Simple methods that will reveal the secret of how to draw a rose flower. How to draw and color a chibi girl with colored pencils step by step. Draw a chibi girl with colored pencils step by step.

Art strives to make us all better people. That’s why many artists, noticing the beauty of the world around them, try to stop the moment and transfer it to paper. This is how a floral motif is born, where the harmony of beauty reigns. So today we’ll talk about how to draw a rose.

Mastering this skill will be useful for both adults and children. After all, then we will be able to cook with our own hands original gift, decorate your room with an ornament, and in general, drawing a rose, according to psychologists, is a great way to make boring meetings more interesting, especially if you do it in your notebook, unnoticed by others). The last statement is, of course, a joke, but there is a drop of truth in it.

Therefore, due to the fact that drawing is a useful activity and satisfies one of the most important human needs, namely, it realizes creative potential every person, no matter how old he is, should learn how to draw beautiful rose. But first, a little about the flower itself.

What types of roses are there?

Everything, even Small child knows what this one can have absolutely different colors and shades. From the most delicate white to incredibly dark, almost black. But this is not the only difference in this huge family. Before you start the drawing lesson, it is worth saying that there is different types, for example, simple, terry and semi-double. And hence the different number of petals in the bud. There are also various varieties: miniature, climbing, large-flowered, border, park, etc.

And, if you look at different photographs with these luxurious flowers, you will notice that most of these varieties are different bud shape: goblet, spherical, cupped, etc.

And, if you look at different photographs with these luxurious flowers, it will become noticeable that most of these varieties differ in the shape of the bud: goblet, spherical, cupped, etc. You can draw a rose without knowing all these details, but then the drawing will not be realistic, you will not get an image that looks like a natural plant.

What else do you need to know before moving on? step by step instructions? It turns out that there are varieties that are painted in 2, 3 or more colors.

Simple technique image of a flower

How to draw a rose step by step? Let's first try to draw roses with a pencil. At the same time, let’s see how this can be done correctly and easily, even for beginners, even for kids who are 5 years old. And then we’ll try to color the pictures.

In order to understand how to draw a rose with a pencil step by step, we will divide the work into small steps. This way we will easily and without problems overcome the path of mastering this technique.

Step 1. Preparation

Let's prepare everything that will help us draw and color the rose: paper, pencils, eraser. What else might you need to create an image in pencil? Photo. It is worth choosing suitable clear photographs, but you can also take drawn works on our website (see below).

Step 2. Blooming spherical climbing rose

We are learning to draw a rose that has fully opened and has a round, small bud shape. To do this, draw a circle.

We make several more smaller circles in the workpiece. We make them quickly, it doesn’t matter if they come out uneven.

The smallest circle is the inner petals of the flower. There are usually no more than 5 of them. They are rolled up and look like a small glass.

The rose blank, made with a simple pencil, is already beginning to resemble our final goal. Therefore, we continue to make the remaining circles in the same style. We draw each petal beautifully. And we get a preparation very similar to our plant.

Step 3. Goblet bud

How to draw a rose with a pencil that has a goblet bud? We imagine the shape of the glass and transfer it to paper.

We make another “glass” inside it. These are the inner petals of a rose that are gathered together. And there are no more than 5 of them either.

We decorate the outer petals. How can you draw them? Like those that slightly on the sides hide the glass in their folds, like Cinderella’s dress, which she wore to her ball. A goblet rose made in pencil in stages, in just 3 steps, looks very believable.

Step 4. Cup-shaped large-flowered bud

Learning how to draw a cupped rosebud. To do this, we make an incomplete circle, where one side is a straight line.

We rise higher and draw the next “floor”.

This flower is a little “ruffled”, and its inner petals bear little resemblance to those arranged in a certain order. And yet, it is there. How to learn to draw them? It's like they're wrapping the core.

Step. 5. Coloring

First we erase all the auxiliary lines. Let's see what we got:

And this is what the drawing looks like, not fragmented:

We depict stems and leaves. We “lower” the roses into the vase. It turned out to be a good bouquet.

Let's start coloring. We paint each detail with our own color.

When we are about 5 years old, it is enough to simply fill the white space with the intended color.

But this is not enough if we have much more years. We are able to make a slight shadow on the petals.

Or, remember that the edging may be a different color.

That's all, the picture is ready. In less than a year of training, you and I will be able to boast of our skills, which will not be inferior even to Jan Brueghel himself.

And below are a few more options for drawing a rose:

and more complicated:

Already drawn +39 I want to draw +39 Thank you + 40

In this lesson I will tell you how to draw and color a chibi girl with colored pencils. For work we will need:

  • pencil,
  • eraser,
  • colour pencils,
  • gel pen and white pen.

How to draw a chibi girl with colored pencils step by step

  • Step 1

    First, let's draw the base of the head. To do this we use a circle.

  • Step 2

    Now let's draw the line of the chin. We divide the face area with cross-shaped guide lines and outline the location of the eyes.

  • Step 3

    Drawing a chibi skeleton

  • Step 4

    Now let's sketch out the hair and ears

  • Step 5

    Marking clothes

  • Step 6

    Now we draw the hair and clothes. Using auxiliary lines we draw the eyes and mouth.

  • Step 7

    Making a stroke black pen. Notice that we didn't outline the hair and eyes.

  • Step 8

    We outline the hair with dark green. Blue can be used to outline the skirt and scarf. Paint the eyelashes black. Grab some colored pencils and start coloring!

  • Step 9

    Paint the hair light green, eyes and jacket blue, skirt and scarf turquoise, jacket and socks brown, body beige

  • Step 10

    Adding shadows. We darken the hair with dark green, the jacket and socks with dark brown, the jacket with blue, the skirt with the same turquoise, the scarf with blue, the eyes with black. Use a white pen or putty to add highlights. Ready!

You will need

  • Pencil sketch
  • Computer
  • Scanner (or digital camera)
  • Graphics editor Corel Drow
  • Printer (preferably laser).


Open graphics editor CorelDrow. Create a new file. Place a scan of your sketch into a new file through the “File” - “Import” menu, or through the “Import” button on the top panel of the program. Scale the scan using the Select tool while holding down the left mouse button. Remember that it will change its size proportionally if you reduce it while holding down the "Shift" key.

Place the scan in the center of the sheet using the "P" key. Make it translucent to make it easier to outline. You will need the Transparency tool.

Set the “Uniform” mode in the tool settings panel.

Lock the drawing to prevent it from moving while you draw. Right-click on the selected picture and select "Lock object".

Select the Polyline tool.

Click the tool at any point in the drawing with the left mouse button once. A line will stretch from the cursor. The next point where you click a second time will become another polyline anchor point. Double clicking the mouse will complete the line being drawn. Let it be small and uncomplicated to begin with. The line doesn't look smooth, but that's easy to fix.

Select the polyline you drew with the Select tool. Next you will need the Shape tool. To switch to it, press the “F10” key. Draw a line with the frame formed by this tool while holding down the left mouse button. After selecting the line with the “Shape” tool, select the “Convent to curve” mode in the top panel. This is also available when you right-click on a line.

To give the broken lines a smooth shape, continue using the Shape tool. Place the tool cursor in the middle of one of the broken lines, hold down the left mouse button and drag in the direction in which the line should be curved. Move it until it lies on top of the line in the sketch. Curves can be edited using the same tool by left-clicking on one of the break points of the line. Then arrows will appear at these points, by moving which you can change the shape of the line.

Circle the entire drawing in this way. Also use autoshapes - for example, circles. They can be scaled using the Select tool. Once the outline is complete, remove the preliminary sketch. Right-click on it and select "Unlock object". Select the sketch with the Select tool and press the Delete key.

Select one of the lines with the Select tool and press the F12 key. A dialog box will appear that allows you to configure the line settings. To begin with, you can set the same settings as in the example. Experiment with different line thickness and angle settings.

Correct the entire contour in this way. You can add an autoshape to the design of the coloring book - for example, enclose the drawing in a circle. Print the completed outline using the “File” - “Print” menu. Leave further work on the resulting coloring to the children.

1. Draw a small smooth line. To the left of it, draw something like a semicircle, leaving a small tail on top. Inside, add another rounded line.

YouTube channel EdgarsArt

2. From the tail to the left, draw a smooth check mark. At the bottom left, draw a petal as shown in the picture.

YouTube channel EdgarsArt

3. To the right above the shape, draw a petal in the form of a pointed dome. At the bottom left, draw another petal, similar to a tooth with a curved root.

YouTube channel EdgarsArt

4. Encircle the shape on the right with a smooth, rounded line. Give the flower volume from the inside by drawing a line from the bottom corner and marking the wall of the bud. Draw a dome-shaped petal on top.

YouTube channel EdgarsArt

5. At the bottom, outline another petal and a couple of curved lines, as shown in the photo.

YouTube channel EdgarsArt

6. Draw three dome-shaped petals on top, connecting the right one with the outermost line drawn in the previous step.

YouTube channel EdgarsArt

7. From the bottom left corner between the petals, draw a line and draw another one around it. Add a bottom petal with wavy edges to the right.

YouTube channel EdgarsArt

8. Draw the last two petals: on the bottom left - with a curved line, on the side - with a dome-shaped line.

YouTube channel EdgarsArt

YouTube channel EdgarsArt

10. Paint over the entire flower in a similar manner.

What other options are there?

Using a pencil you can create incredibly realistic roses:

Here is another similar option with dew drops on the petals:

markcrilley youtube channel

What you will need

  • Paper;
  • a simple pencil;
  • eraser;
  • colored felt-tip pens or markers;
  • colour pencils.

How to draw a rose

markcrilley youtube channel

2. Draw a smooth curved line under the top of the cone. Erase unnecessary strokes with an eraser. The video below shows when to do this. Draw the tips of the folded petals on top.

markcrilley youtube channel

3. Under the lower smooth line in the cone, draw another one and draw the curved edge of the petal. Draw another one to the left of the bud.

markcrilley youtube channel

4. Left and right swipe short line and outline the outlines of the two petals as shown in the picture.

markcrilley youtube channel

5. From right line continue the curved petal. It should frame the bud halfway. Make the left petal in the same way.

markcrilley youtube channel

6. Draw a few more petals around with curved edges, as shown in the picture. Details can be seen in the video below.

markcrilley youtube channel

7. Design the outer curved petals and stem by drawing two straight lines down at an angle and marking short thorns from them. On the left behind the flower draw large leaf with carved edges. With a simple pencil add shadows in the middle of the flower.

markcrilley youtube channel

8. Use a felt-tip pen or marker to color in the rose petals. Once again, go over the places where there were pencil shadows with a pencil of a suitable color.

markcrilley youtube channel

9. Color the stem and leaf and give them volume in the same way as the flower, playing with shadows.

markcrilley youtube channel

10. The final touch - highlight some areas of the rose with a white pencil.

What other options are there?

Here's a simpler method. You can color the rose with colored pencils or felt-tip pens.

What you will need

  • Paper;
  • brushes;
  • water;
  • watercolor paints.

How to draw a rose

1. Wet a small area of ​​paper with a wet brush. Using chaotic movements, draw the base of the flower, shaped like a cloud, as shown in the instructions.

YouTube channel Watercolor by Shibasaki

2. Using small strokes, add shadows with a darker color.

YouTube channel Watercolor by Shibasaki

3. Tint the bottom with a second color and left side roses, leaving small light areas in the center.

YouTube channel Watercolor by Shibasaki

4. Below and slightly above, make a few strokes of paint of an even darker shade. At the top and slightly to the left of the middle, add strokes of a different color.

YouTube channel Watercolor by Shibasaki

5. Using a dry brush, go over the top and central parts of the flower, highlighting the outlines of the petals. Add strokes of dark color under the whitened areas.

YouTube channel Watercolor by Shibasaki

6. Add some greenery at the bottom of the flower. Mix base paint with green and paint leaves with carved edges as shown in the picture. Whiten them with a dry brush. Just below, draw a green leaf that looks like an oval feather. Use your fingernails or something sharp to mark the veins. Details can be seen in the video below.

YouTube channel Watercolor by Shibasaki

7. Draw the sepals under the rose with cone-shaped strokes, on the left - a small rounded bud with a light edge and the same sepals, in the center - a slightly curved stem. Using strokes, add a few more leaves to the left and behind the stem.

YouTube channel Watercolor by Shibasaki

8. Give volume to the leaves with color and add veins to them. Make a few dark strokes at the bottom of the flower. The detailed process is shown in the video.

What other options are there?

You can draw a rose even faster:

And here we show you how to color a sketch of a flower:

YouTube channel Art Bucket

What you will need

  • Paper;
  • a simple pencil;
  • black handle - optional.

How to draw a rose

1. Draw a horizontal oval slanted to the left. From there downwards, draw a figure so that the whole picture resembles a vase.

YouTube channel Art Bucket

2. To the left of the oval, draw a curved line down to the bottom edge of the shape. Draw a petal by adding another line to this line: from the middle of the right side of the “vase” to the center of its base. On the right, draw a petal as shown in the picture.

YouTube channel Art Bucket

3. In the middle between them wavy lines draw the curled edge of the petal.

YouTube channel Art Bucket

4. On the left under the oval, make another small folded edge in the shape of a crescent. Use curved lines to mark the top edges of the inner petals.

YouTube channel Art Bucket

5. Draw the middle of the rose, using curved lines to draw out the curled petals, as shown in the photo.

YouTube channel Art Bucket

6. Using two lines, add a stem and thin, pointed, curved leaves to the rose.

YouTube channel Art Bucket

7. Using a finely sharpened pencil or pen, trace the outlines of the flower, stem and leaves to make them brighter. Draw a pattern of short lines on the latter.

YouTube channel Art Bucket

YouTube channel Art Bucket

9. At the end, lengthen the stem and draw a couple more oval petals with carved edges and veins.

What other options are there?

This video shows how to depict a very beautiful rose bud with water droplets:

YouTube channel MontMarteArt

What you will need

  • Paper;
  • a simple pencil;
  • black marker or felt-tip pen;

How to draw a rose

1. Draw a small horizontal oval. Around it, draw another one with flattened ends. The inner oval should touch the lower border of the outer one. Draw two lines down the sides and outline the shape with two rounded petals.

YouTube channel MontMarteArt

2. Draw two more smooth lines down the sides. To the left and right of the figure, draw petals, the sides of which touch each other at the bottom: you will get something like a torn heart. Draw two more lines along the edges.

YouTube channel MontMarteArt

YouTube channel MontMarteArt

4. On the right, draw the curled edge of the petal like a crescent, and under it draw the whole petal, drawing a smooth line down. Add another one to the left in the same way.

YouTube channel MontMarteArt

5. Add thin sepals to the flower at the base, draw a curved stem with two lines and draw teardrop-shaped leaves from it.

YouTube channel MontMarteArt

YouTube channel MontMarteArt

7. Use a colored felt-tip pen or pencil to color the bud. Then choose a darker color and use it to paint shadows around the edges.

YouTube channel MontMarteArt

8. Color the stem and leaves in the same way.

What other options are there?

Even a child can handle this drawing:

Another easy way draw a rose bud:

And this method is notable for the fact that the rose petals are drawn in the shape of hearts:

What you will need

  • Paper;
  • a simple pencil;
  • eraser;
  • water;
  • brushes;
  • watercolor paints.

How to draw a rose

YouTube channel Mr. Otter Art Studio

2. Add curved petals to the left and right. Erase the extra outlines around the edges. Details are in the video below.

YouTube channel Mr. Otter Art Studio

3. Draw one pointed petal in the center, and above it - the edge of the other. Erase the top outline and draw the middle of the flower.

YouTube channel Mr. Otter Art Studio

YouTube channel Mr. Otter Art Studio

5. Dilute the base color paint with water and paint the edge of the left petal and the middle at the top.

YouTube channel Mr. Otter Art Studio

YouTube channel Mr. Otter Art Studio

7. Make the color a little richer and paint the left petal and the edge of the petal from the top in the middle.

YouTube channel Mr. Otter Art Studio

8. Give a darker shade to the top of the flower and the part between the center and right petal.

YouTube channel Mr. Otter Art Studio

9. Add a shadow at the top left on the inner edge of the petal. Color the top of the rose and the leftmost petal.

YouTube channel Mr. Otter Art Studio

10. Add shadows and volume to the flower by playing with color saturation. All the details are in the video.

YouTube channel Mr. Otter Art Studio

11. Finally, color the stem and leaves green.

What other options are there?

Try creating an incredibly realistic and detailed rose:

And in this drawing there are only the outlines of flowers. Looks very gentle and sophisticated:

YouTube channel Sketch Dirt

What you will need

  • Paper;
  • simple pencil.

How to draw a bouquet of roses

1. Outline the roses using shapes that look like rounded rectangles.

YouTube channel Sketch Dirt

2. Add stems, bringing two down from each bud curved lines to approximately one point.

YouTube channel Sketch Dirt

3. For the rightmost rose, draw the petals with smooth lines along the bud and mark the leaves with elongated tips below.

YouTube channel Sketch Dirt

4. Draw the petals and sepals of the two lower roses as shown in the picture. On the left, draw several leaves.

YouTube channel Sketch Dirt

5. Add sepals and petals to the top two flowers in the same way.

YouTube channel Sketch Dirt

YouTube channel Sketch Dirt

YouTube channel Sketch Dirt

YouTube channel Sketch Dirt

9. Give the drawing volume by following the video instructions.

YouTube channel Draw So Cute

What you will need

  • Paper;
  • a simple pencil, black felt-tip pen or marker;
  • colored markers or pencils.

How to draw a bouquet of roses

1. Draw two patterned lines at an angle to each other. Connect their edges at the bottom with a rounded line. This will be the packaging of the bouquet.

YouTube channel Draw So Cute

2. Just to the right of the middle, draw on the edge of the packaging paper. Mark the folds at the bottom with three smooth lines, and small round holes at the top.

YouTube channel Draw So Cute

3. Draw a small horizontal spiral on top and draw a bud by drawing two lines down and marking the edge of the petal with a diagonal.

YouTube channel Draw So Cute

YouTube channel Draw So Cute

5. Using straight lines, draw stems and leaves with a shape like a candle flame.

YouTube channel Draw So Cute

6. Draw a small rectangle under the bouquet and draw a horizontal stripe inside. To the left and right of it, draw the bow loops with smooth, rounded lines. Add two large ribbons at the bottom, marking their edges with inverted checkmarks, and two small ones on the sides of them. Draw the edge of the package in the middle.

YouTube channel Draw So Cute

YouTube channel Draw So Cute

8. The final touch - add shadow to the design and lighten the flowers and bow slightly.

unexpectedly, but since there are many techniques, I decided to write with examples.

(all pictures are not mine)
what is not suitable - wax crayons in general, thick felt-tip pens (from 1.5 mm tip), thick watercolor pencils, unless you know how to use them in watercolor mode and don’t plan to paint small details.

what is needed:

1. different felt-tip markers
With a super-thin tip (0.3 mm or less), it is impossible to paint over large volumes - they are best used for small contours or finishing touches. medium size (0.4-0.8) is possible, but you need to carefully monitor the layers and that they do not overlap each other - with felt-tip pens this does not always look neat. I categorically do not recommend felt-tip pens to those who love precision and accuracy in applying color. In principle, you can draw with a felt-tip pen on a felt-tip pen, but only darker ones on lighter ones. Thin light liners get dirty the same way. about brands: people complain that sharpie creeps and spreads even after application, but this greatly depends on the paper.

with a brush tip (watercolor).
watercolor brush pen

but it’s better to take double-sided ones - a brush on one side, and a dense tip on the other

and metal markers. You just need to be careful with them, some of them leak heavily.
metallic marker

But use wide markers very well. hard

2. regular colored pencils. minus - it is slow and cannot be as bright as markers and pens. plus - they can be mixed, unlike felt-tip pens. They can also be combined with any others - felt-tip pens, markers, pens, watercolors.
The trick with pencils is that you don’t have to press as hard as you did in childhood. It is better to cover in several layers. Well, light shading gives you a lot of maneuvers - you can do graduations and mix colors as you like. You just need to remember about the direction of the strokes - it’s better not to change them within one place object. you can make a layer in one direction, and on top of the other at an angle to it. if you draw in zigzags, it may not turn out very neatly.

These two, of course, were painted by a pro...

those for whom it is important to be able to play everything back should color using erasable pencils. I'm talking about them

There is also a convenient version - double-sided pencils, with different colors. this saves space, and still the long ones almost never end unless you draw professionally. but just short ones if you buy them (Crayola has them), it’s inconvenient for an adult to hold
colleen colored pencil

3. watercolor colored pencils. usually expensive. but you can get the advantages of both pencils and watercolors at the same time

4. watercolor - the paper for coloring books should be quite thick. near the world-famous "enchanted forest" - just quite suitable

5. multi-color pencils are those pencils where the lead is not one color, but from a pack of different pigments. There are versions in shades, there are completely mixed ones - rainbow ones

6. gel pens. best professional with a large selection of colors. minus - they run out quickly.
bright night gel pen

you can also take gel pens with different effects - metallic, glitter, etc.
in this set they also come in different thicknesses. but not cheap professional quality %(
Sakura 57360 64-Piece Gelly Roll Artist"s Gift Set

about technology

I strongly recommend that before you start coloring the page, you test new felt-tip pens/markers/pencils somewhere separately. check that nothing is leaking, even if you accidentally make 2-3-4 layers. This is especially critical for perfectionists. Experienced fighters generally recommend placing a sheet of paper between the pages to be sure.

You don't have to stick to the contours. you can color by ignoring them and creating your own color waves.

or vice versa, smaller entities inside existing drawn objects - textures, new patterns, etc.

and you can do without different colors altogether

don't forget about the background. you can leave it white, or you can make it dark, multi-colored, or add texture too

It is not necessary to follow any rules in colors. You can even choose an object to color and choose a random color with your eyes closed.

if you want guaranteed beauty, then you should first decide on the spectrum and general rules shading, especially if the objects are small. for example, the leaves are always purple with a red edge, and not at random. If you like rules, follow them; if you don’t, don’t follow them. and you don’t have to follow what’s written here either)