, linking it with computer literacy and comprehensive personal education. During the Renaissance, revolutionary changes in the science of education are associated with the name of the Slavic teacher Jan Sergeevich Komensky. In the 19th and 20th centuries, intensive research into pedagogical problems was carried out. D. Dewey, Tatiana Montessori and others.
After the October period, Russian pedagogy followed the path of its own comprehension and development of ideas and education of a person in a new society.

Team No. 2

What typical psychological mistake does N.K. make? Krupskaya: “From very early childhood, school should strengthen and develop the higher senses: vision, hearing, touch, etc., the strength and diversity of perception depends on their sharpness and perfection of development, so children must be given the opportunity
constantly exercise your external senses..."

Competition No. 3 “Guess the saying”


1. Author of age periodization, which distinguishes three eras:
toothless childhood, childhood of baby teeth, childhood of permanent teeth.
2. Founder of the cultural-historical concept; developed theoretical aspects of play activity, formulated the principle “game is the leading activity” and four basic laws of child development.


1. “...Let it be a golden rule for students: everything that is possible should be provided for perception by the senses, namely: visible for perception by sight, audible by hearing, smells by smell, subject to taste by taste, accessible to touch by touch...”

Elena Tsygantseva
Entertainment scenario “I want to know everything” for children of senior preschool age

(Two came to visit the kindergarten friend: Dunno and Why).

Dunno: Hello guys. My name is Dunno. And I have a girlfriend Pochemuchka. She loved to ask questions, but never received answers to them, because I, Dunno, knew practically nothing. One day I thought: “Why does the girl keep asking "What", Yes "Why", but I don’t know anything, I can’t answer. What if she doesn't want to be friends with me?

Why: Hello guys! I am, as you may have guessed, Pochemuchka. What makes you think, Dunno, that I’m not with you I want to be friends? Friends don't do that! Me too Think: “I keep asking and asking "What" Yes "For what", Yes "Why", but you, Dunno, cannot answer my questions and you also don’t want to be friends with me.

Dunno: That’s why we decided to come to you guys, to maintain our friendship, and to find answers to all our questions from you guys.

Why: Do you agree to help your friends?

Dunno: Then listen carefully and try Answer all questions and tasks correctly.

1 task.

Why: Dunno is often silent, but I Why am I worried and think that my friend Dunno is sick, but in fact Dunno is just thinking and cannot finish his thought. Help him with this and finish phrases:

As fluffy as... (kitty). As cheerful as (clown). As prickly as... (hedgehog). As cunning as… . (fox). As brave as... (hero) As kind as... (Mother). As thick as... (hippopotamus). As deep as... (sea). As rough as... . (brush). As smooth as... (table). As light as... . (day). As smooth as... (soap). As shiny as… . (snow).

Task 2.

Dunno: I constantly confuse the days of the week, can you guys help me figure them out?

1. How many days are there in a week?

2. Name the first day of the week.

3. The next day.

4. What is the name of the day of the week following Tuesday?

5. What is his number?

6. What is the day of the week between Thursday and Saturday called?

7. What about between Saturday and Sunday?

8. What is the first day of the week after the weekend?

9. Name all the days of the week in order.

3 task.

In front of you is the street where Dunno and Pochemuchka live.

Why: I invited Dunno to visit and said that I live in the tallest building, on the 4th floor, in the 3rd apartment on the left. Help Dunno find this apartment. (1 child shows on the diagram).

Dunno: I also invited Pochemuchka and explained to her that I live in a small house: There is a large Christmas tree on the right. Why couldn't find the right house. Help her guys (children find and show).

4 task (2 children)

Why: Dunno and I have 2 pictures with drawn apples. The task is to next: we need to color these pictures, but Dunno and I weren’t able to do this because we didn’t understand what color to paint them with. We brought the drawings to you, and ask you to help. Take leaves with apples on them and prepare markers. Color the apples so that the big apple is between the green and red, and the yellow apple is next to the red.

Compare with a sample of one of children who completed the task correctly.

Task 5.

Dunno: next exercise: “Riddles - sounds, letters”. You need to listen carefully and guess what letters and sounds are being discussed.

Round shaped head, same shaped letter... (not A, but O)

“Hee-hee-hee, ha-ha-ha!” This is how the letter laughs... (X)

IN old tree hollow, and the last sound in it... (ABOUT)

We remembered easily: first in the alphabet... (not O, but A)

The word delicious EAR - the letter begins... (not X, but Y)

I ate a piece of a bagel and it turned out to be the letter... (not L, but S)

Each lamb will tell you a syllable... (BE)

Task 6. “What kind of drawing did you get?”

Why: I explain rules: to make a drawing you need to connect all the numbers in order.

Task 7. "Tangram"

Dunno: I explain rules: You need to make a picture from geometric shapes on the board, after completing the task you need to come up with the name of your picture and what shapes it consists of.

Task 8. "Number series"

Why: I explain rules: Cards with numbers are scattered on the floor, you need to take one number for everyone, and then line up all the numbers in the order they are located in the number line.

9 Game. “Is it possible or not and why?”

Dunno: In winter I like to ride a bike.

Why. Why can't you bring the Snowman home?

Dunno: When it rains, I wear felt boots.

Why: I go to kindergarten with chewing gum.

Dunno: Is it possible to fight in kindergarten?

Why: Why do fish live in water and not on land?

Dunno: Is it possible to play with matches?

Why: Why can you swim in summer but not in winter?

Dunno: Oh, guys, what great guys you all are. We completed all the tasks and answered all the questions.

Why: You have preserved our friendship. Thank you very much! And in gratitude, we will reward you with a sweet prize!

(Dunno and Pochemuchka say goodbye to the children).

Publications on the topic:

Goal: To consolidate children's knowledge about the rules of behavior on the street, to remember well-known road signs, to consolidate knowledge of traffic rules.

Entertainment scenario for children of senior preschool age “Forest walk” Presenter: Summer gave a green forest to the children In the thickets of strawberries, Along the hillocks of strawberries, The sky is blue, In the morning there is a meadow with dew, It gave trills like birds.

Scenario of physical education entertainment for children of senior preschool age “Rescuer Training” MUNICIPAL BUDGETARY PRE-SCHOOL EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION KINDERGARTEN OF A COMBINED TYPE No. 5 “OAK” OF ARKHANGELSKAYA MUNICIPAL STILL.

A little about the event. Summer is an amazing time. This is a sea of ​​warmth, sun, light. This is a long-awaited vacation and good, kind memories. I want to,.

Entertainment scenario for senior preschool age “Fashionable verdict” Characters: adults - Presenter 1, Presenter 2, Basilio the Cat, Alice the Fox, Mom, Dad; children - models, Boy, Sister, Brother. While they are gathering.

Olga Semenova



Senior preschool and junior school age

Topic: “The sun is the source of life on earth”

Korolev, Moscow region.

TARGET: To arouse children's interest in space, to open for them, through participation in the game, the first scientific information.

TASK: Teach to think analytically on a given topic, act independently, be creative, and be interested in science.

*Note: 1-2 pupils (team) from each kindergarten, school compete in the competition, or competitions take place between groups and classes.

“Cosmic music” sounds, on the screen there is a “Planets” screensaver, around the perimeter there are tables for participants and the jury, and props - depending on the selected competitions. Guests enter the hall.

Dear guests and participants of the city competition-game “I Want to Know Everything”! We are very pleased to welcome you within the walls of our native kindergarten to identify the most inquisitive and intelligent children.

Perhaps among us there are future cosmonauts and designers, outstanding scientists and glorious craftsmen... And, if these kids were a little older, they would probably explain their presence here with these lines:

The stars shine for millions of years,

But I don’t know “what” their light is about yet...

The mind wants to find the answer

And someday I will solve the mystery!

Well, let's get acquainted. I am the host of today's competition and my name is...

It is my pleasure to introduce the members of our esteemed jury... And now let’s get acquainted with the young contestants...

So, everything is ready to start our science game. But first, let's check, guys, how friendly we are. Get up, show me your palms, smile, pull yourself up...

At my command, we will clap our hands and say loudly: “Hello!” I wonder how we'll do it?

(children say hello)

Okay, one more time... Great, well done! Take your seats...

(There is noise, overtaking each other and arguing as they go, the Sun and Moon run into the hall)

Ved: What's all the fuss? Hush, hush... tell me, who are you?

I am the main luminary in the entire Universe, I emit the brightest light and give life to all living things, I can be hot and tender if I want! Even the kids know my name...

Ved: - Children, did you guess who it is?

Children: - Sun!

Luna, not inferior:

So what if I'm small? But when night comes, I go out into the sky with my little star friends and shine so fabulously that the kids have magical dreams! All the kids know me too!

Well, who is this, guys, what do you think?

You see, uh! (The Moon sticks out its tongue to the Sun).

Well, now little one, you will get it from me!

(To funny music, the Sun chases the Moon, it squeaks and hides behind the guys)

Ved: Stop, stop! Stop being a bully! Oh, how bad it is for the largest and most beautiful luminary in the solar system, the largest star, which is the Sun, to chase after a small celestial body, (looking at the Moon) maybe overly hooligan, but very cute!

Yes, you are very different, but equally important to us! Look here

(Presentation against the backdrop of space music)

They say about the Sun that it shines, radiates energy, gives life to all life on earth... And about the Moon - that it shines, commands the ebb and flow of the seas, oceans, makes the world mysterious and enigmatic.

After the Sun, the Moon is the most visible cosmic body in the sky, and it also reflects sunlight.

Look how beautiful nature is under the golden rays of the sun and the silver light of the moon... There is nothing to argue about.

(beautiful landscapes, the presenter continues:

Look what nice children we have as guests, they came today from many kindergartens in our space city to take part in the competition-game “I Want to Know Everything!”, dedicated, by the way, to the Sun...

Yes, the theme of our competition is “The sun is the source of life on earth.” Moreover, our kindergarten, which warmly opened its doors to dear guests, is also called “Sun”!

Nice coincidence!

Be generous and make peace with the Moon, and you are the Moon, always listen to your elders and treat them with respect...

So, peace?

Peace and friendship!

(The Moon and the Sun hugged)

Ved: And now I ask everyone to take their places, I appoint the Sun and Moon as my assistants in conducting our competition. But before we begin the scientific task, I want to offer the guys a “massage warm-up”; it invigorates, improves well-being and lifts their spirits!

Luna: Wow, how interesting!

Sun: Can we try?

Certainly. Connect everyone!

(Merry music sounds. Children stand up and repeat the movements after the leader. Pantomime.)

1. Rub your palms hard so that they “light up.”

2. Rub the ears so that they turn pink.

3. Use your fingers to massage your head and “adjust the antenna.”

4. Fast - we run quickly in place.

5. Clap your hands loudly. Well done!

Sun: I even felt hot!

Luna: And my mood just lifted, right up to the sun!

Ved: Great, we invite the game participants to take their seats.

1 task:

Guys, in front of you is a drawing of a spaceship, and these are modules (5-6 parts, cardboard, construction set, interactive board, etc.) from which you need to build a rocket. Whoever does this first is the winner.

Attention! Let's start!

2-3 minutes against the background of cosmic music. Stop.

Ved: While the jury is summing up the results, Sunny will explain the next task.

Task 2:

Guys, look at the screen, here are the planets of my solar system. well, it's something like a kindergarten for the planets. We're all friends.

I will be happy to tell you the names of my friends using a little counting rhyme!

The sun is shining and all around

There are planets, nine of them.

All planets, in order

I'll list it now...

Once! Mercury,

Two! Venus,

Three! Earth,

Four - Mars.

Five - Jupiter,

Six - Saturn,

Seven - Uranus,

Eighth - Neptune.

Nine is, brother, Pluto,

The one who is superfluous - get out!

There lived an astrologer on the moon,

He kept count of the planets.

Mercury - one, Venus - two, sir,

Three - Earth, four - Mars.

Five is Jupiter, six is ​​Saturn,

Seven is Uranus, eighth is Neptune,

If you don't see it, get out!

And now, you must draw the planets of the solar system on paper; whoever draws the most and names them is the winner! Take your seats. Let's start!

2-3 minutes against the background of cosmic music. Stop. Jury.

Luna: - I know an interesting game called “Closer to the Stars”:

to the music, you guys, like stars, “fly” around the hall, as if across the sky; if the music suddenly stops, you freeze in the figure of a rocket, star or planet, etc. (shows).

Ved: Oh, what interesting figures we got! What is this?

(children tell)

Sun: I answer for everyone - we will be very careful!

Luna: You can't fool us!

(you can play the day before)

Who is the most diligent, the most elegant,

Both more modest and more careful?

It's me, it's me, look at me!

Who knows how to stand up on his own?

And wear pants?

It's me, it's me, look at me! etc.

And who goes to the garden in the morning -

Is it roaring all over the street?

And who respects elders,

Doesn't it offend kids?

And who knows what to be friends

Is it better than being angry?

Who is this morning

Did you manage to stand in the corner?

And who likes to study,

Compete in competitions?

Z - task:

Our future designers and cosmonauts must be in excellent physical shape! We invite representatives of both teams (10-12 people on each side). Fun relay race (balls in hands (sun and moon)

Start! 2-3 minutes against the background of cosmic music. Stop. Jury.

4- task presentation itself:

Participants of the competition tell in their own words why the sun is useful and why it is dangerous!

1 minute each with space music in the background. Stop. Jury.

Ved: Well done, guys! All tasks of our game competition have been completed, the distinguished jury is summing up the results, and a musical surprise has been prepared for you, dear guests!

Music and poetry by Olga Semenova “The Stars Are Friends” is a charming song, Laureate of the city competition “Royal Stars”, which we will perform together! More precisely, we will sing and dance!


music etc. O. Semenova (osetrina)

Children on earth are friends

The stars are friends in the blue,

I'll look at the sky -

I'll sing this song!

La la la la la…

Who will tell us the secret:

How many planets are there in space?

And which one lives on them

Amazing people?

I'll grow up a little

I'll fly to that star...

I'll teach everyone to dance

And, of course, sing along!

Sun: How smart our children are, just great! I didn’t even know so much about myself)

Luna: What if, at the end of our science game, we invite the guys on a space walk?

Where's the rocket?

Yes, we have a lot of them! Guys, parents, we ask you to come to our “cosmodrome”.

Space flash mob.

Techno music, repeat with movements, acceleration “I am a rocket!”

I'm a rocket! I'm a rocket!

Flew into space!

Flew into space!

Once - docking!

Two - docking!

And there are planets around,

Sun and moon!

And there are planets around,

Sun and moon!

Well done everyone!

Word to the chairman of the jury... (awarding)

Ved: Our competition is over and for some reason we believe that we all WON THE LOVE OF KNOWLEDGE!

against the backdrop of cosmic music:

Sun and moon:

We wish you all happiness, health and cosmic luck!

See you again!

Children and guests leave the hall in an orderly manner.

Goals: 1.Form a holistic idea of ​​the world and its inhabitants; develop interest in learning about it.

2. Promote the development of intelligence, erudition, and memory.

3. Foster a behavioral culture, a culture of communication in group work: the ability to listen, conduct a discussion kindly and correctly, rejoice in victory and accept defeat with dignity.

Equipment: 2 game tables with red and green tablecloths, a world map with images of plants and animals, a poster with the title “I want to know everything!”, a game board with the names of the teams and pockets for keeping score, cards with tasks for the teams.

Progress of the game program


Today we are holding an intellectually educational game in which you can win by using your erudition, intelligence, knowledge gained in lessons and by reading books on your own.

The game will involve 2 teams consisting of 8 people. But fans will also be able to help their teams if they closely follow the progress of the game. While searching for an answer to the presenter's questions, fans should be quiet - silence helps to concentrate.

Leading: Now let's welcome the teams.

Team 2 “A” of the “Seekers” class is invited to the red gaming table.

Team 2 “E” of class “Fidgets” is invited to the green gaming table.


1. This is very interesting -

Look at the ant.

It is very interesting -

How does his family live?

Life is not easy for her

Because it's smaller than a cat

Less flies, less midges,

He is the smallest of all, an ant.

2. This is very interesting -

Why is the goat silent?

It is very interesting -

Is the thunder beating the drum?

This, this is wonderful

What does everyone have, all children have

And for everyone, for all people

The eyes live on the face!

3. This is very interesting -

From whom does the river run?

It is very interesting -

What's rattling on the tram?

Why does the starling sing?

Why does the bear roar?

Why alone - in a den,

Does the other one live in the nest?

4. This is very interesting -

Who planted the trees?

Who invented the crocodile

Is this name crocodile?

Who called an elephant an elephant?

It is very interesting -

Who carp and pheasant

Did you give these names?

Leading: And also, guys, friendship will help you in the game, because the team in which support, goodwill and the will to win reigns will be able to win.

Everyone can, if they want,

Go for a run along the river.

But what about alone?

Run for races?

But what about alone?

Sing songs in chorus?

But what about alone?

Find out everything in the world?

If you try very hard,

You can become whatever you want.

But what about alone?

But what about alone?

Circling above the Earth?

But what about alone?

To live without friends in the world?

Everything in the world is more interesting,

Everything in the world is more fun.

Let them pick up this song

All the guys on Earth!

Let her fly like the wind!

Let him take us with him!

Maybe on another planet

Someone will sing with us!

Song "The world is like a colorful meadow"

The wind calls the clouds behind it

Far, far, far.

If you haven't met a friend yet,

Sorry, sorry, sorry.

Chorus: The world is like a colorful meadow

If you have a friend next to you.

Always be faithful to your friend!

The song gathers friends for a reason

In a circle, in a circle, in a circle.

Makes a gloomy day brighter

Friend, friend, friend!

Chorus: The world is like a colorful meadow

If you have a friend next to you.

Don’t forget to take a friend along the way,

Always be faithful to your friend!

Friend to overcome a hundred obstacles for you

Glad, glad, glad.

With a friend, any trouble is not a problem,

Yes Yes Yes!


Players: The nut of knowledge is hard,

But still, we are not used to retreating!

It will help us split it

The motto of the game is “I want to know everything!”

Host: Let's start the game.

Round 1 – “Warm-up”

  1. What divides the Earth into the Northern and Southern Hemispheres?
  2. Who picks apples with their backs?
  3. Penguin - bird or beast?
  4. Which berry is black, red and white?
  5. How many legs does a spider have?
  6. Water shell of the Earth.
  7. Which continent has no rivers?
  8. The place where a river flows into a lake or sea.
  9. What are the hot water springs that gush out like fountains called?
  10. What is the largest bird in the world?
  11. What does elk lose every winter?
  12. What animal builds a house on a river?
  13. What does a toad eat in winter?
  14. What mushroom is called the forest predator?
  15. How many oceans are there on Earth?
  1. What is the name of the space visible to the eye?
  2. The air envelope of the Earth.
  3. How many continents are there on Earth?
  4. What is the name of the place where a river begins?
  5. What are the highest mountains on Earth?
  6. Which lake, located in Russia, has 336 rivers flowing into it, but only one flowing out?
  7. They are extinguished, “asleep” and active. What is it about?
  8. What are the names of the huge mountains of ice floating in the seas?
  9. Where can a polar bear and a penguin meet each other?
  10. What does a grasshopper chirp with?
  11. Which tree gives water to woodpeckers in spring?
  12. Who's teeth grow every day?
  13. Which bird in our country is the smallest?
  14. What does a fern flower look like?
  15. What science studies plants?

Round 2 – “Space”

Solve the crossword puzzle on the topic “SPACE” and read the word vertically.


  1. The entire path is strewn with peas. (The answer contains 2 words.)

2. A lonely fiery eye wanders.

Everywhere he goes, he warms you with his gaze.

3. The grain scattered by night,

We looked in the morning - there was nothing. (The answer is singular.)

4. The blue tent covered the whole world.

5. Who changes clothes four times a year?

6. The shuttle flies above the ball,

He winds the coils on the ball.

7. In the blue village there is a chubby girl.

She can't sleep at night - she looks into the lake.

Vertical word: __________________

Round 3 – “Mushrooms”

Leading: To find out the topic of the next round, guess what we're talking about: There are more than 100,000 species of them on Earth, but only a little over 100 are considered edible. Scientists distinguish them into a separate kingdom. What is it about?

Riddles about mushrooms

There are no more friendly mushrooms than these,

Adults and children know

They grow on stumps in the forest,

Like freckles on your nose. (Honey mushrooms).

This mushroom can be found in a birch grove or in the forest at the edge under a young birch tree. It has a dense, thin leg that is white with a gray tint. On the stem sits a round brown cap. Whoever finds it will take it into his basket. (Boletus)

The best mushroom, popularly called the “king of mushrooms”, and sometimes the “colonel”. (Boletus, white)

The most dangerous mushroom. His hat is greenish, under the hat there is a beautiful fringed scarf - a bow. (Death cap)

It can be found not only in aspen forests, but also in birch forests and coniferous forests. His hat is red, his leg is grayish-white. (Boletus)

In a green meadow there is a cute family of mushrooms: red, yellow, gray caps, covered with white specks. But you can only admire them. (Amanita)

The caps of these mushrooms are unremarkable, and in damp weather they shine as if oiled. (Bolly)

You can recognize these mushrooms by their color and also by the fact that a drop of orange juice appears on the cut stem of the mushroom, which smells like resin. (Saffron milk caps)


The boletus once stated: It is clear to everyone without dispute:

- Of course, everyone There is no more beautiful fly agaric.

He agrees with the fact that I started talking and oil cans -

The best mushroom, friends! Below there are little white films,

“No,” said the russula, “the hat is round, about the size of a nickel.”

Russulas have a sweet tooth, and their hats have yellow varnish.

We are smartly dressed and perhaps this dispute

In bright red berets, it would have lasted until now,

In snow-white shirts, But he showed up one day

In multi-colored scarves. Grandfather Taras is in that forest.

They were killed by honey mushrooms: Grandfather Taras said angrily:

- Our hats are not rich, - You, toadstool, are poisonous,

We are not red in our attire. So, you and the fly agaric -

But they are always friendly. Not mushrooms, just rubbish.

Stand up, forest people, you are neither in the soup nor in the marinade,

To our merry round dance! No one is happy to see you in the forest.

The toadstool shouted loudly: The mushrooms are good,

- I decorated the clearing! Milk mushrooms - little white ears,

Among you, I am the only one, saffron milk caps, moss mushrooms,

Tall, thin, slender! And chanterelles and lines.

Old milk mushroom from the coppice. Why argue?

He shouted both angrily and sharply: Everyone is good in their own way.

- It’s time for you to shut up! Only the white mushroom is excellent,

I am not a mushroom, but a mushroom mountain. The best, the most valuable.

Who can compare with me? But he just doesn’t love

Height and width? Show off.

“On my slender leg,” and the grandfather finished importantly:

The fly agaric said arrogantly, “They don’t value mushrooms at all.”

A hat with white polka dots is not for a festive outfit,

Beautifully painted And for the taste and aroma.

(Vladimir Golovin)

Round 4 – “Sides of the Horizon” ( envelopes)

Musical break – song “The Sun Came Out”

Round 5 – “Plants”

  1. Name a deciduous coniferous tree.
  2. What is the tallest tree on Earth?
  3. Which berry is the largest?
  4. Which mushrooms have different colored caps?
  5. Which tree has a white trunk?
  6. Which tree blooms first?
  7. What is semolina obtained from?
  8. Plants that in the time of dinosaurs reached a height of 45 meters and formed forests among huge swamps. Reproduces by spores.

Round 6 – “Animals”

  1. The fastest animal ( cheetah).
  2. The largest land mammal (African elephant).
  3. The smallest bird on Earth ( hummingbird).
  4. The biggest bird ( ostrich).
  5. Who has the most sensitive nose?
  6. Which bird has the longest tongue?
  7. Which animal's cubs feed on the milk of another's mother?
  8. What bird breeds chicks in winter?

Round 7 – “Guess by Description”

  1. This large, beautiful animal weighs up to 800 kg and swims beautifully.

Can remain in icy water for hours. The paws are long and covered with hair.

He senses prey many kilometers away by the scent carried by the wind.

The meat of the killed animal is hidden in the snow and kept nearby until the meat runs out.

It usually does not attack humans. The animal is listed in the Red Book. (Polar bear.)

2. This mammal belongs to the order of toothed whales.

It has 272 teeth.

It sleeps, spread out near the surface of the water. Without waking up, they rise to the surface with a blow of their tail and breathe.

In recent years, much has been said about his intelligence. Some representatives were even taught English and they spoke “bye-bye” and “okay” tolerably well.

Very smart animals. In the seas, they rescue their wounded brethren, working together to push them out of the water so that the victims can breathe. People have been saved in this way more than once. (Dolphin.)

3. This animal is a representative of the order Chiroptera.

Sleeps during the day and is active at night.

It moves well on the ground, even nimbly.

Water is not scary for him: flapping his wings and jumping on the water, he quickly gets to the shore.

Common food is insects (beetles, mosquitoes, crickets, moths).

He sleeps head down, clinging to the claws of his feet. (Bat.)

  1. This is a bird. Lives in colonies.

The feathers grow evenly throughout the body, so the body is streamlined.

Under the skin there is a layer of fat up to 3 cm, so it is not afraid of any frost.

Lays one or two eggs, which are incubated by the male and female in turn.

Among its enemies are petrels, rats, sharks, and killer whales. (Penguin.)

Round 8 – “Words”

Teams are asked to make as many words as possible from the letters of the word


Musical break – song “Little Puppy”

Summing up the game

Awarding the winners with certificates and prizes

Municipal educational institution

"Secondary school No. 40"

Methodical office


intellectual-cognitive game

for younger students

"Want to know everything!"

Prepared by:


primary school teacher,


Primary school teacher

Round 4 "Sides of the Horizon"

Round 5 "Plants"

Round 6 "Animals"

Round 7 “Guess by description”

Round 8 “Make words”


Intellectual and educational game “I want to know everything” (scenario)

Methodological development

Extracurricular activities

In pedagogy and psychology


Game “I want to know everything”

Compiled by:


Final stage ps andological-pedagogical game

"Want to know everything".

Target: Promotion of psychological and pedagogical knowledge and development of cognitive interest in this area of ​​human knowledge;

Formation of students’ “I-concept” as a means of professional development;

Raising the status of students with positive motivation and pronounced success in the field of teaching.

Time spending:

Location: Biysk Pedagogical College

Form: Intellectual-cognitive game

Equipment: Portraits of teachers, their statements, definitions of psychological and pedagogical concepts, textbooks, audio-video materials.

Progress of the game

Q.1: Hello!

Q.2: Good afternoon, friends!

Q.1: Welcome to the intellectual and educational game “I Want to Know Everything.”

Q.2: We will be the presenters together with you.

Q.1: He is an actor, but his audience does not applaud him.

Q.2: He is a doctor, but his patients do not always want to be treated.

V.1: He is forever called to the board to answer to the children and for the children.

Q.2: Who is he? (teacher).

Q.1: Until recently, some of you were school students and today you are taking the first steps towards mastering the profession.

Q.2: And some of you know and can do a lot, have been in practice, worked with children.

Q.1: Are you now ready to test your knowledge, abilities, skills, undergo rigorous analysis and criticism?

Q.2: Today in this audience there are the smartest, the most savvy, the best of the best, who will fight for the right to be called experts in pedagogy and psychology.

Q.1: Good luck to you.

Q.2: We invite 2 teams to our improvised stage.

Q.1: Meet our teams.

Q.2: To evaluate your knowledge, we will need a jury.

V.1: Teachers are invited to the jury: psychology teacher Efimova I.Yu., pedagogy teachers Baryshnikova S.A., Shkurkina O.N., Elfimova L.P.

Q.2: Let's welcome our jury.

Q.1: Our game includes 7 stages.

First competition"Blitz tournament" .

Each team will be asked questions, your task is to give as many correct answers as possible. If you know, answer without waiting for the end of the question; if you don’t know, say “further.”

AT 2: Next competition« N find the mistake."

The teacher must be smart and attentive.

We will now check your attentiveness. You need to find errors in the text within two minutes.

Q.1: In order to pass the exam well and successfully pass the interview when entering the Institute, you need to know famous psychologists, teachers, and the content of their work.

We announce competition No. 3."Guess whose statement."

Your task is to determine which teacher or psychologist this statement belongs to.

AT 2: Contest №4 « WITH leave a definition" .

The future teacher must master the methodology. You will be given 2 lists of words. Your task: to create a definition from them.

V.1: The teacher must find a way out of any situation, understand the motives of the children’s actions and behavior.

Competition No. 5 "R solving psychological and pedagogical problems.”

In 10 minutes, your team must solve 2 problems.

AT 2: Competition No. 6"Book Shop" .

The teacher must be able to work with new literature. Imagine that you come to a bookstore to buy a book.

There are 3 books in front of you. Your task is to formulate what information can be found in them.

Q.1: And now the teams will show their homework

“Why do you need to know pedagogy and psychology.”


Competition "Blitz Tournament"»


1. The formation of pedagogical Science is associated with the name of which teacher? (Ya.A. Komensky)
2. What were the slaves called in ancient Greece who accompanied the children of noble and wealthy townspeople to school? (teachers)
3. Who is the Minister of Education of modern Russia? (Fursenko)
4. What is the name of a teacher at a preschool educational institution? (educator)

5. What is your own assessment of actions and deeds called? (reflection)
6. What is the leading activity of a preschool child? (a game)
7. What is the name of the method of education associated with the condemnation and inhibition of antisocial actions? (punishment)
8. What is the acceleration of growth and sexual development of children and adolescents compared to previous generations called? (acceleration)
9. The part of pedagogy that sets out the theoretical foundations of education and learning? (didactics)
10. The main forms of organization of child labor? (assignments, duty, team work)
11. What is meant by the basic, initial provisions of any theory, teaching, or science? (principles (of training, education))?
12. A conscious image of the anticipated result towards which human activity is aimed? (target)
13. Conditions for the physical education of a preschooler, a scientifically based routine of life, providing for a rational distribution in time and sequence of various types of activities and rest? (mode)
14. What is the name of the main state document regulating the activities of preschool educational institutions? (“Program for the education and training of preschool children”)
15. A special type of activity with preschoolers, which makes it possible to introduce children in a natural setting to natural, cultural objects, and the activities of adults? (excursion)
16. What is the name of a child’s work aimed at serving himself? (self-service)
17. The main form of organizing the education of preschoolers? (class)
18. Who runs the preschool? (manager)
19. What is the purposeful process of introducing preschool children to the moral values ​​of humanity and a particular society called? (moral education)
20. What did A.S. Makarenko call “the material basis of children’s play”? (toy)


1. How is “Psychology” translated from Greek? (science of the soul)
2. Age limits for preschool age? (3-7)
3. What is the object of study of psychology? (Human)
4. Incorrect, distorted perception? (illusions of perception)
5. Branch of psychology that studies the development of the human psyche at different stages of ontogenesis? (age-related psychology)
6. Direct reflection of objects and phenomena in general? (perception)
7. The highest stage of mental development? (consciousness)
8. The ability of the brain to reflect the environment
reality? (psyche)
9. The ability to feel another as oneself? (empathy)
10. A person’s experience of his attitude towards what
he knows, does, to other people and to himself?
(emotions and feelings)
11. What is the leading activity in infancy? (emotional communication between a child and adults)
12. What is the subject of study of psychology? (psyche)
13. Physiological basis of sensations? (analyzers)
14. Adaptation of sensory organs to external influences? (adaptation)
15. Basic methods of psychology? (observation, experiment)
16. The opposite process of conservation? (forgetting)
17. Memory that allows you to remember emotions, feelings, experiences? (emotional memory)
18. Memory loss? (amnesia)
19. Directed, natural change in the child’s psyche, the process of formation of his inner world? (mental development)
20. The combination of skin and motor sensations is called... (touch)

Competition No. 2 “Find the mistake”

Team No. 1

The emergence and development of pedagogy.
Education appeared along with the first people.
In the most developed states of the ancient world - China, India, Greece, the USA, Egypt - attempts were made to generalize the experience of education.
The most important representatives of ancient Greek philosophy: Plato, Aristotle, Socrates, considered issues of education in their works.
During the Middle Ages, the church monopolized the spiritual life of society, directing education in a religious direction. Among the church leaders were educated for their time: Thomas Aquinas, Sukhomlinsky, who created treatises on the upbringing and spiritual education of people, linking it with computer literacy and comprehensive personal education. During the Renaissance, revolutionary changes in the science of education are associated with the name of the Slavic teacher Jan Sergeevich Komensky. In the 19th and 20th centuries, intensive research into pedagogical problems was carried out. D. Dewey, Tatiana Montessori and others.
After the October period, Russian pedagogy followed the path of its own comprehension and development of ideas and education of a person in a new society.

Team No. 2

What typical psychological mistake does N.K. make? Krupskaya: “From very early childhood, school should strengthen and develop the higher senses: vision, hearing, touch, etc., the strength and diversity of perception depends on their sharpness and perfection of development, so children must be given the opportunity
constantly exercise your external senses..."

Competition No. 3 “Guess the saying”


1. Author of age periodization, which distinguishes three eras:
toothless childhood, childhood of baby teeth, childhood of permanent teeth.
2. Founder of the cultural-historical concept; developed theoretical aspects of play activity, formulated the principle “game is the leading activity” and four basic laws of child development.


1. “...Let it be a golden rule for students: everything that is possible should be provided for perception by the senses, namely: visible for perception by sight, audible by hearing, smells by smell, subject to taste by taste, accessible to touch by touch...”

2. “If pedagogy wants to educate a person in all respects, then it must first get to know him in all respects.”

Competition No. 4 “Make a definition”

Team No. 1

1. Comparison -…

objects, purpose, similarity, comparison, phenomenon, difference,
2. Method of moral education-…
The goal of the pupil, with, the creation, feelings, method, and, behavior, conditions, of his, influence, on, disclosure, for, opportunities.

Team No. 2
1. Education - …
Systems, experience, development, value, knowledge, relationships, and, activities, cognitive, abilities, skills, and orientations.

2. Attention - …

direction, object, activity, distraction, everything else, concentration, consciousness, specific

Competition No. 5 “Solving psychological and pedagogical problems”

Team No. 1

No. 1. Parents often complain that children ask to buy them a toy that is quickly taken apart and broken. When they are scolded, the children justify themselves by saying that they wanted to see what it was made of.
1. What are the possible reasons for this behavior?
2. Name the main motive for children’s behavior.

№2. Kolya (5 years old) willingly carried out all the tasks, especially household ones. The teacher praised him, citing Kolin’s hard work as an example to others. Gradually Kolya became more cheeky and arrogant. During labor classes, he demanded in a capricious tone that he be given the task first.
1. Describe Kolya’s behavior.
2. What should be the teacher’s position in relation to Kolya?

Team No. 2
1. Ilyusha fell ill for a long time. The kids in the older group, together with the teacher, write letters to him. Every time there is something new and pleasant that you can tell your friend, something to please him with: “A parrot has appeared in a corner of nature, he is not yet used to us, he is afraid of noise, so we try not to make noise. Yesterday we watched an interesting fairy tale through a filmoscope. This is what we drew, and this one
The drawing is the best, Margarita drew it, we are sending it to you. We are preparing for the holiday. Get well soon and come to kindergarten. We are sending you this book, it contains a poem about the October holiday. You’ll probably like it, learn it and then tell it at the matinee.”
Ilyusha is “in a hurry” to get well and every day he tells his mother:
- I have no time to be sick. So much to do in the garden! - the boy exclaims.
I'm completely healthy! Will I go to the garden tomorrow?

1. What educational goal does the teacher pursue by inviting children to write letters to a sick child?

2. What feelings does the boy experience when he receives letters from the kindergarten children?
3. Evaluate this example of developing a sense of community in children.

One day Slava suggested to the kids playing family:
-Can I play with you? I'll be a dad, coming late and drinking wine. And then I will make a scandal.
Ira objects:
“There’s no need to make a fuss, my dad never scolds.”
“And drinking wine is bad,” Zhenya adds.
- Why is this bad? My dad always does this... - the boy says with conviction. Having typed the elongated details of the builder, he says:
- That's how many bottles of wine I'll bring you!

1. What feelings can this game evoke in children?

2. How should we treat children’s games with negative content that arise on the children’s initiative?

3. In what cases is it permissible for an adult to directly interfere with a child’s play?