Determination of ogrn and inn. Required documents upon registration. Registration number for non-residents

Understanding the code and purpose of the term state registration number (OGRN) will make it possible to prevent errors in maintaining modern business. In accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation, organizations are assigned a number of numbers in the form of abbreviations that are incomprehensible at first glance. For example, identifiers OGRN and OGRNIP. What exactly do these abbreviations mean is what our article is about.

OGRN what is this?

Previously, such a number of organizations and enterprises did not exist in our country. State order accounting did not need exhaustive control, since such huge amount evidence The regulatory authorities were exclusively involved in the registration and issuance of joint stock companies and societies with limited liability unique taxpayer numbers (TIN).

After several years of rapid development of modern business and the rights to conduct it, the document assigning numbers to taxpayer enterprises became too small for accounting. This is due to the fact that this document only contains information that the tax authorities have assigned and registered a specific organization under a unique number.

In 2001, a newly issued Federal Law came into force in Russia, which spelled out the regulations and procedure for registering small and large enterprises. It was this law that introduced the new concept of a registration number assigned by the state (OGRN) to absolutely every organization. Unlike the usual taxpayer number, this code encrypts information about the form of ownership of the enterprise, when it was organized, what region of the country it belongs to, the location and name of the tax authority to which it is assigned.

OGRN decoding

The unique taxpayer number assigned to each enterprise is simply a serial number of the organization. The OGRN code encrypts current data about the legal entity.

Here is an example of a OGRN:

The code is decrypted using a specific method. For example, let's take any set of numbers: 3-15-88-440772-2. We see that the code consists of 13 numbers that can be converted into a format such as S-YY-KK-NN-XXXXXX-CH. Now let's start decoding:

  1. The first number of the code is associated with a sign of correlation to a specific legal status. That is, when specifying a unit, we are talking about a legal entity; a two indicates a government institution; troika – about a private individual entrepreneur. When the code is assigned to an individual entrepreneur, it looks like OGRNIP. But we will mention this a little lower.
  2. The next two numbers indicate the year in which the company began its professional activity. That is, in our case it is 2015.
  3. Next come the next two numbers (88), indicating the place of registration of the owner of the code by location. In our case, 88 is the region of the Krasnoyarsk Territory. The Constitution of our country contains full list numbers and their corresponding regions.
  4. Four numbers from the 4th to the 7th position indicate the specific number of the tax institution to which the owner of the code is assigned.
  5. Next come five numbers containing information about the number of the decision on the basis of which the organization was established. This number is also unique and the only one for each enterprise. Within one calendar year A register is maintained at the tax office. Starting next year, a new register will be launched.
  6. So, the last number. It contains information about the remainder of the digits from division of all numbers to the 13th position. In our case, this is the number two. If the remainder is equal to the number 10, then 0 is entered in the 13th number.

Thus, it turns out that two identical OGRN codes cannot exist. Even judging by the year number. The set of numbers relative to the region and tax office number is also unique. The code in question contains much more information compared to a traditional TIN.

OGRNIP decoding

In addition to OGRN, there is also OGRNIP. It is very easy to understand the difference between these two codes. The first abbreviation concerns enterprises, the second - private entrepreneurs.

ORGNIP example:

The number is also assigned when registering a business. There are two more numbers provided here. If you present the code in literal expression, then it will look like S-YY-KK-ХХХХХХХХХ-Ч. Let's look at the differences in decoding:

  1. The number of the document confirming the fact of registration of individual entrepreneurs by the tax authorities is contained in numbers from 6 to 14. This is due to the fact that many more private entrepreneurs are registered than enterprises.
  2. The validity of the code is checked by dividing the first 14 numbers by 13. The resulting digit must go with the last 15th position. If the data matches, then the code is truly reliable.

There, then, the two abbreviations we are considering contain a lot of useful information for those who know how to decode them correctly.

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Each legally significant action when registering a legal form needs to be formally secured. It is not easy to distinguish OGRN from GRN: at first glance, they mean the same concept. But upon closer analysis, the difference becomes obvious.


OGRN– this is the main state registration number of the record, which is indicated when creating a legal entity and consists of 13 digits. It, among other things, encrypts the number of the subject of the Russian Federation on the territory of which the entry was made, the tax inspection code and other important data.

GRN– number of the record on making changes and additions to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities (USRLE), individual entrepreneurs (USRIP) or on state registration of a legal entity. It consists of 13 numbers arranged in a certain sequence.


Thus, the most important difference between these concepts lies in their meaning. OGRN - number state registration legal entity, which is assigned only once. Accordingly, it remains constant throughout the entire period of the organization’s activities. GRN is the number of each change in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities and the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs; accordingly, there may be several of them.

Another important difference is the presence in the structure of the tax office code number (sixth and seventh digits). Only OGRN has this attribute, while GRN has the first two digits of the record’s serial number in this place. Moreover, the authenticity of both groups of numbers can be verified even without accessing the database, using simple arithmetic operations.

Conclusions website

  1. Meaning. OGRN - number assigned during state registration, GRN - when making changes to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities.
  2. Volume. The OGRN additionally includes a tax inspection code, which the State Registration Number does not have.
  3. Consistency. The OGRN is assigned once and forever, the State Registration Number is assigned several times, with each change in the registry.

IN Russian Federation, tax authorities, maintain strict control over the activities of persons involved in entrepreneurship.

According to the legislation of our country, every citizen who decides to organize own business, must contact Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service to formalize its activities in a general manner.

All necessary data about the founders and their company are stored in special databases. For more convenient purposes, the company is assigned a unique registration code. It was introduced back in the summer of 2002, and entrepreneurs immediately appreciated the innovation of the Government of the Russian Federation.

What is OGRN?

The main State Registration number is an encoded code of 13 or 15 digits, which is assigned to a legal entity during its registration, on the basis of the Federal Law of the Russian Federation. In the certificate, it will be indicated in a separate column.

It is required for:

  • Quickly search for an entrepreneur in the tax database;
  • To identify fraudsters and false entrepreneurs by consumers;
  • To restore documents for the enterprise;

I would like to note point 2: “identifying scammers and false entrepreneurs.” Everyone should know that the OGRN is public. It is required to be indicated on the company's seal.

If you doubt the legality of the organization and its real existence, you can contact the official website of the Federal Tax Service. By indicating the numbers on the seal, the database will give results about the existence of this company and the type of its activity.

Where to get OGRN?

The code, as already noted, is assigned during the registration process. In turn, to register a business, you will need to contact the tax office at your place of registration (the founder of the company).

Documents to be submitted to the inspection:

  • Passport;
  • Application for state registration of business activities;
  • Protocol of founders;
  • Charter;
  • A receipt confirming payment of the established fee;

The registration application is filled out in form N P11001.

This application will contain all the primary data about the enterprise being created:

  • Name in full and short form;
  • Office address;
  • Information about the authorized capital;
  • Information about the founders.

If all the necessary papers have been completed correctly, then after 5 days you will receive the following documents from the tax office:

  • Certificate of registration;
  • The charter of the enterprise approved by the registration authorities;
  • Unified State Register of Legal Entities;

After receiving the documents, you can carry out your work within the framework established by law Russian Federation and acquire the official status of an entrepreneur.

Types of OGRN

When the question concerns the number of OGRN numbers owned, disagreements sometimes arise.

Some argue that it is 13, while others, by showing evidence of their activities, prove that it is 15. In fact, everyone has the truth.

There are two types of OGRN:

  • For legal entities;
  • For individual entrepreneurs;

In turn, for legal entities it has a thirteen-digit code, and for individual entrepreneurs it corresponds to 15 digits. For individual entrepreneurs, the abbreviation looks like OGRNIP.

However, the assignment procedure and semantic load on both varieties are actually the same.

Decoding or what information the numbers carry

So, the number for legal entities has 13 digits. This is no accident. Each number has an encoding.

In general format, the thirteen-digit code looks like this: SGKKN NХХХХХЧ, Where

1st sign “C” registration in the record;

2nd, 3rd sign “YY” year of registration (the last two digits are recorded);

4.5th sign “КК” assigned code to the region, according to the Constitution of the Russian Federation, Art. 65;

6-7th sign “NN” is the number of the inspection that assigns the main number to the legal entity;

8,9,10,11,12th character “ХХХХХ” number of the entry in the register;

The 13th sign “H” is established by dividing the resulting number by 11. The least significant digit of the remainder of the division is recorded in the entry. Called check number;

The fifteen-digit code has the same decoding, but is still slightly different in sequence. General view OGRNIP - SGGKKNNHHHHHHH.

To obtain the check number, the result is divided by 13, taking the total and the least significant digit of the remainder of the division.

Obtaining information about the organization’s activities through OGRN

As noted earlier, on the official website of the Federal Tax Service of Russia, you can confirm or deny the existence of the organization. To get detailed information, You will need an extract from the tax office register.

Can get it general manager enterprise, or a person who has a power of attorney from him. In this case, it is provided upon a personal visit to the tax office and with a passport confirming the identity of the director or authorized representative.

The extract contains the following information:

  • OKVED;
  • Information about the authorized capital;
  • Share ownership of the founders;
  • Availability of licenses and other work permits;

As a rule, the extract is used for investors as a document confirming the integrity of the entrepreneur and his efficiency. It is ready in 3-4 days after ordering.

To order it, you no longer have to go to the tax office. It is enough to fill out some information on the website and pick up the document on the specified date. Also, in order to save time, there is an electronic registration and, upon arriving at the specified hour, you will be provided with an extract outside the general queue.

Thanks to this individual code, many questions and problems began to be resolved faster. OGRN facilitates the collection and processing of data on all entrepreneurs in the country, thereby monitoring their activities, compliance with the norms and rules of doing business, as well as checking the responsibility imposed on them when registering a legal entity.

Using a computer and other devices that allow you to access the global network, searching for the necessary information about the organization of interest can take no more than 5 minutes.

Stanislav Matveev

Author of the bestselling book "Phenomenal Memory". Record holder of the Book of Records of Russia. Creator of the training center "Remember Everything". Owner of Internet portals in legal, business and fishing topics. Former owner of a franchise and online store.

OGRN is main identification number, assigned to a legal entity by the state. It is assigned by the Federal Tax Service to the organization in two cases: at the time of state registration of the enterprise upon receipt of the certificate and, if the company was formed before Law No. 129-FZ “On State Registration of Legal Entities” was adopted, at the time of the first provision of data about this legal entity.

Definition and Application

The abbreviation stands for main state registration number. From the name it follows that it is assigned once upon formation, does not change throughout the entire life of the company, and only becomes invalid upon liquidation. He individual for every organization.

Knowing the OGRN of a particular enterprise, one can draw conclusions about its location and the year in which it was registered. OGRN is entered into a list containing data of all companies operating in Russia.

For entrepreneurs, the OGRN is not used, but a similar identifier is created. The difference is that for legal entities a thirteen-digit code is adopted, for serial recording a five-digit number is used, and for individual entrepreneurs a fifteen-digit code is used, respectively, the serial number in it is seven-digit.

This registration code is used all business participants:

  • in financial statements - balance sheet, Statement of financial results, explanations thereto;
  • V primary documents– invoices, acts of acceptance and transfer of work performed, delivery notes, etc.
  • in contracts, additional agreements thereto;
  • in the Charter;
  • on a seal impression;
  • in documents submitted to tax service.

To obtain a duplicate of the Company Registration Certificate, in addition to the fact that the organization or entrepreneur must be registered, they must pay a state fee in the amount of 800 rub.

Decoding for legal entities

All of the thirteen digits that make up the OGRN are important information. For example, the OGRN of the enterprise is 1061656027014.

  • the first number is 1 – used to designate a legal entity, the value “5” can also be taken;
  • 06 – the last digits of the year in which the owner registered his business. IN in this case this is 2006;
  • 16 is a code assigned to each region of Russia by order of the Federal Tax Service. This value testifies that the organization was registered and operated in the Republic of Tatarstan;
  • 56 – code of the tax office, where, in fact, the certificate of state registration was issued;
  • 02701 – serial number under which it is registered this company. Every year the countdown begins anew;
  • 4 – control number. It is equal to the remainder obtained by dividing the twelve-digit OGRN number by 11. In our case, 106165602701 / 11 = 9651418427.36. Round to integers and multiply by 11, we get 106165602697. The difference between them will be 106165602701–106165602697 = 4. This is the control number. If the differences between last numbers no, then a 0 is placed at the end of the registration number.

To quickly determine the authenticity of the OGRN, calculate the control number. If it matches, then the registration number is indeed entered into the state register.

OGRNIP for entrepreneurs

For individuals operating as individual entrepreneurs, the rules for compiling and decoding OGRNIP are practically no different from OGRN, except that it contains not 13, but 15 digits.

For example, OGRNIP 314774605701032:

Registration number for non-residents

It is not assigned to foreign organizations operating on the territory of the Russian Federation, since it is issued only upon registration of a legal entity. Foreign company during his education does not document this on Russian territory, therefore it does not have a registration number.

However, to identify such companies it is possible to use two options:

  1. can use for identification on the territory of our country the number assigned by the authorized body of his state. He must enter this code in the same columns where he is supposed to indicate the OGRN.
  2. A branch or foreign company is registered on the territory of the Russian Federation, accredited according to established order, receives a certificate and uses its number in its legal, accounting documents, when submitting reports to government inspection services.

For non-residents themselves and contractors working with them, it is important that all constituent and other documents are officially translated into Russian and notarized.

Differences from GRN

Often, in addition to the abbreviation OGRN, there is the abbreviation GRN. The similarity of the letters in their composition clearly indicates a single area of ​​application. However, the OGRN is issued once for the entire period of the company’s activities, and if there are any changes in the basic information about the organization, then in the OGRN you will you won't see.

In such cases it is used GRN– registration number assigned by government bodies to changes made to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, with each entry having its own number for a specific organization.

The state registration number, like the initial registration number of the company, consists of 13 digits. For example, the state registration number of the organization is 1152352364515. The numbers in its composition indicate:

  • 1 – a change made specifically to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, “5” can also be used;
  • 15 – the last two digits of the year in which the entry was made;
  • 23 – indicates that the company operates in the Krasnodar region;
  • 5236451 – serial number of the change record from the beginning of the year;
  • 5 is the control number.

As can be seen from the decoding of the state registration number, its difference from the OGRN is that it does not contain information about the tax office that registered the entry.

Each company should have only one OGRN, but it can have several OGRN or do without it. For making changes to the state register, a fee is charged in the amount of 800 rub. for each entry.

Valid for individual entrepreneurs similar procedure obtaining the state registration number and deciphering its number. However, this code consists of 15 digits and is issued to an entrepreneur when his personal data changes, for example, when changing a passport due to age or due to a change of surname, registration of a new type of activity.

Verification methods

OGRN is not a trade secret and is freely available on the Internet and other sources of information. Knowing the name of the organization or the name of the entrepreneur, you can find out the registration number, and vice versa.

Why might you need a OGRN:

  1. Determine whether the company really exists and operates legally in Russia, protect yourself from fly-by-night companies and fraud on their part.
  2. Check reliability, obtain reliable information about the organization.

To find out the OGRN of any company or the OGRNIP of an entrepreneur, you need to officially order an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities. To do this, you must personally visit the tax office where the company of interest was registered, submit an application and pay the state fee.

The application is being written randomly in different forms from legal and individual. In this case, the text must include:

  • from whom the request comes: name, address, tax identification number and checkpoint for the company and full name, passport data, registration address for the citizen;
  • request for an extract;
  • business name of the counterparty, tax identifier, OGRN and official place of registration.

The written request must be accompanied by a receipt for payment of the state fee. For each requested document the amount of the receipt will be 200 rub., if you are satisfied with the provision period, five working days; if not, you will have to pay for urgent provision 400 rub.

To make your life easier, you can use online services or order an electronic statement on the Federal Tax Service website. It is convenient to find any organization or individual entrepreneur on the tax service portal, knowing their name and the region in which they operate.

After finding the organization, you need to log in or register in the system, and then create a request to receive an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities or. The document is provided to everyone free of charge within one business day, the file can be downloaded in PDF format, and it will be signed with an enhanced qualified electronic signature.

If the data about the required organization is not contained in the register, a Certificate of Absence of Information will be downloaded.

It is important that the request does not require the digital signature of either the applicant or the company about which the request is made. The electronic file received on the Federal Tax Service website has the same legal force, as the paper version, sealed with the official seal.

An extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities contains basic information about the company:

  • location, contact numbers;
  • size authorized capital, founders - their number, full name, tax identification number;
  • registration date and OGRN number;
  • information about managers, persons authorized to act by proxy;
  • types of economic activities that a legal entity can engage in;
  • tax codes of the organization: TIN, .

So, OGRN is the main registration number of enterprises, by which you can identify any business participant. OGRN consists of thirteen digits, OGRNIP - of fifteen, each of which has its own meaning.

Information about registering legal entities is presented in this video.

When a legal entity goes through the registration stage, it receives everything necessary documents, the procedure for assigning registration numbers also occurs. One of these important numbers is OGRN. This number helps to identify legal entities; moreover, each organization individually receives its own OGRN. From this code it is easy to see full information about the company you are interested in, while the TIN provides little information about the company, and only about the tax service that assigned this number.

But what is OGRN? OGRN is the main state registration number, which usually consists of thirteen digits, each of which has a specific meaning. Let's describe it in more detail:

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  • This number is the main one, since it is used to search and display the data of legal entities.
  • This number is called the state number because it is assigned government agency Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service according to Russian legislation.
  • It is registered because it is issued together with a certificate of registration of a legal entity.
  • With the help of OGRN it is easy to find out the legality of the functioning of the counterparty, as well as detailed information about the peculiarities of the work of a particular organization.


At a time when there were a small number of enterprises in the Russian Federation, their accounting was carried out differently. Since there was not the same amount of evidence as in our days, comprehensive control was not provided for. For example, organs state power and other organizations acted in such a way that they only needed the TIN of taxpayers who were legal entities.

Over time, in addition to JSC and LLC, companies with a different form of business organization began to appear. This led to the fact that the TIN registration certificate was now scarce. Since the data from this certificate only spoke about which tax service the company belongs to and what registration number it has.

All this became a prerequisite for one of the new federal laws, which determined the state registration regulations for legal entities. This new law introduced the concept of what OGRN is for all companies. If the TIN can be considered just a numerator, then the OGRN is a numeric code that contains information about the location of the company, the date of foundation, the form of ownership, the accountability of a certain tax office, and other data.


It is known that the OGRN stores information. The OGRN scheme for legal entities is as follows: Х-ХХ-ХХ-ХХ-ХХХХХ-Х.

So, let's look at the signs of decoding this thirteen-digit number:

  • As a sign of attribution, the first digit can be 1, 2, or 3. When the number 1 is used, then this is a legal entity, 2 – government organization, 3 – IP.
  • Next come two numbers that indicate the year the company was founded.
  • The next two digits indicate the place of registration. Each subject of the Russian Federation has a specific number.
  • Next come four numbers that show which specific Federal Tax Service it belongs to this company in a specific region.
  • The next five digits are the resolution number under which the company was incorporated. It is interesting that, despite the fact that data is added to the tax register throughout the year, this number is also unique.
  • The thirteenth digit is a verification digit; it is the one used to check the OGRN. It is known that twelve digits are a single number that is divisible by eleven. The remainder obtained by division will be in the place of this thirteenth digit.

It is easy to see that repeating two identical numbers is impossible.

The numbers that indicate the year will be repeated in a hundred years using the same accounting procedure. Also, there cannot be repetitions in the numbers of the region and the Federal Tax Service.


So, OGRN is intended for organizations, and OGRNIP is, naturally, for individual entrepreneurs.

This number is assigned in approximately the same way as the OGRN. Each individual entrepreneur receives this number during registration with the tax service. ORNIP consists of fifteen digits. As for the format, it looks like this: Х-ХХ-ХХ-ХХХХХХХХ-Х.

Decryption occurs in the same way as decryption of OGRN, but there are two differences:

  • That decision number from the register by which a certain tax authority approves the establishment of an individual entrepreneur, consists of nine digits, not five. The reason for this is that many more decisions are made regarding individual entrepreneurs than regarding legal entities.
  • Also, when checking the accuracy and reliability of the OGRNIP, you need to divide the number, the sum of which is the first fourteen digits of the number by thirteen, and then compare the remainder with the last, or check digit of the number, if everything matches, then the number is correct.

This means that if you know how to decipher OGRN and OGRNIP, you can get quite valuable information about the company or entrepreneur about which you need detailed information.

For non-residents

OGRN is issued only to Russian companies, because it is received during registration with the Russian tax office. The registration number issued by the responsible authority to the non-resident in his country will be valid.

Also for this category, the role of OGRN can be the accreditation certificate of a branch of a foreign legal entity, or the number of the accreditation certificate of a representative office can be used. Only with all this, the branch needs to obtain a CIO, the role of which can be compared with the role of the Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) for residents of the Russian Federation. All data is submitted to the tax service, and then after five working days it is assigned to the KIO.

So, in other words, foreign companies are not assigned OGRN. Instead, certificates of inclusion in the state are used. register of branches of foreign legal entities that have received accreditation in the Russian Federation.


So let's see what this number looks like in more detail. For example, we will use the OGRN of St. Petersburg LLC Nevis 1087847036496. We make sure that the number consists of thirteen digits.

  • 1 – this figure acts as an indication that the record number is assigned to the OGRN.
  • 08 – entry made in 2008.
  • 78 is the number of the subject, that is, St. Petersburg.
  • 47 – number of the registration authority. This is interdistrict Federal Tax Service No. 15 for St. Petersburg.
  • 03649 – record number.
  • 6 – control number.

The last number is determined using a formula. Divide the OGRN without the check digit by 11, that is, 108784703649/11=9889518513.5455. We discard the remainder after the decimal point, and multiply the result by 11, that is, 9889518513*11=108784703643. Then from this number you need to subtract 12 OGRN characters: 108784703649-108784703643=6. This is the control number.

Differences between OGRN and GRN

The difference consists of the following three significant points:

  • The moment when the number is issued.
  • Numerical composition of the number.
  • Consistency.

GRN is the name given to the state registration number of the entry with amendments and additions made to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities. This means that every time information about a company is changed from the register, it is assigned a certificate of entry and a state registration number is issued. Whereas the OGRN is appointed once and is valid from the foundation until the liquidation of the organization. Moreover, the differences are also contained in the registration number itself.

There are no numbers in the State Registration Register that indicate the tax authority that issued the certificate.

Who issues OGRN

After registration, a legal entity receives this number. Tax office is engaged in assigning OGRN.

According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, in order to appoint a OGRN, a future organization must do the following:

  • Provide a package of documents and write an application in a certain form.
  • Deliver documents to the tax office.
  • Obtain a certificate of registration or receive a refusal with an explanation of the reason, which can be appealed in court.

So, the OGRN is displayed in the legal entity’s registration certificate itself.


The price for assigning a OGRN is the amount of the duty, the collection of which occurs once when submitting the documentation.

Tax legislation defines this amount as 4,000 rubles.

If it is necessary to re-issue the OGRN, a fee of 800 rubles is usually charged, without the use of lawyers.

Search and verification of enterprises

With the help of OGRN, anyone can obtain information about a specific organization on the Federal Tax Service website. Using this service, it is easy to obtain detailed information about the company. For example, these:

  • Information about state registration.
  • Legal address.
  • Information about management and founders.
  • Changes from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities.

OGRN helps to obtain genuine information, as well as avoid cooperation with unreliable companies.

OGRN of the branch

Since branches act as separate divisions and are located outside the location of the legal entity, they cannot be separate legal entities. Branches are endowed with certain property from the company itself, whose managers appoint the management of the branch by proxy. The organization's charter must reflect the presence of branches and a documentary base that confirms the legality of their operation. Branches do not require state registration because they do not operate in leading role as a legal entity does.

So, knowledge about the purpose of the OGRN, about the nuances that are associated with obtaining this number by legal entities and individual entrepreneurs, how and what information can be obtained about an organization using this number are quite useful skills in modern business life. OGRN also helps to avoid difficulties in cooperation with a company, since it helps determine the legality of its operation and its reliability.