Ra Export is an important factor in world trade and the key to success! What does the status "Export from the country of origin" mean? Russian Post: tracking postal items

These two concepts are commonplace in the field of international economic relations. However, not all ordinary citizens clearly understand the difference between them.

If the goods are exported from the country

Any country strives to expand its exports. If she sells goods needed abroad, she receives foreign currency. In turn, the country purchases the foreign goods it needs for foreign currency. The one who sells goods abroad is called an exporter, and the one who purchases them is called an importer.

When exporting, goods (services) are taken abroad by the exporter, and he is not obliged to return them back. Together with operations for importing goods, exports form the basis of international trade.

Export can be carried out through:

  • Export of products that are manufactured, grown or mined in the exporter’s territory.
  • Deliveries of semi-finished products or raw materials to another country for processing there.
  • Export of products received from other countries for sale in third countries.
  • Providing production or consumer services to foreign companies
  • Investing capital in your own foreign production.

The legislation of a particular country may also define other products that cross customs border exporter. Often, goods intended for export to one country are adapted for sale in others or for sale on the domestic market. Re-export is also used, which involves the import of raw materials or semi-finished products with their subsequent sale without processing on international markets.

Almost two hundred countries are engaged in export. The share of twelve of them in world trade is about 60 percent. Of these, Germany, China, the USA and Japan export a third of everything these twelve countries sell. The European Union ranks first in terms of export volume.

What is import

Import assumes supply of goods and services from abroad without the obligation to take them back. The difference in export and import volumes shows the balance foreign trade countries, and their sum is trade turnover. Import calculations are made taking into account the cost of the goods, freight and insurance costs. Therefore, the value of exports to the world is reduced by the amount of these costs. Foreign suppliers of goods to the country provide high quality and lower prices than local manufacturers. They usually import products that are not available in the importer's domestic market.

Various import schemes are used, including searching around the world for promising products for import and sale, foreign suppliers offering the most low prices. Today, import schemes involving a local distributor and a manufacturer abroad are common, when goods are purchased without intermediaries directly from the manufacturer.

Usually the state seeks to regulate imports. For this purpose, quotas, duties, minimum import prices, technical obstacles, import taxes, etc. are used. This is usually done to create preferences for domestic producers and replenish the budget. This policy is called protectionist. With a liberal policy, restrictions are minimal.

How are exports and imports regulated?

In every state and international level export and import are regulated. In most countries this is done by the government and the Ministry of Commerce or foreign economic activity. They are governed by special legislation. Companies exporting their products have special foreign trade divisions. Financing foreign trade operations usually dealt with by specialized banks.

In 1995, the functions of regulating international trade relations were assigned to the World Trade Organization (WTO), which is a UN agency. It declares the principle of freedom of exchange of goods and services in the world, which helps ensure economic development and growth in people's well-being. It includes more than one and a half hundred states, together accounting for 95% of the turnover of goods and services in the world.

Its task is to eliminate restrictions and obstacles in trade relations between countries. It is guided by the general agreements signed by all member states regarding trade in goods and services and intellectual property rights.

For this WTO:

  1. Analyzes compliance with the requirements of its member policy documents.
  2. Considers disputes between states regarding their foreign trade policies.
  3. Organizes interaction with other international bodies.
  4. Provides assistance to countries with developing economies.

What's the difference

Export is an activity aimed at exporting goods and services produced in it abroad. Such activities are stimulated by the state.

Import means the legal entry of goods from abroad. Often states, in the interests of their companies, set import restrictions.

Russians in lately People are increasingly ordering goods from other countries, especially on popular sites such as Aliexpress, Buyincoins and Ebay. It also happens that someone has relatives or friends abroad, and they send gifts or simply parcels to you in Russia. Delivery of goods within the territory of our country is carried out by Russian Post or other postal companies, and within the territory of the sender, the goods are transported by local carriers. When approaching the recipient, the status of the shipment changes, which is displayed in the online parcel tracking service. In the article we will tell you what the status “export from the country of departure” and all the others mean, as well as what to do if the parcel is missing or “stuck” somewhere.

Through what services can you track postal items?

The most widespread and popular service was created by Russian Post, it is called “Russian Post. Tracking postal items". There you need to enter the parcels and confirm that you are not a robot. The system will show where in at the moment the parcel is located. But, unfortunately, recently, on the same Aliexpress, parcel numbers have begun to be issued in such a way that it is impossible to track them through the Russian Post website. You can use others instead.

So, there are websites for tracking goods specifically from China, since parcels from there are now very large number. It’s called Track24 and is located on the website of the same name; there are also 17track and ALITRACK. The last 3 do not request verification of the robot, but immediately search for the location of the parcel using the entered postal item number. The 17track service also shows the approximate date of arrival at the recipient's post office.

If the product has disappeared from the tracking service or is stuck somewhere at one point on long time, then it is possible that they forgot to add it to the program and you will no longer be able to track its movements until you receive a notification from the post office that the package has been delivered. In this case, you can write to the seller, attaching a screenshot from the Russian Post service. Tracking mail items or any other service where the problem is shown. After the delivery period has expired, the seller, with your consent, or you yourself can extend the delivery period or return the money for an obvious reason. Money is usually returned quickly (within 3-5 days) to the card or account from which the payment was made, although not the first time. Sometimes the seller has to write several times to get the money back, or even contact the support service, because the seller does not make contact. It also happens that the money is returned or the product is ordered again, but the one that was lost arrives.

Preparing for shipment

This means that a package consisting of one or more items is being assembled or already completed and prepared for shipment. The preparation process also includes paperwork and labeling of parcels. Also at this stage, the seller checks whether payment for the purchase has been made and passed.

"Export from country of origin"

This is the second status that the package acquires during transportation, unless otherwise provided by the seller or transport company. “Export from the country of origin” literally means export from that country. This means that the parcel has a long delivery journey ahead.

The time given to deliver the goods to the buyer usually begins to count precisely from the “export from the country of departure” status. How long to wait for a parcel is often written when placing an order: some goods arrive within 30 days, and some within 90. Therefore, you should carefully read the delivery conditions when placing and subsequent payment for the order. If the parcel is sent by your friend from another country, then the wait is much less; these usually arrive in 10-20 days.

Arrival at destination country

When export from the country of departure is completed, i.e. the goods have left the seller’s country and crossed the border, the status of the parcel changes. There can be 2 options: either the goods immediately end up in the capital’s sorting center, or they will be located in a border, but already Russian city, next to the border that they crossed. One way or another, it will have the status “arrived in the territory of the Russian Federation” or “imported to the country of destination” in tracking services.

Arrival at the sorting center

Sorting centers are huge premises in big city, into which parcels and letters are received for their further distribution and sending to smaller points or regional post offices. When a product is exported from the country of departure, it has already been determined where it will go next, to which city, sorting center and post office.

In the sorting center, parcels are processed automatically, because manually huge amount boxes and packages are almost impossible to process, so it is important that the index is written correctly (the address is not read here), otherwise the parcel will go to another place.

Arrival at the pick-up point

When the purchased product has gone through all stages of transportation, it arrives at the post office closest to the buyer. Within a few days, postal employees issue a receipt notice and deliver it to the recipient's mailbox. If the addressee does not arrive within a week, a second notice is issued. A parcel that has been lying unclaimed for a month is sent back.

If a person tracked the parcel through online services and saw that it was there, he may not wait for a notification, but come to the post office with the shipment number and, having named it and presenting his passport, receive a box with the purchased goods.

If he missed all the notifications and did not monitor the status for a long time, then when trying to understand where the parcel is, he may see the status “export from the country of departure” again, but now this country will be Russia, which means the purchase has been sent back. Only a dialogue with the seller will help here; he can stop the return shipment or send the goods again. But not all sellers agree to this, so if you are waiting for a parcel from abroad, do not rely on notifications from the post office, but check the location of the goods yourself.

On the way from China, your parcel will have to wait at one stage, which Aliexpress buyers call “ Bermuda Triangle" And in fact, the parcel is being exported, and the tracking statuses do not change for some time. And visually it seems that the parcel has simply disappeared somewhere. Moreover, the postal company that transported your order to the border no longer has information about the parcel, since they handed over the parcel and it will then be sent by local mail. But the local post office does not yet have information, since the parcel has not yet reached them.

How many days to wait for import?

Of course, the question immediately arises, how many days do you need to wait from export to import? Which deadlines are considered normal, and which already indicate that the package is stuck and something needs to be done.

Let's look at the official documents. In the regulations of the Universal Postal Union, the standard time frame for a parcel to pass through the stage export-import are not marked in any way. That is, no regulatory deadlines no and you cannot make any claims. And even the seller himself can only roughly tell from his own experience the usual time frame in which the parcel arrives in a given country.

If you are lucky, the parcel can go through export-import in 3-6 days. On average, this stage lasts 2-3 weeks. During periods of pre-New Year congestion, parcels may be stuck at this stage for a month or more.

In some cases, with a heavy mail load and when the parcel passes through very “slow” sorting points, the parcel may be stuck for 2-3 months. This is why mediators believe that parcels to Russia and neighboring countries can be sent within 90 days and usually ask to wait for this period before returning the money for the reason ““.

Why are parcels stuck at export-import?

Your parcel is sent by the postal company to the border of China. Then it is transferred to customs and the “Export” status appears. The first delay may be at customs if there is a congestion there. The second delay may occur after customs inspection, when the parcel is distributed into the required container, where it will await its flight. Also, she can wait until this container is completely filled. And it is not known how long it will take until the goods physically leave China.

Further, upon arrival in the destination country, the parcel will wait its turn to clear customs at a temporary storage warehouse. It is impossible to predict how long she will spend here. Maybe a few days, maybe even months. Everything will depend again on the workload of customs.

The “Import” status appears when the goods have been transferred to customs, or when they have already passed customs clearance and arrived at the postal sorting center of the recipient’s country.

The parcel is stuck at export. When to open a dispute?

If at the export-import stage your order is frozen, the tracking statuses do not change, then the thought immediately arises of opening a dispute. But in fact, if the track was tracked earlier and it is clear that the parcel was sent, then a dispute should be opened no earlier than 2-3 days before the delivery deadline.

If you open earlier, both the seller and the mediators will insist that you wait until a certain date for your item.

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Export is understood as the export abroad of goods, technologies, and services for their sale on the foreign market. Goods made in the country and goods imported into the country and processed in it can be exported. A special form of export is re-export, i.e. export of earlier imported goods that have not been converted in that country.

Export of goods- this is a special customs regime, which is characterized by the export of certain goods outside the country, that is, abroad, with the main goal of selling them on the foreign market. Of course, not only goods can be exported, but also such important “products” as services and capital.

But mostly export of goods- this is nothing more than the export of various material goods abroad or the provision of various services (material and intellectual) to a partner, or rather a foreign partner, on a reimbursable basis. Export also occurs as a result international division labor, in addition, it is one of the material prerequisites for imports. It is known that it is the proceeds from exports that are the main source material resources for purchasing imports. In fact, all import and export operations are interconnected.

Export of goods must be carried out in accordance with certain requirements that are specified in the legislation of a particular country. Firstly, when exporting, export customs duties and taxes are paid. Secondly, the export of goods requires compliance with certain financial and economic policy and safety, and other requirements stipulated by the Code and various legislative acts of the country on customs affairs. You should also pay attention to this important point: those goods that are released under the customs regime for export must be exported outside the country in the condition in which they were at the time the customs declaration was accepted. Exceptions include items that have changed due to normal wear and tear, or items that have changed but were not properly transported or stored.

Goods falling under the export category require declaration and special customs clearance in the general manner and at the same time, taking into account the peculiarities and specifics of this customs regime. The main instruments of state regulation of the export of goods abroad (export of goods) are tax and tariff regulation, currency control and, of course, various non-tariff means. Exporting goods is a rather complex procedure in the field of foreign economic activity, which is why these tools exist.

Export of goods It also has its own specific tariff, presented in the form of a whole set of government decrees, which contain certain duty rates for the export of goods, a list of these goods, and there are also all provisions for changing these decrees. Export tariff rates for individual species goods are established by the government of the country, and are not subject to special regulation by customs and tariff authorities. In accordance with certain legislative acts, the export of goods, or rather some of them, is characterized by the presence of certain tariff benefits, which are established by certain legislative acts, as well as acts of the government and the president. Exporting goods, as a rule, has its own specific duties. They depend, first of all, on the commodity nomenclature of foreign economic activity. IN modern world there is a so-called non-tariff regulation export of goods, that is, licensing and quotas. The export of some goods requires a special package of documents and permits. For example, when exporting cultural property, you should have a special certificate issued by the country’s service for the preservation of cultural property.

Many have already managed to meet me, and those who haven’t, I’ll be glad to meet you. Today we will look at the term “export” and its meaning not only for a trader trading assets in financial markets, but also for the entire global economy. And let's start, according to our pleasant tradition, with a definition.

What is export?

Exporting is the removal of goods produced within one country for consumption within another country. Why is export so important in general and why do manufacturers send their goods abroad? Reply to this question simple - for the purpose of making a profit. The fact is that no matter how much the product is in great demand among domestic consumers, it is not beneficial for any company to lose its profits and ignore consumers in other countries who have similar needs, because these needs can always be satisfied through the goods that the company produces. If Coca-Cola produced its products only for residents of the United States, only a limited circle of people in the world would know about it, who either came on vacation to the United States or who had friends or relatives in this country. And certainly Coca-Cola's profits would not be measured in billions of dollars.

You may be surprised, but 65% of all companies in the world supply their best products to other countries, leaving what is left within the country. They understand that a large share They make profits by exporting their products, and therefore they are more likely to sacrifice internal consumers than external ones. However, this rule does not apply to large world-famous companies, the quality of their products is beyond doubt and fully complies with accepted international standards.

When deciding on the export of goods and services, it is very important to determine exactly which goods should be exported to which countries. This feature of exports is very similar to trading in financial markets, where accurate input and timely decisions are everything. I agree, the comparison is so-so, but this is the first thing that came to mind.

It's time to make a choice!

Several reasons why each company needs to export its goods!

Perhaps someone will say that for companies to function normally, it is enough to satisfy demand within the country. That's it - for the “normal”, in other words, in order to cover costs with profit, and at the same time still have time to receive a certain income. But not a single company will agree to this if it has the opportunity to make even more profit. Demand, like supply, has no clear boundaries. For this reason, hundreds of companies spend millions and billions of dollars on researching foreign markets and studying the needs of potential buyers. They segment their customers according to certain criteria and create products that best suit and satisfy their needs. An example is the same aforementioned Coca-Cola company, which created its own drink called “Light” and positioned it as an optimal product for people watching their figure. And it doesn’t matter that the drink itself contains components that contribute to obesity.
The main thing is that it looks profitable in the eyes of consumers. However, the global brand decided not to stop there, producing new product- “Coca-Cola Zero.” Imagine, it has zero calories at all! And most of these products were exported to European countries.

Ok, the first importance of exporting for a company is clear - it is getting more profit. What else? The second reason is that exporting is a great opportunity to make yourself known on a global scale. Export is considered the factor that determines the competitiveness of a company. Even if a company’s business in the domestic market is currently doing better than anyone else, sooner or later it will have competitors who will simply leave it behind, luring all its customers to them. What awaits such a company? IN best case scenario, it will cut staff, cut other expenses and try to make ends meet, but 90% of the time it will simply go bankrupt. However, if exporting is an important part of the company's activities, it will be able to avoid negative consequences.

The third factor is market segmentation. Let's say your company is major manufacturer spare parts for machinery and equipment. In your country, spare parts for Toyota cars are in greatest demand, in Belarus – for tractors, in France – spare parts for lawn mowers. Would it make sense to produce spare parts for lawn mowers and supply them to the Russian market? No, such products will not be in demand. What will you do with a batch of such spare parts that have already been produced? The answer is obvious - send them for export to France! This is what export is for.

Export and its impact on the economies of countries!

The enormous importance of exports for individual companies obviously, because it is export that allows them to count on making a profit and allows them to stay afloat for a long time, becoming more and more competitive.

Does export have any impact on the economy of countries? Yes, and not just “some”, but the most defining thing. It is the export of goods and services that contributes to increasing the country's resources and developing its economy. If the country did not export anything, it would have to look for external and internal investors. But will investors be willing to invest their money in a country that produces and exports nothing? Most likely, the risks of such an investment will be assessed as excessively high.

By exporting its goods, the country takes a direct part in international trade and declares itself to the whole world as a reliable partner who has something to offer other countries. You don’t have to look far for an example – this is Russia. The country exports oil and gas to other countries, which allows it to replenish its budget and distribute its funds for the development of industrial sectors, maintaining the economy, social payments, etc. In addition, a country can dictate its will to other players in the global market. This was the case in the case of Russia’s refusal to supply gas to Ukraine due to lack of advance payment. And who sets the price for gas exports? Russia, and Ukraine and other consumer countries have to either agree to the conditions put forward or look for other suppliers. In the case of Ukraine, the only alternative to Russian gas is its reverse from EU countries, but it has already become obvious that the volume of this reverse is clearly not enough to fill all gas storage facilities. And therefore, regardless of the relations between Ukraine and Russia, the first had to turn to Russia for discounts on gas.

Another example is the supply of vegetables and fruits from Turkey to Russia, which annually provides several billion dollars to the Turkish budget. After the incident with the downed Russian bomber, the Russian side introduced a moratorium on the supply of vegetables, fruits and other groups of Turkish goods, and now Turkey is already counting colossal losses, and at the same time trying to find new markets for its goods.

The benefit of exports for the country’s economy is expressed in the fact that it:

  1. Contributes to the growth of the country's GDP and allows companies to create new jobs. The higher the export volumes, the greater the contributions to the country's budget. On the other hand, this creates the need to produce more more products, and for this companies need to hire employees. It turns out that export is not just a way to improve the state of the economy, but also one of the most important ways to combat high level unemployment.
  2. Promotes the influx of foreign currency into the country. By supplying their goods to the United States, Russian companies make profits in US dollars, not rubles. This is why exports are considered an important source of attracting foreign exchange to the country. Export growth helps strengthen the position of the national currency and contributes to a balanced trade balance in the state. But it is worth noting that the clear excess of exports over imports has the same negative influence on trade balance, as well as the reverse situation. After all, if the exchange rate of the national currency is too high, this will lead to a significant increase in the cost of goods and a decrease in their competitiveness by foreign markets. It is for this reason that it is important for states to maintain a balance between exports and imports.

TOP 5 largest exporting countries!

Which countries are the world's largest exporters of goods and services? This is very important for every person trading in financial markets to know, because the rate of the national currency directly depends on the state of exports.

So, fifth place in the list of exporting countries according to 2015 data is occupied by Netherlands. It is no coincidence that the Netherlands ranks 17th on the list of countries with the most developed economies. Like other countries in the world, the Netherlands was not experiencing the best better times: unemployment increased, the currency devalued, but due to the export of products, the country managed to avoid a budget deficit and confidently strengthen its position in the list of the most favorable countries for people to live in.

The Netherlands' main exports are food, chemicals, equipment and fuel, and the country's main trading partners are Germany, France and Belgium.

The fourth place in the list of exporters is Japan. The country has practically no resources of its own, but thanks to the development of innovative potential, the country was able to loudly declare itself on the world stage.

From Japan, spare parts for cars, hardware, equipment and semiconductors are supplied to other countries of the world. Most of these products are supplied to China, the USA, the UAE, Australia and South Korea.

In third place in our ranking is Germany, which ranked second in 2013. After defeat in the war, the country was able to rebuild itself from scratch, becoming the main force of the entire European Union for several decades.

Almost 40% of all products produced in Germany are exported. The list of products includes chemicals, computer equipment, automobiles, textiles and machinery. The country's largest partners are France, the USA, Switzerland, Belgium and the Netherlands.

Second place is completely deserved USA, the country with the largest economy in the world. The economy of other countries depends on the decision of the United States, and therefore it is the United States that dictates its will, despite the fact that the debt of the country itself is already approaching 20 trillion dollars and is the largest in the world.

America is the dream of most people, because it has everything - infrastructure, natural resources and money, very big money. What does the US export to other countries around the world? It's easier to say that they don't export. The main export items are food products, automobiles, industrial resources, oil and technology.

And RUSSIA is in first place on the list of exporting countries!
Do you already feel incredible pride in your country?
Relax, Russia is not even in the TOP 10.

In first place in the ranking is China, a country that accounts for 12.5% ​​of all world exports.

Every year, a huge range of goods are exported from China to other countries - textiles, medical devices and equipment, steel, electronic equipment, clothing and much more. The main partners of the republic are Japan, the USA, South Korea and Germany.

By the way! Binary options traders are regularly interested in news from other countries, turning their attention to product exports and other important factors that allow them to make the right trading decision.

If your first trades go into the red, don’t worry, I also lost a lot of money at one time, but I was able to withstand the pressure and gradually began to make a profit. I was looking for the Holy Grail, the one and only secret to success, thereby becoming like a ram that rushes forward according to a well-worn pattern, and when it hits the wall, it still doesn’t stop.

Do you want to know what I came up with? There is no secret to success. I mean, the only true one. Every trader on own experience creates his own secret of success, his own strategy, and strictly follows it.

But is it worth learning solely from your own mistakes if you can learn the secrets of success of other traders who have come a long way and achieved their goals? It's definitely worth learning from others. The article describes several success stories of traders who started from scratch. When I first started trading binary options, this article became a revelation for me. To tell the truth, I’m still re-reading it. I like how Victor describes the step-by-step algorithm for moving towards success, focusing on important details.

Friends! Perhaps after reading this article you still have questions, or you would like to express your point of view. Please don't be shy - comments are at your disposal.