Aphorisms from Tom Cruise. Happy birthday, Tom Cruise!: The actor's best quotes

Today, July 3, the star of the films “Mission: Impossible,” “Vanilla Sky” and “Interview with the Vampire,” Tom Cruise, celebrates his birthday. American actor, screenwriter, director, producer, winner of several Golden Globes and other prestigious awards, turns 52 years old. While the whole world sends congratulations and wishes to Tom, remembers his most famous and successful roles, HELLO.RU decided to collect the best quotes from the famous actor.

Tom Cruise at the premiere of the film "Oblivion"

What do I want? I want a world without war. I want a world without madness. I want to see people who are okay. It seems to me that I don’t even want it that much for myself personally. I really dream that everything will be fine for everyone.

I believe in life. I know that all life comes from your heart. It doesn’t matter whether you are an actor or a director, or just a person on the street - everything goes through your heart.

Tom Cruise in his youth

The awards are great. I have been nominated many times and have won many prizes and statuettes. But my “journey” is not limited to this. If it happens, great, but if it never happens again, I won’t be too upset.

I am very demanding of myself. I want to study, I can't idle around. I like to overcome difficulties, sometimes I create them specifically for myself.

Dustin Hoffman and Tom Cruise at the 61st Academy Awards in 1989

When I was young, people tried to define me, to understand who I was. The biggest paradox was that I didn’t know it myself at the time.

To see my son play baseball and my daughter practice choir, I might even give up an Oscar.

I'm an optimist. And a perfectionist - I still want to be the best everywhere and in everything. Best Actor, friend, father and son. I want to be the most best husband so that I don’t even have anyone to compare me with.

Nicole Kidman and Tom Cruise at the 63rd Oscars in 1991

I can't do something halfway, three-quarters, nine-tenths. If I'm going to take on something, I go all the way.

I disagree with people who believe that you learn more from losing than from winning.

Tom Cruise on the set of the movie "Oblivion"

If I don't talk about my religion or if I say I don't discuss it or any of the charitable things I do, everyone says something like, "He avoids it." If I start talking about it, they write: “He preaches.”

Both at the beginning of my career and now I live by the following principles: I am never late for filming and act only in films in which I believe. I think it's a great privilege to do what you love.

Still from the film "Rain Man"

I have never acted for money. If that's all you're interested in, and the movie doesn't end up making money, what then? You will simply be left with nothing.

If you have to deal with a lot of problems, you either drown or learn to swim.

Still from the movie "Interview with the Vampire"

I respect what other people believe. What I myself believe in is finding how I can do something better. For example, become the best man, the best father or find some other ways to change yourself for a better way.

I used to get very tense because of people's increased attention, especially when they openly "stared" at me. Over time, I realized that the best thing to do is just relax. Recognition is something you need to get used to.

I would love to live with my sisters. We were very close as children. I was always surrounded by them and my mother. And I always dreamed of being a husband and father.

If you have children, then you understand that these are the main people with whom you can spend great time.

I don't care at all what you are now. Life is very changeable.

I'm not a Stanislavsky type of actor. I just want to connect with people on stage.

When you become successful in any area of ​​life, there will always be people who will not contribute to your advancement.

Tom Cruise at the premiere of "Edge of Tomorrow"

The whole trick is to give it your all.

I know that all life comes from your heart.

I can't do something half, three-quarters, nine-tenths. If I'm going to do something, I go all the way.

I need ideal woman. I will not tolerate compromises.

It is very important to make a choice and not be tempted to be skeptical.

To see my son play baseball and my daughter rehearse in choir, I might even give up an Oscar.

We have the power to make ourselves happy.

Since we live in a cynical world, it is easy to be a cynic.


I like kids. I was even a child myself once.

There is no need to restrain your enthusiasm. Just back it up with a little knowledge.

I'm an optimist by nature. I still want to be the best everywhere and in everything. The best actor, friend. Father and son. I want to be the best husband, so that there is no one to compare me with.

I like it when everyone is mine new role makes me anxious and nervous.

I really loved racing bikes.

In fact, a monkey could do this job.

I guess I'm very happy man, because I only act in the films that I want to act in.

Are you so arrogant as to believe that we are alone in this Universe?

I'm lucky because I do what I love.

I love to study and I love to live.

I always advise young actors to spare no effort.

Discussion is overrated as a means of resolving disputes.

  • I believe in life. I know that all life comes from your heart. And whether you are an actor, a director, or just a person on the street - everything is in your heart. That's what Scientology gives me - the ability to live and appreciate my life.
  • Awards are wonderful. I have been nominated many times and received many awards. But this is not the only thing I strive for.
  • I like kids. I was even a child myself once...
  • I love falling in love.
  • I knew I wanted to be an actor. I felt very comfortable on stage. I liked everything.
  • The whole trick is to give it your all. I always advise young actors to spare no effort. It's not all that difficult.
  • I usually cook the turkey, but if my mom is around, I let her do it.
  • I was 18 when I first watched Akira Kurosawa's Seven Samurai (Shichinin no Samurai). Literally thirty seconds later I realized the phenomenal nature of this picture. Years later I devoted myself to studying Bushido. This had a huge impact on me. I just admire the samurai code and samurai in general. This was one of the reasons why I wanted to make The Last Samurai.
  • Awards ceremonies and awards are just amazing. I won't say that I had enough of them. I would like more. Although if this never happens again, I won't be too upset.
  • I have a passion for knowledge. I have a passion for life.
  • I am very demanding of myself. I want to study, I can't idle around. I like to overcome difficulties, sometimes I create them specifically for myself.
  • I remember finishing school and thinking, “Well, finally. I'm glad it's all over!
  • When I was young, people tried to define me, to understand who I was. The biggest paradox is that I didn’t know it myself at the time.
  • In order to play my character, I need to form my own personal opinion about him, to understand what is real about him.
  • I believe in life. I know that life is entering your heart. And it doesn’t matter whether you are an actor or a film producer or just a passerby on the street, it enters into you. Over the course of my life, I have learned to enjoy it. rejoice simple fact its existence and every day try to give something to this world that will help it survive.
  • I like it when each new role makes me feel excited and nervous.
  • I live a very interesting life. I constantly overcome difficulties. I am ready to take on the responsibilities of fatherhood, producing, acting - I like all of it. And yet, I always liked to change and develop. I think it's in my blood.
  • I'm very interesting life. I love overcoming difficulties. I easily take on the responsibilities of a father, producer, actor - I like it. I was always changing, developing and growing. There is no limit to perfection.
  • I have never disagreed with the conclusions of psychiatrists. Even when I was not yet a Scientologist. The trick is that you don’t know the history of psychiatry, but I do.
  • I love to study and I love to live.
  • To see my son play baseball and my daughter practice choir, I might even give up an Oscar.
  • Every time I take on a new film, I tell you frankly, I don't know what to do.