Dream interpretation of bee dreams. I dreamed of bees in a hive. Russian folk dream book

Miller's Dream Book

Bees- portend successful and profitable deals and agreements. The officer has this dream- portends obedient, disciplined subordinates and a healthy environment.

For business man - growth of trade turnover.

For parents- many joys that children will bring them with their diligence.

Apiary, beehive- your daily work will bring you joy and stable income.

Ukrainian dream book

Bees- fire.

If you dream that a swarm has flown out- there will be a fire, the house will burn down.

If you dream of a swarm of bees- to death.

Bees, depending on what they have covered- fire or dead.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

Bees- winning.

Collection of dream books

Bees are flying- to joy.

Bees- winnings, profit; bee sting- losses and troubles.

See bees- the need to streamline your lifestyle; be stung by a bee- a possible hint for the patient in the treatment of bee stings and bee products; to unpleasant news that will shock you.

Bee- effective work; dead bee- to loss of money, to troubles.

Bees- profit, winnings as a result of a successful transaction.

Parents- joy from the success of children.

If you had a bad dream:

Don't be upset - it's just a dream. Thanks to him for the warning.

When you wake up, look out the window. Tell in open window: “Where there is night, there comes sleep. All the good things stay, all the bad things go.”

Open the tap and dream about flowing running water.

Wash your face three times with the words “Where water flows, sleep goes.”

Throw a pinch of salt into a glass of water and say: “As this salt melts, my sleep will go away and will not bring harm.”

Turn your bed linen inside out.

Don't tell anyone bad dream before lunch.

Write it down on paper and burn this sheet.

Bees in a dream also symbolize hard work, perseverance and troubles. But there is another, not very pleasant characteristic - the ability to sting, and therefore to bring pain, resentment, and suffering.

Did you see bees in a dream? This is considered a kind of omen. In order to correctly use the warnings, you must be able to decipher visions, which depend on the following details:

  • bees fly or sit;
  • whether there was one individual or many bees;
  • stung or not, etc.

It is believed that it is better to simply see insects than to escape from them or, even worse, to be bitten. Dreams with the presence of winged individuals promise inspiration, strength, prosperity, and sometimes a pleasant surprise, a joyful event or love.

For a business person, the vision predicts prosperity, a lucrative contract or financial gain due to his honesty and hard work. For the director of a company, the dream promises responsible, thrifty subordinates and coordinated work, like in a beehive.

For parents, the bee promises well-being in the family and joyful events associated with children. There are different interpretations such dreams. Let's look at the interpretations of popular dream books about what bees mean in dreams.

Interpretation from dream books

Miller's Dream Book

  • seeing bees in a dream is good luck in reality;
  • businessmen - excellent trade;
  • military - easy service;
  • parents - joy for their children;
  • insect bite - loss or resentment;
  • pursued by a swarm - excellent health;
  • bit your child - he will grow up strong and strong.

Vanga's Dream Book

  • a swarm of bees - jealousy, self-interest, acquisitiveness throughout life, this is a hint that it’s time to become yourself;
  • a bee stings is a sign that you need to show gratitude to higher powers for what you have;
  • the attacking insect is a loved one who is building obstacles in your way (you need to identify and erase him from your life);
  • honey plants collect nectar - success and recognition;
  • kill a winged thing - a break in relations with a loved one;
  • catching an insect means catching good luck in reality.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

  • seeing bees - receiving a huge win or financial profit (the larger the swarm, the more money there will be);
  • flying bees - to weather changes (in winter - to blizzards, in summer - to thunderstorms);
  • winged ones sting - fire, loss loved one, unplanned pregnancy;
  • swarm - a quick wedding, a celebration, but if it covers something - trouble (if a house, it will burn, if a person, it will die);
  • a full hive of insects - many intractable problems;
  • the hive is full of honey - prosperity, well-being in the family.

Aesop's Dream Book

The interpretation is connected with the character of a person in reality - diligence, intelligence, hard work. According to the ancient Greek poet, striped workers sting exclusively sinners, as in real world, and in a dream. Because these insects never sleep, they have become the personification of vigilance.

  • saw working women in a dream - you need to be attentive and careful;
  • stung - a reprimand from the authorities;
  • if a bee stings and you watch it die - a meeting with an evil person which will not cause harm;
  • dreamed of a beehive - joint fruitful work, recognition, material encouragement, a lucky streak;
  • sticking your hand into the hive means losses (it is necessary to urgently turn on the saving mode).

Hasse's Dream Book of Bees

  • see - bad news;
  • catching - establishing life;
  • bite - money increase;
  • kill - trouble, waste.


If bees bite you in a dream, it means that one of your relatives or friends is up to no good. It’s worth taking a closer look at your surroundings. Other dream books warn about possible loss work. The interpretation of dreams depends on the place where the insect stung.

Why do you dream of a bee sting on your arm or leg? This good sign. You can expect a cash replenishment. If the bite occurred on another part of the body:

  • lip - there is a high probability of quarrels and troubles due to your statements, so you should keep your mouth shut so as not to say too much;
  • face - an unpleasant conversation with the boss;
  • head or neck - beware of gossip.

If a woman dreamed that she was stung by a bee in a dream, then this predicts an early pregnancy. According to other interpretations, insects do not bite just like that. This promises punishment, cleansing from sins. Who knows, maybe 9 months of pregnancy is such a price.

The important point is the sensations you experienced after the bite:

  • bitten by bees, but there is no pain or traces - a favorable time for all endeavors;
  • if you experienced severe pain in a dream, you will have to make a lot of effort to finish the things you started;
  • a bee lands on you and doesn’t sting - expect a romantic relationship;
  • bit and then died - an enemy is trying to overcome you, who himself will suffer from his actions.


Seeing a swarm of bees in a dream is not a good omen. It promises losses, poverty, death. According to other sources, on the contrary, large number individuals predicts health, prosperity, luck, white stripe. If the “winged squad” frightened you greatly, then this dream warns of insidious enemies. So be careful.

Why do you dream of a swarm of bees circling right above your head? This marks a victory, a gain, a successful event. In general, as they say, what you believe in will happen. So decide for yourself which interpretation to follow.

In the house

Why do you dream of bees in the house? If insects fly around the house, this portends trouble. You will need energy and time to resolve troubles and problems. In some dream books, the presence of these insects in your home means death.


A beehive is considered a wonderful omen.

Why do you dream of a hive with bees? This dream suggests that you will achieve great heights thanks to your patient and honest work, your efforts will be rewarded, and much more generously than you expected. This dream also foretells that you will achieve success not only in the social but also in the personal sphere.


If the dream is associated with bees and honey, this is a positive symbol. The insect is located on the honeycomb - which means you can expect praise at work or perhaps even financial reward. Eating sweet nectar in a dream is also a good sign.


If you dreamed of striped insects and in order to correctly interpret the dream, then it is important to figure out what you saw - bees or wasps. The latter, unlike hardworking bees, indicate ill-wishers, secret plans, conspiracies. A wasp sting means pain and grief in reality, and therefore if you managed to crush this winged pest in a dream, you will be able to outwit your ill-wishers, leaving them with their noses.

In the hair

A dream with bees in your hair is a bad omen, promising troubles, sorrows and death. But in no case should you be upset and take such predictions to heart. This is primarily just a dream, nothing more.

Killed a bee in a dream

What does it mean to kill a bee in a dream? Obstacles and hindrances in any activity related to creativity and promotion of your ideas. But this does not mean that we should fold our arms and stop trying. Work and perseverance will definitely bring well-deserved results.

  • It is no secret that the bee personifies hard work, efficiency, fussiness, diligence, frugality and economy. It is no coincidence that people say about a hardworking person “he works like a bee,” and many banks use the image of a bee in their logo as a symbol of the fact that this bank is profitable and the money invested in it will not only be saved, but will also bring high interest.
  • Perhaps the image of a bee arose in a dream, thanks to popular expressions deposited in your subconscious: “God’s bee is a servant” (this folk wisdom says that the bee delivers wax to the candles) or “The bee stings only the sinner.” These expressions testify to the divinity of this insect, and therefore give it an aura of mystery and spirituality.
  • The image of a bee evoked in a dream may also be a consequence of the fact that in life you are a very vigilant person, who is not only difficult to deceive, but who can easily overcome all the obstacles that arise in his way. You may ask: How is human vigilance related to the bee? And the whole point is that, according to ancient belief, the bee is almost one of all creatures living on earth that never sleeps.
  • If you were stung by a bee in a dream, it is a sign that you are a very trusting person, and therefore you can be easily deceived. Be careful. Sometimes such a dream means that your superiors will be dissatisfied with your work, and you will receive a reprimand or simply a reproach, but in any case, the mood after a conversation with management will be ruined.
  • Watching in a dream how a bee that stings a person dies is evidence that you will soon meet a very angry person who harms himself with his anger.
  • Seeing a beehive in a dream means that, thanks to your hard work and the hard work of your companions, you will achieve a lot in life: a high position in society, big material resources and happiness in your personal life.
  • If you put your hand inside a bee hive, then real life you should save to put some money aside for a rainy day.
  • Hearing the buzzing of a bee in a dream means that with diligence, you will be able to cope with even the most difficult task. Perhaps such a dream suggests that you should be more careful when communicating with work colleagues.
  • Watching bees pollinate flowers in a dream is evidence that, thanks to your frugality and thriftiness, you will be able to save some money and acquire what you have dreamed of for so long.
  • Seeing bees stinging a bear in a dream because he went into their hive for honey is a harbinger that in real life you will help one of your close friends to occupy a higher official position, for which he will be very grateful to you.
  • Seeing a swarm of bees in a dream is a sign of a serious act that will change the attitude of other people towards you. Perhaps such a dream promises painstaking, long-term work, which, however, will not be a burden to you.
  • If you dreamed that bees were attacking you, then the people around you will condemn your action. If the bees fly by without noticing you at all, then those around you will respect you for the action that you perform.
  • If you dreamed of a bee flying from flower to flower, it means that a surge of efficiency, inspiration and ingenuity awaits you, the work will be in full swing in your hands, and you will be rewarded with the attention of your superiors and the respect of your colleagues.
  • Seeing a bee flying into a hive is a sign of household chores, perhaps a change of place of residence.
  • To see a dream in which a bee sits on a honeycomb with honey is a sign that your merits at work will be noted and rewarded financially.

Bees are a symbol of efficiency, hard work, diligence, frugality and economy. Therefore, when a person dreams of this hardworking insect, then in reality mostly good events await him. Various dream books Dreams with bees are interpreted differently. It is important to decipher the meaning of sleep in a timely manner. This will help the dreamer not to miss a unique chance to turn own life in the right direction or look at the world with different eyes.

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      Decoding the dream

      The image of a bee that appears in a dream indicates that you are a very vigilant person: it is difficult to deceive you. You can easily overcome all obstacles on your life path. It is the bee image that is associated with this characteristic of a person. The fact is that, according to ancient beliefs, the bee is the only creature on the planet that almost never sleeps.

      • Sometimes this dream can warn that your boss will be dissatisfied with the quality of your work. Perhaps you will receive a reproach or reprimand, and the mood after the conversation with management will be completely ruined. Sometimes a vision warns that you need to be careful when communicating with colleagues at work. But there are other interpretations of such dreams:

        • Seeing bees pollinating flowers is a symbol of thrift. You will be able to save enough money and buy what you have been dreaming of for a long time.
        • If you dreamed of insects stinging a bear who climbed into their hive for honey, this is a sign that you will help a close friend. Thanks to this, he will occupy a high official position.
        • Many bees dream of a decisive action that will change the attitude of the environment towards the dreamer. Such a dream may foreshadow a painstaking and lengthy task that will not be a burden.
        • Seeing how the insect that stung the dreamer dies indicates that he will soon have a meeting with bad person who is capable of causing harm to others with his anger.
        • Watching a beehive in a dream means that in reality, thanks to hard work and diligence, you will achieve new heights. The dream predicts high position in society, material wealth and happiness in love.
        • If you stick your hand into a beehive, you should learn to save money so you can put some money aside just in case.
        • Hearing a bee buzzing in a dream means that you can cope with any difficult task.
        • To suffer from a swarm of bees in a dream is a warning that you will be condemned for a bad deed.
        • But in the case when bees calmly fly by, not paying attention to you, the dream predicts that you will achieve respect from others.
        • To see a dream in which a bee flies from flower to flower means that you will feel a surge of inspiration: work will be in full swing in your hands. Your bosses will appreciate the results of your work.
        • Seeing a bee flying into a hive means trouble in the house. Perhaps you have to change your place of residence.
        • If you dreamed that bees were basking in a honeycomb, then your merits in labor sphere will be noticed and financially rewarded.
        • The dream book interprets bees stuck in hair as minor troubles or troubles in reality. Also, insects crawling in the hair foreshadow exposure to treason.

        Dead bees in a dream warn of losing money, theft, deception, or signing a dubious contract. During this period you should not make new acquaintances. It is better to postpone signing important contracts for a while. Killing a bee in a dream means being betrayed.

        Interpretation of vision according to different dream books

        Dream Interpretation of the Gypsy Seraphim:

        • Bees are hard work that brings satisfaction.
        • Bee honey - constructive work, wisdom.
        • A swarm of insects means success at work.

        Dream Interpretation of Evdokia:

        • Seeing a bee in a dream means a good deal and wealth.
        • For parents, the dream foretells the family joys that their children will bring them.
        • If an insect stings the dreamer, then in reality he will experience minor losses and minor failures.
        • If a swarm of bees chases a person, it means recovery from an illness.
        • If insects fly after a child, a calm period will begin in the family.

        Modern dream book:

        • A dream about these hardworking insects predicts successful and advantageous offer at work.
        • For a military man, the dream promises disciplined, obedient subordinates.
        • For a business person - improved well-being.
        • To the parents of beautiful children.
        • A bee stings - one of your friends will insult you.
        • A swarm of bees chasing you portends health.
        • A woman who watches a family of bees in a dream will in reality meet a person who will not love her.

        Decoding by seasons in a dream

        The interpretation of the vision depends on the period in which you dreamed of the insect:

        • Summer. A bee stings - to remorse. A swarm of bees - the appearance of people who will sit on your neck.
        • Autumn. Feeling a bee sting means a feeling of bitterness. A swarm of bees - for a long trip, a fun and large company.
        • Spring. Wasp or bee sting - to strong quarrel or a scandal with a loved one. If you dreamed of a beehive, you will be overloaded with work.

        Everyday dream book

        Interpretation of sleep for every day:

        • Often, bees are dreamed of when a good result at work is very important to a person.
        • If you dreamed of these insects, then everything life goals will be achieved. The work you are working on will end in success. If you hold a leadership position, you can be proud of your subordinates.
        • If you had a dream in which a bee bit the dreamer, then in reality this will bring betrayal from relatives.
        • If you had a dream that bees were bringing honey into the house, then in reality the result of your work will exceed all expectations.

        Interpretation of Kopalinsky and the 21st century dream book

        A swarm of bees foretells a woman meeting a man for whom she will only be a sexual partner. This attitude will bring her suffering and lead to a breakup.

        Kopalinsky's transcript:

        • Bee - work for results.
        • A dead insect means loss of money, hassle, trouble.

        Dream Interpretation of the 21st Century:

        • Bees hovering above your head symbolize victory, success, triumph.
        • Holding a bee in your hand portends happiness in family life means that the owner of the dream will be able to earn money through honest work.
        • Aggressive insects mean an outbreak of an epidemic.
        • Killing a bee means obstacles on the way to the goal.
        • A hive with bees dreams of wealth.
        • An empty hive means you will be unfairly punished.
        • If bees swarm in a dream, then your business will not be successful.
        • Bees sting your feet - to great joy associated with a promotion at work or an important acquisition.
        • Insects seal the hive - to bad weather.
        • Seeing a swarm of bees in a dream means accepting an orphan into your home.
        • A young woman dreams of a bee sting as a sign of early pregnancy.
        • Seeing a beehive in a dream means profit and increased income.
        • Bees buzzing and working hard in the apiary mean that your work will bring great benefit to humanity.
        • Standing in the middle of an apiary in a dream means receiving good news.

        French dream book

        Many bees flying above a person’s head indicate a large number of urgent matters, the result of which will be the acquisition of large financial profits.

        If in a dream a swarm of bees buzzes loudly, then in reality you need to beware of clashes with envious people and ill-wishers, since soon a sudden quarrel will cause a significant blow to your reputation. This dream book also interprets other variations of sleep:

        • If a person is surrounded by insects in a dream, then happy and mutual love awaits him.
        • Killing a bee in a dream means be prepared for trouble.

        Opinion of the sorceress Medea

        The bee symbolizes teamwork and ancestral traditions. A beehive or swarm is a symbol of prosperity. Being stung by a bee in a dream is a punishment for an offense, cleansing from sins.

        Esoteric dream book

        The bee is a symbol of daily, painstaking work. If you were stung by a bee in a dream, then you need to be wary of being fired. An apiary or a beehive in a dream - work will bring you joy and good income. Other interpretations:

        • If a person dreams of bees from Thursday to Friday, he will soon be given a lucrative business offer.
        • If insects bite your neck, you should immediately check with a doctor. Possible problems with the thyroid gland.
        • A hive in the apartment - the Higher Powers are protecting you.
        • Feeling insects swarming in your mouth - you should be careful about expressing your thoughts in unfamiliar company.
        • Killing a wasp or a bee is a warning that your enemies are planning something. Be as careful as possible to avoid troubles at work and in your family.
        • A dream in which you yourself become a bee promises joyful changes in life.
        • If a person dreamed of a queen bee, then in reality he will receive good news. If a pregnant woman dreams of a uterus, then her birth will be easy.

        Interpretation of Vales

        A person dreams of a swarm of bees is a favorable sign and promises solid profits, prosperity in business and success in important matters.

        A dream about hives with bees or honeycombs is considered good. The vision is interpreted by the dream book as a harbinger of wealth, successful business management, and career advancement.

        An empty beehive symbolizes material deprivation and business problems. But if insects are sitting in a hive, then the dream speaks of a period favorable for overhaul in the house, as well as for the acquisition of land or real estate.

Bees are considered the most hardworking flying insects. They are able to travel long distances to obtain nectar from flowering plants and trees and create a delicious natural delicacy. To understand why bees dream about bees, you need to remember all the details of what you saw.

Dream Interpretation: seeing bees in a dream

Interpretation Gustav Miller predicts financial gain for those who see insects in a dream. To parents, bees symbolize legitimate pride in their offspring.

Vanga's Dream Book originally interprets the multitude of insects as unity with the universe. The bite predicts the possibility of early contact with representatives of an extraterrestrial civilization.

According to the Russian dream book big bee means obtaining joy through diligence. It is also a symbol that the dreamer has influence on others.

A bee in the ear means complicated matters. To resolve a knot of problems you will have to strain.

Dream book of the 21st century predicts that you dream of bees around you and above your head as triumphant events. Keeping insects means honest work and making a solid profit.

Sigmund Freud interprets bees in a woman’s dream as an acquaintance with a person who ignores her personal qualities. He will only be interested in receiving sexual satisfaction from the dreamer.

Dead bees mean libido problems, frigidity for ladies and sexual dysfunction for men.

Ukrainian dream book indicates a fire danger if you happen to see a flying swarm of insects.

Gypsy dream book predicts that a villager who sees bees will receive a good profit from the sale of products. The plot promises the townspeople that they will have to do a lot of work around the house. An unfortunate interpretation is the killing of insects. These are almost inevitable financial losses.

Dream Interpretation of Medea interprets bees as quick work together with a team of like-minded people. Labor will bring not only joy, but also tangible rewards if the insects were neutral. Aggression on their part - punishment for unseemly acts committed will certainly follow, so you should watch yourself.

Medium Hasse interprets bees as news. Most likely, they will bring concern.

As a symbol of the approach of a prosperous period, bees are dreamed of in huge numbers. The main thing is that the insects are peaceful. If the bees in the dream are aggressive, the meaning will be different, and this is discussed in more detail below. When in a dream the buzzing of insects overhead alarms the sleeper, in reality he is tormented by many urgent matters.

good-natured Roy bees means significant profit. For entrepreneurs and busy people agriculture, the dream is a blessed sign of success and a good harvest.

Also, if businessmen dream hive with bees, this is a symbol of skillful business management and hard work. An empty insect house is an unfavorable sign, foreshadowing financial problems.

Lots of bees in the house means that the business the dreamer is doing will be successful and bring joy. Family sleep promises a carefree happy time.

If you dream about a lot of bees woman, in reality she has to cope with a huge amount business Household chores and work require attention at the same time.

Why do you dream about bees that bite?

Aggressive insects in dreams have special decoding options. If a bee that wants to sting, still doesn’t do this; the plot foreshadows mutual sympathy and success in winning the heart of a loved one.

Bite bees is interpreted depending on the affected area. If an insect stings in the hand, the dream calls for frugality and not to waste money.

If you dream that a bee bitten in the lip, you need to watch your words and keep trusted secrets. But the injured leg portends an unexpected surprise.

It seemed that the whole body bitten by bees in a dream, this is a sign calling for decisive action. To get decent results, you have to work hard.

Attack Bees on the sleeping person's face portends an unpleasant conversation with the manager. It is also a symbol of gossip.

To clarify why in a dream sting bees, you should remember the sensations. Not feeling pain is a favorable meaning of the dream. All projects started, although with difficulty, will be successful. Painful insect bites in a dream indicate an impolite and stingy environment. Despite all the good that the sleeper has done, he is unlikely to be thanked.

The product obtained from insects is of particular importance. When bees in a dream are seen busy at work, or buzzing in their hive, this is always a sign of work.

You should expect material rewards in reality if you dreamed about honey and honeycomb. If there were financial troubles, the dream foretells their end.

Very auspicious symbol - collect honey in the apiary with bees. This is a harbinger of receiving a well-deserved reward. Also, pumping honey from a honeycomb in a dream is a sign of the fulfillment of cherished romantic desires. The person whom the sleeper considered unattainable will show sympathy.

When you dream bees in honey for an elderly person, the dream promises that in old age he will be well provided for. For young dreamers, this plot anticipates receiving a large reward for their projects and work performed.

Bees and other insects in a dream

When you dream at the same time bees and wasps, the favorable meaning of a dream with working women takes on a slightly warning character. At work, an ill-wisher becomes active and will try to denigrate the sleeping person in front of his superiors. However, if the insects were peaceful, intrigue will turn out to be beneficial. Thanks to the slander, the manager will pay attention to the work of the sleeper, and will appreciate the diligence and diligent performance of official duties.

As a harbinger of routine chores, dreams bees and flies. The dream indicates the need to devote a lot of time to everyday trifles.

If bees and bumblebees in a dream they do not annoy the dreamer in any way, this is a favorable sign. A successful period is approaching in business, and health will delight you.

Bees in a dream are a rather controversial symbol. However, by listening to the advice of these hardworking insects, you can achieve great success.