Hot topic: Pros and cons of the profession of "psychologist". Review of opinions of professional psychologists. Profession Psychologist. Who is a Psychologist? Description of the profession

  • The advantages of being a psychologist
  • Disadvantages of being a psychologist

Profession of psychologist in modern world relevant, prestigious and popular as ever. In many educational institutions, industrial enterprises, rescue and assistance services have specialists who help troubled souls find a way out of problematic situations. Almost every university graduates psychologists - demand creates supply.

What is psychology? From ancient Greek this word is translated as “the science of the soul,” because psychological problems have long been considered spiritual wounds. Even now in our dictionary there is such a word as “mentally ill,” although we all already know that the problems of such people are embedded in the brain. Psychology studies thought and emotional processes, personality structure, ways of connecting a person with outside world, subtleties of communication and relationships, specifics of self-perception. Psychology is divided into theoretical and practical. The first is engaged in the study of normal and abnormal mental states, the second is in the correction of problems.

It is not difficult to become a psychologist today. You can go to university if the decision to help people came at a young age. If this is a mature solution, then you can leave the existing one as a base higher education and take the courses that are offered today great amount. The main thing is not to fall for the scammer’s bait: find out thoroughly about the institution and teachers, get feedback, and ask what kind of knowledge is given in these courses.

Studying to become a psychologist and becoming one are not quite the same thing. Let's start with the fact that not everyone knows thoroughly how psychologists differ from psychotherapists and psychiatrists.

Psychotherapist and psychiatrist are medical specialties that are in demand in hospitals and various medical centers. They require medical education, since doctors in this specialty must know human anatomy, prescribe medications, and be able to carry out diagnostics using various equipment.

Psychology is a humanitarian field that does not require medical education. She reveals the mechanisms mental processes and provides an understanding of the reasons for their violation. Help for patients is provided through explanatory conversations, trainings, and practices.

Where to go with a psychology degree? Of course, everyone dreams of opening their own office to earn good money from consultations. But the fact is that a private psychologist is, first of all, a name and reputation; a beginner will not be able to make a profit by renting an office and hanging advertisements on poles. Therefore, you first need to work in government structure. This:

  • kindergartens, schools, colleges, universities;
  • rehabilitation centers (teenagers, victims of domestic violence, prisoners, people with addictions, etc.);
  • rescue services (EMERCOM, ambulance service);
  • military units;
  • sports facilities.

After obtaining some practice, you can aim for the position of psychologist in a private enterprise - a factory, design bureau, IT company. Here psychologists participate in personnel selection, organize trainings, develop corporate ethics, and, of course, conduct personal conversations. They are responsible for the positive, efficient and creative attitude of the team.

Private practice is conquered by those who have been working in the field of psychological assistance for a long time, have proven themselves well and already have a small circle of private clients. Psychologists often combine work in government agencies and private practice.

The advantages of being a psychologist

1. Help people

It's nice to know that you did something important. Psychologists save people from suicide, help solve family problems, and give advice in resolving conflicts. Every life saved, family saved, or person who doesn’t fall on a slippery slope is on the account of a psychologist. And when you know that you are bringing benefit to people, you understand that your life has not been lived in vain.

2. Help yourself

Many go to study to become a psychologist in order to understand themselves and understand their own problems. According to statistics, a quarter of psychologists themselves have psychological problems. Is it good or bad? Practicing psychologists often become people prone to depression, and in in this case that's even good. Firstly, they can understand the patient like no one else, because they themselves have encountered his troubles. In addition, helping others is considered the best cure for depression. People who are aware of their importance and necessity are less likely to suffer from decadent states.

3. Experience human depth

We have penetrated the depths of the earth, dived into the ocean, soared into space, split the atom... But we still do not know ourselves thoroughly. Man is the most unexplored area of ​​science. But even the knowledge that we have is amazing. Having studied even the very basics, we understand how interesting and unforgettable it is to penetrate into the deep layers of human souls and understand them. And at the same time, the specialist will always have room for new discoveries.

Disadvantages of being a psychologist

1. Emotional burnout

During their practice, psychologists have to deal with the most terrible nightmares human psyche. They will always see someone else’s grief, they will look into their eyes, looking for sympathy and solutions to problems.

If a psychologist works in a school, then he will deal with children who are beaten by their parents, teenagers who are drug addicts and thieves, young hooligans - in general, the most problematic students. If he works in a psychological or physical rehabilitation center, he will see dozens of mutilated bodies and lives every day. The list can be continued for a long time, but the meaning is the same - the psychologist will have to see the most painful side of human nature. Will he be able to stand it? This needs to be realized and decided in advance.

2. Vest for a friend

“Oh, you’re a psychologist! Please advise what to do, I have this situation here...” Every acquaintance and semi-acquaintance, hearing that you are studying to become a psychologist or working as one, will ask for help or advice. Many people have to politely refuse and advise them to sign up for a consultation. Naturally, not everyone likes this - only people who understand are able to agree that a psychologist at least sometimes wants to take a break from the burden of other people's problems. But there are many who will be offended and consider you an evil and callous person. There's nothing you can do about it.

3. No room for error

A psychologist is not just a job. This is a vital role. A psychologist, like a politician, a judge or a teacher, must have a sparkling, crystal-clear biography. He is obliged to take care of himself, because for people he is something like a worldly priest - they open their souls to him, let him into the most hidden corners of their lives. Can a family psychologist who has three divorces under his belt work in his specialty? Will a patient with alcohol addiction trust a psychologist? “Healer, first heal yourself,” they will tell him. And really, how can you help others if you can’t help yourself?

What personal qualities does a psychologist need?

To become a psychologist, you must first of all be an altruist, since in such a profession no money can compensate for the emotional difficulties that a specialist faces. Only love for people can become a saving beacon, helping to understand why this is all being done. You need to have a lot of responsibility, because for many patients a psychologist is the only hope. You need to be stress-resistant, because clients can be different, including hostile ones. You need to be tactful and delicate, because there are touchy patients. And, what is very important - sociable. Anyone who is able to communicate for a long time and not experience emotional fatigue can become a good psychologist. If you get tired of communication, then think again - is this your thing?

The essence of the psychologist's profession is to disassemble, brick by brick, all the motives and factors that guide people's behavior. If we draw a parallel, then a psychologist is a mechanic of the human soul who understands how this whole complex and intricate device works and is able to fix it in case of problems.

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I will continue to consider currently relevant and popular professions, and the topic of today’s publication will be profession psychologist. You will get an idea of ​​who a psychologist is, what he does, how promising this profession is, what pros and cons it brings psychologist's work Thus, you will be able to conclude whether this is interesting to you, and whether it is worth considering the profession of a psychologist for yourself.

So, today the profession of psychologist is considered quite in demand, popular and, one might even say, prestigious. Moreover, in the vast expanses of the post-Soviet space, and what can we say about Western countries, where there is a full-time psychologist in almost every, even small, company. These specialists are responsible for maintaining a favorable psychological climate in the team as a whole and for psychological support for each individual employee.

What is the profession of psychologist? First, let's figure out what psychology is. The ancient Greek term “psychology” is made up of two words and literally means “the study of the soul.” That is, psychologists study the human soul and all aspects connected with it in one way or another. The work of a psychologist is to study the processes and phenomena occurring in the soul, that is, in the consciousness of a person and, on the basis of this, help him cope with difficulties, give advice and recommendations on solving some important life problems with minimal stress on the psyche.

Interestingly, there are people who still confuse a psychologist with a psychotherapist or even a psychiatrist. This is absolutely different professions: the last two relate to medicine, these are medical specialties that involve knowledge of human anatomy and helping people with medical means (medicines, examination, treatment, etc.). Psychology is not a medical specialty, but a humanitarian specialty that requires knowledge of the human psyche and helps through conversations, advice and recommendations that are in no way related to medicine.

The profession of a psychologist is interesting not only as a way to earn money, but also simply for general development, because it teaches you to better understand people, including yourself.

Knowledge of human psychology will be your strong advantage in almost any area of ​​life. Good psychologists have better chances in any matter than those who are not familiar with this science.

How to become a psychologist?

Today, training to become a psychologist is offered by a huge number of universities, and if we are talking about paid education, then becoming a psychologist is not cheap. However, such offers are only a consequence of the increased demand for this specialty.

To become a psychologist, you can get a specialized higher education, but if you have a great interest in this profession, but there is no opportunity (for example, you already have a diploma in another specialty), you can be content with some kind of training seminars and courses, of which there are also plenty now. Of course, you need to understand that when finding a job, a university diploma will carry more weight than a certificate of completion of a psychologist’s course. But even “purely for myself,” as I already wrote, at least a superficial acquaintance with psychology will certainly not be superfluous, and in this case you can even get the necessary knowledge for free - on specialized sites.

You should also understand that in order to become a good psychologist, it is not enough just to undergo training. Here, as in any profession, you need to have some kind of talent, possess certain personal qualities, which I will consider a little later, and, of course, experience.

Working as a psychologist: where to go to work?

Now let's talk about where you can go to work as a psychologist, where specialists in the field of psychology are needed. There are several main areas here:

  1. Children's and adolescent educational institutions(kindergartens, schools, institutes, others educational establishments);
  2. Rehabilitation centers(for children and adolescents, for people with disabilities, for victims of violence, people with alcohol and drug addiction, those returning from prison, etc.);
  3. Strong structure(police, Ministry of Emergency Situations, military units, etc.);
  4. Large enterprises, corporations(banks, factories, retail chains, etc.);
  5. Private practice.

The easiest way is to get a job as a psychologist in the first 2 areas - such workers are always in demand there, but in this case you won’t be able to make good money - the salaries are low. The third option is already higher paying. The fourth is even more so, and in this case the work of the psychologist differs from the traditional first options. In enterprises, psychologists often play the role of personnel selection and training specialists.

Of course, most often people want to master the profession of psychologist because of the 5th option for its application - private practice. But here everything is not so simple: hardly anyone will go for a paid consultation with a person without experience, so the best option is to first work for some company, gain experience, and then become a private psychologist. This option is not only the most promising in terms of earning money, but also probably the most interesting - the work will certainly not be ordinary and monotonous.

It often happens that professional psychologists combine private practice and work, for example, at some private or public enterprise.

Working as a psychologist: pros and cons.

Now let's look at the main pros and cons of working as a psychologist, in which, as in any business, you can find two opposite sides.

Working as a psychologist: advantages.

  1. Psychologists help people. And it is always pleasant to feel that you are bringing benefit to someone, and often quite significant. Psychologists prevent rash actions, even such serious ones as suicide, help people with family problems save their marriages, help lift a person out of depression, and resolve various kinds of problem and conflict situations. And all this very much motivates me to work as a psychologist.
  2. Psychologists help themselves. As I already said, the profession of psychologist gives many advantages to its “owner”. Because he knows better how to provide professional psychological assistance not only to others, but also to yourself, your loved ones and relatives. And these are very important skills and abilities in the modern world, which is full of conflicts and... By the way, often people who themselves suffer from psychological problems, for example, prone to depression, go to study as a psychologist.
  3. Knowledge of the human soul. Perhaps these are too strong words, however, “digging” into the minds and thoughts of other people and directing these thoughts in the right direction is always interesting. This kind of mystery, inaccessible to most others, is revealed precisely to psychologists who are able to penetrate into the very depths of the human subconscious, to see what others do not see.

Working as a psychologist: disadvantages.

  1. Emotional burnout. The work of a psychologist involves constant communication with the most different people, incl. “dysfunctional”, delving into serious and sometimes simply terrible conflict situations and problems. With all this, he must remain relatively cool-blooded, and not everyone is capable of this. Therefore, before becoming a psychologist, think: can you withstand all this every day? After all, this is how a person can gradually come to the so-called. “emotional burnout,” that is, he will lose the ability to feel. By the way, people often encounter the same problem.
  2. Huge responsibility. A psychologist is just as prohibited from making mistakes as, for example, a doctor, since a person’s life can also depend on his work, even in the most literal sense. And the work of a psychologist is often difficult, especially at first, in the absence of experience, a young specialist is not always confident in his decisions and conclusions. But he has no right to make a mistake.
  3. Constant “extracurricular work”. If you become a psychologist, be prepared for the fact that all your friends, colleagues and even unfamiliar people will start turning to you for advice: “Oh, you’re a psychologist - help me...”. And, naturally, counting on free help for humanitarian reasons. And they won’t even think that you’ve already had plenty of “help” at work, and that the services of a psychologist are actually paid.

Who is suitable for working as a psychologist?

And in conclusion, we will consider what qualities a person must have in order to become a psychologist and successfully develop in this direction. I will list the most important ones.

  • Love for people (simply necessary, without this quality you should not choose the profession of psychologist);
  • A high degree of responsibility (as I already wrote, even a human life may depend on the work of a psychologist);
  • High resistance to stress (it goes without saying that a psychologist himself should not fall into stress and give free rein to his emotions, no matter what he has to face in his work);
  • Communication skills (the work of a psychologist, first of all, is communication; the psychologist must be tactful, delicate, must be able to find mutual language with a variety of people).

It is unlikely that someone who wants to master this profession only for the sake of money and high earnings will be able to become a good psychologist. Because such people will not have good work results, a good reputation, and therefore no good income. Still, a psychologist is, first of all, a calling, a desire to help people, and earning money here is a secondary point.

Now you know what the profession of psychologist is, how to become a psychologist, what qualities you need to have for this, what the work of a psychologist consists of, what are its main pros and cons. If you are interested in this area of ​​activity, then it makes sense to study it in more detail on specialized sites.

And I have everything on this topic. I wish everyone interesting work and good earnings! See you again at !

Last update: 02/23/2015

So, you have decided to major in psychology. What exactly do you plan to do after graduation? Due to the economic downturn, competition has increased dramatically. In order to take a strong position on modern market labor, you must carefully consider the opportunities available to you and choose the area that is in greatest demand.
According to statistics, the demand for psychologists is growing faster than for non-specialists in other industries. Below are just some of the promising directions work.

1. Career guidance consultant

average salary in the USA: $46,000

Due to changing labor market conditions, many people are looking for new job- in your field or completely different. help people make career decisions using a variety of tools.

They often begin by examining the client's interests, education, professional skills and personality traits to determine the best match. They also help clients develop skills useful for employment - they mock interviews, suggest how to correctly write a resume, and what to look for when searching for vacancies. They also help clients overcome the stress associated with job loss.

2. School psychologist

Average wage in the USA: $59,440

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Just recently, people didn’t even know about the profession of a psychologist in our country. The science of psychology was represented in our country mainly by psychiatrists, whose office ordinary citizens really didn’t want to go into. Today, thanks to American TV series, psychologists have become not just popular, but sought-after specialists whose services are sought in a variety of life situations.

Just recently about profession of psychologist in our country they didn’t even know. The science of psychology was represented in our country mainly by psychiatrists, whose office ordinary citizens really didn’t want to go into. Today, thanks to American TV series, psychologists have become not just popular, but sought-after specialists whose services are sought in a variety of life situations.

From the same American TV series The work of psychologists seems to us easy and unburdensome: a cozy office, a beautiful secretary, a comfortable couch and a patient with whom the specialist is having a leisurely intimate conversation. But does reality match what we see on television? Is it really that easy for psychologists to work? We will try to talk about all this, as well as other features of this profession, in as much detail as possible within the framework of this article.

Who is a psychologist?

– a qualified specialist who studies the psyche and emotional state of a person and provides psychological assistance when psychological or everyday problems arise in the lives of each of us.

The name of the profession comes from the ancient Greek psycho (soul) and logos (knowledge). In other words, psychologists study the human soul, all its facets, states and capabilities, and based on the knowledge gained, they help us achieve spiritual harmony. The history of the profession goes back to ancient times, and the first “healers of souls” can be safely considered shamans, healers and sorcerers, who treated not so much by the “laying on of hands” as by the power of words and suggestion.

The official date of the emergence of psychology as an independent science is considered to be 1879, when the world's first psychological laboratory was opened in Leipzig. From that moment on, psychology began to actively develop, as a result of which a variety of its directions appeared: psychoanalysis, behaviorism, family psychology, pathopsycholinguistics, developmental psychology, etc.

Today, psychology covers almost all spheres of human life, and representatives of this profession help resolve almost any problem related to a person’s psycho-emotional state. Professional responsibilities of a psychologist directly depend on the specialist’s field of activity. Thus, a theoretical psychologist engages in research and conducts teaching activities, and a practicing psychologist provides direct assistance in a person’s social and personal life. For example:

  • clinical psychologist - in hospitals, rehabilitation centers or sanatoriums, corrects the altered psycho-emotional state of patients;
  • organizational psychologist – in companies and enterprises advises management on issues of increasing management and marketing efficiency;
  • legal psychologist - specializes in criminal psychology and assists law enforcement agencies in special forensic psychological laboratories;
  • child psychologist - works mainly in children's organizations (kindergartens, schools, gymnasiums, sports schools etc.) and helps children adapt to society.

In general professional responsibilities look something like this: identifying individual characteristics person, assistance in identifying the primary source of problems, finding ways to solve the problem, teaching methods of emotional self-regulation.

What personal qualities should a psychologist have?

It is not difficult to guess that since the main part psychologist's work is to communicate with patients, the specialist must be sociable, polite and friendly. In addition, carefully understand the person’s problem and advise effective options the following will help the psychologist with her decisions: personal qualities, How:

It is a mistake to think that to perform his work, a psychologist only needs to have knowledge in the field of psychology. A good specialist is also competent in such fields of knowledge as pedagogy, philosophy, sociology, natural science, philology, political science, law, history, etc.

Advantages of being a psychologist

Main advantage of being a psychologist, without a doubt, is the moral satisfaction of realizing the importance and usefulness for society. After all, a psychologist is a profession that provides real help people, and the result can often be seen “here and now”.

Let us note that feeling like someone’s “savior” is not only pleasant, but also profitable, since people are willing to pay well for help in solving their problems. Today, the average monthly income of psychologists in Russia is about 50-60 thousand rubles (and we do not take into account the income of psychologists who provide services privately).

It is not difficult to guess that psychologists have the opportunity to work not only as a full-time employee of one or another organization (and a psychology specialist today is in demand in almost all spheres of activity), but also to carry out private practice. Moreover, for this they do not need large investments, since there is no need to buy expensive equipment or rent premises with a large area.

And most importantly, a psychologist is not so much a profession as a way of life, so a specialist applies his professional knowledge and skills both in his professional activities and in his personal life. And this means that a good specialist life without problems is guaranteed (at least in psycho-emotional terms).

Disadvantages of being a psychologist

However, you should not think that the work of a psychologist consists of continuous advantages. Available from psychologist profession and disadvantages. In particular, the main difficulty for a specialist is the need to solve the client’s problems in a detached manner. That is, a psychologist cannot cross the line when the client’s problems turn into the specialist’s own problems. Otherwise, at the very a short time The psychologist is at risk of mental fatigue and emotional burnout.

A disadvantage of this profession can also be considered the fact that a novice psychologist will first have to gain practical experience working in budgetary organizations, for a fairly modest salary. Therefore, we can count on the fact that immediately after graduating from university, a young specialist will be able to achieve financial and career growth, not worth it.

It is sometimes very difficult for a psychologist to develop relationships with those close to him. And all because professional activity leaves the imprint of a “know-it-all” on specialists, and they have a desire to give advice to everyone and everything with or without any reason. Naturally, not everyone likes such active interference in their personal space, which is the background of which conflict situations arise.

Where can you get a profession as a psychologist?

Since in our country it is still sometimes mistakenly believed that a psychologist, psychiatrist and psychotherapist are different names same profession, young people who dream become a psychologist, they don’t know which university they need to enroll in.

It is important to understand that a psychiatrist and psychotherapist are medical professions whose representatives treat pathological changes or disorders of the human psyche. A psychologist deals exclusively with the state of mind and inner world a person, therefore he does not treat, but rather acts as a person who helps to see the problem from the outside and advises the most optimal ways to solve it.

In other words, to become a psychologist you need to enter not medical universities, and to the psychological faculties of specialized educational institutions. And, of course, preference should be given the best psychological universities in Russia, whose graduates have more chances for successful employment. These universities today include:

  • Moscow State University them. V.M. Lomonosov;
  • Institute of Psychology named after. L.S. Vygotsky Russian State Humanitarian University;
  • State Academic University of Humanities;
  • Russian State Social University;
  • Moscow City Psychological and Pedagogical University.

Psychologist(Ancient Greek psycho - soul; logos - knowledge), (English - psychologist) - a specialist in the field of psychology who studies the state of mind and the laws of correction of human behavior, using this knowledge to assist in resolving personal problems, adaptation to the surrounding world, improving the psychological climate in families and teams. The profession is suitable for those who are interested in biology and psychology (see choosing a profession based on interest in school subjects).

The main task of a psychologist is to help a person find harmony with himself and the world around him, to develop behavioral mechanisms that allow a person to become more creative in relation to his life, and to help identify his psychological resources.

There is a significant difference between the related professions “psychologist”, “psychotherapist” and “psychiatrist”. Psychotherapist and psychiatrist are doctors who graduated from medical schools. A psychologist receives an education in the specialty “Psychology” at the psychological faculties of specialized universities and is not a doctor. The subject of a psychologist’s activity is not a pathological disorder of the human psyche, but his state of mind and inner world.

Psychologist is one of those professions that becomes part of its carrier. When you become a psychologist, you become one forever! Watching your children, communicating with family and friends, you cannot help but use your professional knowledge and experience. Subject of study of psychology - human soul- inexhaustible. The ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle wrote in his treatise “On the Soul” that, among other knowledge, research about the soul should be given one of the first places, since “it is knowledge about the most sublime and amazing.” But even the best psychologist cannot give one hundred percent universal recipe to get rid of all problems. He looks for ways to solve the problem together with the person who needs help, helps to find the internal resources of the body. A psychologist gives a person the opportunity to look at life in general and at the problem itself from a different angle, guiding a person to the idea that our life is in our hands.

Features of the profession

The main activities of a psychologist:

Psychological diagnostics (testing) is the study of the individual characteristics of the human psyche using tests, experiments, observations and interviews.
Counseling is confidential communication between a psychologist and a client to find ways to solve problems.
Psychological training - active training in ways of emotional self-regulation, problem solving and personal growth by using psychological games and exercises followed by discussion of the results.

A psychologist is in demand in the modern world. Child psychologists work in schools and kindergartens, helping children adapt to new conditions faster and easier. A school psychologist determines the child’s readiness for school and conducts individual work with difficult children, provides career guidance to high school students, conducting various trainings.

Enterprises need a psychologist to adapt young specialists, to establish relationships in the team, to study the influence of labor factors on the human psyche, to recruit personnel, to motivate and evaluate personnel. A family psychologist advises families with problems. A sports psychologist sets the athlete up for a winning result and solves related psychological problems. A clinical psychologist works in psychiatric hospitals (helping a psychiatrist make a more accurate diagnosis and participating in individual and group psychotherapy), trust services, and rehabilitation centers, where he works as a psychotherapist with people who have suffered psychological trauma, who are confused by circumstances, the seriously ill, drug addicts, and HIV-infected people. , if necessary, involving a psychiatrist in treatment. In prison, a psychologist must help prisoners adapt to normal life after release.

Psychologists can find bright applications in politics and business.

Pros and cons of the profession

Pros of the profession:

  • interesting creative work
  • the opportunity to take part in solving real people's problems
  • the need for constant professional improvement and, in connection with this, the opportunity for personal growth
  • the ability to use professional knowledge in everyday life
  • knowledge and change of oneself, one’s attitude to the events of the surrounding world

Disadvantages of the profession:

  • mental fatigue, emotional burnout
  • Difficulties in accepting the client’s worldview and in the desire to be sure to give useful advice
  • experiencing the client's problems as one's own

Place of work

  • psychological centers
  • private psychological consulting companies
  • educational and medical institutions
  • commercial companies and non-psychological enterprises
  • helplines

Important qualities

  • high general and emotional intelligence
  • ability to listen carefully and hear people
  • tolerance
  • ability to empathize and calm
  • tact
  • responsibility
  • observation
  • emotional stability
  • optimism and self-confidence
  • creativity


The profession of a psychologist is relevant and in demand these days. The salary depends on the place of work and the responsibilities of the psychologist. The highest paying is private practice, where earnings also depend on the number of clients and consultations.

Salary as of 02/28/2019

Russia 15000—45000 ₽

Moscow 25000—120000 ₽

Training of psychologists

In this course you can obtain the profession of psychologist remotely in 3 months and 15,000 rubles:
— One of the most affordable prices in Russia;
— Diploma of professional retraining of the established form;
— Training in a completely distance format;
— Certificate of compliance with professional standards worth 10,000 rubles. For a present!
— The largest educational institution additional prof. education in Russia.

The Interregional Academy of Industrial and Construction Complex (MASPK) invites you to obtain a specialty within the framework of additional education courses. You can undergo professional retraining at MASPC in the distance learning format, while in any region of Russia and abroad. The Academy offers quality additional education and flexible prices.

Higher educational institutions with a psychology department are present in almost any city or regional center.

Career steps and prospects

Career growth opportunities mainly come down to professional improvement, which allows you to become a sought-after and highly paid specialist. You can create own business aimed at providing psychological services. In order to work at a high professional level and be constantly in demand on the labor market, fundamental education is not enough; it is necessary to regularly take additional advanced training courses and learn a variety of methods of psychological diagnostics and non-medical psychotherapy.

Famous psychologists

Famous psychologists: Wilhelm Wundt, William James, W.M., Sigmund Freud, Carl G. Jung, Wilhelm Reich, A.N. Leontiev, A.R. Luria, Eric Berne, Milton Erickson, Virginia Satir, Abraham Maslow, Viktor Frankl, Erich Fromm, Carl Rogers and others.

Psychology was formed from the foundations of such sciences as astronomy, philosophy, and occult sciences. The first representatives of “healers of souls” can be called healers, sorcerers, and shamans. The positive effect of their “treatment” occurred in to a greater extent, from the power of suggestion than from the use of medicinal agents. And only in the 18th century were the first attempts made to scientifically substantiate their influence on humans. The founder of psychology as a science is considered to be Wilhelm Wundt, who in 1879 opened the world's first psychological laboratory, where he conducted research into the phenomena of consciousness using the method of introspection. This year is considered the year of birth of psychology as a science.

About psychologists with humor

There are no mentally healthy people, there are only poorly examined people!
An optimist sees light at the end of the tunnel. A pessimist sees a train coming towards him. And only a psychologist sees two idiots sitting on the rails!
Psychologist as a true friend- this is the person who will hold your hand and feel your heart.