Who is the head of the TV channel? “Everyone is laughing at this news.” The general director of the Orthodox TV channel Spas, Boris Korchevnikov, is accused of beating his employee

An employee of the Spas channel told the site that Orthodox TV is being turned into a clone scandalous show"Live broadcast."

Previously, the site wrote about in Russia. With the arrival of new leadership in the person of Boris Korchevnikov, “promoted” by the “Live Broadcast” program on “Russia 1”, one of them - the Spas TV channel - began to change. A TV channel employee assures that his colleagues are being fired, and viewers are starting to turn away from Spas.

In May they announced to us that a new person had been appointed to Spas general director, it became Boris Korchevnikov. “He wanted to do something new, young, to give fresh breath to the channel,” one of the Spas employees shared with the site, who, for obvious reasons, asked not to use his first and last name. - But in the end it turned out that the “new breath” in two months of his work led to an obvious fact. Previously, the channel showed high-quality programs that were in demand by the viewer and had already received a well-deserved assessment - “Ukrainian Question”, “Conservative Club” and many others, which viewers watched both on air and in social networks, on Youtube. And now there is only one program on the channel called “Live Broadcast”, an analogue of the program of the same name on the “Russia 1” channel.

[Note ed.: judging by the schedule, the Spas TV channel has a fairly extensive program; however, in the program for the current week there is neither the “Ukrainian Question” nor the “Conservative Club”, but there is also no notorious “ Live broadcast" Archives of this program available on the “Spas” channel on Youtube, the last episode on July 14 was dedicated to the “charity marathon”, among the topics of earlier issues were “Abortion”, “Euthanasia” and “Stalin”.]

- Did the channel need this new breath?

It so happened that the channel’s management regularly changed, with Boris Kostenko always remaining the most “constant” (he has now been appointed Korchevnikov’s deputy). Korchevnikov’s new vision was expressed in one thing: to close all programs and leave one of his own - “Live”, which would cover some hot topics. But you yourself understand, any current topics can be illuminated in different ways. For example, on the Spas channel there were such programs, but in them the authors did not go beyond certain limits. The mission of the channel is the spiritual and moral education of the viewing audience. The channel has its own established audience, a different pace and rhythm than other federal channels. We had expectations that it would come and get better, there would be something new. In the end, everything devolved into creating a scandal as much as possible, going into some kind of investigation with detailed bloody details - about murders, criminals, with people smeared on the asphalt.

- Does Korchevnikov continue to host the same program on the Rossiya 1 channel?

As far as I understand, he was fired from there, “Live” on “Russia 1” will either be closed, or a new team with a new face will be recruited. Now he will be in the frame on “Spas” repeating the same program one-on-one as on “Russia 1”, only without the extras.

[Note ed.: Boris Korchevnikov continues to broadcast “Live” on “Russia 1”, despite previously existing rumors about him on Dmitry Shepelev. The latest episode, available on the website of the Russia 1 channel, is devoted to the topic “The adopted son of Galina Brezhneva, in order to kick his son out of the house, called him step-native and even demanded a DNA test.”]

All “Live broadcasts” begin with the fact that “today so-and-so knocked down or shot someone to death, let’s discuss it, yell, scream, make a scandal.” Rating is, of course, an important thing, but it is impossible to achieve it by such means on an Orthodox channel. As a result, viewers call, write, complain, and switch the “Spas” channel to another button.

- When Boris was appointed to this position, did he gather people and announce something?

On general meeting The policy was announced to employees: there will only be “Live Broadcast” six to eight hours a day. Thus, the channel will become relevant, we will talk about what newspapers and the Internet are shouting about today. Then educational programs about faith and Orthodox holidays, about Russians famous people, about how people came to faith and so on. This seemed uninteresting to the new manager. Although the channel showed stable growth in viewership and always saved face.

- It’s strange, because Korchevnikov often positions himself as a believer.

Therefore, all channel employees had the expectation that innovations would be made from the point of view of an Orthodox person. But the expectations were not met.

- Were the channel’s employees also fired on the same day?

Many employees were told that they needed to pack their things. With the arrival of Boris Korchevnikov, the channel lost a lot good specialists who were not ready to endure swearing and shouting - both in the control room and at themselves.

- And what is your forecast? What should “Spas” viewers expect?

If “fried” material is presented in such a context, nothing good will happen. Because of these scandalous and current topics in Boris Korchevnikov’s program on the channel, scandals and showdowns have already begun. Viewers write letters, complain that it has become impossible to watch the channel, and demand a change in intonation. Well, how can you invite some motorcyclists, “Hells Angels” on the air of an Orthodox channel?! Crazy house.

Release of the “Live Broadcast” of the “Spas” channel on June 26: “Bikers are gathering around MGIMO because of a student of this prestigious university who killed a motorcyclist. Major again, drunk again. And will he be punished to the fullest extent of the law?”

War veteran Nikolai Dupak came on air - so they simply brought him out during the “Live Broadcast”: he is boring, he is old, he has become uninteresting. Uncontrolled bacchanalia, aggression on a channel that should, on the contrary, call for peace, for kindness, for a different attitude towards the outside world.

But Boris Korchevnikov does only what he can. He worked for many years on the Rossiya 1 channel in the scandalous talk show Live and probably believes that this is exactly what should be said on the Spas channel - this is “joyful and free Orthodoxy.”

The Patriarchate officially announced the appointment of the “Live Broadcast” presenter as the head of the “Spas” TV channel.

Today, May 3, the press service of the Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus' issued a communiqué on the appointment of Boris Vyacheslavovich Korchevnikov as general director and general producer of the public Orthodox TV channel"Saved". As follows from the message, the appointment was made with the blessing of His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Rus'.

website called Boris Korchevnikov to congratulate him on his rapid career growth.

“I’m all busy with work, I can’t speak at all,” the head of the Spas TV channel apologized embarrassedly. — We’ll definitely talk when there is some result!

It is still unknown at what time Korchevnikov will start working in his new position. Head of the press service of the Patriarch Father Alexander Volkov, Having promised to provide details, he later declined to comment.

Evil tongues are sarcastically asking on social networks: is it worth considering the new appointment as a fact of recognition by the church of the God-pleasing talk show “Live”? After all, the essence of this program, which Boris Korchevnikov continues to host until the end of the season, is the relishing of various scandals associated with both stars and ordinary citizens, which causes understandable disgust among true believers.

However, it is known that Boris is a deeply religious, church-going person. On the Internet you can find photographs in which he is depicted in church vestments, which indicates his participation in liturgies as an assistant to the clergy.

Four years ago, a journalist filmed documentary“I Believe” for the NTV channel, where he sharply criticized recent anti-church attacks, which had a great resonance. The film was highly praised in church circles, but at the same time was criticized by some of its heroes. Thus, journalist Leonid Parfenov, who was once Korchevnikov’s mentor, said that the film reminds him of the era of the 1940s, “when students reported ‘to the right place’ about the anti-nationality of their teachers.”

Korchevnikov’s unexpected transition from the “cesspool of immorality” to the “abode of spirituality” can be considered as further confirmation of the truth of biblical parables that tell how the teachings of Christ were discovered by the most unexpected characters. In the end, even Mary Magdalene did not engage in the most pious work before she believed.

It is curious that Korchevnikov’s rival on television, Andrei Malakhov, the host of a similar show on Channel One, is also a very religious person. Malakhov on own funds built a temple in his native Apatity in the Murmansk region, donated to the restoration of other churches, he is often seen in the Orthodox chapel located right on the territory of the Ostankino television center. After all, as the Apostle Paul said: “The ways of the Lord are mysterious” (Rom. 11.33).

The fate of “Live Broadcast” remains unclear. Recently on his Instagram that the program will return to air in an updated form in the fall. While according to the site, the show is closing, members of the creative team are looking for work, and one of the first.

“Spas” is a federal television channel, part of the so-called second multiplex and occupies the 12th button in the list of channels. Owner: Moscow Patriarchate. In connection with Korchevnikov’s appointment, Boris Kostenko, who headed the channel, becomes his deputy.

It’s interesting that the channel was founded in 2005 by Russian entertainment television veteran Ivan Demidov, so Boris Korchevnikov’s unexpected career leap is to some extent historically determined.

Today the media reported that TV presenter Boris Korchevnikov received new position. This was announced by the general director of the Orthodox TV channel “Spas” Boris Kostenko. According to the man, this should happen soon. Specific dates for when Korchevnikov will take up his duties and head the channel have not yet been announced. The founder of Spas, Patriarch Kirill, as Kostenko noted, approved the showman’s candidacy.

"StarHit" asked for more detailed information to a representative of the VGTRK television channel. “We do not comment on this news,” said press attache Maxim Kranin.

We also note that at the moment Boris Korchevnikov continues to work in the “Live Broadcast” show. Fans of the presenter are waiting for an official statement from representatives of the channel and the program, which would clarify the situation with his alleged departure. “StarHit” got through to Boris Korchevnikov, but he refused to comment, citing the fact that he was busy filming.

“This decision was made by the founder of the channel. We have known Boris Korchevnikov for a long time; most likely, I will become his deputy, and he will begin this work in May. I can’t say anything about whether he will remain on the Rossiya 1 channel,” said Boris Kostenko, general director of the Orthodox TV channel Spas, to StarHit.

Previously, the media actively circulated information that Boris Korchevnikov decided to leave the “Live Broadcast” program. The showman himself and representatives of the channel refrained from commenting on the data that appeared on the Internet. It was also stated that Dmitry Shepelev would take his colleague’s place. Specific dates were also mentioned - it was said that personnel changes would take place this spring.

After information appeared in the press that Shepelev would replace Korchevnikov, lively discussions. Boris's fans could not believe that he was leaving the program beloved by many. Some of them suggested that Korchevnikov decided to suspend filming due to health problems. However, the showman’s representative did not confirm these speculations.

Let us also add that Boris Korchevnikov is a believer. In his microblog, the presenter regularly shares publications that reflect his worldview. So, in February of this year, Boris announced that he had expanded his collection of icons. “A new saint came to my home. Martyr Abraham... This rich and very successful businessman was not Russian, he converted to Orthodoxy and was not forgiven for this. And my connection with him is this: I ended up in Bulgar almost 800 years after his death. In a cozy wooden church named after him far from the regional centers, I recognized the priest there, Father Vladimir Golovin. He said a few words to me that spring. And everything fell into place in my life. And things turned out differently,” the man wrote on Instagram.

Vasily Dobrodeev, editor of the archives of the Spas TV channel, contacted Moscow clinic No. 62. According to the man, he was attacked by the general director of the channel, Boris Korchevnikov. The clash happened after Korchevnikov called Dobrodeev to his office. According to the employee, some of his colleagues were also there. According to Dobrodeev, threats from Korchevnikov “fell out right from the door,” after which Vasily tried to leave the office, but the general director suddenly began to beat him. Dobrodeev still managed to escape, after which he went to the clinic and was caught on CCTV cameras there. Doctors diagnosed him with a chest contusion.


After the doctors, the victim went to the police, where an officer drew up a report based on his words. Dobrodeev refused to write a statement, “motivating that he needed to talk to a lawyer,” the report says.


What exactly started the conflict is unknown. Korchevnikov himself has not yet commented on this news, but he has spoken out editor-in-chief"Spas" Andrey Bagrov. He said that “everyone on the TV channel is laughing at this news” because it is not true. Bagrov considers it symbolic that the “stuffing” coincided with the successes of Spas. With the arrival new team The number of subscribers on social networks is growing; in January, the channel’s viewership grew by 100%, said the editor-in-chief. According to him, the audience responds to the channel's philosophy.

Nothing but laughter, she (this news. - R units) can’t call, and now all the channel’s employees are laughing and, I think, all those who know Boris at least a little,” Bagrov said. - The channel’s audience responds to its philosophy. It is in the simple gospel line “Rejoice always.” This is what we are doing today, responding to this and other similar publications.

Actor Stas Sadalsky also spoke out about this story. He does not believe that the “subtle Korchevnikov beat up” Dobrodeev (spelling and punctuation preserved):

IN THE NEWS - The general director of the Russian TV channel "Spas" Boris Korchevnikov was accused of beating one of the employees, Stas Sadalsky noted on his Instagram page. - And I'm like Orthodox man I am amazed to see what is happening to Orthodoxy. Who will believe that the slender Korchevnikov “BEATED” (?) his subordinate?))))) Again advertising a rotten channel?!

Boris Korchevnikov was born on July 20, 1982 - famous TV presenter and general director of the Spas channel. In his youth, Korchevnikov had to choose between acting and journalism: he studied in Tabakov’s studio and played many children’s roles. Then he entered the Moscow Art Theater School-Studio, acting, and at the same time the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University. Korchevnikov chose journalism - having received his diploma, he worked for RTR and NTV.

In the thirteen years that have passed since graduating from the journalism department, he has risen to the rank of general director and general producer of the Orthodox channel, received the “New Name in Journalism” award and two “Tefi” awards - a more than impressive career. At the beginning of the 2000s, when the situation on the channels changed dramatically, the former masters lost their positions and new rules of the game came into force, many young people quickly took off on television. But Korchevnikov is different from them: firstly, he is truly talented. Secondly, most of these characters clearly know the boundaries of what is permitted and do not cross them, and Boris often gets into scandalous stories.

It was not by chance that Korchevnikov became the general director of the Spas TV channel. Someone considers the Orthodox faith to be their personal, intimate matter, but he carries it like a banner. Korchevnikov is a fierce opponent of those whom he considers atheists and liberals. He often talks about his path to Orthodoxy in interviews. And this story is very revealing.

Korchevnikov believed before filming the series “Kadetstvo”. He saw God’s providence in the fact that his superiors, an NTV reporter, let him go to the set for a long period. The TV presenter also became famous for something he did in 2012 public statement that his father is Jesus Christ and his mother is the Virgin Mary. And in the program “I don’t believe it!” In 2013, Boris denounced the enemies of the church, including his teacher Leonid Parfenov.

Most recently, Korchevnikov published a video where he, dressed in shorts and a T-shirt and wrapped in a Russian flag, baptized players of the Russian national team standing on the football field in front of the home TV screen. Then he pressed his palm to everyone’s forehead - this is how the general director of Spas blessed them. Apparently, Korchevnikov sincerely believed that by blessing the television picture, he was helping the football players win.

Nowadays, faith can help a career and give social weight. It is used very strange people- known, for example, calling himself Orthodox priest psychic Of course, no one compares Boris Korchevnikov and his faith with this - and yet there is something unusual in it. He flaunts it too clearly, and at the same time behaves in a non-Christian way. In 2014, television historian Zaikin claimed that on the set of a talk show, Korchevnikov pushed him off the stage, as a result of which Zaikin broke his arm. As the media wrote, in 2018, during a planning meeting, Korchevnikov beat editor Dobrodeev: in public, in his office.

Once upon a time he was a completely different person, he worked at Namedni and was considered a “Westerner.” Boris Korchevnikov was a student and colleague of Parfenov, and then moved to other positions. Nowadays, people change at the speed of light: the uncompromising Orthodox militant Enteo unexpectedly turns out to be the boyfriend and ally of Alekhina from Pussy Riot, convicted of blasphemy. You won’t be surprised if Korchevnikov again performs some kind of phantasmagoric metamorphosis. If social conditions change, he may well become an atheist: he does not seem to have a strong internal foundation.