Ivan Tsarevich and the Swans Russian folk tale. Russian folk tale "Ivan Tsarevich and the Gray Wolf"

In a certain kingdom, in a certain state, there lived a king; this king had three daughters and one son, Ivan Tsarevich. The Tsar grew old and died, and Ivan Tsarevich took the crown.

As the neighboring kings learned about this, they now gathered countless troops and went to war against him.

Ivan Tsarevich does not know what to do; comes to his sisters and asks:

- My dear sisters! What should I do? All the kings rose up against me in war.

- Oh, you brave warrior! What were you afraid of? How is it that White Polyanin fights with Baba Yaga - the golden leg, does not get off his horse for thirty years, does not know rest? And you, seeing nothing, got scared!

Ivan Tsarevich immediately saddled his good horse, put on his military harness, took a treasure sword, a long spear and a silk whip and rode out against the enemy.

It is not clear that the falcon swoops down on a flock of geese, swans and gray ducks, Ivan Tsarevich attacks the enemy’s army; he does not so much beat with a sword as trample with a horse; killed the entire enemy army, returned to the city, went to bed and slept for three days in uninterrupted sleep.

On the fourth day I woke up, went out onto the balcony, looked into the open field - the kings had gathered more troops than that and again approached the very walls.

The prince became sad and went to his sisters:

- Oh, sisters! What should I do? He destroyed one force, another stands under the city, threatening more than before.

- What a warrior you are! I fought for a day and slept for three days without waking up. How is it that White Polyanin fights with Baba Yaga - the golden leg, does not get off his horse for thirty years, does not know rest?

Ivan Tsarevich ran to the white stone stables, saddled the good heroic horse, put on his military harness, girded his treasure sword, took a long spear in one hand, a silk whip in the other, and rode out against the enemy.

It is not clear that the falcon swoops down on a flock of geese, swans and gray ducks, Ivan Tsarevich attacks the enemy’s army; It’s not so much that he beats himself, but that the horse tramples him. He defeated the great army, returned home, went to bed and slept soundly for six days.

On the seventh day he woke up, went out onto the balcony, looked into the open field - the kings had gathered more troops than that and again surrounded the entire city.

Ivan Tsarevich goes to his sisters:

- My dear sisters! What should I do? He destroyed two forces, the third stands under the walls and threatens even more.

- Oh, you brave warrior! I fought for one day and slept for six without waking up. How does White Polyanin fight with Baba Yaga - the golden leg, for thirty years he does not get off his horse, and does not know rest?

It seemed bitter to the prince; He ran to the white stone stables, saddled his good heroic horse, put on his military harness, girded his treasure sword, took a long spear in one hand, a silk whip in the other, and rode out against the enemy.

It is not clear that the falcon swoops down on a flock of geese, swans and gray ducks, Ivan Tsarevich attacks the enemy’s army; It’s not so much that he beats himself, but that the horse tramples him. He defeated the great army, returned home, went to bed and slept soundly for nine days.

On the tenth day I woke up and called on all the ministers and senators:

- My gentlemen, ministers and senators! I decided to go to foreign countries and look at White Polyanin; I ask you to judge and judge, to sort out all cases according to the truth.

Then he said goodbye to his sisters, got on his horse and rode off.

Whether long or short, he stopped by dark forest; he sees a hut standing, an old man lives in that hut. Ivan Tsarevich came to him:

- Hello, grandfather!

- Hello, Russian Tsarevich! Where is God taking?

“I don’t know myself, but wait, I’ll gather my faithful servants and ask them.”

The old man stepped out onto the porch, played a silver trumpet - and suddenly birds began to flock to him from all sides. They swooped in, visibly or invisibly, covering the entire sky with a black cloud.

- My faithful servants, birds of passage! Have you seen or heard anything about Bely Polyanin?

- No, we didn’t see it, we didn’t hear it!

“Well, Ivan Tsarevich,” says the old man, “now go to my elder brother - maybe he’ll tell you.” Here, take the ball and put it in front of you: where the ball rolls, direct the horse there.

Ivan Tsarevich mounted his good horse, rolled the ball and rode after him, and the forest grew darker and darker.

The prince arrives at the hut and enters the door; An old man sits in the hut - gray-haired like a harrier.

- Hello, grandfather!

- Hello, Russian Tsarevich! Where are you going?

- I’m looking for White Polyanin, do you know where he is?

- But wait, I’ll gather my faithful servants and ask them.

The old man stepped out onto the porch, played a silver trumpet - and suddenly various animals gathered towards him from all sides. He shouted to them in a loud voice and whistled with a brave whistle:

- My faithful servants, eager beasts! Have you seen or heard anything about Bely Polyanin?

“No,” the animals answer, “we didn’t see it, we didn’t hear it.”

- Well, settle accounts among yourselves: maybe not everyone came.

The animals have settled their accounts - there is no crooked wolf. The old man sent to look for her; immediately the messengers ran and brought her.

- Tell me, crooked wolf, do you know White Polyanin?

“How can I not know him, since I always live with him: he beats troops, and I feed on a dead corpse.”

- Where is he now?

- In an open field on a large mound, he sleeps in a tent. He fought with Baba Yaga - the golden leg, and after the battle he lay down to sleep for twelve days.

— Take Ivan Tsarevich there.

The she-wolf ran, and the prince galloped after her.

He arrives at a large mound, enters the tent - Bely Polyanin is fast asleep.

“My sisters said that Bely Polyanin is fighting without rest, but he went to bed for twelve days! Shouldn’t I go to sleep for now?” Ivan Tsarevich thought and thought and lay down next to him.

Then a small bird flew into the tent, hovered near the headboard and said these words:

Ivan Tsarevich jumped up, kicked the bird out of the tent and again lay down near Bely Polyanin. No sooner had I fallen asleep than another bird flew in, hovered at the head of the bed and said:

“Rise up, wake up, White Polyanin, and put Ivan Tsarevich to an evil death: otherwise he will rise up and kill you himself!”

Ivan Tsarevich jumped up, kicked the bird out of the tent and lay down again in the same place. After this, the third bird flies in, hovering at the head of the bed and says:

“Rise up, wake up, White Polyanin, and put Ivan Tsarevich to an evil death: otherwise he will rise up and kill you himself!”

Ivan Tsarevich jumped up and kicked the bird out of the tent, and he lay down and fell fast asleep.

The time has come - White Polyanin has awakened, he looks - next to him is an unknown hero lying; He grabbed a sharp sword and wanted to put him to an evil death, but he stopped himself in time. “No,” he thinks, “he ran into me when I was sleepy, but he didn’t want to draw blood with the sword; no honor, no praise for me either, good fellow, ruin him! Sleepy and dead! I’d better wake him up.”

He woke up Ivan Tsarevich and asked:

- Is he a good or bad person? Tell me what your name is and why you came here?

“My name is Ivan Tsarevich, and I came to look at you, to test your strength.”

- You are very brave, prince! You entered the tent without asking, slept, and you could be put to death for that!

- Eh, White Polyanin! You didn’t jump over the ditch, but you’re bragging; wait - you might trip! You have two hands, and my mother gave birth to me with more than one.

They mounted their heroic horses, came together and hit each other so hard that their spears shattered and the good horses fell to their knees.

Ivan Tsarevich kicked White Polyanin out of the saddle and raised a sharp sword over him. White Polyanin prayed to him:

- Don’t give me death, give me life! I will call myself your little brother, and instead of my father I will honor you.

Ivan Tsarevich took him by the hand, lifted him from the ground, kissed him on the mouth and called him his little brother.

“I heard, brother, that you have been fighting with Baba Yaga for thirty years with your golden leg.” Why are you at war?

“She has a beautiful Polonyanka, I want to get her and marry her.”

“Well,” said the prince, “if you make friends, then help in trouble!” Let's go to war together.

They mounted their horses and rode out into an open field; Baba Yaga - the golden leg brought forth an army of countless strength. It’s not clear falcons that swoop down on a flock of pigeons, and mighty heroes are unleashed on the enemy’s army! They do not so much cut with swords as trample with horses; They cut down and trampled whole thousands.

Baba Yaga ran away, and Ivan Tsarevich followed her. She was just about to catch up when suddenly she ran to a deep abyss, picked up a cast-iron board and disappeared underground.

Ivan Tsarevich and Bely Polyanin bought a lot of bulls, began to beat them, remove their skins and cut their belts; They made a rope from those belts - so long that one end is here and the other will reach the next world.

The prince says to White Polyanin:

“Lower me quickly into the abyss, but don’t pull the rope back, but wait: when I pull the rope, then pull me!”

White Polyanin lowered him into the abyss to the very bottom. Ivan Tsarevich looked around and went to look for Baba Yaga.

He walked, walked, looked - the tailors were sitting behind bars.

- What are you doing?

- Here's what, Ivan Tsarevich: we sit and sew an army for Baba Yaga - the golden leg.

- How do you sew?

- It is known as: when you stab with a needle, a Cossack with a pike mounts a horse, gets into formation and goes to war against Bely Polyanin.

- Eh, brothers! You do it soon, but not hard; stand in a row, I’ll teach you how to sew more tightly.

They immediately lined up in one row, and Tsarevich Ivan waved his sword and heads flew. He beat the tailors and moved on.

He walked and walked and looked - the shoemakers were sitting behind bars.

- What are you doing here?

“We’re sitting and preparing an army for Baba Yaga—the golden leg.”

- How do you, brothers, prepare an army?

- And here’s how: with an awl, a soldier with a gun mounts a horse, gets into formation and goes to war against Bely Polyanin.

- Eh, guys! You'll do it soon, no problem. Get in a row, I'll teach you better.

So they stood in a row. Ivan Tsarevich waved his sword and heads rolled. Beat up the shoemakers - and then hit the road again.

Whether it was long or short, he got to big city; In that city, royal palaces were built, and in those towers sat a maiden of indescribable beauty.

She saw a good fellow through the window, called him over, and asked where he was going and why.

He told her that he was looking for Baba Yaga - the golden leg.

- Oh, Ivan Tsarevich, it’s Bely Polyanin who is looking for me, and Baba Yaga is now sleeping soundly, having lain down for twelve days.

Ivan Tsarevich went to Baba Yaga - the golden leg, found her sleepy, struck her with a sword and cut off her head. The head rolled and said:

- Strike again, Ivan Tsarevich!

- A heroic blow and one is good! - answered the prince, returned to the mansion to the red maiden, sat down with her at the oak tables, at the stained tablecloths. He ate and drank and began to ask her:

- Is there anyone more beautiful than you in the world?

- Ah, Ivan Tsarevich! What a beauty I am! This is how, far away, in the thirtieth kingdom, a princess lives with the serpent king, so that truly unspeakable beauty.

Ivan Tsarevich took the red maiden by the white hand, led to the place where the rope hung, and gave a sign to White Polyanin. He grabbed the rope and started pulling; pulled, pulled and pulled out the prince and the red maiden.

“Hello, Bely Polyanin,” said Ivan Tsarevich, “here’s your bride, live, have fun, don’t worry about anything!” And I will go to the snake kingdom.

He mounted his heroic horse, said goodbye to Bely Polyanin and his bride, and rode off to distant lands.

Whether long, short, low, or high - he came to the kingdom of the serpent, killed the serpent king, freed the beautiful princess from captivity and married her; after that he returned home and began to live and live with his young wife and make good money.

There lived an old man and an old woman. They lived poorly, and the only joy they had was their daughter Alyonushka. She was kind and pretty, she was not lazy to work, she knew how to do everything, she was not afraid of any work.
And so, one day at dawn she says to her father and mother:
“I’ll go to the forest, pick some mushrooms and ripe berries, and return home in the evening.”
And the old woman sighs and worries:
-Don’t go, daughter, I feel something bad will happen.
-Don’t worry, mother, for how many years I’ve been going to the forest, nothing will happen to me.
She took the basket and went into the forest.
And in the forest it is so beautiful that the heart sings and the soul rejoices. Outlandish flowers are blooming, birds are chirping in the branches, and there are no mushrooms and berries in sight. Alyonushka began to pick mushrooms, but she didn’t know, dear one, that Leshy was luring her into his possessions. Where he passes there is a mushroom and grows, where he waves his hand, berries will appear.
She looked around, and all around her there were unfamiliar, dense places, she had never been here before.
The girl became scared, the sun was already setting, and the wild animals were screaming terribly...
“And why didn’t I listen to my mother?” she cried bitterly. “Apparently, now I’ll have to disappear...
And suddenly, an old man came out of a spreading old oak tree. When he saw Alyonushka, her beloved beauty, he began to beg and beg her:
-Marry me, beautiful girl. If you live forever in wealth and luxury, I will give you all the treasures that are within my control.
-What you! “What are you doing!” she exclaimed in response. “I don’t need either you or your countless riches...
“Well, since you don’t want to be mine, then no one else will have you!” exclaimed Leshy and clapped his hands three times.
And Alyonushka turned into a white swan...
She began to fly over the forest, and then she flew to the forest lake, and so she settled there.
Once upon a time, a good fellow, Ivan Tsarevich, walked in those parts. He walked through the forest, to hunt, to show off his brave prowess. Suddenly he sees a white swan on the lake. He took out an arrow and was about to shoot, when suddenly the swan spoke in a human voice and began to cry:
-Don't kill me, good fellow. Do not destroy my maiden soul...
“What happened to you?” he began to ask.
-I didn’t listen to my father and mother, Leshy lured me into the thicket of the forest, he wanted me to become his wife. I refused the forest spirit, he got angry, and turned me into a swan...
“Don’t be sad, red maiden,” Ivan answered her, “don’t grieve.” Perhaps we will deal with your trouble.
He said goodbye to the white swan and set off through the forest to look for Leshy and gain freedom for Alyonushka.
He walked for a long time along forest paths, and then he found himself at an old oak tree.
The prince began to wait for the night, and then, when it was completely dark, old Leshy came out of the oak tree and began to walk in circles around the young man, casting a spell on him.
But Ivan does not give up, he got the hang of it and grabbed Leshy by the long beard. He took out his sword and was about to chop off his head, but Leshy turned into an owl and rose into the sky. But Ivan was not taken aback, he took out an arrow, and it was about to hit him. And Leshy fell to the ground and became a creeping reptile, about to hide in a hole, but the prince was very clever and grabbed him by the tail.
All night they fought with each other, and at dawn Leshy said to the prince:
-Okay Ivan, yours took it! Ask for whatever you want, just let it go! I have no strength to fight with you anymore!
-Release the red maiden and white swan from your captivity!
“Okay,” said Leshy, “you got it!”
He clapped his hands three times and a white swan appeared in front of them. She circled over the forest the first time, and the second time, and the third time she became a red maiden, Alyonushka. And she was so sweet and pretty that the prince loved her with all his heart.
Leshy presented them with a rich dowry, granted them a whole casket of gems, and set them free.
Alyonushka took her father and mother, they married the prince, and began to live, get along, and make good things. That's the end of the fairy tale.


in a certain kingdom, in a certain state, there lived a king; this king had three daughters and one son, Ivan Tsarevich. The Tsar grew old and died, and Ivan Tsarevich took the crown.

As the neighboring kings learned about this, they now gathered countless troops and went to war against him. Ivan Tsarevich does not know what to do; comes to his sisters and asks:

My dear sisters! What should I do? All the kings rose up against me in war.

Oh, you brave warrior! What were you afraid of? How is it that White Polyanin fights with Baba Yaga - the golden leg, does not get off his horse for thirty years, does not know rest? And you, seeing nothing, got scared!

Ivan Tsarevich immediately saddled his good horse, put on his military harness, took a treasure sword, a long spear and a silk whip and rode out against the enemy. It is not clear that the falcon swoops down on a flock of geese, swans and gray ducks - Tsarevich Ivan attacks the enemy’s army; he does not so much beat with a sword as trample with a horse; killed the entire enemy army, returned to the city, went to bed and slept for three days in uninterrupted sleep. - On the fourth day I woke up, went out onto the balcony, looked into the open field - the kings had gathered more troops than that and again approached the very walls.

The prince became sad and went to his sisters:

Ah, sisters! What should I do? He destroyed one force, another stands under the city, threatening more than before.

What a warrior you are! I fought for a day and slept for three days without waking up. How is it that White Polyanin fights with Baba Yaga - the golden leg, does not get off his horse for thirty years, does not know rest?

Ivan Tsarevich ran to the white stone stables, saddled the good heroic horse, put on his military harness, girded his treasure sword, took a long spear in one hand, a silk whip in the other, and rode out against the enemy.

In which kingdom, in which state did the king live? He had one son, Ivan Tsarevich.

So Ivan Tsarevich went hunting every day in an open field, in a wide expanse, to the edge of the blue sea; he caught geese, swans and gray ducks. And the winch fell into his trap. Tsarevich Ivan caught this winch, brought it to the tent and put it in the shostok. In the morning he started and left to hunt.

So the winch came out of the shawl, turned into a young woman and prepared all kinds of food for Ivan Tsarevich. She herself turned around the winch again and sat down in the stock.

So Ivan Tsarevich came home to his tent: and his table was set. So he is surprised. “Who did he say was with me?” Ivan Tsarevich sat down and dined; so he covered everything on the table with a tablecloth and went hunting again. The winch again turned around like a young lady, cleared it from the table, turned around again like a winch and sat down in the shostok.

The next day, Ivan Tsarevich left again to hunt; and the winch came out of the shawl without him, turned into a young woman and prepared even better food. The young lady set the table, turned around with a winch and sat down in the shostok - waiting for Ivan Tsarevich.

So Ivan Tsarevich arrived and brought geese, swans and gray ducks. Ivan Tsarevich looked at the table and was surprised: “Who prepared this? Come out, he says, who do I have - a beautiful maiden or a young lady? No one speaks to him, no one raises a voice.

Ivan Tsarevich dined, covered the table with a tablecloth and left again for the open field, in the wide expanse, on the edge of the blue sea, to hunt.

So on the third day, Ivan Tsarevich got ready to go hunting, left the tent and hid. “I’ll keep watch,” he says, “Who is this coming to me? which side?

Here the white winch came out of the cap, turned into a young woman and began to prepare the food. Ivan Tsarevich was taken aback and opened the doors; The young lady was frightened, she started to run, but Ivan Tsarevich grabbed her while pregnant.

Here she was in his hands, twisting and curling, and twisting into a golden spindle. He took it and broke the spindle - the heel in front of him, and fixed the tip for himself. “Be, he says, before me a young lady, and behind me a colorful dress!” So the young woman stood in front of him, and behind him was a colorful dress. She was such a beauty - if I could mature and look, I wouldn’t take my eyes off her!

Ivan Tsarevich did not go to his father and began to live with the young woman. They built a house in that open field, in a wide expanse.

So the chormesta became young and young. And a little old lady came to see them. "Ivan Tsarevich! - says the old lady from the backyard to Ivan Tsarevich, - now spring is in the yard, you are guarding your young lady, don’t go far away anywhere!

So the young lady gave birth to a little one. He sits in the bathhouse with his backyard grandmother. In the morning a village of swans flies; here's one calling out:

Ti-go-go, dear daughter,
Ti-ho-ho, darling!
Should I give you a wing?
Shouldn't I submit the right one?
Let's fly with us overseas,
Let's fly with us for the blue!

It was her father who was flying. And she answered him:

Ti-go-go, father!
Ti-ho-ho, my dear!
Don't give me a wing,
Don't give me the right one -
I'm not flying overseas with you,
I’m not flying with you for the blue -
I also have a child,
I also have some cute ones!

This village flew by. Another flies, and again one swan calls to the young lady:

Ti-go-go, dear daughter,
Ti-ho-ho, darling!
Should I give you a wing?
Shouldn't I submit the right one?
Let's fly with us overseas,
Let's fly with us for the blue!

It was her mother who was flying. The young lady answers her:

Ti-go-go, mother,
Ti-ho-ho, darling!
Don't give me a wing,
Don't give me the right thing, -
I'm not flying overseas with you,
I’m not flying with you for the blue -
I also have a child,
I also have some cute ones!

So this village flew by. The third is flying; one swan calls again:

Ti-go-go, sister,
Isho ti-go-go, honey!
Should I give you a wing?
Shouldn't I submit the right one?
Let's fly with us overseas,
Let's fly with us for the blue!

It was her brother who was flying; she answers him:

Ti-go-go, brother,
Ti-ho-ho, my dear!
Don't give me a wing,
Don't give me the right thing, -
I'm not flying overseas with you,
I’m not flying with you for the blue, -
I also have a child,
I also have some cute ones!

And this village flew by. The fourth is flying. Again one swan calls:

Ti-go-go, okay,
Ti-ho-ho, honey!
Should I give you a wing?
Shouldn't I submit the right one?
Let's fly with us overseas,
Let's fly with us for the blue!

She answers:

Ti-go-go, okay,
Ti-ho-ho, my dear!
Give me a wing,
Give me the right one -
I'll fly overseas with you,
I'll fly with you for the blue!

She fluttered up, and Ivan Tsarevich caught her.

This village also flew by. So the young woman says to Ivan Tsarevich: “If you had not grabbed me, I would have flown away to my kingdom, to my state! and now, he says, I have no one to fly with: my dear Lada has flown by.”

And they began to live and be, and make good. And now they live.

In a certain kingdom, in a certain state, there lived a king; this king had three daughters and one son, Ivan Tsarevich. The Tsar grew old and died, and Ivan Tsarevich took the crown.
As the neighboring kings learned about this, they now gathered countless troops and went to war against him. Ivan Tsarevich does not know what to do; comes to his sisters and asks:
- My dear sisters! What should I do? All the kings rose up against me in war.
- Oh, you brave warrior! What were you afraid of? How is it that White Polyanin fights with Baba Yaga - the golden leg, does not get off his horse for thirty years, does not know rest? And you, seeing nothing, got scared!
Ivan Tsarevich immediately saddled his good horse, put on his military harness, took a treasure sword, a long spear and a silk whip and rode out against the enemy. It is not clear that the falcon swoops down on a flock of geese, swans and gray ducks - Tsarevich Ivan attacks the enemy’s army; he does not so much beat with a sword as trample with a horse; killed the entire enemy army, returned to the city, went to bed and slept for three days without waking. “On the fourth day I woke up, went out onto the balcony, looked into the open field - the kings had gathered more troops than that and again approached the very walls.

The prince became sad and went to his sisters:
- Oh, sisters! What should I do? He destroyed one force, another stands under the city, threatening more than before.
- What a warrior you are! I fought for a day and slept for three days without waking up. How does White Polyanin fight with Baba Yaga - the golden leg, for thirty years he does not get off his horse, and does not know rest?
Ivan Tsarevich ran to the white stone stables, saddled the good heroic horse, put on his military harness, girded his treasure sword, took a long spear in one hand, a silk whip in the other, and rode out against the enemy.
It is not clear that the falcon swoops down on a flock of geese, swans and gray ducks - Tsarevich Ivan attacks the enemy’s army; It’s not so much that he beats himself, but that the horse tramples him. He defeated the great army, returned home, went to bed and slept soundly for six days.
On the seventh day he woke up, went out onto the balcony, looked into the open field - the kings had gathered more troops than that and again surrounded the entire city.
Ivan Tsarevich goes to his sisters:
- My dear sisters! What should I do? He destroyed two forces, the third stands under the walls and threatens even more.
- Oh, you brave warrior! I fought for one day and slept for six without waking up. How does White Polyanin fight with Baba Yaga - the golden leg, for thirty years he does not get off his horse, and does not know rest?
It seemed bitter to the prince; He ran to the white stone stables, saddled his good heroic horse, put on his military harness, girded his treasure sword, took a long spear in one hand, a silk whip in the other, and rode out against the enemy.
It is not clear that the falcon swoops down on a flock of geese, swans and gray ducks - Tsarevich Ivan attacks the enemy’s army; It’s not so much that he beats himself, but that the horse tramples him. He defeated the great army, returned home, went to bed and slept soundly for nine days.
On the tenth day I woke up and called on all the ministers and senators:
- My gentlemen, ministers and senators! I decided to go to foreign countries and look at White Polyanin; I ask you to judge and judge, to sort out all cases according to the truth.
Then he said goodbye to his sisters, got on his horse and rode off.
Whether long or short, he drove into a dark forest; he sees a hut standing, and in that hut an old man lives. Ivan Tsarevich came to him:
- Hello, grandfather!
- Hello, Russian Tsarevich! Where are you going?

“I don’t know myself, but wait, I’ll gather my faithful servants and ask them.”
The old man stepped out onto the porch, played a silver trumpet - and suddenly birds began to flock to him from all sides. They swooped in, visibly or invisibly, covering the entire sky with a black cloud.
The old man shouted in a loud voice and whistled with a brave whistle:
- My faithful servants, birds of passage! Have you seen or heard anything about Bely Polyanin?
- No, we didn’t see it, we didn’t hear it!
“Well, Ivan Tsarevich,” says the old man, “now go to my elder brother - maybe he’ll tell you.” Here, take the ball and put it in front of you: where the ball rolls, direct the horse there. Ivan Tsarevich mounted his good horse, rolled the ball and rode after him, and the forest grew darker and darker.
The prince arrives at the hut and enters the door; An old man sits in the hut - gray-haired like a harrier.
- Hello, grandfather!
- Hello, Russian Tsarevich! Where are you going?
- I’m looking for White Polyanin, do you know where he is?
- But wait, I’ll gather my faithful servants and ask them.
The old man stepped out onto the porch, played a silver trumpet - and suddenly various animals gathered towards him from all sides. He shouted to them in a loud voice and whistled with a brave whistle:
- My faithful servants, eager beasts! Have you seen or heard anything about Bely Polyanin?
“No,” the animals answer, “we didn’t see it, we didn’t hear it.”
- Well, settle accounts among yourselves: maybe not everyone came.
The animals have settled their accounts - there is no crooked wolf. The old man sent to look for her; immediately the messengers ran and brought her.
- Tell me, crooked wolf, do you know White Polyanin?
“How can I not know him, since I always live with him: he beats troops, and I feed on a dead corpse.”
- Where is he now?
- In an open field on a large mound, he sleeps in a tent. He fought with Baba Yaga - the golden leg, and after the battle he lay down to sleep for twelve days.
— Take Ivan Tsarevich there. The she-wolf ran, and the prince galloped after her.
He arrives at a large mound, enters the tent - Bely Polyanin is fast asleep.
“My sisters said that Bely Polyanin is fighting without rest, but he went to bed for twelve days! Shouldn’t I go to sleep for now?” Ivantsarevich thought and thought and lay down next to him.
Then a small bird flew into the tent, hovered near the headboard and said these words:

Ivan Tsarevich jumped up, kicked the bird out of the tent and again lay down near Bely Polyanin. No sooner had I fallen asleep than another bird flew in, hovered at the head of the bed and said:
“Rise up, wake up, White Polyanin, and put Ivan Tsarevich to an evil death: otherwise he will rise up and kill you himself!”
Ivan Tsarevich jumped up, kicked the bird out of the tent and lay down again in the same place. After this, the third bird flies in, hovering at the head of the bed and says:
“Rise up, wake up, White Polyanin, and put Ivan Tsarevich to an evil death: otherwise he will rise up and kill you himself!”
Ivan Tsarevich jumped up, kicked the bird out of the tent, and he lay down and fell fast asleep.
The time has come - White Polyanin has awakened, he looks - next to him is an unknown hero lying; He grabbed a sharp sword and wanted to put him to an evil death, but he stopped himself in time. “No,” he thinks, “he came at me while I was sleepy, but he didn’t want to draw blood with the sword; it’s no honor, no praise for me, a good fellow, to ruin him! Sleepy as if he were dead! I’d rather wake him up.” He woke up Ivan Tsarevich and asked:
- Is he a good or bad person? Tell me what your name is and why you came here?
“My name is Ivan Tsarevich, and I came to look at you, to test your strength.”
- You are very brave, prince! You entered the tent without asking, slept, and you could be put to death for that!
- Eh, White Polyanin! You didn’t jump over the ditch, but you’re bragging; wait - maybe you'll trip! You have two hands, and my mother gave birth to me with more than one. They mounted their heroic horses, came together and hit each other so hard that their spears shattered and the good horses fell to their knees. Ivan Tsarevich kicked White Polyanin out of the saddle and raised a sharp sword over him. White Polyanin prayed to him:
- Don’t give me death, give me life! I will call myself your little brother, and instead of my father I will honor you. Ivan Tsarevich took him by the hand, lifted him from the ground, kissed him on the mouth and called him his little brother.
“I heard, brother, that you have been fighting with Baboyaga for thirty years with your golden leg. Why are you at war?
“She has a beautiful Polonyanka, I want to get her and marry her.”
“Well,” said the prince, “if you make friends, then help in trouble!” Let's go to war together.
They mounted their horses and rode out into an open field; Baba Yaga - the golden leg brought forth an army of countless strength. It’s not clear falcons that swoop down on a flock of pigeons—mighty warriors are unleashed on the enemy’s army! They do not so much cut with swords as trample with horses; They cut down and trampled whole thousands.
Baba Yaga ran away, and Ivan Tsarevich followed her. She was just about to catch up when suddenly she ran to a deep abyss, picked up a cast-iron board and disappeared underground.
Ivan Tsarevich and Bely Polyanin bought a lot of bulls, began to beat them, remove their skins and cut their belts; They made a rope from those belts - so long that one end is here and the other will reach the next world.
The prince says to White Polyanin:
“Lower me quickly into the abyss, but don’t pull the rope back, but wait: when I pull the rope, then pull me!”
White Polyanin lowered him into the abyss to the very bottom. Ivan Tsarevich looked around and went to look for Baba Yaga.
He walked, walked, looked - the tailors were sitting behind bars.
- What are you doing?
- Here's what, Ivan Tsarevich: we sit and sew an army for Baba Yaga - the golden leg.
- How do you sew?
- It is known as: when you stab with a needle, a Cossack with a pike mounts a horse, gets into formation and goes to war against Bely Polyanin.
- Eh, brothers! You do it soon, but not hard; stand in a row, I’ll teach you how to sew more tightly. They immediately lined up in one row, and Tsarevich Ivan waved his sword and heads flew. He beat the tailors and moved on.
He walked and walked and looked - the shoemakers were sitting behind bars.
- What are you doing here?
“We’re sitting here preparing an army for Baba Yaga—the golden leg.”
- How do you, brothers, prepare an army?
- And here’s how: with an awl, a soldier with a gun mounts a horse, gets into formation and goes to war against Bely Polyanin.
- Eh, guys! You'll do it soon, no problem. Get in a row, I'll teach you better.
So they stood in a row. Ivan Tsarevich waved his sword and heads rolled. Beat up the shoemakers - and then hit the road again.
Whether long or short, he reached the big city; In that city, royal palaces were built, and in those towers sat a maiden of indescribable beauty. She saw a good fellow through the window, called him over, and asked where he was going and why.
He told her that he was looking for Baba Yaga - the golden leg.
- Oh, Ivan Tsarevich, it’s Bely Polyanin who is looking for me, and Baba Yaga is now sleeping soundly, having lain down for twelve days.
Ivan Tsarevich went to Baba Yaga - the golden leg, found her sleepy, struck her with a sword and cut off her head. The head rolled and said:
- Strike again, Ivan Tsarevich!
- A heroic blow and one is good! - answered the prince, returned to the mansion to the red maiden, sat down with her at the oak tables, at the stained tablecloths. He ate and drank and began to ask her:
- Is there anyone more beautiful than you in the world?
- Ah, Ivan Tsarevich! What a beauty I am! This is how, far away, in the thirtieth kingdom, a princess lives with the serpent king, so that truly unspeakable beauty.
Ivan Tsarevich took the red maiden by the white hand, led her to the place where the rope hung, and gave a sign to White Polyanin. He grabbed the rope and started pulling; pulled, pulled and pulled out the prince and the red maiden.
“Hello, Bely Polyanin,” said Ivan Tsarevich, “here’s your bride, live, have fun, don’t worry about anything!” And I will go to the snake kingdom.
He mounted his heroic horse, said goodbye to Bely Polyanin and his bride, and rode off to distant lands.
Whether long, short, low, or high - soon the tale is told, but not soon the deed is done - he came to the kingdom of the serpent, killed the serpent king, freed the beautiful princess from captivity and married her; after that he returned home and began to live and live with his young wife and make good money.