The apple diet is the most effective weight loss option. The apple diet is a tough, effective mono-diet.

This combination of substances actively stimulates the production of blood cells. Vitamin C stimulates collagen production and increases the elasticity of vascular walls. Thanks to it, not only does the heart work better and atherosclerosis is prevented, but also improves the skin.

Thanks to high content pectin apples are a desirable product in many diets. This substance has benefits and harms. On the one hand, pectin perfectly cleanses the intestines of toxins, reduces cholesterol, regulates the absorption of glucose and the breakdown of fats. On the other hand, it can cause stool relaxation, so if you have intestinal disorders, it is not recommended to eat a lot of apples.

The essence, principles and rules of the apple diet

This diet is carbohydrate-based, but due to pectin, apple carbohydrates are absorbed slowly. In the absence of other carbohydrates, the body quickly begins to burn fat reserves. The microelements contained in apples stimulate metabolism and accelerate metabolic processes in tissues, promoting weight loss. The principle of weight loss on the apple diet is to give up fats and fast carbohydrates. Additional energy can be obtained from a small amount of protein food in the diet.

Diet rules:

  • do not eat apples later than 19 pm;
  • the allowed amount of apples per day is no more than 1.5 kg, they must be distributed evenly over several meals;
  • refuse any other fruits;
  • Don't forget to drink 2 liters of water or green tea daily.

Which fruits to choose and in what form is best to eat?

During the diet, you can eat fresh apples, diversify the menu with applesauce from grated fruits, or bake them in the oven. When baked, the acids contained in apples are neutralized, and the fruit does not irritate the intestines, but vitamin C is destroyed. Pectin is absorbed faster from applesauce, but vitamins are better preserved in fresh fruits.

Dietary apples choose sour varieties, preferably green and with firm pulp (for example, Antonovka, Granny Smith). There is no need to peel the apples; it contains the most beneficial pectin. If, after running your fingernail across the skin, a white coating comes off the apple, it has been treated with paraffin for preservation and will not be beneficial for those losing weight.

List of permitted and prohibited products

The list of products that are allowed to supplement the apple diet depends on its type. It could be raw carrots, bran, brown rice, buckwheat, oatmeal. It is allowed to include chicken or quail eggs in the diet as a source of protein (if there is no allergy). Cottage cheese, kefir and walnuts are recommended. These products contain not only valuable protein, but also some fat to support the functioning of the body.

While following the apple diet, you will have to give up other fruits and berries, and also exclude the following foods and dishes from your diet:

  • vegetables - potatoes, pumpkin, zucchini, squash, radishes;
  • all legumes;
  • meat, fish, seafood;
  • any sweets - confectionery, baked goods, sweet store-bought curds and cheese masses, fruit yoghurts;
  • carbonated and alcoholic drinks;
  • fried, smoked, salted, pickled, canned foods.

Diet options with menu

The most popular types apple diet - these are fasting days. They are performed twice a month to cleanse the body of toxins, improve skin color, and stimulate metabolism. A one-day diet on apples and water requires you to eat 1.5 kg of apples, without limiting yourself to clean drinking water. Another option for a fasting day: prepare eight apples and the same number of walnuts. Peel the nuts and eat one of them every two hours along with an apple.

Three-day types of apple diet allow the addition of 1-2 other components to the fruit. Typically, this type of nutrition is used to cleanse the body. It also makes it possible to lose a couple of kilograms. With the carrot-apple cleansing diet, you need to eat a mixture of grated carrots and apples every 2 hours throughout the day. A kilogram of fruit and 0.5 kg of carrots are required per day. If you are very hungry, season the mixture with a tablespoon of oat bran.

The oatmeal-apple diet is designed for a week or 10 days. During this time, with strict adherence, you can count on a result of minus 10 kg. Daily menu of this diet:

  • 1st breakfast – oatmeal with water 100 g, apple;
  • 2nd breakfast – apple;
  • lunch – 100 g of oatmeal in water with prunes, an apple;
  • afternoon snack – cucumber and herb salad with a teaspoon vegetable oil 200 g;
  • dinner – oatmeal with water 100 g, apple;
  • 2 hours before bedtime – 200 ml of low-fat kefir.

Weekly options for such a diet can be kefir-, cottage cheese- and buckwheat-apple.

The most extreme, but giving impressive results, is the apple diet for losing 10 kg in a week. Its essence is to eat only apples - 1.5 kg per day, divided into 4 doses. They can be eaten raw, pureed or baked. In addition to apples, only water and green tea are allowed - at least 2 liters per day.

Apple recipes

Apple charlotte. For baking you will need 3 tablespoons each of rye and wheat bran, a spoonful of oat bran; 5 apples; 3 egg whites; 300 ml low-fat kefir; 200 ml water; a tablespoon of honey or stevia.

Mix kefir with water and add 0.5 teaspoon of soda, all bran, honey. Beat the whites into a strong foam and carefully fold into the dough. Finely chop the apples into a non-stick pan, fill with batter and bake for 40 minutes over medium heat in the oven.

Baked apples with cottage cheese. Core 3 apples to form cups. Mix 300 g of low-fat cottage cheese with raw egg, a teaspoon of honey and a pinch of vanilla. Pour the filling into the apples and bake in the oven over low heat for 30 minutes. Before serving, sprinkle with chopped walnuts.

The right way out of the diet

The apple diet provokes increased production of gastric juice. Therefore, a sharp transition after it to the usual diet is fraught with a quick return of lost kilograms due to an increase in appetite. A smart way out of this diet is to gradually replace one meal a day with other foods and dishes. On the first day, lunch apples are replaced vegetable soup, in the second - you are allowed to eat liquid porridge for breakfast, in the third - replace dinner from apples with vegetable stew.

Returning to your usual diet after the apple diet, you should try to maintain some restrictions: give up sweet baked goods, fried and smoked foods, fatty and spicy foods. This will help keep the weight achieved after the diet stable.

What to do in case of a breakdown

Breakdowns from the apple diet occur because this fruit provokes an increase in appetite. This is especially typical for strict mono-diets, when apples are not complemented by more nutritious food. If you fail, there is no need to start all over again. It will be enough to extend the diet for 1-2 days.

If you feel hungry, a one-hour walk on the fresh air. You can satisfy the desire to eat something by drinking a couple of glasses of warm water in small sips.

Apple diet for pregnant, lactating and children

The apple diet, like any restricted diet, is contraindicated for pregnant women and women breastfeeding. However, it can be used as a fasting day even during these special periods for women. Once every 2-3 weeks you are allowed to eat only apples during the day, distributing 1.5 kg of fruits over 4-6 meals. Half an hour after eating apples, it is advisable to drink 100 ml of kefir or natural yogurt.

The fasting day on apples is complemented green tea or clean water. However, the entire diet should be discussed with your doctor. For children, the apple diet is undesirable, even in milder versions. Metabolic processes in a child's body are imperfect, and even a slight restriction in fats and proteins will harm the child's health.

Contraindications and possible harm of the diet

A diet based on apples has a laxative effect and can cause diarrhea if there are a lot of them in the diet.

Advantages and disadvantages

Among the advantages of the apple diet is lowering cholesterol levels in the blood and cleansing the body of toxins due to its high pectin content. The same substance from apples will help get rid of constipation for those who suffered from intestinal problems. This is also noted useful property apple diet as a dulling of nicotine cravings. Perhaps, after spending a week on apples, someone will be able to quit smoking.

The disadvantage of the apple diet is that this fruit activates the feeling of hunger. Therefore, a mono-diet is difficult to tolerate. Due to the lack of a balanced amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in the diet, an apple diet can cause weakness and malaise. In this case, you need to stop fasting and gently return to your usual diet.

Expert opinion

Certified nutritionist. 5 years of experience.

Nutritionist advice. When following a diet on apples, you should consider:

  • if you have a duodenal ulcer, you should not eat sour apples;
  • if you have gastritis, you should not eat sweet apples;
  • in the presence of diseases affecting the cardiovascular system, it is recommended to add 30-40 g of honey per kilogram of apples.

If a mono-diet on apples is a lot of stress, you can drink soothing herbal decoctions. For example, chamomile infusion. An apple diet based on two or three products is less vulnerable to human health. Its advantage is the presence of sources of protein and complex carbohydrates, which are responsible for energy production. In addition, there is fiber important for digestion. To avoid health problems, it is not recommended to go on a diet for more than one week. It is better to have a fasting day every 7 days, when the food will consist only of apples. This is a more reliable and secure reset method excess weight.

For whom is the apple diet recommended, what are its options and what results can be achieved, see the video below.

Apple diet Anna

Apple diet rating



Variety of products

Total: Still, apple diets are quite strict, although they can bring good results. Pros: cheap and fast diet, light menu. Cons: there are contraindications, strict diet, few products, unbalanced.

2 Start your diet with caution

Autumn is the time to try losing weight with the apple diet. Fortunately, prices and an abundance of varieties allow you to make a choice. And the happy owners of their own garden plots will not suffer financially at all!

Apples are a very valuable dietary product given to us by nature. 1 medium-sized apple contains 80 calories, of which 0 grams. fat Apples contain only natural sugars, so even diabetics can eat them (preference is given to green ones). But most importantly, apples are a natural source of fiber, necessary for comfortable digestion, and iron, responsible for hematopoiesis, vitamin C and beta-carotene. Apples are a whole complex of vitamins and important microelements, so they can easily replace one of your meals - breakfast or dinner - and will give you good health.

Losing weight on apples is so popular that there are many options for apple diets. The most popular ones are discussed below, from which you can choose the one you like best. In addition to apple diets, popular fruit diets are and, they have also proven themselves well among those losing weight.

Apple diet for 7 days

As the name suggests, you have to survive a whole week solely on apples. The power supply is as follows:

1. Monday - 1 kilogram of apples.
2. Tuesday - 1.5 kg.
3. Wednesday - 2 kg.
4. Thursday - 2 kg
5. Friday - 1.5 kg.
6. Saturday - 1.5 kg.
7. Sunday - 1 kg.

The operating principle of this option is very simple. You simply cleanse your body thanks to apple fiber. This is a kind of cleansing procedure based on a gradual increase in the product eaten and its subsequent decrease so that the body does not experience severe stress.

In 7 days, 3 to 7 kg are lost. Many people manage to lose 10 kg in a week, but this maximum result and losing 10 kg in a week is dangerous! But you should not persist if on the third day of the diet your health has sharply worsened. Stop the course immediately. Even doctors talk about more harm than benefit of this option for weight loss. Before you go on this diet, you should also consult your doctor!

Apple diet 5 days for 5 kg

Losing 5 kilograms in five days is quite possible if you eat only apples. Apples should be eaten fresh. You are allowed to drink herbal and vitamin teas without sugar. The diet is very strict, so think about whether it’s worth torturing your body and yourself. The nutritional pattern for this diet is similar to the apple diet for 7 days

  1. Monday - you can eat up to 1 kg. apples
  2. On Tuesday - up to 1.5 kg of apples
  3. On Wednesday - 2 kg
  4. Thursday - going downhill - 1.5 kg of apples
  5. Friday - 1 kg of apples

If you still decide to stick with this diet, but still really want to eat, you can eat a couple of pieces of black bread with cheese.

You can start such a diet on Monday so that you can enjoy the results by the weekend. Just on the weekend you can start returning to your previous diet, BUT gradually. The first days it is better to give preference to stewed vegetables.

Apple-kefir diet

This is a diet that is more friendly to the body, since with kefir you also get proteins, so the body, in addition to cleansing, is also a little nourished. Kefir is one of the main sources of beneficial bacteria that are able to regulate the gastrointestinal tract through the normalization of intestinal microflora. Therefore, such a diet will be more beneficial for the body. The duration of the traditional kefir-apple diet is 2 – 4 days. The expediency of its use is dictated by the need to quickly get rid of a couple or three extra pounds. How to create a menu for these days? Divide your meals into 6 meals. Here are 2 options that can be alternated or repeated:

Apple-kefir diet menu:

Reception Dish first option Dish second option
Breakfasta couple of grated apples, optionally with honey1 large baked apple
Lunch1 cup low-fat kefir1 large fresh apple
Dinner2 large or 3 medium applesLow-fat cottage cheese with half a glass of low-fat kefir + a spoonful of jam
Afternoon snack200 ml. KefirMix 1 glass of kefir + 1 grated apple with crushed nuts (2 - 3 tablespoons)
Dinner2 baked applesa couple of baked apples
Before bedkefir with bifidobacteriaa glass of bifidoc or bifilife (or their equivalent)

In addition to those products that are indicated in the table, you can add a couple of spoons to a lone apple for breakfast oatmeal, but nothing else is allowed, not even tea.

Another version of the apple-kefir diet involves eating only apples and kefir. The trick is that 1.5 kg. Apples are divided into 6 doses. Half an hour after the apple snack you need to drink 100 ml. kefir This option is good because the rules allow unsweetened green tea between meals.

In this way it is possible to get rid of 2 - 3 kg, and the course can be repeated after 2 months.

It is clear that in this diet, in addition to apples, there is a place for cottage cheese. Thanks to this healthy fermented milk product, the diet will be more balanced, although it is difficult to talk about the completeness of the diet.

The duration is 3, 7 or 9 days, depending on the weight you want to lose.

In three days you lose a couple of kilograms, a week-long course, according to reviews, takes away 2 - 4 kilograms of weight, and in 9 days you can really get rid of 6 - 7 extra kg.

The apple diet is one BUT!

Apples are very popular among weight loss foods. And in the menu of many home diets they are in first place. But before you start making drastic changes to your body, be sure to find out the contraindications and consult your doctor!

If you often experience heartburn, it is also wise to abstain from the apple diet and choose a gentler method of losing weight. Or choose sweet varieties of apples, for example, Candy or White Naliv.

Exit from the apple diet

All nutritionists talk about the importance of getting out of a diet correctly. This moment is the key to long-term retention of the achieved weight. In order to prevent excess weight from returning, you need to return to your usual regime and diet gradually, starting with easily digestible foods - low-fat milk and water-based cereals, adding something new every day. So, within a week you will return to your previous diet, but the desired weight will remain.

The number of kilograms lost during the apple diet is purely individually, therefore, if you are losing weight more slowly or over a period of time you are losing less than described in the reviews, do not be discouraged, you will definitely succeed. Let it take a little longer or you will need to repeat the course.

Pros and cons of the apple diet:


  • Quite a strict diet.
  • Lack of intake of substances necessary for normal functioning into the body.
  • You should prescribe such a diet with great caution.
  • The choice of recipes for preparing apples for the diet is very limited.


  • In three to four days, the body is cleansed naturally.
  • The weight comes off quite quickly.
  • Financial costs are minimal, and the efficiency is obvious.

One last tip! It is strictly not recommended to reduce the number of foods or meals. This will be more harmful to your health than beneficial, so be patient in achieving your goal. It’s not for nothing that they say: “If you drive more quietly, you’ll go further.” When the result is important, it would be wiser not to rush. But after a couple of months, your updated photos on social media. networks will cause envy.

Advice from nutritionists about the apple diet in the video:

Sometimes it seems that one of the main problems of humanity is the fight against overweight. All you hear about are diet options and ways to lose weight. Glossy magazines and TV shows are full of headlines about all kinds of diets. Let's talk about the apple diet today.

Basic principles of the apple diet for weight loss

What are the benefits of the apple diet? Firstly, apples are a completely affordable product, and you can buy them at any time of the year. And secondly, the apple contains many minerals and trace elements necessary for the body. This diet not only helps you lose extra pounds, but also has a beneficial effect on the body and improves metabolism. People suffering from gastrointestinal disorders should introduce apples into their diet every day and sometimes have fasting days. Apples contain fructose and glucose, which saturate the body and relieve hunger. Apples help preserve youth and beauty and are in a good way prevent the occurrence of atherosclerosis and hypertension.

The essence of the apple diet is to lose extra pounds using apples or combining them with other non-calorie foods.

Contraindications for the apple diet

Like any intervention in the body, the apple diet requires prior consultation with a doctor. There are no contraindications as such. For colitis and urolithiasis, as well as a number of other diseases, baked apples should be introduced into the diet, not raw. If you have colitis and gastritis, you should not eat sour apples, only sweet ones.

Advantages and disadvantages of the apple diet for weight loss

The advantages of the apple diet include the following:

Thanks to this diet, you can get a quick effect, which is achieved in a week or even less. Since the apple contains a lot nutrients, then taking vitamins is not necessary. Also, for people who suffer from any chronic diseases, this diet is not contraindicated.

There are no particular disadvantages to the apple diet. Only that not everyone can withstand the duration of the diet. And not everyone loves apples so much, but you need to “sit” exclusively on them.

Products for the apple diet, preparation

Nutritionists today have developed many options for the apple diet. Diet in general is a complex issue and requires an individual approach; the diet is chosen depending on individual preferences, as is the preparation of products. Some people can eat apples raw, while others need to bake them.

Let's look at some types of apple diet and preparing foods for them.

Five-day apple diet.

This diet is not very strict; a person does not have to starve too much. You can use any low calorie foods along with apples. The main composition of the diet is fruits, fish, low-fat cottage cheese, yogurt, hard cheese, porridge cooked in water, muesli, carrots, water, freshly squeezed juice, dried fruit compote, and of course apples in any form (except jam) at every meal .

Fasting apple days

The easiest diet option. Actually, there are two options here. First helps to remove excess liquid from the body, cleanses and relaxes the intestines. Wash one and a half kilograms of apples and eat them within 24 hours. A third is baked in the oven, the rest is eaten raw. At the same time, other foods and even water should not be consumed. The body gets fluids from apples. This kind of fasting day will be very useful for people suffering from chronic enterocolitis and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver and gall bladder. We also take into account the variety of apples. If you have kidney disease, then fresh apples It is also necessary to bake, adding about 150 grams of sugar. Use evenly throughout the day. Pectin removes excess fluid from the body. Swelling, inflammation and pain disappear. Second diet option– a one-day diet, it has a slight choleretic and diuretic effect. You can drink plenty of fluids and eat apples as much as you want.

Apple-kefir diet

This diet is a one-day diet, used once a week. The most popular and discussed diet, which, as it turns out, is difficult to maintain. It is recommended for cleansing the body, not only for the purpose of losing weight. Also prescribed to pregnant women for toxicosis. You need to eat food regularly, every hour or every 2 hours. They eat five to six times a day strictly at certain times. Take one apple and half a glass of kefir. You can make a kefir-apple mix instead. Kefir is suitable for any fat content. Along with the main products, you can drink still water and herbal teas.

Apple express diet

This diet will be useful for hypertensive patients and will help get rid of extra pounds. And it is especially suitable for smokers who have decided to get rid of the addiction. We eat no more than 1.5 kg of apples per day, and drink no more than 1.5 liters of still water. Divide the apples into 5-6 servings and distribute them evenly throughout the day. Before eating, apples must be peeled and grated on a fine grater. This way, nutrients are better absorbed.

Apple juice diet

This diet is designed for three days. Its essence is to take freshly squeezed apple juice. We drink every two hours. We start at eight in the morning and finish at eight in the evening. The diet, however, can cause stomach upset and bloating, so it is necessary to take mild or natural laxatives (herbal teas and herbal preparations). At night we take a bath without soap. For those who want to remove sand from the kidneys, you should change your diet a little. First, we drink juice as usual, for two days. Then on the third day, half an hour after taking the juice in the morning, drink half a glass of olive oil, followed by a glass of previously diluted juice. For large kidney stones, this is strictly contraindicated.

Duration of the apple diet for weight loss

The duration of the apple diet depends on which diet option is chosen. For example, a fasting day is 1 day a week. There is a five-day and seven-day diet. But experts and nutritionists advise not to abuse it and to stay on the apple diet for no more than a week.

Apple diet menu

Five-day diet. The first, third and fifth days are the same.

Breakfast – 1 apple and 100 grams of cottage cheese.
Second breakfast - an apple and a few rye crackers.
Lunch - fruit salad of apple and orange, 100 grams of boiled fish.
Afternoon snack – apple and 100 grams of low-fat cottage cheese or yogurt.
Dinner – one or two apples and a slice hard cheese low-fat.

Second and fourth days.

Breakfast – 1 apple and 100 grams of porridge with water.
Second breakfast - grated salad of apples and carrots.
Lunch – 100 grams of boiled meat and an apple
Afternoon snack – 100 grams of yogurt or low-fat cottage cheese.
Dinner – a few small apples

Weekly diet. Menu

The first day - we eat 1 kg of raw or baked apples per day, maybe as a snack with rye bread crackers.
Second day - the diet is the same, but we already eat 2 kg of apples
The third, fourth day - everything is the same as on the second day
Fifth, sixth day – reduce apple consumption to 1.5 kg
Seventh day – 1 kg of apples

Additionally, you should take green tea and still water.

Forecast for weight loss on the apple diet

If you strictly follow the rules, the weight loss forecast is quite noticeable; you can lose 1.5 kg in a day or two. But the best results are obtained after a week-long weight loss course. You can lose six to seven kg.

Any diet is a serious stress for the body. Dietitians recommend that before starting any diet, you go through specialists and get acquainted with possible options developments of events. The main thing is not to overdo it in achieving results. Why do most experts recommend the apple diet? The product is simple, cheap, tasty. Rarely anyone is allergic to it. And it is available all year round. And the result is truly amazing. In a short period of time - up to 7 kg. At the same time, it is not possible to harm the body, since the apple is recommended even for chronically ill people. In addition to diets, apples are often used to maintain immunity and treat certain diseases. It’s not for nothing that they say that eating an apple in the morning prolongs your life. Of course, the raw product is not suitable for everyone. Many people simply don't like the taste of apple. Yes, yes, this happens too. Then you can offer another alternative option - bake an apple. What else is typical. Apple can be combined with other foods. Those who cannot tolerate apples exclusively in their diet are advised to combine an apple diet with a low-fat diet. Then you can add cottage cheese, yogurt, kefir to your diet.

A beautiful figure is often one of the main goals of a woman and a guarantee good mood, because nothing gives you self-confidence like a gorgeous reflection in the mirror. And few girls would not want to lose a couple of kilograms for greater persuasiveness. To achieve a given goal, it is usually enough to do fitness and adjust your diet. At the same time, it is already known for sure that proper nutrition means much more to losing weight than sports. Among all the variety of diets, everyone wants to choose the most balanced, tasty and uncomplicated. We invite you to pay attention to such a product as apples.

It's no secret that these are very tasty, healthy fruits, adored by many. There are many varieties of apples, and all of them, thanks to their different composition of nutrients, are useful in their own way. Any fruit is a storehouse of vitamins (especially vitamins A and C), fiber, iron and iodine that are beneficial for the intestines.

Is it possible to lose weight on apples?

Girls who decide to lose weight in this way may have doubts: how effective such a diet will be, whether it will negatively affect their well-being or appearance hair and skin. Based on the extensive experience of those who have already tried such a diet, in this article you will get the answer to this question.

Almost any diet contains these fruits. Having a low calorie content and a low glycemic index (unsweetened varieties), the apple is considered one of the best dietary foods that allows you to lose pounds without much hunger.

Evaluate the positive aspects of eating apples:

  • By eating at least one apple a day, you help your intestines function better. At the same time, metabolism certainly accelerates, extra pounds go away along with toxins, and skin and hair definitely look better;
  • apples reduce the level of bad cholesterol in the body, tone blood vessels, thereby prolonging your youth and beauty;
  • are a preventive measure for hypovitaminosis (lack of vitamins);
  • normalize blood sugar levels;
  • Containing pectin, apples help to naturally cleanse the body of toxins, eliminate constipation and have a general strengthening effect on the body.

Apples are a common fruit in our latitudes; they grow almost everywhere and under any conditions. The taste of apples is familiar to us from childhood, because people start feeding them very early. early age. Therefore, we can say that these fruits are well tolerated by us, but there are still some restrictions.

Contraindications to the apple diet

You should choose a different diet if you have the following diseases (at least one):

  • gastritis (inflammation of the gastric mucosa);
  • stomach or duodenal ulcer;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • increased acidity;
  • frequent bloating;
  • acute infectious and inflammatory diseases.

But it is worth considering that contraindications are not so categorical. For example, if you have a history of ulcers or suffer from high acidity, you should simply avoid sour apple varieties, but if you have gastritis and low acidity, on the contrary, you can treat yourself to sour green fruit. The main thing is to control their number. It is worth completely eliminating apples during an exacerbation of the disease.

Which apples to choose for your diet

Fruits that are stored for a long time inevitably lose some useful vitamins, so doctors recommend buying fresh apples, especially recently picked ones. It will be healthier to eat seasonal fruits, although not as colorful as imported ones, but with a good vitamin composition.

To prevent the diet from becoming boring with its monotony (after all, even apples can become boring), nutritionists recommend alternating different varieties. But place the main emphasis on sour varieties, because they contain less sugar and more acids, which have fat-burning properties. They also have a low glycemic index, that is, an indicator of how a particular product affects sugar levels in the body. Sour varieties include: Semerenko, Belyi Naliv, Antonovka, Granny Smith, Bessemyanka.

Examples of apple-based diets

There are two types of diets - mono- and poly-diets. Based on the name, it is clear that in the first option only one product remains in charge. In the second case, the diet is chosen more harmoniously.

Mono-diets are good for fasting days Moreover, they are usually short-lived. Apples are great for fasting days. In a day or two, these fruits will have a gentle effect and will only bring benefits.

Fasting one-day diet

This option is designed for one day, during which you need to eat one apple every two hours, washed down with half a glass of kefir.

It roughly looks like this:

  • Morning - green apple and half a glass of low-fat kefir (1%);
  • After 2 hours - the same;
  • Lunch - green apple and kefir;
  • After 2 hours - the same thing;
  • Dinner - apple and kefir;
  • 2 hours before bedtime - apple and kefir.

Water in in this case Don't limit yourself, drink plenty. This day can be repeated once every two weeks.

The next option will be more varied, but still strict.

Five-day apple diet

  • Day 1: 1 kg apples, 3 unsweetened crackers, green tea- without restrictions;
  • Day 2: 1 kg of apples, 100 g of boiled chicken, water;
  • Day 3: 1 kg of apples, 100 g of dried apricots, water;
  • Day 4: 1.5 kg of apples, green tea;
  • Day 5: 1 kg green apples, 200 g canned tuna, green tea.

This strict diet will allow you to lose 3 to 5 kg. Despite the fact that apples contain a lot of vitamins, during these 5 days you need to take a vitamin complex.

An apple diet can help you lose weight. At the same time, it is not necessary to follow any canons of diet; it is enough to eat as many seasonal apples as possible, have fun and find the figure of your dreams.

Among the extensive assortment of a wide variety of means to end excess weight through special nutrition, the apple diet for 7 days shines with a deep blush. This tasty, healthy and affordable diet effectively fights fat accumulation: you can lose up to 10 kg in a week.

How can you hit the bull's eye with apples alone - getting rid of a maximum of kilograms in seven days without harm to the body? Let's answer this question in detail.

Apple diet: principle of action, results, features and contraindications

First of all, 100 g contains only 47 kcal.

At the same time, these bulk fruits are champions in content, natural “cleaners” of the body. Pectins are long molecules. Moving through the gastrointestinal tract, they capture, bind and remove fatty deposits (including old ones), heavy metals and radionuclides.

Thus, the low-calorie apple diet is not only reduces weight, but also comprehensively cleanses body. In addition, these ruddy, green, golden fruits, inexpensive and available throughout the year, contain a wide range of biologically active substances: and, antioxidants, phytoncides, natural complexes, and.

With all the obvious advantages of an apple-based diet, it also has contraindications. Eating apples for a long time is absolutely not suitable for those who:

  • high acidity of gastric juice;
  • inflammatory processes of the digestive system were diagnosed: gastritis, ulcers, colitis, duodenitis, cholecystitis;
  • Allergic reactions to apples have been demonstrated.

During the entire week of the apple marathon, due to increased gas formation, bloating may occur in the abdomen, as well as loose stools. To remove these effects, part of the fruit diet is lightly baked and also included in the menu.

At the end of the dietary period, you must gradually, over the course of a week, switch to a normal diet.

Daily menu, weekly diet and the process of leaving the mono-diet

In a strict apple diet, each day begins with a glass of water on an empty stomach. Daily norm The fruit is divided into 5-6 servings, the last of which should be three hours before bedtime.

Every day, without restrictions, you can drink pure non-carbonated water - mineral or spring water, as well as herbal decoctions or without sugar. The only exception - the addition of 100 g of sugar for every kilogram of apples - is allowed for diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Otherwise, the apple diet is extremely simple. The weekly schedule looks like this:

Quitting the Apple Diet

On the seventh day, the body is completely cleansed, the weight has been lost as much as possible. The time has come for a gradual transition to regular dialing products. It would be good if now the “food basket” corresponds to a rational, healthy and harmonious menu.

For a smooth exit from the apple diet, small portions of liquid porridge (, or) boiled in water or low-fat milk are introduced into the first day’s diet. For breakfast and dinner, up to 150 g of such porridge is prepared. During the day, steamed vegetables will come in handy. rye bread and tea. Second breakfast and afternoon snack may consist of tea with bread crackers.

On the second day, the morning portion of porridge increases to 250 g, in the afternoon up to 100 g of low-fat protein food is added - or boiled, as well as stewed vegetables. In the evening, prepare soup with vegetable broth. Second breakfast and afternoon snack still consist of tea with bread crackers. During the remaining days of the week, the diet gradually expands completely.

Kefir-apple option and other combinations

No less simple and effective is the kefir-apple diet, which also lasts 7 days. At the same time for each of seven daily meals include one apple and half a glass fat content 1.5%. The complex effect of fruits, saturated with biologically active substances and fermented milk products, improves the intestinal microflora, not only reduces weight, but also significantly strengthens the immune system.

In addition to the apple-kefir option, apple-based diets have been developed, which additionally include a fairly wide range of low-calorie cereals and foods.

For example, the first day is designated purely apple, and on the second day a little boiled unsalted rice is added to the apples. The third day combines apples and low-fat. The fourth diversifies the apple menu by adding grated carrots. The fifth complements apples not only, but also. The sixth day repeats the original pure apple menu, and the seventh and last day becomes apple-rice.

As a rule, such options lose weight less intensively than a purely apple mono-diet.

Apple diet - reviews and results

To be honest, it is very difficult, but after three days it becomes easier. And in order not to break down, the main thing is to always remember how you want to look, don’t stop dreaming about ideal weight. I survived all 7 days only on apples and water. Lost 8 kg. Then I was afraid that I might start eating everything I saw. But no, I calmly stick to small portions, keep in shape with squats. I try not to eat after seven in the evening.


Here you need to know when to stop and take care of your body. Not everyone will be able to survive the full term on apples alone, but the result is worth it. If, of course, your stomach is in order and there is no heartburn. In a week I managed to lose 6 kg.


Apple week is difficult, I know from experience. They whet the appetite, that's for sure. I stayed on apples for 5 days and lost 5 kg.


The diet is delicious and easy! And there is an effect - in 6 days minus 5 kg! It’s good that you don’t have to worry about composing daily menu and you can eat baked apples. Great for mothers on maternity leave who don’t have enough time for themselves!


Over the winter I gained as much as 15 kilos of excess weight. I decided to gather apples - you can eat them as much as you want and they are inexpensive. To be honest, in the morning and afternoon I ate as always, well, a little less, and for dinner I only cracked apples. So without sports, 5kg was gone in 5 days. I talked to the doctor about apples in increased doses. He approved, but only advised me to brush my teeth after eating apples.


A mono-diet, even on healthy natural fruits, is quite a serious test for the gastrointestinal tract. However, for those who are constantly eager to crunch on a juicy apple, are firmly focused on results and do not have digestive problems, a seven-day apple marathon is the most suitable method of effectively combating excess weight.

How do you feel about apples and apple-based diets? How much weight do you think you can realistically lose in one exclusively “apple” week? Are there any examples of record weight loss thanks to a purely apple menu? Share your experiences, impressions and observations with us in the comments!