How to remove abdominal fat in women. Pumping your abs while maintaining your waist. Mood swings, including depression

Principles healthy image lives are becoming increasingly popular and important. These are not empty words. Indeed, people have become more attentive to their health. That is why the presence of extra pounds today is a serious reason to think not only about the cause of their occurrence, but also possible ways elimination at home. However, not all so simple. Often, excess weight does not manifest itself in the form of deposits on the arms, waist or hips. There is also visceral fat. What is it? What is dangerous about visceral fat, which is most clearly visible when a person has a large belly, and how can you get rid of it yourself? Let's find out!

Visceral fat - what is it?

Visceral fat is deposits of special tissue created by the body. Such reserves are not collected on the buttocks or waist, as is the case with subcutaneous fat. It accumulates much deeper. Visceral fat is found around the internal organs. Both women and representatives of the stronger half can face this. At the same time, the overall figure can remain normal. The first sign of a problem is the absence of a waist and the formation of a large amount of fatty tissue here, which covers both muscles and internal organs.

The peculiarity of visceral fat is that it is represented by a mass consisting of so-called brown fat cells. Since they mostly accumulate near the internal organs, such deposits are often called abdominal or internal. You can usually determine the presence of visceral fat by the presence of a protruding belly. As a rule, the remaining parts of the body remain normal and cannot be called complete.

On a note! It is impossible to say that there should be no visceral fat in the body at all. The whole point is that it is these deposits that protect internal organs from thermal and mechanical injuries. The danger arises when such reserves become larger than normal.


It is often believed that excess internal fat associated with age. This erroneous opinion! There is no connection between the number in the passport, the figure and the volume of visceral fat in the body.

However, doctors were able to name the most common reasons for the formation of an excess of such deposits in the body. These include:

  • abuse of sweets;
  • love of high-calorie foods;
  • heredity;
  • hormonal imbalances;
  • sedentary lifestyle.

In addition, people suffering from chronic lack of sleep are at risk.

What is the danger?

In addition to the physical disadvantage experienced by a person suffering from excessive formation of visceral fat, one cannot fail to note other negative aspects of this phenomenon. Thus, such deposits inside the body negatively affect the entire functioning of the human body and its figure.

An excess of visceral fat is dangerous to human health because it can become a trigger for many diseases:

  • myocardial infarction;
  • varicose veins;
  • oncology.

Often such deposits provoke hormonal system disruptions body. An excess of visceral fat directly affects metabolic processes. It simply slows down your metabolism.

On top of everything else, such formations are in abundance cause snoring. The whole point is that the heart, covered with fat, begins to work incorrectly. However, snoring is only one side of the coin. In such a situation, breathing stops during sleep.

Getting rid of visceral fat at home

As you can see, visceral fat is a serious threat to human health. His negative impact may lead to irreversible consequences. This is why serious measures must be taken to get rid of visceral fat. This is not only beneficial for the condition of the body, but also for appearance. Before and after photos and videos clearly prove this.


Losing weight in this case is the optimal solution to the problem. The appeal of any diet is that it burns fat deposits around the internal organs to a certain extent.

However, it is worth noting that some principles should be adhered to especially strictly when losing weight. A diet aimed at burning internal or abdominal fat should be based on foods enriched with fiber. Just 10 g of this substance allows you to remove adipose tissue and block the process of accumulation of visceral fat. A glass of green peas and a couple of apples do the job perfectly.

The best way to get rid of such accumulations is low-carbohydrate diets, which are based on the recommendation to consume as much protein as possible. To burn these fats, it is worth creating a diet such that its calorie content varies from 1800 to 2000 kcal. To do this, during the diet you should give up:

  • potatoes;
  • Sahara;
  • products with “simple” carbohydrates;
  • bakery products.

However, following such diets should not be thoughtless. Otherwise, it carries health risks.

On a note! Weight loss is considered optimal if the weight is reduced by no more than 1 kg per week.

Physical exercise

Without sufficient activity, it is not possible to get rid of visceral fat at home. You can’t stay too long in this situation, and you can’t maintain a lean shape only by doing the right things. organized meals. It is important to force the muscles to work. Simple exercises will help your figure.

Along with diet, weight loss should be based on training. To get rid of such internal accumulations, moderate muscle loads are recommended:

Lesson duration is at least 30 minutes. Training should be carried out at least three times a week. This will stop or reduce the rate of fat accumulation around the internal organs.

Intense aerobic exercise is helpful in this situation. It is optimal to represent such loads with a set of aerobics exercises, running, and fast walking with inclines. It is necessary to devote at least 4 hours a week to such activities. This will already be enough to evaluate the results in a month or two and get rid of visceral fat.

Minimizing stress

To get rid of fat deposits around internal organs, it is very important to have the right mental attitude. Strict diet and the most intense physical exercise will not allow you to achieve optimal weight loss if you constantly remain under extreme nervous tension. These recommendations are not only true for women. They also apply to men.

To remove fat accumulation, you should switch to a diet and restrict your diet gradually. Otherwise, the body perceives the refusal of habitual food as stress. If you rid yourself of negative emotions and perceive the diet as a step towards a new body and recovery, then losing weight will be more fruitful and successful.

Correct sleep pattern

Physical activity and proper diet nutrition is the basis for losing weight. But in order to get rid of abdominal accumulations, which are indicated by a large belly, it is worth adjusting your sleep pattern. You need to sleep 6-7 hours a day. If a person sleeps 5 hours or less, then he is at risk. In his body, visceral fat begins to accumulate quickly.

On a note! Sleeping more than 8 hours a day also cannot be called beneficial. This also causes fat to accumulate in the body, which gives off a large belly.

Cosmetology procedures

To eliminate subcutaneous fat, women often resort to a variety of cosmetic procedures at home. However, many of the techniques are also effective in the fight against visceral fat. By the way, men can also resort to similar methods. Many cosmetic procedures They cope well with the problem, which manifests itself in the form of a reduction in the volume of the abdomen.

So, what home treatments will help cope with the problem? The real blow to visceral fat during weight loss comes from:

  • wraps;
  • sauna;
  • hydromassage;
  • cold and hot shower;
  • abdominal massage.

All these procedures are aimed at activating metabolic processes. They burn fat well and eliminate excess weight in women and representatives of the stronger half. Men are often embarrassed to take care of themselves. In vain! Many cosmetic procedures are excellent assistants for diets and physical activity. Wraps with clay, mustard, and honey are especially effective in this regard.


It is believed that there is a genetic predisposition to the accumulation of visceral fat. This is why it is worth watching your relatives. If men or women in the family have such a problem, which is clearly expressed, as in the photo above, in the form of a big belly, you should accustom yourself to training and proper nutrition. It is necessary to give up unhealthy fats, sweets, and baked goods. The basis of the diet should be vegetables, nuts, grains, mushrooms and fruits.

Video: how to remove visceral fat

If you decide to put your body in order and get rid of all accumulations, you should definitely watch the videos below. These tips will help you succeed:

How to remove belly fat?

This is the most important request when losing weight. There are different bellies, big and small.
Today, let's talk about big bellies. Not even about themselves, but about what is inside the big belly.

We'll talk about visceral fat.

– What is visceral fat?
– Normal visceral fat.
– How does visceral fat affect health?
– Where does visceral fat come from?
– 5 main health risks caused by increased amounts of visceral fat.
– Why is visceral fat bad for women?
– Prevention and ways to reduce the amount of visceral fat.

I am sure that many people know that inside the voluminous abdomen there is visceral fat. It is also called internal abdominal, trunk fat.

Visceral fat is located around the internal organs located in the abdominal cavity. And if there is excess internal fat, it interferes with the normal functions of internal organs.

Normally, visceral fat should be 10% of all body fat. It turns out that we need visceral fat; it performs many different useful functions.

But today, we will talk about what harm does excess visceral fat cause?

How do you know if you have excess of this fat?

It's simple, you measure your waist with a measuring tape, and if your waist circumference exceeds 88 cm, then you have excess visceral fat.

You can also measure your belly in the navel area; it often happens that this is where it is widest. And again, if it is more than 88, then measures must be taken.

I would like to add that in different sources, different standards are given, in some from 84 cm, and in others from 90 cm. In any case, a person who does not have a protruding belly has a waist circumference of less than 80 cm.

At the same time, such a person has normal weight, or a little more than normal.

A large amount of visceral fat provokes diseases such as:

- Cardiac ischemia

– Dementia (dementia)

– Diabetes

– Depression

– Arthritis

– Obesity

– Sexual dysfunction

- Insomnia

Where does visceral fat come from? Causes.

A flat stomach has always been considered an indicator of health. It is in this case that our body maintains a perfect balance between our appetite and energy expenditure.

The body works like a kind of chemical plant, hormones, enzymes, this is the connection between the body and the brain, built on the brain-body-brain.

Our weight is based on one of the main processes - the amount of sugar in our blood, which is regulated by the hormone insulin.

Namely, insulin is responsible for whether you have a normal weight or whether you are overweight, and especially whether you have excess visceral fat.

Insulin balances blood sugar levels, lowering them after we eat fast-carbohydrate or sugary foods. When we digest carbohydrates, they are broken down into simple sugars.

These simple sugars enter our bloodstream and trigger the release of insulin from the pancreas, which then transports the sugars to every cell throughout the body. Sugar is energy and it is necessary for the functioning of all our internal organs.

Insulin is called the fat-storing hormone..

When there is too much glucose in our bloodstream and the cells are already full, the excess is processed in the liver into glycogen, and if these depots are full, fat production begins. And visceral, including.

In principle, everything is quite simple - you eat a lot of carbohydrate foods, a lot of sweets, consume refined carbohydrates (processed), this food quickly breaks down into simple sugars and is quickly absorbed into the blood.

In response to an increased amount of sugar in the blood, insulin is produced - insulin sends sugar either to the cells or to the liver for processing into fat.

Sugar drops sharply in the blood, and you experience severe hunger, and start eating again. The vicious circle has started. It is very difficult to get out of it.

Insulin also interacts with many other hormones needed for various functions, including hormones in the adrenal glands.

Such as the stress hormone cortisol. Cortisol also stimulates appetite, and therefore, your mood swings and various stresses help you gain weight.

Why do some people have a lot of visceral fat and others have little?

Depends on individual characteristics each person. There are no identical people. Who's so lucky?

But, if there is no excess food, then it is unlikely that visceral fat will form.

5 main health risks caused by increased amounts of visceral fat:

  1. Increased inflammatory processes in the body.

Visceral fat is considered toxic and causes inflammation in the body, especially in nearby organs.

Finding excess fat around internal organs increases the production of prohormonal elements, also called cytokines, which leads to inflammation;

Cytokines are either pro-inflammatory (causing inflammation) or anti-inflammatory.

Visceral fat releases pro-inflammatory cytokines.

2. Hormonal disorders in the body.

Visceral fat produces the aromatase enzyme, which affects human hormonal levels. And this influence is quite harmful.

A large number of visceral fat turns into practically another endocrine organ.

The enzyme aromatase converts the male hormone testosterone into the female hormone estradiol. Aromatase simply enters the bloodstream and replaces one hormone with another.

Why is this bad for men?

Testosterone makes a man a man. The volume of muscle mass, sexual desire (libido), and erection depend on it. That's why men with beer bellies melt muscle mass, libido decreases, erection worsens.

What's wrong with this for women?

This “estrogen excess” is a risk of tumors of the female genital organs and mammary gland.

Intra-abdominal adipose tissue actively produces the hormones renin and angiotensin 1 and 2, which regulate vascular tone and water-salt metabolism.

The complex relationship between these hormones and other proteins that visceral fat also produces leads to increased blood pressure.

This is why losing weight for every 5 kg is so effective in reducing blood pressure in obese people.

And also, visceral fat has a strong effect on hormones such as leptin and ghrelin, satiety hormones and hunger hormones.

The stress hormone cortisol is also additionally produced by visceral fat.

3. Higher risk of cardiovascular diseases and strokes.

Since this type of fat is located in a fairly active place where many metabolic processes take place, visceral fat also constantly moves through the bloodstream, ending up in the liver.

If at normal levels it is not dangerous for us, then its excess can lead to serious complications with the heart.

When visceral fat enters the liver, it converts it into cholesterol, which tends to clog in the inner layers of blood vessels, creating clogging of the blood vessels themselves. As a result, a person may develop a fairly common disease in our time - ATEROSCLEROSIS (artery disease).

4. Risk of dementia or dementia.

A growing body of evidence points to the fact that there is a strong link between obesity, vascular disease, inflammation and decreased mental activity, including dementia.

Research shows that people with the biggest bellies have a higher risk of dementia than people with less visceral fat.

The larger a person's belly (or waist-to-hip ratio), the more Negative influence is felt in the brain's memory center called the hippocampus.

5. Mood swings, including depression.

Since visceral fat is another endocrine organ, it has a serious impact on the balance of hormones in the body. A lack of the hormones seratonin, dopamine, and endorphin leads to mood swings, sadness, melancholy, and depressive states.

An increased amount of the stress hormone cortisol also increases anxiety and restlessness.

Prevention and ways to reduce the amount of visceral fat:

Reduce your caloric intake. Studies have shown that reducing caloric intake by 400 kcal per day for 5 months reduces the amount of visceral fat by 25%.

2. Add physical activity. Give preference to aerobic exercise: brisk walking, cycling, swimming.

3. Avoid pastries, sweets and white bread. It is better to give preference to slow carbohydrates – vegetables. This will not only reduce the amount of visceral fat, but also increase insulin sensitivity and lower cholesterol levels.

4. Eat more fiber. Vegetables and fruits not only give you a feeling of fullness, but also help reduce visceral fat.

5. Get enough sleep. Lack of sleep reduces insulin sensitivity, increases levels of the hunger hormone ghrelin, and decreases levels of the stress hormone cortisol. You need to sleep at least 7-8 hours a day.

6. Get busy breathing exercises. 10-15 minutes of exercise a day will replenish your oxygen deficiency. If you breathe from the chest, try to breathe from the stomach (diaphragmatic breathing).

7. Stop drinking alcohol. In women, moderate alcohol consumption causes an increase in testosterone and fat deposition in the waist area.

It is easier to get rid of visceral fat than subcutaneous fat. Therefore, the main thing is to approach this issue responsibly, because it concerns health.

P.S. You can fight visceral fat alone, or you can join my Detox program to get support and help.

One of the main goals of the program is to reduce visceral fat. This happens with the help of specially selected nutrition.

Participants in the program reduce their waist size by 3-5 cm in 10 days.

And this approximately equals 2 – 2.5 kg of visceral fat.

Do you want support and professional help?

Has your big belly become your most prominent feature even though you're not pregnant? This means you were attacked visceral fat. Therefore, it is useful to arm yourself with knowledge in order to regain and beautiful figure. A properly selected diet and physical activity will help you get rid of this burden.

What is visceral fat? When does a defender become an aggressor?

Behind this obscure word lies a familiar picture to everyone - a huge protruding belly. Internal or visceral fat- This is a mass that envelops the organs. We must give this component of the body its due - it acts as a buffer, preventing organs from hitting each other. It is also a kind of battery for the body, which it can resort to when difficult times come. But if a person neglects physical education and eats haphazardly, then this friend and protector turns into his worst enemy.

This happens when abdominal or upper type of obesity when it becomes full top part torso. IN in this case fat, like a boa constrictor, entangles the pancreas, heart, lungs and liver. Often this process even affects the intestines.

According to nutritionists, visceral fat sharply grabs a person by the throat after incorrect diets. Stress and nightly trips to the refrigerator are other factors in the appearance of such a reserve. But heredity has nothing to do with it; only 20 percent of people with big bellies have parents who also suffered from overweight bodies. He contributes to the development of obesity and passion for beer.

It's not beer that kills men, it's the beer belly

Surely everyone has witnessed such a spectacle - a man with a belly, as if a woman is pregnant, proudly strides along the beach. Overeating is not always the reason for a person’s transformation into a ball. Most often, beer is to blame in this situation. And there are several reasons for this. Firstly, beer is a fairly high-calorie product. For example, a drink of light varieties contains on average 50 kcal per 100 g. And for dark varieties this figure is even higher. For comparison, the same amount of milk contains 64 kcal.

Secondly, this drink is made from hops containing phytoestrogens. And phytoestrogens in their own way chemical composition- relatives of female sex hormones. While you while away your evenings with a glass of foam, don’t be surprised at what you’ll get: beer belly, the breasts will increase and fat will begin to be deposited where it is not supposed to be - on the hips. That is why many men today are far from the proportions of Apollo Belvedere.

The third reason why beer makes you fat is that the product stimulates the appetite. And together with a salty snack - this main enemy slimness. Don't forget that salt is a taste enhancer, which means it promotes overeating. Products that seem specially invented to reward a man with excess fat: crackers and chips.

Why is visceral fat dangerous?

Contrary to the popular saying that good man There must be many doctors who confidently declare: obesity is dangerous. It is a leading health destroyer modern man along with a sedentary lifestyle and bad habits.

The possibility of obesity is inherent in the very structure of adipose tissue; it is not limited by anything and under unfavorable conditions it can increase in size. Wherein visceral fat much more dangerous than subcutaneous. The fact is that it is more difficult to get rid of - liposuction in this case is powerless.

According to employees of the American Heart Association, who studied obesity, it is internal or visceral fat contributes to the emergence hypertension, heart disease, type 2 diabetes, Alzheimer's disease, liver, as well as intestinal oncology. In addition, it has long been known that upper-type obesity is especially dangerous for men, since it leads to an increase in the amount of female sex hormones - estrogens. At the same time, testosterone levels drop, which has a detrimental effect on sexual performance. And an increase in the volume of internal fat is a path to the appearance of metabolic syndrome.

Obesity is now considered as one of the development factors. The immediate threat is posed by excess visceral fat. Scientists from Harvard suggest that fat cells secrete , which stimulate the growth of osteoclasts, that is, bone tissue disassemblers. is also not useful, it is an additional load that will contribute to rapid wear of the cartilage tissue.

If you are faced with the task of losing weight, then you should pay attention to such a product as Kilo-Light, which includes the components: guarana, L-carnitine, green tea, synephrine, pollen pollen, white cinquefoil roots.

How to lose beer belly and get rid of visceral fat

Eradicate visceral fat It would be a mistake, but you shouldn’t neglect the problem either. Therefore, it makes sense to reduce its quantity, in other words, get rid of beer belly. In this matter, there are two main assistants, as in other health problems: diet and exercise. Instead of fast carbohydrates - sweets, pastries and cakes, eat slow ones, that is, vegetables and fruits. Useful to do on weekends fasting days by following a plant-based diet.

If you help yourself with physical exercise, the process of getting in shape will be more intense. So you can quickly get rid of visceral fat. Cardio exercises, such as running or swimming, are best for getting rid of harmful accumulations. In addition, the CrossFit element, burpees, has proven effective against obesity. It is also useful to do an exercise from the arsenal of bodybuilders - “vacuum in the stomach”.

However, if your weight has crossed the threshold of 90 kilograms, then too active exercise can damage your heart. In this case, it is better to give preference yourself simple view activity - walking. Doctors recommend walking at least 3 kilometers a day every day. This will allow you to quickly get rid of your beer belly.

Also fat people dietary supplement recommended Dandelion P, which is produced from the roots of the plant using cryotreatment. The drug improves blood circulation and stimulates liver function. Both of these properties are extremely important in business getting rid of visceral fat. Also due to the content of glycosides in dandelion cartilage cells– chondrocytes will be reliably protected.



How to remove internal fat from organs (visceral) is one of the frequently asked questions today. It is deposited in places such as the stomach, waist and thighs, as well as around the abdominal organs. Both women and men can face this problem. There are many ways to remove subcutaneous fat, including surgical intervention, but fighting visceral accumulations in this way is impossible. How to remove visceral fat? You can find out the answer to this question below.

What is visceral fat?

Today there are many methods on how to get rid of visceral belly fat, but first you need to understand what it is. So, internal fat in humans is deposits near the organs. They appear, as a rule, with a significant replenishment of fat reserves. As a result of this, the body stops depositing reserves in the subcutaneous layers, which are sent to the organs. Accumulating fats inside the body, formed around the intestines, liver, stomach, etc., can cause serious damage to human health.

Large amounts of fat can block the flow of lymph and blood to internal organs, contribute to the deterioration of pulmonary ventilation. As a result, a seemingly healthy person may experience problems breathing and sleeping. If measures are not taken in time and, at a minimum, the diet is not changed, then growing volumes of visceral fat can lead to myocardial infarction, diabetes, hormonal imbalance, metabolic processes (metabolism), etc.

Visceral obesity in men

The clinical picture of obesity of this type in males is as follows:

  • The waist circumference increases significantly, which can be more than 94 cm;
  • blood tests taken in the laboratory reveal low concentrations of high-density lipoproteins;
  • Glucose is detected in the blood plasma when tested on an empty stomach.

Visceral fat in men is not as harmless a phenomenon as many may think. They claim that the so-called The beer belly in men is a kind of factory for converting testosterone into estrogens, resulting in the appearance of fat deposits. Therefore, getting rid of such fat is of utmost importance.

Visceral obesity in women

Representatives of the fair half of humanity, unlike men, more often wonder how to get rid of internal belly fat. Even a couple of extra pounds can ruin your figure. The waist circumference with visceral obesity reaches 80 cm or more, but this also depends on height. The norm of internal fat in a woman’s body, just like in a man, should be within 10-15%.

Those with a pear-shaped body structure are least likely to experience the risk of excess visceral fat. But the likelihood of such tissue appearing increases significantly in women over 40 years of age, and this does not depend on either genetic predisposition or body structure. In order to prevent such an internal layer from accumulating, you need to act by exposing yourself to various loads and changing your menu.

How to get rid of visceral fat

To prevent the occurrence of serious diseases, you first need to switch to a truly healthy diet, which involves reducing the consumption of fatty foods while increasing the consumption of vegetables. To reduce fat on your internal organs, check out the following methods:

  • eat less, but more often, so you won’t feel hungry, and eating 5-6 times a day will help speed up the metabolic process;
  • try to replace White bread for products made from wholemeal flour;
  • be sure to try to avoid stressful situations;
  • drink daily norm liquids;
  • Avoid using sedatives that can act as a sedative.

How to burn visceral fat

In addition to nutrition, to solve the problem in question, you also need physical activities. To burn visceral fat more effectively, you need more active movements: running, cycling, swimming, playing tennis and football (remember to inhale and exhale correctly). As for fasting, it may not bring much effect.

How to remove visceral fat in men

First, you need to reduce the drinking of alcoholic beverages to a minimum - it’s not about their calorie content, but about the snacks, which many people eat excessively when drinking alcohol. In addition, to remove visceral fat in men, you need to engage in active sports. Must be done daily exercise at home, if there is no time for jogging or hiking Gym.

How to deal with visceral fat for women

In general, women need to fight visceral fat in the same way as men. It all comes down to changing your diet, eating protein, fiber and doing all sorts of physical activities. IN the latter case make sure your breathing is correct. An excellent option for a girl is to play tennis, visit the fitness room, body wraps, and in addition, you can massage your stomach.


As for exercises for visceral fat, they include the following points:

  • classic and double press, which must be performed in several approaches for greater effect;
  • lifting the body with simultaneous twisting;
  • turning the legs from a lying position;
  • “vacuum” exercise, which will strengthen the transverse abdominal muscle.
  • squats.


To look young and be healthy, you need a visceral fat diet. To do this, start preparing dishes that are rich in foods with high level fiber, for example, it can be braised cabbage. Replenish your diet with cereals, fruits, legumes and dried fruits. To reduce fat on internal organs, increase the concentration of vitamin C in the food you eat, for example, porridge. With a serious approach and willpower, solving the described problem is not so difficult.

Video: how to get rid of internal fat in the body

- this is the fat accumulation of our body, but it accumulates not in the subcutaneous layers of the waist and hips, but around the abdominal organs.

It is more dangerous than the usual subcutaneous one and it is also much more difficult to fight. If subcutaneous accumulations can, as a last resort, be removed surgically, then visceral accumulations - doctors have not yet learned how to cut them out.

What is the danger of visceral fat?

Visceral deposits are also important for the body; they protect internal organs from the effects of the internal environment. But their total volume should not exceed more than 10-15% of the total number of all fat cells in the body.

Accumulations in excess of the prescribed norm are already becoming hazardous to health. Excess visceral layer can provoke a number of the following diseases:

  • varicose veins due to excessive stress on the legs
  • myocardial infarction, since the heart is covered with fat, begins to malfunction, which often leads to disastrous consequences
  • oncological diseases
  • hormonal imbalance
  • disturbance of metabolic processes in the body

What is the difference between visceral fat and subcutaneous fat?

Our body vitally needs subcutaneous fat. This is a kind of reserve. By replenishing the body's energy reserves, it gives us vital energy and warms in the cold season.

By constantly eating, we replenish our fat reserves. But when they are significantly exaggerated, the body begins to deposit reserves not in the subcutaneous layers, but directly near the internal organs. Such internal fat layers are called visceral fat.

There is a growth of the fat layer around the stomach, liver, gallbladder, intestines, kidneys, and genitals. Excess visceral fat blocks the flow of blood and lymph to the internal organs. Ventilation of the lungs deteriorates, an imbalance of oxygen in the body is formed, which leads to difficulty breathing and sleep apnea.

Delicious and no calories All about meat and vegetable broths for those who do not want to gain weight from the first courses.

Visceral deposits - where do they come from?

Geneticists say that the tendency to accumulate visceral fat is primarily a genetic predisposition. But we ourselves are also guilty of its accumulation.

The luckiest women are those with a pear-shaped figure. As a rule, those with curvy hips and thin waist the tendency to accumulate this type of fat is much less.

Regardless of body structure and genetic predisposition, in women after 40 years of age, the production of female hormones decreases and the likelihood of an increase in visceral adipose tissue increases significantly.

The stronger half of humanity is not prone to the formation of cellulite, but is prone to the accumulation of internal fat.

IN Lately We often see men with huge bellies. It is popularly called “beer belly.” And not for nothing. Beer does not have a beneficial effect on testosterone, a hormone that fights excess fat in the male body.

By nature, the male population is less prone to obesity. But this only applies to those men whose testosterone levels are normal.

Determination of visceral fat level

To determine the amount of “dangerous” fat layer, it is better, of course, to go to the clinic and undergo a medical examination. But I’m not a big fan of going to doctors and check internal obesity on my own.

First, you need to measure your waist. If your waist size is within generally accepted norms, then you don’t need to worry about excess internal fat.

Visceral fat: the norm for women is up to 88 centimeters, for men up to 94 cm.

Second, we calculate the coefficient. We measure the hips, waist and divide the waist circumference by the hip circumference. The coefficient that we receive will indicate a deviation from the positive norm. For women it is more than 0.88, for men it is more than 0.95.

For example, my hips are 100, my waist is 74, my division is 74: 100 = 0.74

As you can see, I have fit into the required norm and have nothing to worry about yet. Although, during the year of working on the blog, I accumulated an extra 4 centimeters. Ay-ah-ah, it’s not far from 80 centimeters. How are things going for you?

How to get rid of visceral fat

First of all, you need to switch to a healthy diet. Increase your consumption of plant foods, that is, your daily diet should consist of 70% vegetables and fruits.

Reduce your consumption of animal fats (butter, fatty beef or pork) and similar vegetable fats (palm and coconut oils).

It is necessary to completely abandon trans fats, which are used to create various substitutes for natural oils (so-called spread products, cheap imitation of butter). Also, these oils are often used to prepare various baked goods, cakes, cookies, and for the preparation of confectionery products.

Review your diet and eliminate high GI foods. Such foods sharply increase blood sugar, which increases insulin synthesis. And this is a direct path to the formation of excess fat around the waist.

Try to reduce your consumption of alcoholic beverages to a minimum. It’s not even about the calorie content of alcohol, but about the snacks that we consume without measure, “taking it to the chest.”

Replace regular white bread with bakery products from wholemeal flour. Introduce foods high in fiber into your diet to cleanse your intestines.

Forget about unhealthy snacks like sandwiches with fatty sausage. Nuts, dried fruits, citrus fruits, raw vegetables and fruits are an irreplaceable alternative to unhealthy sandwiches.

And most importantly, find time for regular physical activity. The most unpleasant thing is that squats, bending the torso or doing abdominal crunches are not very effective for burning internal fat tissue.

Only active physical activity can burn visceral fat, namely running, swimming, cycling, playing football, tennis.

The main enemy of internal fat is activity. Move more, follow the rules of a healthy diet, and the fat will melt day by day like ice cream on a summer day.