Brain ring scenario “Take care of your clothes again, and your health from a young age” (senior and preparatory groups). Brain-ring “We know everything about a healthy lifestyle

Brain - ring

"We are for a healthy lifestyle"

Target: Introducing students to a healthy lifestyle and instilling a sense of responsibility for their physical and moral health


1. Stimulation cognitive activity competition, competitive nature of the game.

2. Activation of students’ mental activity.

3. Improving the skills needed to increase creativity.

The game is called "Bray-ring". Divide into teams and choose a captain, and also come up with team names. The rules of the game are very strict. A question and an immediate answer, no time to think. Players on the team who know the answer to the question raise their hands, and the captain chooses who will answer. Remember: the correct answer will bring the team victory, but a mistake can set them back. For unsportsmanlike behavior - shouting, noise, remarks - teams will pay a fine. The points they earn will be taken away from them. The game consists of 8 games.

  1. Coming up with team names
  2. we determine the captains.

To determine who will answer first - task


Disassemble the picket fence, starting from the highest letter to the smallest and read useful advice.


First game “Race for the leader”

Each team is asked 8 questions. For each correct answer the team receives 1 point. If within 3 seconds after reading the question the team does not give any answer, the opposing team gets the right.

Questions for 1 team

1. For human health there is a (pharmacy) on the corner

2.One leg here, the other there (split)

3.Specialist in the field physical culture, athlete mentor (coach)

4. A golden Russian lantern burned in the grass, then dimmed, went out and turned into fluff. What is this? (dandelion)

5. Winner prize (reward)

6.What plant is used to make a medicine that improves appetite? (dandelion root)

7. Organ that does not obey orders (heart)

8.An athlete who can rise to the occasion in a fall (goalkeeper)

Questions for team 2

1. Finished the job, go for a walk (feel free)

2. A man who is up to his neck in the sea (swimmer)

3. Ski race with shooting (biathlon)

4. Covered in dust, at least he has little strength, he sticks out by the road, his legs are bent, he is inconspicuous in appearance. What is this? (plantain)

5.An athlete lifting an elephant with one hand (chess player)

6.Which plant juice stops bleeding? (shepherd's purse)

7. It’s not the harp, but it’s played on; it’s not flax, but it’s frayed (nerves)

8.Everyday sport for most of humanity (walking)

The second game “Did you know?”

Questions for the first team:

1. Which human organ is compared to a pump? (heart)

2. What is the function of the skin? (protective)

3. Which human organ is both a filter and a stove? (nose)

4. Why is alcohol harmful to humans?

5. All their lives they have been racing, but they can’t overtake each other (legs)

6. I’ve been wearing them for many years, but I don’t know how many they have (hair)

Questions for the second team:

1. Which human organ is compared to a computer? (brain)

2. What security posts prevent invisible enemies - microbes, viruses, dust and dirt - from entering your body? (skin, nose, tonsils)

3. What human organs are affected by smoking? (lungs, heart, brain)

4. Why do people need eyebrows, eyelashes, tears? (for eye protection)

5. My brother lives behind the mountain, but may not meet me (eyes).

6. Always in your mouth, but you can’t swallow (tongue).

Third game " Hygiene is the basis of health"

There are children in the world who do the opposite. When they are told: “Wash yourself!” - they don’t wash themselves. When they are told: “Don’t climb the tree!” - they are climbing. For such children, the writer G. Oster came up with “Bad Advice.”

Never wash your hands. Neck, ears and face. This stupid activity leads to nothing. Your hands will get dirty again. Neck, ears and face. So why waste energy? Time to waste. Getting a haircut is also useless. There's no point. As you get older, your head will go bald on its own.

Questions for the first team:

1. Why must we brush our teeth twice a day?

2. Why should you cover your nose and mouth with a tissue or at least your hand when coughing and sneezing?

3. What do you think is more correct: to wash the floor with a wet mop, or to sweep it with a dry broom?

Questions for the second team:

1. Why is it necessary to wash your hands before eating?

2. What can the bad habit of biting your nails lead to?

3. Why should a person wash himself daily, or at least 1-2 times a week, in the shower or in the bathhouse, or in the bathroom?

Fourth game “Captains Competition”

Now let's look at this Magic word"HEALTH". Think of words related to health for each letter of this word. (Z – exercise, D – diet, O – rest, R – daily routine, O – glasses, B – vitamins, E – food).

Fifth game “Troubles from a Barrel”

If a team answers a question correctly, it receives 2 points; if the answer is incorrect, then the right to answer is transferred to another team.

1.What is the body’s increased sensitivity to factors called? environment(allergy)

2. Name the branch of preventive medicine that studies the effects external environment on the human body (hygiene)

3. The state of mental well-being, characterized by the absence of painful manifestations, is called ... (health)

4. What is a violation of the normal functioning of the body called? (disease)

5. The emotional expression of a person’s need for food is... (appetite)

Sixth game " Proper nutrition“a guarantee of health”

Food should be healthy and varied. Some foods give the body energy to move, think a lot, and not get tired (for example: buckwheat, raisins, butter). Others help the body grow and become strong (fish, meat, nuts). And still others supply the body with vitamins and minerals, helping to grow and develop (vegetables, fruits, dairy products). But not all the foods a person eats are healthy. Proper nutrition is a condition for health, incorrect nutrition leads to illness.

Which foods do you think are healthy and which are harmful? Why?

One player from each team participates in the “Guess the Healthy Products” competition and is given 2 minutes to think. Arrange the cards with the names of the products according to their usefulness. In one pile - useful, in the other - harmful. Explain why.

(In front of the children there are cards with pictures of products: apple, kiwi, orange, pear, tangerine, banana, cucumber, chips, potatoes, candy, kirieshki, lemonade, etc.).

Seventh game " . The Green Pharmacy is a pantry of health.”

A long time ago, people learned that many plants improve health and even heal. Some plants are used to make decoctions and we gargle sore throats; others are used to make healing infusions and rubs to treat joints, etc. Today we must name what healing properties this or that plant has. So, now, by drawing lots, you will receive the names of the plants, consult with the team and tell us how this plant helps a person in treatment.

Plants: 1. Nettle, Mother and stepmother, Celandine.

2. Chamomile, Plantain, Raspberry.

Eighth game "Guessing - ka"

(On the board there is a note: “49,69,0,56,0,90,1,43 – 85,55,0 32,4,71,90,20,0,43 16,19,49,20,43," J. Korczak.)
Children work as a team. Each team has a task on the sheet.

Children solve examples and translate the answers into letters. I open the poster on the board:
“Health is the main benefit of life.” J. Korczak.How can you explain the meaning of this proverb?

The jury counts the points. Announcement of the winner.

Zakiryanova Marina Pavlovna
Job title: primary school teacher
Educational institution: MBOU boarding school No. 3
Locality: city ​​of Poronaysk, Sakhalin region
Name of material: methodological development
Subject: Extracurricular activity for students in grades 3-4. Brain ring "If you want to be healthy, be healthy!"
Publication date: 31.10.2017
Chapter: elementary education

Extracurricular event for students in grades 3-4.

Brain ring “If you want to be healthy, be healthy!”

Target: summarize and systematize children's knowledge of

rules of a healthy lifestyle.





burdock, wormwood, celandine, nettle.


All people on earth want to be healthy. No one

I want to be sick, lie in bed, swallow pills.

And in order not to get sick, every person should

know your body well. Know how yours work

eat right, lead a healthy lifestyle. In that

Books help us. In them we learn about everything in the world

and also about health.




rules that are good for our health.

What should you do to be healthy?

Answer in unison YES or NO

Brush your teeth regularly?

Watch more TV?

Keep a daily routine?

Do exercises in the morning?

Eat a lot of sweets?

To walk outside?

Eat vegetables and fruits?

Wash your hands before eating?

Drinking from the same glass with a friend?

Drink alcohol and smoke?

Let's do a little warm-up and start the game.

"Brain-Ring" slide 1

If my advice is good

Clap your hands!

On the wrong advice

Say no, no, no

Constantly need to eat

For your teeth

Fruits, vegetables, omelette,

Cottage cheese, yogurt.

Don't bite the cabbage leaf

It's really, really tasteless

Better eat chocolate

Waffles, sugar, marmalade.

Is this the right advice?

Always remember

Dear friends,

Without brushing my teeth,

You can't go to sleep.

If my advice is good,

You clap your hands.

Have you brushed your teeth?

And go to bed.

Grab a bun

Sweets for bed.

Is this the right advice?

To strengthen teeth,

It's good to chew nails.

Is this the right advice?

Remember this useful advice:

You cannot chew on an iron object.

If my advice is good,

You clap your hands.

We split into 2 teams. Each team

comes up with a name for himself. Let's meet the jury.

Round 1: “Did you know?” slide 2

Questions for the first team:

Which human organ is compared to a pump?

what function does the skin perform? (protective)

what human organ is both a filter and

stove? (Nose)

Why is alcohol harmful to humans?

They spend their whole lives racing, but they can’t overtake

I’ve been wearing them for many years, but I don’t know how many they have (hair)

Questions for the second team:

Which human organ is compared to a computer?

What security posts do not allow entry into your body?

invisible enemies - microbes, viruses, dust and

dirt? (skin, nose, tonsils)

What human organs are affected by smoking?

(lungs. Heart, brain)

Why do people need eyebrows, eyelashes, tears?

(for eye protection)

My brother lives behind the mountain, but he won’t meet him

me? (eyes)

Always in your mouth, but you can’t swallow it? (language)

Round 2. “Hygiene is the basis of health” slide 3

For children who do the opposite, writer G.

Oster came up with “Bad Advice” (narrated by a student)

“Never wash your hands, neck or face. This is a stupid thing to do

leads to nothing. Hands, neck, ears will get dirty again

and face. So why waste energy? Time to waste.

Getting a haircut is also useless. There's no point. TO

In old age the head will go bald on its own.

Questions for the first team:

Why is it necessary to cleanse twice a day?

Why should you cover your nose when coughing and sneezing?

mouth with a handkerchief or at least with your hand?

What do you think is more correct: wash the floor

with a wet rag or sweep the floor with a broom?

Questions for the second team:

Why is it important to wash your hands before eating?

What can a bad habit of gnawing lead to?

Why does a person every day, at least 1-2 times a day?

for a week should wash in the shower or in the bath, or in


Round 3. “Proper nutrition” slide 4

Food should be healthy and varied.

Buckwheat, raisins, butter - give the body energy,

help you move and think.

Fish, meat, nuts - help to grow and become

Vegetables, fruits, dairy products - supply

body with vitamins and minerals


But not all foods are healthy.

Competition for captains

“Guess the healthy foods” (2 minutes)

Round 4. “Sport and movement are the key to health”

slide 5

Sport strengthens and develops human muscles,

makes him strong and healthy.

Game "Hit the Target"

4 people from each team are called. They

must throw all the balls exactly at the target.

The jury's word.

Sports riddles

Ribbon, ball, log and parallel bars,

The rings are next to them.

I don’t dare to list

Lots of shells.

Beauty and plasticity

Gives us... (gymnastics)

Let's gather a team at school

And we will find a large field.

Taking a corner -

Let's score with our heads!

And the fifth goal is in the goal!

We love very much... (football)

The team wins here

If the ball doesn't drop.

He flies accurately from the pitch

Not into the goal - through the net.

And the playground, not the field

Athletes in... (volleyball)

Very difficult in hot summer

Athletes should run it

Many long kilometers

Fly faster than the wind.

The path is not easy, it is named

In an ancient word... (marathon)

In this sport the players

Everyone is agile and tall.

They love to play ball

And throw it into the ring.

The ball hits the floor loudly,

So this is... (basketball)

I see - the champion

A quarter ton barbell.

I want to become the same

To protect my sister!

I'll be in the apartment now

Lift big... (weights)

Two planks on the legs

And two sticks in his hands.

If we lubricate the boards -

We'll show you snow extra class!

Winter records are closer

For those who really love...(skiing)

Round 5. “Green pharmacy – health pantry”

slide 6


a bunch of










some plants.

(guys are called with messages one at a time)

Round 6. "Ambulance"

Anything can happen to any person: suddenly you

fell, injured your leg, or someone bit you. You need to be able to

perform a first aid.

Questions for the first team:

What to do if you injured your leg and

Are you bleeding from your wound?

What should you do in case of a burn?


Questions for the second team:

What to do if your nose bleeds?

What to do if a person seriously hurt his knee?

What to do if a person has a frostbitten nose or

Competition "Orphans"

(2 people from each team are called and each



P e r v a l e s

g o l o v u

to the victim). Quality and speed are assessed.

The jury sums up the results.

Guys, you are GREAT!!!

Be always healthy and cheerful!!!

The one who rises with the sun

Does exercises

Brushes teeth in the morning

And plays hide and seek, -

That sports man

And quite cheerful.

Stay like this

At school or at home. (Anastasia Polyubash)

I offer all participants of the game and guests of our

competition, sit back, relax and unwind.

Color therapy (Watch a video that





improve performance)

Target: consolidate children's knowledge about health and factors influencing human health.
Jury: nurse, methodologist, senior teacher (if desired, the composition of the jury can be expanded).


Children are divided into two teams, choose a team leader and come up with a name. To indicate “team spirit,” emblems are glued to each team member’s T-shirt.

You are friends with the red sun,
Glad to see the cool wave,
You're not afraid of the rain
Snowfall is not scary.
You're not afraid of the wind,
You don't get tired in the game,
And you go to bed early,
And you rise with the sun.
In winter you go skiing,
You're frolicking on the skating rink.
And in the summer, tanned
Swimming in the river.
Do you like to jump, run,
Play with a tight ball.
You will grow up healthy!
You will be a strong man!
(S. Ostrovsky)

Leading: Guys, can we say that this poem is about you? (YES)
Leading: Why do you think so? (We follow a daily routine, in winter we like to ski, skate, sled, and in summer we sunbathe in the sun and swim in the river; we like to play outdoor games, walk, play sports, etc.)
Leading: Guys, if you follow all these rules, then we can say that you lead what kind of life? (Healthy lifestyle)
Leading: Right. Why do you think it is so important to lead a healthy lifestyle? (To be healthy)
Leading: That's right, guys, in order to be healthy you need to lead a healthy lifestyle. And today we will play and remember what rules must be followed in order to lead a healthy lifestyle, as well as what affects our health. Ready? (YES!)

Task 1 “The letters are mixed up”

A table is shown on the interactive board. Each team is given a Whatman paper on which the same table is drawn, but empty: Leading: Teams need to find their place for each letter. If the task is completed correctly, then you will be able to read the proverb.

The jury evaluates the team's work according to two criteria: speed and correctness (the team that answered faster and correctly receives 1 point).
The team can also earn an extra point if they can explain the meaning of this proverb.

Task 2 “Say a word”

1 Chew steel pipes
If you clean often...
2 I take dumbbells boldly -
I train my muscles...
3 Do you want to become stronger?
Raise everything...
4 Let the temperature go down
Here's a liquid...
5 Svetka is unlucky today -
The doctor gave bitter...
6 Yulia was lucky today -
The doctor gave sweets...
7 Juice tablets are the most beneficial of all,
He will save everyone...
8 Since childhood, people have been told to everyone,
What smoking is...
9 Even though it stings the wound,
Redhead heals well...
10 For Alenka’s scratches
The bottle is full...
11 They declared battle against the bacilli,
Wash your hands clean with...
12 She gave it to me yesterday
Two injections...

The team that answers correctly first earns 1 point for each answer.

Task 3 “Arrange the pictures in correct sequence»

Leading: The team's task is to arrange the pictures in the correct sequence and compose a story based on them.
Parents help children write down the story on a piece of paper.
The jury evaluates each story on a five-point scale (reliability of information, completeness and correctness of sentence construction)
The team receives an additional point for the correct placement of the pictures.

Task 4 “What is useful and what is not”

Pictures appear on the interactive board

Leading: Each team has the same pictures. Divide these pictures into two groups: 1 – what is good for health; 2 – something that is harmful to health.
The teams deliberate for 3 minutes, and the team leader announces the answer.
The jury evaluates the task as follows: 1 point is awarded to the team for each correct answer.
While the jury is deliberating, all participants perform “Fun Exercises” (link to video

A picture appears on the interactive whiteboard The floor is given to the Jury. Rewarding teams with diplomas and vestments.

Z Find this, adults and, of course, children:
D In order for everyone in this world to live long,
ABOUT Give up bad habits completely.
R Wake up early, make friends with sports
ABOUT It is also very important to eat right -
IN vitamins and vegetables will be very useful for everyone.

Task 3
C, B, D, E, A, D

Task 4

Extracurricular activity for primary school students.

Brain ring “Healthy children in a healthy family”

Target : summarize and systematize children’s knowledge on the rules of a healthy lifestyle.


Educational: Systematize students’ knowledge about the rules of a healthy lifestyle;

Developmental: To give students the opportunity to demonstrate their creative abilities when completing tasks on a specified topic, to develop logical thinking, ingenuity, memory.

Educational: Provide pedagogical support in the ability to listen to the captain, show personal initiative and bear collective responsibility for decisions made.

Leading: Guys, we all want to be healthy. Nobody wants to be sick, lie in bed, swallow pills, feel pain.

And in order not to get sick, every person should know himself and his body well. Know how his organs work: heart, lungs, brain, muscles. Know what is good for your body and what is harmful. Know how to eat properly and lead a healthy lifestyle. Books help us with this; from books we gain knowledge about everything in the world, including health.

Today we have gathered to remember, discuss and consolidate the rules that are good for our health. The motto of our game: “I take care of my health, I will help myself.” Guys, raise your hands, those who lead a healthy lifestyle. All! We'll check this now. Let's put together a cluster on the topic of healthy lifestyle. (work in teams)

Now we will do a short warm-up, after which we will proceed to the questions of the brain ring game.

If my advice is good,

Clap your hands!

On the wrong advice

Say: no, no, no

Constantly need to eat

For your teeth

Fruits, vegetables, omelette,

Cottage cheese, yogurt.

Don't bite the cabbage leaf

It's completely, completely tasteless.

Better eat chocolate

Waffles, sugar, marmalade.

Is this the right advice?

Lyuba told her mother:

I won't brush my teeth.

And now our Lyuba

A hole in every, every tooth.

What will be your answer?

Well done Lyuba?

Oh, awkward Lyudmila

She dropped the brush on the floor.

He picks up a brush from the floor,

He continues to brush his teeth.

Who will give the correct answer?

Well done Luda?

Always remember

Dear friends,

Without brushing my teeth,

You can't go to sleep.

If my advice is good,

You clap your hands.

Have you brushed your teeth?

And go to bed.

Grab a bun

Sweets for bed.

Is this the right advice?

To strengthen teeth,

It's good to chew nails.

Is this the right advice?

Remember this useful advice:

You cannot chew on an iron object.

If my advice is good,

You clap your hands.

Well done you guys

Everything will be fine with you!

And now, guys, you must split into 2 teams, each team comes up with a name for itself. We are starting the Brain Ring game “If you want to be healthy.”

Round 1. Did you know?

Questions for the first team:

1. Which human organ is compared to a pump? (heart)

2. What is the function of the skin? (protective)

3. Which human organ is both a filter and a stove? (nose)

4. Why is alcohol harmful to humans?

5. All their lives they have been racing, but they can’t overtake each other (legs)

6. I’ve been wearing them for many years, but I don’t know how many they have (hair)

Questions for the second team:

1. Which human organ is compared to a computer? (brain)

2. What security posts prevent invisible enemies - microbes, viruses, dust and dirt - from entering your body? (skin, nose, tonsils)

3. What human organs are affected by smoking? (lungs, heart, brain)

4. Why do people need eyebrows, eyelashes, tears? (for eye protection)

5. My brother lives behind the mountain, but may not meet me (eyes).

6. Always in your mouth, but you can’t swallow (tongue).

Round 2. Hygiene is the basis of health

There are children in the world who do the opposite. When they are told: “Wash yourself!” - they don’t wash themselves. When they are told: “Don’t climb the tree!” - they are climbing. For such children, the writer G. Oster came up with “Bad Advice.”

Never wash your hands. Neck, ears and face. This stupid activity leads to nothing. Your hands will get dirty again. Neck, ears and face. So why waste energy? Time to waste. Getting a haircut is also useless. There's no point. As you get older, your head will go bald on its own.

Questions for the first team:

1. Why must we brush our teeth twice a day?

2. Why should you cover your nose and mouth with a tissue or at least your hand when coughing and sneezing?

3. What do you think is more correct: to wash the floor with a wet mop, or to sweep it with a dry broom?

Questions for the second team:

1. Why is it necessary to wash your hands before eating?

2. What can the bad habit of biting your nails lead to?

3. Why should a person wash himself daily, or at least 1-2 times a week, in the shower or in the bathhouse, or in the bathroom?

Round 3. Proper nutrition is the key to health

Food should be healthy and varied. Some foods give the body energy to move, think a lot, and not get tired (for example: buckwheat, raisins, butter). Others help the body grow and become strong (fish, meat, nuts). And still others supply the body with vitamins and minerals, helping to grow and develop (vegetables, fruits, dairy products). But not all the foods a person eats are healthy. Proper nutrition is a condition for health, incorrect nutrition leads to illness.

Which foods do you think are healthy and which are harmful? Why?

In the competition "Guess the healthy products" One player from each team participates, 2 minutes are given to think. Arrange the cards with the names of the products according to their usefulness. In one pile - useful, in the other - harmful. Explain why.

(In front of the children there are cards with pictures of products: apple, kiwi, orange, pear, tangerine, banana, cucumber, chips, potatoes, sweets, kirieshki, lemonade, etc.)

Round 4. Sports and movement are the key to health

“If you want to be healthy, run! If you want to be beautiful, run! If you want to be smart, run!” - this is what the Greek sages said. They are right - sport strengthens and develops a person’s muscles, makes him strong and healthy.

Now we will conduct game "Sharpshooter" and find out whose team is the most athletic and agile. Four players from each team must take turns throwing all the items from the bag into the basket. So let's begin. Ready, ready to start, attention, MARCH!

(The jury counts the results to see who threw the most items into the basket)

Riddles on the topic “Sports and health”

Get up earlier in the morning

Jump, run, do push-ups.

For health, for order

People all need (charging).

Clear morning along the road

Dew glistens on the grass.

Feet are moving along the road

And two wheels run (bicycle)

The rain is warm and thick,

This is not an easy rain:

He is without clouds, without clouds

Ready to go all day (shower).

He is with you and with me

Walked in forest stitches.

A hiking friend behind your back

On straps with fasteners (backpack)

Guys, I have

Two silver horses.

I drive both at once

What kind of horses do I have? (skates).

Do you want to break the record?

This is how (sports) will help you.

To become a great athlete

There is a lot to know.

And skill will help here

And, of course, (training).

Round 5. “Bad habits”

What does the word habit mean? (children's answers). Habit is behavior, a course of action, an inclination that has become ordinary and constant for someone in life. That is, a habit is something we do constantly.

Today we will try to understand the habits that each of us has and our close ones and their impact on our health.

1. Read the list of habits.

2. Select useful habits from the list and put a “+” next to each one.

3. Choose from the list bad habits and put opposite each “ - “

4. If you don’t know what habit it is, then put “?”

List of habits:

Sleep with the window open.


Wash your face

Brush your teeth

Nail biting


Put things back in their place

To do homework


Miss lessons

Wash dishes after yourself

To confront

(After the children complete the task, a discussion is held)

So what can we conclude?

Relaxation wellness minute “Create the sun in yourself”

Result of the event. Our game has come to an end. Let's remember what kind of life we ​​and our family should lead in order to maintain and strengthen our health?


"World Health Day".

Target: consolidate children's knowledge about health and factors influencing human health.

Children are divided into two teams, choose a team leader and come up with a name


You are friends with the red sun, Glad to see the cool wave, You're not afraid of the rain Snowfall is not scary. You're not afraid of the wind, You don't get tired in the game, And you go to bed early, And you rise with the sun. In winter you go skiing, You're frolicking on the skating rink. And in the summer, tanned Swimming in the river. Do you like to jump, run, Play with a tight ball. You will grow up healthy! You will be a strong man!
(S. Ostrovsky)

Leading: Guys, can we say that this poem is about you?(YES) Leading: Why do you think so? (We follow a daily routine, in winter we like to ski, skate, sled, and in summer we sunbathe in the sun and swim in the river; we like to play outdoor games, walk, play sports, etc.)
Leading: Guys, if you follow all these rules, then we can say that you lead what kind of life?(Healthy lifestyle) Leading: Right. Why do you think it is so important to lead a healthy lifestyle?(To be healthy) Leading: That's right, guys, in order to be healthy you need to lead a healthy lifestyle.

Leading: AND We have gathered here because today is World Health Day. We will play and remember what rules must be followed in order to lead a healthy lifestyle, as well as what affects our health. And our game is called brain-ring. Ready?(YES!)

Before the game starts, we will give the floor to our teams to introduce themselves.

Senior team......

Preparatory group team…..

( command presentation)

We're starting the game!

Task 1 “Say a word”

1 Chew steel pipes
If you clean often...
2 I take dumbbells boldly -
I train my muscles...
3 Do you want to become stronger?
Raise everything...
4 Let the temperature go down
Here's a liquid...
5 Svetka is unlucky today -
The doctor gave bitter...
6 Yulia was lucky today -
The doctor gave sweets...
7 Juice tablets are the most beneficial of all,
He will save everyone...
8 Even though it stings the wound,
Redhead heals well...
9 For Alenka’s scratches
The bottle is full...
10 They declared battle against the bacilli,
Wash your hands clean with...
The team that answers correctly first earns 1 point for each answer.

Task 2 “Place the pictures in the correct sequence”

Pictures appear on the screen

Leading: The team's task is to arrange the pictures in the correct sequence and compose a short story based on them.
The jury evaluates each story on a five-point scale (reliability of information, completeness and correctness of sentence construction)
The team receives an additional point for the correct placement of the pictures.

Task 3 “What is useful and what is not”

Pictures for each team appear on the screen.

One of the team members must give the correct answer. One point is awarded for each answer.


Dear guys, now I think it's time to relax a little. And I invite everyone to come out and warm up.

Physical exercise “Forward four steps.”

We've rested a bit and it's time to test our knowledge again!

The next task is not easy! You should now remember the proverbs about health. I will read the beginning of the proverb to you, and you will finish it.

Take care of your dress again, and your health from a young age.

The disease will not catch up with the quick and clever.

Health has no price.

Healthy - jumps, sick - cries.

If you harden yourself from a young age, you will be good for the rest of your life.

Laughter is the health of the soul.

He is weak in health and not a hero in spirit.

Pure water- it’s a disaster for the sick.

Wash yourself more often, don’t be afraid of water.

Healthy teeth- any health.

Cleanliness is the key to health.

Wash yourself whiter, you will be nicer to people.

Vanya was cured - the bathhouse helped him.

Sleep is better than any medicine.

Onions are a friend to health.

Eat right - and you don't need medication.

He who chews long lives long.

Appetite comes with eating.

Bread is the head of everything.

Bread is father, water is mother.

A bad lunch when there is no bread.

The river's banks are red, lunch is pies.

Sugar destroys teeth, but carrots strengthen them.

Lunch without vegetables is like a holiday without music.

Garlic and onions for seven ailments.

Movement is a companion to health.


I think it's time to play some more. 4 people are invited from each team.

Game "Hygiene Products".

There are various objects on the table in front of you. You can only take one item at a time. You should bring personal hygiene items to your team for the person. Then the team explains what this or that thing is for.


Well done team! They coped with the task perfectly.

I have no time to be sick, friends,

I play football and hockey.

And I'm very proud of myself.

What gives me health? (sport)

Now we will check how you know different kinds sports There are puzzles on the table in front of you. You have to put together a picture and say what sport it is. Ready? Then let's begin.

Game "Assemble the puzzle"

Guys, as they say, a healthy person has more fun and life.

Now, while the results are being summed up, you and I will take a little rest again.

Physical exercise “If life is fun...”

Leading: Z Find this, adults and, of course, children:
D In order for everyone in this world to live long,
ABOUT Give up bad habits completely.
R Wake up early, make friends with sports
ABOUT It is also very important to eat right -
IN vitamins and vegetables will be very useful for everyone.

Which team do you think won? Of course both! You showed excellent knowledge today. And now we will reward both teams.


Guys, you and I know that you can’t watch TV for a long time. So we'll watch it quite a bit. Because we have a surprise for you. And now the famous Smeshariki will remind you once again about the benefits of a healthy lifestyle.

Watching cartoons on healthy lifestyle