Business plan for agricultural development. Grants in action: how to succeed in business? We grow mushrooms, berries and fruits

Modern agriculture can generate substantial income; this line of business is highly efficient. Large collective farms are extremely slow and cannot quickly reorient themselves to new tasks, so farming is a promising type of entrepreneurship.

A business plan for a farm located in a village or just some distance from the city will allow us to consider the situation more specifically. A place with good nature and clean air should be chosen. The work will be carried out in several directions at once:

  • breeding young animals for meat production;
  • receipt and subsequent sale of milk;
  • other services.

Pros and cons of business

The growing popularity of healthy eating increases consumer demand for natural products, which shows the effectiveness of entrepreneurial activity in this direction. Depending on the specific region, competition can be assessed as low or medium. The advantage of agricultural business is that, no matter the state of the competitive environment, a certain demand for the goods of an individual company will remain. Will help you achieve good results ready business farm plan with calculations.

Before starting a business, you should sensibly assess the existing risks; activities in agriculture are not as simple as many may think at first glance. The following dangers may negatively affect the development of the enterprise:
- seasonal nature of production;
- sharp jumps in the level of demand;
- instability of the income level of potential buyers;
- rapid increase in the cost of raw materials;
- jumps in prices for rental of specialized equipment.

Strictly following a business plan for a farm with calculations will help you avoid encountering most of the difficulties that may arise along the way. From the plan you can find out exactly how to get out of a particular dangerous situation with minimal losses.

What is needed to open a farm?

First of all, registration with government agencies is required. The peasant farm business plan is implemented properly if, in quality legal form a peasant farm is selected, tax payment schemes are selected - a single agricultural tax. A favorable environment is being created for the development of agricultural infrastructure in the country, so the tax is only 6%, which is a serious relaxation compared to other types of business activity.

To register, you must complete the following steps:
- pay the state fee;
- draw up an application according to the established template and have it certified by a notary;
- prepare and submit to the tax service required package documents;
- get registration documents and register with the Funds;
- receive a letter from Rosstat with statistics codes;
- open a bank account.

Initial data for starting a farm. There is a plot of 2 hectares, there is a house with buildings. It is planned to buy 40 heads of Simmental breed calves for growing and 2 cows for selling milk for cheese makers. As the number of cows increases, they plan to start making cheese themselves. Additionally, a plot of 2 hectares will be rented for hay harvesting. The rental cost for the year will be 600 rubles. From one hectare of hayfield you can get from 800 to 4000 kg of hay. We believe that in the summer our farmer will be able to prepare 5000 kg of hay for the winter.

To start a business you will need to incur the following costs:
- purchase of building materials for the construction of a barn for calves (roof, brick, lumber) - 400,000 rubles;

Tractor MTZ-82 - 850,000 rubles;

Universal loader - 95,000 rubles;

Purchase of calves (40 heads) - 600,000 rubles;

Purchase of 2 dairy cows – 150,000 rubles;

Milking machine - 22,000 rubles;

Summing up and connecting the necessary communications - 56,000;

Initial feed stock - 118,000;

Other costs - 50,000.

In total, funds will be required to start raising bulls for meat and obtain milk from 2 cows for sale - 2,341,000 rubles. WITH working capital it will be approximately 3,250,000 rubles.

It is recommended to spend the 1.5 million rubles received as subsidies on the purchase of a tractor, young animals and some building materials. In this case, the grant must repay no more than 90 percent of the costs incurred for the acquisition of material resources for the development of a peasant (farm) economy. A business plan for the creation and development of a peasant farm says that this method of cost planning is optimal.

Description of the main activity.

The planned farm has three main sources of profit:
- meat (sale to the public and third party companies);
- milk (sale to the public and third-party companies);
- sale of manure.

The Simmental breed of calves is considered ideal for meat production; they grow quickly and gain the required weight in a year and a half. Weight young bull can exceed a thousand kilograms. The purchase of three-month-old calves will be carried out at a price of 15 thousand per one; the most mature and strong individuals are selected. This choice reduces the risk of the spread of dangerous diseases to almost zero; when fed with the right food, animals can gain significant weight in a short time. The live weight of a bull at the age of 1 year is 300-400 kilograms of weight. At the age of 1.5 years, bull calves can weigh about 400-500 kilograms. The slaughter yield is 55-60% of the weight. In bulls, the daily increase in body weight can be 1500 grams.

We are purchasing two dairy cows, also of the Simmental breed. In one lactation season, a cow of this breed can produce 5 thousand liters of milk. Between calving periods last an average of 386 days. The milk of this breed has an excellent taste; characterized high content protein and dry matter, but a low percentage of somatic cells. It is well suited for making cheese. Milk prices always depend on its quality and its content of protein, dry matter and somatic cells. In this regard, the milk of the Simmental cow breed is one of the best. We plan to donate milk to cheese factories.

The lactation period in cows is divided into three phases:

    Colostrum and lasts 5-7 days;

    Normal milk – 190-288 days;

    Old milk 7-10 days.

We assume that we are buying a cow at the stage of receiving normal milk, within 210 days (seven months for calculation). Conventionally, we believe that each cow gives us 16 liters of milk per day. Also, every year cows will give birth to calves, which will help gradually reduce the need to purchase young animals from third parties. At a certain point, the company can begin to fully provide itself with the necessary number of livestock.

The main diet for cattle is hay, free range and dried grass in summer, mixed feed, root vegetables, bran and table salt. For calves born in the spring, the rough and succulent feed of the diet is replaced with green grass. When grazing on good grass, you can save up to 15–20% of concentrates calculated according to the norm.

Production plan

Animal housing must meet many requirements to ensure maximum efficiency. The list of these requirements includes convenient servicing of livestock, the presence of a feed warehouse, convenient conditions for cleaning and storing manure. Conditions for walking must also be provided. The length of the feeder is 1 meter, height - 60 centimeters, width - 70 centimeters. The room must be provided with the proper amount of sunlight.

Since we are planning a farm, the whole family takes part in the business as much as possible, so one person is required to work in the barn. We plan that his monthly salary will be 15,000 rubles. Accounting – outsourcing services.

A list of all costs can be seen in the table below.

Fixed expenses


Payroll taxes



Accountant services

Variable expenses

Feed cost

Slaughterhouse services



Insurance individual entrepreneurs

Other variable expenses

Total costs

The planned revenue of the farm will be:

Let's draw up a plan for income and expenses.

Let's analyze the obtained figures.

Planning horizon

Enterprise revenue, rub.

Enterprise profit, rub.

Investments in the project, rub.

Investments in the state project, rub.

Own investments, rub.

Available cash at the end of the year, rub.

Payback, year

Profitability, %

The enterprise's revenue for the year amounted to 1,797,600 rubles, business profitability was 8.6%. The payback of the business, taking into account the receipt of support from the state in the amount of 1.5 million rubles, will be about two years.


The implementation of the project not only brings tangible profits, but also has important social significance. The following indicators should be highlighted:
- creation of new jobs in the settlement;
- reduction of social tension;
- receipt of additional financial resources into the local budget.

Opening an enterprise in a particular location depends on competitive conditions and the level of demand for products. A similar agricultural company in different locations may have completely different revenues. Growing demand for healthy food and products subsistence farming pushes the development of farming activities forward, however, it is not recommended to start practical activities without taking into account all the risks. On this moment An important advantage is the possibility of receiving support from the state.

With a low interest rate on the activities of organizations of this type and a relatively short payback period, investments can be called profitable.

After a long period of decline, farms have again become one of the most attractive types of business, capable of bringing tangible profits to their owners with the right approach. That is why the idea of ​​​​creating a peasant farm (PF) is increasingly visited by many entrepreneurs, who, however, do not always know where to start in order to realize their plans.

Main activities of peasant farms

To begin with, it is worth deciding what a peasant farm as a business is: an enterprise is considered a farm enterprise if at least 70% of its total profit is obtained from agricultural products. At the same time, the specifics of a farm can be very different, including:

Of course, each of these areas of farming activity has its own advantages and disadvantages, which must be taken into account when drawing up a business plan for a future enterprise.

Growing crops

The main advantage of growing agricultural crops is the constant demand for finished products: vegetables, fruits, grains, berries - all this is in demand among consumers, regardless of the season. An important point that largely determines how successful the this business, is a sales plan for finished products.
If you plan to build a business on cultivation, you also need to decide which crops will be included in the farming plan:

  • grains (wheat, barley, oats, rye, millet, corn, buckwheat, sunflower)
  • vegetables (cabbage, tomatoes, cucumbers, pumpkin, peppers, carrots, potatoes, eggplants)
  • fruits and berries (strawberries, cherries, sweet cherries, plums, prunes, watermelons, melons, pears, apples, apricots)
  • greens (onion, garlic, dill, parsley)
  • mushrooms

This list of possible crops for growing may vary depending on the location of the future farm: for example, in the southern regions of Russia it can include fruit crops such as quinces, apricots, peaches, and so on.
The disadvantages of this area of ​​farming include such a factor as long-term returns: this business is not designed to make a quick profit, since it directly depends on the time it takes to grow and harvest the crop. Among other things, when drawing up a business plan for the development of such a farm, it is also necessary to provide for possible risks associated with various force majeure circumstances, such as crop failure, damage to plants by pests and various diseases. That is why, in addition to the costs of purchasing seeds and seedlings, the plan should also include the purchase of chemical plant protection products, fertilizers, as well as costs for the study and implementation of various new technologies for growing plants and increasing their productivity.

Breeding livestock and poultry

Breeding pets and poultry is also a tempting business for those planning to take up farming. Before you start your business in this direction, you should also decide on the future direction of breeding, where it is customary to distinguish between:

  • poultry farming (broiler chickens, geese, ducks, turkeys, pheasants)
  • livestock farming (pigs, cows, rabbits, sheep, goats, horses)
  • beekeeping
  • fish farming (carp, trout, silver carp, sturgeon, pike, carp)

In this area of ​​farming there is also a constant demand for finished products(meat, dairy products, fish, poultry, honey), which is one of the undeniable advantages that make a started business profitable. However, the disadvantages include various diseases that can affect livestock and lead to mass mortality, and therefore it is necessary to include in the spending plan an item on preventive measures, including vaccinations and regular veterinary examinations of domestic animals and poultry.

Additional activities

When the direction in which it is planned to start a farming business has been chosen, it is also possible to include additional activities that will accompany the main one into the plan for its long-term development. In particular, livestock owners can start producing various meat delicacies (for example, sausage, stew, etc.) or dairy products (milk, cheese, cottage cheese, sour cream). Vineyard owners are able to start producing their own wine, and the business of growing grain crops can easily be supplemented with their own bakery. However, additional opportunities for farming development will become truly available only when the main business in the chosen area begins to generate a constant, stable income. However, such potential capabilities are already needed initial stage include in the farm business plan.

Selection of land

So, the general plan according to which the business will develop has been written - now it is necessary to start acquiring territory suitable for farming activities (if one is not yet available). Of course, first of all this question concerns a plot of land, which can either be purchased as a property or initially leased. In order for your future business to develop successfully, you should pay attention to the following nuances:

  1. The best location of land for farming is near major cities, where you can subsequently sell the finished products.
  2. The presence of roads and well-established transport links between the site and large cities will significantly reduce the cost of delivering products to future buyers.
  3. When choosing a location, you should definitely pay attention to the state of the environment around, since the purity of nature will certainly affect the quality of the products produced.
  4. According to the experience of specialists, it is more profitable to purchase an existing farming business and, if necessary, restore or modernize it than to start a business from scratch. Therefore, when choosing a plot of land, it is worth taking a closer look at the land on which closed or abandoned farms are located.

Main expense items

Farming business is an expensive business that requires significant initial investment. Practice shows that large farms with multifaceted specialization are more resistant to changes in the market situation, as well as more profitable. However, to open such a large business, you will need an equally large start-up capital. Not many beginning entrepreneurs have impressive amounts of money, so in this case it is much more expedient to create a small, highly specialized business, which over time can be transformed into a diversified enterprise.
When drawing up an initial investment plan, it is necessary to take into account the following expense items:

  • purchase or lease of land
  • construction of the necessary buildings on the selected site
  • purchase of equipment and machinery
  • purchase of seeds, seedlings or livestock
  • carrying out preventive measures (fertilization, veterinary examination, livestock vaccinations)
  • salaries for farm members.

You should also include in your plan the one-time costs of registration and paperwork required to start a farming business.

Composition of peasant farm members

A business plan for a beginning farmer must contain a list of team members for the future farm. In most cases, it is based on relatives (from no more than three families), who signed an agreement among themselves and elected a head with the right to cast a decisive vote. Citizens who are not related to the person who founded the business can also be members of a farm, but their number should not exceed five people. Children or grandchildren of the farm owner can join family business upon reaching the age of sixteen.
A small farming business can get by with 4-5 people working in it. At the same time, a farm starting to operate will require the services of an accountant and a veterinarian (or agronomist), who can work through outsourcing.

Registration plan

When big picture Before starting a farm becomes clear, it is also necessary to draw up step-by-step plan registration, which can be roughly divided into the following points:

  1. Payment of state duty.
  2. Notarization of the application for registration.
  3. Preparation of a package of documents for the Federal Tax Service.
  4. Submission of documents to the Federal Tax Service.
  5. Obtaining registration documents.
  6. Registration in the Funds.
  7. Receiving a letter with statistics codes from Rosstat.
  8. Opening a current account.

A sample of filling out all the necessary documents can be found on the websites of the listed organizations.

Additional funding

Of course, one of the key points for those who are making a plan on how to open their own farming business is start-up capital. If personal funds are not enough for this, an entrepreneur can take advantage of government programs aimed at developing agricultural activities in Russia. The plan of these programs includes the provision of long-term loans for a period of up to 5 years. Moreover, such loans, as a rule, have reduced interest rates, as well as preferential interest payments from the second year.
In addition to loans, aspiring entrepreneurs can also take advantage of government subsidies, for which it is necessary to provide the subsidizing authorities with a business plan for the development of the farm, as well as a plan for its fixed assets. In some cases, obtaining a positive decision may require a petition from the city governor or the head of the district.
Citizens who have not reached retirement age and not working, can register as unemployed, and also apply for self-employment in the field Agriculture: in this case, the state can allocate 50-60,000 rubles to open an individual entrepreneur in the field of agriculture.

Agriculture is considered the most important sector of the Russian economic complex. It not only produces food and produces raw materials for other industries, but also provides ample opportunities for the development of private business. A business plan for growing grain crops describes the basic steps and procedures for creating a crop-growing agricultural enterprise. Its implementation will allow solving several important social problems at once: helping to meet demand for crop products, creating new jobs in rural areas, contribute to replenishing the budget through taxes paid.

Market analysis

The basis of state policy in agricultural production is the federal law No. 264-FZ, adopted in December 2006. This document puts into effect the State program “Development of agriculture and regulation of markets for agricultural products, raw materials and food for 2013-2020.” In particular, it provides for a set of measures to increase the volume of production and processing of crop crops, increase the profitability of agricultural enterprises (up to 15%), and increase the average monthly salary of agricultural workers to 25,490 rubles.

For entrepreneurs, the point about increasing the activity of Rosselkhozbank OJSC in supporting peasant farms, consumer cooperatives and individual entrepreneurs engaged in the production of agricultural products on private plots.

During its implementation, this program made it possible to significantly increase financing of the industry by providing affordable loans for capital expenditures and the purchase of seed material. The task has been set to provide lending to agricultural enterprises in a volume that will allow large-scale modernization of priority sub-sectors of agriculture and bring enterprises to a fundamentally new technical and technological level by 2020.

Over the past few years, the structure of acreage for a number of crops has changed significantly in the country. An example of this is a significant increase in the crops of buckwheat, soybeans, sunflowers, and rapeseed. The share of barley and wheat crops was respectively: 140-260 thousand hectares and 260-480 thousand hectares. This fluctuation is explained by changes in market conditions and external factors, in particular – sanctions.

In accordance with these fluctuations, the structure of the harvest also changed, which, according to analysts, will not undergo significant changes in the coming years. In the country, about half of the harvest will still be wheat, a quarter will be barley, and another quarter will be all other grain crops.

Based on such trends, the profitability of domestic agricultural producers experienced significant fluctuations both by year and by season. Such fluctuations are smoothed out by the use of various strategies for the behavior of producers in the market. One of the most common is the sale of produced products immediately after harvesting in conditions of lack of own space for storing products. Despite the fact that in such cases the cost of production will be minimal, it will allow enterprises to survive and not incur losses.

Project Description

A business plan for growing grain crops with calculations aims to justify the creation of a profitable grain company, the main activity of which will be crop production. It was drawn up on the basis of the condition that the founder has already leased agricultural land with a total area of ​​800 hectares and has begun work on their introduction into agricultural circulation and the reclamation of another 400 hectares of land. This will require investments in the amount of 1.2 million rubles, aimed at purchasing seeds, agricultural equipment, and fuels and lubricants.

The implementation of the plan involves the introduction of uncultivated lands into circulation and the organization of crop production on them based on the use of 3-4-field crop rotations and low-cost soil protection technologies. These measures will allow you to make a profit of at least 10 thousand rubles from 1 hectare of arable land. Additionally, 400 hectares of agricultural land will be put into circulation and 5 to 10 new jobs will be created in rural areas (depending on the work season).

The created grain company will grow the following crops:

  • Winter wheat.
  • Winter rye.
  • Barley.
  • Sunflower.

The peculiarity of the production of the listed agricultural crops is that it is seasonal in nature, and the costs of its organization are incurred year-round. In winter, machinery and equipment will be repaired and prepared for field work.

The technology of growing grain crops consists of several stages:

  1. Harrowing of the soil (8-10 days) is carried out in late April - early May.
  2. Spring sowing (10-15 days), work is carried out after harrowing on the 20th of May.
  3. Post-sowing harrowing (15-18 days), late May - early June.
  4. Herbicide treatment of crops, late June - early July.
  5. Harvest (18-20 days), end of August – beginning of September.
  6. Warehousing of products.

IN technological process Modern technologies for growing crops and effective fertilizers are widely used. They play a decisive role among all anthropogenic factors, which affect the level of productivity.

Cost standards for purchasing elite seeds:

Culture Standard, t (per 100 hectares of sown area) Price (RUB/t) Amount of costs (in rub.)
Wheat 23 6 thousand 138 thousand
Barley 20 3.7 thousand 74 thousand
Sunflower 34 (p.u.*) 6.5 thousand (1 p.u.) 221 thousand

Expenses for equipping the enterprise

As the experience of farming in Russia shows, the low level of technical support in crop production is one of the main reasons for the fall in yields and the decline in the quality of products. Equipment with high wear and tear inevitably entails an increase in the cost of maintaining it in working condition, which, in turn, also leads to a decrease in the efficiency of agricultural production. The enterprise strategy is built taking into account the need to ensure its modern technology, effective fertilizers and elite grain seeds.

To ensure high production profitability, the company purchases the following models of agricultural machinery and equipment:

Expenditure Quantity Price (in thousand rubles) total amount

(in thousand rubles)

Sources of financing and amount (in thousand rubles)
Government subsidy Own financial resources Leasing
Agricultural sowing complex model "Horsh Airside" 6.25 1 650 650 585 65
Tractor K-700 1 350 350 315 35
Disc harrow model PM 1 650 650 585 65
Combine harvester model "Palesse" G-812 1 3100 3100 3100
Construction of production premises 1 650 650 250 400
Total 5400 1735 3665

Plan capital costs for the implementation of the project also includes costs for the construction of production facilities, which will provide office space, personnel recreation, repair shops and other production and technological premises.


The newly created enterprise is focused on forming a permanent staff of highly qualified employees. For this purpose, a loyalty program is being developed, the purpose of which is to increase employee motivation for highly productive work activities. The annual fluctuation in the number of seasonal workers over the years of project implementation can be 3-10 people.

Labor costs for full-time and seasonal workers for the first year of project implementation:

Job title Quantity Salary per month Annual wage fund
Foreman-agronomist 1 The duties are performed by the founder
General purpose tractor driver 1 16 000 192 000
Combiner 1 16 000 192 000
Economist accountant 1 18 000 216 000
Field workers (seasonal workers, based on average monthly wages per year) 3 11 000 396 000
Total 7 83 000 996 000

With such labor costs, the amount of social contributions will be 142,000 rubles per year. This table reflects the optimal number of seasonal workers for the first year of operation of the enterprise.

Financial plan

The financial part of this business plan presents calculations for the main indicators of the economic efficiency of the project. The data is based on industry averages at the end of 2016.

Capital Expenditure Plan

Implementation of this project designed for 5 years. The distribution of expenses by year is as follows (in thousands of rubles):

Articles 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
Volume material costs, including:

1.1. Purchase of materials and raw materials

1.2. Payroll fund


2.1. Payment of land lease

2.2. Fare


3.1. Employees' wage fund

3.2. Payment for communication services

3.3. Purchasing office supplies

3.4. Accounting

3.5. Banking services

3.6. Outsourcing

Taxes paid:

4.1. Deductions for employees

4.2. Contributions for individual entrepreneurs and the Pension Fund

Total 6 493 5 659 8 069 7 679 5 881

Agricultural production volume plan (crop production) for the 1st year of project implementation:

Products Size of sown area, ha Yield indicators, c/ha Gross harvest of grain crops, t Sales volume, t Price, (thousand rubles/kg) Total revenue

(in thousand rubles)

Cost values, thousand rubles. Amount of profit received, thousand rubles. Profitability indicator, %
Rye 200 30 600 600 6 3 600 1 000 2 600 150
Spring crops

(wheat, oats, barley)

200 25 500 500 6 3 000 1 400 1 600 100
Sunflower (mustard) 200 20 400 400 20 8 000 2 500 5 500 150
Winter wheat 200 30 600 600 6 3 600 1 500 2 100 120
Total 2 100 18 200 11 800

Project implementation efficiency indicators by year (in rubles)

Indicator name 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
Revenue from sales of crop products, million rubles. 0,00 16,8 17,6 14,6 18,2
Current expenses, thousand rubles. 8 143 8 595 7 905 7 515 5 717
Amount of direct costs, thousand rubles. 5 350 4 352 6 762 6 372 4 574
Production costs, thousand rubles. 610 610 610 610 610
Administrative expenses, thousand rubles. 355 355 355 355 355
Taxes included in expenses, thousand rubles. 178 178 178 178 178
Amount of capital investments, thousand rubles. 1 650 3 100 3 100 2 500
Balance of profit/loss from sales (+/-), thousand rubles. -8 143 8 205 11 005 9 015 12 483
Unified agricultural tax, rub. -488 580 492 300 395 700 335 100 808 980
Net profit, rub. -7 654 420 7 712 700 10 609 300 8 679 900 11 674 020

Risk assessment

Types of risks and measures to minimize them for business are presented in this table:

Kinds Events
Decrease in financial stability Creation and development of enterprises using their own financial resources, more careful selection of creditors
High inflation Monitoring the macroeconomic situation in the country
Tax and credit risks Monitoring the macroeconomic situation in the country, analyzing the feasibility of lending for business creation
Violations of raw material supply schedules Creation of a database of potential suppliers of materials and raw materials
Increasing competition in the agricultural market Analysis of the market situation, development of new marketing programs
Risks associated with personnel (insufficient qualifications and low discipline, turnover due to low wages, lack of necessary specialists) Retaining personnel by creating favorable social conditions, developing programs to increase material incentives for highly productive labor
Equipment failures and breakdowns
Updating technologies and technological equipment Systematic introduction to the achievements of scientific and technological progress in the agricultural industry
Crop losses due to unfavorable weather conditions Formation of financial reserves
Changes in state policy regarding agricultural producers
Lobbying the interests of certain manufacturers Participation in the activities of local government bodies, monitoring the economic and political situation


As the calculations presented in this business plan show, the creation of a grain company is a profitable and promising area of ​​entrepreneurship in rural areas. The production of grains and oilseeds, based on the use of advanced crop production technologies, is investment-attractive for the regions middle zone Russia.

This enterprise will be able to provide a 100% return on investment provided that the lowest possible prices are applied for the products sold. An increase in profitability is expected when consistently high yields are achieved. This stabilization is achieved through the use of scientifically based crop rotations in production, the implementation of comprehensive measures to increase soil fertility, and the use of high-quality breeding seed material in plantings.

With the constant use of resource-saving technologies for agricultural production in crop production, the project will pay off no later than 3 years from the opening of the enterprise, with an annual increase in product sales of at least 10%.