Certificate of registration of individual entrepreneur. Certificate of state registration of individual entrepreneur

Since the beginning of 2017, a registration sheet issued has been issued as confirmation that an individual has completed the entire procedure for registering an individual entrepreneur. Previously, a certificate of registration of individual entrepreneurs was issued. After January 2017, can an entrepreneur act on the basis of a previously received certificate?

Individual entrepreneur registration

To register as an individual entrepreneur, a future businessman needs to contact tax authority at his place of residence. Place of residence is determined by the registration mark in the passport. If a citizen does not have a permanent place of residence (there is no registration mark in the passport), then the citizen can apply for registration at his place of residence.

The main documents that need to be submitted to the tax office are:

  • application in form N P21001 (requirements for filling out such an application are specified in Order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated January 25, 2012 N ММВ-7-6/25@);
  • copy of passport;
  • paid state duty receipt (its amount is 800 rubles).

A receipt for payment of the duty can be prepared in advance using the electronic service on the Federal Tax Service website.

Confirmation of registration is the registration sheet in the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs.

Cannot be combined entrepreneurial activity:

  • notaries;
  • municipal and government employees;
  • military personnel;
  • employees of the prosecutor's office and security agencies.

The prohibition on conducting business activities by these persons is expressly provided for by law.

A future entrepreneur can register as an individual entrepreneur at his place of residence. The Civil Code determines that the place of residence of a citizen is the address at which the individual is registered. The rules for such registration are established by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 17, 1995 N 713.

It is worth noting that an individual can reside:

  • at the place of stay;
  • at your place of residence.

Record sheet instead of certificate

Since the beginning of 2017, the document confirming the registration of an individual as an individual entrepreneur has become a registration sheet in the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs. The registration sheet indicates OGRNIP (main state registration number individual entrepreneur).

Individual entrepreneur acting on the basis of a certificate

Until January 2017, as confirmation of registration as an individual entrepreneur, an individual was issued a certificate - a strict reporting document on printed form. But since January, the Order of the Federal Tax Service has approved record sheets that are issued instead of certificates. But all previously issued certificates do not lose their validity. Therefore, entrepreneurs can use them.

Individual entrepreneur registration certificate: what does it look like?

The certificate must be issued on a special printed form.

Such a document contains the following degrees of protection that are worth paying attention to:

  • number;
  • series;
  • hologram;
  • protective pattern.

In order to obtain comprehensive information about the entrepreneur, you can contact the tax office to obtain an extract from the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs. This service is paid. You can get only partial information about a businessman for free. But this information can also be valuable.

Restoration of individual entrepreneur certificate

It will be impossible to restore the certificate, for example if it is lost, since such a document is no longer issued. In return, the tax authority will issue a registration sheet in the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs. The new document is drawn up in a simpler format: on plain paper (not on printed form) without any degrees of security and without a number or series (since it is not a strict reporting document). This is due to the fact that the individual entrepreneur carries out its activities on the basis of OGRNIP, and not any document.

In the process of work, legal entities (hereinafter referred to as legal entities) create many documents, including certificates of OGRN, Unified State Register of Legal Entities. Documents confirm the existence of the company and without them it is impossible to conduct transactions with partners, contractors, draw up contracts, etc.

Since 2014, changes have been introduced regarding the procedure for issuing documents when registering LLCs and other legal entities. From now on, the tax authority issues to the entrepreneur, in addition, a sheet of entry in the Unified Register legal entities.

The Unified State Register of Legal Entities is a state information resource that allows you to systematize all companies (enterprises, organizations) operating in Russia.

When an organization is created, information about it is included in the register. In addition, all changes relating to the work of legal entities are also recorded in the register .

If an entrepreneur registers a new legal entity, it is created for the first time, then he is given registration certificate indicating OGRN. If the entrepreneur has submitted to the tax authority constituent documentation Legal entity, the inspector, in addition to the registration sheet, must hand over 1 copy of the charter, certified by the seal of the registering authority with a mark in the form of a stamp.

Sample documents

OGRN is the main identifier common to all legal entities. It is assigned by the tax authority upon registration of a legal entity, as well as after making an entry about its existence in the unified register.

Reflected in special document - this is a certificate issued by the registration authority when registering a legal entity or individual entrepreneur for tax registration. Since 2002, the OGRN number has existed in the Russian Federation. All organizations received it, including those that were created earlier.

Decoding of OGRN information

OGRN contains information such as region, year of formation of the legal entity. The information is systematized in the form of numbers that must be deciphered in a similar way to the Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN). OGRN includes 13 signs, each of which has strictly identification properties.

There are only 15 characters, that is, an individual entrepreneur has two more characters in his certificate than companies. The general director of the company, as well as any person interested in checking the company, can find out the OGRN and check it.

Companies are usually inspected in the following cases:

  • confirmation of the existence of the organization;
  • finding out the TIN of the company;
  • determining the reliability of documentation received from the counterparty;
  • clarification of the location of the company, company, enterprise;
  • obtaining full name information general director society;
  • clarification - whether the company is on the tax authority’s blacklist.

OGRN or OGRNIP are assigned to registration documents YUL. But numbers can be lost due to various reasons. Therefore, a procedure for their restoration is provided.

To obtain a duplicate certificate, you must contact the tax authority (for Moscow, this is Tax Inspectorate No. 46). The applicant writes to free form handwritten statement about the loss of ORGN. In addition, this can be done by a trusted person acting on behalf of an organization within the framework of the institution of representation.

The fiduciary must have the authority to carry out legally significant actions on behalf of the organization. Their listing is reflected in the power of attorney, which is issued by a competent person.

In the application written by the interested person in order to restore the OGRN (IP) certificate, it is necessary to indicate the following information:

  • company name;
  • the date of entry of information about it into the register;
  • the reasons that prompted the person to apply for a duplicate.

In addition to the application, the state fee is paid, and the corresponding receipt is provided to the tax authority. The fee levied by the state in the form of a fee for a duplicate certificate is 20% of the payment amount registration procedures passed by the company.

An individual entrepreneur who does not organize a legal entity in his activities has the right to apply for the issuance of a duplicate document, following a similar procedure. He must also write a statement indicating information about him, his details, as well as the reasons for obtaining a duplicate.

Thus, the certificate of state registration A legal entity is a document that certifies the fact of legal registration and activity of the company in the Russian Federation. In addition, it certifies the fact of recording information about a specific company in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities.

Until recently, a certificate of state registration was provided by the tax authority if a positive decision was made on the application for the formation of a legal entity. The authenticity of the issued certificate is certified by the signature of the head of the tax authority.

For operating companies, this document has always been considered the main one. It was provided by firms to the other party for the purpose of performing various legal actions that were significant for the company or enterprise.

Therefore, the changes that have been made to the activities of the tax authority in this direction since January 1, 2017 are especially important. It is difficult to say how relevant and timely they are. But all companies are required to comply with the new legal requirements.

Certificate of entry into the Unified State Register of Legal Entities

A certificate of entry into the Unified State Register of Legal Entities is a document similar to a certificate of entry into the establishment of a company, but before the entry into force of Law No. 129-FZ of 2001. But in any case, the certificate is no longer relevant in 2018.

Design features

All companies, enterprises, organizations operating in the Russian Federation, as well as representative offices of foreign companies accredited in our country, are not issued a registration certificate.

Its replacement will be a sheet Unified State Register of Legal Entities, which has an approved standard form. This is form P50007 (for companies) and form P60009 for entrepreneurs. Thus, from the circulation of documents of a legal entity, the certificate certifying the very fact of its registration disappeared.

Please understand that no certificate of registration will be issued. But the remaining documents (certificates) are still valid. From the beginning of 2017, they will be printed on plain paper. Tax office forms are becoming a thing of the past.

What could be the reason for innovations on the part of the tax authority?

At first glance, it seems that the state decided to save money on issuing colorful documents (forms). In addition, the state is using this measure to reduce the volume of documents issued to firms, companies, and organizations.

Instead of a certificate, a Unified State Register of Legal Entities will be issued, which until recently served as an addition to the existing certificate.

According to the order from the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation, which was mentioned above, the form of sheets that is planned to be issued to entrepreneurs, companies, and enterprises has already been approved.

It is noteworthy that the sheets will be issued without special protection. If you look at the state registration certificate that every company has, you can see the protection. For some reason, officials decided that now protecting the document of an LLC or other legal entity is an unnecessary measure.

You can learn how to get an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities or Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs for free from this video.

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Sincerely, Acting General Director Bukov E.B.

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I express my sincere gratitude to Sergei Petrovich for the work performed conscientiously and efficiently.

Sincerely, Kleshnina K.A.

Klavdia Alexandrovna

I express my deep gratitude to the leading legal consultant of the Aval group of companies, Sergei Petrovich Kuznetsov, for the qualified legal assistance provided on the reimbursement of overpaid taxes and penalties to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation and the Federal Tax Service of Russia. The trial was won! I wish you success and professional achievements in your activities!

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Galina Yurievna

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I express my gratitude to Sergei Petrovich Kuznetsov. He is a conscientious, responsive and, most importantly, competent specialist.

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With gratitude and appreciation,
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Sincerely, Stakheeva I.V.

Stakheeva Irina Vladimirovna


ANO "Puppet and Actor Theater "Pinocchio" expresses sincere gratitude to the lawyers of the AVAL Group of Companies for their professional, high-quality work in preparing the documents of ANO "Puppet and Actor Theater "Pinocchio".
Special thanks to Daria Alexandrovna Dobrydina-Yankelevskaya!

Director of the ANO "Puppet and Actor Theater "Pinocchio"

Belitskaya I.V.

Belitskaya I.V.

Thanks for your help!

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Director of LLC "FAVORIT"

Individual entrepreneurs who registered their enterprise in 2018 are wondering why the tax authority did not issue individual entrepreneur registration certificates? The fact is that starting from January 1, 2017, the Federal Tax Service canceled the issuance of the usual certificates of registration of individual entrepreneurs. The change also affected legal entities. What documents are now issued to entrepreneurs, and has it become more convenient?

Start your own commercial activities Any legally competent adult citizen can do so on the territory of the Russian Federation. In order for an individual enterprise to operate in accordance with the law, it must be registered and registered with the Federal Tax Service. Until January 1, 2017, as confirmation that it was working according to the law, the Federal Tax Service issued individual entrepreneurs Certificate of Registration of Individual Entrepreneur.

It was the most important document for an entrepreneur. Since activities without this document are criminally punishable. An individual entrepreneur registration certificate confirms that an individual has completed the process of registering an individual enterprise. The certificate and registration of an individual enterprise is issued as a form in the form P61001, the certificate contains the details of the individual entrepreneur as:

  • initials of the individual;
  • series, number, and date of issue of the document;
  • name of the registration authority that issued the certificate;
  • state registration number of an individual enterprise;
  • the position of the authorized representative of the registration authority and his signature;
  • seal of the Federal tax service.

If the certificate does not have the required stamps or signatures, it is considered invalid. To prevent fraudsters from falsifying this certificate, the form contains several levels of protection. After receiving a certificate of registration of an individual entrepreneur, the entrepreneur needs to always have it at hand. It is necessary for registering a bank account, signing contracts with partners, as well as for employing hired workers. The registration certificate is considered valid until the entrepreneur himself decides to suspend his business activities. If an individual entrepreneur registers an enterprise with a temporary registration, the validity of the certificate will expire along with the registration. For those who registered an individual enterprise under permanent registration, the certificate is issued for an unlimited period. There is no need to change it even if you move, since it is considered valid throughout the entire Russian Federation.

A certificate of registration of individual entrepreneurs was issued to the entrepreneur within five working days after submitting the package of documents required for registration. To cancel a valid certificate, you must submit a corresponding application to the tax authority.

Cancellation of a certificate of registration of individual entrepreneurs

On September 12, 2016, the Federal Tax Service issued an order on the basis of which registration certificates for individual entrepreneurs and legal entities are no longer issued. These documents were completely canceled. The Federal Tax Service order came into force on January 1, 2017. That is why those who registered an enterprise this year did not receive the now customary certificate of state registration of an individual enterprise. Read full information You can find out about the order on the official portal of the Federal Tax Service. Now, instead of a certificate of registration of an enterprise, future entrepreneurs will receive a Sheet of Entry from the corresponding Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs.

The changes, as explained by the tax service, were created with the aim of increasing the interaction of individuals and legal entities with tax authorities. This official reason, also indicated in the order dated September 12, 2016. The fewer papers an individual entrepreneur needs to issue and prepare when registering, the faster the individual entrepreneur registration process will be. It should be added that before this the registration process took five working days, now the same process takes only three days.

The changes affected not only certificates of state registration of individual enterprises. The innovations also affected the document on registration of an individual with the tax authority. This document has not been canceled, but now it will be issued not on a special form, but on a regular white sheet in A4 format. Also, the Federal Tax Service approved a new format for the document Sheet of Entry into the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs.

After the cancellation of the certificate of state registration of an individual entrepreneur, entrepreneurs are concerned with the question, which document is the main one after registration of an enterprise, which should always be at hand? The Tax Service answers this question in the same September order that states the cancellation of certificates. On at the moment The main document confirming the legal activities of an individual entrepreneur is the Unified State Register of Entry and Entry.

As a document, the Record Sheet began to exist in 2013; before that time, individual entrepreneurs received only an extract from the state register. The record sheet contains information about the activities of the entrepreneur, which is included in the register. Personal data of an individual entrepreneur is not entered into the Record Sheet, since the information is confidential.

Starting from January 1, 2017, when the Federal Tax Service canceled the issuance of a certificate of state registration of individual entrepreneurs, it was the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs that became the main document for individual entrepreneurs. The document is drawn up on a regular A4 sheet according to form No. 60009. The documents also contain information about the entrepreneur’s activities, as well as a unique OGRNIP code. The document must also contain the name of the registering authority, the position of the authorized person, his signature, and seal. If any data is missing, the Record Sheet is considered invalid. If your company begins to provide any new services, the changes must be recorded in the Unified State Register. At the same time, you will also be given a new Record Sheet with the changed information. The same applies to entrepreneurs who change their place of residence in the course of their activities; this data must also be reported to the tax authorities.

Thus, individual entrepreneurs who registered their enterprise in 2018 receive the following documents from the tax authority:

  1. USRIP record sheet.
  2. Certificate of registration of an individual with the tax authority.


If you successfully registered in 2018 and the registering tax authority did not issue you a Certificate of State Registration of your enterprise, there is no need to worry about this. These certificates were indeed cancelled. Now entrepreneurs do not need to carry around with them a lot of papers and documents confirming the legality of their activities. In order to open a bank account, sign a new contract with a partner, or hire a promising employee, it is enough to have a USRIP Record Sheet, which reflects all required documentation. The state takes care of small and medium-sized businesses. This is done so that the businessman devotes more time to his business, and only then to papers. By the way, it should be added that this is not the first innovation, the main thing is that it is not the last.

Registration of an individual entrepreneur takes place at the tax office. Like any other legally significant action, it is accompanied by the issuance of an official document. For a long time, such a document was a certificate of registration of individual entrepreneurs, but since 2017 it was no longer issued.

In this article we will look at several important issues:

  • why the Federal Tax Service no longer issues a certificate of state registration of individual entrepreneurs;
  • what document now replaces the individual entrepreneur certificate;
  • does it have legal force IP registration certificate issued before 2017.

Why did they stop issuing certificates?

The certificate of state registration of individual entrepreneurs was issued on a secure printed form with official seal. This led to additional expenses for the Federal Tax Service, which, of course, were covered from the budget. In addition, secure forms required special storage conditions and control over their issuance, which delayed the registration procedure for individual entrepreneurs.

In the Order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated September 12, 2016 N ММВ-7-14/481, the main reason for refusing to issue and individual entrepreneurs is the increase in the efficiency of electronic interaction of all interested parties.

In addition, many state registers of the Russian Federation are now stored and maintained in electronic form. To conduct a transaction or other legally significant action, you must obtain a current extract from the relevant register.

For example, a request for a fresh extract from the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs (Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs) is prerequisite during the verification of the counterparty. Obtaining current information from the register allows you to verify that the individual entrepreneur certificate presented by the transaction partner is not fake.

A similar procedure has been in effect in the real estate sector for two years now. Instead of a certificate of registration of rights to real estate, an extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate is issued, which confirms the rights and obligations of the owner.

Transition to electronic document management

After the certificate of state registration of individual entrepreneurs on a secure form was no longer issued, it was replaced by a USRIP registration sheet on plain paper. Another name for this document is form P60009.

The USRIP entry sheet does not replace an extract from the register and includes only the most necessary information. In essence, this is simply confirmation of the fact of registration of an individual entrepreneur and nothing more.

Paper documents on opening an individual entrepreneur were mandatory issued to applicants until April 28, 2018. But after the inclusion in the law “On State Registration of Legal Entities and Individual Entrepreneurs”, the Unified State Register of Entrepreneurs record sheet is issued in electronic form.

That is, after successful registration of an individual entrepreneur, a letter from the registration inspection is sent to the applicant’s e-mail. You no longer need to visit the Federal Tax Service to pick up paper documents. However, if an entrepreneur wants to have, in addition to the electronic version, a paper document, he must submit a corresponding request to the inspectorate.

The request form for issuing a paper sheet of the Unified State Register of Entrepreneurs has not been officially established. We recommend that applicants in this matter be guided by letter dated May 21, 2018 No. 15-18/04830з@ Interdistrict Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service of Russia No. 46 for Moscow. In this letter, the tax office offered to obtain a Unified State Register of Legal Entities for organizations. Similarly, you can prepare a request for individual entrepreneurs.

The transition to electronic document management made it possible to reduce the time required for registering an individual entrepreneur through the MFC. Previously, for the transfer of paper documents from the tax office to multifunctional center additional time was required. As a result, instead of three working days, the procedure was delayed to seven days.

Now it doesn’t matter where you submitted the documents - to the MFC or to the tax authority. In both cases, a response must be sent to the applicant electronically on the fourth working day after submission.

Differences between the individual entrepreneur certificate and the USRIP entry sheet

To understand that the individual entrepreneur registration certificate is practically no different from the USRIP entry sheet, it is enough to compare them visually.

Certificate of individual entrepreneur (sample 2016)

As you can see, both documents have approximately the same content:

  • confirmation of the fact that a record of receipt has been entered into the register an individual status of an individual entrepreneur;
  • the main state registration number is assigned (OGRNIP certificate);
  • the date of entry into the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs and the details of the tax office where the individual entrepreneur is registered is indicated;
  • signature is affixed and full name official of the Federal Tax Service.

Legal validity of the individual entrepreneur registration certificate

The individual entrepreneur certificate, which was issued before 2017 on a secure printing form, is still a legally significant document. There is no need to change it.

At the same time, counterparties of an individual entrepreneur registered after 2017 have a question about documenting transactions based on the Unified State Register of Entrepreneurs record sheet.

Thus, in the letter of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated April 27, 2017 N 03-07-09/25676, the issue of filling out an invoice was considered, in which it is necessary to indicate the number of the certificate of state registration of individual entrepreneurs. What to do in a situation where there is no evidence as such, but only a recording sheet?

From the department’s response it follows that these are two equivalent documents that contain the same information:

  • date of entry into the register;
  • issuing authority;
  • main state registration number (OGRNIP).

The only additional details of the certificate are the series and number of the secure form. Thus, for entrepreneurs registered before 2017, the details of the certificate are entered into the invoice, and for the rest - the number and date of the entry sheet.

Let's summarize:

  1. Until 2017, individual entrepreneurs were issued a certificate of state registration of individual entrepreneurs on a secure form with an identification series and number. All issued certificates continue to be valid and have legal force.
  2. Since 2017, the fact of registration of an entrepreneur is confirmed by another document - the Unified State Register of Entrepreneurs (USRIP) entry sheet in the form P60009.
  3. From April 28, 2018, the USRIP entry sheet is issued to the applicant in electronic form. If you wish to receive a paper document, you must submit a request to tax office where registration took place.
  4. At documentation transactions involving individual entrepreneurs, you can indicate both the details of the certificate and the details of the record sheet.