When you can tell fortunes, choose the best time for fortune telling. When does Christmas time begin?

Confidence in the future instills peace and harmony in the human heart. It is impossible to know for sure what tomorrow or the coming year has in store. However, there is a way that helps to lift the veil of secrecy and look through time - fortune telling. What days are they doing fortune telling in January 2018? The completion and renewal of the calendar cycle, when the subtle matters of the world are renewed, changed and allow sensitive people to catch the echoes of future events, is most favorable for mystical sacraments.

How exactly and when do they tell fortunes in January 2018?

In Rus', January was called “Prosinets”, because at that time one could see in the sky blue sky between gloomy clouds. Other names for this month describe its harsh and cold weather - “Sechenets”, “Leden”, “Zimets”. The first of January begins New Year when people wish each other happiness and fulfillment of all desires. During the winter holidays, people look closely at signs, predict what life will be like, health, whether there will be changes and achievements.

The most favorable time for fortune telling:

  • New Year's Eve from December 31 to January 1;
  • Christmas – the night from January 6 to 7;
  • Old New Year - night from January 13 to 14;
  • Feklistov Day - January 17;
  • Epiphany - evening of January 18th.

Since ancient times, man has been guessing, determining the future by the flight of birds, the movement of clouds and smoke, by the entrails of animals and bones. Wise and respected people - shamans, priests, oracles - made predictions. Now anyone can try to predict their future.

Fortune telling on New Year's Eve

The end and beginning of the year is an important time, favorable for predictions. There are several simple ways find out about your destiny. Most often, women do fortune telling, but there are also universal ways to find out about the future.

  • The girl puts card kings under her pillow. Whichever one you dream about, that’s how the groom will be. If there is no sleep, then the card is taken out at random in the morning.
  • An unmarried girl puts the first piece of food at the head of the holiday dish and invites the betrothed to taste it. The groom must have a dream.
  • Another way to predict from dreams is to put feathers, chips, twigs under the pillow, and then interpret the visions. This method is suitable for both men and women.

All predictions and fortune-telling in January 2018 are individual, unique in detail. The fortuneteller independently determines the circle significant symbolism and trusts intuition. It is the mystical sense that allows us to predict the future most accurately.

Christmas and Christmas Eve

Christmas Eve is a special holiday, cheerful and at the same time mysterious. From 6 to 7 January they dream prophetic dreams. To find out about the future or find the answer to a question, place a sheet of paper, a pencil and a dream book at the head of the bed. It is better to write down a “fresh” dream and immediately interpret it using a book.

Even before Christmas they tell fortunes by shadows. This is a legendary way of predicting the future, it is quite accurate and does not require special knowledge; you do not need to understand complex symbols.

  • Place an unevenly crumpled sheet of paper on a large heat-resistant plate and set it on fire.
  • When the paper burns out, a candle is lit in front of the ashes so that it casts a shadow on the wall. The plate can be carefully rotated to reveal all the shadows.
  • The silhouette is interpreted (for example, an airplane means marriage to a pilot, a shoe means travel).

To see the signs it is not at all necessary to perform “ magical rituals" A sensitive person sees symbols in everything - in leaves, in the starry sky, in his own sensations. To foresee and predict, you need to trust your intuition.

The art of interpreting natural symbols and silhouettes

Historically, many divination systems developed from folk signs, observations. The signs of the elements were interpreted and comprehended. This is why divination is so closely connected with the natural world. Natural materials are often used as props.

For example, to predict the future using coffee grounds, you need to drink a cup of natural ground coffee, and then tip it on a saucer so that the mass spreads along the walls and forms patterns. The resulting images are then interpreted. Most popular symbols:

  • silhouette of a person - date;
  • wood and plants - obstacles, quarrels, melancholy and travel;
  • animals and birds - anxiety and slander;
  • houses and buildings - profit and prosperity.

Fortune telling with eggs is another method associated with the interpretation of symbols. Only domestic eggs are taken. To find out the future, protein is poured into warm water, and then shadows, signs and the movement of matter are interpreted.

  • protein sinks to the bottom - troubles, loneliness;
  • the protein remains in the center and takes on the outline of the figures (church - for a wedding, ship - a person’s journey and return, as well as other symbols and meanings).
  • If a pregnant woman takes it out from under the hen and breaks the egg, the sex of the embryo will match the sex of the child.

Unusual, scary and beautiful fortune telling

Fortune telling with a mirror is the most mysterious and terrible type of predicting the future for unmarried girls, it requires courage. They tell fortunes at midnight, alone, in front of a large mirror, having undressed naked.

  • Place two candles in front of the mirror to illuminate and cast shadows, as well as a smaller mirror to create an endless “corridor.”
  • When a girl installs mirrors, you need to say: “Betrothed, mummer, Show yourself!”
  • When the image of the groom appears behind him in the reflection, you should look at all the details of his appearance and shout: “Out of this place!” The vision will disappear and the fortune telling will end.

Fortune telling with a ring also helps to see the appearance of your future husband. Wedding ring Place in a glass with a smooth bottom, pour in ¾ of water, and then look at the center of the decoration by candlelight. The face of the betrothed should appear there.

Fortune telling with a boat is very simple and beautiful. They write on pieces of paper various predictions, then they are attached to a basin, water is poured in and the empty shell is released walnut. Whatever wish the “boat” floats to, it will come true.

When guessing, you must remember that any symbol has many interpretations. Focus on positive meanings and believe in your lucky star, then all adversity will bypass you, and bright predictions will definitely come true.

Many people ask a reasonable question when they start guessing in January 2018, and they are right. Everyone knows that Christmas Eve is the night before Christmas, ideal for fortune telling. You can even read about this in many literary works, for example, in Gogol.

But not all modern girls They realize that with this night the right time, when they begin to guess in January, does not end, but is just beginning. It has always been considered a favorable period for fortune telling in Rus'. This is two weeks between Christmas and Epiphany, that is, if you look at the dates, then January 6-18. During this period, you can guess at any time.

Interesting! The people believed that on Christmastide the souls of the dead descend to earth and, if you contact them correctly and ask, they will open the curtain on the future and will even be so supportive as to show the truth.

In Orthodoxy, fortune telling is considered not a godly activity, but in Rus' the tradition of fortune telling during the Christmastide period was important and was not discussed. Historians associate this with the period of paganism in our territories. As you know, the dates of many holidays coincided, only they received a different meaning. So fortune-telling using Kalyadki may have become relevant precisely because of this confluence of traditions.

What kind of fortune telling can be done

We decided when they start guessing in January. You can safely begin performing various rituals in the evening or night of January 6, and then continue at least every night for two weeks. The last night that is suitable for spending Christmas fortune telling- this is Epiphany Christmas Eve, January 18th.

With the help of passers-by

An interesting and entertaining version of fortune telling, which can be performed by unmarried girls. It will be necessary to go outside at midnight during the favorable period for the ritual. Then ask the first person you meet at any time. This is what the betrothed will be called.

It is important to note here that it is not necessary to look for a man. If you meet a woman first, then approach her and ask her to simply name any male name. By the way, you can also pay attention to the clothes of the person you meet. If the clothes are good and neat, then the husband will be financially secure. If a person is dressed poorly, then perhaps there will not be much money. But, you should always remember that with a sweet and beloved person, even in a hut it’s heaven. Can be prepared for a holiday.

To the church

The girl should carry out this fortune-telling alone. You need to leave the house at midnight and head to the nearest church. Then walk around the church 12 times. If a lady is looking for love, then such a ritual will definitely help. Also, such fortune telling can be carried out for those who are not at ease in their souls, who want them to have a new fan.

With felt boots

Simple and interesting way, how you can tell fortunes during Christmas time in January to find out which side your betrothed will appear on. For this fortune-telling, you can use not only felt boots, as was customary among our ancestors, but any modern shoes.

From the porch, the person who is telling fortunes must throw his felt boots onto the road. You should look in the direction of the socks: from this side your future husband will come to you.

For the next life

Another interesting way of fortune telling for young girls who are not yet married. We need to get together, turn off the lights and light the candles. Now pour the millet into a bowl and put in it sugar, ash, a silver ring, a gold ring, an onion and a glass. Now each girl in turn must pull a thing made of millet.

A silver ring indicates an imminent marriage, gold ring says that the girl will live her life in abundance with a rich man. Ash promises an unhappy life, the onion symbolizes constant tears. But sugar indicates sweet life, while the glass speaks of future life cheerful and wild. Please note that you need each time before new girl pulls the item, return all the listed things to millet.

By the barking of dogs

Traditionally in Rus', the age of the future betrothed was determined simply by the barking of dogs. You should sit by the window and listen to exactly how the dogs bark. If the bark is hoarse, then the groom will be old, but wealthy. The sonorous barking of a dog prophesies a young groom. If barking is not heard at all, then the girl will not get married this year.

From time to time, when they start

Confidence in the future instills peace and harmony in the human heart. It is impossible to know for sure what tomorrow or the coming year has in store. However, there is a way that helps to lift the veil of secrecy and look through time - fortune telling. What days are they doing fortune telling in January 2018? The completion and renewal of the calendar cycle, when the subtle matters of the world are renewed, changed and allow sensitive people to catch the echoes of future events, is most favorable for mystical sacraments.

In Rus', January was called “prosinets”, because at this time in the sky one could see a blue sky between gloomy clouds. Other names for this month describe its harsh and cold weather - “Sechenets”, “Leden”, “Zimets”. The New Year begins on the first of January, when people wish each other happiness and fulfillment of all desires. During the winter holidays, people look closely at signs, predict what life will be like, health, whether there will be changes and achievements.

The most favorable time for fortune telling:

  • New Year's Eve from December 31 to January 1;
  • Christmas – the night from January 6 to 7;
  • Old New Year - night from January 13 to 14;
  • Feklistov Day - January 17;
  • Epiphany - evening of January 18th.

Since ancient times, man has been guessing, determining the future by the flight of birds, the movement of clouds and smoke, by the entrails of animals and bones. Wise and respected people - shamans, priests, oracles - made predictions. Now anyone can try to predict their future.

Fortune telling on New Year's Eve

The end and beginning of the year is an important time, favorable for predictions. There are several simple ways to find out about your destiny. Most often, women do fortune telling, but there are also universal ways to find out about the future.

  • The girl puts card kings under her pillow. Whichever one you dream about, that’s how the groom will be. If there is no sleep, then the card is taken out at random in the morning.
  • An unmarried girl places the first piece of the festive dish at the head of the bed and invites her betrothed to taste it. The groom must have a dream.
  • Another way to predict from dreams is to put feathers, chips, twigs under the pillow, and then interpret the visions. This method is suitable for both men and women.

All predictions and fortune-telling in January 2018 are individual, unique in detail. The fortuneteller independently determines the circle of significant symbolism and trusts his intuition. It is the mystical sense that allows us to predict the future most accurately.

Christmas and Christmas Eve

Christmas Eve is a special holiday, cheerful and at the same time mysterious. From January 6 to 7, prophetic dreams occur. To find out about the future or find the answer to a question, place a sheet of paper, a pencil and a dream book at the head of the bed. It is better to write down a “fresh” dream and immediately interpret it using a book.

Even before Christmas they tell fortunes by shadows. This is a legendary way of predicting the future, it is quite accurate and does not require special knowledge; you do not need to understand complex symbols.

  • Place an unevenly crumpled sheet of paper on a large heat-resistant plate and set it on fire.
  • When the paper burns out, a candle is lit in front of the ashes so that it casts a shadow on the wall. The plate can be carefully rotated to reveal all the shadows.
  • The silhouette is interpreted (for example, an airplane means marriage to a pilot, a shoe means travel).

To see the signs it is not at all necessary to perform “magic rituals”. A sensitive person sees symbols in everything - in leaves, in the starry sky, in his own sensations. To foresee and predict, you need to trust your intuition.

The art of interpreting natural symbols and silhouettes

Historically, many divination systems developed from folk signs and observations. The signs of the elements were interpreted and comprehended. This is why divination is so closely connected with the natural world. Natural materials are often used as props.

For example, to predict the future using coffee grounds, you need to drink a cup of natural ground coffee, and then tip it on a saucer so that the mass spreads along the walls and forms patterns. The resulting images are then interpreted. Most popular symbols:

  • silhouette of a person - date;
  • wood and plants - obstacles, quarrels, melancholy and travel;
  • animals and birds - anxiety and slander;
  • houses and buildings - profit and prosperity.

Fortune telling with eggs is another method associated with the interpretation of symbols. Only domestic eggs are taken. To find out the future, protein is poured into warm water, and then shadows, signs and the movement of matter are interpreted.

  • protein sinks to the bottom - troubles, loneliness;
  • the protein remains in the center and takes on the outline of the figures (church - for a wedding, ship - a person’s journey and return, as well as other symbols and meanings).
  • If a pregnant woman takes it out from under the hen and breaks the egg, the sex of the embryo will match the sex of the child.

Unusual, scary and beautiful fortune telling

Fortune telling with a mirror is the most mysterious and terrible type of predicting the future for unmarried girls; it requires courage. They tell fortunes at midnight, alone, in front of a large mirror, having undressed naked.

  • Place two candles in front of the mirror to illuminate and cast shadows, as well as a smaller mirror to create an endless “corridor.”
  • When a girl installs mirrors, you need to say: “Betrothed, mummer, Show yourself!”
  • When the image of the groom appears behind him in the reflection, you should look at all the details of his appearance and shout: “Out of this place!” The vision will disappear and the fortune telling will end.

Fortune telling with a ring also helps to see the appearance of your future husband. Place the wedding ring in a glass with a smooth bottom, pour ¾ of water, and then look at the center of the jewelry by candlelight. The face of the betrothed should appear there.

Fortune telling with a boat is very simple and beautiful. Various predictions are written on pieces of paper, then they are attached to a basin, water is poured in and an empty walnut shell is thrown in. Whatever wish the “boat” floats to, it will come true.

When guessing, you must remember that any symbol has many interpretations. Focus on positive meanings and believe in your lucky star, then all adversity will bypass you, and bright predictions will definitely come true.

Nowadays, many people celebrate various pagan holidays, and also engage in fortune telling and other mystical practices. Therefore, knowing when Christmas time begins is simply necessary for those who also want to know their fate for the next year.

When do Christmastide begin and end?

Traditionally, this period of time begins on Christmas Eve, that is, on the night of (January 6 to 7). It is on this evening that you can begin to engage in various fortune telling, as well as perform rituals and read conspiracies. This period ends before Epiphany, that is, January 19. If you want to understand what day Christmastide begins not according to the current calendar, but according to the old style, you need to turn to the so-called Julian chronology. According to him, Christmastide begins on December 24 and lasts until January 6.

From what date can you tell fortunes at Christmas time?

Many believe that it is during carol week, as Christmastide is sometimes called, that various rituals acquire special power, for example, you can find out your destiny with the help of. It is believed that the most truthful and accurate prediction can be obtained on the night before Christmas, that is, from January 6 to 7, but on other days of this period, fortune telling will be no less effective.

In order to find out the future, you need to not only know when they begin to guess at Christmas time, but also how to do it correctly. Today, there are several simple ways in which you can get a hint from higher powers.

Take a piece of paper, crumple it up, place it on a flat plate and set it on fire. When the lump catches fire, you need to put out the flame and place the dish so that a shadow from the unburned paper appears on the wall. See what the shadow looks like and thus get a hint about what lies ahead.

Pour into container cold water, light a candle and drip wax into a bowl of liquid. By the shape of the frozen paraffin, you can understand what changes the coming year will bring.

Write 1 wish on 10 pieces of paper. Roll up the leaves, put them under your pillow and take out 1 of them the next morning. What you pulled out will come true in the coming year.

Such methods of fortune telling are completely safe, and most importantly, they do not require any serious preparation. And you can have a lot of fun guessing what frozen wax or unburnt paper looks like. It doesn’t matter from what date you started telling fortunes at Christmas time, the main thing is to believe that good predictions will definitely come true.

Customs and traditions

As mentioned above, this period of time is also called carol week. On Christmastide, our ancestors had fun in this way - in the evening people dressed up in various masquerade costumes, knocked on their neighbors’ houses and said, “Master, hostess, give us a treat, otherwise we’ll take away our son or daughter.” In response to this phrase, it was customary to gift people dressed in costumes with various sweets or pastries. Well, to make the action look even more fun, young people in masquerade dressed up and performed various songs or danced.

Christmas time was considered a fun time when you could joke around, ride a sled down the snowy mountains to your heart's content, and also tell fortunes. For example, many girls who wanted to meet their betrothed went out to the crossroads in the evening and threw their boots, closing their eyes. The farther the shoes fell, the more likely it was that the woman would get married in the coming year, and the side of the road indicated from which direction the groom would arrive. You could also ask the first man you met his name, thus finding out what his future husband’s name would be.

To understand when they are guessing in January 2018, you should refer to folk traditions. Everyone knows that Orthodox Church has a negative attitude towards various kinds of fortune tellers, magicians and fortune telling themselves. But Slavic culture anyway, during its development, it singled out a period of a year, which was used specifically for conducting various fortune-telling.

We are talking about Christmastide, which falls every year from January 6 to January 19. This is a two-week interval and a holiday between such major church holidays as Christmas and Epiphany. It was believed that this was the most favorable period to find out your destiny. Many people think that the ideal period for fortune telling in January 2018 is Christmas Eve before Christmas (January 6), but, in fact, from this day the entire period until January 19 is considered the most favorable.

About preparing for fortune telling

So, the time for active fortune-telling, which, as the people believed, shows the truth and will certainly come true, begins on January 6 and ends on January 18, Epiphany Eve. Every night during this period you can perform rituals; it is better to choose a time for this closer to midnight.

It is advisable to try to do everything calmly, turn off the TV and radio, concentrate on fortune telling, so that nothing distracts you. Before performing the ritual, it is recommended to wash and comb your hair, put on a clean shirt and be sure to remove all jewelry.

What kind of fortune telling is carried out on Christmastide?

Now it’s clear exactly when people are doing fortune telling in January 2018, all that remains is to choose for yourself what kind of fortune telling you can do. It all depends, of course, on the final goal. Some people want to know what their betrothed looks like, others think about when they will get married, have a child, or simply whether their wish will come true. We offer several different options fortune telling at Christmas time, which were common in Rus' long before we were born. During this period, you can already think.

Fortune telling with wax

To perform this fortune telling, you do not have to be alone in the room. For many girls this is a big plus. However, you should always remember that any ritual of this type should be taken seriously. The fortune-telling girl fills a bowl with water, takes the candle in her hand and lights it.

You should wait until the wax melts a little, then pour the wax into a bowl of water and see what kind of figure you get. Perhaps it will be several figures. As is clear, to decipher this fortune telling you will have to use your imagination. But more often than others there are certain figures, for example, a circle (ring, wreath) is a prediction of an imminent marriage. A bad sign the shape of a coffin or a snake is considered, but a winch or a mushroom is good shape, which promise success and good luck in the future.

It so happens that the wax does not fall into some large figure, but is represented by smaller ones. This is also a positive sign, which indicates good things financially in 2018. If the figure resembles an apple in outline, this is also a positive sign, indicating success and prosperity. If an egg appears, then according to this fortune-telling it is deciphered as a symbol of fears that have no basis.

Fortune telling for children

During Christmas time, when fortune telling is done in January 2018, it is also customary to find out how many children there will be and what gender they will be. This ritual is relevant for those who are already married, and fortune telling for the betrothed has lost its relevance. To perform the ritual you need a glass of water. You will need to take it out into the cold at night, and take it home in the morning and see how the water has frozen.

The bumps on the surface of the ice indicate how many boys there will be in the family. Pits on the surface of the ice are a prediction about the number of girls in the family.

Fortune telling with a bow

Most often in Rus', as today in modern Russia, guessed for love. If this topic is relevant for you, then you can safely consider the following option of fortune telling. He will help girls make a choice if there are a lot of suitors hovering around and she just can’t decide to choose one of them.

The bulbs are taken according to the number of suitors, each symbolizing one person. You need to put the bulbs in containers with water and see which one germinates first. It is the guy with this name who is the ideal match for the girl.

With matches
This fortune telling will help a girl understand whether she is destined to be with the guy she likes the most. You need to take a new box of matches, take two matches out of it and put them in the corners of the box. Then light the matches at the same time (you first need to determine for yourself which match symbolizes you and which match symbolizes the guy).

If the couple has a future, then the matches will be drawn towards each other during the burning process. Otherwise, the matches will diverge in different directions when burning.

It is known when they guess