Compatibility Pisces (woman) - Pisces (man). 
 Pisces and Pisces. What an ideal couple looks like: Pisces woman – Pisces man

Representatives of the Pisces sign have excellent emotional compatibility; they are very comfortable together. Alone with each other, Pisces are capable of such revelations that they consider unacceptable in communication with other people. They are tactful, kind and tolerant of human weaknesses, each of them is not afraid of rudeness or unpleasant remarks from the other. Pisces do not like to criticize and bring bad news, so they carefully avoid such situations. This is one of the difficulties of their relationship. If one sees that the other is clearly following the wrong path, is mistaken in something or trusts those whom he should not, then he is unlikely to rush to open his eyes to the truth. Most of all, fish are afraid of offending, because they themselves are very vulnerable and have suffered a lot from the rudeness of other people. Having let the situation take its course, one of the Pisces will silently watch as the second representative of this zodiac sign openly harms himself, but will not intervene under any circumstances. This is unlikely to contribute to their rapprochement, because difficult situations These people are not each other's helpers.

♓ + ♓: In a love relationship

UNDESIRABLE UNION— Representatives of the Pisces sign dream of a love that does not exist in real life. Alone with each other for the first time they will feel absolute happiness. They are not fans of casual relationships and simple flirting, so each of them will appreciate the seriousness of the other’s intentions. After some time, their opinion of each other will change significantly, and the reason for this will be false hopes and unjustified expectations.

The Pisces girl wants her lover to be strong in spirit, dominant in the relationship, but at the same time not have the habits of a tyrant, be gentle with her and not look around. If you try to imagine the earthly appearance ideal man from her dream, a representative of one of the fire signs of the zodiac will turn out to be madly in love in the first weeks after meeting, that is, a very rare and short-term phenomenon. The Pisces guy does not dominate the relationship and does not deal with the problems of his beloved. He is just there with his love and moral support. Most likely, the girl will not stop her choice on him.

A young man born under the sign of Pisces, like his beloved, is inclined to dream about the unreal. In his mind, a girl should be gentle, feminine and understanding, but at the same time not demand anything from him except love. He is not ready to become someone’s reliable shoulder, since he himself often needs support and support. The Pisces girl will disappoint him because she is not ready to accept him for who he is. His main requirement will remain unheeded, so he will soon continue his search for an ideal life partner.

♓ + ♓: Married

AVERAGE COMPATIBILITY— A Pisces woman can find happiness in this marriage only after a divorce from her previous tyrant husband. If this is the first marriage in her life, and she is still very young, then her requirements for life with her husband risk becoming mutually exclusive. She longs for a wealthy life, so he will be forced to disappear at work. At the same time, she also wants attention, which her husband cannot give her in the desired amount due to being busy. If he changes his job to a less lucrative one in order to spend more time with his family, his wife will again reproach him about his low earnings. The result will be a vicious circle.

A Pisces man often has creative pursuits that cannot guarantee material stability. At the same time, he sincerely believes that the situation is about to change in better side. With the appearance of the first family difficulties that require quick decision-making, he immediately makes it clear to his wife that there is hardly any point in relying on him. The husband begins to become noticeably nervous, does not take any specific actions, and generally hopes that the problems will resolve themselves. If his wife had not been born under the same zodiac sign, she would have dealt with all this on her own. Most often, someone helps this family, for example, older relatives.

Sexual compatibility is very high. Representatives of the Pisces sign often have fantasies that they are embarrassed to admit to their partner for fear of being ridiculed. Alone with each other, they are completely liberated and are not afraid of harsh criticism. If for some reason their marriage breaks down, ex-spouses can remain lovers for a long time.

♓ + ♓: In friendship

PERFECT PAIR- born under the sign of Pisces has every chance of becoming strong. For Pisces, an emotional connection is important, which they will find in this relationship. They perceive each other as a reflection of their own inner world, and feel that no one else will understand them so well and will not morally support them. A Pisces girl and a Pisces guy are aware of all the events in each other’s lives; if you have such friends, there is no need to keep up Personal diary and cry into the pillow.

The complexity of relationships lies in the fact that if one of them is in trouble, the other will be nearby, suffering with him, but will not help. Pisces are not capable of decisive action; they are afraid to take the initiative because they are not confident in their abilities. In any case, they do not have closer friends, even among people who readily rush to help. For fish, spiritual intimacy is more important, this is their choice.

Video: PISCES ♓ Zodiac sign

This magical union comes from castles in the air. Two dreamers meet and feelings of incredible depth arise between them. Compatibility of Pisces and Pisces signs defines a happy, harmonious relationship, decorated with all kinds of romantic surprises and serenades.

Pisces have the rare ability to empathize and support in difficult times. They are to a certain extent prone to self-sacrifice, and value this quality in each other. Moreover, they are very careful, and this feature allows them to stay afloat even in times of crisis for everyone.

The compatibility of the Pisces and Pisces signs is characterized by a common love for art: they can form an excellent creative tandem and achieve great success. In addition, seeing the world through the prism of beauty allows Pisces to always experience a feeling of bright joy, distracting from unpleasant moments. However, there is another side, which is determined by the softness and pliability of this water sign. Together they are able to both reach great heights and gain recognition from society, and sink to its very bottom. The euphoria associated with the use of drugs and alcohol is very tempting for Pisces, so you should be extremely careful and not step on a slippery slope.

Pisces are very evasive, sometimes they can be caught in a lie. This is not a reflection dark side fishy nature, but simply their desire to avoid any confrontation. Pisces are prone to altruism, and are afraid of offending someone with a careless statement, which is why they are so often silent and do not say anything. Of course, the compatibility of the signs of Pisces and Pisces determines a calm relationship, but friction also arises between them from time to time. They can be irritable and touchy, their tendency towards melancholy is not in the best possible way affects the general atmosphere in the relationship.

Their dislike of public attention has a positive effect on the union of two Pisces. Even if work activities force this representative of the water element to be the center of attention, Pisces will perceive this as a burden that must be borne. But they will not experience pleasure in these uncomfortable conditions. Thanks to such closeness and timidity, they are more open and sincere to each other.

The obvious disadvantage of such a pair is their inability to quickly accept important decisions and some immaturity. In alliance with other signs, Pisces completely surrender their lives to the power of a stronger and strong-willed partner, but here it is difficult to determine which of the two will become the leader and who will be the follower. Perhaps both partners will adapt to changing conditions, due to their slowness, without making any effort to achieve any goals. It’s good if there is a friend nearby who will push and guide his friends a little.

The union of two Pisces is quite harmonious; they are calmly happy, exploring the depths of the subconscious together and expanding the expanses of fantasy. Such relationships can last for decades.

Sexual compatibility of Pisces

These partners feel each other at the level of instincts. Their physical attraction to each other is truly fantastic, which is reinforced by their spiritual unity. Sexual compatibility between the signs of Pisces and Pisces is characterized as ideal. They dissolve so much in each other that no one in the world is able to destroy their pair. Such mutual attraction gives partners an amazing range of feelings and sensations - from hot passion to shy tenderness.

Compatibility: Pisces man - Pisces woman

A lady born under the sign of Pisces is very wise and at the same time submissive and shows gentleness towards her partner. She will easily be able to get into her arms a man born under her sign. He is impressed that she does not seek to command, unlike other representatives Zodiac circle. She will be glad to see a gentle partner nearby, with the same spiritual sensitivity that she herself possesses.

For such a relationship, it is very important not to get hung up on the daily routine. Pisces more often than others need to travel or simply change their environment. Then their feelings will not turn into heavy shackles, and they will not want to run away from each other. If they remain in an atmosphere of warm stability for a long time, they will begin to harass each other depressed mood, irritable remarks and will resort to lies to avoid open confrontation. It will be sad and sad for such an idealized relationship.

Pisces are the most mysterious and incomprehensible creatures among the other signs of the zodiac. Pisces is patronized by Neptune, the Roman god of the seas (the ancient Greeks called him Poseidon), who often mixes fiction and reality, fantasy and reality - Neptune's pets are great inventors.

Pisces were born under the water element, which is the soul of the world, and is associated with love and compassion, tenderness and sentimentality. Water Pisces flows underground and prefers to bypass obstacles rather than fight them. But underground water will overcome any obstacle, because it can penetrate and flood, conquering and conquering.

Fish are winter-spring creatures, and the February guys are different from the March ones. But one quality unites all Pisces - Neptune’s pets have a mystical understanding of life. Pisces easily penetrate people's souls and easily read thoughts; water guys are hypnotists and clairvoyants, palmists and psychics.

Two Pisces can get along well and live well in the same body of water. But Pisces sometimes become depressed - at these moments it is advisable for them to stay away from each other. In general, the forecast is good, and the stars sit comfortably on cloudy chairs to watch Pisces - the compatibility of aquatic creatures can be ideal.

 Fish Girl is a sweet and amazing creature. You can't help but like this mermaid - when Neptune's ward is born, the entire staff oohs and ahhs for a whole week. Behind her eyes, the water lady is called a witch, and many people are afraid of Pisces - her gaze bewitches and bewitches. Poor men, having seen Pisces once, lose peace for the rest of their lives - every guy dreams of taking the mysterious beauty down the aisle. The fish is created for love, but it can search for a soul mate for many years.

The water girl seems to be an inept sissy, and people are surprised when they realize that the Pisces copes well with problems without anyone's help. Neptune's pet will make a wonderful wife - Pisces will surround her husband with tenderness and care. True, sometimes an absent-minded water wife will cook soup with sugar and coffee with salt, but this is such nonsense.

The Pisces guy is sensual and dreamy, strange and incomprehensible. The Pisces man is indecisive, he doubted for a long time before being born, but when the water baby was born, the midwives fell to the floor from excess feelings. Over the years, the situation has not changed - all women, without exception, fall under the witchcraft spell of Neptune's pet.

But Pisces is not a conqueror, he has many fans, but there may be only one lady of his heart. Of course, the water boy has affairs, but even his close friends don’t know about it - the collection of women’s hearts is hidden behind seven locks. In the role of a husband, Pisces can be ideal - he will conquer his wife and be able to make her happy. Sometimes hubby Pisces can get daydreaming, and a trip for bread will turn into a week-long journey - there is nothing to worry about, the water husband forgot where he was going, and just went to visit his second cousin.


Pisces can simultaneously feel the need for communication and solitude. Nobody knows what the water guys will want in a second. Neptune's pets are susceptible to the mood of those around them, therefore, if there is even one sad person next to Pisces, Pisces themselves will burst into tears and fall into deep depression. The mood of Neptune's wards is directly related to the moon. When a new moon is born, Pisces are sad and apathetic - during this period, water guys better friend don't approach your friend. But there is also a full moon - the stars will arrange a meeting for Pisces on such a day.

Friends are aware of the peculiarities of Pisces, and when the round moon shines in the sky, Pisces are simply in great demand - aquatic creatures are welcome to see at all fashionable events. Meeting people at a disco - why not? The main thing for Pisces is to be in the same room, and then it’s a matter of technology. When the Pisces woman enters the hall, the water guy will get excited and start looking around. He will make his way through the crowds of dancers and will be dumbfounded when he sees a beautiful, amazing and mysterious beauty. A charming Pisces woman will invite a water guy to her table.

The situation got out of control, as soon as the water creatures touched each other - the equipment immediately broke down, plaster fell from the ceiling, young people began feverishly making their way to the exit, the waiters fainted, and the administrator forgot his name.


Neptune's pets didn't care about those around them - they continued to sit at the table and talked peacefully until the Ministry of Emergency Situations burst into the hall. True, there was no one to save - the Fishes cooed among the wreckage, not noticing anything or anyone. The rescuers saw a lot on their job, but when the tough guys noticed a strange glow around the water couple, they were speechless. And here is also a cheerful little boy, fluttering under the ceiling and shooting at Rybok.

Pisces were not going on any date, they had already decided everything for themselves, and realized that this meeting was not accidental. But sometimes the rules need to be followed, and the water guy called Neptune’s pet for a walk. The scattered creatures wandered outside the city, and woke up when they saw that there were no houses around, and only some dogs, or even wolves, howling.

Together the Pisces turned on their intuition, which works no worse than modern navigators, and quickly ran to the nearest hotel. The water guy tore off all the flowers in the flowerbed, burst into Rybka’s girl’s room, and handed her a bouquet. Fish guys are modest, and Cupid had to leave the club where he was having fun and pretend to be a doorman at a hotel. He brought strawberries and champagne, took a generous tip, and went back to the disco (the naughty guy decided to help the guys from the Ministry of Emergency Situations arrange their personal lives).


The Pisces woman lives in an imaginary world and dreams of a mysterious prince who will save her from the clutches of a dragon. Unfortunately, the monster was not nearby, but the water man turned out to be both a prince and a savior rolled into one. Neptune's sensual, affectionate and gentle pet surprised and amazed the beautiful Fish. The romantic water girl was beside herself with happiness, she opened herself up in the arms of the Pisces guy, and showed him what a real woman should be.

I had to buy the room for a whole month. The water creatures did not want to change anything, and enjoyed each other, occasionally breaking off for food and sleep. But, alas, Rybka is not a financial tycoon, and the money on their cards suddenly ran out. Of course, Neptune's pets could hypnotize the administrator and convince him that they had paid for the year in advance. However, honest water creatures realized that love is love, but it’s time to return to the real world.

The lovers realized that it was time to call their friends and relatives, who were probably already off their feet looking for the missing Pisces. Relatives and mutual friends attacked Neptune's pets with reproaches, but the happy Pisces only smiled and looked at each other mysteriously. Neptune's pets decided to live together. A civil marriage is not capable of destroying love, but, unfortunately, this delusion is common to all couples who are sitting in seventh heaven and are in no hurry to come down to earth.


For a couple of weeks, life together seemed like a fairytale dream to Pisces. While the Rybka woman was in charge, the water guy earned money, which on the same day he spent on gifts and various goodies. The water guys didn't even notice that there was a new moon twice, but this couldn't go on forever. So, it’s a new moon, Pisces is sitting in front of the TV and suddenly they realize that some nonsense is happening. The water girl burst into tears for no apparent reason, and Neptune’s pet began to run around the room and destroy furniture.

The poor neighbors endured it for a long time, but still called the rescue service. The same guys from the disco came to the call, they recognized Pisces, and began to find out the cause of the scandal. But Neptune’s pets couldn’t control themselves, they jumped out of the apartment and rushed in different directions. Should we wait for the full moon? Of course not, the Fishes are wise guys, they ran and ran and finally woke up. The Water man bought valerian, and the Pisces woman bought a whole box of motherwort. Neptune's pets returned home, hugged, cried and clinked glasses with a soothing infusion.

Love does not overcome such difficulties, and then Cupid also threw in a business card from a famous family psychologist - in general, Pisces learned to control themselves, and began to react more calmly to changes in the phases of the moon.


When Pisces' relatives learned about the imminent wedding, they were delighted. Finally, scattered Pisces will not need to be protected and looked after. The registrar could not come to her senses for a long time after Rybka submitted her application. Romance and love were in the air, and the woman even ran out after the water guys to admire them again.
 Here comes the wedding. First, the guests searched together for the missing bride Rybka (nobody stole her, she just got lost in the ladies' room). Then Ryba's fiance disappeared, and he was found about an hour later on the other side of the city. Finally, the newlyweds exchanged rings and everyone breathed a sigh of relief - they could have a drink.

The fish floated for a long time family nest. Neptune's pets love to swim in the bath, and of course, because of this, quarrels arose among the aquatic newlyweds (who would go for a swim first). Pisces had to buy Vacation home with a swimming pool - swim as much as you like, even around the clock. But when the kids appeared, Pisces had no time for swimming.

Parents from Pisces are wonderful, although very restless. The water dad shakes over his babies, and panics when the children just open their mouths to cry. The water mother is generally ready to control the children until they finish school. What about love and ideal relationship? Tenderness and passion have not gone away - the Pisces adored each other until they were very old, and in rare periods of quarrels, they called each other only affectionate names.


The Fish Girl is an unusually sensitive and sentimental creature. She is kind and caring, soft and vulnerable. The water boy is friendly and gentle, quiet and calm. Water guys are constantly in some kind of daydream, and confuse real life with an imaginary world. Fish can play at night and sleep during the day, simply because they have mixed up the time.

When Neptune's pets become friends, those around them will begin to turn gray and stutter. Two Fish next to each other is something - aquatic creatures and individually created a lot of trouble, and now the adults are ready to attach beacons to the children (Pisces are surprisingly absent-minded, and can get lost when they play at being scouts or spies).

But water guys won’t care what people around them think about them. The fish are crazy about each other - today the aquatic naughty creatures call on Napoleon, and tomorrow they gather the kids to talk about the transmigration of souls (and even show them). Talented pets of Neptune absorb any influences, but Pisces will learn only good things from each other.

With age, friendship will become even stronger. Old Man Pisces and the water grandma hate noise and squabbles, and when the neighbors are making repairs, Neptune’s pets will show the residents where the crayfish spend the winter. The old water robbers will hypnotize everyone around and convince their neighbors that everything in their apartments is perfect, and that ancient plumbing is fashionable and cool.


The charming Pisces woman is capable of achieving excellent results in any field. She loves luxury and a comfortable life, and always strives to surround herself with beautiful and expensive things, and necessary and pleasant people.

The wise Pisces man often seems indecisive, but in fact, the water guy goes towards his goal and simply does not advertise his plans. Neptune’s ward’s intuition is stronger than logic - Pisces chooses Right way, without thinking about why he acts this way and not otherwise.
 If the water guys decide to create an alliance, they will not regret it. Pisces will have a friendly team; Neptune’s pets may not even talk, because they read the thoughts of those around them, and understanding each other’s desires is not a problem at all. It’s ridiculous to even talk about any kind of competition - not a single sane businessman will come close to Pisces, because there are legends about their witchcraft habits. Fraudsters are afraid of Pisces, and dream of learning clairvoyance from aquatic creatures. But it’s not bad for Pisces together - if a crisis happens, or even bankruptcy, the water guys won’t worry.

Where the Pisces man and woman are, there is a lot of money, and vice versa - where huge amounts of money are circulating, then there will definitely be aquatic creatures nearby. To be on the safe side, Neptune’s pets can invite a patient and hardworking Taurus to the team, who will protect the Fish if the water creatures get too daydreaming. Sometimes Pisces specifically take on things that others have long given up on - water guys can calculate the situation in advance and achieve success in the most hopeless enterprise.

Compatibility horoscope: are the zodiac signs Pisces and Cancer compatible? Full description, only proven theories based on astrological observations of several millennia.

  • Aries 21.03 – 20.04
  • Taurus 21.04 – 21.05
  • Gemini 22.05 – 21.06
  • Cancer 22.06 – 22.07
  • Leo 23.07 – 23.08
  • Virgo 24.08 – 22.09
  • Libra 23.09 – 22.10
  • Scorpio 23.10 – 22.11
  • Sagittarius 23.11 – 21.12
  • Capricorn 22.12 – 20.01
  • Aquarius 21.01 – 20.02
  • Pisces 21.02 – 20.03

Compatibility of Zodiac signs Cancer – Pisces

In the character of people of these zodiac signs there are traits that both bring them closer and alienate them from each other, so compatibility between Cancer and Pisces can be good - provided that both contribute to mutual understanding. Both signs have similar habits; feelings and emotions are of great importance in their lives, but Cancers, despite all their emotionality, are still less dreamy than Pisces and stand more firmly on the ground. In this combination, one cannot expect absolute loyalty to each other from both partners. They look at the material side of life differently, which also does not bring them closer. The horoscope does not consider this combination to be successful, but with some effort everything can work out.

Cancer and Pisces - compatibility in love and marriage


Cancer man – Pisces woman

Belonging to the water element gives both partners dreaminess, romance, and emotional perception of the world around them. Both the Pisces woman and the Cancer man live in anticipation of love that would warm them throughout their lives. When they meet, they both feel as if they have known each other for a hundred years. He pictures his life together exclusively in rosy colors, but since both are inclined to idealize their partners, very soon both may experience disappointment.

In a pair of a Cancer man and a Pisces woman, there is no difficult period of adaptation to each other, or mutual adjustment. They immediately understand each other. A woman will become a faithful assistant, adviser, psychologist, and good friend for her Cancer lover, who does not spare warmth. Sentimental Cancer may turn out to be soft only in appearance, but in reality he is a person with a difficult character, whom no one has yet been able to re-educate.

For this reason, it is the Cancer man who will have to bring confusion and disharmony into this relationship, which has a good chance of becoming long and lasting. He will show himself as an authoritarian person, trying to stop or minimize his Pisces wife’s communication with the outside world. He is ready to issue ultimatums, be capricious, and create violent scenes of jealousy. Pisces has no desire to give social life more attention than family, but external contacts are for them a source of new impressions and emotions, an incentive for development, so it is very difficult for them to do without them. It is the spouse’s sociability that can become the main reason for quarrels and destroy their cozy world, built on common dreams and aspirations. The time comes for mutual accusations and grievances, and partners along this path risk getting so carried away that the original reason for their strife may be forgotten.

In order for this couple to have as few reasons as possible for dissatisfaction with each other, both need to have some hobbies outside the home. They should not concentrate on purely everyday problems, but also not soar their dreams upward, hovering in the clouds for a long time. Before you say or do something, the horoscope recommends that you definitely think about whether it will offend your vulnerable partner. In the person of Pisces, the Cancer man will receive an incentive for spiritual growth, a person who will gently but persistently push him forward. Pisces will also learn a lot from this dynamic, interesting union, becoming more sensible, natural and practical. Together they can do much more than alone if they find the strength to make mutual concessions.


Pisces man – Cancer woman

This combination of zodiac signs has good potential for building harmonious family relations. The Pisces man and Cancer woman are insightful and sensitive, so it is not difficult for them to understand even such difficult people as their partners. The foundation of a happy marriage is unity of spirit, although there are many differences in the character of such people. The union has great potential for both to grow; It often happens that after several years of marriage, a Cancer woman and a Pisces man change so much that they become completely different people.

The man is reserved, he is dreamy and thoughtful. The Cancer companion is interested in the mysteries of his soul; she tries to stir up her partner, make him more cheerful and emotionally responsive. On this path, she may fail, and then she will delve into herself, trying with disappointment to find what her husband doesn’t like about her. However, the reason lies in the coldness of Pisces themselves, although it would be unfair to say that this man does not show any care or tenderness towards Cancer, and does not appreciate her affection and warmth. But this, apparently, is not enough. If he becomes more open, he will give his wife more positive emotions, this will improve the compatibility of this pair by an order of magnitude.

Typically, such partners behave very delicately towards each other, do not lie, do not fake, do not harass their life partner with nagging, do not focus on shortcomings, and prefer to blame themselves for possible problems. However, there are also plenty of misunderstandings and quarrels in this couple, especially regarding material issues and household parties life. They should not get hung up on this; this couple must have some large-scale and lofty goals - they will become for them guiding star and a unifying factor. The Cancer woman will have the task of setting these goals and determining the main means of achieving them. Any, even minor, success will make these sensitive people move forward with even greater inspiration, helping each other grow spiritually.

Pisces and Cancer – sexual compatibility

A couple awaits in this area excellent compatibility- better than the others. Both partners are characterized by developed sensuality, sensitivity to each other’s needs, love of carnal pleasures, and the desire to impart high aesthetics to the physiological act. Both partners are aimed in bed not at leadership (although such attempts may be observed on the part of Cancer), but at achieving mutual satisfaction. Cancer and Pisces live an active sexual life, but their compatibility in this area is somewhat dependent on psychological harmony: for them, the unity of not only bodies, but also souls and needs is important. As you approach maturity, the realization of sexual fantasies becomes increasingly important - and both partners have many of them.

Compatibility horoscope for Pisces and Cancer in work and business

Working in one team, such colleagues try not to violate mutual obligations; They are also related by their well-developed intuition, the prompts of which they do not neglect in business sphere. However, on the part of Cancer there may be a formal attitude towards cooperation, attempts to get out at someone else’s expense. Unfortunately, they also unite partners and qualities that can interfere with success: both are sensitive to influence external factors, are very soft, their performance depends on their mood, they do not know how to abstract from emotions in business life and are not ready to devote all their strength to work. To make them Team work, as colleagues or business partners, turned out to be successful, they should be joined by a more persistent and purposeful person.

Pisces - Cancer couple: compatibility in friendship

Representatives of these two signs can make a couple of good friends - provided that they are representatives of the same gender. Their mutual needs for communication may well be satisfied, they often prefer the same leisure time, both are partial to music and art in general, and love to have heart-to-heart conversations. However, if Pisces and Cancers are of different sexes, then the friendship between them is called into question, since these people will immediately prefer a love affair to friendly communication. Rare cases of friendship relate, for the most part, to relatives.

See the compatibility of Cancers with other zodiac signs:

Compatibility Cancer and Pisces

The pair is very durable

A heartfelt union - this is how the horoscope describes the compatibility of Cancer and Pisces. Their love relationship is full of magical attraction, tenderness and support. The commonality of the element of Water creates similarities in temperament. Looking at this couple, there is no shadow of doubt about whether Pisces and Cancer are compatible? Everything is clear without words.

A man and a woman born under these signs understand each other from a half-hint, sensitively capturing the moods of their other half. Sparkles of friendship and love in a couple flare up from the first minutes of communication and last an incredibly long time. Partners under the signs of Pisces and Cancer have one of the most impeccable compatibility horoscopes. It is not surprising that signs divorce extremely rarely, preferring to grow old happily together.

Compatibility of Cancer and Pisces signs

You can understand the compatibility of a man and a woman under the signs of Cancer and Pisces by studying the characteristics of the signs. The character of Pisces changes like the changing surface of the ocean: a minute ago it was serene azure, but now it is covered with small ripples. But unlike other zodiac signs, it is easiest for Cancer to accept this feature of the second half. After all, they themselves are fickle.

Cancer's mood changes following the phases of the Moon, so much is the sign susceptible to its influence. The insidious Moon, however, cannot resist the charm of the Sun and Venus, who patronize Pisces. The result of the interaction of planets is amazing compatibility in love relationships union of Pisces and Cancer. Only another couple from the common element – ​​Virgo and Taurus – can boast of a similar ideal.

Tall and sexual compatibility Cancers and Pisces, especially if a woman was born under the latter sign. This is a union of incredibly gentle and understanding people. They are so vulnerable that they will think a thousand times before hurting their partner with a careless word. Their reverent attitude towards each other and love for romance create an incredible atmosphere in bed. Intuitively guessing the desires of their partner, Pisces and Cancer, a woman and a man, respond to every touch, feeling calm and at ease in each other’s arms.

CANCER + PISCES – Compatibility – Astrotypologist Dmitry Shimko

Compatibility of Cancer man and Pisces woman. In compatibility

Compatibility of Pisces man and Cancer woman. In compatibility

00:06 – Characteristics of Cancer 01:48 – Cancer – Aries 03:08 – Cancer – Body

Compatibility: Pisces woman Cancer man.

possible marriage relationship of Cancer, couple in love Cancer ko

Cancer compatibility signs. #Sex. Reciprocity. #Astrolo�

Pisces Aries marriage forecast, Pisces Taurus marriage forecast, prog

Even some differences in character do not harm the love compatibility of Pisces and Cancer. The first prefers to go with the flow, not resisting change and not wondering where he will be tomorrow. Moving or changing jobs is easy for Pisces. But it’s difficult to lure their partner out of their beloved shell house. Only a career take-off will force representatives of the sign to agree to move. And even then, if under the sign of Cancer a man is born, and Pisces is a woman. But even in this case, homebodies and hermits will always think about returning to their native harbor.

Sober calculation and the ability to earn money allows Cancers to create confidence in their half comfortable existence, surrounding with such care and reliability that it immediately becomes clear: hardly anyone else is as compatible as Pisces and Cancer. In return, crustaceans receive the romance and sensuality they need in relationships. The most successful in this regard is the union of a Pisces woman and a Cancer woman; their compatibility is very high. A man without any problems receives the desired role of head, and a girl - in his person - a reliable protector and breadwinner.

The calm on the waves of this union can be shaken by financial problems. Pisces and Cancer man and woman look at money and management from different angles household: Representatives of the first sign are wasteful and do not take money seriously. The latter are thrifty, jealous of thoughtless waste, preferring to save and save. Their attempt to impose a way of thinking on their partner will inevitably lead to confrontation. To maintain high compatibility in marriage, partners should be more flexible. Then the marriage of Cancer and Pisces will be happy.

The correct placement of leadership in work will help Cancer and Pisces achieve a trusting relationship. Under the guidance of a responsible Cancer, his business partner will be able to fully express out-of-the-box thinking and suggest the best way achieving common goals. Colleagues of these signs can work well together, especially if they are of the opposite sex. In this case, mutual understanding between the signs will be enhanced by the sympathy that arises between them. good business compatibility has a combination of the signs of a Cancer man and a Pisces girl. Moreover, the first is better suited to the role of a boss, and the second - a subordinate.

Pisces woman and Cancer man

Love for life

Love at first sight and for life - this is how the Cancer guy and Pisces woman describe their compatibility. Their meeting is amazing. A usually reserved and taciturn man suddenly showers with compliments in front of his lady love. Thanks to his erudition and ability to tell interesting stories, he easily manages to win the girl’s attention. And the Pisces girl’s talent for listening suits him perfectly.

Are a Cancer guy and a Pisces girl compatible in friendship? They often become bosom friends. Each of them treats friendship and old comrades responsibly. These are the type of friends who only feel relaxed when alone with each other; in such company, both are ready to talk about the most intimate things. And even rare meetings do not prevent them from remaining the most understanding and devoted friends.

Mutual understanding between a Cancer man and a Pisces woman, so rare for other zodiacs, becomes the foundation of their family life. Their marriage is built on friendship and harmony. From the outside, this couple may seem closed and unfriendly to friends and others. If they do go to an event or party, they will focus exclusively on each other. The Pisces woman accepts the Cancer man with all his shortcomings, and the compatibility of the partners only increases from this. She does not try to change her husband by adjusting him to her whims and desires. And her husband answers her in kind. Long conversations about everything in the world, romantic dates and one dream for two - this is what it looks like love union these signs.

Cancer and Pisces distribute roles in the family without unnecessary bickering: the man becomes the breadwinner, and the wife becomes not so much the keeper of the hearth as a muse, inspirer and comforter for her husband.

With her, Cancer feels confident and calm, he can cry into his vest and ask her wise advice. Parting with his beloved is painful for this man; he acutely feels the need to return to her as quickly as possible.

Meanwhile, the danger to the compatibility of a Cancer man and his Pisces companion often comes from the partner. A man of this sign does not know how to leave negative emotions at the end of the working day. Often he drags the entire burden of work problems into the family nest, where his wife certainly falls under his hot hand. The answer to the spouse’s claims will be the silent resentment of Pisces. One day her patience comes to an end, and the once strong marriage falls apart.

Another threat to a happy relationship between a Cancer man and a Pisces woman is the man’s tendency to cheat. Representatives of the sign change infrequently and accidentally. But for his partner, the details are not important: she will not forgive betrayal, silently slamming the door. In general, silence in response to insult is typical for both zodiacs. They don't start fights by breaking dishes, like the expressive Aries. But the inability to talk hardly contributes to strong relationships. To keep love, perfect compatible with Cancer and it is important for Pisces to be more attentive to each other, and for Cancer to try on the role of a dictator less often.

Pisces man and Cancer woman

They like to spend time alone

Compatibility between a Cancer girl and a Pisces man is high, although from the outside it may seem that the partners do not show any emotions. However, in private they are completely different: gentle, caring and loving. From this pair we get best friends, each of them sincerely values ​​relationships and is always ready to lend their shoulder. The latter, however, is more often what a girl needs. She just needs to complain about her problems from time to time, and in the person of a man of this sign, she finds the best “vest” in the world for tears.

Are a Cancer girl and a Pisces guy compatible in love and family life? Absolutely yes. Both prefer to stay away from noisy parties, choosing a measured and calm lifestyle. And although each partner’s social circle may be quite wide, there are actually only a few close friends. A Pisces man and a Cancer woman have enough communication with each other. In moments of frank conversations or intimacy, you won’t find people in the whole world who are more close and soulful.

A financial issue can cause discord in the compatibility of a Pisces man and a Cancer girl. The guy easily spends money without knowing how to save, which infuriates his thrifty and tight-fisted lover. Arguments over money can lead a couple to break up, despite the fact that hardly anyone is more compatible than Pisces and Cancer. Increase their chances of happy ending successful combinations of totem animals according to the Chinese horoscope can. So, if a girl was born in the year of the Dragon, Monkey or Snake, she is not so mercantile and scrupulous. A Cat, Ox or Rat in a guy’s horoscope will make him more reasonable, less susceptible to random spending and the influence of friends.

Interestingly, both signs are subject to changes in mood. The trouble is that attacks of melancholy and withdrawal among partners often do not coincide, which leads to misunderstanding. Cancer and Pisces surprisingly understand each other and support each other in everything, but they don’t learn to talk openly about their grievances even after years of living together. Often close friends come to their aid, acting as family psychologists. In fact, the secret of perfect compatibility between a Pisces and Cancer woman is simple: a man should stop running from himself, and a girl should stop sulking over trifles.

The rest of them family life folds up magically. The Cancer girl is harmoniously compatible with Pisces: Cancer finds a listener and adviser in the person of her beloved, trusting him with numerous fears and experiences. The man receives the care and affection he needs. A certain mystical connection is established between the partners, which does not weaken over the years, allowing the spouses to remain as happy as at the beginning of their acquaintance.

Cancer and Pisces: compatibility in love relationships and marriage. Pisces and Cancer: compatibility of signs

Two “water” signs – Cancer and Pisces. Compatibility in love relationships probably works out as well as possible in most cases. Is it really? To understand this topic, you should talk separately about the character of each, as well as the prospects for their relationship.

People born under this zodiac sign are very sensitive and romantic. They are kind, sociable, but also shy and vulnerable. And also incredibly modest and dreamy.

Their symbol depicts two fish swimming in different directions. This sign could not help but leave its mark on a person’s character. Therefore, all Pisces suffer from conflicting desires.

They are very selfless. They may forget about themselves, but they will definitely help their neighbor. They also do not strive for power. We can say that Pisces are already born tired. They don't have the strength to deal with obstacles. But they are endowed with good intuition and premonition. And they need a person who could support and understand their subtle spiritual nature.

Before talking about the compatibility of Cancer and Pisces in love, it is worth noting the character of the second representative of the zodiac sign. He's quite interesting. Cancer is also a water sign. People born under this zodiac sign are similar to Pisces. They are also selfless, always ready to help others, and also avoid quarrels and conflicts.

Cancers are very calm, but vulnerable. And also closed. They can easily withdraw into themselves and not answer questions from concerned loved ones as long as they consider it necessary. They may even become depressed. But when they return to normal, they become the same. Cheerful, charming and loving jokes. And these people are also very easy to move. Their tears are always sincere. But if you offend them, you can run into problems. Cancer will take revenge, and will do it secretly.

These people are wonderful friends. Cancers keep other people's secrets as if they were their own. They also endear themselves to people. They will listen and help with advice. But they won’t share their secrets - they don’t like to discuss things that directly concern their lives.

Union prospects

And now - about what a couple like Cancer and Pisces can be like. Compatibility in love relationships is usually successful for them. Because these are representatives of the same element who act in the same way. They can form a union filled with mutual understanding, love and tenderness.

The compatibility of Cancer and Pisces in love is based on a subtle spiritual connection between them. They perfectly sense each other's moods and seem to be able to read their partner's thoughts. Their relationship can be called real art. Pisces act as a muse, an inspirer, and Cancers create, bringing ideas to life.

In this union, daydreaming and sensuality are perceived as absolutely normal. Pisces provide their partner with romance, and Cancer, in turn, protect their other half from adversity and problems. They are able to understand each other without words. And each of them successfully complements their partner. Pisces is the moral, spiritual component of the union. And the pragmatic Cancer solves all sorts of problems and protects not only himself, but also his soulmate. Of course, this cannot be said that they do not have conflicts. They happen, but they smooth out almost instantly.

The intimate side of relationships

As already mentioned, the most romantic and sensual couple is considered to be Cancer and Pisces. Their compatibility in sexual relationships is also almost perfect. In bed they have just an immense ocean of emotions and feelings. Both of them are responsive and sensitive to absolutely any wishes of their significant other. Of course, Cancer most often plays the dominant role. Because Pisces are more eccentric personalities and they need guidance, so to speak.

They have a very active sex life and, to the envy of many, regular and frequent intimacy, filled with variety and fantasies (of which there are many). And what’s also important is that it’s not easy for them carnal pleasures. These people give higher value proximity. For them, this is also a way to get closer on a spiritual level.

Usually, if the relationship in a couple goes well, then sooner or later everything develops into a family and life together. And in the case of people like Cancer and Pisces, compatibility in love and marriage is simply ideal. In general, as soon as they meet, they understand at first glance that this is the very person with whom it is worth spending their life.

Their marriage is built on mutual trust, love, understanding and common interests. It's also good that they are both homebodies. They would prefer a quiet evening in each other’s company over a delicious dinner and pleasant conversations by the fireplace to a noisy party. Sometimes they can go out into nature - but always to a secluded place.

They have practically no friends - only good comrades. Although they don't need them. After all, Cancer and Pisces are not only a love couple, but also excellent friends.

Of course, we cannot help but touch on this topic when talking about the compatibility of a Cancer and Pisces couple. Men and women born under these signs usually rarely conflict. There are practically no serious quarrels. Ordinary minor grievances – and that’s all. And all the problems that exist lie not inside this couple, but in the outside world. It happens that both of them find themselves at a loss before what happened. Then you need to make a decision on how to proceed. And everyone hopes for each other, but their partner is in the same confusion. This can become a problem in the Cancer and Pisces union.

The compatibility of men and women born under these signs is not bad, but there is one caveat. This is alcohol. If the notorious problems cannot be solved, then they begin to drown their grief in a bottle. And it is very difficult to stop, since both will not have the strength to cope with the difficulties that arise.


Much has been said above about how love relationships develop among people like Pisces and Cancer. The compatibility of signs, it is worth noting, is good not only in terms of marriage and family. In business terms, these people can also form a strong alliance. If Cancer and Pisces become partners, then mutual understanding is guaranteed. They will not let each other down and will consult on everything. And the results of the overall work will certainly please you.

If a Cancer girl leads the process, then this is very good. She will be able to organize the work process and direct the fountain of ideas emanating from Pisces in the right direction. If the boss is a Cancer guy, then the result can also be quite good, but there is one thing. He will like the role of a leader, he will get a taste for it and then begin to show dictatorial habits.

What else can you say about this business union like Cancer and Pisces? Compatibility according to the horoscope can work out successfully, even if the boss is the latter. Although, as has already been said, they do not strive for power. But Cancer will like it if Pisces is the boss. After all, only they will be able to understand what the boss wants and how to get to him.

Pisces girl and Cancer man

Despite the fact that guys born under this zodiac sign respect family values, they love to go “left”. However, if their chosen one is a Pisces girl, then such thoughts do not even arise in them. She suits him completely and completely. In addition, he feels that this girl needs his advice, help, and support. And she also completely understands him. He doesn’t need anything else, so there can be no talk of any betrayal. In exchange for such sincerity, he protects her inner world, feelings and tries to help in everything.

The pair “Cancer and Pisces” can turn out to be very good. Their compatibility in love relationships can be said to be impeccable. After all, these people seem to be made for each other. The Cancer guy is not shy about revealing himself to his Pisces lady. He shares his experiences and feelings, and in return receives support and advice. And the romantic and sensitive Pisces girl gains confidence in the future thanks to her reliable and strong chosen one.

Pisces man and Cancer girl

This is also a couple whose love often flares up at first sight. True, at first the Cancer girl thinks that she could be happier with a stronger guy. However, after some time, the realization comes to her that she definitely can’t find anyone better than this person. It just won't get along. And even though the Pisces guy is not practical, but after living with a Cancer girl, he will become more rational, thorough and pragmatic - he will begin to bring more money into the house and will become support and support for her.

In the first half of your life you will be able to build Perfect marriage only with other water signs - Cancers and Scorpios. At the same time, Cancer should not constantly set his mother as an example to his wife. With Scorpio, you will always have fun, interesting, but... a little scary, like on a volcano. In the second half of life, the ideal should be sought among other signs - Capricorns and Taurus. If, in addition, you come across a Capricorn with a poetic soul, Pisces will simply find themselves at the pinnacle of bliss. And for a Taurus to have a harmonious relationship, all they need is a good sense of humor.

Best Couple for Pisces

Cancer: As the compatibility horoscope promises, Pisces and Cancer will be an unusually successful combination of zodiac signs. They immediately find mutual language. Pisces likes Cancer's sensitivity and the fact that together with him they will bathe in tenderness and care. Cancer is fascinated by the mystery and unusualness of Pisces. This couple manages to successfully avoid conflicts due to the similarity of characters. This romance promises to continue in a successful and happy marriage, this is the forecast given by the Pisces Cancer compatibility horoscope.

Scorpion: According to the compatibility horoscope, Pisces and Scorpio are exactly that perfect couple, about which novels are written and films are made with a happy ending. The mystery of Pisces inspires Scorpio, and he can easily take the lead in a couple. Scorpio's jealousy not only does not bother Pisces, but even flatters: for them it is a manifestation of deep feelings. These signs feel complete harmony in each other’s company, and this almost ideal relationship has every chance of continuing in a long and successful marriage, this is the forecast given by the Pisces Scorpio compatibility horoscope.

Capricorn: Conservative Capricorn – the best choice for romantic and dreamy Pisces, who will find in such a companion someone on whom they can blame the need for decision-making. With such a purposeful and hardworking other half as Capricorn, Pisces will feel like stone wall. Subtle intuition allows Pisces to achieve complete understanding with the secretive Capricorn. According to the Pisces Capricorn compatibility horoscope, this marriage is one of the most reliable.

Worst Match for Pisces

Scales: As the compatibility horoscope promises, Libra and Pisces can become the heroes of a pleasant and harmonious romance. The fantasy and mystery of Pisces inspires Libra, and their desire for balance gives Pisces the necessary sense of confidence. The negative features of these relationships include the passivity with which they approach the realization of their desires. Pisces are too dreamy, and Libra is too afraid of responsibility to realize all their plans. Despite this, they sincerely enjoy each other’s company, as predicted by the Pisces Libra compatibility horoscope.

Twins: This couple will enjoy each other's company, but also suffer from inconstancy. Gemini is attracted to the mystery of Pisces, and they like the lightness of Gemini's character. However, after the euphoria of first love passes, Pisces will not understand the frivolity of their companion, and Gemini will be bothered by the emotional instability of Pisces. This relationship is doomed to fail because this couple needs a leader, which neither of these signs wants to become. This forecast is given by the Pisces Gemini compatibility horoscope.

Sagittarius: As the compatibility horoscope assures, Pisces and Sagittarius can enjoy each other’s company for a short time. Problems begin very quickly, and all the romance of the novel comes apart at the seams. Active and active Sagittarius has no time to pay attention to the idle daydreaming of Pisces, and Pisces needs care and love, which is practically useless to expect from the flighty and frivolous Sagittarius. This relationship will be a suitcase without a handle for both, as the Pisces Sagittarius compatibility horoscope speaks about this.

Strained relations

Fish: The romance of this couple will be unusual, as the compatibility horoscope assures. Pisces quickly find language with representatives of their own zodiac sign. This is exactly the case when they can even eloquently remain silent together. The idyll of this relationship is disrupted by the mutual reluctance of Pisces to take on responsibility and obligations. This couple lacks a leader. But as the compatibility horoscope says, the Pisces man often takes the reins into his own hands.

Virgo: This couple will feel the idyll for a very short time, the compatibility horoscope warns about this. Virgo and Pisces have too different characters for harmonious long-term relationships. Pisces attach extremely important importance to emotions, and this only irritates the reserved Virgo. Pisces expect tenderness and romance from their partner, and the queen of logic, Virgo, considers all this to be sentimental fluff. Relationships can only be saved by increased attention of partners to each other, this is confirmed by the compatibility horoscope of Pisces Virgo.