Prophetic dreams and their interpretation. Dream Interpretation of Prophetic Dreams - interpretation of dreams with search

Prophetic dreams are visions that are destined to come true. They predict the future and warn the dreamer. Having seen a prophetic dream, you can prevent an event or contribute to its occurrence.

But not all dreams that people see are prophetic. A dream is a reflection inner world person.

It conveys character, emotions, experiences, aspirations, and indicates a person’s hidden resources. Therefore, every vision should not be considered prophetic.

Interpretation of dreams by dates of the month

Dreams can be interpreted by the days and dates of the month. Based on this classification, you can understand whether the dream carries some kind of load or is a reflection of reality.

Let's look at which days of the month you can see a prophetic dream, and on which days this is only a psychosomatic effect on the human brain.

Day of the month Sleep characteristics
First On this day, you have a prophetic dream, signifying joyful events and good news.
Second A dream on this day is called “empty”. It doesn't mean or promise anything. Therefore, if you dreamed of bad events, do not be upset, they will not come true.
Third The images you see will soon become reality. They will definitely come true in the near future.
Fourth It will come true, but not soon. This sign foretells events that will happen years from now.
Fifth On this day of the month you have good dreams.
Sixth You will have to wait a little while for it to happen.
Seventh On the seventh, people see positive dreams. But if a person saw bad events, so that it does not come true, you cannot tell anyone about it.
Eighth What you see reflects the person’s wishes. To implement it you will have to put in a lot of effort. The result will depend on the dreamer himself and his desire to bring to life the images and situations he saw.
Ninth A harbinger of favorable events that will become a reality soon.
Tenth What you see will come true. The dreamer should prepare for bad omens and situations.
Eleventh Expect fulfillment eleven days after the dream.
Twelfth The dreamer should prepare for the fulfillment of a dream that promises favorable changes.
Thirteenth Expect unpleasant dreams to come true.
Fourteenth The images do not carry any omen.
The fifteenth Soon to become a reality.
Sixteenth Is "empty". It doesn't mean anything.
Seventeenth The situation seen will come to life within twenty days.
Eighteenth The dreamer should prepare for an improvement in his financial situation. Psychics say that it doesn’t matter what images a person saw on the 18th. The dream promises the purchase of new things, an increase in money.
Nineteenth Take what you see on the 19th seriously. It foreshadows changes in the family: quarrels, discord, betrayal, omissions. Therefore, try not to provoke your spouse and close relatives in order to avoid conflict situations.
Twentieth Expect execution soon.
Twenty first The dreamed event will come true within the first eleven days.
Twenty second Be careful about your sleep. It foretells the fulfillment of unpleasant situations and warns of trouble.
Twenty third Expect fulfillment soon.
Twenty-fourth A prophetic dream promising favorable news.
Twenty fifth Don't trust what you dreamed about. The situations seen will not come true, but will confuse the person and lead to the wrong trail.
Twenty sixth It won't happen soon.
The 27th "Empty" dream.
The 28th Expect fulfillment within the first thirty days.
Twenty-ninth Don't expect the dream to come true.
Thirtieth Having seen the event, do not entertain yourself with illusions. Such dreams rarely come true.
Thirty-first Expect what you see to come true. If the dream is about love, relationships, wedding, then expect it to come true within the first fifteen days.

Prophetic dreams for church holidays

It has long been believed that prophetic visions occur on church holidays. In the old days, dreams were interpreted differently. But people at that time had one belief: a dreamed vision on one of the following church holidays can be changed.

In their opinion, this is a sign from above, which was given to people to prevent troubles and to realize their mistakes and sins.

Church holidays when prophetic visions occur:

  • Christmas.
  • Baptism. From Christmas to Epiphany, the dreamer may see dead people in visions, warning or foretelling future fate person.
  • Any church holiday. The vision will be fulfilled before 12 noon.

Prophetic dreams often occur on Good Fridays before:

  1. Palm Sunday.
  2. Great Lent.
  3. Annunciation.
  4. Ascension.
  5. Trinity.
  6. Dormition.
  7. Happy Archangel Michael.
  8. Epiphany.

Interpretation by days of the week

Psychics are sure that the fulfillment of a vision also depends on the day of the week:

  1. Monday Tuesday. The dreamer sees “empty” visions that mean nothing.
  2. Tuesday Wednesday. A person dreams of situations that come true in the future. If you dreamed of a bad event on Wednesday, then this indicates that the person still has the opportunity to prevent its occurrence.

    This is a sign from above, warning against trouble. It symbolizes a person’s wrong actions, which may end badly in the future. Therefore, if the dreamer understands the essence of the vision in time and changes his lifestyle, he will be able to prevent trouble.

  3. Wednesday Thursday. The dreamer dreams of situations that are not destined to come true.
  4. From Thursday to Friday. Visions will come true during the first three years.
  5. From Friday to Saturday. Don't expect fulfillment.
  6. Saturday Sunday. Visions come true before 12 noon.

Many interpret visions by time of day:

  • Daytime. More often, it is not destined to come true, since the brain works during the day, so the dreams seen are reflections of a person’s mental state.
  • Night. At night, there is a high probability that the vision will come true.

Classification of prophetic dreams

Psychics claim that prophetic dreams are divided into the following groups:

  • Literal. This means that what a person saw will come true after a period of time.
  • Symbolic ones predict the future indirectly. Example: the girl saw wedding rings. This means that she will soon become a bride. If a cup breaks, expect health problems, etc.

Symbolic ones need to be interpreted according to dream books. They offer clues to details that play an important role. But it is worth remembering that today there is a large number of dream books. Therefore, it is better for a person to study several meanings according to different dream books and combine them into one.

Psychics advise trusting the dream book of birthday people. This dream book is listed according to the month of birth of a person and has some of the most accurate interpretations.

Interpretations according to the solar and lunar calendar

Many people wonder whether it is possible to provoke the appearance of a prophetic vision. There is no clear answer to this question.

But astrologers say that it is possible to provoke visions. You need to go to bed during the waxing moon. It is forbidden to think or worry while leaving for the kingdom of Morphine. The person's brain and body should be completely relaxed.

According to astrologers, prophetic dreams can be interpreted by lunar calendar. Astrologers have identified special days of the month when people can see prophetic visions.

Prophetic visions occur on many days of the month. They appear more often than “empty” dreams.

Nothing is meaningful visions can be seen on the following dates of the month:

On other days you can see prophetic visions.

Solar calendar (when prophetic visions are not dreamed):

No one has yet been able to fully understand the secret of dreams. Today, the opinions of psychics and scientists differ. But as practice shows, many dreams actually predict future events and warn people.

You should pay attention to those visions in which dead people come. According to psychics, they come to warn a person about trouble. Therefore, this should not be taken lightly.

Many people want to know their future. Some even try to resort to visiting fortune tellers or prophetesses. But from time to time, each of us may have the opportunity to slightly lift the veil of the distant or very near future. This can be done through prophetic dreams.

What dreams are prophetic?

Prophetic or prophetic is a dream in which the events that we see at night can be transferred to reality. Most often these are some kind of warnings. Higher powers, through dreams, try to warn us about dangerous situations or warn us about possible problems in real. But dreams, prophetic dreams in particular, can be not only bad, carrying a negative message, but also joyful, which portend happiness. However, not all the dreams you see will necessarily come true. Often our night visions simply reflect what we think about during the day or several days, what we worry about or what we look forward to. And sometimes they are falsely prophetic. Often we independently try to delve into the interpretation of dreams; we want to see prophetic dreams in every dreamed story. And it happens that we ourselves subconsciously create situations in reality that will reflect what we have imagined. The plots that tell you something may also differ. So, you can see a situation that will then literally repeat itself in reality. And some visions are just symbols. They serve as clues to what might happen to you. For example, if a dog bites you, you may actually be quarreling with your friend. Each dream book explains such symbols in its own way.

When do prophetic dreams occur?

There are so-called days prophetic dreams. This is the time when the likelihood of seeing a prophetic dream increases several times. It is worth saying that this phenomenon is quite rare. It is a common belief that you can see the prediction on the night from Thursday to Friday. Also, in the period from January 7 to January 19 - from Christmas to Epiphany, all dreams are considered to come true. Also in some lunar phases our night visions take on a deeper meaning and tend to come true. Such a phase, in particular, is the Full Moon. Depending on the calendar day, stories can be either true or empty. also in certain days Only dreams that carry either a positive message or a negative one can come true.

When will visions definitely not come true?

Each month there are several dates in which you only dream of empty images. No matter how symbolic and bright your vision may seem to you, on this day it is empty. These days of the month are the 2nd, 14th, 16th, 25th, 27th, 29th. There are also several situations and phenomena in which dreams are not endowed with prophetic properties:
  • visions on an empty stomach;
  • visions of people under the influence of alcohol or drugs;
  • dreams that came under the influence of sleeping pills;
  • visions of feverish, sick, delirious people;
  • for neuralgic disorders and unhealthy sleep.

What distinguishes prophetic dreams and dream interpretations?

As already mentioned, not every plot can come true in the future. To understand that a particular dream is truly prophetic, it is necessary for several factors to coincide. Firstly, these are the days of the month mentioned above. Secondly, such visions are endowed distinctive features. The plot in them is memorable and always complete, and the details that you need to pay attention to are vivid and etched in your memory for a long time. If all the signs coincide, and your inner voice suggests that this particular dream is a harbinger of something, you can safely turn to dream books for an interpretation of certain plots and images.

Some people look for prophetic things among their dreams, while others are sure that every dream they have is prophetic. If we evaluate the popularity of dream books, then the number of the latter seriously dominates over the former. Humanity has always rejoiced at any opportunity to interpret dreams, because it made it possible to look into the future, although not necessarily the real future. But almost everyone is still curious.

In principle, if we start from typical theories of the emergence of highly informative content in the content of dream plots, then it is impossible to exclude the possibility that almost every dream can bear at least a partial character of providence. Of course, this is a factor in favor of dream books, but there are also many significant ones against it.

For example, how correct is it to assess the future or present based solely on the interpretation of dreams? In 95% of cases, a dream shows us only a reflection of our thoughts before it. It’s as if he processes everything we experience during the day. During the so-called REM sleep, when dreams occur, a person’s partial and terribly distorted awareness undergoes a unique transformation when a completely malleable sphere arises before his senses, capable of accepting any real appearance, including millions of parts. By what principle are these parts formed? Based on the principle of our wandering thoughts and only less often based on the principle of calculating or solving a problem (5%). However, our mind in a dream is practically devoid of adequacy and long-term conscious memory, so we look more like crazy people there, and our situations and internal experiences experienced during the day are directly reflected in the modeling of ongoing events, because these same experiences continue to act in the brain, but a little in a different form, often unrecognizable to us, with the most unusual nuances.

So we get a counter factor: how can you predict the future or understand the present when almost everything seen in a dream is just a reflection of the past?

Which dream object should be interpreted from dream books?

Remember any fleeting picture from a dream. Look at it like a photograph and try to count how many elements it includes. For example, if you were in a room: sunlight from the window, good mood, birdsong, table, chair, cup, plate, apple, bed, knife, door, pen, notebook, shelf, closet, picture, lamp, curtain, shoes, carpet, clothes - and that’s just the most general. Now try to interpret all this according to the dream book... Problem? Still would!

Many people say that you need to choose the basis that is the most striking and meaningful. However, based on what rules should this be done and how can this be accurately determined? For some reason no one says anything about this. Moreover, if you remember all the dreams during the night, the duration of which is about an hour, then the “main” details seen there can still exceed dozens. After this, it becomes unclear why people even use dream books. Interpretation of dreams from books is not so simple task, comes out.

However, there are dream books based not on the interpretation of any individual motives, but on plots and events. This partly concerns Miller's most popular dream book.

It seems to many that there are many dream books. However, this is not quite true. All of humanity uses only a few in 90% of cases. This is influenced by the very system of their structure and the name of their authors. Well, for example, how can a lover of the unknown not believe a dream book based on the foresights of Vanga or Nostradamus? And the majority of people are lovers of the unknown, at least in a weak form. species homo sapiens.

Let's look at each of the most popular dream books separately and evaluate their adequacy in reality. In total, there are only five most famous dream books. They belong to the following authors: Gustav Hindman Miller, Sigmund Freud, David Loff, Michel Nostradamus and Vanga. Naturally, Vanga could not write or even dictate complete dream book- it was created based on her predictions.

The most famous dream book is Miller's dream book. In some cases and at certain points, his work makes much more common sense than a simple “translation” of the object he saw. And this is not surprising. Miller did not write this work from scratch. He took advantage of the work best authors, existing before him (there are about 11 of them), and singled out the best from them, finalizing all the meanings according to the new principles obtained in this way.

Suffice it to say that this work has been used by people since mid-19th century century when it was first published, and this is the reason for its popularity to this day. It is believed that the dream book has passed the test in practice, which was carried out by our great-grandmothers and great-grandfathers. Full version Miller's dream book contains a fantastic number of words and interpretations - 10,000. This is a record that none of the popular authors even tried to beat by even half. However, an abridged version containing about 3,000 dream interpretations has also become widespread.

Undoubtedly, this is one of the most adequate dream books. Not a single word is considered in it as a separate element; it necessarily has plot variants, of which up to 5-6 are created for each designation. Thus, the same word can mean the opposite, depending on the situation. However, the test of time for this dream book backfired modern generations, since it has literally become outdated after almost two centuries of history. The fact is that a dream book based on stereotypes, and this one is one of those, cannot avoid becoming obsolete due to changes in stereotypes and life itself. Luck, for example, today is associated with completely different things than before.

From the point of view of adequacy and novelty, the dream book of Sigmund Freud, the founder of psychoanalysis, is of great interest. As expected, the author approached deciphering dreams exclusively from the point of view of disguised repressed desires that find freedom in the uncontrolled space of a dream. These transcripts are psychological character, which often, if not always, comes down to sexual aspects. Exactly because of this reason this dream book usually called “erotic”.

It is not news that Freud based all his conclusions only on such concepts as the Oedipus complex (the desire to solely possess a parent of the opposite sex), the maternal and paternal complex (the strong influence of the mother and father), fear of death, etc. This is why the dream book acquires intimate in nature, especially considering that the dreams of a woman, a man, a girl and a boy are often separated in the dream book.

It is difficult to guess how right Freud was. The fact is that his early views on the world around him were formed under the influence of the extremely late loss of virginity - at the age of 28. Most likely, constant concern made him think that all human thoughts are based on the same thing. Probably, if he had known the delights of complete satisfaction of sexual desire ten years earlier, he would have noticed that a person can sometimes be controlled by completely other aspirations than sexual ones.

Freud's dream book is unique in that it contains, for the most part, specific examples dreams, rather than unambiguous interpretations of objects and short stories. Perhaps this nuance should significantly influence the veracity of dream interpretations. However, the obvious one-sidedness (from the point of view of sex) of such transcripts repulses me personally, because it turns out that there is nothing at all in your head except libido, although I know for sure that my dreams can often be formed under the influence of completely different aspirations, although not without sin, of course.

If Miller’s dream book has become outdated in a couple of centuries, then the situation is even worse with the work of Michel Nostradamus, who created it back in the 16th century. Moreover, from the point of view of common sense, this dream book lags significantly behind those described above, since its basis is symbols that were obvious in another time and such to a strange person, like Nostradamus.

In general, there is little point in discussing this author’s dream book. We all know about his predictions, which are so strangely universal that in all eras those who needed them always adjusted it to suit themselves. For example, even Hitler succeeded. Therefore, there is great doubt about the seriousness of his work. Moreover, there is even doubt about its authorship. There are a lot of theories according to which the dream book could have been written much later than even the prophet himself lived, and therefore the interpretation of dreams according to his book remains on the conscience of its authors.

But it is very difficult to describe the dream book of the famous Bulgarian fortuneteller Vanga. As already mentioned, she herself could not create it, if only because she was blind and poorly educated and, in fact, was blessed. That is, someone else did it based on her words and other predictions, of which there are many thousands. However, on this moment I have in front of me all the dream books of the authors described, and in Vanga’s dream book there is a strange similarity with other works, sometimes almost word for word. That is why it is difficult to comment on this work. Most likely, the information was largely borrowed from other sources, more often from the works of Nostradamus, and does not have an independent basis.

The work of David Loff, one of the modern authors, is the most complete and is closer not only to our time, but also to common sense. The thing is that this author chose the most correct approach to the interpretation of dreams, based, although still on the same stereotypes, but modern and acceptable for our world.

Which dream book to choose remains up to each person to decide on their own, but one must always take into account that interpretations of dreams based on stereotypes have not only a temporal, but also a geographical framework of validity. No one will argue that a black native in a loincloth from Africa has a completely different idea of ​​things than a resident of Switzerland. If one thing in a dream can mean death for the first, then for the other, on the contrary, happiness. If there are such diametrically opposed meanings, then contradictions exist on a smaller scale. What is completely adequate for Americans will not be very applicable for residents Russian outback, especially villages. However, the information revolution is increasingly smoothing out such differences.

One of the main skeptical factors regarding dream books is, of course, the differences in their interpretation of this or that phenomenon that may take place in a person’s dream. If we compare dream books, then the same meaning of the dream subject has many formulations and interpretations, which cannot but raise questions. Moreover, this is so obvious that it is really difficult to find any identical interpretations. At the very least, someone is wrong. But if one makes a mistake, then others may not avoid making a mistake.

On the other hand, people often deceive themselves, so someone can use differences in the interpretation of dreams among authors to their advantage, always finding the most beneficial meaning for themselves. I invite you to verify with facts how the interpretation of the same image can differ radically in different dream books:

Being on a rock in a dream:

Loff- there is greatness and danger in a person’s life, and he must understand what is more and draw conclusions;
Miller- means failure; climbing rocks - changing your unsatisfactory life;
Freud- since the rock symbolizes the phallus, being on it means having an increased interest in your genitals; a woman climbing a rock may have a desire to have a child, and in this case a man may exhibit homosexual tendencies.

Own death in a dream:

Vanga- happy and long life;
Loff- you only need to understand how the person died and who was to blame for the death, but a specific explanation is not given;
Miller- someone is plotting an intrigue against you, and the dream is a warning about some kind of danger.

There is an apple in a dream:

Vanga- gaining wisdom and getting to know elders and smart person who can teach you a lot;
Miller- we are talking more about apples on trees and only if you eat spoiled apples - this is not good;
Nostradamus- acquaintance with beautiful woman or in some state a woman will come to power.
Freud- apple is a symbol female breast with all the ensuing consequences; if a man, then you love very much big breasts(who doesn't love them?); if you are a woman, you may be latently homosexual.

Vanga- you are a very petty person and you should reconsider your views on life and material values ​​in particular;
Loff- money in a dream, in any case, is an omen of good luck and prosperity;
Miller- counting and discovering a shortage - unfortunately; counting a large number means prosperity;
Freud- money is a symbol of sexual energy, so what happens to money happens to this energy.

Getting water from a well in a dream:

Miller- survive troubles caused by your own unbridled power, used incorrectly;
Nostradamus- a person will be able to satisfy his curiosity;
Freud- a well symbolizes the female genital organs, so a dream about receiving water from it means sexual intercourse.

Seeing fire, flames in a dream:

Vanga- burning fields and forests mean a global catastrophe and great disasters;
Loff- fear, fear of losing something; attachment to a burning object;
Miller- fighting a fire portends difficulties in accumulating the necessary capital;
Nostradamus- putting out a fire - major political unrest; fire in the room - adultery;
Freud- fire symbolizes the male genital organs and strength, accordingly, what you do with this fire can be transferred to reality in relation to the male genital organ.

Seeing an angel in a dream:

Vanga- a good omen of happiness, good luck and tranquility;
Loff- receiving a message and fulfilling a wish;
Miller- impressions that will confuse and disturb the soul;
Nostradamus- a sign of calm and peace when everyone is happy;
Freud- symbol of death.

Eating food in a dream:

Loff- it is worth analyzing how others eat, what they do and how;
Miller- if you eat alone, then this promises losses, and if in good company, then, on the contrary, everything will be fine;
Freud- food symbolizes sexual desires, so you should pay attention to how you eat.

Tying a knot in a dream:

Vanga- a symbol of problems and if you tighten the knot alone, then you aggravate the situation;
Miller- you behave as an independent person, striving to be independent and not rely on the opinions of others.

Meeting with mother in a dream:

Vanga- always predicts the future and imminent changes in life;
Loff- you need to carefully evaluate how you contacted and communicated with your mother;
Miller- encouraging results in any endeavor, unless she cries;
Freud- the presence of an Oedipus complex (moreover, Freud’s interpretation of the mother is almost entirely of a sexual nature).

Bottom line: of course, the interpretation of dreams from dream books is quite possible if you use modern and competent authors, and also do not forget about adequate assessment and caution.

Prophetic dreams are dreams that predict what will happen a little later in reality: dreams are usually called prophetic, the events from which subsequently occur in reality. Of course, not every dream is prophetic: sometimes some events, places or people are dreamed simply because a person is too “fixated” on some problem: for example, nightmares, dreams in which someone is behind you chasing is an indirect sign that you are tormented by some problem or unpleasant situation. There are also opposite cases: the appearance of a lover in your dream does not mean that the dream is prophetic - the “fascinated” subconscious includes in your dream the image of the person closest to you at the moment simply because in reality you have a strong feeling for him. Not all people have real prophetic dreams - as a rule, people with some predisposition to clairvoyance have the ability to see dreams that later come true and directly or indirectly predict future events.

Interpretation of dreams by dates of the month:

1st day of the month: true prophetic dreams, foreshadowing good events
2nd day of the month: empty, meaningless dreams
3rd day of the month: prophetic dreams that will come true very quickly
4th day of the month: prophetic dreams that will come true in the distant future
5th day of the month: dreams that portend good things
6th day of the month: a prophetic dream may come true, but not soon
7th day of the month: a good prophetic dream - for it to come true, you cannot tell anyone about what you dreamed
8th day of the month: a dream promising fulfillment of desires
9th day of the month: a prophetic dream foreshadowing success in the near future
10th of the month: a prophetic dream promising troubles
11th day of the month: a prophetic dream will come true within the next eleven days, foreshadows joyful events
12th day of the month: true and favorable prophetic dreams
13th day of the month: prophetic dreams foreshadowing troubles
14th of the month: empty, nothing meaningful dreams
15th of the month: a prophetic dream will come true very quickly, portends good events
16th day of the month: empty dreams
17th day of the month: the prophetic dream will come true within twenty days
18th day of the month: prophetic dreams promising new things or material profit
19th of the month: a prophetic dream promises troubles in the family
20th of the month: a prophetic dream that will come true in the near future
21st day of the month: the dream will come true within eleven days, portends good things
22nd day of the month: a prophetic dream warns of imminent troubles in reality
23rd day of the month: a prophetic dream that will come true very soon
24th of the month: favorable prophetic dreams
25th of the month: false dreams
26th day of the month: good dreams that may come true in the distant future
27th day of the month: empty, meaningless dreams
28th day of the month: a prophetic dream will come true within the next thirty days
29th day of the month: empty, unfulfilled dreams
30th day of the month: dreams that come true very rarely and not soon
31st day of the month: if the dream is about love, then it will come true within fifteen days

What are prophetic dreams?

Prophetic dreams can be literal or symbolic. Literal prophetic dreams are those dreams whose events later actually occur in reality, exactly repeating everything that happened in your dream. For example, in a dream you saw a broken cup, and the next day someone close to you actually drops your favorite cup on the floor - such a dream is called a literal prophetic dream.

Much more complicated are the so-called symbolic prophetic dreams - these are those dreams that tell us the future not directly, but indirectly, through symbols. Nightmares or, conversely, happy dreams - no matter what such prophetic dreams are, their interpretation is always more difficult than that of literal prophetic dreams. The “clues” of dreams will have to be solved with the help of dream books - for example, a broken cup usually dreams of deteriorating health. Fortunately, there are a lot of dream books that can be used to interpret the dream you had, and all of them allow you to correctly interpret a prophetic dream - if, of course, the dream really was prophetic. If you have a dream book at hand, the interpretation of dreams, as well as prophetic dreams, can be understood easily and quickly.

When do prophetic dreams occur?

Not every person can have prophetic dreams, and they happen quite rarely. Whether prophetic dreams and days of the week are connected is a controversial issue: it is generally accepted that the most vivid and truthful prophetic dreams can be seen on the night from Thursday to Friday. In addition, prophetic dreams that occurred on the night from Monday to Tuesday are equally true. Finally, how true prophetic dreams are also depends on the day of the month on which the dream occurred: for example, if on the first day you can have truly truthful prophetic dreams that most accurately reflect future events, then on the second you have dreams that have nothing to do with having no reality. IN ancient Rus' There was a belief according to which prophetic dreams occur at Epiphany, but according to Catholic traditions, prophetic dreams can occur at Christmas. In addition, prophetic dreams are also possible during the entire period from Christmas to Epiphany, which in the Catholic tradition falls on January 19. There is a high probability that you will have a prophetic dream, and on days of energy imbalance - a prophetic dream may occur on the full moon, Winter or Summer Solstice.

How to see a prophetic dream?

Not everyone has prophetic dreams. If you remember your dreams, then important step to the predictions has already been made. If not, you'll have to work.
To have a prophetic dream, you need to be mentally prepared. Imagine that you feel in your hands an object from your night dreams.
The waxing moon helps to see prophetic dreams. Remember to focus on the problem you want to solve in your dreams at night.
Before you have a prophetic dream, you need to be absolutely relaxed and calm. There are many conspiracies that help induce a prophetic dream. If you still can’t see what you’ve planned, don’t despair, and then higher power they will definitely support you.t

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Nowadays, there are a large number of dream books from different interpreters and manufacturers, but how to determine which dreams are actually prophetic and which ones should not be paid attention to at all? First, let's try to define what a dream is and what role it plays in our lives.

What is sleep

Dreams are directly related to the work of the brain, to a person’s thoughts and experiences. Absolutely everyone dreams of them, regardless of age. It is believed that even unborn babies in the womb already dream.

The absence of dreams at certain periods of life may indicate overwork. Fatigue takes its toll, and the body spends time exclusively on rest. However, it is impossible to say with certainty that a person did not dream of anything - it also happens that dreams are simply not recorded in memory.

Recurring dreams and nightmares

Most people consider dreams that are repeated and obsessive to be prophetic, and they also attach great importance nightmares. This is natural, because if a dream does not make any impression on a person, it will soon be forgotten. Undoubtedly, scary dreams don't just dream, but in in this case you should pay attention not to dreamed symbols, but to your own psychological condition. If a person is in real life seriously depressed by something, or warily awaiting inevitable changes, his brain will remain tense even during the night's rest.

If for some time you have been dreaming the same dream, the meaning of which is unclear to you, this indicates a desire to change your life for the better. From a psychological point of view, recurring dreams are seen by people with obsessions and dreams that are far from reality. In this case, you should pay attention to the signs of the subconscious, because these are the tips that can help you avoid possible troubles. If such a dream does not cause negative emotions and there are no alarming symbols in it, then you should not be afraid of it.

When you have prophetic dreams

It is believed that only a night's dream can be prophetic. Dreams that I had in the morning and at daytime it is not accepted to interpret. Special meaning give dreams on the night from Thursday to Friday or during major religious holidays, but the most fateful dreams occur during Christmastide. Each person also has his own dates when a memorable and unusual dream can be considered a sign of fate - this is a birthday and an angel’s day.

A prophetic dream can also occur on the most ordinary day, shortly before important changes in a person’s life. It can have both literal and symbolic meaning, and the best adviser in this situation is your own intuition.

Classification of dreams by day of the week

Each day of the week is ruled by a specific planet. Depending on its astrological characteristics, you can understand a lot about the dream you had at that time.

Monday. This day is under the auspices of the Moon, which governs emotions and feelings, is responsible for intuition, but at the same time is considered deceptive and fickle. Dreams that you had on Monday night should not be taken seriously. On this day it is generally not customary to make predictions and long-term forecasts.

Tuesday. This day of the week is influenced by Mars, which is a symbol of courage and fortitude. Such dreams can serve as clues in making volitional decisions that can change fate.

Wednesday. The third day of the week is ruled by Mercury, the planet of calm and tranquility. Anxious dreams these days call for control over emotions, while calm ones emphasize the correctness of actions.

Thursday. This day is under the auspices of Jupiter, which is responsible for business activity. Any dreams you have on Thursday night can be associated with your professional activity, and look for clues in them on how best to proceed in a controversial issue.

Friday. The fifth day of the week is influenced by Venus, the planet of love and sensuality. The dreams that occurred that night are directly related to a person’s romantic experiences, but they are not so much a guide to action as they reflect state of mind person. If they are unfavorable, then a person does not see happiness in his love affair, even if it looks prosperous.

Saturday. On this day, Saturn is especially active, associated with fatal turns of fate and trials. Saturday dreams can warn you what kind of changes in life you should expect in the near future.

Sunday. Sunday dreams are considered to be the most favorable, since this day is under the influence of the Sun. This star gives us the energy of light, joy and strength. If the dream turns out to be disturbing, you should take it as a warning against unwanted actions that can harm yourself.

Do you need a dream book?

People who are keen on the meaning of dreams always have a dream book in their house, and perhaps even more than one. Having seen an interesting dream, they begin to compare its meaning according to dream books from different authors, whose interpretations do not always agree, and are sometimes completely contradictory. What to do in such a situation?

If you dreamed of a clear symbol, you feel that this dream is important, but the dream book did not give a clear answer to the question, try to remember what you saw with all the details. Special role Your actions and sensations play a role in your dreams. If the dream was pleasant and easy, it cannot portend anything bad. But if the symbol in all dream books is favorable, but in the dream you felt constrained, tried to run away and panicked, the usual interpretation of this dream is unlikely to be appropriate. For example, you dreamed of symbols foreshadowing an imminent wedding, but the dream was terrible. This may mean that marrying a certain person will not bring you joy, or an inevitable event will occur that will darken your married life.

When choosing a dream book, you should be guided by your own worldview. Religious beliefs play an important role, which means that an Orthodox or Catholic person may get confused in dream symbols if they use a Muslim dream book. For people who are looking for a material explanation for everything and don’t believe in mysticism, this is ideal psychological dream book. For those who are interested in signs and beliefs, it is better to opt for folk dream book or in Vanga’s dream book. In any case, pay attention to the author, because given the popularity of this topic, there are also a lot of people who simply want to make money by selling their own publications.