Calorie content of different varieties of rice. Boiled rice. Low calorie content - big benefits

“How many calories are in rice?” – lovers of sushi, pilaf, rice porridge and other dishes made from one of the most popular products on earth repeatedly ask themselves. Of course, the worldwide prevalence of this wonderful product is completely justified. Rice not only has excellent taste qualities, but also very useful. Its amazing properties are widely used in dietetics and have been highly valued since Ancient World. Today the situation has not changed at all: rice remains the favorite product of many professional nutritionists.

Rice in dietetics

For any diet, the energy value of the foods consumed is of great importance. And also the presence of vitamins and microelements in them. Before we find out, let's see what beneficial substances this product contains. So, rice is rich in vitamins H, PP, E, as well as B vitamins.

In addition, rice contains large number micro- and macroelements: potassium, sodium, phosphorus, calcium, iodine, iron.

As you can see, rice is indeed a very healthy product. And its energy value allows you to include rice dishes in the diet menu:

  • proteins – 7.5
  • fats – 2.6
  • carbohydrates – 62.3

How many calories are in boiled rice?

The calorie content of rice and its other characteristics will vary slightly depending on the type of product. Thus, wild rice is considered the most beneficial. And also, unpolished, that is, unpeeled rice. We will look at the average qualities of all types of rice.

The calorie content of cooked rice is different from the calorie content of dry grains. So, 100 grams of dry rice contains 360 kcal, and 100 grams of boiled rice contains only 116 kcal. This occurs due to the fact that the rice grains absorb water and become heavier and more voluminous. By eating rice, you will quickly feel full without risking eating a lot of calories.

Recovery after exercise

Afterwards the body needs recovery. Rice contains complex carbohydrates, which perfectly replenish glycogen stores in muscles. You just need to remember that the portion should be small and you can eat it only 1.5 - 2 hours after class. In this case, carbohydrates will not turn into fat deposits, but will contribute to the restoration of the body.

For those who want to lose weight

Now you know how many calories are in boiled rice and its vitamin composition. Thanks to these characteristics, rice is excellent for low calorie diet. Moreover, rice has the ability to remove from the body excess liquid and slags.

By using a diet for which rice is the main product, you can be sure that you will not harm your body. Losing weight with the rice diet will occur gradually, without stress and unpleasant consequences.

Fasting "rice" days

If desired, you can arrange fasting days, but not more often than once a week. These days you need to eat only boiled rice, without sauces and salt. Meals must be five times a day. At one time you need to eat a small portion of rice, in no case overeating. In addition to rice, you must drink green tea, juice and mineral water without gas. This method is an excellent way to lose weight and cleanse your body of harmful toxins.

Ways to eat rice

In dietary nutrition, rice can not only be boiled, but also soaked. To do this, you need to pour a portion of rice into an enamel or ceramic bowl and pour it over cold water. The rice should soak for four days. The water must be changed daily. Then the water is drained, and the rice can be eaten without any ingredients. This method of preparation allows you to preserve a maximum of vitamins and minerals in the product.

It is not necessary to use strict rice diets; you can try more gentle ones. There are a lot of options. The main condition for acquiring and maintaining magnificent forms and excellent health is movement!

It is difficult today to find products other than bread and potatoes that would be as popular as rice, which is present in many, including the most popular, dishes. In some eastern countries it replaces bread, and it is the constant consumption of rice that is due to the fact that in Asian countries there is less fat people. Rice groats are obtained by grinding, after which it acquires an oblong or round shape. Its calorie content depends on the shape of rice and its variety. Most often we use white rice, but it can also be brown, and such rice differs significantly in its composition and calorie content. Knowing how many calories are in rice, many people use it for weight loss, and rice is part of many diets.

Composition and beneficial properties of rice

In addition to the fact that rice dishes add uniqueness to any dish, it is also a very healthy product that contains a large amount of useful substances. Particularly noteworthy are the B vitamins, which are involved in normalizing the body’s activity and improving its protective functions; in addition, rice contains a sufficient amount of nicotinic acid or vitamin PP, which can reduce cholesterol levels. Vitamins E and H are also present in rice.

Those who are interested, first of all, in how many calories are in boiled rice, should know that rice cereal is rich in minerals, including special attention deserves potassium, which normalizes the functioning of the heart muscle and is able to remove excess water from the body. Rice is also a storehouse of such chemical elements, like phosphorus, magnesium and iron, but there is especially a lot of silicon in it. There are also other minerals, the presence of which has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the body.

Rice is recommended for consumption not only by those who are concerned about their figure, but also by people with health problems. Considering the fact that rice contains practically no sodium, but enough calcium, the latter easily neutralizes sodium salts, and this property will be appreciated by people with kidney problems and those who suffer from cardiovascular diseases. Rice, among other things, contains lecithin, which improves memory, making it useful for older people. Rice broth contains a substance that can coat the walls of the digestive tract, and this is useful for people suffering from gastritis and ulcers.

Calorie content of rice

People who are prone to obesity are interested in how many calories are in boiled rice, but this question cannot be answered definitely. This depends on many factors, but it is known for sure that when cooking, the calorie content is reduced by three times. 100 grams of dry rice contains 280-370 kcal, and the energy value of boiled rice is already 80-140 kcal per 100 grams of product, which makes it indispensable in dietary nutrition, especially considering that it is satisfying and contains huge amount carbohydrates that accumulate in muscle tissue.

The calorie content of foods depends on what we consume them with. Therefore, when asking the question how many calories are in rice porridge, you should clarify what you will eat it with. Rice is a good side dish for various dishes, and to understand, for example, how many calories are in rice with meat, you need to know the calorie content of the meat itself, and it differs depending on the type and type of meat. In schools and preschool institutions, they care about the health of children, so catering workers are required to know how many calories are in rice porridge with milk - a favorite dish of many children. Such porridge “weighs” about 100 kcal, and knowing how many calories are in rice porridge with water, which is 80 kcal per 100 grams, you can safely include such porridge in your diet.

Rice can be cooked not only with meat and milk, it goes well with vegetables, therefore, having learned how many calories are in rice boiled in water, you can calculate how many calories are in rice with vegetables. A dish that includes a standard set of vegetables, including carrots, bell pepper, onions and garlic, contains approximately 100 kcal, and this is already taking into account vegetable oil, on which vegetables were fried. Without oil, the “weight” of the dish is reduced, and it can also be considered dietary.

Nutritionists say that rice porridge for breakfast is the best option for saturating the body with a simple and natural product. Anyone who is watching their figure or wants to lose weight is interested in the far from idle question of how many calories are in rice boiled in water.

Briefly about the history of the origin of rice grains and their use in nutrition

Rice is a cereal crop that has been known to man since ancient times. Historians and archaeologists testify that rice was cultivated in the East as early as 2500-3000 BC. In European countries, this culture appeared only two or three centuries ago. Today, rice cereal is popular all over the world. Among the peoples of Central and East Asia, rice is considered the main food, similar to bread for our compatriots. More than half of the planet's inhabitants love and appreciate this cereal, preparing soups and main dishes from it, delicious desserts and alcoholic drinks. In Italy, for example, rice today successfully competes with traditional pasta.

Thanks to the results of numerous studies, which revealed how many calories are in rice different varieties, boiled in water, nutritionists have received scientific evidence of the advisability of including this product in the menu of people prone to obesity. Modern chefs consider boiled rice one of the most preferred components of a variety of dishes and side dishes in the diet. ordinary person. It is also widely used in diets for weight loss and menus for fasting days. It is known that rice goes well with any food: meat and fish, seafood and a wide variety of vegetables. It is also good in combination with sauces: hot, sour, salty or sweet.

Different varieties of rice

Popular cereal crops are classified according to the shape of the grain into:

  • round-grained;
  • medium-grained;
  • long grain.

In addition, rice may differ in processing methods. There is white rice, clear parboiled rice and brown diet variety. In polished and milled rice, the starch content reaches 73-75%.

White rice is one of the most popular side dishes that looks great and tastes great. However, in terms of the content of vitamins and minerals, it is noticeably inferior to the steamed and brown variety. Rice varieties also depend on the growing region with tropical and subtropical climates.

Calorie table for different varieties of rice from domestic producers

Energy value of rice: how many calories are in 100 grams of processed cereal
Number Rice varieties Kilocalories per 100 g of product
1 "Fair Platinum": unpolished brown and wild 311
2 "Fair Platinum": Four Rice 337
3 “Optimum” round- and long-grain ground 321
4 “Optimum” long-grain steamed 330
5 “Divnitsa” long-grain and round-grain polished 323
6 “Divnitsa” steamed long grain 348
7 “Uvelka” round- and long-grain polished, as well as long-grain steamed 330
8 "Mistral" brown long grain 341
9 "Mistral" Aquatica wild 357
10 "Mistral" round grain 355
11 "Mistral" steamed 330

The calorie content of dry rice from a particular manufacturer can always be found on the product packaging. These numbers are the basis for calculating the energy value of a side dish or boiled rice as a component of a prepared dish.

Benefits of rice

Rice grains are a rich source of carbohydrates, which help quickly saturate the body with energy and maintain a feeling of fullness for a long time. At the same time, the amount of fat and protein in this cereal is negligible. Therefore, when developing diet menu Experts prefer boiled rice as a base. During cooking delicious dish preserved in grains maximum quantity useful microelements.

In addition, during the cooking process, the cereal absorbs a large amount of water and swells, tripling in size. As a result, the finished dish with boiled rice has a low calorie content. Let's compare how many calories are in dry rice (100 g):

  • white - 344-345 kcal;
  • brown - 330 kcal;
  • wild - 300 kcal.

And let’s calculate the energy value of boiled cereal in water:

  • white - 115 kcal;
  • brown - 110 kcal;
  • wild - 100 kcal.

At the same time, rice is rich in B vitamins, which regulate metabolic processes in the body. In addition, these vital substances:

  • Improve functioning nervous system(reduce anxiety and fatigue, help fight stress and normalize sleep, improve mood).
  • Effectively block free radicals, rejuvenating the body, promoting the renewal of skin cells, nails and hair.

Vitamin PP, which is found in rice grains, helps strengthen blood vessels and reduces blood glucose and cholesterol levels. Vitamins A and E are powerful antioxidants that slow down the aging of the body and prevent the formation of cancer cells. Biotin (vitamin H) helps cope with post-stress conditions. Vitamin B4 (choline) improves mental activity, promotes cell growth and burning of fat reserves. Plant fibers effectively cleanse the body and stimulate digestion. Proteins serve building material for the formation of all muscles, cells, hormones and enzymes.

When counting the calories of a finished dish

When boiled rice is cooked in water, its energy value is noticeably reduced. Therefore, the numbers indicated on the product packaging and calculated per 100 g of dry cereal must be divided by 3.

This is due to the amount of liquid, as well as the presence or absence of additional ingredients in the dish: milk, honey, butter, sugar and others. For example, for 100 g:

  • calorie content of crumbly white rice, boiled in water, is 115-116 kcal (345:3);
  • Rice porridge in liquid form - only 78 kcal.

Boiled with milk? This figure will differ significantly from previous values, reaching 97-100 kcal per 100 g of finished dish. If you cook brown rice in water, its energy value will be 85-88 kcal, and brown cereal can give the body 110 kcal.

About brown rice

This variety is more expensive than its white counterpart, but it is much healthier. Its main advantage is low calorie content, which is significantly less than other types of cereals. It contains a higher volume of plant fibers, minerals and vitamins. Insoluble fiber, which is rich in brown rice, prevents constipation and generally improves bowel function, and also helps cleanse the body of toxins.

Gamma-oryzanol is a substance found in unpolished rice grains. It lowers cholesterol levels in the blood, removes excess cholesterol and prevents its absorption from food. The taste of brown rice differs from processed grains, since this grain is slightly tougher in its properties and it cooks twice as long (about half an hour). Dry brown rice contains only 250-260 kcal (per 100 g of product), therefore, when calculating how many calories are in 100 boiled brown rice, you need to divide these numbers by 3. Thus, 100 g of this porridge will contain about 80-85 kcal.

Brown rice

Nutritionists recommend that anyone who decides to shape their figure include brown rice, which is more reminiscent of a wild grain, in their diet. It has a rougher taste than highly refined white varieties, making it more difficult to chew. This fact helps reduce the portion of rice that is eaten with difficulty.

The dry product contains 321 kcal, but how many calories are in cooked brown rice? This is easy to calculate by dividing 321 by 3. We get 107 kcal per 100 g of dietary porridge. It has a high content of fiber, amino acids, vitamins and minerals.

Wild rice

The delicate nutty taste of the grains of this variety of popular cereal was liked by many people who are losing weight. Wild rice can be cooked alone or in combination with its brown cousin. In this case, you can calculate how many calories are in rice (water) cooked from two varieties by determining each of them separately, and then summing up the final results of the energy value of the two products. In other words, we take the caloric value of dry wild rice per 100 g and divide by 3 - this will be the energy value of 100 grams of finished cooked rice. We do the same with the brown variety. When mixing two types of product in half, add the results obtained. Wild rice contains few calories, but is rich in fiber and vegetable protein. In addition, it contains many useful substances.

Wild rice is a source of vitamins B1 and B3, B5 and B6, K and E, biotin and folic acid, as well as iodine, potassium and calcium, magnesium and selenium, manganese and phosphorus, copper and zinc. When calculating how many calories are in rice boiled in water, you should pay attention not only to its dietary benefits. The content of the amino acid tryptophan in wild rice, an essential natural antidepressant, improves mood and helps fight insomnia, PMS and irritability. These frequent companions of improper weight loss can be avoided if you periodically treat yourself to a cup of wild boiled rice.

Attention, additives!

In the process of losing weight, nutritionists advise people who are prone to obesity to include low-calorie boiled rice cooked in water in their diet. In this case, it is better to avoid adding sugar, butter (and in some cases even milk) to the dish. But the taste of such food is too poor, so it is improved by using a pinch of ground cinnamon or 25-30 g of fresh berries, two or three chopped prunes or a teaspoon of honey. Such ingredients will not increase the calorie content of breakfast too much (by only 25 kcal), but they will bring pleasure, saturate the body with useful substances, and improve metabolism. With them, fresh rice porridge will seem tasty and sweet. To calculate how many calories are in boiled rice with additives, you need to divide the calorie content of 100 g of dry grains by 3, then multiply this figure by 1.5 or 2 (if the serving is 150 g or 200 g). In conclusion, you need to slightly increase the result due to the calorie content of the additive, which will help improve the taste of the dish, as well as create a great mood.

Brown rice is an ancient cereal crop. This cereal is very popular in eastern countries, where it is consumed every day, due to its excellent balanced composition, thanks to which the brown variety is considered one of the best low-calorie cereals. It is worth taking a closer look at the benefits, composition and calorie content of this wonderful product.

Benefits and contraindications

Brown and white rice are essentially the same product, but processed. different methods. The brown variety undergoes fewer treatments; during production, only the grains are cleaned from the upper yellowish skin. But the bran shell is left intact, which is why the grains of this variety have brown tint and elongated shape. The brown variety has an interesting nutty flavor and aroma. In our country, brown rice is not as popular as white rice.

However, in Asian countries this product is famous for its many beneficial properties and is one of the main dishes in the daily diet of every family.

The brown variety has the following beneficial properties:

  • Regular consumption of this type of cereal can significantly reduce blood cholesterol levels;
  • favors proper operation gastrointestinal tract;
  • if necessary, cleanse the walls of the stomach and intestines, as well as rid the body of toxic substances, it is recommended to consume a small portion of brown rice daily; This product also helps get rid of constipation and severe flatulence;
  • often the brown variety is introduced into the diet of patients with diseases such as gastritis or stomach ulcers;
  • is one of the main components of the rice diet or rice fasting day;
  • cooks often use rice as a side dish for all types of meat and fish, and rice is an excellent basis for preparing porridge, pudding, salad or traditional types pilaf;

  • thanks to his unique ability brown grains absorb moisture and are used to restore hydrobalance in the human body;
  • medical studies have shown that regular consumption of brown rice improves blood circulation;
  • brown cereal may have a relaxing effect on nerve cells and brain, and therefore it is advisable to include this variety of rice in daily diet a person who is subject to constant mental stress or tends to experience nervous exhaustion;
  • helps strengthen teeth and gums, and also improves appearance skin and hair;
  • due to the significant content of vitamin A in this variety, there is a possibility of improved vision with constant use product;
  • helps restore normal sleep patterns, helps fight insomnia and irritability;
  • helps improve the functioning of the digestive organs, helps remove waste products and metabolic products from the body.

Like any product, this type of cereal tends to have a number of contraindications. First of all, this product is contraindicated for people suffering from severe bloating. In this case, it is advisable to give preference to white varieties of cereals, consuming them no more than twice every seven days. It is strongly recommended not to consume brown rice if you have difficulty urinating. Boiled cereal has a fairly powerful diuretic effect. If a person has colitis, you should also avoid this product. With a relatively low calorie content in one hundred grams of brown cereal, you should not abuse it if you have a large body weight.

Due to the fact that rice grains tend to take a long time to digest, there is a possibility of gaining extra pounds.


Do not forget that any cereal crop is a carbohydrate. However, brown rice cereal is classified as “long-lasting” and useful form carbohydrates that are completely broken down in the human body. They are perfectly processed, giving a person an energy boost and not settling as fat deposits. In turn, this variety of rice is rich in vegetable protein, which is a building material for muscle fibers.

It is worth dwelling in more detail on the equally important components of the composition of the brown variety.

  • Dietary fiber, often referred to simply as fiber. The content of dietary fiber in brown rice cereal is low, only three grams per two hundred grams of cereal. However, in comparison with white varieties of rice, which contain only one gram of fiber per two hundred grams of cereal, it is better to give preference to eating brown rice. When boiling brown rice in water, there will be relatively few calories in the dish, which is due to the presence of coarse dietary fiber.
  • The full complex of B vitamins has made brown rice incredibly popular in eastern countries. One serving of this product can almost completely cover daily requirement human body in these elements. However, heat-treated rice grains reduce the content of these useful vitamins five times. In other words, their concentration is much lower in cooked rice than in raw rice.
  • The content of metals necessary for the body also brings this product to a leading position in the number of useful elements in the composition. Brown rice grains are a rich source of copper, zinc, manganese, magnesium and iron. The composition also contains a small amount of sodium, a rather rare metal found in food products. That's how chemical composition product.
  • The presence of phosphorus, selenium and iodine in brown rice allows this product to be used as a prophylactic for thyroid disease.

By consuming 50–70 grams of cooked brown rice, you can cover your body's daily needs for these elements.

Calorie content, dietary fat and glycemic index

The low calorie content of brown rice makes this product a favorite of everyone who is actively fighting against extra pounds. The calorie content of one hundred grams of brown rice cereal is approximately three hundred and thirty kilocalories. And in in this case We are talking about a dry product. But one hundred grams of boiled brown rice already contains one hundred and ten kilocalories. Such a strong decrease in the energy value of rice cereals is explained by the pre-treatment that the cereal undergoes before cooking. It is no secret that, regardless of the variety, it is advisable to wash rice cereals in cool water several times, which helps remove starch and adhesive, which is also called gluten.

It is these two elements that add energy value to rice cereal in the form of kilocalories.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the nutritional value of this variety. This information will be useful to everyone, especially those who are interested in consuming exclusively low calorie foods. The main part of brown rice cereal, as mentioned earlier, is occupied by complex carbohydrates, about seventy-four percent. The protein content per 100 grams is quite significant when compared to the rest cereal crops, about twenty-four percent. Fats in brown rice occupy the smallest part - only two percent. By the way, even a small percentage of fats in the brown variety are presented in the form of healthy oils that have a beneficial effect on the human body.

First, we need to remind you what the glycemic index is. Without delving deeply into medical terminology, the glycemic index or GI is an indicator indicating the difference in the level of sugar in the blood vessels after any food. Sugar, starch and glucose have a value of 100 units. And raw cabbage will be marked at approximately ten units. It is worth comparing the two main varieties of rice grains - white and brown. The glycemic index of white rice is eighty-five units. While the glycemic index of brown rice groats varies from forty-five to fifty units. Consequently, eating brown rice increases blood sugar levels by half as much as white varieties. In this regard, white rice grains are usually classified as an unhealthy, fast group of carbohydrates, and brown rice, on the contrary, is a slow and healthy group of carbohydrates.

Counting calories in different dishes

The calorie content of one hundred grams of cooked brown variety can differ significantly from one hundred grams of the raw product. This is due to the active absorption of water by the grains during the cooking process, which contributes to an increase in weight. It is also necessary to take into account the added ingredients, for example, salt, a spoonful of butter, a handful of raisins and the fat content of the milk. Salt is the only ingredient from the above that does not increase the calorie content of the finished dish. While one hundred grams of butter can increase the energy value of boiled brown rice by seven hundred and forty-eight calories.

People tend to ignore the fact that extra ingredients add several calories to a dish. Do not forget about this, as this can lead to gaining extra pounds. Raisins, which are often added when preparing pilaf, will increase the calorie content of the dish by two hundred and sixty-four calories (per one hundred grams). One teaspoon of granulated sugar contains sixteen calories. As for milk, there is no clear answer. Its calorie content will depend on the fat content in its composition. For example, the calorie content of brown rice with milk, the fat content of which is two and a half percent, without adding any additional ingredients, will be approximately one hundred and ten calories per hundred grams of the finished dish.

The brown variety prepared using a double boiler has a higher energy value when compared to the boiled variety - one hundred and fifty-five calories per one hundred grams of dish. Boiled brown rice becomes healthier when added stewed vegetables, such as sweet peppers, carrots, green peas and corn. Boiled vegetables do not greatly change the calorie content of the dish, and, as a rule, boiled rice with vegetables contains no more than one hundred and eighteen calories. Adding seafood to cooked brown rice is another great way to add variety to your diet without harming your figure.

For example, a dish of rice and mussels will be only 121 kcal.

See the following video about the benefits of brown rice.

Rice is a favorite product of Japanese centenarians and a healthy diet food. Find out the calorie content various types rice and also ready meals, and include them in your menu without risking your waistline.

Rice is loved and appreciated all over the world. This cereal is very nutritious and goes well with spicy, sour, sweet and salty foods. Therefore, both simple and exotic dishes are prepared from different varieties of rice: side dishes, soups, salads, desserts, etc. In addition, diets and fasting days on rice are popular. But, like any product, it contains calories, the consumption of which should be controlled to maintain slimness.

Useful properties

  1. It contains about 80% complex carbohydrates, so it must be included in the diet of those who want to lose weight. Carbohydrates tend to accumulate in muscles and provide a long-term flow of energy into muscle tissue.
  2. It contains almost no salt, so it is recommended for use by people with kidney diseases and disorders of the cardiovascular system.
  3. Potassium contained in rice neutralizes the aggressive effects of salt, which enters the body with other foods and removes its excess. This helps remove excess fluid from the body and improve metabolism.
  4. Does not contain gluten, a vegetable protein that can cause a severe allergic reaction.
  5. It is a source of B vitamins (B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B9), which stimulate the functioning of the nervous, cardiovascular, digestive and endocrine systems, and vitamins E, PP, H.
  6. Has enveloping properties. Once in the digestive system, rice gluten gently envelops the walls of the stomach and esophagus. Therefore, the product is useful for people suffering from ulcers, gastritis and high acidity.

Macro- and microelements contained in rice (per 100 g)

  • Calcium (40 mg).
  • Magnesium (116 mg).
  • Sodium (30 mg).
  • Potassium (314 mg).
  • Phosphorus (328 mg).
  • Chlorine (133 mg).
  • Sulfur (60 mg).
  • Iron (2.1 mg).
  • Zinc (1.8 mg).
  • Iodine (2.3 mcg).
  • Copper (560 mcg).
  • Manganese (3.63 mg).
  • Selenium (20 mcg).
  • Chromium (2.8 mcg).
  • Fluoride (80 mcg).
  • Molybdenum (26.7 mcg).
  • Boron (224 mcg).
  • Vanadium (400 mcg).
  • Silicon (1240 mg).
  • Cobalt (6.9 mcg).
  • Aluminum (912 mcg).
  • Nickel (51.6 mcg).

Nutritional value

100 g of rice contains 6.7 g of protein, 1.5 g of fat, 78 g of carbohydrates, 9.7 g of dietary fiber and 30 g of sodium. The calorie content of rice depends on its variety.

Energy value (per 100 g)

White. The grains undergo all stages of grinding, so they lose some of their beneficial properties (unlike unpolished grains). It is quick to prepare and most common in cooking. White rice contains 344 kcal.

Unsanded brown (brown). It is considered the most useful variety, since it is cleaned only from the upper husk, preserving all the bran and nutrients. Unpolished rice removes cholesterol, stabilizes blood circulation, improves kidney function and normalizes water balance in the body. The calorie content of brown rice is 337 kcal.

Wild. It contains almost full list proteins necessary for the human body (about 15 g of proteins per 100 g). Regular consumption of wild rice strengthens the muscular system, improves metabolic processes, and stimulates the functioning of the immune and digestive systems. Calorie content - 101 kcal.

Red. It has a low glycemic index (55), which allows it to be consumed by people suffering from diabetes mellitus. Red rice contains fiber, which improves digestion, adsorbs fats, lowers cholesterol levels in the blood and stimulates intestinal motility. In addition, it contains anthocyanins, which are powerful antioxidants. They slow down the aging process and prevent the occurrence of cancerous tumors. Calorie content of red rice is 362 kcal.

Long grain. Long-grained are those varieties of cereals whose grains reach 6 mm or more in length. Thanks to high content fiber, very beneficial for the gastrointestinal tract. The calorie content of long grain rice is 365 kcal.

Basmati. Contains fiber and amylase, which improves the functioning of the pancreas. The energy value of basmati rice is 342 kcal.

Steamed. Steaming is a technology that allows you to improve the quality characteristics of rice cereals. When steamed, vitamins and minerals from the shells are transferred to the grains, and starch is destroyed, which is why this rice becomes more crumbly. Calorie content of steamed rice is 341 kcal.

Air. Calorie content of puffed rice is 402 kcal. This good option for a hearty and healthy breakfast. Since puffed rice contains high amounts of fiber and protein, such a breakfast will provide a long-lasting feeling of fullness.

For sushi. You can prepare it yourself from round grain (for this you will need rice vinegar and nori seaweed), or buy ready-made. The calorie content of rice for sushi is 330 - 350 kcal.


The calorie content of 100 g of raw and 100 g of cooked rice differs significantly due to the fact that during cooking the grains absorb water. Accordingly, the mass increases. Thus, 100 g of boiled white rice without additives contains only 116 calories, 100 g of boiled brown rice has a calorie content of 110 calories, 100 g of boiled unpolished rice contains 125 calories, and 100 g of boiled wild rice contains only 78 calories. As a rule, salt, butter, raisins are added to rice or boiled in milk. To calculate the calorie content of supplements, consider the amount of ingredients. If this concerns milk, pay attention to its fat content. Salt will not add calories, since its energy value is zero. But a large amount of salt can cause fluid retention in the body and, as a result, stress on the kidneys and swelling. 100 g of butter contains 748 calories. By adding only 3 g of butter to a dish, you will increase its calorie content by 23 calories. If you like rice with raisins, remember: the calorie content of 100 g of raisins is 264 calories. 15 g of raisins will increase the calorie content of your dish by 40 calories, and 1 teaspoon of sugar - by 16. If you cook rice porridge in milk (2.5% fat) without additives, its calorie content will be 110 calories per 100 g.

For a couple

The energy value of steamed is slightly higher than boiled. 100g of steamed white rice contains 151 calories.

With vegetables

The energy value of rice with vegetables depends on the cooking method and ingredients. For example, the calorie content of boiled rice with stewed vegetables (sweet peppers, carrots, green peas and corn) + 2 g of vegetable oil is about 118 calories.

With seafood

Depending on the particular seafood, type of rice and additives, the calorie content of fried brown rice with seafood (mussels) + 3 g of vegetable oil is 124 calories.

Dishes (per 100 g)

Meatballs. If you are watching your figure, choose minced chicken for making meatballs. Calorie content of meatballs with rice in tomato sauce about 154 kcal.

Pumpkin porridge with rice. Pumpkin porridge is prepared with water or milk. If you cook it with milk, pay attention to its fat content. Thus, the calorie content of pumpkin porridge with milk (3.2% fat) with sugar is 120 kcal.

Chicken soup with rice. The energy value of this hot dish is only 90 kcal per 100 g.

Crab salad with rice. The calorie content of crab salad with rice increases if you add fatty mayonnaise to it (150 - 170 kcal per 100 g). If you want to make the salad less high in calories, season it with low-fat sour cream (10-15% fat content - 23-31 kcal per 20 g). The calorie content of the salad will be 135 - 150 kcal.

Stuffed cabbage rolls with meat. The calorie content of cabbage rolls with minced pork and beef and rice is 230 kcal.


Enjoys great success all over the world. Rice effectively cleanses the body of waste and toxins, removes excess fluid and improves skin condition. At the same time, it is nutritious, which leaves virtually no chance for obsessive hunger.

There are several options for the rice diet.

"2 courses"

For five days you need to eat according to the following principle:

  • Breakfast: 200 g boiled rice + 1 cucumber.
  • Second breakfast: 200 g of boiled mussels + 50 g of green peas.
  • Lunch: 200 g boiled rice + 1 tomato.
  • Afternoon snack: 150 g baked pollock + 1 sweet pepper.
  • Dinner: 170 g boiled rice + 1 cucumber.

Drink at least 2 liters daily clean water without gas.

Seven day diet

For seven days you should eat only boiled rice (without salt and oil) with fresh vegetables and herbs. The amount of vegetables should be less than the amount of rice. You should drink at least 2 liters of still water. It is recommended to drink green or mint tea (without sugar).

  • Breakfast: 250 g of boiled rice, 1 cucumber, 1 tomato.
  • Second breakfast: 2 cucumbers, green tea.
  • Lunch: 200 g boiled rice, 100 g salad (cucumbers, tomatoes, bell peppers, carrots, green peas+ 2 teaspoons olive oil).
  • Afternoon snack: 100 g boiled rice, 1 tomato.
  • Dinner: 200 g steamed rice, green tea.

Express diet “A glass of rice”

This is an effective three-day fasting option for the body. The diet should not be repeated more often than once every 15 days.

The bottom line: 200 g of rice should be boiled (or steamed), divided into portions and eaten throughout the day. If you feel very hungry, eat 1-2 apples. Every hour, try to drink 150–200 ml of clean water at room temperature. Allowed to drink green tea with lemon (no sugar).

Exit from the diet: over the next three days, consumption of rice soup with chicken broth, fresh and stewed vegetables and fruits, and boiled (baked) meat is allowed.