Factors in personality development: the role of heredity, the influence of environment, education and activity on personality development. Chapter II. External environment - as a factor in the development of mental abilities


The problem under consideration is relevant at this stage of human development. Modern man lives in conditions of a qualitative evolutionary leap of the entire complex of its energy-informational interactions with the surrounding space and habitat.

Changes occur in the external environment surrounding a person. This:

  • increasing requirements for volumes of information;
  • sharp deterioration environmental conditions life;
  • changing norms of behavior that ensure both physical and creative survival;
  • an avalanche-like flow of technical re-equipment;
  • changing conditions for obtaining livelihoods.

Changes occurring in the internal environment of a person include:

  • change in the speed of mental processes;
  • genetic changes to human DNA;
  • spiritual changes.

Most people do not understand information for a number of reasons: lack of competence, lack of desire to learn new things, concentration of knowledge in one area of ​​science does not allow one to comprehend knowledge in another. Everything focuses on the person, that is, on the human factor. A situation is being created that a person who has already received an education or continues to receive it independently, where: in America, Japan, Ukraine, Russia or another country, is not needed for tomorrow with the latest achievements of scientific and technological progress. It is difficult for him to adapt to the new technogenic environment. Since completely new qualities are needed that will help a person enter an informationally transformed environment. Each person is unique and inimitable. There is a certain potential hidden in him, which he himself is sometimes unaware of. How to open it? How to enter your inner world? How to pick up the keys to it and become a full-fledged owner? Very often we do not realize that all the answers are close to us. Since the external environment that surrounds a person is often a reflection of his internal environment, that is, his inner world. Many may disagree with this and will be right in their own way, since the society in which a person lives may not really reflect his inner state. This will depend on many factors. But a fairly well-developed inner world of a person makes it possible to change and transform external factors.

Man today adapts poorly to new living conditions, which are changing rapidly, and sometimes not in a timely manner. better side. External environment today acts as a stressor. Take, for example, the latest events: the explosion near the Moscow metro on August 31, 2004, the seizure of a school in Beslan on September 1, 2004, the crash of two Russian passenger airliners. (We took the events that happened in lately, without listing similar events around the world). This cannot but cause indignation, and in many people fear. Situations are simulated that, with the help of certain mechanisms, are aimed at generating fear, uncertainty in tomorrow. All this hinders a person’s self-development and his creative functions.

Society-society is a mirror of a person’s inner world, and if it does not achieve unification (there is no dialectical synthesis), then it has no chance to survive on Earth. "Life has become painful, as bright light for a person with sore eyes. She sparkled in front of him and shimmered with all the colors of the rainbow, and he was in pain, unbearably in pain." (J. London "Martin Eden"). A person must combine true knowledge - science, the correct philosophy of life and deep spirituality. "I think we Let's begin to respect the uniqueness of every sentient being and understand better. That the spirit is not an abstraction, but, of course, one of the most incredible phenomena of the inner world" (Norman Cousins ​​"Anatomy of a disease - as the patient understands it"). After all, a person himself is a living self-learning information system

The crisis of the spiritual, cultural, social plane is increasing, which leads to the destruction of man as an individual, the destruction of the stability of his consciousness. The internal state of the information system, in addition to the current state of mind and soul, also includes a store of knowledge, everything that was taught, but not forgotten.

It is necessary to effectively solve the problems of creating an environment conducive to the harmonious development of man, “so that man becomes a man, and not a pitiful semblance of a man.” (Valentin Sidorov. Selected works in two volumes).

As studies on the formation of a person’s consciousness and the development of intelligence show, when creating a certain environment, a person can be formed and developed. And also teach him to self-organize and improve himself regardless of environmental factors that can negatively affect human development. By developing spiritually and being able to subjugate information, a person can change negative information and thus change the environment in which he lives. The environment can change a person, both positively and negatively, and a person can change the environment, both positively and negatively. The subjective can determine the objective “The so-called true nature of consciousness is never born or destroyed. And only from the underlying thoughts do the differences in all things and phenomena arise” (Mahayana-Srahddhotpada-Shastra). The environment in which a person lives and his internal environment must be harmonious. Then man walking along the path of creation, not destruction.

Bibliographic link

Zadoya E.S., Gubanova E.E. ENVIRONMENT AS A FACTOR OF HUMAN DEVELOPMENT // Successes modern natural science. – 2004. – No. 10. – P. 85-86;
URL: http://natural-sciences.ru/ru/article/view?id=13612 (access date: 03/31/2019). We bring to your attention magazines published by the publishing house "Academy of Natural Sciences"

Microenvironment is a small part of social conditions that influences the primary development of personality.

The first and most important link in development is the family, in which a person receives his primary formation. Perception and attitude towards the sphere is formed social relations. A person’s familiarization with the customs and traditions of society and the norms of moral behavior begins with the family. Educational institutions and schools teach familiar forms of communication. For example, small child, who is instilled in the family with a love for the environment and respect for older family members, comes to school and brings with him the acquired behavioral skills. These skills can be learned by other children. But it also happens the other way around - a child brings with him rudeness, boorish attitude, intolerance towards another person.

Therefore, social relations in the primary unit of society are very important. The individuality of a person is created by the fact that in the process of his formation and development, a person goes through various stages and social groups - these are children's institutions, schools, institutes, labor collective. In all these social groups there are their own rules of behavior and relationships between their members. And passing through all these separate societies, a person’s personality is enriched, and shapes his behavior and attitude towards society as a whole.

The team as one of the factors of the social environment

The greatest influence on the formation of a person as an individual in adulthood is exerted by the collective. A team is a social group consisting of people united by a system of relationships that arose on the basis of psychological connections. The structure of collective relations includes functional, managerial and moral relations. This social group has its own psychological structure, a common assessment of behavior, and norms of relationships. The social functions of an individual are realized directly within the group where its life activities take place. If a person is simultaneously in opposite social groups under certain conditions, this can cause negative consequences– “split personality,” the overlapping of knowledge and beliefs. Therefore, it is very important to understand what place a person occupies in a team, taking into account personal and business relations. The higher the place, the more people values ​​his personal and business reputation.

This is an important socio-psychological point, since a person, valuing his authority, can make self-sacrifice, putting the interests of the team above personal ones.

Considering the social environment as main factor development human personality, it is important to understand, first of all, the consciousness of social existence, the structure of the socio-economic structure, the distribution of labor and the product of production of society's activities.


State educational institution of higher professional education


Academy of Ecology, Marine Biology and Biotechnology

Department of Ecology

Department of General Ecology

Zhuk Alexandra Evgenievna









Personality is a stable system of socially significant traits that characterize an individual, a product of social development and the inclusion of individuals in the system of social relations through active substantive activity and communication. Personality properties are what bring individuals together due to the commonality of historically and socially determined features of their life. An individual becomes a personality in the process of mastering social functions and the development of self-awareness, i.e. awareness of one’s self-identity and uniqueness as a subject of activity and individuality, but precisely as a member of society. The desire to merge with a social community (to identify with it) and at the same time - to isolate, manifest creative individuality makes the individual both a product and a subject of social relations and social development at the same time.

Personality formation is carried out in the processes of socialization of individuals and directed education: their mastery social norms and functions ( social roles) through mastering diverse types and forms of activity. The wealth of which determines the wealth of the individual. The alienation of certain types and forms of activity inherent in an integral generic person (due to the social division of labor, fixed in a class-antagonistic society by its social structure) determines the formation of a one-sidedly developed personality, which perceives its own activity as unfree, imposed from the outside, alien. On the contrary, the appropriation of the entire integrity of historically established types and forms of activity by each individual in a society devoid of class-antagonistic contradictions is an indispensable prerequisite for the comprehensive and harmonious development of the individual. In addition to social ones, personality acquires traits arising from the specific living conditions of special social communities of which individuals are members, i.e. class, socio-professional, national-ethnic, socio-territorial and age-gender. Mastering the features inherent in these diverse communities, as well as the social roles performed by individuals in group and collective activity, on the one hand, is expressed in socially typical manifestations of behavior and consciousness, and on the other hand, it gives the personality a unique individuality, since these socially conditioned qualities are structured into a stable integrity based on the psychophysical properties of the subject. As a subject of social relations, a person is characterized by active creative activity, which, however, becomes possible and productive thanks to the mastery of the culture inherited from previous generations.



The formation of a person’s personality is a consistent change and complication of the system of relationships to the surrounding world, nature, work, other people and to oneself. It happens throughout his life. Children and adolescents are especially important in this regard. Human development is a very complex process. It occurs under the influence of both external influences and internal forces, which are characteristic of man, as of any living and growing organism. External factors include, first of all, the natural and social environment surrounding a person, as well as special purposeful activities to develop certain personality traits in children (upbringing); to internal - biological, hereditary factors. The development of a child - not only a complex, but also a contradictory process - means his transformation from a biological individual into a social being - personality.

Human personality is formed and developed in activity and communication. During the development process, the child becomes involved in various types activities (play, work, study, sports, etc.) and enters into communication (with parents, peers, strangers, etc.), while showing his inherent activity, this contributes to his acquisition of special social experience. For the normal development of a child from birth, communication is of great importance. Only in the process of communication can a child master human speech, which, in turn, plays a leading role in the child’s activities and in his knowledge and mastery of the world around him. The leading personality traits develop as a result of external influence on the personality and its inner world.

Human development is a process of quantitative and qualitative change, the disappearance of the old and the emergence of the new, the source and driving forces which are hidden in the contradictory interaction of both natural and social aspects of personality.

The natural side of a person develops and changes throughout his life. These developments and changes are age-related. The source of social development of the individual is in the interaction between the individual and society.

The formation of personality is influenced by three factors: upbringing, social environment and hereditary inclinations.

Education is considered by pedagogy as a leading factor, since it is a specially organized system of influencing a growing person to transfer accumulated social experience.

The social environment is of primary importance in the development of personality: the level of development of production and character public relations determine the nature of people’s activities and worldview.

Inclinations are special anatomical and physiological prerequisites for abilities for various types of activities. The science of the laws of heredity - genetics - believes that people have hundreds of different inclinations - from absolute pitch, exceptional visual memory, lightning-fast reaction to rare mathematical and artistic talent. But the inclinations themselves do not yet ensure abilities and high performance results. Only in the process of education and training, public life and activity, assimilation of knowledge and skills, abilities are formed in a person on the basis of inclinations. The inclinations can be realized only through the interaction of the organism with the surrounding social and natural environment.

A newborn carries within himself a complex of genes not only of his parents, but also of their distant ancestors, that is, he has his own, uniquely rich hereditary fund or a hereditarily predetermined biological program, thanks to which his individual qualities arise and develop. This program is naturally and harmoniously implemented if, on the one hand, the biological processes are based on sufficiently high-quality hereditary factors, and on the other, the external environment provides the growing organism with everything necessary for the implementation of the hereditary principle.

Skills and properties acquired during life are not inherited, science has not identified any special genes for giftedness, however, every born child has a huge arsenal of inclinations, early development and formation, which depends on social structure society, from the conditions of upbringing and education, the cares and efforts of parents and the desires of the smallest person.

At any stage of his development, a person is a natural being, and therefore is subject to biological laws. But if the biological, natural, exists in both man and animal, then in both cases it differs significantly, since human biology is inextricably linked with the social conditions that have developed in the process of human development as a result of communication between people. The human environment is always social in nature and has the greatest influence on the growing and developing child’s body. You can especially actively influence the child’s body with the help of such socially controlled factors as upbringing in the family and children’s group, adherence to the regime, rational nutrition, adequate physical activity, physical education, hardening procedures and so on. Correct use of these factors can ensure physical and spiritual development child and contribute to the correction of many genetic defects.

The social and biological in a person are not two parallel components independent of each other. In each individual they are so closely intertwined and interdependent that researchers at the basis of child development identify two most important factors - heredity and environment, which are both the sources and conditions of development.

During human evolution, in the process labor activity Not only his body was improved, but also, above all, the cerebral cortex and the central nervous system as a whole. Human characteristics of the brain were fixed in the genetic material and passed on by inheritance. However, the mental development of a person as an individual is still possible only in the process of upbringing, through the everyday instilling in a child of purely human skills. If a human child, even with the “best” structural features brain falls into conditions of isolation from human society, then its development as an individual stops. This has been confirmed many times in cases where children early age fell into packs of wild animals or were subjected to artificial isolation. The mental development of a child as a human person is possible only when surrounded by other people with active and passive learning of behavioral skills.

The development of social behavior of a young child is carried out not only with the help of targeted educational measures. More often it occurs on the basis of the child’s observation of the behavior of adults and older children. In this regard, environmental conditions play an important role. The closest social environment into which a child finds himself is, as a rule, the family microenvironment - parents, grandparents, brothers, sisters. One should not think that the influence of the microenvironment comes into force only when the child speaks. Already in the very first months, the nature of adult care for children largely determines their mental development. What is lost during this period is difficult to make up in the future. Isolation of children from their parents can lead, if there is limited communication with others, to unfavorable changes in their development, and even to the emergence of some psychopathic traits. To form personal qualities For a child, the family atmosphere in which the child lives is significant: whether the parents take a single position towards him or a different one, whether they show predominantly strictness and exactingness towards him or tenderness and attentiveness, whether the family is warm, friendly, or whether formality predominates in them coldness, etc. It has been noticed that in those families where parents, without showing sufficient warmth towards the child, often replace it with obsessive control, edification and moralizing, allow insults and humiliation, ridicule and physical punishment for mistakes and failures, children grow up unsure of themselves, have little initiative, with low self-esteem and aspirations. These qualities interfere with the full development of the child not only in the preschool years, but also in later life.

Children brought up in an atmosphere of goodwill and support have many advantages - they have more opportunities to develop their activity, they are more likely to show creativity, originality, friendly feelings, and show more emotionality in their relationships than their peers living in conditions of excessive strictness, lack of warmth and affection.

For the child’s health and development personal characteristics The structure of the family and the nature of intrafamily relationships have a great influence. The harmonious development of personality is often hampered by long-term conflict situations in the family, parental divorces, raising an “only” child, etc. In such families, children often suffer from neuroses, study worse, are lagging behind in physical development, and often suffer from various somatic diseases.

If such a child becomes ill, further asthenia of the body occurs, leading to a decrease in physical and mental activity, a weakening of its reactivity to other unfavorable environmental factors and predisposing to new diseases.

Many physical, biological and social factors are involved in the complex process of personality formation. Long-term negative impact These factors on the growing and developing child’s body can lead to abnormal personality development and contribute to the occurrence of neuropsychiatric disorders. For the education of a harmonious personality and the prevention of neuropsychic disorders in children, the socio-economic structure of society and the system of government and medical preventive measures are of great importance. In the process of development, the child is formed as an individual, reflecting the social side of his development, his social essence.


External and internal conditions of socialization and the role of the social teacher in their harmonization.

Socialization takes place in the interaction of children, adolescents, young men with a huge amount various conditions that more or less actively influence their development. These conditions affecting a person are usually called factors. In fact, not all of them have even been identified, and of the known ones, not all have been studied. Knowledge about the factors that were studied is very uneven: quite a lot is known about some, little about others, and very little about others. More or less studied conditions or factors of socialization can be conditionally combined into four groups.

The first is megafactors (mega - very large, universal) - space, planet, world, which to one degree or another through other groups of factors influence the socialization of all inhabitants of the Earth.

The second is macro factors (macro - large) - country, ethnic group, society, state, which influence the socialization of everyone living in certain countries (this influence is mediated by two other groups of factors).

The third is mesofactors (meso - average, intermediate), conditions for the socialization of large groups of people, distinguished: by the area and type of settlement in which they live (region, village, city, town); by belonging to the audience of certain mass communication networks (radio, television, etc.); according to belonging to certain subcultures.

Mesofactors influence socialization both directly and indirectly through the fourth group - microfactors. These include factors that directly affect the specific people who interact with them - family and home, neighborhoods, peer groups, educational organizations, various public, state, religious, private and counter-social organizations, microsociety.

The concept of social environment denotes the specific uniqueness of social relations at a certain stage of their development. In this way it differs from the concept of socio-economic formation and complements it. The concept of social environment characterizes not the essence of social relations, but their specific manifestation. Capitalism as a socio-economic formation is subject to the same socio-economic laws. But, manifesting itself in specifically special forms, the action of these laws creates a specific social environment that differs from other social environments. It is in such a specific social environment and individuals and groups act. And if historical figures and large groups (classes, nations) operate in a broad social environment, then the sphere of action of small groups and the individuals included in them is the microenvironment, the immediate social environment.

A specific social environment appears in the psychological aspect as a set of relationships between individuals and groups. The relationship between the social environment and the individual has a rather significant element of subjectivity. If a class cannot change its place in the socio-economic formation without destroying itself as a class, then a person can change his place in the social environment, can move from one social environment to another and thereby construct, to a certain extent, his own social environment.

Of course, the mobility of an individual in the social environment is not absolute; it is limited by the objective framework of socio-economic relations and the class structure of society. Nevertheless, the activity of the individual, especially in relation to the microenvironment he chooses, cannot be underestimated. Practical significance This issue is revealed, in particular, when analyzing the causes of crime.

The social environment in relation to the individual is of a relatively random nature. This randomness is especially great in psychologically, since the character and characteristics of certain individuals leave their mark on their relationships. But even this randomness manifests itself only to certain limits. It is limited by the necessity of relations determined by a certain socio-economic system.

The environment is the reality in which human development occurs. Human development is a very complex process. It occurs under the influence of both external influences and internal forces that are characteristic of man, as of any living and growing organism. External factors include, first of all, the natural and social environment surrounding a person, as well as special purposeful activities to form certain personality qualities.

A person becomes a person only in the process of socialization, that is, interaction with other people. Outside human society, spiritual, social, and mental development cannot occur. Science knows of 15 cases of human cubs being fed by wolves, 5 by bears, 1 by baboons, other breeds of monkeys - at least 10 cases, 1 child was fed by a leopard, 1 by a sheep. In 1920 in India, Dr. Singh discovered in wolf's den two girls - 2 years old and 5-7 years old: the children taken from the jungle walked and ran on all fours, and only at night, and during the day they slept, huddled in a corner; the youngest girl, Amala, soon died without learning anything, the eldest, Kamala, lived until she was 17 years old. It took two years to teach her to stand; after 10 years of training, the girl’s vocabulary amounted to one hundred words - language progress did not go further, the girl learned to eat with her hands, drink from a glass, at the age of 17, Kamala’s level of development corresponded to a 4-year-old child.

The concept of “environment” includes a complex system of external circumstances necessary for the life and development of a human individual. These circumstances include both natural and social conditions of his life. A child from birth is not just a biological being. By nature he is capable of social development- he has a need for communication, mastering speech, etc. In this case, in the interaction between the individual and the environment, two decisive points must be taken into account:

1) the nature of the impact of life circumstances reflected by the individual;

2) the activity of the individual, influencing circumstances in order to subordinate them to his needs and interests.

The child develops as a person under the influence of the environment. Wednesday is important factor development of the child's personality. Leontyev A.N. noted that development is determined by internal and external conditions. Environmental influences and upbringing refer to external factors of development, while natural inclinations and inclinations, as well as the entire set of feelings and experiences of a person that arise under the influence of external influences (environment and upbringing), refer to internal factors. Environmental influences are the stimuli a person receives from conception to death, including food, cultural information, social experiences, and more.

Special attention should be paid to one of the main factors in the development of a child’s personality – the social environment. It contributes to the formation of a child’s system of moral norms and moral values. In addition, the environment largely determines the child’s level of self-esteem. The formation of personality is influenced by the child’s cognitive activity, which includes the development of innate motor reflexes, speech and thinking. It is important that the child can acquire social experience and learn the basics and norms of behavior in society. As the child grows up, factors in the development of the child’s personality may also change, since at different ages a person occupies a certain place in the system of social relations existing around him, he learns to perform responsibilities and individual functions. Factors in the development of a child’s personality determine his attitude to reality and his worldview.

Studying the literature on this topic, I found out that there are three types of models that explain the influence of the social microenvironment on the intelligence and mental development of children). The first group of models includes decisive role communication between parents and children on the development of the latter’s intelligence. It is believed that the longer the communication between parent and child, the greater the intellectual influence of the parent. Data from psychological studies do not support this model: according to it, studies should obtain greater correlations between the levels of intelligence of children and the intelligence of mothers than of fathers, which is not observed. The main fallacy of this model: ignoring emotional attitude child to parent - the influence is exerted by a subjectively significant other, moreover, by the one with whom the child identifies himself. Closer to this position is the identification model. It assumes that in the course of socialization the child masters new roles, and when the child identifies with a parent of the same sex, the former masters the methods of behavior characteristic of the parent. Unfortunately, despite the attractiveness of this model, it is not confirmed in research. It is not clear why the “significant other” should be the parent with whose gender role the child identifies. Finally, the third model, authored by R. Zajonc, predicts the dependence of the child’s intelligence on the number of children in the family. This is the only model that has received empirical support.

Both theoretically and practically, the following question is of interest: what has a greater influence on a person’s mental development - environment or heredity? Experts' opinions were divided. Adherents of the so-called biogenic (biogenetic) direction in pedagogy certainly give preference to heredity, and the sociogenic (sociogenetic, sociologizing) direction - to the environment. Many researchers have tried to establish exact quantitative proportions of the influence of environment and heredity on human development. Very contradictory results were obtained, reliably indicating only one thing: the share of participation of the studied factors in the development different people not the same. The influence of the environment, according to representatives of the sociogenic movement, can reach 90%; The influence of heredity, according to supporters of the biogenic direction, is by no means less significant - 80-90%. Of course, science strives for accuracy; that is its goal. But it is unlikely that even the most scrupulous calculations will fully correspond to reality. But we can definitely say that the external environment has great value for mental development of the individual.

Thus, the reality in which the child’s intellect and personality develops is called environment. Personality formation is influenced by a variety of external conditions, including geographic and social, school and family. And the external environment, which provides an active, systematic, purposeful influence on mental and physical development, is crucial for the mental development of children.


During the work, it was possible to determine the influence physical education on the mental development of children, namely, to determine the role of physical exercise on the mental activity of the brain. Exercise provide positive influence on the intellectual abilities of children: cerebral circulation improves, mental processes are activated, the functional state of the central nervous system, the mental performance of a person increases. The concepts of “physical development” and “physical education” of children were also revealed. In this work, I examined the issue of the influence of the external environment on personality development. A child develops as a personality under the influence of the environment, which means that the environment is an important factor in the development of the child’s personality. It has a huge impact on human development, especially in childhood, renders the home environment. In a family, the first years of a person’s life usually pass, which are decisive for the formation, development and formation. I would like to quote G. Itard’s statement: “Appearing on the globe physically weak and not possessing innate ideas, being unable to obey the basic laws of his existence that determined him a dominant position in the Universe, man can only achieve in society that exceptional position to which nature itself destined him. Without civilization, he would have turned out to be one of the most insignificant and unreasonable animals... a person is always only what society makes of him..."

Thus, the mental development of a child depends on a complex of social and biological factors, including physical development and environmental conditions in which the child is raised.


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