"Gunman" director Pierre Morel: "In preparation for the role, Sean Penn trained four hours a day." "Gunman" director Pierre Morel: "In preparation for the role, Sean Penn trained four hours a day" Crossovers on blocks

You have never been one of those actors who run around in action films with weapons at the ready, although the opportunity was there, more than once. Why did you decide to do such an experiment and what attracted you to it? "Ganman"?

IN Lately I often hear this question: will participation in this film affect my career in the future? Don't know. I really don't know. I always live in one single film, without thinking about the future, without building clever strategies. But look at me: what kind of action star am I? I'm not Harrison Ford, who managed to build his entire career on similar paintings. And it’s already a bit late to start at my age - all these action films with the participation of elderly supermen evoke strange feelings. And not only for me. You ask why, in this case, I even agreed to star in "Ganmene"? Yes, because this film is not at all like the whole stream of action that pours onto movie screens. "Ganman"- one of the rare breed of action films that I personally could watch without the slightest feeling of guilt.

Is this due to the fact that you yourself had a hand in the film's script? And by the way, what made you join the screenwriters of the film, Pete Travis and Don McPherson?

I found it very quickly mutual language With Pierre Morel (director of "Gunman". -THR), and he and I decided that my participation in working on the script would free up his time to prepare for filming. While the director was looking for locations and conducting castings, I talked with consultants who made it possible to add verisimilitude to our story. On previous projects, I came across special forces and other organizations of this kind, and I know how often filmmakers make annoying mistakes when they take on such topics without thorough preparation. And I really wanted to avoid this!

- What were your impressions of working with Idris Elba, Ray Winstone and Javier Bardem?

What answer do you want to hear? You just listed some of the best actors of our time. It was an absolute pleasure to work with them. What else can you say?

- Filming "Ganman" took place on two continents - Great Britain, Spain and South Africa. Which location would you like to return to to work on your next projects?

Barcelona is an amazing city. An ideal place to make films. Many years ago, I was already planning to film against the backdrop of Gaudi’s architectural masterpieces - it’s a pity that that project John Cassavetes never took place. It's funny that when I first read the script, I thought it was set in the suburbs of New York. I did not find any specific designations in the text and expressed my assumption to the director. "No, no and NO. No New York! - John said immediately. “This story should take place in the city that serves the best liquor.” As you understand, he meant Barcelona.

- In the credits "Ganmen" you are listed not only as a screenwriter and performer leading role, but also as a producer. For what purpose did you also take on producing duties?

I just wanted to keep everything under control and put it down from time to time Joel Silver(one of the film's producers, known for such projects as Lethal Weapon, Predator, Die Hard and The Matrix - THR) is in a bind. I feel uncomfortable when I have only responsibilities and no rights at all.

Between the actor Sean Penn and the hero of the film Jim Terrier - an international mercenary who kills people for money - there is a whole abyss. Was there anything that particularly surprised you while working on this character?

His way of thinking. My hero is a performer top class, who has undergone special training in which they teach not only how to shoot accurately, but also, most importantly, to depersonalize their target. However, as the story develops, everything becomes, of course, very personal - as usually happens in real life. Trading other people's lives for money is not my story at all. Although the feeling that work becomes something personal for you, that you become emotionally attached to it, I am very familiar with. That is why "Ganman"- not quite an ordinary action movie, in my opinion. This is a story about a very controversial man who kills very bad people. In action films with some Liam Neeson (one of the most successful was “The Hostage,” filmed by Pierre Morel. -THR) you will never see anything like it. In return, you will be offered a look at the exploits of a very decent man with a pleasant face, a melodious voice and almost two meters tall, who fights evil to save his wife and children.

The picture includes many brutal battles involving your character. I hope there were no injuries during filming?

There were a couple of minor bruises - so minor that it’s probably not worth talking about them. In this sense, I was lucky. However, by the end of working on the film I felt completely defeated, but this was the cumulative effect.

- Although "Ganman"- this is far from a comedy, in auditorium Laughter was often heard during the session. Did this surprise you? Or did you expect that some moments would seem funny?

I don't think we expected anything. But when I watched this film for the first time, I myself could not help laughing at several scenes. At the same time, I knew for sure that we didn’t put any comedic elements into it - everything was very, very serious. But none of this matters. After all, what is important is not what we wanted to say in this film, but what the audience saw in it.

- Not long ago you abandoned your rich collection of pistols, completely reconsidering your views on weapons. Doesn't it bother you that violence is demonstrated in "Ganmene" How's the fun? How does this fit with your current views?

How do you know what views I currently hold? Was it written on the Internet? (Smiles.) The problem with the quotes you read on the Internet is that they are taken out of context and slightly modified by journalists. We know that in the editors every phrase is passed through a filter called “Sellable or not.” In a word, my current attitude towards weapons does not fit into one catchy phrase. This is a conversation for a couple of hours - let's put it off until better times.

- How did you manage to lure Tony Award winner Mark Rylance to shoot this film? It's obvious that "Ganman"- also not quite in his repertoire.

About twenty years ago, I sank my teeth into Mark's ankle and began to slowly drag him to the edge of the stage. Recently I finally got it and was able to push it into the world of cinema. Time played into my hands in this case.

You started acting in films more than thirty years ago. How has your approach to acting changed over the years?

I don't consider myself an actor from God. To look decent on the screen, I long years learned the skills necessary for this profession. I learned to read the script correctly and prepare for the role, worked on internal liberation, and fought my fears. I did a great job and, to be honest, I'm very proud of myself. Over time, acting in films became easier and easier. On new project I no longer came empty-handed, but with a huge set of tools that I could use at the right time, without wasting time on preparation. I am pleased to know that now I am ready for something more - to work with the best directors, to create the most unexpected images. You know, every director has his own unique approach to work. Clint Eastwood, for example, acts as the leader of a jazz band. To build a scene, he needs each actor to enter on time, not be false, and give his best. Only then does what we call the magic of cinema appear on the screen. And others collect pictures from short fragments, and this is also an interesting approach. One actor performed well in this take, and another in this take. And step by step, like a puzzle, a worthy scene is assembled. It is very important to know your director well and share his basic principles. And then you just come to the set and get to work.

- Did you focus on any specific action films when working on "Gunman"?

At first it actually seemed to me that we would do something like "Boyhood". (Laughs.)

- It’s interesting that you mentioned this particular picture. After all "Adolescence" was considered one of the favorites for the main Oscar this year, and it was you who announced the winner in this category. After the ceremony there was a lot of talk about your joke at the expense of Iñárritu ( “Who gave this son of a bitch a green card?” - Sean Penn said before calling out "Birdman" best picture of the year. -THR). Did you think that your words might sound offensive?

What can you say about Sean Penn that hasn't already been said? He is far from the nicest person. This article is unlikely to open anyone's eyes to this selfish actor. However, it will allow you to understand that you are not alone in your negative attitude towards this person. So you should take a deep breath, forgive Hollywood for producing something like this, and laugh at what Sean Penn did in his life. After all, there is more than one reason why one might not like him.

Meeting with El Chapo

Of course, El Chapo has the blood of tens of thousands of people on his hands, but there’s nothing scary about that. Sean can easily eat tacos and drink tequila with him.

Perhaps he met El Chapo because he sympathizes with him

Penn was charged with beating Madonna and violently attacking photographers and journalists. He was sentenced to sixty days in jail for punching a film crew member in the face in 1987. He's cooled down a bit lately, thanks in large part to his Jeet Kune Do training.

He does Jeet Kune Do

Few people know what it is, but it sounds very spiritual and pompous.

He talks about his progressiveness everywhere, but he raised a son who looks like himself

Perhaps the image of the "citizen of the world" that Sean Penn promotes is just that, but behind the scenes he is still the same. His son Hopper threw a multi-story mat at the photographer who decided to take his picture. Are these words Sean teaches him?

He said former Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez was one of the most important forces on the planet

In the Internet a large number of A video of starving Venezuelans fighting for powdered milk, which the generous Chavez gave them, has received a lot of views. Chavez died in 2013 with a net worth of two billion dollars and one of the poorest and most starved countries in the world.

He propped up his biceps with his fists in the Esquire cover photo

You could just look at that photo for hours and feel the rage boiling inside you.

He calls guns "cowardly killing machines"

But at the same time, everyone saw a photograph of him walking around New Orleans with a gun in his hands. He recently melted down 65 of his barrels to create a sculpture, prompted by his new passion, Charlize Theorn. After this, Sean can talk about guns whatever he wants.

He considers his opinion authoritative in matters of diplomacy, journalism and everything in the world

In his press release after meeting with the Uruguayan president, Penn said: “Good journalism saves the world. Bad journalism destroys it. So I thank all the good journalists in this room.” And in a recent interview, he said that his article was a failure. Paradox Man... His words make my head hurt.

He called Matt and Trey ignorant drag queens

They later won nine Tony Awards with their show on Broadway.

And by the way, about transvestites

On the Internet you can find photographs of Sean Penn as a drag queen.

He called Britain a colonial, archaic and ridiculous country because of the Falkland Islands three months after he "colonized" Libya with his ideology

That's the problem, Sean: you can't hate countries for their colonialism and try to impose American democracy at the same time. This is the definition of colonialism.

He called the Academy "communist and homophilistic" when he accepted the award for best actor.

And this comes from an actor who took on a role that guaranteed him an Oscar! "I didn't expect this." Yes, sure...

"I can never get ahead because of the films I act in"

Yes, it's the movies' fault.

He's completely crazy

There's no doubt about it, he's completely crazy.

Everyone misses the young actor

Sean Penn wasn't like this when he was young, and many miss that young actor.

The script of the film is based on French novel 80's "Position for a prone shooter" by Jean-Patrick Manchette. The producers were attracted by the atmosphere of an action film in the spirit of noir. They immediately decided to call Pierre Morel as director. He worked with Luc Besson on The Transporter as cinematographer. And he became famous as a director after his debut film “District 13.” Morel's next film, "Taken," starring Liam Nissan, grossed $225 million. And now from his hands we get the dynamic, smart and exciting action game “Ganman” (“Pistol Man”), which Morel gladly spoke about in an interview with “KP” in Ukraine.”

"The plot has been stuck for 30 years"

- Pierre, what prompted you to this project?

I first read Jean-Patrick's novel in one gulp back in the early 80s. And it stuck in my head for 30 years! And three years ago, producer Joel Silver, having received the rights to film the book, invited me to become a director. And he said that Sean Penn was interested in the project. It was an offer you couldn't refuse! Sean and I then met to talk about what we liked and what we wanted to change about the story and the character of Penn's Jim Terrier. And we realized that the same things in the book are valuable to us, even if the novel belongs to an outdated world and the characters are defined by the symbols of the 80s. We both wanted to make the story more modern and Jim more realistic, so it would fit more easily into modern times.

People like Terrier actually exist: they are former special forces soldiers who become mercenaries and travel around the world.

"Both Sean and I were thinking about Javier Bardem"

- What do you think made the film “hooky”?

That it is about saving a man who is fighting tooth and nail to regain his freedom, honor and the love he has lost. Sean worked a lot on the emotional side. Having joined the project, Penn immediately sat down with the writers to deepen the character of his character and introduce details of authenticity into it. Sean trained four hours a day from the very beginning of filming! I don't think you can fool modern audiences.

- After Sean Penn agreed to participate in the project, how were the remaining actors selected?

The amazing thing is that when casting began, it turned out that Sean and I shared the same ideas. Without saying a word, we thought about Javier Bardem, Ray Winstone and Mark Rylance. And surprisingly, when they were contacted, they said yes very quickly.

- The main character played in the film rising star Italian cinema Jasmine Trinca. How did she get into your cool blockbuster?

Her character gives meaning to Jim's life - she is the basis of the emotional and plot events of the film. By the way, she is the only completely innocent character in the film.

I had previously seen Jasmine in arthouse Italian films and was amazed by her performance in the film “Darling”. Luckily, the director of Honey, Valeria Golino, is Sean's friend. So for us, the choice of Jasmine Trinca was obvious.

The action film must be American. Or Hong Kong. But not European ones - these are some kind of wrong pants. Although "Gunman" (in other words, "Shooter"), released by the French company StudioCanal, could be an exception. This action movie was directed by Pierre Morel, and Luc Besson himself gave him a pass to direct, with whom Morel made “District 13” and “Taken,” which earned $226.83 million at the global box office, including $145 million in the United States. The star of Taken was Liam Neeson, and Sean Penn stars in Strelka.

But, apparently, Besson with his screenwriting skills and production supervision is missing. In the credits of "Strelka" there is the name of the famous action movie producer Joel Silver, but this is a pure formality: Sean Penn kicked Silver out of the editing room after his first visit and he himself (together with director Morel) directed the process. And so, apparently, at all stages - the actor even took part in writing the script based on the novel by Jean-Patrick Manchette (it was already filmed in 1982). And in general, I probably supported the project with all my heart. It is known, at least, that Penn has long been looking for an opportunity to play with British theater star Mark Rylance and even adjusted the filming schedule to his schedule. And then there is Javier Bardem - also a star of the first magnitude.

Only losses

The project can clearly be considered unprofitable. The budget for “Strelka” was $40 million. At the main world film market – in the USA – the film opened in mid-March and grossed today$10.66 million. English-language criticism is devastating: review aggregator Rotten Tomatoes counted only 17% approval. The viewership rating on the same resource is also low – 36%.

And what are all these great people doing at Strelka? Are they compared to acting schools? Do they create three-dimensional characters? Not at all. Rylance appears briefly at the beginning and end (he's probably on a tight theatrical schedule after all) and gives Penn a villainous grin. Bardem plays host (most of the action takes place in Barcelona) and drinks whiskey constantly (because according to the script, his wife doesn't like him). Penn displays iron muscles and a complex expression.

His hero is a hitman who shot a minister natural resources Congo, and a few years later he returned to Africa to work in a humanitarian mission because his conscience was tormented. A typical payback plot begins with an attempt to kill Penn. Having dealt with the attackers in special forces style, he flies to Europe to find the customers. First to London to see Rylance, then to Barcelona to see Bardem. Both characters also participated in that dirty secret operation. And Bardem’s character stole Penn’s girl. It's time to return it, otherwise Bardem will become completely drunk because of her.

Tender Jasmine Trinka is the decoration of the film. In a completely literal sense. She has absolutely nothing to play with. Although, of course, I was worried: no matter how the bullet hit me, they would still shoot.

Shawn Ray is the strongest bodybuilder in the whole world. In his first year as a professional, he applied to participate in Mr. Olympia and immediately took fifth place. For ten years he managed to remain in the top five, which was a kind of record.

Shawn Ray(Shawn Ray) USA
Born: - September 9, 1965
Height: - 172 cm
Competition weight: - 93–97 kg

Shawn Ray - famous athlete, often called a genetic miracle, was born on September 9 in California.
After entering college, Sean started working out at the gym. The first victory was won by the athlete in 1983 at competitions for young men in Los Angeles. After winning the competition, Sean's career took off significantly. Yes, already in 1985 he received titles in the “Mr. America” tournaments, and a little later, “Mr. World”. The bodybuilder’s greatest achievement was 13 performances in the Mr. Olympia tournament, in 12 of which he was among the top five bodybuilders.
Shawn Ray retired from the sport in 2001., however, bodybuilding remained his main hobby. After leaving the sport, Sean tried his hand at writing several books, showed his acting in films, one of which was dedicated to himself.

Shawn Ray's workouts happen spontaneously. He never plans them, but trusts only his own instinct. When an athlete enters the gym tries to perform all the exercises to the maximum, straining your body “to failure.” Typically the exercises are performed in 4 sets., 2 of which are with light weight to warm up the muscles. And the remaining two – the weight is brought to the maximum. But don’t forget about execution (technique). Also, one of the features of performing the exercises is approaches in several sets and a moderate number of repetitions. Each muscle is pumped twice a week - it is important to remember about periodization, this was discussed in more detail. The number of repetitions in sets is approximately 8-12. However, sometimes these limits exceed - 12-25 repetitions. The main thing in Sean's training is not the duration of the classes, but the quality of the exercises performed. Shawn Ray spends a maximum of 40-50 minutes in the gym. His main motto is - Don't work long, work hard!
Well, now let’s look at the training program itself:

  • 1 day. In the morning, pump up your calf muscles as well. In the evening - , .
  • Day 2. Pump up your quadriceps in the morning. In the evening - .
  • Day 3. In the morning, pump up your calf muscles and... In the evening - .
  • Day 4 Pump in the morning. In the evening - press.
  • Day 5 Rest
  • Day 6 Start a new cycle.

You can also add . Sean usually does 20-30 minutes on the treadmill or exercise bike. By the way, it is worth noting that not only bodybuilding stars run, but also movie stars (or).

Let's introduce you basic exercises that Shawn Ray does:

  • Bench press on a special machine to work the triceps muscles. 4 sets of 12-20 repetitions;
  • Pull-downs for the head of the upper block to train the back muscles. 4 sets of 8-12 repetitions;
  • Dumbbell curls lying on an incline bench at an angle of 45 degrees. 4 sets of 12-20 repetitions;
  • Crossovers on blocks. 4 sets of 8-12 repetitions;
  • Bent-over barbell row for the back muscles. 4 sets of 8-12 repetitions;
  • Raises with dumbbells. 4 sets of 8-12 repetitions;
  • Rowing dumbbells in front of you in a standing position for the back muscles. 4 sets of 8-12 repetitions;
  • Bent-over dumbbell row with one arm. 4 sets of 8-12 reps.

You can read more about each exercise (technique + theory) in our section - " "

And the main training programs:

Exercise videos

Shawn Ray training

All exercises are shown, as well as how they are performed. At the same time, it is important to remember that it is better not for beginners to do what Sean does!

Shawn Ray. Nutrition rules

Crossovers on blocks

Head Pull

Earlier articles discussed training programs:

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Celebrity workouts

  • Phil Heath
  • Jay Cutler
  • Tom Hardy
  • Taylor Lautner
  • Dwayne Johnson
  • Arnold Schwarzenegger
  • Christian Bale
  • Jason Statham
  • Jillian Michaels
  • Gerard Butler

Phil Heath is an American professional bodybuilder. He received multiple victories in the US Championship in 2005, in 2006 in Colorado and New York, and in 2008 in the Ironman Pro. However, the most significant victory is first place in the Mr. Olympia competition 2010 and 2011.

Jay Cutler - American actor and bodybuilder. He is a four-time winner of the Mr. Olympia title. Jay also received the Grand Prix in competitions in Austria, Romania, and Holland. He is currently the only bodybuilder in IFBB history to regain the Mr. Olympia title after losing in 2008.

Tom Hardy is slowly approaching success. He starred in these famous paintings, like “Dot the i”, “ Star Trek: Retribution", "Bronson", "Inception", "Warrior", "This Means War", " The Dark Knight: Revival of a legend." This is a unique actor; from one role to another he either loses weight or gains muscle again. How does he manage to do this?

The actor of the most popular film “Twilight” is not a naturally talented guy, but he still managed to achieve significant results in a very a short time. A training program selected by personal trainers helped him with this. Don't forget about proper nutrition, too.